#Thai school 2013
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buriedinmyownfeelings · 4 months ago
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Y’all just out here having this conversation in front of your friends and enemies like it’s nothing is the reason why I’m dying
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This is very important to my character development
Shin defending Saint from his own friends even when he still won’t acknowledge the fact that they’re friends again is just mwah*
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mikuni14 · 3 months ago
High School Frenemy
Like any normal girl, I've always liked a good high school series with strong homoerotic undertones, like Gokusen, Crows Zero, School 2013 😊 I'm an orthodox fan of the School 2013 series and at first I didn't want to watch HSF based on it, because I didn't think they could pull it off (I rate S2013 10/10 and it's one of the best series I've ever seen). For some time now I've been waiting for the series to end to either binge it or skip it, reading reviews in the meantime (ngl, thanks to that trick I saved myself time and sanity by not watching many bad series). I've heard only good things about HSF, I've seen kawaii little videos with MLs so I decided to give it a chance and watched the whole thing right before the finale. So. It wasn't a waste of time, actually it was GREAT 😄 HSF is similar to School 2013 but fortunately it's different enough that you can enjoy both without the joy-depriving comparison. The difference is that S2013 has less fights and more seriousness, while HFS has definitely more scenes with MLs and their relationship. S2013 also has more sub-plots and more characters involved in the plot, whereas in HSF the show is mainly carried by 2 strong characters, and the subplots come more in the second half of the show.
*deep sigh* It was like watching Word of Honor: you know you're technically watching a non-romance, non-BL, but you know, your brain knows and your heart knows thay you're watching a romance and a BL. It can fry your brain if you're not careful 😆
Saint and Shin, have no, I repeat no resistance, no qualms to make the most sappy and sentimental confessions, to sugarcoating their whole conversations with each other in the most tender, romantic way, they would outdo any, even the most romantic couple in the world with their behavior. I absolutely love this lack of shame and embarrassment. Just when I thought they couldn't get any more romantic, they made up and entered the honeymoon era and I died. Honey dripped off my screen, it was so sweet and mushy 🥰 I suppose, their unique charm is also due to the fact that in many moments when Saint was being particularly sappy and Shin being particularly shy, I was 100% convinced that it wasn't SaintShin but SkyNani 😆
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HSF has an incredible amount of just kiss already dammit! moments, not to mention scenes that just beg for angry sex or make-up sex.
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I don't know how anyone can pretend that WoH, The Untamed, S2013 or HSF or Steve Rogers and Bucky are not BL lmao. Friends don't act like that and don't say things like that to each other, in that way. Just think how anyone from the outside could walk into any of the aforementioned couples, their relationships, I mean... the logistics? 😂 Like, every single one of the guys in the above couples is really obsessed with their "friend", I mean ✨obsessed✨. Plus, no one knows them like their "roommate", the best and the worst, they have a history together, both good and tragic. You can't beat that! They are glued, ingrained to each other too deeply for there to be room for anyone else!
I love how Saint and Shin are so obviously crazy about each other, how perfect they are together, how comfortable they are together, how they sleep in the same bed together, even though they sleep on the floor in other houses, how their parents are fully aware of their incredible relationship, how they lived like zombies for 3 years without each other.
Their tragic story is one of the best I've seen, it's on the level of a Greek or Shakespearean tragedy. An exceptionally strong relationship on the level of soul mates, an exceptionally strong love. A tragic misunderstanding, an accident caused by one of them, unintentional, but laced with fear and resentment of one, which only adds to the already existing colossal sense of guilt. I absolutely love that in both versions, there is a whole range of emotions between the MLs, and they go through each one in turn. It's an emotional buffet in a fancy restaurant, it's got everything and in high quality: fear, longing, resentment, anger, guilt, wanting to forgive, needing to be forgiven, anguish, trust, losing trust, rebuilding trust, love. It all makes their relationship so incredibly compelling and satisfying.
