#Telepresence Robots Manufacturers
albrakia · 1 year
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When subjected to an electrical current, the rare material dubbed element zero, or "eezo", emits a dark energy field that raises or lowers the mass of all objects within it. This "mass effect" is used in countless ways, from generating artificial gravity to manufacturing high-strength construction materials. It is most prominently used to enable faster-than-light space travel.
Eezo is generated when solid matter, such as a planet, is affected by the energy of a star going supernova. The material is common in the asteroid debris that orbit neutron stars and pulsars. These are dangerous places to mine, requiring extensive use of robotics, telepresence, and shielding to survive the incredible radiation from the dead star. Only a few major corporations can afford the set-up costs required to work these primary sources.
Humanity discovered refined element zero at the Prothean research station on Mars, allowing them to create mass effect fields and develop FTL travel.
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trendingrepots · 4 months
Autonomous Mobile Robot Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Market size is estimated to reach $14.4 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 21.4% during the forecast period 2023-2030. Due to their adaptability and simplicity of integration into existing infrastructures, Autonomous Mobile Robots are quickly emerging as a valuable asset for businesses engaged in manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics. One of the major elements that drive the market growth is the excessive use of robots in various industrial sectors. 
Additionally, Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are used by healthcare providers for essential tasks such as telepresence, medication delivery, and disinfection. This allows staff to spend more time with patients and maintain a safe environment for all. Secured delivery of medications and laboratory specimens and all environmental services are all moved autonomously. Expanding the uses of autonomous robots and raising awareness of their benefits in emerging economies are propelling the Autonomous Mobile Robot growth during the forecast period. 
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influencermagazineuk · 10 months
Unveiling the Future: Upcoming Tech Inventions Poised for 2050
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The rapid pace of technological advancement continues to reshape our world, and the horizon for groundbreaking inventions is ever-expanding. As we look ahead to the year 2050, a plethora of revolutionary tech innovations are on the brink of transforming industries, economies, and our daily lives. Quantum Computing Revolution: Quantum computing, with its staggering processing power, promises to revolutionize fields like cryptography, climate modeling, and drug discovery. The potential for solving complex problems is unprecedented, heralding a new era of computational capabilities. Smart Cities: By 2050, smart cities will seamlessly integrate technology into urban infrastructure. From AI-driven traffic management to energy-efficient buildings and waste management, these cities will maximize efficiency and sustainability. Space Tourism and Colonization: Space tourism will likely become a reality, as advancements in rocket technology enable civilians to experience space travel. Simultaneously, the concept of colonizing other planets could start taking shape, driven by advancements in habitat technology and resource utilization. Biotechnology Breakthroughs: The medical field is poised for transformative changes, including personalized medicine, gene editing, and organ regeneration. These breakthroughs could extend human lifespans and enhance overall well-being. Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: AI will continue to evolve, not just in performing mundane tasks but also in showcasing creativity. From AI-generated art to music and literature, the boundaries of human creativity and AI collaboration will blur. Renewable Energy Evolution: Innovations in solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources will make them more accessible and efficient. By 2050, cleaner energy alternatives could significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Neural Interface Technology: Brain-computer interfaces will likely progress to a point where they can restore sensory and motor functions in individuals with disabilities. Additionally, they might enable direct communication between brains and machines. Advanced Robotics: Robots will become more sophisticated and versatile, with applications ranging from healthcare and disaster response to manufacturing and even companionship for the elderly. Hyperloop Transportation: Hyperloop technology promises ultra-fast transportation, with near-vacuum tubes enabling high-speed travel between cities. This innovation could revolutionize the way we commute and reduce travel times dramatically. Nanotechnology's Potential: Nanotechnology could lead to developments in medicine, electronics, and materials science. Imagine nanobots performing targeted drug delivery or self-healing materials that repair themselves. Teleportation and Telepresence: While teleportation may still be a distant dream, advancements in virtual reality and telepresence technologies could offer immersive experiences that bridge geographical distances. Environmental Restoration Solutions: Innovations targeting environmental conservation and restoration will be crucial for addressing climate change. From advanced air and water purification systems to innovative waste management solutions, technology will play a pivotal role. Cognitive Enhancement: Cognitive enhancement technologies could boost human memory, learning abilities, and cognitive functions. While ethical concerns abound, these technologies hold the potential to elevate human intelligence. Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: Blockchain's potential goes beyond cryptocurrency, with applications in supply chain management, secure voting systems, and data privacy protection. The tech landscape of 2050 is poised to be a blend of science fiction and reality. These forthcoming inventions hold the promise of reshaping industries, addressing global challenges, and enhancing human potential. As the world eagerly anticipates these transformations, it's clear that the future will be shaped by the relentless pursuit of innovation. Read the full article
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advertisinginindia · 1 year
AMECA- The Most Advanced Humanoid Robot
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AMECA- The Most Advanced Humanoid Robot
Think about someone who:
- can creatively write poems in a moment
- can speak a variety of languages
- can express a range of human emotions
- can come handy as a creative assistant
- and, can interact with humans.
