#Thank you anon! This blog makes me just as happy as it does y’all!
planetbeanie · 2 years
could i get a birthday beanie for july 2 pretty please? love your content btw these guys were my childhood lol
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You share a birthday with Chaser XXVIII🦎!
He was released to limited retail stores in Norway during 2017
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
Heyyy, if u haven’t done this yet can u do Azusa and the tsukinamis with the pretty s/o headcanon?
BTW i love ur writing!!
💌 Them having a pretty s/o that gets hit on a lot and they get jealous—
(ft. Azusa & the Tsukinamis)
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! I'm sorry this took so long! Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime! :)
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💌 When it comes to jealousy, it’s an emotion that takes Azusa a while to understand due to his soft nature.
💌 He always brushes it off and doesn’t think that much of it.
💌 And because he’s too nice, he’s not thinking that others are out to steal you away from him if he doesn’t watch it.
💌 But bear in mind that at some point, he will come to realize his jealousy.
💌 But before we get into how he handles his jealousy when it comes to you getting hit on a lot, let’s talk about how you met.
💌 You two met in the school’s nursing office. You were waiting for your ride to come since you didn’t feel well while Azusa was tending to his wounds.
💌 (I literally have a post on this scenario if anyone’s interested. Click/tap here to view it.)
💌 You two exchanged conversation and after this, you started running into each other in the school halls a lot more often, and soon enough you began dating.
💌 However, with dating you for a while, he eventually became accustomed to how many people hit on you because of your looks.
💌 And now, he’s honestly taken back whenever it happens.
​​💌 The photo above of Azusa says a lot about his reaction every time this happens.
​​💌 He's just in total shock and doesn’t know how to handle it.
​​💌 Luckily though, you let people know that you're taken and where the line is drawn.
​​💌 You always give him a kiss on the cheek in front of others to reassure him that you’re not interested in anyone else and to show others that you’re taken and happy.
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​​💌 Carla’s annoyed whenever this happens, mostly because he hates having to deal with a bunch of immature people projecting their flaunts at you.
💌 At the same time though, he’s quite flattered by the fact that you’re that attractive and that you’re his s/o on top of it.
💌 “I suppose it’s understandable for my future queen to be irresistible to others.” He’d think. “Though, some imbeciles can’t seem to control themselves when around her.”
💌 You two met during one of the school’s festivals. Carla took note of you from far away and was interested from the start.
💌 He knew he had to come up with some sort of excuse to talk to you, at least to get to know your name for the night.
💌 From there, you two started to run into each other more, and yeah, I think y’all get the picture lol.
💌 Anyways, Carla does pretty well at repressing his jealousy about people’s flaunts towards you, but this only goes for so long.
​💌 Carla may be composed like our baes Ruki and Rei, but make no mistake that he’s easily vexed.
💌 This can be noted in certain drama CDs that he will immediately revert to his powers when he’s just a little irked.
💌 But for your sake, he represses himself, but like I said, this only goes for so long.
💌 When someone goes too far, he doesn’t hesitate to step in and unleash those ‘king-like’ orders of his.
💌 “She is my lady, my future queen. Touch her and you shall be-,”
💌 “Carla, please, that’s enough.” You’d say, stopping him from continuing.
💌 Luckily though, you two don’t have arguments about this issue, but Carla does prefer that you stick by his side since he can constantly remind others who you belong to, and prevent them from trying anything stupid.
💌 And he usually proves to others that you're his by either wrapping an arm around your waist, laying a kiss in your hair, or wrapping his scarf around you.
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​​💌 He hates it, but also loves it. It’s honestly 50/50 for different reasons.
💌 But let’s take a step back and discuss how you two met.
​​💌 Shin was at it again with his shenanigans with his brother, and let’s just say that instead of Carla getting pranked, you did instead.
💌 (I have a post on this scenario too if anyone’s interested. Click/tap here to view it.)
💌 And with this, Shin couldn’t help but laugh when he saw you get pranked and you absolutely loathed him for it.
💌 He kept telling you he was sorry and spent weeks trying to make it up to you, but you weren’t budging since it was going to take a lot more than simple gestures and sorrys to fix this.
💌 But little did you know that it was your stubbornness that got this Founder boy’s heart to throb.
💌 He just kept coming around and sooner than later, he asked you out even though you hadn’t quite forgiven him.
💌 At first, you thought he was crazy considering he was the culprit that constructed the prank.
💌 But with him pestering you the past few weeks to forgive him, you kinda grew to like his company and thought his attempts to make you forgive him were amusing.
💌 And so from there, you two started dating and have been together since.
💌 Now, returning to his jealousy about you getting hit on.
​​💌 He gets really fired up whenever someone hits on you because of your looks since his jealousy kicks in, and could never bare it if you went with someone else because of that reason.
​​💌 But yet, he likes the idea of having a super attractive s/o, mostly because he can show who you belong to, or even get into physical fights to prove who’s tougher when you do get hit on.
​​💌 You (and Carla) constantly have to remind Shin to control himself whenever a guy is trying to hit you up, but he honestly never listens, and is always getting into trouble at school because of it.
​​💌 “Shin, you can’t just punch someone because they winked at me.”
​​💌 “No one is allowed to do that to you except me, love.” He’d smirk, placing his hands on your hips. “Plus, you also have to understand that fighting’s a sport.”
​​💌 Your jaw would drop. “A what?!”
💌 Oh my god, Shin.
​​💌 He doesn’t get mad at you though when someone hits on you because he knows it’s not your fault, but still, sometimes he tells you to dress ‘less tempting’.
​​💌 God wtf.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Skipped the day yesterday, so I’ll try to reply to more asks today!
Starting with the ones about our LiliSil comic from yesterday…
Anonymous asked:
HOLY SHIT LILIA His thighs are not a snack!
(I would've done the same 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)
These thighs are a snack much better that whatever Lilia was munching on in a previous comic… leg > spaghett
Anonymous asked:
Silver doesn't get flirting or teasing at all... Very sad..... At least his plump thighs must be super delicious ❤️
He is just way too used to Lilia acting this way I guess… this is like a default to him lol nothing special to see here. But yeah, at least his plump thighs are super delicious 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
I saw silver and lilia…
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Ouch, got bonked …
Anonymous asked:
I’ll share spaghetti with the old dude. Not because I think he’s hot or anything, mind, but because I’m a pig and spaghetti is spaghetti.
I think this one was sent after the first LiliSil midnight snack comic, so…
Very valid, Anon, but I have to warn you, Lilia is a competitive eater when it’s 3 AM and he’s having cold spaghetti.
Anonymous asked:
Random Ignihyde student A probably: I’m living in an actual nightmare. Royal Sword it is then.
(this is related to this post)
Poor guy, I feel so bad for him, he’s just trying to live his life… these creeps would be happy if he transferred to another school though 😭
Anonymous asked:
Opinions on Idia being fucked in a cosplay?
Or being fucked by someone in a cosplay
Both options are great, and I don’t know which one is going to make Idia die of cringe, embarrassment and arousal faster lol
Whenever this scenario is mentioned, I always think about Lilidia first, since Lilia is kind of a nerd himself + wouldn’t mind dressing up. In fact I did draw this once, if you consider a maid outfit a cosplay… we might revisit the theme of cosplay in Idia smut sometime, it’s a very fun one.
Idia desperately needs to get fucked in a cosplay, that’s for sure.
Anonymous asked:
haha funny scenario :)
ok now actually draw idia whimpering and bleeding on the floor :))
:) Come on, Anon, why would I do something so mean to Idia? This isn’t like me at all, I would never.
Anonymous asked:
Good lord, thank you for the dark, twisted food you’ve been providing us in the way of headcanons. I’m drinking them in like water y’all. 😩
Thank you so much for enjoying them, Anon! <3 I am super happy to hear that you like them.
I really hope to finish the rest of the posts about darker themes and hcs soon; it’s truly amazing that people are interested enough to ask for more of that.
Dark and twisted food is our true passion 😔💕
Anonymous asked:
i NEED to breed those eels 😭🤚
Unfortunately, in this blog the eels are busy breeding Idia…
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think that in the heat of the moment Sebek would try to breed Malleus, not knowing , or forgetting) that it doesn't work like that (unless it's A/B/O haha) ? Like he'd get SO intense that even AFTER he'll finish inside his liege he'd get excited again from the thought of his liege carrying his- THEIR children.
