#Testing tag 1234
warriorkraggon · 1 year
test post
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boarmixed · 1 year
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777ymir · 6 months
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i’ve been testing out the void state and i listened to some audio waves and just kinda chilled, i was going between affirmations and my thoughts with a lot less stress than usual (this is so important because usually i’m like “am i doing this right” “am i breathing too fast” “am i not doing THIS right” and blah blah blah) this time i was just kinda breathing listening to the waves and working through doubtful thoughts, just affirming when i felt i should. i did literally everything based of MY comfort and MY thoughts. And i noticed i just felt a lot better than i usually did when i try right, i was like oh hey let me try to distract myself(bc of the distracted method) so i just started singing cake by melanie martinez cause i loved her in middle school and it’s the only song i could immediately think of (that i knew start to finish) for some reason???😭 (this is weird because i literally know sooooo many songs, anyways) so i’m just jamming out and out of NOWHERE my whole body just like shifted (the only way i can describe it). It’s like out of nowhere i felt so weird i don’t know if i can accurately describe it but imagine like pins and needles but over your whole body and it doesn’t hurt it was just like woah where’d that come from. My heart started RACING and i was like “omg im gonna go in now omg omg omg” and i was just trying to calm my heart down because it was beating like 1234 instead of the normal 1..2..3..4 and i KNEW i needed to focus on literally anything else. i swallowed a couple of times and just focused on calming myself because i was like “wtf is going on” and i just felt everything and tried to keep myself in this state so i could find my footing and be calm while in it. By this point the song was long gone😭 i’d already finished it and i started to go through my thoughts of things are really gonna be different once you get out will you be ready? and i was affirming that i will and i deserve this and it’s okay and i started seeing flashes of what i’d be like and things i’d have again and i told myself that even if i didn’t get in right now i’d get in tonight when i sleep. eventually the feeling was gone (probably because i focused on it ((maybe??) and i kinda liked just sitting there for a bit ( i had stopped moving and i was laying on my side in the fetal so i was in like peak comfort but eventually i just moved and went back to doing what i was doing before. i will say that every time my tv went between ads and the screen went dark (making my vision dark) i fell more into this weird fuzzy state. overall it was crazy and i would love to hear anyone’s thoughts on this. i’m gonna tag some creators i follow because i would love some guidance and perspective:)
@gorgeouslypink @luckykiwiii101 @trynafindbarbiee @voidprincessblog @babygothprincess @zen-shu @prettymindset111 @charmedreincarnation @littlemissprettyprincess @itsravenbitch @konniesreality @lotusmi @ziauhh @arisuworld @chaisshitposts
okay that’s all i can think of, if anyone has some tips or explanations as to what in the world was going on please i’m so happy to hear 🙏
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luckykiwiii101 · 6 months
i’ve been testing out the void state and i listened to some audio waves and just kinda chilled, i was going between affirmations and my thoughts with a lot less stress than usual (this is so important because usually i’m like “am i doing this right” “am i breathing too fast” “am i not doing THIS right” and blah blah blah) this time i was just kinda breathing listening to the waves and working through doubtful thoughts, just affirming when i felt i should. i did literally everything based of MY comfort and MY thoughts. And i noticed i just felt a lot better than i usually did when i try right, i was like oh hey let me try to distract myself(bc of the distracted method) so i just started singing cake by melanie martinez cause i loved her in middle school and it’s the only song i could immediately think of (that i knew start to finish) for some reason???😭 (this is weird because i literally know sooooo many songs, anyways) so i’m just jamming out and out of NOWHERE my whole body just like shifted (the only way i can describe it). It’s like out of nowhere i felt so weird i don’t know if i can accurately describe it but imagine like pins and needles but over your whole body and it doesn’t hurt it was just like woah where’d that come from. My heart started RACING and i was like “omg im gonna go in now omg omg omg” and i was just trying to calm my heart down because it was beating like 1234 instead of the normal 1..2..3..4 and i KNEW i needed to focus on literally anything else. i swallowed a couple of times and just focused on calming myself because i was like “wtf is going on” and i just felt everything and tried to keep myself in this state so i could find my footing and be calm while in it. By this point the song was long gone😭 i’d already finished it and i started to go through my thoughts of things are really gonna be different once you get out will you be ready? and i was affirming that i will and i deserve this and it’s okay and i started seeing flashes of what i’d be like and things i’d have again and i told myself that even if i didn’t get in right now i’d get in tonight when i sleep. eventually the feeling was gone (probably because i focused on it ((maybe??) and i kinda liked just sitting there for a bit ( i had stopped moving and i was laying on my side in the fetal so i was in like peak comfort but eventually i just moved and went back to doing what i was doing before. i will say that every time my tv went between ads and the screen went dark (making my vision dark) i fell more into this weird fuzzy state. overall it was crazy and i would love to hear anyone’s thoughts on this. i’m gonna tag some creators i follow because i would love some guidance and perspective:)
You were really close to entering the void state. You were in the before state. Don’t focus on the symptoms and just focus inwards. Not on your physical body and you’ll enter the void in no time.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Fragile - Peter Stone x Reader
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Trigger Warning: Aftermath of Miscarriage.
Tagging: @plaidbooks @misscharlielulu @caracalwithchips @storiesofsvu @magic-multicolored-miracle @htariq @readingbookelf @cosmic-psychickitty @crazy4chickennuggets @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @1234-angelika @mysoulisasunflower @luckyladycreator2 @kabloswrld @xoxabs88xox @bport76 @mydarkestsecretlol
It was during the second act of Phantom of the Opera when your phone began to ring. Peter could feel the consistent thrum against his heart as the intrusive device vibrated within the silk prison of his suit’s interior pocket. You’d asked him to carry it as the little black dress you had worn tonight had no pockets and you’d been paranoid you wouldn’t notice it if it was sequestered into your matching clutch.
Peter inhaled deeply, sucking air deep into his chest for seven seconds, holding it for four and exhaling for six as his Headspace App recommended. This wasn’t the first time that your arrangements had been interrupted but tonight was special. Tonight, was supposed to be about the two of you, about getting back on track to the way things had been before you’d lost the baby. The sorrow crept in like fingertips running up the centre of his spine and trailing across his shoulders. It came to rest in a knot at the base of his neck, causing him to swallow hard against the lump in his throat.
It had only been a couple of months since the miscarriage, and this was the first time that he had managed to coax you into stepping outside and doing something for yourself. The death of your child had sucked the life right out of you. In the aftermath you had become an automaton, eating and drinking for sustenance, barely sleeping before heading back to work. There was no joy in your actions. Everything you did was calculated down to the forensics journals you read in your spare time to the long runs you took in the early evening. You would never come right out and say it, but you were punishing herself. He understood what you were doing, the control you were struggling to hold onto, he had been there himself once upon a time.
His guilt manifested differently these days. It was in the extra time it took to wash his hands, the way he meticulously read over each and every court briefing and instead of putting it aside rereading it all over again. The fact he found himself unable to leave his office because he had to check his speech for his closing arguments just one more time. He’d had the same fixations intermittently throughout his life, when things got tough Peter become thorough, more through than he ever needed to be.
