#Terpsichore; or rather The Comedy of the Danse Macabre
creativenicocorner · 4 years
Rating: Mature
Chapter 15 Samba Em Prelúdio
"The darksome statesman, hung with weights of woe, Like a thick midnight-fog, moved there so slow, He did not stay, nor go."          -Henry Vaughan, The World
This isn't the first time I presented a chapter not as intended, and I have a feeling it won't be the last. This chapter 15 (which was supposed to be the last chapter of ACT I ), was cut in 'half' - a bit because of the size of ch15, and a bit for my own sanity. As the Bake Off saying goes: "Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appétit."
Also, there's an image in this chapter, I've never tried to place an image in a chapter on Ao3 before, but I think I got it right. I'll probably keep trying to adjust and fix it over time. Thank you for your patience ;w;
Last but NEVER least; I would like to give a GIGANTIC!! GALACTIC SIZED "Thank you!!! ヽ(o♡o)/" to my Beta Readers: tascheter ( @dreamcrow ) and Legionnaire24601 ( @random-emerald-thoughts ) . This chapter wouldn't have been possible without their support and help.
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feather-dancer · 4 years
Trollhunters Fanfic Recommendations - Part 3
Somehow there is now a third one of these because I read far far too much fanfic and have no regrets about it. It’s with great pleasure I can also announce I’ve been digging around for Trans Jim fics and found some gems while I was at it that have been included below.
You can find Part 1 of my fanfic recommendations here!
And Part 2 here!
Plus one shameless plug for my own current fics.
General Trollhunters
(And you're my Arcadia.) - All you need to know is it’s Jilaire post Season 3 and one line in particular made me burst out laughing.
Bitter[sweet] - Sometimes the thing you need most is just a really good friend when your body plain sucks. Contains Trans Jim and is delightful.
the red book - Far beyond the humble days of Season 3 and after living beyond his human family and friends, Jim has started to forget who he was and that he was ever just a human kid.
The Halls of Arcadia High - When Strickler disappeared in Season 1, his absence was felt in many ways even in the form of a humble piano left un-played.
Not - Not!Enrique isn’t his name yet it’s what they call him anyway. An albatross reminding him of what was taken before he even had a chance to start.
On the Radio  - The final telling of the Janus Order.
Gay stories for Tales of Arcadia - Yeah I’m pretty sure you can guess where this is going, LGBTQ+ rep!
Through the Fires - There was a before time, one where Gunmar still roamed free and Deya had yet to be chosen let alone felled. These are the words of the humble witnesses of that war, from the changelings to the trolls who would oppose them.
Trollhunters: A Series of Disjointed Drabbles - This is so cute and fluffy I might just spontaneously combust.
Insomnolence - It is after the final battle and Jim has a lot of thoughts.
another tragedy - Anxiety is a bastard, it gives a lot of bad thoughts but sometimes there is a little bit of truth buried beneath it all and it whispers all about how you can keeping doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Season 2.
i will always hold you close (but i will learn to let you go) - Sometimes the hardest thing you can do is learning when to let go. Sometimes however, even when you want to they hold back even tighter. Season 2.
your eyes look like coming home - Toby has been the witness from the start of just how close Jim has been to death multiple times over and how Jim he is about the whole thing. It scares him how this time might be it, again and again. Season 2.
The Collected Tellings of Shigir and Other Changeling Folktales - I don’t actually know which category to put this under so I’m going the to heck with it route instead. Does exactly what it says on the tin for your Changeling lore needs, some of which will be off-hand mentioned or outright appear during the fantastic Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I.
Please note: The main fic is Stricklake if that’s not your cup of tea, the folktales however can be enjoyed regardless.
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder - The sequel to in my sleep i dreamed of waking, this is filled with delightful fluff, internal panicking and the joys of trying to explain how you’re a not and how that does not change the fact Strickler is still a was. Being a changeling in these strange after times are difficult even before the other baggage involved but at least you're still here to start.
Two Pisces in Alto Mare - When in Rome as part of a study trip abroad, you meet the most curious people sometimes and  by fluke or nature you may even do so more than once.
Filling The Gaps - Possibly a bit of an unusual mention but! These are little pieces of Fallout that were going on while our eyes were following elsewhere and boy it can hurt.
