tequitoclown · 2 days
Please, followers. I keep seeing this and I have not heard anyone else mention it
This is typically done on Jeeps but I've seen others do it. I have no idea if it's legal.
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tequitoart · 7 months
Welcome to my art account!
[PT: Welcome to my art account! ./End PT]
I'll edit this and make it prettier soon! But for now, here's the general information!
Commissions: Closed. || Trades: Maybe! || Requests: Closed.
Main: @tequitoclown (Recommend 16+)
Ko-fi || Toyhouse
#My Art - My drawings.
#Tequito.txt - My posts.
#Reblog - Not my posts
#image / #gif / #video / #audio - Self explanatory.
described / undescribed - Indicates if the image has been described.
#has transcript/cc / #no transcript/cc - Indicates if the audio has been transcribed or has closed captions.
All trigger warnings I can think of. If there's anything you'd like me to tag, send in an ask!
This post has all tags for navigation!
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tequitoclown · 1 year
*Shoots flare gun*
🧨 Signalling the Cassette Beasts fandom 🧨
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tequitoclown · 8 months
I hope that with the release of Palworld, people can start realizing there's much more to the monster-taming genre of games than just Pokemon. I've already heard 3 people go "Wait this isn't like Pokemon!" while playing it.
Like duh? It wasn't trying to be. They're different games, same genre. Monster taming =/= Pokemon ripoff.
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tequitoclown · 8 months
[PT: Kinitopet spoilers! ./End PT]
So you know Sam's game where you decorate his house? I figured there would be a time limit and it'd just jump to the scare.
... It didn't. And I'm pretty sure there's not a limit to the number of objects you can place.
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[Image ID from ALT: A screenshot of the game KinitoPET. The window is open to Sam's house decorating mini game. the walls are painted rainbow in vertical stripes and the only furniture is an incredibly large number of disco balls hanging from the ceiling. ./End ID]
... So I spent 15 minutes placing disco balls. And then ANOTHER 15 minutes placing chairs after this.
And when I skipped ahead to the my_world.exe chapter, it looked like this.
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[Image ID from ALT: The same room as above but in 3D. The number of disco balls and chairs is so large they're clipping into each other as a blob of polygons. ./End ID]
... This is what my GeForce RTX 2070 Super is being used for.
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tequitoclown · 6 months
Thing that has lived in my head rent free about Rain World lore:
So we know for certain that an iterator's puppet cannot eat. And we can assume there's no other part of their structure that can eat, either. Here's a line from Five Pebbles confirming that.
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[Image ID: Dialogue from Five Pebbles reading "It is a catalog of many types of teas, and their brewing techniques. I do not possess the ability to drink tea, so this is of no use to me. You can keep it." ./End ID]
So... why can they smell?
Looks to the Moon says this if you bring her a Gooieduck.
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[Image ID: Dialogue from Looks to the Moon reading "It's an ancient species of dangling mold. The spores they squirt out were said to have an overwhelming odor... I'd have to agree." ./End ID]
Now to be fair, this is the only mention of smell any iterator has made to my knowledge. So Looks to the Moon is the only one we know for sure can smell... but... Why?
My only guess would be in case something was malfunctioning in their structure, they could smell it. But they all seem pretty aware of what's happening inside them. Some sources say smell is a good way to invoke an emotional response, but the ancients clearly didn't care about how their gods actually felt. They were viewed more as tools.
They really put the iterators in a world where they could smell chocolate without eating it.
Conclusion: The ancients are dicks. Thanks for coming to my SLUG talk.
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tequitoclown · 1 month
favorite slugcat: SAINT
Rest well, random gods.
[pt: Rest well, random gods. ./end pt]
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[Image ID: A drawing of The Saint from Rain world. They're eyes are open, glowing along with the 3 dots on their forehead and floating above rumble. Above their head is the karma-10 symbol, glowing. The background is mostly obscured by a blizzard and fog, resembling the region Silent Construct. ./End ID]
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tequitoclown · 1 year
"How did you find out you were Aromantic" is my favorite question. I should have found out the day in high school where I got tired of this couple making out in front of my locker all the time and I threw Doritos at them.
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tequitoclown · 4 months
I bought an OC for the first time in a while and. I can't stop staring at him. Please help lmao
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tequitoclown · 3 months
List of programs and stuff I use
[pt: List of programs and stuff I use ./end pt]
Disclaimer: This is in no way trying to say I have the best setup of all time or anything. The point of this post is mostly to introduce people to cool things they may not know about, or a place to point to when someone asks what I use!
(Last updated: 6/28/24)
[pt: browser ./end pt]
Firefox (Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android/IOS) - Obviously I recommend Firefox above all else, especially with chromium-based browsers moving onto manifest V3.
Bitwarden (Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android/IOS) - Good password manager! Used it for years with no complaints!
AdNauseam (Firefox/Chrome) - My adblocker. It's built upon uBlock Origin and has all the same features, but it actively clicks on the ads to waste advertiser money. If that's not up your alley, uBlock Origin is fantastic too!