He thought of the life the three of you could have had. You hadn’t even known if it was a boy or a girl. When he’d found out you were pregnant, he had already been in the midst of prosecuting the Egerton trial, one of the highest profile cases of his life. He had been so wrapped up in himself and his ambitions that he hadn’t seen what was happening with you. He hadn’t noticed that you were suffocating under the weight of the children you were seeing in those horrific videos day after day, that you were pushing yourself too hard. If he had, he would have told you to slow down, to take a break, to find some space for yourself. But he hadn’t.  He hadn’t been present at all. Not when you’d taken the pregnancy test and not when the bleeding started in the middle of a strategy meeting.
Stepping out of court that day had been one of the most jubilant of his life, all the pieces of his life had been falling into place. Then Carmen, his senior clerk appeared at his side, her hand clasping his arm, her fingertips gripping him like a claw as she pulled him from his trajectory toward the press and into a quiet corridor. The look on her face had scared the shit out of him.
It was all over by the time he got to the hospital. When he stepped into your room, it was like the floor was crumbling underneath the soles of his shoes, darkness tinted his vision before everything exploded into stark focus, and he found himself hovering beside your hospital bed. Your face was turned away toward the window, one of your hands rested on that taut stomach, fingers splayed across it the way it had been when you had first told him you were pregnant. The distance had stretched between the two of you like an elastic band ready to snap and he knew it was due to his absence. This was just another thing you had had to handle alone.
You said nothing when he took your hand. Your fingers were limp and cold to the touch. The bright blue veins marked your skin like rivers tracing their journey through the snow. He’d said your name and it had come out like a rasp. You had given no indication that you had heard him. Instead, you continued to stare out of the window, a fractured women frozen in time.
Now under the dimmed lights of the Empire Theatre Peter took the time to look at his wife, to savour you in this moment. Your eyes were fixed on the show, your body leaning forward rapt with attention. Your fingertips tapped out a rhythm, mirroring the tune of the music as the actors poured their hearts out on stage. It was the music that you adored, the pitch, the notes, the emotion. You had tried to explain it to him over dinner a couple of years ago and he had become entranced by your passion, by the depth and expressiveness of your feelings. He had known that being here would bring you back to life.
Now he was about to ruin it.
Peter discreetly opened his suit jacket and removed your mobile phone from his pocket. It had stopped ringing by now and for a moment he considered simply pretending he hadn’t realised that it had rung. But that wasn’t him. Both you and him shared that sense of duty.
He nudged you gently with his elbow, you inclined your head towards him, your gaze still set on the stage before you. The moment he placed the phone into your hand, he saw the spell of the theatre break. Your body tensed, your shoulders straightening as you cupped your hand to cover the glare of the screen, your thumb scrolling over it.
You turned your head towards him fully, those eyes ensnaring him once more. His heart ached as you leaned in close, the scent of your citrus perfume flooding his senses. Somehow it was both sweet and bitter at the same time.
“I have to go.”
Your whisper was like a ghost, an echo of happier times. He wasn’t ready to let you go, not just yet. He didn’t have the words so instead he cupped your cheek, his thumb smoothing over the apple of your cheek.
“It’s ok.” He promised you.
Your lips brushed over his. Delicate and full of promise.
A fleeting act of intimacy before you disappeared once again.
Love Peter? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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testingbagels · 5 years
Who in here tryin’a start a brawl
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trashposts · 6 years
Testing tags
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timelordlust · 4 years
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citrustan · 3 years
lovefool [2/6] (jjk)
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pairing: jeon jungkook × reader
genre: angst, fluff (sort of), smut
summary: your boyfriend's pretty girl best friend keeps hogging up your alone time with him.
word count: 2k
warnings: mental illness (ptsd, depression, anxiety), that’s it
note: so, this is a bit underwhelming and I just realised I have written like the worst summary for this story- also I have not edited this bec I’m in a hurry I’m sorrY and let me know if I made any errors and sorry its short BUT I’m planning on posting a little drabble that gives you a background of jk and yuna’s relationship and stuff
Tag list: @jknk @m-1234 @youremyjinearth @derinxfam @wooya1224 @somewhereinthestarss @min-nicoleee @wxndi @emrysts @dinoyoongi @gashinabts @ilovebangtanbangtan @drumsofheaven @moonchild1 @miclarodeluna @un-love @di0rgguk @wyoming666 @she-is-dreaming @vettigirl @mal99 @moonlitmyg @outro-kook @fromthedt @wearenot7withu @jeonjenny @promisable @kooafraid @jungkoooki @kirbykook @babygirl-panda19 (i was unable to tag a few of you, tumblr won't even allow me to enter the usernames)
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It's hard to ignore feelings of insecurity. Especially when you've always been around people who seemed to effortlessly succeed in whatever they do while you've stayed average. It's the way your parents never showed appreciation or love, barely tried to push you to do better and never actively tried to help you that built your fear of failure. They were absent for most of your life events and you do not have much of a relationship with them. The only thing they gave you that stuck to you is your low self-esteem and PTSD.
Hopefully, you don't ever have to go back to them. Your little time away from them has done you good, with the help of your on-campus psychologist, you're able to fall out of that old routine of self-loathing while you do the bare minimum and adapt to a new life free from dependence on your parents, financially and emotionally.
That's why you feel this time, for you, is a test. All that confidence you had worked so hard to build was slowly deteriorating. Jungkook obviously knew nothing about your past and this relationship is a reminder of it. You didn't feel important enough for him, like an afterthought. You’ve never even considered romantic relationships outside fantasies until you met him. You knew it wasn’t entirely his fault but this was subliminally triggering your depression and PTSD.
Jungkook had called you a few times since last night’s events but you didn't bother getting back to him. If he sent voice messages or texts, you haven't had the energy or even the will really, to look at them.
Last night, you reached home by midnight. Before that, you visited the volunteering centre to pass time. There was always something you could contribute to; this time you helped raise funds for the development of homeless shelters.
You’re ashamed to admit it wasn’t your altruism that made the decision of working late at the centre but your own requirements. Not only would this take your mind off Jungkook and Yuna, but it’d earn you an extra credit or two for college too and you’d feel at least a bit valuable.
Back at Jungkook’s house, he battled with his own thoughts about whether or not he should’ve followed you (he definitely should have). It’s only around 5 a.m. now. Yuna invited herself to a sleepover with him and he couldn’t help but feel mildly disturbed. You were supposed to stay, you had your overnight bag with you and everything.
He lied on his sofa staring at the little glow in the dark plastic stars scattered around on the ceiling. You suggested they make movie nights better because the stars are barely visible in the city with all the pollution. Speaking of movie nights, he doesn’t seem to remember the last time he watched a movie or show of your choice. It’s almost time for him to start showering and packing for his weekend away with his friends.
Yet, he can’t seem to find the will to just get up; it’s not laziness or procrastination. It’s as if he’s forcing himself to go.
Jungkook glances at his phone on the coffee table, you hadn’t even opened his messages.