Rehearsals and DvD Bonus Features - Another from the home of Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I which is being listed here because it does have Stricklake in it. Some things don’t make the cut with writing fanfic, either because the plot wandered off, it doesn’t fit right or it’s some backstory you haven’t quite figured out where it can be naturally brought up yet and in this case they’ve found themselves a home. Be warned, one particular chapter is explicit and has been marked as such in warnings in the chapter summary.
Alternate Universes
(Un)Becoming - Not technically an AU in the conventional sense but I’m putting it under here anyway. It’s Unbecoming, as ever the road to hell is paved with good intentions but as Jim threw in the towel the storm that’s coming will not be stopped. However, what if others caught glimpses of a world that still had a human Trollhunter to defend it?
Steve the Kind - Steve became the Trollhunter but how the adventure unfolds differently than when Jim was at the helm might just surprise you. Very slow burn Steve and Jim that in a rather refreshing change doesn’t throw Claire under the bus for it to happen. Praise be.
31 Days in the Darklands - Strickmar that somehow kinda works?? It helps with Gunmar having the space to breathe outside of getting Morgana out and be more of his own character. Storywise, in order to rescue Jim from the Darklands Strickler broke a deal that would cost his own freedom and now has to somehow maintain a treaty between three very different factions all the while keeping his own neck intact. The intense distrust in changelings continues on to boot but hey, nobody said politics was easy.
Building Bridges - So Gunmar is distinctly of the more Eldritch variety with dream powers, the ability to easily see through lies for the true emotions and thoughts, Bular has the Insight as well to a lesser extent and everyone has somehow managed to hop onto Stricklander’s bandwagon of we must protect Jim Lake Jr. at all costs. Now the race is on as both sides try to sway the young Trollhunter to their way of thinking and the Trollmarket has no idea how dangerously badly they’re doing so far.
Lost Souls - A fic written in variable snapshots. Jim was kidnapped and changed by Merlin far earlier to be his Champion to ensure he did the “right thing” while Barbara in desperation to find her son falls into the hands of Morgana thus mother and son become enemies without even realising it.
Faithfully - Barbara died overseas and yet somehow Jim still managed to make his way back to Arcadia to become the next Trollhunter. This road is far harder for it as a seemingly homeless orphan though on the flipside he keeps on acquiring dads. Contains Trans Jim, timeline variable snapshots and I love it very much.
The Burning - There was a fire, it killed Barbara and Jim was thought dead as well. Nobody could have guessed the feral half changeling that is running around like a cryptid is the very much alive Jim.
Finding Daylight - Jim is a very low ranking changeling, terrified of Bular and his home amounts to little more than a spot in the woods. Things started to go pear shaped for him when he accidentally stumbled over Blinky and only more so when the amulet picks him after Kanjigar is felled. Tis not a kind world for a changeling child out there and he has nobody really to help watch his back until he stumbles on a potential maybe.
The bonus shoutout for an excellent MSA fic   
A Sleep Like Death - Who wouldn’t want to go visit a tower you’ve inherited apparently and has haunted as all hell all over it? Not Vivi that’s for sure. Poor Arthur is just along for the ride and then things start to get really weird when they find it’s still occupied and thinks Arthur is his jailor.
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creativenicocorner · 5 years
Rating: Mature
Chapter 13  Left Handed Kisses / Le Quattro Stagioni: l’Estate / Le Temps des Cerises (Reprise)
"Her charming profile was lost in the crowd, came into view again, and disappeared. It was over - over for good and all. For a moment I stood rooted to the deck, sad and at the same time, pervaded with a sweet tender emotion. Then, to Ganimard's great astonishment, I sighed: "Pity, after all, that I am a rogue!" " 
         - The Arrest of Arsène Lupin, by Maurice Leblanc
Chapter 14 Julia 
- The Wind Fish, Legend of Zelda; Link's Awakening
First I'd like to give a grand big marvelous thank you to my excellent Beta reader Meg13!! Neither of us ever experienced having and or working as a beta, and I'd say "You rocked it!!" - honestly I don't know if this chapter would have been possible without her continued support and encouragement! Thank you thank you thank you!! 💖
And now a quick word and a soft reminder:
Dear Reader, This chapter is going to be a marathon more than a sprint. It's okay to take your time - I certainly had to at some points when writing it. (But then I don't have the stomach for angst as much as I used to) So this is my gentle way of saying It's okay to take emotional breaks, goodness knows I did while writing this chapter. Hopefully I was able to spread and sprinkle about just enough moments of humor so it won't be all too unbearable. Have fun!!
