#Thank you for the opportunity to gush oml
gingermintpepper · 29 days
How’s Fields of Mistria? You mentioning it was the second time I heard of it, the first time being in passing, so I’m not too knowledgeable about the game.
Fields of Mistria is SUPER fun, since there's not much to do in it after you've completed the first year right now, I've dedicated myself to breeding and collecting all the seasonal variants of horses so I can name them after the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
I also named all my barns after metamorphised lovers in greek myth because I have exactly one thought running through my head at any given point in time (Currently there's Crocus Coop where I keep my (gorgeous wonderful lovely adorable ouugh I LOVE THEMMM!!) blue chickens
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Cypress Barn where I keep my wonderful cows (who have been with me the longest and whom I cherish immensely! I'm not sure if Autumn cows are possible but I'm definitely aiming for a barn of all red and autumnal cows for obvious reasons)
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Minthe Barn where I keep all of my other large animals like sheep, alpacas and my very first beloved Chiron (black and white) and Iris (brown with spots) (the foal is Rigel) 🥺
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And Hyacinthus Barn where I have a collection of small animals like rabbits, capybaras and my PRIZED DUCKS LEDA (the pretty blue and green duckie) AND CYCNUS (the pure white duck meant to mimic a swan!!) Even though it's technically a coop, I mistakenly labelled it a barn when I was inputting the name and I never changed it LOL
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My farm is also named after THE metamorphosized lover, Daphne herself, so it's called Laurel Farm
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And I'm planning for my Seasonal Horse barn to be named after the poplar since I quite like Leuke's story and I think she's fitting of housing the horses that will be the steeds of War, Pestilence, Conquest and Famine :)
Bonus: My house is still small and eclectically decorated, but keeping in theme with my farm, I do hope to go for a flower/garden theme
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shukakumoodboard · 9 months
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anon i hope you are able to find this because you asked my original blog and i’m trying to stealthily migrate so my irls can't find me dkgjhfkjl
answers below the cut <3
would you like some fandomy thoughts?
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s) [which ofc im answering for gaalee]
the discord i'm in for it is the highlight of my day and forms approximately 65% of my social life! who knew you could hyperfixate on some gay ninjas and as a result, end up visiting people irl and getting christmas cards and making incredible friends all over the world? pretty sure i have standing invites to homes in at least 3 different countries rn. incredible
fic quality is fuckin'. superior. and i'm not saying that because i write, i'm saying that as a reader. it's a smallish fandom and yet there's folks who can write full-length novels like @sagemoderocklee and @the-moss-project, people who can write every possible trope and au greyson's georg @ghoste-catte and @urieskooki and so many others i couldn't list them all. it's beyond obvious that the authors who write the gaalees are SO passionate about them. writers i lov you evryday
seguing from that into art!?!? pleas i have a dragon hoard of fanart only for my fics and there's over 100 pieces. A HUNDRED ARE TIOYU GIKISDINDIGME. giving u all a kissy rn. also the way i can get on discord and get immediately smacked in the face with bespoke paneenis liike every day help. gheelpp don't look at me. i will save my money and commission every one of u if its the last htign i do
2. a headcanon you weren’t sure about at first but have come to like!
oho! ready for this one? i was initially not super on board with hairy!lee. what was i on actually. me, a Wrong, and now i will purposefully include it in every fic as a sign of penance for my sins
3. answered!
4. say something nice about a ship you don’t ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual’s OTP, etc)
those who know me know that i strictly see leesaku as a brOTP, like those dudes are buddies to me. but that being said, i think leesaku as a romantic pairing is far healthier for sakura than her canon partner. lee is capable of so much love and forgiveness and they do parallel each other so much as the like... "underdog"/non-gifted member of their respective teams. she deserves love and support and understanding and lee would be genuinely ideal for it.