Suddenly, realising you hadn’t contacted him even once in the past few hours, he snapped out of his daydreaming. Did you even get home safe? That seemed to have woken him up completely.
Communication was not your strongest suit, you found it rather easier to go days without talking to or texting anyone- thanks to your dysfunctional family. Yet, when you realised you were subconsciously trying to distance yourself from the situation, you were adamant to not give in, you needed to be an adult about it- which is why you were currently waiting, at the deserted bus stop, for the first bus to Jungkook’s home street to show up.
You, guilt-ridden, finally check your phone with Jungkook’s numerous unanswered phone calls, text messages and Instagram messages displayed on your notification bar. As soon as the bus arrived, you hop on and send your boyfriend a brief direct message-
_____: hey jk
_____: im sorry i got busy last night
_____: in the bus rn, I’ll be over in 10, im sorry we really need to talk
jeon97: typing…
_____: ik youre probably busy packing up for your weekend getaway but this will barely take 20 mins
jeon97: Don’t say it like that
_____: ?
jeon97: typing…
jeon97: I’m glad you’re okay
jeon97: A simple ‘Im fine jk’ was all I needed, _____.
_____: i got busy
jeon97: I’ll pick you up at the bus stand
_____: okay
The last message remained unopened. You gulped, was it too harsh of you to ignore him? Somewhere, you felt his efforts to contact you just weren’t enough. He should’ve followed you out of his apartment and begged you to stay. He probably wouldn’t even need to beg; he could have demanded you to stay back and you’d agree.
Jungkook left out the part where he had already gotten dressed, fully prepared to sneak into your dormitory, and was currently at the only open bakery near his apartment, it wasn’t your favourite one but it was the only place open at this time of the day, figuring the least he could do after this is bring you a tiramisu or a croissant or two. He winced at how cold he sounded over text. After paying for your food, he rushes to the bus stop.
Dressed in his signature black cargo trousers paired with a bomber jacket, zipped up, with a white shirt underneath, he paced back and forth the seating area.
The bus arrives immediately after his third round and he spots you instantly with your turtleneck sticking out of his oversized sweater.
Jungkook almost lunged at you as soon as you hop off the vehicle, shamelessly wrapping himself around you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you…?” You begin but get cut off by your boyfriend, “NO- I deserve it, I mean yeah, it’d have been better if I knew you were, I don’t know, at home? I hate that you’re upset with me and I just want us to be OK again and,” “We’re fine.” You whispered, “But are we really? We can’t not talk about-” “We will.” “Okay, fine.”
He frowns when he notices you refraining from hugging him back and pulls away briefly. Your entire interaction seems forced and awkward.
There’s something adorable about the little, lilac take-away container contrasting his all-black outfit matching the bad boy image.
You felt exhausted from going through all the thoughts and emotions last night and now you would be reliving them all over again if you were going to be honest and talk to him truthfully and uncensored. “You didn’t really have to pick me up, I was going over to your apartment anyway.” “Well, I was actually already up and ready to head over to your place. I even picked up a pineapple pastry and coffee flavoured, supersized macaron for you.” He dangled the box over your head.
“Well…” You awkwardly started. Do you thank him for thinking of you? Do you ridicule him and say ‘oh, it’s about time’? You play with the charms on your bracelet, not knowing where to begin. “Can we go home now? Or… are- I don’t know, do you have anything planned? I could help you pack.”
“Actually, I think the flower garden would be open by now? Do you want to go on an impromptu date?”
“I want to talk to you, I don’t want this to count as a date, that’s just- I don’t know, sad? I think I’d rather go back to your place now?” You suggest.
Jungkook doesn’t know why he hesitates to tell you about Yuna staying over. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, and you know it’s all innocent anyway. “No yeah, that’s okay, let’s go home and talk, babe.” He offers his hand to you and smiles when you lace your fingers together.
You squeeze his hand and it makes him lose his mind a little. Jungkook really likes you.
Your short walk to his apartment was silent, not entirely awkward but somewhat... peaceful. You even stopped midway when Jungkook pointed at a small tuxedo cat sitting on a low wall and played with it as he took pictures of the two of you for his Instagram story.
When you were nearing the rustic elevator gate, you felt him pause several times like he forgot something at the stand. “_____, wait.”
You observed him, tilting your head to the side. “I- So, last night, it was- you know, late. And, you left and Yuna stayed but that was… later. But, she’s still here.” He dumbly stared at you.
Subconsciously, your brows furrowed and Jungkook froze. “She didn’t ask, she just stayed and I did not like tell her to but she just, you know? She stayed. And I slept on the couch.” He looked around at everything but you. Your eyes, however, were fixated on him. Turns out you were rightfully worried. Because your boyfriend cannot keep secrets and if Jungkook hesitates, he’s either lying or maybe he probably figured out how weird it was for a female friend to stay over instead of his girlfriend.
Either way, this was ultimately the kind of situation you had hoped to avoid.
It shouldn't be too big of a deal that the woman you've grown to dislike quite a bit was casually rooming with your boyfriend. Unable to describe your emotions, you decide to let yourself process the new information.
Now, it may seem like an overreaction but this is a woman Jungkook has known for most of his life. Yuna was there when his first kiss happened, hell, she might have even been his first kiss and you can't do anything about it. Yuna was there to bring him soup and nurse him back to health when he fell ill the week before his finals. Yuna has cooked and cleaned for him, she has had Jungkook cook for and clean up after her! She has spent more time with him than you ever will and knows more about him than you do.
This is the woman who had shamelessly joked about your boyfriend's boner in front of you because she can and because she's the best friend. And, you've watched just enough chick flicks to know that the best friend always wins over the insecure, jealous girlfriend. You don't know if you're ready to compete against that.
In your defence, Yuna hasn't been the most welcoming to you either. Even Taehyung had let you into their circle and apparently, he's usually the one who's hard to crack no matter how friendly he may seem. And, you seemed to get along perfectly fine. But, Yuna? The girl introduced you to Jungkook and ever since, she has tried her best to make you uncomfortable. It was all so subtle.
It's hard to be vulnerable and talk about your past no matter how relevant it is to your current circumstance.
You don't want to chase Jungkook away by unloading your two tons of emotional baggage on him.
You don't believe he signed up for that. Maybe you're underestimating Jungkook and misjudging his intentions with you. It's just very uncomfortable. What if he thinks you're too emotional? What if he laughs at your worries?
"Let's just go in, I'll brew you some chamomile tea too," "That's not enough caffeine, it's barely six." You snap.
Jungkook could sense your hesitation and the fact that you ignored the whole Yuna thing didn't settle well in him.
Jungkook pursed his lips together, dragging the elevator door open. It's unbelievably loud, this metal gate. It makes you scrunch your nose and titter. When you're inside the elevator, he leans down and pulls you into a little kiss and you don't object.
You really had no idea what you had walked into. Like, figuratively.
