#Thanatos; blorbo from my monthly sleep paralysis experience
personashowdown · 1 year
Uhhhh so i kinda fucked up…
1. This round wasn’t actually the quarter finals, the next round is. I literally looked up what a quarter final is to be sure i got it right, looked at the seven polls i had scheduled and thought “yeah that looks right” and continued with my day. Dunno how I messed up but I cant change the poll name now. Next round (the actual quarter final) will just be called round 5 to avoid further confusion. Semifinals and finals will still be named that though, along with their respective rounds incase i somehow mess up again (I don’t think I will but at this point I shouldn’t be trusted with numbers sooo)
2. I only have 7 persona for the next round and I need 8 for it to work smoothly. I swear im usually pretty decent at math I promise. I tried to find a solution but none seemed fair or fun, except one. Therefore, the easiest way fix this is..
Again, really sorry for the potential confusion!
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