#Tess is certainly one of the easiest customers since all she wants is coffee <3
oculusxcaro · 11 months
Send a headcanon you have about our muses’ relationship and I’ll tell you if I approve of it or not: - Tess is one of Khare's best tippers which is a good thing because sometimes she just wants to pull a "Denny's customer" and sit in a booth drinking lots of coffee.
Send a headcanon you have about our muses’ relationship and I’ll tell you if I approve of it or not.
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Yes! I love this headcanon so much, Tess being such a good tipper when all she wants to do is sit in a booth enjoying cup after cup of coffee?? Khare would love whenever Tess came to visit even if it didn't mean getting such good tips; being the 'Denny's customer' type is ideal since all it only takes a moment to provide refills whenever that cup starts running low. Tess would automatically get the best booth where it's nice and quiet, well away from any nuisance and noise. Just an all-round chill customer who is a pleasure to serve! 👌
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