Wayback Machine extension (Firefox/Chrome/Safari) - Allows you to make snapshots of pages, or view old snapshots if a page isn't loading correctly!
XKit ReWritten (Firefox/Chrome) - Pretty much a must-have for Tumblr. Has a ton of features to make navigating this site much better. Full feature list here!
[pt: Discord ./end pt]
Vencord (Windows/Linux/MacOS) - A modified Discord client that adds support for plugins and themes. Basically allows you to install plugins from a massive list that improves Discord. (Technically against ToS. Basically, don't post that you're using it in big servers, and turn off your themes before sharing screenshots.)
Bunny (Android/IOS) - If you miss Vendetta for Discord, Bunny is an actively maintained fork of Vendetta! Basically the same as above, but for Android/IOS instead of desktop. Same warnings about ToS apply.
Aliucord (Android) - Miss the old Android app feel, and still want to have plugins/themes? Pretty cool but has a less impressive theme/plugin selection. Same warnings about ToS apply.
Bluecord (Android) - Another Discord modification without the new Discord UI!
[pt: Youtube ./end pt]
Freetube (Windows/Linux/MacOS) - A desktop Youtube client with adblock and sponsorblock built in. Still in beta, but very good.
Sponsorblock (Firefox/Chrome) - Pretty much a must-have for watching Youtube these days. Automatically skips over sponsors, self-promos, interaction bait, outros, intros, etc. Highly configurable!
Dearrow (Firefox/Chrome) - Haven't used this very long but I love it. Gets rid of vague or clickbait titles/thumbnails and replaces it with descriptive and more accurate thumbnails. Also built into Freetube now!
Newpipe (Android) - Lightweight Youtube client. I haven't used it myself much but people swear by it!
ReVanced (Android) - Modded Youtube client with Sponsorblock, Return Youtube Dislike, and Youtube Premium features. Doesn't support Dearrow as of 6/25/24 :( (PLEASE BE CAREFUL INSTALLING THIS. If you don't know what you're doing, you can cause some damage!)
[pt: spotify ./end pt]
Spicetify (Windows/Linux/MacOS) - Spotify modded client. Has adblock, themes, etc! Think Vencord, but for Spotify.
[pt: Misc ./End pt]
Obsidian (Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android/IOS) - Basically a personal wiki for notetaking! A bit of a learning curve. Fanfic writers and worldbuilders... go feral.
Notepad++ (Windows) - A must-have text editor. Might be on more platforms but can't confirm?
Mullvad VPN (Windows/Android) - The only VPN I can 100% recommend. Cheap, fast, and really cares about your privacy. It's a little under $6 USD a month!
NVDA (Windows) - A free screenreader I use for reading large blocks of text. (Notice: I am not visually impaired to the point I rely on a screenreader to navigate my PC. I use it on occasion to read text to me because I have a hard time reading. If you're looking for advice on screenreaders for the visually impaired unfortunately I'm not a good source! Maybe check out the #visually impaired, #blind, or #accessibility?)
Syncthing (Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android) - Lets you sync folders across devices. It's especially good with Obsidian.
"Tequito, I didn't find what I wanted!"
[pt: "Tequito, I didn't find what I wanted!" ./end pt]
I'm sorry. :( If you're looking for a program I have personally mentioned using in the past, feel free to shoot me an ask or DM! Or hey... maybe try searching the letters "FMHY" and having a look around? *wink*
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tequitoclown · 2 months
Ah. It appears my pet has given birth to a beautiful broken economy scanner / glove hybrid.
Jokes aside this is the weirdest glitch I've seen in this game for a while LOL
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a No Man's Sky exosuit inventory. The mouse has selected a companion egg, which incorrectly reads as the starship's economy scanner upgrade. The text reads: "Economy Scanner: Long range scanner Type | Energy A thermal protection glove that involved iodizing Ferdrium r... Technology overloaded! Too many upgrades installed in %TYPE% Remove surplus upgrades to restore device functionality." ./End ID]
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tequitoclown · 2 months
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tequitoclown · 2 years
Artificer spoilers:
I love that it's completely canon that Five Pebbles had a soda brand deal. That means Five Pebbsi: Triple Affirmative could have existed.
These are actual images the overseers can show you in Metropolis.
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He looks so surprised too, like they just threw it into his can.
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tequitoclown · 3 months
Anyways WIP for all 3 of you who are awake
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[Image ID: Two views of my fursona Countdown. On the left, it's looking directly at the viewer with his arms outstretched. On the right, he's facing away to show off all their markings. A simplistic drawing of their eye is in the top left. The background is solid white. ./End ID]
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tequitoclown · 2 months
New save, new beginnings.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of No Man's Sky. The starter ship, Radiant Pillar BC1, is flying towards a red sun in space. A red nebula is also visible in the background. ./End ID]
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tequitoclown · 2 months
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