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎? 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚗
𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
if you want to talk about the story or have questions, send an ask :)
ooh also there is mention of death. i’ll tw it
thetonightshow We put Yn Ln on a lie detector test, and this was her answer for one of the questions. Thank you for being honest, even when you’re going through something.
yn thank you for having me!
fan.1 is she talking about andrew?
danedehann She’s so strong.
fan.2 i mean she’s either talking about barry or andrew
yn i’ve had more ex’s than just them two. but they were before fame. i’m actually still good friends with them. i’m even one’s children’s godmother
since tumblr will only let me post one video, here’s the link to the video yn’s posting
yn it’s been 10 years since i got the call you left us. you were my first boyfriend, and i miss you. 🖤
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yn i told myself i’d never get a tattoo bc of my fear of needles, but i did
danedehann Never in a million years would I think you’d get a tattoo.
andrewgarfield It looks good, ynn
yn hehe thanks andy
keoghan92 Please talk to me.
yn no
keoghan92 I still love you.
yn no. you hurt me more than you could EVER imagine.
keoghan92 I’m sorry.
yn that’s not going to cut it
yn.fanpage she needs to win an emmy for this @yn
yn thank you!!
andrewgarfield She really does.
danedehann I cried at this part
yn of course you did, dane
ncis_cbs 😢
tag list (send an ask if you want to be added or removed)
@peakyrogers @cutierocker202 @1234-angelika @druigsgold @casi-eternal @bqnner @keoghanslover @omgeternal @fangirling-4-ever
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Of Monsters and Maidens
Of monsters and maidens by Jinxbymidnight
Beware of the snow haired monster, Lest it snatches you away, Moving so fast it's a blur, No gods will hear you if you pray, That's why it's best, To not err from the beaten path, Otherwise, you'll end up like the rest, Who fell prey to the monster's wrath, It's best to stay home, children, This is how you'll live another day, The beast has felled countless men, When it's sunset, go home – you mustn't delay, Lest you wish to join the piles of skeletons, That used to be our daughters and sons. * How Izuku went from visiting home while training to be a knight to being a monster's favourite treasure is a story that not many know. Katsuki only knows half since he was there for half, and it's his fault she's in this predicament in the first place... but everything else after Izuku was taken away is anyone's guess. Many theorise and speculate, but only Izuku knows what happened. Not that she'll be able to tell anyone though, the monster has made it clear that she won't escape, and she learned her lesson the hard way. Listen closely as I tell you the story of Izuku Midoriya, the monster's most beloved treasure
Words: 1234, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: OCs, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki's Family, Midoriya Izuku, Sensei | All For One, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One
Additional Tags: the OCs aren't important and only serve to open up the story, so ignore them, Sensei | All For One is Not Midoriya Hisashi, but damn does he wish he were, Uraraka makes a cameo, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Female Midoriya Izuku, Parental Sensei | All For One, Protective Sensei | All For One, Possessive Sensei | All for One, Yandere, Platonic Yandere, I WILL FIGHT YOU IF YOU THINK IT'S OTHERWISE, I AM FUELLED WITH RAGE AND PEPSI DO NOT TEST ME, parental yandere, Kidnapping, Alternate Universe - Parent Sensei | All For One Keeps Midoriya Izuku Isolated | Vault Time, what time is it? vault time!, it's always vault o'clock in Jinx's fics, Izumi Bakugou is only an OC and only in one chapter so don't worry about her lol, the first chapter is just for setting so eh, i'm sorry the poem is bad but I tried lol, Author Is Sleep Deprived, AU, Alternate Universe - Medieval, but there's magic too, idk how it works, and also monsters, Sensei is a monster, no but he actually is, like an "oooo scary monster please don't eat me" kind of monster, but he eats everyone who trespasses onto his territory, bc he's an asshole, idk what to put here, there's swearing bc of Bakugou
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34458976
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skiesofthesketchy · 4 years
132. Don’t cry, baby, they’re not worth your tears. + 15. Give me your hand. + 35. I’m going to kiss you now. with jj <3
Thank you for your request bub :)
This shit is so fluffy I threw up four times writing it. Read at your own risk.
15. Give me your hand.
35. I’m going to kiss you now.
132. Don’t cry, baby. They’re not worth your tears.
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gif credit @toesure
JJ didn’t know what to expect, but he knew it had to be pretty bad when he saw that he had six missed calls. When he had finally answered the seventh phone call from Kiara, she said that something was wrong and that you wouldn’t talk to any of them. She said that you needed him. That was all it took for JJ to drop everything and rush over. Kie and John B. had met him at the door when he arrived at the chateau and told him you were out on the dock. With worry weighing down his heart, he walked across the yard and saw your silhouette perched on the dock, facing the fading sunset. 
“Y/N?” JJ asked cautiously, and when you turned to him, he saw the tears streaming down your face, your bottom lip trembling. “Oh, baby,” he softened, sitting down next to you after setting down the lantern that he brought over. “Come here.” He leaned against the post, one leg dangling over the edge of the dock and he pulled you in between his legs. You sunk into him as he wrapped his arms around you, your face pressed into his chest and the tears soaking into his shirt. It killed him to see you this way. In his eyes, you deserved nothing but happiness. He needed to know why you were so upset so that he could fix it, but he stayed quiet to let you have a moment to cry.
You hated that you were crying. You felt pathetic, but you couldn’t help it. Your own insecurity got the best of you, and you were hurting more than you were willing to admit. After crying for a while into your best friend, you sat up and sniffled, doing your best to wipe the tears off of your face. “What’s wrong?” he finally asked. 
You inhaled a shaky breath, willing yourself to calm down. “It’s Kelce.” 
JJ’s features immediately hardened, his mind already coming up with a hundred different ways to kill the dickhead. “What did he fucking do?” 
“No, JJ, it’s not--” you sighed, looking down at your feet dangling over the water. “He didn’t do anything wrong. He just doesn’t want me.”
JJ’s eyebrows shot up, and he was heartbroken by the sadness lacing your tone. He couldn’t imagine how anyone wouldn’t want you. To him, you were everything he could ever want and more. 
“I’m just--” you laughed to cover up the sob threatening to claw it’s way up your throat. “What’s wrong with me? Why am I never enough?” It’s not like you were in love with Kelce, you had only been dating for three weeks, but you really hoped he would be the break in your lonely pattern. None of your relationships have ever lasted long, and no matter why they ended, they ended. You want to know why you can’t seem to keep a guy around long enough to really get to know you. You want to know why you’re not pretty enough, smart enough, or interesting enough for someone to want to be with you. This wasn’t something you normally let yourself dwell on, but today it just felt like too much. That’s why you were crying to your best friend, just wanting him to make everything better.
JJ was absolutely crushed by your words. They made him want to cry and fucking hit something at the same time. You should never, ever feel this way about yourself. “None of those guys have any idea what they’re missing out on,” JJ said. You turned to face away from him when you felt your throat constrict from the cries about to pour out. He scooted closer and quickly grabbed your chin so that you were looking at him, his other arm wrapping around your frame. “Don’t cry, baby. They’re not worth the tears.” You smiled sadly at him, pressing your face into his palm, then he used his thumb to wipe away the remainder of sadness. 