I think the young hormonal horny fae part of Sebek’s brain could make him believe in anything, like if his instincts win over and his confused body just goes ballistic, which is very likely to happen if he is lucky enough to have any kind of intimacy with Malleus. But this is Sebek we’re talking about; it could go either way with him.
Then again, we did have a comic about Sebek bragging about being the one to breed his liege, so maybe he doesn’t even need to be in the heat of the moment to think about this type of thing. It’ll definitely get him excited in like 2 seconds though lol
Anonymous asked:
I headcanon that the Science Club members talk crap and gossip while doing their club activities. Kinda like stylists at a salon but meaner.
I think every club does that to an extent lol, Science Club too. Is there a reason you headcanon them specifically as being gossipers?
All of them talking shit about everyone… and then there’s Rook with his singing….
Anonymous asked:
Kuro x TWST au where Riddle is Ciel's cousin who goes to live with Madame Red and Grell after his OB. Skip ahead and Riddle is introducing Floyd to his family. Madame Red doesn't think highly of him but he makes Riddle happy so she doesn't protest. Sebastian and the tweels are three pees in a pod, so only a raised eyebrow and approval. Ciel tho goes full kink shaming. He cannot believe his most esteemed respected favorite cousin is not only a monsterfucker but also into THAT sort of personality
Come on, Ciel, you shouldn’t be judgmental, just look at your butler for fuck’s sake lol Plus, it’s difficult for Riddle too! He wants Floyd to behave properly, it’s not his fault he can’t…
I hope the tweels bully Ciel lol
This is one of those moments when I really regret Yana not being able to do a proper crossover between Kuro and Twst, all of these boys interacting would’ve been so interesting.
artfulhero-m asked:
It's been a little over a week since I sent that huge ass essay, and in the spirit of being extremely happy to be a cringe weird little freak, have you heard of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley? I literally heard about it weeks ago cause I heard it's what the Internet has considered "the incest game" so because of that, and the cute art of the game, I bought it weeks ago and finally got around to playing it and oh boy yeah the incest is very throughout the game. AND IT'S AMAZING >:) Literally the most toxic of sibling relationships, but like that's what's got my brain latching hard they're SO codependent on each other.
Sorry I just needed another moment to just kinda yell into the void in your ask box again if that's okay lol. After sending that essay last week while on the verge of passing out for the night not even 100% sure I sent it to the right ask box I just immediately got sick the next day, which took me out for the entire week lmao. Then halfway through the week I figured I was done with sleeping so the stars have finally aligned for me to play "the incest game" and now the brain rot for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is kinda severe and only getting worse so as a result, just needed to know if you heard about it too lol.
Yeah, we’ve heard about the game! At some point it became impossible to avoid, and while we haven’t played or watched it, the discourse around it is fascinating and very telling. We are just very happy in general that the game exists, and not necessarily because of incest, but because it’s always cool to see games with darker and more problematic themes getting popularity and recognition, especially if this is the game where the main characters are kind of shitty people lol And the artstyle is cute, I agree! It’s such a pity the author got harassed, I hope it didn’t affect them in any way.
All of that being said, I hope you get good rest and have a good sleep every day. I know it’s easier said than done, but please take care of yourself, this is very important. I also hope you feel better and surround yourself with fictional toxicity only lol Enjoy your problematic brainrot.
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peachdues · 8 months
Hi Peach!
I have been trying to spend less time on Tumblr right now but I got some very bad family news and decided to treat myself to your blog and I’m really cheered up!
That teaser you posted and the fact we are getting a super emotional reunion✨second time✨ in TGW as well as a ✨first time✨ before we get to the aftermath of Tengen’s spicy lessons. Thank you for the meal
‘You’ve no idea, while I was gone I thought endlessly of you’ - I’m sorry it’s so emotional I won’t be able to take it I love him so much 😭
This may be spoiler territory (if it is tell me to shooosh) but will we see any of Giyuu’s POV thinking about reader in the infinity castle? 👀👀
AND NETHERWOOD Sanemi j*rking off and you saying we will be mad at him, reader about to leave him to go to a new village my heart is breaking, Peach you are such an awesome write - I’m still having fun trying to decipher your teaser images btw.
I was wondering between Kanae and Reader did Nemi have other girlfriends in between as he is super experienced with women
I know your inbox is sky high and even if you just see this message, I’ve seen that you’re struggling with your depression a lot recently, I hope you’re doing alright and taking time for yourself, doing what makes you happy and what helps clear your mind ❤️
(PS died when you mentioned Seelie Kyojuro as I am from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)
Hello my love!! I adore seeing you in my inbox, always!
I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time right now. I really hope you’re able to take some time and get some rest and indulge in a bit of self care. I’m sending you lots of hugs, and since you’re in Scotland, some tea as well. I’m partial to crumpets so if you like them, I how you get to eat them however you like them! (I’m a slather it in butter girl myself)
As for TGW — hehehehehe I’m so glad you enjoyed the teaser!! TGW has been a lot of fun to write (even if I have to stop and research some new historical fact every two seconds). Sam said it reads more like a romance story (a smutty one ofc) and that makes me happy since that’s relatively new territory to me.
As for a Giyuu Infinity Castle POV — as of right now, I don’t have plans for one! There is a brief POV from him in a flashback from the night of his and Reader’s ✨first time✨ that will appear in Part II. The first time scene occurs during the Hashira training arc/right before infinity castle begins, so you will see a certain sun breather trying to get Giyuu to train with him as he makes his way toward the shrine to see his girl and pop her cherry
As for Netherwood…
I will say, I know I have y’all stressed but many of you all commented on the strength of Sanemi and Reader’s love in Part III — just remember that! And remember how hard they both fought to get back to one another. That matters!
Regarding whether Sanemi had any “girlfriends” between Kanae and Reader — I’m not so sure he did. One, because he was pretty isolated in the Wood at his cabin, guiding strangers. Two, I think his “experience” is probably less than you’re thinking — he might not have been a virgin but he also wasn’t a sex god by any means. Reader has no experience prior to Sanemi, so I imagine she’s a bit biased when it comes to him — it probably seems like he’s much more experienced than she is by comparison. I think he knows enough about the mechanics and then just goes by pure instinct.
I’ve joked with a couple of mutuals that were she to talk to Kotoha she’d probably be like “what do you MEAN it’s not normal for your partner to have a knot?? How else does he keep all that cum insane??”
Thank you for the kind message, my friend!! I love when you all pop in and ask questions about the fics or even share your reactions. It truly makes my day. And thank you for checking in! Depression has been a bitch lately but I’m focusing on trying to make it MY bitch.
Please take care of yourself! I’m sending love and light your way.
PS — my head refers to you as my “Bublé” anon — like Michael Bublé.
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eoieopda · 1 year
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[2k drabblepalooza] — CLOSED AS OF 4/14/23
this is belated because i wanted to hammer out some wips first, but now i have writer’s block, so the time has come for….
⭐️ a lil milestone event ⭐️
it’s been almost five months (to the day!) since i started this blog, and y’all have truly been a saving grace at a sad/bad/weird time of my life. in celebration of, well, you, i’m going to be re-opening my requests ❗️solely for this purpose❗️
unlike my 1k drabblepalooza, this event isn’t centered around songs that you submit. this time, i am giving myself the challenge of wrecking your bias 👀
so, what does that mean for you? great question — thanks for asking!
on or off anon, give me: the bts member you tend to see/read the fewest fics about + your favorite fanfic trope* examples include: only one bed, forced proximity, fake dating, cuddling for warmth, etc.
rules & limitations
your request must follow the theme ☝🏻
member x reader only — sorry!
unless i’m told otherwise, i tend to write gn!reader. please specify a preference if you have one.
i’m willing to do most tropes; however, i reserve the right to pass on something if i’m not interested in it, don’t feel qualified to write it, can’t make it work in drabble format, or if i’ve already done that trope with that member too many times.
you can absolutely include details about the scenario you have in mind! if not, i’ll just wing it, lol.
unless i’m told otherwise, requests will not include smut.
my blog is 18+ as is, but if your request involves smut, you absolutely must 1) request off anon, or 2) PM me so i can verify that you are indeed old enough to ride this ride!
i will get to these requests as i have time & brain juice. please, please, please do not ask if i got it, if i’m done yet, when xyz will be posted. that’s a major turn off 🙅🏻‍♀️
i do not write: a/b/o, sex pollen (because i don’t fully understand it tbh,) hybrid, fantasy, anything non-con or involving minors.
there’s currently no deadline for submissions, but i will eventually become overwhelmed and close my requests again. you’ll know when i do!