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
sunans (and team gai) being multilingual. oml one of my fave headcanons. you cannot tell me these different countries with different isolated villages are all casually speaking the same language when in big chunks of nart they didn't even like. get along properly. i loooove the concept of a shinobi common tongue and regional languages. further on that same thing, given team gai is pretty chinese-coded, i think it makes sense that they'd also be speaking another langauge, whether taught by gai or just because of their own independent histories or whatever. @sagemoderocklee has some truly stunning worldbuilding and it where i got my love for this hc from <3
6. something you see in art a lot and love
ok joking aside i refuse to believe gaara made it past like 5'3" that man did not sleep for his whole adolescence. conversely lee was probably on the Optimum Macros and that healthy eating would 100% contribute to maximum height gains etc. that man deserves to be 6 feet tall, that's my opinion and im right
thank you so much for the opportunity to gush about my blorbos <3
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sappynapper · 3 years
could I ask for romantic headcannons of the feral boys (separately) with their s/o giving them lots of kisses and telling them how pretty they are?
not sure if you mean reader telling them they’re pretty or them telling reader so i’m doing both!! bc yessss! they are all so pretty! i hope they know 😌
(buuut i haven’t included quackity bc i couldn’t think of ideas for him sorrryyyy)
ccs included: dream, sapnap, george, karl
being affectionate with them hcs
dream loves praise. we know this
ultimate dog boy dream scenario: he’s like a puppy being told he’s a good boy when you compliment him
gets very eager and attentive
he’ll give you the biggest heart eyes as you run your fingers through his hair, gushing about how cute his freckles are, how pretty the colour of his eyes is, how much you like the sound of his voice
he’ll pull you into his lap sometimes, as if to keep you there and make sure you keep going, just enjoying the attention from you
nothing makes him happier than getting compliments from you bc you’re his favourite person so it means more to him to get your approval
it’s also the only thing that never fails to cheer him up
on days when nothings going to plan and he just feels like he can’t do anything right, he’ll crawl into your arms and ask for some love
you can feel his shoulders relax and his smile against your collar bone as you press kisses into his hair and tell him how wonderful you think he is
and bc it’s so important to him, he’s very proactive about giving you the same kind of attention
well, sometimes he’ll get distracted by work and spend hours at a time holed up in his office
but when he IS with you he’s all over you
he’s sort of intense about it actually
he’ll rub his hands up and down your sides as he leans in close to your ear to tell you how gorgeous you are in a low voice
it’s like he’s really trying to convince you of what he’s saying
and when you’re cuddled up together in bed or on the sofa watching tv he cannot keep his lips off your skin
constant kisses on your cheek, on your nose, on the shell of your ear
anywhere he can reach bc he loves every inch of you and needs you to know 😌
doesn’t always know how to respond when you lather on the praise but absolutely adores affection from you in all forms
lots of blushing and playful “stoopppp”s when you tell him how handsome he is
(he definitely doesn’t actually want you to stop)
loves loves loves when you cover his face in kisses. also when you hold his hand and do the lil thumb thing? like he’s actually in heaven
can’t get over how soft your lips and hands are??
he’s pretty sure you’re an angel
thing is he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do with himself so he usually just gives you affection back but more lol
go big or go home right?