This chapter has been brought to you by the word comeuppance, and readers like you 💖 ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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creativenicocorner · 5 years
Rating: Mature
Chapter 12: Le Lac Des Cygnes Introduction: Moderato Assai / Roundabout
"I always thought I might be bad Now I'm sure that it's true 'cause I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you
Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special"
- Love Like You (End Credits), Rebecca Sugar
// Enjoy!
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creativenicocorner · 5 years
Honestly between @dreamcrow ‘s fantastic points and my chat with @babblish , as well as a nice walk with the doggos and a slice of pizza, I think I’m leaning more than ever towards the A option from this post 
Looks like Terpsichore is becoming a series
Somewhere along the line I’ll post an official link to the series here, it’d be neat to have a logo to go with the series so I might consider arting that in the future 💖
a big thank you to @dreamcrow and @babblish  💖💖💖 
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creativenicocorner · 5 years
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Trollhunters (Cartoon), Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake/Walt Strickler Characters: Barbara Lake, Jim Lake Jr. (Trollhunters), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Angor Rot, Original Characters, Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Otto Scaarbach, NotEnrique (Trollhunters), Blinky (Trollhunters), Aaarrrgghh (Trollhunters) Additional Tags: Ballet, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dark Comedy, Time Travel, Self-Indulgent, Changelings, War Torn, Cheese, Fluff and Angst, Cool motive still attempted murder, Redemption, Espionage, Parallel Planes, Musicals, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Changeling Lore, disaster knife dad mcgee, Character Death, Found Family, The Kids Are (not) Alright, Shigir Ideale Summary:
The maestro strikes the score and our players are set. What now O Ibex? //
Follow the changeling Waltolomew Stricklander (Walter Strickler for short) as he learns a few choice lessons. In which the subject of going against 'what is said to be fated', and 'what always is must be' can be put into question…then again, as Sir Terry Pratchett supposedly put it;
“Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out til too late that he’s been playing with two queens all along.”
Featuring: A Big Cast of Characters (that seems to keep growing) Ballet Tropes + Musicals Self Indulgence Eventual Canon Divergence The Janus Order Changeling OCs (and other OCs ) Changeling Lore (and folktales) A Bloody Mess Pretentiousness Redemption Stricklake (and other amorous pairings) Weird Humor (sometimes dry, sometimes dark, hopefully fun!) References (both obscure and not)
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
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O Ibex! O Ibex! Whose horns do you wear? To what wind do you Swear? O Ibex! O Ibex! What crown do you covet? Now that you are a chained up puppet?
O Ibex! O Ibex! Whose horns do you wear? To what end do you care? O Ibex! O Ibex! What crown do you covet? With a head that’s fit for only a bucket.                                          - Camp Taunting Chorus after ‘The Humbling’ / from Terpsichore; or rather The Comedy of the Danse Macabre
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creativenicocorner · 5 years
Rating: Mature
Chapter 11: On the Right Track / Powerhouse / Carrion Suite 
[ Radio Static ]
" "My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today," he said to Blackberry, quoting a rabbit proverb. ”          - Watership Down, Ch.17; The Shining Wire, by Richard Adams
Terpsichore is officially one year old! Wahoo! A year my friends! Can you believe it? Thank you all so much for reading this far and taking part in this crazy journey with me <3
And the accompanying playlist featuring this chapter’s ‘tunes’ added on
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Ch. 11 Sneak Peek: 
“Where are we-?”
“Kitchen.” said Jim taking one of the dining room chairs with him as he walked.
Strickler heard the legs of the chair drag on the wooden floor. The changeling’s reaction was spontaneous, “You’ll scratch the floor.” he warned.
Jim gave his ex-history teacher a hard look. Though he was more angry at himself that his mood and personal anger towards Strickler blinded him to not be considerate. 
Not wanting to show being in the wrong, Jim huffed, picked up the chair fully off the floor, and carried it - while passing Strickler without so much as a grumbled glance towards him.
The teen sat the chair by the window of the kitchen, and pointed. “Sit. Just, sit there, don’t move. And don’t talk to me.”