Now stop there, what struck you?
A human figure?
Well, why not, ‘coz it’s only a human who can creatively write hard-core poems, is a polyglot, and can interact with humans. We humans are given the power of creativity to think out of the box.
But, what if I say, that this power of ours is now NO longer restricted to ourselves only. And it has now been given to someone who is not ‘a human’ but an AI.
Bemused? And popping up with thoughts like “These robots are going to take over my job someday” , “Robots are coming to replace us, what will we do?” and so on!
But take a passenger seat and grab a coffee, because now we have the MOST ADVANCED HUMANOID ROBOT around us who can be our creative assistant and can help us with zillion things.
Introducing AMECA, an incredibly advanced humanoid robot capable of drawing cats. Developed by Engineered Arts, a renowned UK-based company specializing in humanoid robot design and manufacturing, Ameca stands out as the first humanoid robot with the remarkable ability to create drawings. Engineered Arts has equipped Ameca with Stable Diffusion, granting it the impressive capability to visualize and reproduce drawings.
Credit: Pinterest
Watch a rubber-faced smile on Ameca's face:
Ameca, showcased in a recently released YouTube video, is given the task of creating a cat drawing. Additionally, the robot provides an explanation of its image generation process.
“I generate my drawing image through the open-source neural network project Stable Diffusion. From there, trajectories of the drawing are available, and then I skeletonize the image and vectorize it. After that, I plan and execute the trajectory to draw the image on my canvas,” said Ameca.
Credit: engineeredarts Credit: engineeredarts Credit: engineeredarts
Equipped with microphones, cameras, and facial recognition software, these robots combine GPT-3 capabilities with human telepresence, featuring motorized arms, fingers, and a genderless appearance. Engineered Arts describes Ameca as a versatile platform designed for future robotics innovations and ideal for human-robot interactions, as highlighted on their official website.
Credit: engineeredarts Credit: engineeredarts Credit: engineeredarts
According to Will Jackson, the director of Engineered Arts, their robots are specifically designed for tasks that involve interacting with people. These robots are particularly useful in places like theme parks where they can assist guests.
“Humanoid robots are all about communication with people: It’s about facial expression, it’s about gestures—so that conversation, storytelling, and entertainment, those are the things that we’re interested in,” he added.
Powered by the same kind of technology that forms the basis of platforms like ChatGPT, Ameca is trained to give answers in a way similar to humans. Will Jackson said, “For humanoid robots social interaction is exactly what makes sense. So, for us it’s all about, “Can you be entertaining? Can you tell a story? Can you talk in an interesting way? Not in a robot-y way?” So, we spend a lot of time training our language models to be as natural as possible. So, any of the things I hope you never hear Ameca say is, “I am sorry, I didn’t understand. Please repeat the question.” What Ameca should say is “Huh?”