❗️please read this before submitting ❗️
my requests are only open for purposes of this event. please don’t just submit whatever it is you want. i will be deleting requests that do not follow the theme & rules! the point of this challenge is to deal with what i think is a weeeeee bit of over-saturation. i want bangtan on equal-footing as far as content goes, so i will be mindful of that as i choose requests to fill.
phew! 😮‍💨 okay. now that that’s all sorted….
thank you! i love you! happy hunger games, sweet beans! 💕
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dearsnow · 8 months
to that last anon, just because someone doesn’t write for male reader doesn’t mean they’re homophobic BYEE LMFAOO?? i’m a lesbian and only write female reader because of that + i’m a cis female does that make ME homophobic?? no!
it’s all preference and if you want a male reader go request it on a blog that actually writes it instead of getting mad at someone 😭😭 like it’s lowk pathetic to be in someone’s inbox anonymously shit talking them like you need to get off the internet if you’re so bored <33
ps. sorry for this snow, people like that just piss me off 🩷
Thank you for this 😭😭 there are so many blogs that write for male readers and I would be so happy to point them out if the ask was polite 💀
I appreciate your kind words <33 it’s lowkey a bit funny though because who genuinely does that 😭 I’ve met some chronically online people on this app but most of y’all are amazing and I love you guys.
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domjaehyun · 2 years
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I posted 3,784 times in 2022
3,543 posts created (94%)
241 posts reblogged (6%)
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#anon - 3,010 posts
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#unknownnctizen - 85 posts
#jizz.txt - 83 posts
#soup - 81 posts
#big sad - 71 posts
#☀️ - 69 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#if you see me follow up this post with stress that it’s long then no you didn’t mind your business i’ll circle back to this vibe again
My Top Posts in 2022:
pussy fiend, part 2 (l.dh)
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PAIRING ➢ haechan x fem!reader
GENRES & AUS ➢ smut, humor, fluff; college au, enemies to fuckbuddies to lovers, roommate au
WORD COUNT ➢ 68.9k total, in 2 parts (28.2k & 40.7k)
WARNINGS ➢ invasion of privacy, Haechan’s a sneaky little shit, cocky!Haechan, jokes about emotional manipulation, author pretends to know about stuff she doesn’t, mild dubcon
CONTENTS ➢ (mild) dubcon, bratty switches! boffum!, somnophilia, oral (receiving), allusions to a free-use kink but barely, rimming (receiving), creampie, dacryphilia, brief thigh job, praise, barely degradation but if you’re sensitive note that, some spit kink, panty sucking (?), Haechan’s a bit of a pain slut, fingering, biting
SUMMARY ➢ part two baybee!! uhhh he still likes you and is still a fiend for pussy bestie have fun :)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ➢ thank you so much for all the love on part one!! please do not get upset with me if you ignore the contents/warnings and get your feelings hurt; that is no one’s doing but yours. massive thank you to my love @ncteez for all her help with the initial idea and beta reading this monster for me :')
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2,344 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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MEMBERS. mark lee x fem!reader x lee haechan
GENRE. smut…that’s it… some humor
WORD COUNT. 28.8k (i’m not apologizing and you can’t make me)
CONTENTS. weed consumption, haechan favoritism (it’s me. what did you expect), explicit smut (slightest of dubcon, chasing kink (? y’all idk), quite a bit of edging/orgasm denial (giving), dry humping, handjobs, blowjobs, cunnilingus, finger sucking, bit of spit kink, unprotected sex, creampie, double penetration, anal, rimming (receiving), overstimulation (receiving), praise kink, some slight degradation, bratty switch!reader, bratty switch!haechan, needy switch!mark, haechan really likes calling you “puppy,” i think that’s it)
NOTES. hi :3 thank you to my love @ncteez​ (hon) for beta reading this for me! i’m on my mark & haechan monster cock agenda thank you very much :)
PLAYLIST. video games - sun // seduce - russ // pth - emanuel
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2,598 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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pairing. mark lee x fem!reader genre. some fluff, smut word count. 6.9k contents. kissing, breast play, fingering (receiving), oral (giving), unprotected sex
summary. in which mark just really wants to kiss you. alternative summary. five times mark wanted to kiss you and one time he actually does.
notes. happy (belated) birthday @najaemarkl !! this fic is based off the song ‘kiss u right now’ by duckwrth 🥰
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2,767 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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4,682 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
pussy fiend (l.dh)
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PAIRING ➢ haechan x fem!reader
GENRES & AUS ➢ smut, humor, fluff; college au, enemies to fuckbuddies to lovers, roommate au
WORD COUNT ➢ 68.9k total, in 2 parts (28.2k & 40.7k)
WARNINGS ➢ invasion of privacy, Haechan’s a sneaky little shit, cocky!Haechan, jokes about emotional manipulation, author pretends to know about stuff she doesn’t, mild dubcon
CONTENTS ➢ (mild) dubcon, bratty switches! boffum!, somnophilia, oral (receiving), allusions to a free-use kink but barely, rimming (receiving), creampie, dacryphilia, brief thigh job, praise, barely degradation but if you’re sensitive note that, some spit kink, panty sucking (?), Haechan’s a bit of a pain slut, fingering, biting
SUMMARY ➢ uhhh he likes you and is a fiend for pussy idk bestie
AUTHOR’S NOTE ➢ long time no see! please consider sending a donation/tip if you enjoy the fic! please do not get upset with me if you ignore the contents/warnings and get your feelings hurt; that is no one’s doing but yours. if you enjoy the fic, please consider tipping me here or here!! ALSO massive thank you to my love @ncteez for all her help with the initial idea and beta reading this monster for me :')
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5,052 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ace-din-djarin · 2 years
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I posted 6,660 times in 2022
109 posts created (2%)
6,551 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,372 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 168 posts
#ofmd - 149 posts
#our flag means death - 101 posts
#din djarin - 91 posts
#dinluke - 86 posts
#asdfghjkl - 80 posts
#the mandalorian - 70 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 53 posts
#i love this - 52 posts
#the sandman - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like that anon who got their friends to send me shit calling me cishet and essentially implying i can’t possibly be ace bc it doesn’t exist
My Top Posts in 2022:
does anyone have any recs for some really good Cody-centric fics?? Codywan is awesome but also gen fics are also appreciated!! And by Cody-centric I really mean like... ones that like... feature Cody as a person in his own right and not just a vehicle for exploring Obi-Wan? Ofc I have nothing against obi-wan, I love him dearly, but I also wanna read more Cody! You know?? Cody’s amazing. Thanks :D
91 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
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🥳 making good progress in learning bobbin lacemaking!! I’ve been tatting for just over two months and now I’m learning another technique, because I couldn’t resist. Making lace is no joke! It’s slow going but very satisfying 🥰
125 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
This may be stupid but I have always thought lace making is very cool but where do you find information on it and how to do it?
I would love to learn at some point but don't really know where to start (or currently have the time to start but still I can save information for a later date)
Hi! That’s not a stupid question at all! It’s one of those things that seems very complicated and intense until you can really take the time to research it.
YouTube is my favorite resource, and what got me going on actually learning. There are a few channels in particular that I’ve found very helpful.
1) RedCardinalCrafts
- has several great videos about beginning to learn how to do bobbin lace, including how to make your own makeshift bobbins and pillow, if you’d like to try without making a big investment
2) Louise West
- she has several good tutorials on basic lace motifs like Torchon ground, spiders, and roseground. Also shows how to do things like wind bobbins and prepare prickings. She designs her own patterns and clearly is an expert in the craft
3) Bryce Adams
- a few good videos on the history of bobbin lace as well as a breakdown of how to make your own pillow, the different pillow types, some tutorials, and some good things to know for beginners.
An absolutely invaluable resource is Jo Edkins’ online lace school. She has tons of free patterns (prickings) available with explanations and visual diagrams, including moving step-by-step examples, for how to do each stitch and how to create each motif. An amazingly helpful site!!!
There are also some books that might be helpful! I recently got “Torchon Lacemaking: A Step-By-Step Guide” by Jan Tregidgo as a birthday gift, and it’s incredibly detailed and well written! I’d check your local library to see if there are any books there that might be helpful, such as “Bobbin Lacemaking for Beginners” by Amy Dawson, or “Bobbin Lace: An Illustrated Guide to Traditional and Contemporary Techniques” by Brigita Fuhrmann. Both of those are books I found at my library!