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I love how Saint was determined to atone for the wrongs he had done. How he was willing to do anything, how he accepted Shin's anger and resentment, his verbal and physical attacks. Saint not only apologized multiple times, but also worked off his sins. He worked to earn back Shin's and his mother's trust, even when they wore him out for it. That's why this relationship feels so satisfying, to be worked for by them, Saint really tried and nothing Shin said or did discouraged him. I really like that none of this was easy, that Shin's anger, resentment, and pain were noticed by the plot and by Saint.
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I really like the fact that both of them are very strong, yet sensitive and emotional (95% of it was when it was about the other one 😅), that they are each other's strength, but also weakness. That together they are unstoppable. That THEY ARE BOTH EQUAL, both have the same power over each other. Both are presented in the plot as a power couple, as leaders of their groups. Saint is strong mentally, he's also physically stronger than Shin, but he doesn't flaunt his strength, he doesn't have to prove anything. I noticed that despite the fact that he is technically stronger than Shin, he gives the last blow, finishing the main villain, to him. On the other hand, Shin sacrifices himself twice and instinctively covers Saint in danger with his own body. Shin is more shy in their relationship (I feel like Nani was showing through in these scenes lol), he is the one who moderates Saint's crazy antics. Both are very handsome in different ways, Saint is like a bull with his stocky build, he is also the ideal himbo: kind, strong, muscular, mentally a puppy and dumb about his beloved 👌 He has absolutely no shame in showing off his feelings for Shin and gushing how awesome Shin is, which is 100% perfect boyfriend behavior. Shin with his face of a tortured poet with dark circles under his eyes that would have decimated the girls and me at my high school during our grunge years, with his bedroom eyes and the begging-for-kiss mole on his neck, was very seductive 😏
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Tl;dr excellent series, excellent couple. Highly recommended.
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coolgenie · 4 months ago
High School Frenemy & School 2013: A Comparison
Let me begin by saying that I’m not making this post to diminish either drama. I’m a long time fan the original Korean drama School 2013 and an excited new fan of the Thai remake High School Frenemy. As someone whose long held School 2013 in my heart, I’m so happy to see it getting a remake and renewed attention. I encourage anyone who has been enjoying High School Frenemy to check out the School 2013! Although there are definitely similarities, there are more than enough differences to enjoy both dramas distinctly.
For my own enjoyment, I’ve decided to take a closer look at the differences and similarities between these two shows so that I may better appreciate what each iteration brings to the table. I will avoid explicit spoilers at this time but may reflect more on different plot points as the Thai drama airs.
For reference: Saint (HSF) = Namsoon (School 2013), Shin (HSF) = Heungsoo (School 2013)
You can see the bare bones of the original drama in the 1st 2 episodes of HSF with core characters and the overall premise, although there are quite a few differences. School 2013 is more slice of life, following high schoolers trying to find purpose while dealing with bullying and a lack of support outside of school. It is low-key and more insular when compared to HSF which has already introduced a new conflict and new characters to the story with the merging of 2 schools. This conflict did not exist in the original drama and inherently alters the storyline. I look forward to seeing how it develops.
The heart of both stories, of course, is the relationship between Saint & Shin (HSF) and Namsoon & Heungsoo (School 2013). While Saint and Shin do share some similarities with their Korean counterparts, they are also quite different.
Saint somehow feels more sturdy and focused than his Korean counterpart Namsoon who felt softer and more blurred at the edges. Saint, comparatively, also seems to have a greater sense of responsibility to those around him - taking accountability for his father, stopping a schoolmate from smoking. At this stage of the story, Namsoon was more resigned, drifting, reluctantly doing the bare minimum and eager to leave others to their own devices. The 1st few episodes of School 2013 just begin to show Namsoon making connections with those around him. We see shades of this isolation in Saint too but perhaps HSF simply doesn’t let us sit in it for quite as long which leads into pacing differences and the introduction of Shin/Heungsoo.
School 2013 really takes its time and lets the audience settle into the dynamics of Namsoon, the teachers, and the class before introducing Heungsoo to shake things up. Heungsoo doesn’t even officially join the class until the very end of episode 3! Nevermind biting our nails to find out their backstory, we didn’t even truly know there was tea to be spilled in the beginning. Of course, School 2013 was allowed to take its time with 16 episodes while HSF only has 10 episodes and a lot of ground to cover.