Strickler did so with no fuss, or comment.
There wasn’t much more to say. Or so Strickler thought. 
Besides, Jim was within his right to feel thoroughly angry and betrayed. 
If only Strickler knew just what his betrayal meant to Jim. What he himself meant to Jim before this Trollhunter nonsense.
It was a situation of Stickler knowing Jim was his favorite student, but not knowing he was Jim’s favorite teacher. 
Sure the changeling assumed he held some sort of pedestal-ized position of being a mentor to the youth, from when Jim would enter his office to talk to him. Those small minutes of teaching Jim to play chess. But never in his wildest dreams did Strickler understand, or even comprehend what he had meant to Jim.
How close Jim was to death when Bular outed Strickler, and said the dreaded phrase ‘Young Atlas’, causing the teen to falter. How momentarily paralyzing it was to the youth. Heart shattering even, especially about someone who up until that very moment - that breath of a second - that was a someone Jim had viewed as ‘the closest thing he had to a father’. But Alas, Strickler turned out to be a changeling, and alas, Strickler tried to kill him too. 
More than once.
Jim, was within his right to feel that stinging betrayal. And Strickler felt that quiet anger, and accepted it with a lowered head. 
Humbled, and forsaken, but not at all understanding the sinking depths of Jim’s felt betrayal.
All this and more were things the changeling did not anticipate the day to end on, especially after such a warm and emotional rollercoaster of that very morning. 
The changeling looked up to the ceiling from where he sat, and looked beyond it, mentally seeing Barbara’s bedroom and the bathroom, and all that transpired therein. 
Oh I am a foul and wretched creature, thought Strickler with a heavy heart. His eyes slid down to Jim who’s brows were woven together as he checked outside the window. A foul thing indeed, thought Strickler with sinking guilt.
Strickler leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and press his forehead against his clasped hands. Sighing internally at the long road of his life that brought the changeling up to this moment. Requesting help from the child he was tasked to kill, the child who’s mother he adored, the child he personally praised as his star pupil. His favorite. 
With a low hanging head, he felt that sword of Damocles press ever so gently on the back of his neck. Heavy with his actions. 
The real question, however, was if Strickler regretted it. Or was Strickler just sorry for being caught?
When Jim turned to look at Strickler, who’s face and view was covered, the teen opened his mouth to say something. To expunge the stinging betrayal and festering anger.
But the words didn’t come, and Strickler didn’t see him, and instead the teen went to the refrigerator for some left over pizza.
As Jim crossed the kitchen, his back now turned to Strickler, Strickler raised his head from his knuckles. The changeling opened his mouth to say something as well.
To lay out what he had done, to accept his consequences, pry open the deeds of his past.
But the words didn’t come, and Strickler lowered his head once more into his knuckles. Also unseen.
And Strickler stayed in the chair, as if in time-out.
It was morbidly laughable, but Strickler was too tired to laugh.
Instead he contemplated his actions.
Deeds that got the Janus Order where it was now. Deeds in the name of his Lady Creator, whom had casted him aside. And the horrid, horrid very real question of; now what?
These very thoughts pressed into the changeling, weighed him into a drowsy state, and followed him into a weighty sleep Strickler did not anticipate.
One thing could be said about serving Gunmar, that Strickler had learned and kept up through his long life, and that was the learned ability to fall asleep anytime and anywhere.
In war, there isn’t the luxury to choose when and how one rests. You take the rest where you can. Be it a cage, a shared cot, the ground in the mud, or a chair. 
Lulled by the growing distant sound of Jim using the microwave for his pizza, Strickler drifted off to sleep. 
“Ugh I hate how weird this all is.” Jim said under his breath with a sigh, he turned with a plate of two greasy pizza slices towards Strickler, “Look - do you want a slice?”
Strickler’s response came with a slight snore.
“Strickler?” Jim raised a brow and set the plate aside as he leaned forward to wave a hand in front of the changeling’s face. “Mr. … Strickler?”
Jim straightened and placed his hands on his hips with a, “huh..guess older changelings sleep too.”
“Psst, psssst!” 
Jim turned to see Draal peaking around the corner with some rope. The troll pointed to it while he explained, “Incase he gets any ideas while your back is turned.”