I hope these resources help! They’re all ones I’ve been consulting very frequently in an effort to teach myself. I also would recommend, if you use Facebook, looking up some groups for lacemakers. I joined one specifically for beginners and it’s been really helpful to ask for advice from others!
189 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Happy pride y’all, just remember aces and aros belong in the community, queer is not a slur, trans women are women, and trans men are men ✌️💜
501 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok so this is evidently the hill I’m willing to die on. Here we go.
The director of Encanto answered a question on Twitter about the birth order of the Madrigal triplets. This is what he said:
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[image ID: a tweet by Jared Bush. “Many asked about the birth order of the original triplets: Julieta’s oldest, healing helps everyone and she’s most responsible, Pepa’s “the middle child” - more emotional because Julieta was the “adult”, Bruno is the baby… making his departure all the more tragic.” Followed by emojis of the rod of Asclepius, a sun peeking out from behind a cloud, and an hourglass, the hashtag #encanto, and a Mirabel emoji.]
Okay. So. Yes, this is what the director says. But I am here, as a triplet myself, to say that I think this is incorrect and doesn’t reflect how triplets/multiples actually work. Again, I understand that this is a pretty dumb thing to be upset about, but humor me, won’t you?
I think, based on several bits of evidence that the movie itself gives us, that the birth order should actually be Pepa, Bruno, and Julieta.
Throughout the movie we see several instances of the triplets in art or in photographs. In each of them, the order is Pepa, Bruno, and Julieta.
The family tree:
See the full post
4,601 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
(feel free to reblog)
honestly in context with jas’s post. I want y’all to know I see all of you who simply like my fics and nothing more (as jas called them serial likers/silent readers) and I think enough ppl already tell you how likes don’t do jack shit so I won’t reiterate it. I just want you all to know that I personally check my notifications all the time, like literally I look and see you guys simply liking and that’s great that you “liked” it but pls talk to me or any cc in general (fic writers, gif makers, artists, etc.) about our stuff, you do it with literally any other topic be it anime, video games, etc. that’s what fandom is supposed to be right? a place where people can communicate and share their love for a certain thing? (that’s what it is supposed to be hopefully) we are not robots putting out content for your leisure, we are people just like you and like you we would like feedback on our work. feedback does not have to equal “xxx was good but xxx could be better” every single time it can be “HAKSHDKSJ THIS XXX WAS AAAAAA” and people would still be happy. this whole situation doesn’t have to be “oh well that’s just how it works so I’m doing what everyone else is doing” that kind of mob mentality is dangerous and as we’ve seen, very fatal to creative communities. anon feature is there for the people who don’t want their url seen, if for some reason you’re shy, embarrassed or for those people who don’t want others knowing they read fic(?). whatever your reason is, just click the anon button it’s easy, just one click/tap. now will this single post make a difference? who knows. I’m just chipping in some commentary on a growing issue. why do you think so many writers and ccs make nets, one of the main reasons is to get members’ content out there for the world to see, and the other reason is that we wanna support each other when our audience won’t, when people are so silent it feels dead and quiet on our blogs when we aren’t doing things. that’s me, since I haven’t put out a new fic the most interaction on my blog rn is through my concert videos, it’s very rare I get asks or interaction with my fics after they’ve been out for a while and I’m so thankful when I do. at the end of the day, I know I’ve been so disappointed and sad to find authors I liked deactivating (for any reason not just lack of interaction) and one of the main reasons is that either they take lack of interaction personally, or they find they’ve lost the motivation to keep up with a hobby they used to enjoy and that’s heartbreaking. it’s not like those people are asking for much they just wanna know what your fave part about a story is? you do that all the time with published books and series right? so let me ask you this: why is a fic any different? they both have words on a page. one thing you may not realize is that once that author you liked is gone it’s very rare that they may come back, for all you know they could simply keep their writing to themselves or share with friends but you’ll miss out. you’re not gonna find another one like them even if you think “meh one author leaving is fine there are plenty of others” trust me you’re not gonna find another like them they’re special and one of a kind. me included. you won’t find another like me. (maybe you think that sounds conceited but it’s true) so be kind to fic authors and just ccs in general bc if they leave you will miss them; subconsciously or outright.
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Heyy Aryan :)
First things first, thank you so much for this blog and all the awesome advice you give, you’re really doing god’s work here bestie
Anyway, soo i am an afab person, and I’ve been questioning whether I’m nb
I don't think i experience gender euphoria,, in the sense that i don’t feel like super ecstatic or anything when people use they/them pronouns for me or when I bind (I don't actually even have a binder bc of family reasons but I put on two bras and that does help somewhat so yea),,, but I do feel like relief ig, like yea, this is correct, there’s nothing wrong here, ykwim?
Plus I don't know if I’ve always felt uncomfortable with being perceived as a girl? Like I’ve known a lot about nb identities for a pretty long time now, almost like 3 years I'd say, but then why did I never question if *I* was nb till only a few months ago? What if this is all just in my head?
And I know that it’s okay to question your gender identity and then maybe end up at cis,, but I don’t want to, I mean that’s not sort of, where I see myself in the future,
And I mean I know that gender identity does not equal gender expression but I feel like I’ve really felt most myself when I present as more masculine rather than femme, and I have, for the longest time, felt like everyone just wanted to have a flat chest, or that it was the “default” and I’d prefer having a flat chest, like if I was born that way, then I wouldn’t have issues with my body
Does this count as gender dysphoria? How do I even figure this out, it's literally so exhausting
Any help is appreciated <3
Hey anon!!
Aksjakd thank you I’m always happy to help y’all out ajshajd <33
Also remember you don’t need gender euphoria to be trans/nb bestie!!
Ahhh yeah mate I get how you feel, it’s not exactly euphoria but more relief, a feeling of like “finally, thank god” or like a puzzle piece fitting into place
Bestie listen to me: it’s not all just in your head. Why would you fake smth that actively makes your life harder? Also, faking is a conscious choice. You’re good bestie.
Bestie that is totally normal and like, pretty common actually. I knew about trans people for quite a while before ever questioning if I was trans!
There’s a reason for this actually: it’s because transgender and nonbinary narratives are constantly portrayed in unrealistic ways very few can relate to, and because they are portrayed as *distant from reality and humanity.* 
It’s always “trans people exist!” but never “trans people exist and they are your friends, family and community.” Trans people exist yes but they’re portrayed as quickly transitioning and blending in, “always known,” “born in the wrong body,” and not everyone can relate.
So don’t worry yourself too much about it, mate, it’s pretty normal to not realise you’re trans/nby even while knowing these identities can exist. The way they’re portrayed as well as internalised transphobia and a multitude of other things can get in the way of questioning and realisation.
I’m. Bestie. If you don’t want to be cis. That’s like. Not cis.
No but literally I want you to try thinking—why do you not want to be cis? Does something about being cis make you uncomfy? Distressed? Dysphoric?
One very common thing in trans people is not being able to picture themselves with a future as their AGAB, only as their actual gender. So yeah.
Hmm yeah it sounds like you might be experiencing gender dysphoria.
Flat chests being a “default” if it’s a societal mindset is generally like, misogyny. But if it’s how you view yrself and not the entire population/don’t think flat chested r the default for everyone, then that sounds like it may be dysphoria.
Here’s a post on gender dysphoria you might wanna read, it might help you out and I recommend you read it, especially the links at the end—they might resonate with your experiences.
Honestly, just do what makes you feel like yourself. Stop asking yourself “what’s my gender, really?” and ask yourself “what makes me feel truest to myself?” Does being nonbinary make you feel true to yourself? Be nonbinary.
Also, remember, dysphoria is not necessary to be transgender or nonbinary, nondysphoric trans/nby people are real and valid!! 