Shin is quite different from his Korean counterpart Heungsoo. This is likely due to their inherent circumstances. Shin transfers to Saint’s class along with his friends and classmates. In School 2013, Heungsoo transfers to Namsoon’s school alone and without a support system. Shoved into a hostile environment on his own, Heungsoo is much more solemn and withdrawn.
This is another interesting change made by HSF. School 2013 makes it explicitly clear that Namsoon and Heungsoo had very little support apart from each other before their falling out. Even after they’ve gone their separate ways, neither makes a concerted effort to establish or maintain new relationships. As touched upon above, a large part of Namsoon’s growth in School 2013 is growing beyond himself and establishing relationships apart from Heungsoo - although Heungsoo always remains his most important relationship. In contrast, Heungsoo never really strays far from Namsoon. So for HSF to focus on Shin being the one to establish so many friendships apart from Saint shifts the balance of their dynamic in a way that is different from School 2013 and I think it will be interesting to see it play out. In spite of this change, something that seems to hold true with both dramas is that Saint & Shin and Namsoon & Heungsoo shine brightest and seem most themselves in flashbacks when their friendship is at its strongest.
The inclusion of Saint’s parents is also a major departure from School 2013 where Namsoon & Heungsoo’s parents were barely mentioned and never seen on screen. The lack of a healthy parental support system outside of school was a core theme of the original series. It’s interesting to see the Thai version directly address absent parents and include a living parent - even more interesting that they so far are still mirroring School 2013’s themes with Saint’s father clearly not serving as an adequate parental figure despite being present on screen and in his son’s life.
Other noticeable character changes include Mark Pakin’s character having an established friendship of sorts with Shin while in School 2013, this character takes a liking to Saint’s counterpart Namsoon instead and the 2 gradually form a heartwarming bond. Furthermore, in School 2013, there is only one collective group of 3 “delinquents” and they serve as the primary instigators of much of the trouble in the class. There is no ongoing feud between 2 class factions like in HSF. While there is still plenty of fighting in School 2013, it’s more one sided.
I’m also very curious to see what HSF does with the teachers. In School 2013, the teachers were a large focal point of the story and so far HSF has stayed true to key factors of their storyline.
HSF is so interesting because in some ways it feels so different from School 2013 but then they’ll have Saint jump off the school roof and I’m suddenly reminded that shit did actually happen in School 2013 too lol Despite being a remake HSF is absolutely adapting the material into its own story. As a viewer, it’s usually difficult for me to rewatch something or watch something for the 1st time when I know what’s going to happen. However, HSF is keeping me on my toes and keeping me hooked just like School 2013 did all those years ago. It feels like a familiar but entirely new experience all at once. I’m so excited to see how it progresses, especially the relationship between Saint and Shin. I wonder how much of their backstory will remain the same or change from School 2013. Even if HSF lifts their entire backstory, it will inevitably play out differently given the changes they’ve already made to their characters and the story. In any case, Namsoon and Heungsoo in School 2013 had me by the throat back in the day and I can already feel that starting to happen with Saint and Shin too. I’m excited!
If you made it this far, hopefully any of that made sense lol I’m all over the place because there’s just so much to talk about! & I’m sure I’ll think of more things I’ll wish I’d have said later but I just wanted to write down some of my thoughts. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings!
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gay-meowmeow · 5 months ago
Highschool Frenemy better be as homoerotic as School 2013. Like Lee Jongsuk and Kim Woobin had everybody and they mama playing the dating or besties game.
Had all of us like this
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fanfictionroxs · 2 days ago
No one BLs as hard as a 'bromance' drama. No one homos as hard as a 'straight' man (the only thing straight about Saint is his vision which straight up finds Shin in any room which is exactly how Go Nam Soo was with Park Heung Soo and by GOD there was NOTHING straight about those two lmfao).