“Oh.” Jim turned to the sleeping Strickler, who’s head rested against his hands. Looking like a distraught Van Gogh painting Jim had seen in one of his mom’s art books. A worn out, sorrowing old man. “Right.”
Draal passed Jim the rope, it felt heavy in the teens hands. Jim looked at it for a bit, then back at Strickler, then back at the rope. “Help me with the knot?”
It was remarkable Strickler didn’t wake up. However, the changeling’s sleep was a sleep of grief, of feeling lost. Of ponderous questions, and murky answers Strickler was too tired to concoct.  
Yet with a troubled mind, came troubled dreams.
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
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Zurougia and Karenna aka the only functional no heartbreak relationship from Terpsichore in
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I’ve never actually doodled them before, and I found the fact that this happened without planning very fitting with these two. (They were both talking about secret anniversary plans before being interrupted)
That being said I need to study how to draw prosthetics and facial damage- that and Karenna’s voice box looks like a choker necklace hmm
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Original Character in 5 Gifs
Aaaah Heck <3 Got tagged by @bifacialler  And challenged too! Hihi So here’s the thing with Karenna Isabella Navarro Méndez  
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Karenna came Topside out of the fetch in the 1300′s of what was then The  Kingdom of Aragon, and what is known today as Northern Spain. 
For a changeling, she has a very assured sense of self, and takes the whole ‘Who am I? What am I?’ excestential questions changelings tend to ask themselves with stride. Though just because she makes it look easy, doesn’t mean she doesn’t struggle with those questions as well - at most she answers them with an ‘easy come easy go’ sort of mentality. One of those optimistic nihilist. Names have no meaning, the past cannot be changed, and the only thing she can control is herself and how to use the cards dealt to her. 
The simplest way to describe Karenna, is blunt. Which is a tricky thing to be in a secret spy organization like the Janus Order. Which has gotten her in quite a few near death situations, at least until she realized there’s a time and a place to be blunt. She is never afraid to speak her mind, or rather sign them. That doesn’t mean she isn’t clever enough to keep some thoughts and opinions to herself. 
What she won’t and can’t say in words, she’ll make clear with her actions (even if the actions are done in secret). If she doesn’t agree with certain orders she’ll still do them, all while able to find some sort of loop-hole to add a variation to it. 
An example of this can be seen in Terpsichore ch9 ( [Spoilers!] For most members of Gunmar’s army and secret order it’s un-spokenly expected to kill Trollhunters...though seeing as none of her direct orders mentioned anything about killing, she isn’t going to go out of her way to kill what is essentially children [End Spoilers!]).
Though perhaps the best example of this, is her time in the Spanish Inquisition, where Karenna earned the Janus Order Title of The Inquisitor...
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Karenna is the go to changeling for reconnaissance and a gatherer of knowledge, which is why the hypocrisy of the Spanish Inquisition was very hard to swallow for this changeling. With the use of glamours she was stationed to infiltrate and take part in the Inquisition on the chance any other Janus Order member ended up falling into the Spanish Inquisition’s clutches, and would take measures to help sneak fallen changelings out. 
More so as an attempt to keep the hidden troll world a secret, than for the safety of fellow changelings...at least that was how Stricklander explained it to Bular at the time. After all the last thing anyone needed was the Inquisition to discover magical stone creatures existed. 
Thus Karenna was stationed there, however it wasn’t just fellow changelings she’d help sneak away, but other humans trapped there as well. Sometimes even forcing a glamour on another Inquisitor to take the form of a prisoner and watch gleefully as the Inquisitors torture one of their own, without their own knowing.
What a Scorpio, am I right?  <3 
Needless to say she became quiet adept in torturing information out of others, and is a good judge when trying to see who is lying for the sake of surviving and who is telling the truth.
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Now, for plot and spoiler reasons I’m not going to disclose how her vocal chords became damaged. However they have been damaged for a very long time. 
Due to Bular’s temper tantrums and practically culling any changeling he deemed obsolete (and the lack of technology and un-researched magic on the topic) Karenna still forced herself to use her vocal chords despite the pain it caused - damaging her vocal chords even more to the point of no turning back. 