I hope I could help you out, and I wish you luck on your questioning journey!! Lmk if you have any more questions, and have a great day/night!! Sending my love <33
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seita · 4 years
some coping mechanism are wrong and do need to be discussed or changed!! neurodivergency doesn’t give u an excuse to hurt or trigger others!! coping mechanisms don’t exist in vaccums... and you and ur followers are harming real people by saying such
i was going to ignore most everything i got on the subject because quite frankly i'm over it. every opposing take either doesn't make sense, is completely ignorant, or is just plain stupid.
this one? is just idiocy.
so i'm gonna take the time to explain some things to you.
i cannot begun to express the ignorance and privilege that is seeped into every single word of this ask. i am actually baffled that you genuinely thought that this was, in any way shape or form, okay. or that you even thought this was a hot take at all.
you do not have any jurisdiction or power to tell other people that the way they cope is wrong. that is so beyond disgusting.
do you know why people choose to write dark content to cope?
a few reasons that range from: gives power/comfort over their trauma to lets them release emotions that otherwise have no outlet.
beyond that is that some people don’t have the resources or support system needed to cope in other ways. all they may have is a pen and paper or a laptop. they may not live in a home where they were believed, they may still be trapped with their abuser, or they may just plain not be able to afford therapy.
but do you know what the fun thing is? plenty of these people who choose to cope in this way are advised by their therapists to do it. like myself.
i used to write in little notebooks as a child -- really dark, foul shit and i didn’t understand why i did it. i talked to my therapist and i was told it’s a great outlet! i have to say writing is probably one of the top reasons i managed to get to the space i am in today.
when i learned the wonders of the internet growing up, i also sought out to READ the content. of course, it was very hard to find because of people like you who do nothing but shame it simply because of the real world values the crimes possess and for some reason refuse to see it in a fictional, helpful way.
it’s a very real and very valid coping mechanism: both reading and writing are incredibly beneficial.
this outlet also helps people just the same as it can hurt people. i don’t know who or what you think you’re doing but survivors who are triggered by the content of a darker nature WILL NOT CLICK ON IT TO READ IT. why are you acting like survivors and victims are brainless, mindless idiots who will read something clearly labeled with their triggers as if there’s some invisible force dictating them too?
and who are you? a highschool student? a college student? a therapist? what right gives you, a random person on the internet, to dictate something that has been ADVISED and PROVEN to help with coping to trauma to deem it wrong?
im gonna go ahead and say your morality. nothing beyond that.
you see dark content as just disgusting porn fucked up people jerk off to but it’s beyond that. and very obviously something you do not understand and most likely refuse to understand.
you think because you think something is wrong that it should be wrong all around. you don’t like it so it shouldn’t be done.
i hate to break it to you but the real world isn’t going to cater to you. i sure as fuck won’t. i’m not in charge of making you feel happy or content on the internet. if you log on to your computer and expect people to babysit you and make you feel comforted and safe -- you’re doing the internet wrong.
you only choose to see the negative side to this. you see that people can be triggered or hurt by this content and that’s valid. people can and will be. but there’s also a HUGE number that people like you choose to ignore and invalidate under the guise of protecting survivors only to hurt them at the same time. it doesn’t make sense.
you’re not trying to advocate and protect people -- you’re trying to make the fandom and content match up to your puritan ideals and fantasies. the world isn’t like that. people are always going to do things you don’t like and have opposing opinions on things. stop trying to act like you’re doing this for the greater good -- a martyr, hero complex isn’t a cute look and we can see exactly what you’re doing.
i don’t understand why it’s so hard to accept that dark content does not have as big of a negative impact as you think it does.
i also don’t understand how other survivors can see what people like me do and tell us we’re wrong. i don’t go out of my way to shame you and say “oh you don’t like dark content? weird.” i mind my own fucking business and stay away from blogs that don’t want to interact with dark content writers.
i am respectful always. i never attack people for having opposing opinions. i never attack people personally. people who write dark content don’t do that shit.
you know who does?
your side.
you know what someone said to me in an effort to shame me and bully me for writing what i write? they called my writing shit -- the thing i use to cope and help other cope. i’ve never gone on anon or off anon and told someone their writing was shit.
i also had someone ask me why i think being a victim made me special. i’m gonna let you sit and figure out exactly what is wrong with that question.
those are the types of people you’re enabling and encouraging. if you people just left dark writers alone we wouldn’t hurt anyone. you all preach this shit about how dark content is SOOOOO easily availble anyone can read it. that is false. the only way to find dark content is to ALREADY BE ASSOCIATING WITH PEOPLE WHO CREATE OR CONSUME DARK CONTENT. it’s not tagged in the main tags. it will not show up in your orbit or be blasted on your page because someone posted it.
and then you people say “oh minors will be convinced it’s okay!!!” no. minors aren’t as stupid as you seem to think they are. they fully know and understand exactly what they’re getting into. they see the word rape and know in real life THAT’S BAD.
you don’t want a slasher film and think  “oh wow look at him killin all those people but not getting caught I COULD DO THAT TOO!!!!” no. you don’t. because you know it’s wrong.
y’all are so high up on you moral horse that you think everyone around you is fucking stupid and has no common sense.
if someone thinks what they read in fiction makes it okay in real life, there was already something wrong with them to begin with.
but no, you’ll pull out anything on earth to try and get your point across. from secondhand trauma to it just being offensive.
and i hate to be the one to tell you this but...all this crusading is doing basically nothing in the long run. you know what happened yesterday from being called out? i lost 9 followers.
and then i gained 20. and now im only 100 away from 16,000.
what did all of this achieve? what does any of this even do?
whenever you people do this what exactly is it you want? do you expect us to just...stop...because you don’t like it? are you really so self-centered and self-righteous that you think you’re THAT important. do you really believe your opinion and voice is the loudest and most important to consider?
because it really isn’t.
just as you’re sitting here telling me you’re wanting to protect people -- i’m wanting to help people. do you know how many people i’ve had thank me for making them feel better about their owwn fantasies that they’d previously been ashamed of because they’re a victim? or how many people thank me for providing the content they rely on to cope?
i’m gonna go ahead and say those are the people i want to help. those are the people i care about. and i don’t know what it’s gonna take for you people to understand that i will not stop until i DECIDE to.
this is the internet. none of your opinions or words have any long-lasting, realistic effect on me, my person, or my life. i could delete my blog and in a month nothing any of you have said to me over this course of time will have impacted me in the long term. of course, other people are more sensitive and can get hurt by this discourse.
but i don’t. i’m a lot more stubborn and thick-skinned than you people may seem to realize.
your words will continue to go in one ear and out the other. i know where i stand. i know where i want to remain.
your morality nor your opinions are blanket rules that everyone should abide by. get some perspective and learn your place in the world before speaking on things you clearly cannot understand.
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Chupa, O. Diaz
Summary: A rainy day with Oscar takes an arousing turn.
warnings: fluff, oral s e x 👅 (18+), kinky s h e t 
word count: 1.6K
requested by anon!
A/N: We all know Oscar cannot resist his mujer! Ladies/men, how do you get your mans/women to stay in bed with you? Thank you for requesting, just to give y’all a heads up REQUESTS ARE CLOSED! I hope you like this. Please consider following my blog, heart/comment/reblog my content as well as turning on notifs for when I post something new!
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n @fairygardenss @firebenderwolf @spookysnena @princesstiffxoxo @mbaku-babygirl @chellybear98 @multiyfandomgirl40 @i-just-wanna-live-gc @roury66  @kkim120​ (please let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
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(gif credit goes to @merakiaes​ ✨)
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If it’s one thing that can automatically align your chakra’s is the soothing sound and smell of rain. It’s opens up the smell of nature and despite living in one of the dirtiest cities in California, you love the rainy days. Especially when it consists of cuddles with Oscar. You love to be entangled with him under the sheets even though he isn’t much of a cuddler.
You’re half on top him with one of your legs over his waist and head resting on top his chest, his shallow breathing adding to your ultra calmness. He initiated the cuddling today probably because he was out late yesterday and wanted to make it up to you. Nothing could ruin right now. But of course, the universe is forever against you, he gets a call. 
“I’ve gotta bounce, mami.” 
He says as he stretches under you. You groan and pout, holding on him. Today is suppose to be all about the two you, you’re determined to make him stay. And you know just how to do it.
Oscar pulls out his phone and is sending out texts to the rest of the Santos to let know the plan’s for today. He’s so focused on his phone that he hasn’t realized you’ve rolled off of him. Now sitting up, you are looking down at him. He never fails to look so good. So yummy.
You’re biting your lip as your eyes rake his body. His upper half is bare and bottom draped with the sheet and underneath he only has a pair boxers on. You look to his bottom half then back up to his face. As you bite your lip at the thought of convincing him to stay, you smile.
The plan is in motion. You crawl off  and stand at the foot of the bed. He’s still in tune with his phone, oblivious to what is about to happen. You pull your hair behind you and tie it into a high ponytail. Quickly, before he can notice or protest, you throw off your tank top and crawl under the sheets. 
