thecreaturecodex · 6 months
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Image accessed from the Ultraman Wiki here
[Terochilus is a monster that makes a big impression in Return of Ultraman (being the star of a two-part episode), but with very little impact on the franchise outside of it. Which is a shame. It feels like Ultraman's Rodan the way that Arstron feels like its Godzilla. It has a weirder power set than Rodan, though, with its toxic webbing and shooting lasers from its nose. It kind of reminds me of The Giant Claw, in the sense of being a superficially simple flying kaiju that is totally bizarre on closer inspection, and I designed its stats intentionally to be a counterpart to my cacagnea.
In the show, its webs emit toxic gas on exposure to automobile exhaust, making Terochilus another pollution-themed kaiju. Since cars don't exist in Pathfinder, I changed the trigger to the webs getting extra dangerous to fire, which is the typical adventurer solution to webbing. That, and it makes the Terochilus' lairing in volcanoes synergistic, and very dangerous.
Also, I can't prove it, but I suspect that Terochilus' pterosaur with feathers look inspired the winged fakeosaur that came in the same set as the ones that inspired the rust monster and bulette]
CR 19 LN Magical Beast
This creature resembles a strange cross between bird and pterosaur. It walks on two elephantine legs, and has membranous wings growing like a cape from its human-like arms. It has a head and neck covered with feathers, and a long straight bill.
A terochilus is a bestial, vaguely avian predator, something like a roc writ even larger. They are found lairing on volcanic islands and are extremely territorial—a terochilus patrols the water near the island for whales, large fish and the occasional sea monster to eat, and drives away anything else entering its hunting grounds. This territoriality extends to their volcanic lairs as well. A terochilus usually lives near the caldera and lines its nest with thick ashy webbing. This webbing is flammable, but burning it produces a highly potent toxic gas that causes immediate unconsciousness followed by systematic organ failure. The terochiluses are immune to these noxious fumes, and encourage periodic fires to burn the webbing and fumigate their lairs.
Terochiluses usually do not see creatures of human size and shape as prey. The danger comes from their territorial instinct—they attack boats that steer too close to their hunting grounds. If forced from their lairs by a stronger monster, they may settle closer to inhabited areas and wreak havoc enforcing their new territorial boundaries. In combat, a terochilus usually opens by spraying opponents with webbing, and then closing to melee with entangled enemies. A terochilus possesses a powerful breath weapon, which manifests as beams of deadly force fired from its nostrils. This breath weapon does not recharge quickly, and most terochiluses use it as a weapon of last resort only.
Terochilus CR 19
XP 204,800
LN Colossal magical beast
Init +9; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, Perception +22, tremorsense 30 ft.
AC 34, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-8 size, +9 Dex, +1 dodge, +22 natural)
hp 346 (21d10+231)
Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +12
DR 20/magic; Immune poison; Resist fire 30, force 30; SR 30
Speed 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (average)
Melee bite +27 (4d6+14/19-20 plus grab), 2 claws +27 (2d8+14), 2 wings +22 (2d8+7)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (150 ft. line, 1 minute, 19d10 force damage),hurricane hover,swallow whole(AC 21, 34 hp, 4d8+21 bludgeoning),toxic webbing, webs (+22 ranged, range increment 30 ft., 150 ft. range, DR 10/-, 21 hp, DC 31)
Str 39, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 4, Wis 21, Cha 15
Base Atk +21; CMB +43 (+47 grapple); CMD 63
Feats Acrobatic,Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes,Dodge, Flyby Attack, Greater Vital Strike, Hover (B), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +21 (+25 when jumping), Climb +26, Fly +13, Perception +22; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Ignan (cannot speak)
Environment warm land
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure incidental
Special Abilities
Hurricane Hover (Ex) A terochilus gains Hover as a bonus feat. When it uses the Hover feat, it creates hurricane force winds in a 60-foot radius, regardless of its distance from the surface.
Toxic Webbing (Ex) A terochilus’ webs release toxic gas when they take fire damage. This gas fills a 30 foot radius from the webbing, and lingers for 1d4+1 rounds before dissipating. This toxin has the following properties
Web fumes—inhaled; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; save Fort DC 31; initial effect unconsciousness 1 minute; secondary effect 1d6 Con damage and unconsciousness 10 minutes; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution based.
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tokumon · 1 year
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Terochilus uses webbing to cocoon the city in Return of Ultraman eps. 16-17
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chernobog13 · 30 days
Ultraman Jack is about to teach Terochilus what happens to kaiju who don't take turns on the trampoline, because--
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Tonight at 8pm on PBS.
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doraemonmon · 7 years
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テロチルス Terochilus - Return of Ultraman
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thekaijudude · 5 years
Okay now here’s a two vs two matchup, Ultraseven and Ultraman Jack vs Gigan and Megalon
Wow this is definitely gonna be a test of my memory of the two ultra series but ill try my best lol
The two Ultras in question are actually much more than a match for Gigan and Megalon tbh (Also im gonna use Millennium Gigan here as youll soon see why Gigan needs the amp here)
But as usual, the Showa Ultras are always holding back for the sake of having dramatic fights as well as them always showing mercy to their opponents. However, I shall use some of the actual feats that the Ultras have displayed to give you an idea how strong they truly are in order to explain how I arrived at my conclusion
Ultraseven (1967)
Seven is very well known for his expertise in using the Ultra Willpower as well as the Eye Slugger, not to mention that he can combine both tactics to use in battle as well.