if you give him a lil kiss he’ll grab you round the waist and squeeze you so tight that your feet leave the floor, all while smothering your face in kisses
you have to tell him to put you down between giggles or he’ll just keep going 😌
when he compliments you it’s usually loud, and very enthusiastic
lots of “DAMN BABY YOU LOOK SO GOOD TODAY” and you’re just like “..🧍‍♂️thank you”
he jokes around with that kind of thing bc he gets a little shy about serious romance stuff
but sometimes, just to make sure you know he’s for real, he’ll tell you how much you mean to him very quietly and firmly, although usually looking down at your intertwined hands while he says it
and when you really need it he will hold you to his chest so securely you swear you’ve never felt so safe and loved in your life
mans is not outwardly very physically affectionate
when you snuggle into him and press a few kisses along his jaw he'll usually just smile and carry on with editing or whatever he's working on
and if you compliment him (which you do a lot ofc, pretty privilege and all that) mostly he'll just brush you off with a laugh or makes a joke
you'd never know how much he actually appreciates the affection you give him, and how much he thinks about those soft moments when you're away from each other
for him it's more about the reassurance that you love him, that you want to spend time with him, that he makes you happy. it's kinda like you're telling him he's doing a good job at being your boyfriend lol
he's generally pretty reserved about being affectionate towards you but there are certain times when his guard lowers enough that a little of that suppressed tenderness slips out
when he's really tired he always reaches for you, pulling you into his chest and holding you close like you're his personal teddy bear
he blames the fog of tiredness in his brain for the gentle, open-mouthed kisses he trails across your shoulders and the whispered confessions of his adoration of you
and there's something about the simple, domestic sight of you when you're fresh out of the shower and you've slipped on one of his shirts to sleep in at the end of a long day
he can never take his eyes off you in those moments
the quiet mutter of "you look really pretty" might seem like a throw away comment from someone else, but you know George is always sincere in these things and it never fails to warm you through to hear him say it
karl was made for this request oml
physical affection is this man’s bread and butter
every moment he is not either giving or receiving kisses from you is a moment wasted and cuddling is simply his preferred state of being
he just feels so relaxed and content when you’re tangled up together under a blanket in front of the tv
it’s the best part of his day
in fact he barely even thinks about it when you take his hand or peck his cheek etc, it’s just natural
it’s when you’re not touching him that he notices
he gets all pouty and forlorn when you’re not around or you’re denying him kisses for whatever reason
if possible he will simply take matters into his own hands when he feels like he isn’t getting enough cuddles from you (which is all times when you are not currently cuddling him)
he WILL wrap his arms around you at any and every opportunity (threat)
you thought you were busy doing something? sike! you are actually in his arms
the compliments are also pretty much constant
you get told you look pretty every day at least three times
he always notices new clothes or when you try something different with your hair or make up and hypes you up so much
you complimenting him is another story though
he goes so red when you say sweet things to him and hides his face in his hands
baby boy can’t handle it but it’s just the cutest thing to witness so definitely don’t stop
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birthdaysentiment · 3 years
Heyyyyy!!! I just want to come over here and gush about your birthday set bc it’s absolutely amazing, and I loved it soooo much. Seeing all of those gifs from different seasons side by side….I was just speechless, especially with season 1 and season 5. Just wow. I was in awe—of how much he’s grown but also of how much happier and more confident he is. It was so pretty and so sweet. Thank you for sharing your talent with us and making this day more wonderful!! <33333
ally, hiii... and oml! idk what to say, this is the sweetest thing ever! thank you so much for taking the time to send this to me, it means more than you'll ever know, just thank you for all your sweet words, i don't even know what to do with myself right now. making the gifset and seeing robbe's development from season one to season five makes me so emotional, and it just can't believe how much he has grown. robbe in that last clip of season one, where he's at the christmas party, just looking around and seeing if he can find anyone, always makes me think of him trying to find himself or his place in the world, and then seeing robbe in the last clip of season five, surrounded by all his friends, with sander by his side, who just holds him and kisses him... he found his place and yeah, idk why did got so sappy but it just makes me want to cry honestly. anyway, thank you so much for sending this to me! sending you lots of hugs and kusjes! much love to you! <333
and can i just use this opportunity to say that i absolutely love your sobbe soulmate fic! the emotions i went through when they finally confessed their feelings in the last chapter, and i just can't wait to see what happens (and read the little snippet you shared too hihi). just thank you for writing such an amazing and unique fic, that i love with all my heart! thank you for blessing us with it! <333
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Wait we can gush here? Uuhhhhh okay oml I would like to gush👉👈🥺
I just-
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Hhhhhh look at hiimmmmm oml😩 he's so pretty with his cute nose and tiny little beard and his hair! Oml his hair! Look how it glows! Who needs a night light when we got Lucio's glowing hair? And his eyes oml they're so prettyyyy🥺😩 and tell me, who's nose is more boopable and honkable than his?? I could boop and honk that nose all day!!
Okay, I'll stop lol. Thank you for the opportunity!🥺
This is a 1000000% gushing-approved blog! You are always welcome to gush to your heart's content! :D
omg hE'S CUTE your personal little night light that's ADORABLE I ship you two so hard ^_^
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