Oscar finally takes notice to the movement below him. Just as he moves his phone from his view, he sees your figure moving under the sheets on him. “What are you doing, hm?”
You palm him through his boxer and feel him stiffen under you as settle between his legs. He doesn’t say anything for a moment.
“I told you I gotta bounce.”
You only hum and you squeeze more in between his legs and grab his boxers to pull down. Despite his protests to stop, you pull them down enough to take out his semi-hard cock. Your eyes glistening as you stroke him along his shaft.
His body begins to relax under you the more your hand moves up and down on him. He throws his phone to the side and moves his hands to rest under the back of his head, closing his eyes to enjoy getting this BJ.
You move up enough to get your face directly in front of his cock, watching his pre-cum spills out and down onto his sack. You’re not gonna lie, your mouth begins to water at thought of him coming undone in your mouth. You love to give him blowjobs, the way his body shudders gets you off alone.
Oscar wiggles his hips forwards when he doesn’t feel you getting to work, you smile and take him into your mouth. Your tongue swirls around his throbbing tip, a low moan escaping from. Nothing like focusing on the tip when it comes to sucking him off. You move him further into your mouth til you feel him hit the back of your throat.
If it’s one thing that Oscar absolute loves is hearing you gag on his cock. You always thought it was a funny kink that guys have. Mostly because they believe their dicks are so bomb you’re choking on them but they are quick to forget that a lot of girls also choke on their toothbrushes when cleaning their tongues.
You shake your head and hold him in the back of your throat, feeling the reflex kick in. A gag sounds and he hums in happiness, “Choke on that dick, nena.” 
Bobbing your head up and down, Oscar finally opens his eyes and peers downward, taking one hand to push the sheet off him. You peer up at him and pull your mouth off him. You pucker your lips and turn your head to the side, letting his cock slide through your pouted lips. He loves your lips.
Your tongue licks the underside of his length, up and down til you reach his scrotum, you hold his hard member to the side and take his entire sack into your mouth, maneuvering it in one after the other. Oscar’s mouth forms an O and his eyebrows crease, “Hm, take my dick into your pretty little mouth. The whole thing.”
As your told, you move his dick into your mouth and play with his tip before taking his entire length, encasing it in your saliva to his hilt and his tip now resting in your throat. Once it gets there Oscar removes his hand from behind his head, placing both on top your head. 
He begins to buck his hips, throat fucking you and moaning nicely adding to your arousal. You have your hands holding onto his thighs as the feeling of his cock begins to overwhelming you. “Ah, fuck. Your tight throat feels so fuckin’ good, mami.”
Oscar grabs your ponytail and pulls you off his cock. You’re gasping for air as saliva drips down your chin and onto him. You lick your top lip and Oscar groans, nodding you to move off him, “Lay on your back.”
You smile and roll onto you back, pushing off your sleep shorts and rubbing your arousal around your cunt. Excited to feel is cock deep inside of you. Oscar climbs ontop you and kneels above your torso.
“I wanna fuck your tits. I wanna cum on them then I’m gonna fuck you.” You bite your lip and feel yourself throbbing more. You nod and bring your hands to squeeze your boobs together. Oscar grabs you by your throat and you instinctively open your mouth, he spits it in making you nearly cum. You spit the mixture of his and your own saliva into your cleavage. 
His cock slides through from the bottom on your pressed breasts and pokes out at the top. He moans and slides in back out but back in just as quick, his pace beginning to pick up now. Oscar leans forward and lets his hands rest on the sides of your head on the bed.
Now at a steady pace, you tip your head down and stick out your tongue, the tip of his dick just hitting it. Your flick your tongue up and down, adding to the nut he’s about to bust, you keep doing so when you hear the change in his breathing. You keep your mouth open as his hips being to falter and his seed is spurting on your chest and partially in your mouth.
You’re a squirming, horny mess under him.
He sits back and you let go of your boobs. He has sweat covering him and trying to catch his breath too. You pick up some of his cum with your finger and suck on it. He watches you and climbs off, you know he’s gonna get tired so you quickly straddle him.
“Eh, mamas, give me a sec.” He lays his arms out as you disregard his words and sit in his softening cock. He can feel your arousal saturating him. Oscar’s hands goes to your hips and you rub your hot cunt on him, his cock starting to stiffen quickly again. 
You’re grinding on his now, his dick sliding through your folds. His hard member rubbing against your sensitive clit and drawing your close to a release, “I love how your cock fits through my folds, baby. You make me cum so fast, fuck, I’m gonna cum already.”
He digs his fingers deeper into your skin, aiding to your rolling hips and when the orgasm hits you, Oscar reaches behind you to line his dick with your entrance, sliding in with ease.
The feeling overwhelming you, he grins, “No break for me, none for you, lil traviesa.” Your whine as you take him completely, though still shaking from your first release. He lets his arms fall back on the bed, letting you take the reigns.
Oscar closes his eyes as your squeeze him like a vice. You’re lifting your hips and falling back down on his cock, hands planted on his chest. You lean back and expose your swollen bud, biting your lip and giving him a look he cannot resist.
He moves his hand to in between you, taking his thumb to rub your clit. The way he does so and how you are moving up and down, your release is close and you both know it.
“You gonna fuckin’ cum, I can feel it. Cum on my cock, mami.” As his wish is your bodies command, a fire spreads throughout you and you are shuddering, hunching over ontop him. Oscar grunts and cums inside of you, the feeling so nice and fulfilling.
As you lay ontop him, he runs his hands down your back and moves his hips to slip out of you.
“I still have to bounce.”
All Oscar gets is a soft snore from you. He laughs as you love to give him shit for being such a guy and getting so tired after sex but here you are. He only kisses your forehead and basks in the glory of the rainy day.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
What a coward ass account. I’ve asked about several questions but I bet you won’t answer it because apparently you ship a fake ship and have 0 backbone and you can’t argue with anyone because you’ve nothing to back up your fanservice ass ship. Namjin is merely a friendship and a professional one at that. Wake up. Jin is never intimate with Joon, never tells me he loves him, never goes out of his way to spoil him, never possesses over him. Never shows any sign of jealousy so how tf are y’all so fucking delulu and blind?
You know, normally I’d just delete something as rude as this but honestly you gave me a good laugh with it so I’ll take the bait. But FYI, while I planned on answering these questions sooner or later, because imagine this, some of us have jobs and things we need to take care of and thus sometimes just don’t have the time to write posts, especially when some of them take a lot of time and research, even more so when an average thematic post from me is somewhere between 2 and 5k words long. That takes a hot minute to write. Not that you’d care, but now I don’t think I’ll answer them because I truly don’t appreciate you coming into our asks and being this unnecessary level of rude. If you felt like I skipped your question or was taking an oddly long time to answer, it would’ve sufficed to send in a small question about it and you would’ve gotten a normal answer for it, but guess not.
There are several things I find extremely interesting and also hilarious about your ask, especially since they confirm basically every suspicion I have about shipping when it comes to Bangtan and mlm ships in general.
But I’d like to start with this first because it really made me pause there for a minute: “because you’ve nothing to back up your fanservice ass ship” Since your ask is about Namjin I will assume this part is as well, yes, and I really am struggling to see how they, of all ships, are a “fanservice” one considering both Namjoon and Seokjin aren’t really big on skinship and initiating hugs and touches. What, exactly, about them is fanservice? Even more so since you go on to say this: “Jin is never intimate with Joon, never tells me he loves him, never goes out of his way to spoil him, never possesses over him. Never shows any sign of jealousy” so if these are your definition of what constitutes a) fanservice and b) a relationship, yet you claim Namjin is just fanservice, how can that be if you say they never do any? This math doesn’t math, you know.
Before I get ahead of myself, let’s break this down point by point, shall we?
1. “Jin is never intimate with Joon” – Tell me, dear anon, how exactly do you know that? Are you their friend? A fly living on their wall and watching over them 24/7? And also, how, exactly, are we supposed to be shown that by them? Is Namjoon supposed to walk over to Seokjin and, I don’t know, make out with him while Bangtan B*mb Noona stands a meter away and films the whole thing? What even does intimate mean in your definition? I have a sneaking suspicion of what you’re asking for but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Since I like language, let’s get into the literal definition of the word intimate, shall we, because you might be surprised to find it doesn’t just mean what you think it does. According to the Cambridge dictionary, intimate has several meanings, and what Namjoon and Seokjin show us and tell us that they have is actually several of them:
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“Being a close, personal friend”, does that ring a bell? It does, doesn’t it? Namjoon and Seokjin have known each other for ten years almost, have spent a considerable amount of time together, have had dinner with each other’s families, Namjoon was at Seokjin’s brother’s wedding, and Namjoon is the person he turns to when it comes to his lyrics, always makes sure to thank Namjoon in his Thank You section in their albums, and supports him however he sees fit. Isn’t that intimate?