This was a major mental toll on the blunt opinionated changeling. Who not only enjoyed collecting knowledge but proving to others she had knowledge as well. It took a lot of soul searching to come to terms that this was a part of her life, and thus, as Shakespeare once put it; she turned her tears into sparks of fire. It was a long journey to embrace, but one she embraced with full force. She learned there was no shame in her condition and used it to her full advantage. 
As the head of reconnoissance and infiltration she brought to the Janus Order the two handed alphabet, and with it a bit more freedom to her fellow changelings. A means of expressing one’s self openly, and secretively all at once. Become a quick favorite in the eyes of Stricklander.
By the time the 17th century rolled around, the two handed alphabet and all its variations became a mandatory linguistic for all changelings to learn.  
Though with it, came Bular’s insecurity and paranoia of the changelings under his control. Because of this he attempted to banish this use (which resulted to changelings having to be even sneakier in using it, and mainly used it in closed locations, or among other humans). Fearful this might also mean the end of her life, Karenna was requested frequently to be placed in dangerous field work. 
By the 20th century and the introduction to security cameras, as well as sustaining quite a harmful injury, Karenna was relocated to a Janus Order desk job. Securing and looking over the physical archives within, with her partner Zurougia. 
A dream she works on in her own time is to invent an official CSL - changeling sign language. 
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Karenna and Zurougia met while taking part in the coup d'état that lead to the accession of power of Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst more famously known as Cathrine the Great Empress of Russia.  
It is a rule in the Janus Order to make sure one always takes all sides. That way no matter who wins in human affairs, there is always a changeling. “We are guests in their world, until we make it our own.” is a very common phrase and reminder within the Janus Order.
When the coup d'état became a success Karenna and Zurougia celebrated, and continued celebrating...carnally. Quite unable to get enough out of the other, they fell very quickly, head over heels. 
However, there’s a reason why there aren’t many love stories in changeling folklore. It’s a rare concept to come by. There’s always a level of denial that love is a thing, or that it’s happening, or even possible. Love in their world is so rare, that it is almost thought of as a fairy tale idea. And like most changelings Karenna and Zurougia struggled with it. 
At least until they found themselves on opposite sides of the Pugachev's Rebellion, where the fear of losing the other forever became very great. When they met each other again on the battlefield, under almost impossible odds, they decided then and there to hold onto what they have. For as long as they can. 
And they did. And have been together ever since. 
At a glance they easily fall under the trope of gentle giant, and snarky little bullet. Together they make for an excellent and formidable tag team. 
They are also the most stable relationship inside the Terpsichore universe. Since I’ll be exploring many different angles and heartbreak and other angsty goodness relationship-muck wise in Terpsichore, I wanted to make sure there is at least one (1) couple that radiates as a healthy stable relationship. Who’s only main argument is when the wedding bells will toll. 
To those who worry if Karenna and Zurougia will survive to the end of Terpsichore, or will fall under the dreaded ‘kill your gays’ trope, I can tell you here and now - SPOILERS 
 yes, they will survive. They are happy and together to the end.  
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She is quite easily one of my favorite characters I’ve invented yet. A mixture of sass and intelligence (a common trope in most of my characters) but also a character who isn’t afraid to stick to her guns, and be true to what her heart believes- even when stacked against the odds.  
Like some changelings she looks up to and respects Stricklander, as well as distrusts him considering his past actions. However that respect tripled with the death of Bular, happily accepting a life and world without Gunmar. Believing changelings to be better off with the warlord trapped in the Darklands. 
To those who’ve followed Terpsichore, I can confirm she’ll be quite the thorn in Otto’s side. 
Anyways I know it isn’t part of the meme, but I’m also very music based in my writing, so here’s her theme song haha
I think that just about covers it! Whew! That was fun!
And now I shall tag @random-emerald-thoughts ( *cough* a challenge for more Ashur info? Or Sadik? your pick ; P ) as well as @danger-flammable !!
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Happy Ides of March!
So as some Terpsichore readers know, things are going to get a bit bumpy in the Janus Order now that Otto crowned himself the new leader. Something I can’t wait to explore! 
Thus to commemorate that, somewhat, totally legit (I mean there was even the phonograph!) coronation of everyone’s favorite Grand Commandant I decided to compile a list of gifs that broadly describe some Changeling OC we’ve encountered so far!