With his Ultra Willpower, he can literally toss opponents and negate any homing attacks and either redirect them at his enemies or simply just destroy them, and even if he dosent manage to do so, he has an ability called ‘Body Spark’, which repels any projectile attack.
His Emerium Beam is strong enough to literally vaporize enemies. But for stronger opponents where his Emerium Beam doesn’t even faze them, his Wide Shot (which I highly suspect is still suppressed) can still manage to vaporize all of the flesh off them, leaving only bones behind. 
Even so, his Eye Slugger is also so sharp that its able to cleanly slice an enemy in two like a knife through butter in one episode when the Emerium Beam also had no effect on the kaiju.
As for his physical capabilities:
He has enough strength to literally tear off appendages of kaiju as seen with Gyeron.
Has also managed to survive being ran over by the 70 000t Dinosaur tank multiple times
Shrugs off a beam that one shot Windom, a mech from alien gut’s spaceship
Not to mention he can literally manually recharge his energy due to him having special Ultra Protectors to absorb sunlight
The next few feats of power will exemplify how strong Seven truly is as in these battles were the stakes were very high, Seven shows a hint of his true power:
1. In the episode where he fought Crazygon, even though his Emerium Beam and Wide Shot were unable to damage him, his sheer speed after being propelled from a rocket launcher was literally able to one-shot him
(Note that in that final fight, Seven was already critically injured)
2. In the final arc, Seven was already severely low on energy due to his fights on Earth, he still manages to kill the final boss of his own series, Pandon, TWICE.
And in the second battle he still manages to use his ultra willpower to one shot reconstructed pandon 
(Note that in the second battle, Seven was even weaker than in the first round and yet he still can exert this much control over his Ultra Willpower, imagine his max control at perfect condition)
3. Fought Petero on the moon at sub zero temperature (Lets remember that most M78 Ultras are weak to cold) where Seven had to finish the fight fast, he absorbed the little amount of energy obtained from a nearby asteroid which collided on the moon to obliterate Petero with one wide shot
4. He bested Robot Ultraseven, his virtual equal without much difficulty
(As the creators of Robot Ultraseven analysed the fights Seven had, they engineered it to be supposedly as strong as Seven’s displayed fighting prowess (except the emerium beam iirc), but the fact that Seven still managed to best him supports the fact that Seven was holding back a lot in his previous fights prior to the encounter with Robot Ultraseven)
Current Ultraseven:
In Ultra Fight Orb, he was able to manhandle King Joe, when in 1967 he could virtually do nothing against it
In the Orb Movie, Seven’s eye slugger was able to cut through the Deavorick Cannon, the attack that sent Orb Trinity back, aside from its sheer force, this also says something about his reaction speed as well.
Seven was able to physically grapple with Deavorick along with Orb Trinity(whom stats is MONSTROUS as most of his stats are the highest ever recorded), does this means that Seven and by extension the current ultra brothers can be scaled to OT? Its debatable but that’s a question to be answered for another time.
Ultraman Jack (1971)
Considering that throughout his series, we see that he oftenly incorporates lifting his opponent and tossing them around into his fighting style so I think it’s fair to assume that Jack is physically stronger than Ultraman and Seven (Even if he isn’t, he’s arguably stronger than both of them overall as ill explain later)
Moreover, considerably more of Jack’s battles in his series involves him fighting two kaijus simultaneously, so he’s definitely no stranger to getting double teamed so taking on both Gigan and Megalon is no issue for him.
He could probably take Millennium Gigan with ease considering Jack literally tossed Black King (60 000t) way up into the air who weighs exactly the same as Millennium Gigan with seemingly no effort at all
This is further cemented when Jack picked and launched Builgamo easily as well who was 68 000t 
Not to mention that he lifted and tossed around Seagorath which weighed 52 000t (when his colour timer was flashing red no less)
Another point to note that Jack seems to oftenly use his vastly superior strength along with his speed in aerial battles with airborne enemies. He literally just accelerates towards an opponent and throws them off course mid flight with so much force that made a tanky airborne enemy like Terochilus hit the ground and died immediately upon impact, we see him do this very often (Note that it was shown to be unfazed by Jack’s Ultra Shot and Specium Ray previously)
Also a rather significant point to note that he transforms through pure ultra willpower without any henshin item, does that mean his Ultra Willpower is stronger than Ultras who require a henshin item to transform? This point is debatable but very convincing as we saw one instance of Jack possibly using his Ultra Willpower on such a level that we’ve never seen before, which was when he literally repelled a Tsunami that was stated to be ‘hundreds of feet tall’ created by Seagorath via his Ultra Barrier but u can argue that he either actually used his Ultra Willpower or ‘reinforced’ his Barrier with his Ultra Willpower
On the topic of Jack being pit against kaiju who could summon natural disasters, I remember that there were 2 more of such cases:
1. Created a Typhoon that was even stronger than Varricane’s which launched it into space
2. Defeated King Bockle who could summon Earthquakes on a whim
We can also assume that overall, jack also has a stronger beam potency that Ultraman and Seven as significantly more one shots occurred within his series
Not to mention that his Cinerama Shot was stated to be 10x stronger than Seven’s Wide Shot (Note that it wasn’t clarified whether its 10x stronger than the normal, uncharged Wide Shot or the Charged Wide Shot)
Jack also displayed strength at least on par with Ultraman and Seven as he was able to chop off the solid horns and literally tear of the arms off Paragon
As for his durability,
He is vulnerable to electricity but his Ultra Armor could tank more than the damage done by a nuclear missile in addition to being resistant to fire.