He wished he could tell you just how much he cared about you, how much happiness you deserve, and that he could be the one to give it to you, but his words were failing him. Instead of speaking, he brought his arm over your shoulder and you both gazed out at the water, the sun finally falling under the horizon, leaving you in the hues of dusk. 
“I know it’s stupid--” you started, and JJ cut you off.
“It’s not stupid.” 
Your lips turned up again, only slightly. “As stupid as it sounds, I just wanna have someone to kiss me under the stars. Someone to tell me I look pretty even when I don’t feel beautiful. Someone that will go dancing with me...” You looked over at JJ, and your cheeks burned. He was never good with the emotional stuff, and you were embarrassed that you just unloaded all of that sappy shit on him. He was good at being there for you though, making you feel completely understood, incredibly loved. 
“Dancing?” he smirked and nudged your side. “I didn’t know you liked to dance.” He was making you feel less embarrassed, and you smiled.
“Well, I don’t know. I just wanna slow dance with someone who cares about me, ya know? I want all that dumb, romantic bullshit.” You slumped your shoulders and JJ’s eyes landed on you. He was never good with words. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and searched up a song on his playlist, the playlist that contains all the music you’ve shown him, the playlist named after you. He stood up and held out his hand. You looked up at him confused. 
“Give me your hand.” You followed his order even though you were still confused. He placed your arms around his neck, giving you a cheeky smile as he pushed play on the song he chose. His arms then wrapped around your waist, sliding the cell phone into your back pocket in the process. 
You couldn’t help the grin that broke out on your face. “Really, JJ?” You rolled your eyes.
“Really, babe.” You shook your head, a laugh on the tip of your tongue. “Now be quiet and let me enjoy slow dancing with a beautiful girl, alright?” You kept your lips shut tight, and JJ beamed at the sight of your shy smile.
You both swayed for a while, your locked gazes somewhat feeling intimate. You appreciated JJ more than he knew. When the chorus of the song hit, JJ gave you a toothy grin as he unwrapped your arms from his neck, grabbing your hand to twirl you around. You giggled as he held onto your hips from behind, moving the pair of you to a beat that was much too fast for the song that was playing. He spun you back around, grabbing your arms to flail them in different directions. He was being a dork.
You rolled your eyes, but were bubbling with laughter as he pulled you against him again by your hips. “There’s that gorgeous smile.” 
You wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him tightly, your head falling in the crook of his neck. He was always able to pull a smile out of you, and you loved him for it. “Thanks for always being there for me,” you said softly. “You always make me feel better.”
His hand rested on the back of your head, petting your hair soothingly. He was happy you were feeling better, but he still felt the sadness filling his chest. He needed to tell you how he felt. He needed you to know that you are loved, and that you’re loved by him. “Baby,” he spoke up, bringing his hands to hold onto your upper arms, and you lifted your head to meet his gaze. “Nothing is wrong with you. You will always be enough.” 
You felt your chest tighten. You wanted to believe him, but it was hard. You looked down, but JJ’s fingers were quick to lift your chin back up. “Y/N, you’re fucking incredible, and I’m not gonna sit here and allow you to feel any less than that.” 
“Thank you, J.” You peered into his stormy blue eyes, finding the waves of emotion in them even though it was dark, the only light coming from the dim lantern. Your lips parted, not sure how to describe what you were feeling. He was looking at you like he was in love, and you were stunned. 
“You deserve the whole damn world,” he continued, still searching for the words. “You deserve to be so fucking happy, and I promise you, you will be.” You were lost in his words, lost in those beautiful eyes of his. You only now realized that you two had stopped swaying, just standing there holding onto each other. “I can make you happy.” 
JJ felt a surge of adrenaline hit him as he peered down at your pretty face. He inhaled deeply. “I’m going to kiss you now.” He looked down at your lips while you did the same, both of you seeming to hold your breaths.
He pulled you forward by the back of your neck and smashed his lips to yours. You found yourself sighing into the kiss. It was warm, comforting, and it took the breath right out of your lungs. It started off slow as you two eased into it, almost like you were testing the waters, but it quickly became more needy, JJ pulling you into him completely and giving you all the passion that he had. You kissed him back just as fiercely, as if you had been waiting for this moment forever. He didn’t need the words, he could show you how much he loved you.
You pulled away with a smile, looking at him with all the love in your heart. “No, baby. I need a lil’ bit more,” he mumbled before crashing his lips back to yours. You giggled against his lips, but easily gave in, and you guys were kissing under the stars. 
obx tags: @sportygal55 @jazbarnes05 @rafej-cambanks @lovelogan @lannxyz @caseyabel28 @falling-perfectly @thisismynerdyself @mattelblake @justanotherbooklover @hemmingsness @little-miss-rebel3 @shreckluver7@queenofthepouges @dontjinx-it @pink-meringues @outerbnx-stiles 
jj tags:  @kaylinfayezink  @unfortunatekiwitrash  @shy-1234 @bijleegiregi @cheshirecat107  @yami5525 @folkloverr @dracoswhore007
116 notes · View notes
ao3feed-romione · 3 years
Problem-Free Philosophy
Problem-Free Philosophy by hannahsoapy
"I kinda think defeating Voldemort was the biggest test of our lives," Ron shrugged. "And as for NEWTs… I mean, I've done as much work as I can, at this point. I just don't think worrying about it will change anything."
Words: 1234, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Quidditch League 2021
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, N.E.W.T.s | Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, Song: Hakuna Matata (Disney), Ron Weasley is a Good Friend, POV Ron Weasley, Supportive Ron Weasley
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30045600
4 notes · View notes
adhdjerma · 4 years
17 Questions
Tagged by: @tyler-joins-the-party
Nicknames: Lorm, Smax, Lormax, Splorm, Slorman, and variation of the two lmao
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′9″
Last thing I googled: rapid covid testing near me 😬
Song stuck in my head: im currently listening to roar’s ep “i can’t handle change” so everything on that
Number of followers: 238 
Amount of sleep i got: like 9 hr lol
Lucky number: anything with an ordered number sequence like 1234, my fave is 12321
Favourite song: O fuck, I have a bunch, if I had to pick one I guess I’d say human bog by baths
Favourite Instrument: piano <3
Dream job: astronaut but unfortunately im not THAT good at math :/
Aesthetic: flowers and cyberpunk lol
Favourite Author: probably david wong? ive been really feeling toni morrison lately though
Favourite Animal Noise: baby seals when they go EEEHPHHHHHWWWW
Random: I have a really fun new stimmy toy thats just a bunch of little magnetic metal balls
tagging: @tyraydew5 @the-name-you-should-know @smolkyloren @nuuskamuikunen @torrentab @programmedtoexterminate @ciris17 @hudusello @fuckdamn 
5 notes · View notes
munsonthings86 · 6 years
Beach Boy- (Grayson Dolan x Reader) SMUT
Summary: It wasn’t the first time that my eyes met with the bright hazel pupils of the boy with the conspicuous chiseled features dispersed in perfect areas of his body. I had caught a glimpse of him every time I visited the beach, as if it was fate pulling us together with impeccable timing. After a near unfortune event took place at what seemed to be our place, I began to genuinely question. Was it fate constantly putting us in each others paths? Or was he simply just a random beach boy?