The list might be long, so I’ll leave the fun for under the cut haha
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Chakraborty [with saber - never forget the saber] :
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Trollhunters (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake/Walt Strickler Characters: Barbara Lake, Jim Lake Jr. (Trollhunters), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Angor Rot, Original Characters, Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Otto Scaarbach, NotEnrique (Trollhunters), Blinky (Trollhunters), Aaarrrgghh (Trollhunters) Additional Tags: Ballet, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dark Comedy, Time Travel, Self-Indulgent, Changelings, War Torn, Cheese, Fluff and Angst, Cool motive still attempted murder, Redemption, Espionage, Parallel Planes, Musicals, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Changeling Lore, disaster knife dad mcgee, Character Death, Found Family, The Kids Are (not) Alright Summary:
The maestro strikes the score and our players are set. What now O Ibex? //
Follow the changeling Waltolomew Stricklander (Walter Strickler for short) as he learns a few choice lessons. In which the subject of going against 'what is said to be fated', and 'what always is must be' can be put into question…then again, as Sir Terry Pratchett supposedly put it;
“Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out til too late that he’s been playing with two queens all along.”
Featuring: A Big Cast of Characters (that seems to keep growing) Ballet Tropes + Musicals Self Indulgence Eventual Canon Divergence The Janus Order Changeling OCs (and other OCs ) Changeling Lore (and folktales) A Bloody Mess Pretentiousness Redemption Stricklake (and other amorous pairings) Weird Humor (sometimes dry, sometimes dark, hopefully fun!) References (both obscure and not)
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Rating: Mature 
Chapter 9: A Horse Named Cold Air / Corner of the Sky / Etude Op.25 No. 11 ‘Winter Wind’ / No Choir
          Sade: Compassion, Marat, is the property of the privileged classes ... No no, Marat, no small emotions, please. Your feelings were never petty. For you, just as for me, only the most extreme actions matter.
          Marat: If I am extreme, I am not extreme in the same way as you. Against Nature's silence, I use action. In the vast indifference, I invent a meaning. I don't watch unmoved, I intervene. And I say, 'this and this are wrong'. And I work to alter them, and to improve them! Because the important -
[A player interrupts with bell. Marat stops them]
          Marat Cont'd: the important thing is to pull yourself up, by your own hair. To turn yourself inside out. And see the whole world with fresh, eyes.
            - The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, by Peter Weiss
And the accompanying playlist featuring this chapter’s ‘tunes’ added on 
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Trollhunters (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake/Walt Strickler Characters: Barbara Lake, Jim Lake Jr. (Trollhunters), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Angor Rot, Original Characters, Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Otto Scaarbach, NotEnrique (Trollhunters), Blinky (Trollhunters), Aaarrrgghh (Trollhunters) Additional Tags: Ballet, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dark Comedy, Time Travel, Self-Indulgent, Changelings, War Torn, Cheese, Fluff and Angst, Cool motive still attempted murder, Redemption, Espionage, Parallel Planes, Musicals, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Changeling Lore, disaster knife dad mcgee, Character Death, Found Family, The Kids Are (not) Alright
The maestro strikes the score and our players are set. What now O Ibex? //
Follow the changeling Waltolomew Stricklander (Walter Strickler for short) as he learns a few choice lessons. In which the subject of going against 'what is said to be fated', and 'what always is must be' can be put into question…then again, as Sir Terry Pratchett supposedly put it;
“Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out til too late that he’s been playing with two queens all along.”
Featuring: A Big Cast of Characters (that seems to keep growing) Ballet Tropes + Musicals Self Indulgence Eventual Canon Divergence The Janus Order Changeling OCs (and other OCs ) Changeling Lore (and folktales) A Bloody Mess Pretentiousness Redemption Stricklake (and other amorous pairings) Weird Humor (sometimes dry, sometimes dark, hopefully fun!) References (both obscure and not)
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creativenicocorner · 6 years
Rating: Mature
Chapter 10: Friends Will be Friends
"If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love
When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love Like you"                          - Love Like You (End Credits), Rebecca Sugar  
// Also known as "Ch. XXX in which the author gets horny on main."
Some Notes: For those who might be uncomfortable with the areas that get, a little too on the explicit side I've marked them with a bolded (*) at the start and end. That way those who wish to skip those moments can if they so choose!
And the accompanying playlist featuring this chapter’s ‘tunes’ added on 
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