I know you mean the sexual kind of intimate, and truly that is something neither you nor I have any knowledge of and, surprise, it’s none of our business either. If I remember correctly, we’ve never brought up anything really sexual in any of our posts because I don’t believe in this whole “sexual tension” thing that toxic shippers go around preaching about. Even if it were there, that’s not for us to discuss because their sex life is none of our business.
2. “never tells me he loves him” – Never tells you he loves him? And why, pray tell, should he tell you, specifically? Yes, I’m being petty, so what. Love speaks many different languages, and saying the words “I love you” is just one of many, many different ways in which you can let someone know you love and cherish them, romantically and platonically. Years ago when Seokjin posted a cover on SoundCloud he said in the accompanying post that he prefers saying I like you over I love you, so I guess that means he just doesn’t love anyone, yes? Besides, is he obliged to stand in front of the camera and profess his undying love to Namjoon for you to believe he loves our dearest leader?
Isn’t it enough that he shows his love and respect for Namjoon in other ways, like praising him when Namjoon was being hard on himself so Seokjin told him he did well and that he always does well even in tricky situations, or being by his side during red carpets and other such things because Namjoon once asked him to do so because he feels calmer when Seokjin is by his side? Isn’t that a beautiful way of showing someone you love them, regardless if it’s romantic or platonic love?
3. “never goes out of his way to spoil him” – Is Seokjin Namjoon’s sugar daddy? Did I miss something?
4. “never possesses over him. Never shows any sign of jealousy” – now this point I have the biggest rage at because neither of these things—possessiveness and jealousy—are good things, especially not in a romantic relationship, but really, they aren’t a good thing in any kind of relationship. Possessiveness is a slippers slope, as is jealousy, the former being a great gateway toward an abusive relationship and while that might be “”””cute”””” in raunchy romance novels and movies, it isn’t in real life. And neither is jealousy. The only thing jealousy really tells and shows you, in the context you are going for, is insecurity and a lack of faith in your relationship and especially your partner. And that, again, isn’t a good or healthy thing for a relationship, especially not a romantic one. I know toxic shippers eat up this whole jealousy bs, YouTube is full of it after all and brings in hundreds of thousands of views (and dollars), but that has nothing to do with real life. So, the fact that we never see Seokjin, or Namjoon, jealous or possessive over the other? That is a good thing. Besides, enlighten me, how is this jealousy supposed to look like because true jealousy doesn’t appear written across your face in neon letters. I’m curious.
5. “Namjin is merely a friendship and a professional one at that.” – if that is your opinion, I’m happy for you. I won’t go out of my way to prove to you why I think differently or why you should because that’s not what I’m here for. Yes, I have a certain opinion on Namjin, that’s true, but I’m not a toxic shipper who will fights someone tooth and nail over it because that’s stupid. And won’t change anything anyway. Besides, my opinion doesn’t in any shape or form negate that they are friends. Every good relationship should have friendship as basis, and I very much believe that they are very close friends, while your phrasing makes it seem like you think they are only work friends, as in people who are friends during working hours but stop once they clock out of work, just saying.
The purpose of this blog isn’t to somehow convert people into shippers or convince them of something, instead it’s simply supposed to be a happy space where we share our opinions, have fun with Bangtan, their music and everything else, and can have civil conversations without calling anyone out or calling each other names. It’s literally in our blog description “Sharing thoughts on everything Bangtan, as well as vmin and namjin”, meaning it is a blog “designed” for both OT7s as well as people who already are vminnies or namjinists, or both, and yet if someone happens to start liking one of these two pairings because of our posts, like I’ve seen happen with some readers and namjin, that’s great, but that’s not our primary goal in any kind of way.
This is our blog which also means we have the freedom to answer whichever asks we want to and however quickly we want or can. Chances are, perhaps, the way you phrased your ask simply didn’t sit well with us and thus we decided against answering it at the time. Just some food for thought.
Lastly, there are a lot of blogs that surely represent your opinions and agree with you, so what, exactly, are you looking for on our blog? Do you think by sending an ask like this, or questioning my opinions in such a manner, you’ll be able to convert us away from our opinions? Neither of us forces anyone to agree with everything we say, so you don’t have to either, and we also don’t force anyone to read our posts. If you don’t like what we post, you are free to look for a different blog with which you’ll be able to agree and find your opinion represented, I won’t stop you. Enjoy.
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i love your troll biology head canons!!! idk if you’ve done this yet, but can you bless us with content pertaining to noises like chirps and purrs? i’ve seen people hc that they make noises at frequencies that humans can’t hear, or chuff like lions and such. while i do think they do purr, i think it would more buggy (bug-like?) than a mammal (@ how trolls reproduce) what are your thoughts specifically? 💖 you make excellent content 😘
anon you are speaking exactly my language and i thank you for once again opening these floodgates. and thank youu~!!💖
I love the thought of them being able to make noises in a range that humans can’t hear! especially low noises - i really like the idea of trolls having a lot deeper voices than humans (since i hc them to be so big) and it’d make sense for their growls and purrs to be at a low frequency as well!!
purring and bug-clicking are the most common troll noise headcanons i think(?) and i’m totally on board. If you know my blog that probably shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone skdjkd
my personal headcanon is that their noises differ slightly from caste to caste, alpthough i know biologically this doesn’t make the most sense but. i have my reasons. let me map it out for y’all:
(get ready for headcanon infodump)
Lowbloods (burgundy through mustard)
• A lowbloods biology is more engineered towards “peasant-work” so to say; getting their hands dirty and being more in tune with the organic ground-level part of society.
• Alternia wants the lowest casts to be out of sight, and out of mind for the most part really. So while trolls are naturally able to produce louder sounds than humans, lowbloods have evolved to be more on the quieter side. Forced submission in the way of silencing them by the state, un-natural selection, if you will. We don’t know if the same rules would apply without the tyranny.
• gold bloods are a bit of a grey-area here, slightly less mammalian than the rusts but not really noticeably so
• Their purrs and chirps would be more light and gentle sounding, easy to hear even with human ears, and not too distracting. tends to be more rumble-y
Midbloods (potentially lime, olive through teal)
• We don’t really have any information about limes concerning sounds, other than a soothing kind of quality to them? not sure on that one
• Olives! Olives are by far the caste with the most mammal traits, think about people like nepeta and konyyl - they’re built for wildlife survival and have many cat/lion like qualities
sure, all people within a caste are different, but i think you see where i’m coming from with this.
•Jades and Teals are where we get progressively more insectoid, although the jades are probably more insect-like than the teals. Teals have more outside input in their biology, small mammalian inputs to their dna; whereas jades are engineered to be stuck in a cave in the dark, following instructions and working like an ant colony.
• They would purr and chirp similarly to lowerbloods, but it would sound less gentle and more strong and almost (as if) intentional. Olives purr the most out of anyone, often not on purpose though. They have a tendency to let their content noises slip through without their permission.
Mid-High (cerulean and indigo blue)
• so this is interesting because there’s the whole nip-debate with the indigos, and they also drink milk which are obviously mammalian traits but i’ll get back to that ok
• Let’s look at ceruleans first. I don’t know what led me to this decision, but i always imagined them to be one of the most insectoid castes? Maybe it’s because of the the whole arachnid/scorpio thing, but i always thought the upper midbloods/lower highbloods would be the most insect-like.
• now back to the indigos, the uh. milk and nippie talk really does complicate things for me. I do believe they’re not as buggy as the ceruleans, but not as mammalian as the lowerbloods. PERSONALLY i don’t like the ‘trolls with nips’ thing. It just? doesn’t really make sense to me?? with their biology??? I don’t think they’d have bellybuttons either. But anyway. this is kinda off topic at this point but i’ve discussed this before
• Their noises and clicks would be louder and sharper, they don’t necessarily purr per se; they make little clicking and almost scratched up sounds. It’s a noise difficult to describe, something so inherently alien that you would have to hear it firsthand to really understand it - and even then you might not.