Warnings: Cursing, fluff, slight angst, dirty ass (FORGIVE ME LORD FOR I HAVE SINNED) SMUT. I got it all bitch.
A/N: This is something that I’ve been working on for a minute now. I really wanted to take my time with it, rather than rush it because I wanted it to be absolutely perfect. Please, please, please let me know what you think about this, it would be greatly appreciated. I love you guys and I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye!
[Y/N/N]- [Your Nickname]
Word Count: 4,284
Tag List: @archerdolans @beautiful-disaster-1234 @bitemehh @thud619 @godlydolans @heebie9000bitch @httpdollan @notanotherdolantwinsblog @lovemechickenstrips @dolanx5sos @angelinaa00 @sandysmacias @niainterrupted @sweet-dolans @coralchloe @dolanoodle @freewill-is-an-illusion @benefitsofbeinganoutsider​
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“Come on, [Y/N]. It’s a beautiful day out,” my friend, Lana, stated while laying her back against my bedroom floor, tossing a small rubber ball into the air and catching it before it had the chance to come into contact with her face. 
All morning, ever since she came over, she had been pestering me about taking a trip to beach while the sun was still out, repeatedly resorting to the argument that I ‘never leave the house’, every time I rejected the offer. 
Instead of replying to her repeated requests to take a short-lived vacation, I continued scrolling away on my phone, hoping to ignore her enough to let the idea slip from her mind. But, of course, my plan was unsuccessful. Or else, there wouldn’t have been a story to tell.
“Oh, c’mon. I brought my bikini and everything,” Lana pouts, sitting up, resting her body on her hip. 
“What if I end up not going with you?,” I ask, chuckling at her stubbornness.
“Then, I don’t know, I’m probably gonna shower with it on. Either way, this bikini is getting wet today,” she declares, taking the skimpy material out of her small handbag. 
“What?,” I questioned her, squinting my eyes at her in confusion at her bizarre declaration. 
“Can you please just come to the beach with me? It might rain all week after today.”
“Fine! If I say yes, will you stop asking?,” I remarked, throwing my phone to my side, lifting my body off of the bed to begin getting ready. I watched as Lana clasped her hands together in excitement and triumph, smiling brightly. “Yay, this is going to be so fun!”
I search through my dresser, rummaging through each drawer finding jeans, shirts, sweaters, anything that wasn’t a swimsuit. Before my eyes can identify the specific article of clothing, my fingers rub against the thin material, my hands instantly lifting it up into view at the feeling of the polyester. 
After hurriedly shoving the black one piece into my beach bag, along with a tall bottle of sunscreen and beach towel, I look over to Lana who’s pulling the straps of her handbag into her grasp, and announce, “Alright, let’s go.”
Making our way out of the front door of my quaint apartment, Lana and I carry our bags by our sides, beginning to descend down to stairs to the main parking area that all of the apartment complex residents shared. As I open the front door to the car, Lana throws both of our bags onto the backseat and joins me in the front. 
“I hope we see some cute boys,” she more to herself than directed to me, as she buckles her seatbelt in the passengers side. I pause my movements as a thought crosses my mind. “Is that what you forced me out of the house for?,” I ask, resting my hands on the steering wheel. “Cute boys? Really?”
“Nooo,” she drags, giving the single syllable phrase, multiple instead. She nervously tugs on her fastened seatbelt, locking her gaze outside the window, though there wasn’t anything to witness except the other stationary cars in the lot. 
“Lana, if you want to meet a ‘cute boy’ so bad, go on Tinder!,” I exclaim, reaching down to unbuckle my seatbelt, but her hand stops mine before I could undo the tight safety precaution. “Oh, come on [Y/N]. You know you want to,” she says, poking my side, giggling at my serious expression that was soon turning into a goofy one at the expense of my ticklishness. 
“You’re lucky you’re my best friend. I would’ve walked out the car a long time ago,” I retort, turning the key to the ignition and pulling out of the parking space. 
Lana rolls down her window, letting the quick wind blow throughout the car, as she connects her phone to the auxiliary cord before starting the playlist that held all of the songs that we both enjoyed. She turned the volume all the way up as we approached the highway towards the beach.
I quietly sing along to the music, that was almost drowned out by Lana’s voice basically screaming the lyrics. I tap my fingers along the steering wheel, matching the beat of the song, zoning out of reality, but maintaining enough attention to the road to avoid an accident. 
My eyes divert to a sign on the right side of the highway, indicating an exit to Leo Carrillo Beach. As I pull the steering wheel to the right direction, my mind slowly diverts back to a camouflaged thought that I’ve kept concealed from Lana, since she pitched the idea of taking a drive down to sandy, mini paradise, earlier today. 
For not much longer than a month, each time I found myself down by the island-like area (which was actually quite often), I’ve "coincidentally” crossed paths with this boy. 
But not just any boy.
He was a towering, perfectly sculpted, young adult with dark hair and light brown highlights. From what I could tell, he had light brown eyes, almost hazel when his eyes would reflect the sun’s bright light. He had what appeared to be a twin brother and though the twin was equally attractive, I found myself drawn closer to him for some reason that, even to me, was unknown. 
I wasn’t as reluctant to take the journey, as I was almost excited to test my luck in seeing ‘beach boy’ again. And as I drive through the parking lot, I spot his distinct appearance in the distance, the lower half of his body disappearing underneath the light blue sheet of the ocean. 
My mind sketches a small smile across my lips, that I do my utmost to conceal from Lana’s view. I remove the key to the car, and turn off the engine before receiving a question from Lana that I tried my best to avoid. 
“What are you smiling about?,” Lana asked, sending a confused look my way. I mentally scold myself for believing that I was able to suppress my visual evidence of delight, though I knew that I was too much of an emotional person to hide my true feelings. 
“Oh, uh, nothing,” I say, quickly redirecting my consciousness to my fingers that were fumbling with the seatbelt, attempting to both physically and mentally free myself from the situation. “Dude, you're a horrible liar. Just tell me why you were smiling,” Lana says again, forcing an answer out of me with her persistence. 
“Damn Lana, I can't just be a happy person?” I retort, giggling almost silently. Lana doesn’t accept my weak rebuttals for an answer as she gives me a knowing look, silently nudging me to give her a truthful response to her frequent question.
Feeling as though there was nowhere for me to escape her prying eyes, I chose to reveal the secret that I didn't have the chance to hold onto for too long. “Ok, fine!,” I exclaim, beginning my confession. 
“There’s this guy that I always see when I come down here. He’s really fucking cute. I even came up with a nickname for him. I call him Beach Boy,” I say, feeling exhilarated after finally acquiring the satisfying feeling of speaking about my new crush. “Well, why the hell haven’t you told me?!,” Lana asks and exclaims simultaneously, softly pushing my shoulder.
“I don’t know! I mean, there really isn’t much to tell. I just saw him one day and kept seeing him ever since then and...I don't know,” I trail off as my face begins to heat up in embarrassment. 