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allovelyhappily · 1 year ago
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High School Frenemy GMMTV 2024 Part 1
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hushedstars · 3 months ago
Me hearing that HSF is a remake of School 2013: whaaat??
Me hearing that it's very queer coded: uuu so was the original 👀
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bitacrytic · 1 year ago
School 2013 is the blueprint for every high school bl and no one will change my mind.
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Were we supposed to believe that smiling at your sleeping friend like this was platonic???
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marilita · 2 months ago
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leixinyus · 4 months ago
It is so wild to see the revival of the Namsoon/Heungsoo feels among people, but it be caused by Saint/Shin and High School Frenemy, a show that I'm not watching and whose viewers maybe haven't watched the original. Like, if you were there for School 2013, you know how subtly yet intimately queer Namsoon and Heungsoo's story felt, and that too at a time when South Korea had yet to include actual queer characters in pretty much any shows! From what I can remember – it's been over a decade since I watched School 2013, so I may be misremembering – Namsoon and Heungsoo's friendship never seemed like it was written with queerness or the LGBTQIA+ community in mind (not in a homophobic way, though! Just the feeling I got back then). Like, these were just two high school guys whose platonic love toward each other was so intimate and heart-aching that their friendship seemed to transcend all of the dynamics that male friendships in Korean dramas hitherto had had, without ever seeming to be intentionally written as such.
These characters were played by two incredible actors who brought so much rawness and depth to their characters and the story, and throughout the show, Namsoon and Heungsoo's friendship seemed so... accepting? and gentle with its depiction of a close male friendship, yet it simultaneously felt so open to and understanding of possible interpretations of the more romantic kind. And seeing as how, even today, close male friendships easily end up as targets of the shipping culture, Namsoon and Heungsoo's friendship just seemed(/seems) so refreshing and almost ahead of its time in a way.
There is so much that I'd want to say about how significant Namsoon and Heungsoo's friendship felt to me in the K-drama landscape of the time, but, alas, my memories of the show and their story have become blurry with time and currently only exist within me as feelings of immense warmth and gratitude to the writers (Lee Hyun Joo and Go Jung Won) and the actors (Lee Jong Suk and Kim Woo Bin), and thus I can't fully express myself by actually providing concrete examples to justify my feels, or by giving proper references to that time of K-dramas and portrayals of friendships, same-sex friendships in particular. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you to High School Frenemy for introducing the story of this friendship to a totally new audience in a totally new country and also an arguably much different drama landscape (here I'm referring specifically to the abundance of QL stories in Thailand).
TL;DR: I hope everyone new to the Namsoon/Heungsoo (Saint/Shin) story – assuming their dynamic is the same in this remake – is as insane about their arc as I was back in 2013, lmao. And to those who were there for School 2013 and are now watching High School Frenemy, how are you? Are you okay?
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buriedinmyownfeelings · 3 months ago
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This whole interaction broke me
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mikuni14 · 3 months ago
I started watching High School Frenemy, encouraged by the fact that it is loosely based on my beloved series School 2013 and I just want to say that I'm completely losing my mind, I'm in love with SaintShin, I didn't know that another couple could take over my mind and heart like Go Nam Soon and Park Hueng Soo did, but here we are.
Their scenes together are better, more charged with feelings, emotions and chemistry than half of MLs in BL series tbh. Their feelings of regret, anger, sadness, hope, longing, LOVE are boiling under the surface and sometimes overflowing to my doom 💀 On top of that their scenes together are usually very visually beautiful, which is the cherry on this delicious cake. I'm dead.
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These shots look as if they were photoshopped into some dystopian paintings 💖
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save-the-data · 4 months ago
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High School Frenemy | S01E04
Thai Drama - 2024, 10 episodes
~~based on the South Korean drama “School 2013”
Native Title: #มิตรภาพ คราบศัตรู
Genres: #Youth
Tags: #Delinquent | #Friendship | #Student Male Lead
Cast: #Sky Wongravee | #Nani Hirunkit | #Kay Lertsittichai | #Mark Jiruntanin | #Mark Pakin | #Foei Patara
Links:  GAGA | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Youku | Tencent
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bengiyo · 1 year ago
GMMTV 2024 Part 1 Stray Thoughts
I have finished viewing the trailers. I'm feeling relatively cool about most of it, and I had a strong negative reaction to the announcements about two adaptations.