• For the purples i’m actually not 100% sure where they’d land on the mammal-to-bug scale, but their noises would probably be more unique, being in the middle of highbloods and seadwellers
• We know they Honk. like, honking is an actual sound they can make, not just a word they say. though probably both are possible. People have said this before me but i really love the thought of Karako honking with his actual vocal chords, and not literally enunciating the word “honk”
• That would definitely be a very interesting caste trait, and lots of fun possibilities to look into. that’s not why we’re here today tho so i might get into that in another post at some point
• Purples are generally more mammalian than their lower highblood-counterparts, often seen purring around their quadmates. Because of their caste and stature though, it doesn’t quite sound like purring but rather big lion chuffing, almost like a silent roar, vibrating through their bodies. The sound is very deep, almost too deep for the human ear to hear; but if you get close enough you can feel it reverberate through them.
Seadwellers (violet and fuchsia)
• Now fish, as you probably know, are not insects. HOWEVER. They are also definitely not mammals. i mean yes amphibians exist and the universe is a frog so we know that’s a thing but hush. So they are probably the furthest away from mammals, and they don’t posses any mammalian qualities either. It makes sense that they wouldn’t. cause... they’re fish.
• Seadweller noises are interesting, because aquatic beings make very distinct sounds, and they aren’t often heard outside of their aquatic environment. Could they make noises like dolphins? Could they sing like whales? Do they hum to communicate through vibrations in the water? do they make crustacean clicking noises?
The possibilities are endless!
• So i don’t think they’d purr, but some other people have theorized that they make little bubbly sound which is very cute. Also ear-fin flappies when they’re happy. that’s not really a sound though
— — —
so on a scale from mammal-y to insect-y, it goes
Mammalian < olive - lime - burgundy - bronze - mustard - purple - indigo - cerulean > Insect
amphibian < violet - fuchsia > fish
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cinnamogai · 3 years
(prn validation!!) ryan!! ryan ryan!! ryan is cool!! i hope ke takes kew time! i really like teas genders. i especially identify with fuwaun, which fleur did great work on with the flag! i wonder how blush does so much stuff by fleurself. hopefully aloe doesn't overwork 🌷self.
y’all know my deal where i keep nice things in the inbox 🙄 yeah. thank you so so much, anon. i appreciate you being so kind to me :( honestly i know i’m not a very active blog at this point but i hope you all know that i’m really really trying. i have so much school work that i literally have had no time for myself this week. and it makes me feel so bad that ur all waiting for long for requests. sigh i just.. i love you all (/p) and i hope you can be patient with me. anon, i appreciate the pronoun validation so much <3 it makes me so happy to know you like what i make. can’t really say i’m not overworking myself though, lol.
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yamagucji · 4 years
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love letters from cupid.
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dear lovely anons,
i cherish every bit of interaction we have. im extremely grateful to know that there are people out there who read and enjoy my works. hm, hope you know that i care about each of you. honestly sometimes i just wanna make a post dedicated to each of you but idk!! if you’ll see it or not. hopefully this bit is enough to let you know how much i appreciate every single one of you. thank you.
dear readers,
thank you for reading my works. it’s comforting to know that there are people out there who will check out something that i’ve slapped on together with every bit of my effort. to those of you who have consistently supported my works in silence- you know who you are. im just... keeping my distance because ya’ll are really just minding your own business while i get giddy about seeing you pop up in my notifications again. im hoping to get around and send a ty note to as many special readers n special ppl on this blog. but im a little shy, so i hope you’ll give me some time. seeing you in my notifications from time to time makes me happy; sometimes i do wonder if you’re still here and in good health. i hope you all are right now. thank you.
dear dani,
what a wonderful being you are. never regretting the first time i *shyly* asked if there was anyone that wanted to be friends here. i probably already talk about my love for you and vera so much but who’s gonna stop me? you’re such a cool person. i look up to you (literally). i think it’s amazing to get to know a person who has a lot of passion for history like me. but also- screams about 2d men with me. truthfully, this site is much more bearable having you as a moot. i feel very comfortable talking to you, about anything at all. lomve you, you’re the best.
dear mayya,
kindness personified. im sure you’ve made a plethora of people smile with every rb and comment you’ve given; including me. i think it’s very refreshing to see such genuine comments. you radiate this calm aura that im always seeking for. thank you, for providing me (and many other people) with that. a little embarrassing that you see my uhm, messy sideblog, but... it’s comforting i think. to know that someone is listening. i hope that you understand it goes the other way around too— that i’m here for you.
dear hrituja,
my partner of chaos. when did it start? i can’t remember. all i know is that every little thing you send me on instagram really makes my day. i’ll have bad days and all i need to do is look at the silly stuff you sent me and get a laugh out of it. i think it’s cool that we’ve been able to build this space where we can talk about anything (literally), poke fun of each other, and also ourselves. you’re cool. i genuinely like hearing you go off about ace. if i could meet a moot it’d probably be you unless you’re secretly a fraud and you’re actually just a 80 yr old man looking for a sugar babie. in that case im in.
dear oz,
you overly sweet bean. i genuinely watch you in awe from afar, just by how talented and hardworking you are. your art is amazing, and i always look forward to the design you make for your oc’s outfits. thank you for understanding me, and for being patient with me. i care about you a lot, so if there’s ever anything that’s occupying your mind and you need to let them out, i’m here to listen. ps. i really don’t know any other mutual who listens to *that* comfort stuff like i do so im really thankful to have someone to talk about them with. you can always share your interests with me too, especially with your dearest tendou.
dear tate,
im such in awe of you. just the fact that you devote a lot of your time into writing and setting up the theme for your blog astounds me. not to mention, your art skills as well. i am still very much in love with that bokuto piece you made with the hanging leaves. i hope you know that bokuto loves you just as much as you do to him. i know you’re writing up something special atm, so i’m really looking forward to it. thank you for all the time you’ve spared just to send me an ask. it truly does mean a lot to me. it feels like someone is listening, and i’m very appreciative of having you as my dear mutual. please know that i’m here to support you too, with the best of my abilities.
dear winx club,
[ @wissbby @kageruna @pinkbunnyplushie @astrooliver @lovingtobio @kenmaki @lfjr @lcsbianist ]
im such a clutz, but thank you for dealing with me. i was little nervous to start up such a discord server because im bad at staying in one. though, the warm environment that you all provide makes me feel much more at ease. i think it’s funny popping in to the server and seeing a few people spamming the chat with hugs, headpats and kisses. it’s sweet, too. being in a group discord can get overwhelming for some people, so i appreciate you all for having that patience. another thing- thank you for understanding each other’s boundaries. its hard to be aware all the time especially when you’re interacting with people you don’t know to at a very personal level. im glad that you all helped each other make the space comfy. i look forward to more chaotic and genuine talks with all of you in the future. maybe we’ll still be in touch with each other after a long while? who knows. but im going to cherish every single moment i get with you all.
dear @nishinoya-is-baby @keitsukki11 @sullen-angel24 @smolbludandelions @whootwhoot @cheatingthroughthislife @tadashi-simp @oikaw-ugh @lostsealscreams @sleepykarabou @atsunflower @lfjr @globe-fish @bewwybun @tetsoleil @sleepykarabou @justcafewriter @rin-suna @atsumusc0ck @waitforitillwritemywayout @dorkyhaikyu @yemilnisu @sunseteyes @kenmaki @kenanami,
goodness, i would write you all individual messages if time let me. but, i hope this is alright. i just wanted to thank you all for interacting with some dummy like me because that shit takes real patience </3 y’all are some really cool people and im really glad to have you as a moot. im ngl im pretty sure i’ve stopped by all your inboxes just to forget to actually send an ask :’( or maybe im too shy. one or the other. hopefully i can come around to all your ask boxes soon and fill it with my love because it’s what you all deserve. ya’ll are such amazing and talented people. for the love of god- you have all my love and care in the world. i hope that these past few weeks have been gentle with you, but if not, please let yourself rest from whatever it is that may be putting you down. here’s a gentle reminder that im always here to listen, and i wouldn’t judge you for whatever it is it may be. thank you for being so kind to me, and i hope to return that as well. take care.
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@insanitywrites @derpeedoo @killuababie @lespaghetti @ordinary-ace
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i haven’t told you this until now but, thank you for giving me company and comfort during a time that i was deeply struggling.
ps. if there’s any grammar or spelling mistakes no u did not see that <3
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