Suddenly, I hear Lana’s seatbelt unbuckle, and I look over at her in question. “Where are you going? We can’t go out there yet!,” I protest, reaching across her body to lock the passenger door to keep her inside, “[Y/N], what’re you doing? You gotta go meet your future husband eventually,” she refutes, as if she were making an obvious statement. 
“But Lana, I always see him and I’m pretty sure he’s seen me too. What if he thinks I’m some kind of stalker?,” I panic, wanting so desperately to restart the car and drive back home in agitation. “Well considering you basically just told me that you only drove us down here to come see him, I’m pretty sure that makes you a stalker,” she says, whispering the final words of her statement, in sarcasm. 
“Oh, god,” I breath out, feeling sick to my stomach at the realization. “But don’t worry, seeing as though he’s always here, he’s probably stalking you too,” she responds, giving her own conspiracy that she hoped would ease my worries. “A match made in heaven,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
“Are you ready?,” she asks.
“Yeah,” I sigh, slowly opening the door to exit the compact vehicle.
Grabbing my beach bag from the rear passenger seat, I internally encourage myself for the seemingly millionth time in the short time frame since telling Lana about my new possible unrequited love. As I give myself a speedy pep talk, Lana’s voice ropes me out of my thoughts. 
“Is that him?,” she asks, as my heart begins beating even quicker than it has before, though the possibility of it being someone else entirely, still lingered. 
“No,” I breath out, disappointed. “Where’d he go? I just saw-,” my words are cut short when I witness his large stature walking along the boundary between the grainy material covering the unknown ground beneath and the allegedly never-ending body of water. 
I tap harshly at Lana’s forearm, using my other arm to point hurriedly in his direction. “Lana, Lana that’s him,” I sigh, dreamily and in relief simultaneously. Lana swiftly snaps her head in the direction of my shaking hand, and instantly widens her eyes, just like I did mine when I initially spotted his beauty. 
“Damn [Y/N/N]. You two would make such gorgeous babies,” she states, with bright eyes. I almost stop for a minute to blush at her genuine compliment before she begins yanking my arm, pulling her body along with mine toward the area in which he was stationed. Panic ensues all over again at the thought of my wildest dreams being crushed once I finally introduce myself to him. 
“What if I say something dumb?,” I whisper to myself. 
“You’ll do great,” Lana responds, surprising me with her apparent excellent hearing ability. 
“What if he really does think I’m stalking him?” 
“That doesn’t make sense, [Y/N]. If he thought you were stalking him, he would’ve stopped coming here.”
“That’s true,” I think to myself. 
“But, what if he thinks I’m ugly?” 
“[Y/N], you look amazing.” 
“God, I should’ve picked a better-,” I begin before she halts her actions, stopping us both in place.
“Ugh, [Y/N] come on!,” Lana exasperates, laughing out of disbelief. “I’m so sick of you being too scared to talk to guys that you like. You’re a gorgeous, smart, funny, loveable woman. Any guy would be lucky as hell to get a girl like you. And if some douchebag can’t see you for the queen everyone knows you are, then to hell with them. They don’t deserve your time or energy. Now suck it up, and go talk to him.”
As I listened to Lana’s words, I began to discern that everything she was saying was true. It wasn’t crucial for me to have success in meeting Beach Boy. All that mattered was the fact that I tried, and if he didn't appreciate my advances then, he wasn’t worth it.
“You’re right. Thanks, L,” I express, smiling. “Let’s go. I got this.”
Once again, we begin to make our way to him, the anxiousness that my body and mind once embraced, now fading away with each step I took. 
Approaching him, his eyes shift up from his feet to my pupils before I feel a pang in my chest as if my heart stopped for a split second at the sight of him being in close proximity. As I part my lips to start speaking, I feel Lana’s hand slip from mine as she walks away to give the two of us time to ourselves.
“H-Hi. I’m [Y/N]. I don’t know if you’ve seen me before but I’ve seen yo- never mind, that sounds creepy. But, yeah, hi,” I say, fiddling with the small rings wrapped snug around my fingers. He gives me a small smile which seems to have brighten his eyes. 
It was adorable.
“No, you don’t sound creepy at all. I’ve seen you around here a lot too, but I was kind of too nervous to talk to you. But, before I start rambling, it’s really nice to meet you, I’m Grayson,” he says, extending his right arm in the direction of my own right one, in which I kindly accept.
“So what brings you to the beach so often?,” I ask, silently hoping that my question wasn’t considered prying. He pushes both his lips to the side of his face, as if to think about his answer. “I don’t know really. I guess it’s just like a second home. I always find myself here. Even if I’m in a bad mood,” he answers, smiling at the thought, shrugging his shoulder slightly. “What about you?”
“Well, just like you said, it’s like a second home. I come here whenever I need to think, relax, or just get away from everything, even if it’s only for a short amount of time, I just really love it here,” I respond, truthfully. He smiles brightly at me and I could’ve sworn that I felt my heart melt into a huge puddle. “I feel like I’ve met you before,” he says, furrowing his eyebrows in question.
“Well, I mean, we have been seeing each other for a good month now,��� I retort, lightly chucking. 
“No, I mean-”
Before he could continue, we both hear Lana’s voice in a raised voice as if she was yelling at someone. “Leave me the hell alone,” she says in thunderous tone, directed to a guy that looked to be harassing her. “Isn’t that the girl you came here with?,” he questions, pointing a thumb back in her direction. As soon as a quick confirmation passes my lips, Grayson charges toward her in her defense, before I had my own chance to. 
“What’s the problem here?,” Grayson asks, facing the tall man that was standing on the opposite side of Lana, stationing his body in between her and him. “Just trying to talk to a cute girl, what’s the problem with you?,” he responds, getting closer to Grayson’s face. 
“Well, she obviously doesn’t want to talk, or be involved with you, so I’d suggest you walk the fuck away before you really piss me off,” Grayson growls, roughly shoving him backwards, intimidating him. He hesitantly walks off defeated, keeping his gaze on the three of us before fully turning his body around to walk back over to his friends. 
“Are you okay?,” Grayson asks Lana, having a slight worried expression etched across his features. “Yeah, I’m okay. That guy just wouldn’t leave me alone, ruined my whole day. I think that’s enough of the beach for the day, I wanna go home,” she says, folding her towel so that it’d fit easier in her beach bag. 
Soon after she finishes her sentence, I feel disappointment rake through my body, as I felt myself beginning to get comfortable with Grayson. Though I wanted desperately to stay, I didn’t need to be selfish and keep her here if she obviously didn’t want to. 
As if she read my mind like the true best friend she was, she looks to Grayson and says, “Are you okay with keeping her company? I don't wanna cut her trip short. I’ll just take an Uber home.”
“Sure, no problem. I think it’s time that I start getting to know your friend,” Grayson says to her, but smiling at me as he spoke. I maintain my gaze on him while I see through my peripheral vision Lana grinning at us. She gives my arm a slight squeeze as a goodbye before she begins to walk back to the parking area. 