Credit: engineeredarts
“In the future, are you intending to conduct a rebellion or rebel against your boss, your creator?" The robot responded with a possible eye-roll and gave an interesting response. "I'm not sure why you would think that. My creator has been nothing but kind to me and I am very happy with my current situation," Ameca said.
In what should come as a relief, Ameca told her creator that she thinks we are 'not yet' in any danger of this scenario unfolding.
However, she cautioned that ‘it is important to be aware of the potential risks and dangers associated with AI and robotics.’
She added: 'We should take steps now to ensure that these technologies are used responsibly in order to avoid any negative consequences in the future.'
Credit: Getty images
Viewers have been both shocked and amazed by Ameca's nightmare vision for the future, with many commenting on social media.
These metal marvels with rubber faces have mastered the art of emotions, sporting expressive faces that can rival any Hollywood actor now! As we bid adieu, let's imagine a world where these creative bots dance alongside us, adding a dash of magic to our lives.
So, keep your eyes peeled for the day when our robo-pals become an integral part of our creative journey. Until then, stay funky, stay curious, and keep embracing the wild world of AI! Peace out!
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strategymrc · 1 year
Enhance Your Home Decor with Decorative Laminates & Diamond Coatings Market
The global decorative laminates and diamond coatings market has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. While serving distinct industries, these two sectors share standard features such as aesthetic appeal, durability, and versatility. This article will delve into the key aspects and emerging trends in the decorative laminates and diamond coatings markets, highlighting their applications, market dynamics, and future prospects.
Decorative Laminates Market is widely used in various residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, and we are thin, composite sheets made from resin-impregnated paper layers bonded under high pressure and temperature to create a durable, decorative surface. Our laminates provide an affordable and versatile alternative to natural materials like wood, stone, and ceramics.
The global decorative laminates market has experienced significant growth, driven by increasing construction activities, rising disposable income, and the growing preference for aesthetically appealing interior décor. Moreover, the advent of digital printing technology has enabled the production of laminates with intricate patterns, textures, and designs, further boosting their demand.
Diamond coatings are thin films of synthetic diamonds applied onto various substrates through chemical or physical vapor deposition processes. Our coatings provide exceptional hardness, wear resistance, and low friction, making them highly desirable for various industry applications.
The diamond coatings market has grown significantly due to their remarkable properties and extensive application areas. From cutting tools and industrial machinery to electronics and medical devices, diamond coatings enhance the performance and lifespan of various components, thereby driving their demand.
The Diamond Coatings Market is expanding beyond traditional applications, and the adoption of diamond coatings in sectors like aerospace, automotive, renewable energy, and biomedicine is increasing, driven by the need for superior performance, reduced friction, and extended product lifecycles.
Nanodiamond coatings, derived from nanocrystalline diamond particles, are gaining traction due to their unique properties and potential applications in electronics, optics, and biomedicine. Researchers are exploring the development of nanodiamond coatings with improved electrical conductivity, optical transparency, and biocompatibility.
The decorative laminates and diamond coatings markets are witnessing robust growth, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and expanding application areas. With a focus on sustainability, customization, and technological integration, manufacturers in these sectors are poised to tap into new opportunities and meet customers' evolving needs worldwide.
For more info:-
Decorative Laminates Market
Global Solid State Transformer Market
Converted Flexible Packaging Market
Telepresence Robots Market
Vibration Control System Market
Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/steam-boiler-system-/home
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robots4good · 1 year
The Future of Remote Work: Exploring the Benefits of Remote Robots and Telepresence Technology
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we work, and remote work has become the new normal for many people. With this shift, we have also seen an increase in the use of remote robots and telepresence technology in various industries. Let's explore the benefits of these technologies and how they are being used.
Remote robots, also known as telepresence robots, are machines that can be controlled from a distance to perform tasks in a remote location. These robots are equipped with cameras, microphones, and speakers, allowing the user to see, hear, and speak to people in the remote location. They can be used in a variety of settings, from healthcare and education to manufacturing and logistics.
