#TestyClan Piperacorn
Rosemoss was given some pretty dry herb, so he is now wearing it. Likely a gift from Onestar
Birdburrow got hurt fughting a dog; while staying with Frostfern, they were interrupted by Perchface, who got 2 kits! Birdburrow is very happy, and feels even more sure about wanting to become a medecine cat... Downystrike says it's a good idea to give Frostfern an assistant, as he and Onestar are also expecting kits now. So this is happening Frostfern guess.
Perchface having done this, she now wishes to join the elders. Cricketdapple will have to share the den (again).
Speaking of Cricketdapple, she got a dream she asked Frostfern about... hm...
Downystrike feels like StarClan is ignoring him, poor guy. Onestar reassures him, that's a general feeling they all share. But it seems more than a matter of ignoring Downystrike, it's a matter of difficulties contacting him... Wrenspots wants to warn the cat, but can't for some reasons.
Birdburrow and Frostfern have a talk about a vision Birdburrow received, both taking this very seriously
Maybe dye to all the kits announcements, Ike wants some too now
Crouchfang still has a difficult time opening to others; he relies too much on his brother
Piperacorn has a crush on Mink! unfortunately, this seems one sided...
Onestar keeps getting everyone, now Ariesjaw also crushing on him
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Downystrike and Crouchpaw got hurt :(
Also Frostfern learned of a new prophecy, that's worrying
Crouchpaw caught a fish! And Birdpaw a mouse. good kids.
Frostfern brought back tansy
Perchface, Downystrike, Frondpelt, and Beechtail found a hurt cat called Mink
Frondpelt thinks there should be a new rule to the warrior code. Frontpelt is a cat I qualify as a little shit (affectionate), so I wonder what prompted this
Raggednut is slowly growing close to Rosemoss and Frostfern
Piperacorn feels safe with Frostfern!
Frondpelt may be a little shit, he teally likes sweetheart Beechtail at least. I'm rooting for them
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Birdpaw trained too hrd to try to impress Rosemoss, and got hurt
Birdpaw complained about his mentor. His mentor heard him.
Raggednut had a dream he told Frostfern; they had a good discussion about it, and have a pretty good idea of what to do
Downystrike almost fell in a trap
Beechtail wants to have kits. So does Frontpelt.
Piperacorn is thinking about love~
Raggednut is giving thanks to Starclan, likely for the dream, and opportunity to join TestyClan
Rosemoss found something while patrolling... he needs to talk to Onestar about it
Frondpelt adores Wrenspots, and feels safe with her
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Piperacorn fell into a river!! he barely made it
Onestar wants to have kits
Raggednut is eavesdropping on Beechtail, who wonders how Raggednut is doing. sweet.
Perchface and Frostfern love each other very much, that's sweet
Downystrike has a lot of platonic love for Beechtail
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8 moons update:
Crouchpaw, adolescent male, adventurous -- Mentor : Piperacorn
Birdpaw, adolescent male, ambitious -- Mentor: Rosemoss
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Raggednut keeps on being awesome, and kills two squirrels trying to run away
Perchface and Piperacorn noticed a cat from PeatClan patrolling. They cross paths in an awkward silence; the relationship with PeatClan worsened, woops!
Onestar is thinking about love, Perchface doesn't want to go on patrol with Mossyrunner (good news he's dead), Frondpelt xants to know Cricketdapple better, Crouchkit wants to taste frogs
Birdkit is starting to open to Perchface; funny, as Crouchkit dislikes her. The two kittens are very close
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3 moons
Raggednut is getting along with the other cats; he even received a blueberry to decorate his fur!
Beechpaw ate the prey he just caught, but wasn't noticed
Piperacorn organized a battle plan against a dog hanging around
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Perchface thinks it will be three kits! She also has some troubles on her mind, probably about the kits and Frostfern... Cricketdapple listened to her
This moon's casualties are Birdburrow, who tripped, and... Frostfern who got a splinter climbing a tree. I thought you'd knew better, Frostfern. You bet Birdburrow used the opportunity to annoy Frostfern about StarClan and medicine.
Frostfern and Birdburrow went to get plants, with some difficulties finding them. And it's a good thing he did, as our three ex outsider cats found a hurt cat while patrolling! Her name is Cherrytail, and she used to live in the streets... a car almost got her, and she's very grateful for TestyClan's help.
Beechtail and Frondpelt showed her around... when they saw Twolegs unloading metal boxes. Cherrytail said they should leave right now. It seems she'll be very useful to have around, with her knowledge over Twolegs!
Meanwhile, Perchface, Piperacorn, and Downystrike found a kittypet, and also brought her back home. Onestar and Rosemoss are exchanging looks. Why is there so many cats suddenly. Anyway, Ike joined the clan! She used to live on a boat.
Onestar and Rosemoss took Ike with them on their own patrol, and the two tell Ike stories about their ancestors, to make sure the girl understands why patrols are important
Rosemoss' one sided crush nightmare keeps going, as Onestar feels very safe with him, and seems to really like him! Isn't that fun.
Perchface really likes Piperacorn!
Mink is a bit jealous of Onestar... that's concerning if things keep evolving that way
Ike has some attachment for Rosemoss already
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14 moons
Leader: Onestar, adult male, charismatic, extremely smart // Mate: Downystrike
Deputy: Rosemoss, adult male, playful, good speaker == Former Apprentice: Birdburrow
Medicine Cat: Frostfern, adult male, calm, extremely smart // Mate: Perchface
Perchface, senior adult female, playful, extremely smart // Mate: Frostfern
Raggednut, senior adult male, faithful, fantastic hunter
Ariesjaw, adult male, altruistic, good hunter
Piperacorn, adult male, childish, great fighter == Former Apprentice: Crouchfang
Downystrike, adult male, sneaky, good hunter == Former Apprentice: Frondpelt
Mink, young adult male, patient, good speaker
Frondpelt, young adult male, strict, fantastic hunter
Beechtail, young adult female, strange, fantastic teacher
Crouchfang, young adult male, righteous, good fighter
Birdburrow, young adult male, ambitious, strong connection to StarClan
Elder: Cricketdapple, senior female, fierce, good kitsitter
Mossyrunner, adult female, calm, fantastic teacher (=> looks very pretty!!)
Wrenspots, senior female, careful, good kitsitter
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We're starting the game! In classical mode, with the TestyClan, as I learn how this works.
TestyClan (after one moon):
Leader: Onestar, young adult male, chaismatic, extremely smart
Deputy: Wrenspots, senior female, careful, great mediator -- Apprentice: Beechpaw
Medicine Cat: Frostfern, adult male, calm, extremely smart
Perchface, senior adult female, playful, extremely smart
Rosemoss, adult male, playful, good speaker
Piperacorn, young adult male, childish, great fighter
Downystrike, young adult male, sneaky, good hunter -- Apprentice: Frondpaw
Frondpaw, adolescent male, vengeful -- Mentor: Downystrike
Beechpaw, adolescent female, strange -- Mentor: Wrenspots
Elder: Cricketdapple, senior female, fierce, good kitsitter
Mossyrunner, adult female, calm, fantastic teacher (=> looks very pretty!!)
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