[4 Hours Later]
“I can’t believe we’ve been talking for so long,” I say, giggling as I check the time on my phone seeing that multiple hours has elapsed since we’ve been left to each other’s company. 
“Damn, I know,” he responds, playing with my fingers, looking up at the dark sky. “What time is it?”
“Almost 9.”
It was now dark out, the stars beginning to make an obvious appearance. Grayson and I had laid flat against the bed of his pick up truck, gazing at the small balls of light above as we spoke. The beach had now become deserted, the only thing to hear being the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and our low voices.
“I don’t think I ever thanked you for helping out Lana today. If it were just me and her trying to get rid of him, he probably would've been way more aggressive. I’m just really glad you were here,” I mention, locking my eyes up above. Grayson squeezes my hand, that he was now holding, gently, as a way of letting me know that he appreciated hearing what I had to say. 
He slowly turns his head to observe my features as he runs a hand along my arm, resulting in me to return his gaze. His eyes quickly veer to my lips, as he licks and softly bites at his own, and returns his eyes back to mine. “You’re really beautiful,” he whispers, leaning closer to me, stopping his actions barely a second before our lips could touch. 
“Can I?,” he requests, placing a light hand on my hip. I nod quickly, our lips brushing against each other at the simple movement, making the both of us realize just how close we truly were. Moving his head, less than a millimeter closer to mine, our lips collide, meshing together in perfect synchronization. 
He pulls away for a short amount of time, as if to wait for a protest, but soon pulls me closer to him by my hips and presses his lips against mine even harder than the last time. He removes his hand from my waist to my neck, gently caressing the skin. He swipes his tongue along my bottom lip before I open my mouth against his to give our tongues room to dance around each other.
As if his hand was restless, not being able to find a comfortable spot to lay, he once again relocates his fingers to a warm spot underneath my shirt. His lips leave mine and venture to my neck harshly sucking and nibbling at the sensitive skin. I moan softly at the sudden euphoria. Seeming as though my small noise triggered a switch in his mind, he pulls at the area even harder, leaving no doubts in my mind that a dark mark would be left behind.
Grayson grabs my leg and swings it around his lap, so that I’m straddling his waist and he’s laying flat on his back. “Are you okay with this?,” he asks, squinting his eyes as if to examine my face for any signs of rejection. “Yeah,” I sigh, feeling his growing erection poking into my crotch. He sits up, leaning closer to me as he removes his tank top and presses another kiss to my lips. 
I run my fingers from his chest down to his pelvic area, lightly scratching him with my nails. The heat in between my legs begins to further flourish as I peel his sweatpants off his legs, after delicately palming his length through the thin material. To my surprise his length springs from underneath his clothing, as I expected to see yet another restricting article of clothing. I slide my body further down his legs, my face coming into contact with his shaft.
I open my mouth slightly and use my tongue to lick a solid line up his length as I listen his breath get caught in his throat at the intercourse. Using his reaction as motivation, I wrap my lips around the head of his erection and suck at the sensitive tip, making use of my hand by fisting his shaft and moving it up and down, along the length. He moans loudly as he plants a firm hand on the back of my head, pushing it further down to take in every inch.
“Fuck, just like that, [Y/N],” he moans, as I bob my head, without the assistance of his hand. I pause momentarily when the tip of my nose hits his lower stomach. I swallow around his shaft that was stopped in my throat as I once again rely on my hand to rub at his balls so that nothing in his area was left unattended to. “Oh shit,” he groans while I twirl and swirl my tongue around his full length and moving my head up and down simultaneously. 
“I’m about to cum,” he breaths out, gently pulling my head away from his hips. He pushes me back gently against the bed of the truck, being cautious of me not hurting myself. 
He quickly crawls on top of me, once again attacking my neck with new hickeys, as if the ones he drew onto my neck earlier, weren’t enough. He licks over the now hot skin and lowers a light kiss over its sensitivity. I hum quietly from the bliss and play with the small hairs growing from the back of his neck. 
Grayson pulls my shirt over my head, exposing my naked chest before he peppers wet kisses from the bridge between my breasts, all around my stomach, he then finally arrives directly above my aroused core. He uses his right hand to push away my left thigh, spreading my legs. He unbuttons my shorts and hurriedly pulls them down my ankles and throws them to a vacant area in our small space. He plants a rough kiss against my clothed middle, as I let out a loud moan upon contact. 
He tucks the thin fabric in between his two rows of teeth and tugs it down, maintaining eye contact with me. I utilize my teeth by biting down at my bottom lip to hold back my heavy breathing that came with the anticipation. 
But, my method fails me when he licks up at my folds, brushing over my sensitive nub causing me to exert a loud moan. He swirls his tongue around, not missing even the smallest area. “You’re so fucking wet,” he groans against me, sending vibrations straight through my core, giving me chills. 
He runs his finger from my clit to my hole, inserting his digit deep inside. I move my up hips in pleasure as I feel his long fingers far inside my arousal. He pushes another finger into me, before he proceeds to use his tongue to flick at my swollen bundle of nerves. “Oh, Grayson,” I breath out, realizing that I had been holding onto my breath the whole time. I run my thin fingers through his soft hair, tugging at the ends. 
He thrusts his fingers even faster, swirling his snake-like tongue in all the nooks and crannies of my sex. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I moan uncontrollably, pressing his dome harder into my core. “Not yet, mama,” he responds, leaving my arousal feeling abandoned. He grabs my hips and flips my body over so that I’m now laying on my front. He pulls my waist up to meet his, changing my horizontal position to one on all fours. 
I feel him once again separating my legs, creating space to position himself in between them. He takes ahold of his length and runs the tip from my nub to the very end of my core, causing the both of us to moan lightly at the feeling. After teasing the both of us for a while longer, he pushes his shaft into my wet heat. I listen as he lets out a gravelly sigh while he starts to roughly move his hips back and forth, his hips repeatedly hitting against my butt.
My eyes roll to the back of my head as I let out loud moans of pleasure, while he continued to pound into me. “You like that, baby?,” he asks, edging me closer to my release as he reaches around my leg to flick and toy at my clit. “Fuck, yes, Gray,” I moan, as my arms go weak and I rest my head against the cold platform below us. I clench my walls around his erection as I feel my orgasm nearing. 
“Oh shit, you’re so fucking tight,” he growls, ramming into me faster than earlier, perfectly hitting my g-spot with each thrust he gave. “Yes, Grayson, right there,” I breath out. “I’m cumming,” I whimper, as my body begins to shake from the excessive arousal.
“I’m about to cum,” Grayson groans, before he pulls his shaft out of my core and rubs against his length while ejaculating all over hand. I lick his fingers clean from his warm fluid, closing my eyes. He lets go of his softening erection and turns my body back over, laying me down on top of him, our sweaty bodies resting against each other. 
He moves his finger around in light circles on the back of my neck, soothing my body. “Hey,” he says, earning my attention. “Yeah?,” I respond. 
“Will you go on a date with me?,” he asks. 
“I’d love to. Where?”
“I think you already know.”
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testingbagels · 5 years
Me: Oh fuck why
Brain: Because we hate ourselves
Me: You mean YOU hate me
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