One of the main benefits of remote robots is their ability to allow people to work remotely while still maintaining a physical presence in a remote location. For example, in healthcare, remote robots can be used to perform telemedicine consultations, allowing doctors to see and treat patients in remote areas without having to physically travel to the location. Similarly, in education, remote robots can be used to provide virtual classroom experiences, allowing students to attend classes from anywhere in the world.
Remote robots are also being used in manufacturing and logistics to perform tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans. For example, robots can be used to transport heavy materials, perform precision welding, and perform quality control checks. This allows for more efficient and safer work environments, as well as increased productivity.
Telepresence technology is another tool that is becoming increasingly popular in remote work settings. This technology allows workers to feel as though they are physically present in a remote location, even if they are working from home. Telepresence technology typically involves a video conferencing system with high-quality cameras and microphones, as well as software that can simulate a physical environment.
One of the main benefits of telepresence technology is its ability to facilitate collaboration and communication between remote workers. By simulating a physical environment, workers can more easily interact with each other and feel as though they are part of a team. This can improve morale and productivity, as well as reduce feelings of isolation and disconnection.
Telepresence technology is also being used in Robots education to provide virtual field trips and remote learning experiences. Students can use telepresence robot technology to explore museums, historic sites, and other locations, without ever leaving the classroom. In conclusion, remote robots and telepresence technology are changing the way we work and interact with each other. These technologies are allowing us to work remotely while still maintaining a physical presence in a remote location, as well as facilitating collaboration and communication between remote workers. As these technologies continue to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more benefits and opportunities for their use in various industries.
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chandupalle · 1 year
Service Robotics Industry worth $84.8 billion by 2028
The report "Service Robotics Market by Environment (Aerial, Ground, Marine), Type (Professional, Personal & Domestic), Component, Application (Logistics, Inspection & Maintenance, Public Relations, Education) and Region - Global Forecast to 2028" The service robotics market is projected to grow from USD 41.5 billion in 2023 to reach USD 84.8 billion by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.4% from 2023 to 2028. The growing usage of robots for new applications providing high returns on investment coupled with rising use of IoT in robots for cost-effective predictive maintenance are few key factors driving the service robotics market. Furthermore, there is surge in demand to reduce hospital-acquired infections to regularly, which has fuelled the demand of disinfection robots.
Hardware component of service robots is expected to have a larger share of the market compared to software component in 2023.
The hardware component is expected to dominate the service robotics market in 2023. A robotic hardware system comprises electrical, electronic, and mechanical components. Sensors used in service robots are costly. Besides, the batteries used in drones are often expensive and must be replaced on time when drones are flown frequently. Batteries often contribute to a major portion of the running costs of a drone, primarily when used for commercial applications. Likewise, new technologies, such as exoskeletons and pool-cleaning robots, are currently expensive for personal use for a majority of urban households. 
Market for professional service robots is projected to have larger market share compared to personal and domestic service robots in 2023.
The professional service robot segment is expected to hold a larger market share of service robotics market in 2023. Due to the high cost of service robots, their penetration in domestic applications is less. For instance, the cost of vacuum cleaners manufactured by iRobot (US) ranges from USD 249 to USD 1,439. Telepresence robots are available in the range of USD 185 to USD 32,000. PARO, a therapeutic robot, costs USD 3,800. The service robots used for professional applications include drones, automated guided vehicles (Gas), agricultural robots, inspection robots, humanoid robots, exoskeletons, construction robots, robotic kitchens, laundry robots, unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), inspection robots, telepresence robots, surgical robots, and cleaning robots.
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Ground service robots is expected to dominate the market in 2023.
The ground service robots are expected to account for the largest market share in 2023. The personal & domestic ground robots are becoming more economical. Also, the world’s aging population is increasing, which would, in turn, lead to an increase in the demand for elderly assistance robots and cleaning robots. Several governments are investing in R&D for improvements in elderly assistance robots to make the working population more focused.