Here is what intrigued me in order:
My Golden Blood - When Joss and Mond rose off the ground, I also ascended. Joss and Gawin wasn't on my radar as a potential option, but I am so here for it.
Wadee Gooday - I'm so here for the adult romance, and Thor is here. A boxer and a doctor have such fascinating potential.
The Trainee - OffGun workplace romance and Love Score is playing. We are so fucking back.
On Sale - TayNew in a ghost romcom? We are so fucking back.
Pluto - Film and Namtam and Namtam is lying? I am here for it.
Kidnap - Ohm is back in BL and they gave him a gun and a little brother who shares his name. This is probably gonna be a mess but it looks fun.
Only Boo - Not sure how I feel about an idol trainee show, but Louis is here.
We Are - Why are there four couples? Engineering? Hopefully, this is going to be like MSP, and let us put this behind us.
High School Frenemy - I will have to watch School 2013 before this airs because it looks like the original was well-received and this trailer just looks like boys fighting the whole time.
My Love Mix-Up - Fourth doesn't seem to do slapstick well in this trailer, and Gem doesn't look serious enough. New Hashimoto doesn't have that glint in her eye. New Aida looks solid. I'm skeptical. More thoughts below.
Ossan's Love - Literally why?
Summer Night - Phuwin and Dunk pratfall kiss bait into het nonsense with a BL side. No thanks.
My Precious the series - I feel like any hype I had for this has evaporated. I'm past it.
Ploy's Yearbook - Apparently step-siblings fall for each other in this? No thanks.
Enigma 2 - No idea what's going on but it has clear vibes.
Alright, I'm just gonna say it: The My Love Mix-Up trailer was not good. I love Fourth and Gemini a lot. I think Fourth is really talented, and I think he and Gemini make a good team. That being said, there is a reason KH continues to get content shared on this website, and right now I don't think Fourth and Gem showed the juice to match Michieda Shunsuke and Meguro Ren.
I don't think Fourth is going to generate meme material as Thai Aoki the way Michieda did if this trailer is indicative of where he's going. I don't think Gemini is hitting the seriousness of Ida well here at all. Ida is a demisexual icon and so important to the genre, and I just don't think Gemini has this in him right now.
For those wondering why I feel so strongly about this, I will remind you that Kieta Hatsukoi is free on Viki.
We are now seeing cross-cultural adaptations of BL work, and I think that it's incredibly important to view the source work before we get into big discussions about what each adaptation does well. I am so concerned about Kieta Hatsukoi being adapted because it's so distinctly Japanese in its stylings and the dramatic tension underpinning it. The Thai trailer feels lacking to me because the angst felt so ungrounded. Fourth can moon over Gemini just fine, but there's a specificity to the mooning that he just isn't hitting here.
I will be talking about My Love Mix-Up Thailand as an adaptation of Kieta Hatsukoi. I will not be entertaining debates or discussions about it as an independent work. The trailer has called directly to the Japanese origins and it will be judged as such. If you haven't or won't watch the original or read the source work, please don't tag me, because "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore."
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gaywatch · 3 months ago
Hey, so have you heard of “High School Frenemy”, a Thai drama that gained huge popularity without any promotion. Because the chemistry between the lead characters is off the charts it's like the intensity of a Chinese bromance where eyes do all the work. Plus, the entire cast is incredibly talented, especially the main leads. And it has very flawed characters. It’s actually a remake of the super popular Korean drama “School 2013”. Honestly, I haven’t felt this way about a show since I watched “Weak Hero Class”. It’s also ending next week, and as someone who rarely watch Thai shows I highly recommend it.
I tell you, it's been recced to me a few times but you've gotten me to actually download the first couple episodes to check out in the near future. I'll post about it when I check it out. <3
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allovelyhappily · 1 year ago
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Highschool Frenemy_Thai version of Kdrama "School 2013"
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