His head is also stated to be 2000x harder than iron. To put this in perspective,  Mechagodzilla’s Space titanium armor is 10x stronger than steel, steel is 2x stronger than iron, which makes Jack (1971) 100x tougher than Showa Mechagodzilla
So yeah, can you even imagine Gigan being able to tear through Mechagodzilla in the first place?
At this point if you don’t think Jack is OP yet, well he essentially becomes almost BROKEN after he receives his Ultra Bracelet from Seven.
You can see the entire list of abilities the Ultra Bracelet (Which is probably non-exhaustive tbh) has on Ultrawiki but ill highlight some significant ones:
1. For those kaiju that Jack can’t defeat with his already IMMENSE strength? 
Well the Ultra Bracelet one shots them with the Ultra Spark which can make a tough kaiju like Magnedon which could hold out against several billion volts of electricity explode in one shot
2. Jack was once frozen solid and mutilated, but Ultra Bracelet literally
a) Rejoined his mutilated pieces back together
b) Unfroze him
c) At literally NO COST AT ALL
3. Reflects projectile attacks with a higher potency than original
But you could say that jack’s physical attacks were as lethal as Ultra Spark as we saw Alien Zelan used the Ultra Bracelet against jack and made the Bracelet released hundreds of Ultra Sparks which Jack managed to parry a few before finally being overwhelmed
Jack also defeated a stronger variant of Zetton that Ultraman fought and lost against, this time being Zetton Gen 2 which Ultraman himself initially warned Jack to stay away from. But Jack went to fight Zetton anyways, while against  Alien Bat simultaneously nonetheless 
Also let’s not forget, Jack also literally defeated a planet eater that was Vaccumon (was stated to be infinite in size but yeah DOUBTS, but his planetary feats were undeniable) and the sword the Ultra Bracelet transformed into was used to kill it (This also says something about this particular sword the Ultra Bracelet transformed into)
Current Ultraman Jack
In Ultraman Zero the Chronicle when Zero and Jack were having a spar with their own respective Ultra Lances, Jack was able to position his Ultra Lance close to Zero’s chest, nearly impaling him just after Zero descended on him after the latter distracted him with his Ultra Willpower.
This shows that current Jack’s reaction speed is probably much faster than Zero’s flight speed which is Mach 7
In Ultra Fight Orb, Jack easily manhandled Gudon and Twintail with no difficulty at all when both of them forced Jack to retreat back in 1971
So tbh as far as Gigan and Megalon goes, theres not much they can do against Seven and Jack.
None of their attacks have enough firepower to rival even a nuclear missile
Jack is essentially immune to Megalon’s Napalm Bombs
Millennium Gigan’s Bladed Slicers wont work cause both ultras have their Ultra Willpower which may even cause the Bladed Slicers to work against Gigan instead (Assuming that the Ultra Willpower dosent make them explode in the first place)
Seven’s and probably Jack’s flight speed is more than twice as fast as Gigan’s and Megalon’s flight speed on Earth, and a battle in space would essentially be game over as Ultras’ flight speed in space is light speed.
The only 2 things I can see working for Megalon are that:
1. His punches can discharge electrical energy
2. His shell is as hard as diamond, which is 600x stronger than iron
But I haven’t even brought in the rest of the abilities of the Ultras like literally freezing them solid, paralysis ray, stop ray and whatnot.
Not to mention the fact that the amount of hax abilities that Ultras can use when there are more than 1 Ultra on the battlefield like the exponentially much powerful combo beams and attacks.
In addition, im mostly centering the argument around Ultraseven (1967) and Ultraman Jack (1971), current Seven and Jack would just take the W much, much faster.
So in conclusion, even if both kaiju were to double team either Seven or Jack, it would still be overkill.
Thanks for the question!
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tokumon · 1 year
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Terochilus vs. Ultraman Jack in Return of Ultraman eps. 16-17
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tokumon · 1 year
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Terochilus from Return of Ultraman eps. 16-17
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tokumon · 1 year
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a figure of Terochilus from Return of Ultraman eps. 16-17
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chernobog13 · 1 year
Terochilus is about to go on an unexpected trip courtesy of Ultraman Jack because--
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Tonight at 8pm on your local PBS station.
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chernobog13 · 2 years
Terochilus is about to be plucked and roasted by Ultraman Jack because--
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Thursdays at 8pm on PBS.
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