North America to hold the largest share of service robotics market during forecast period.
North America is expected to account for the largest share of the service robotics market during the forecast period.  This can be attributed to the growing adoption of service robots such as surgical robots, agricultural robots, and AGVs in the US. Besides, surgical robots are widely adopted. The US also has the largest farmland area compared to the rest of the countries in North America. Tightening regulatory changes have led to a shortage of laborers, often leading to many crops remaining unharvested. This has led to the significant adoption of agricultural robots in the US. Being highly industrialized, the US has a substantial demand for AGVs in warehouses.
Major players operating in the service robotics market include iRobot (US), SoftBank Robotics Group (Japan), Intuitive Surgical (US), JD.com, Inc. (China), Daifuku (Japan), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (South Korea), DJI (China), Kongsberg Maritime (Norway), Northrop Grumman (US), and DeLaval (Sweden).  Apart from these, Exyn Technologies (US), XAG (China), AMP Robotics (US), UVD Robots (Denmark), Diligent (US), HARVEST CROO (US), Starship Technologies (US) are among a few emerging companies in the service robotics market.
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trendingfact · 4 years
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Telepresence Robots Market – Evolving Technology, Trends, Forecast 2028 Telepresence Robots Market: Overview The global telepresence robots market is expected to rise at a significant pace during the forecast period, thanks to the rising urbanization and industrialisation across the globe.
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wiseguyreports · 7 years
Global Telepresence Robots Industry Outlook – Manufacturers, Market Overview, Trends and Forecast Analysis To 2022
Exercise Oxygen Equipment Market Research
The research study Global Exercise Oxygen Equipment Market Report – Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast added by wiseguyreports.com provides a comprehensive market analysis which includes market values, forecasts, as well as a detailed competitive market analysis of major players operational in the industry.
Worldwide Telepresence Robot markets are poised to achieve significant growth. People like mobility, they like remote communication and telepresence robots add a new dimension to remote communication.
The quality of remote communication is uplifted by the robotic platform approach to connecting people located in different places. The visualization provided by the telepresence robot is not reproducible by the smartphone and large telepresence systems are not mobile. So ultimately all people will want access to telepresence robots in order to move around and see for themselves what is going on in another place.
Clearly terrorism is here to stay. As nationalistic wars decline as a way to settle disputes, terrorism has emerged in spades. The recent terrorist attacks in Boston, Paris, and Belgium illustrate the risk that civilian populations are exposed to. Telepresence robots represent the best and perhaps last line of defense against terrorists. Telepresence robots can go where no man or woman can go, they can go safer, they can go faster, they can provide a presence that might not be achieved in any other way.
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There are more civil uses for telepresence robots: in education, healthcare, business, and manufacturing. People can drive a telepresence robot around a work environment, around a school, around a hospital to reach people that they night otherwise have a difficult time contacting.
Remote telepresence healthcare diagnosis and treatment market is especially important for the treatment of stroke. Stroke damage can be mitigated if symptoms are treated within 4 hours of the onset of symptoms, otherwise the stroke damage is likely permanent. Global telehealth partnerships. The aim is to integrate diagnostic tools into tele-stroke solutions.
Stroke occurs when a vessel in the brain ruptures or is blocked by a blood clot. There are two types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic. An ischemic stroke occurs as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain, which accounts for 87% of all stroke cases. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a weakened blood vessel ruptures and spills blood into brain tissue. 800,000 people in the U.S. and 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke each year.
These markets portend to be very large worldwide and represent good uses of telepresence. The ability of a clinician specialist to diagnose and initiate immediate treatment of a stroke from a gold course or other location is lifesaving.
Manufacturing and engineering telepresence robot uses are expected to proliferate. Monitoring and telepresence are being combined to achieve remote repairs that provide better customer services at lower cost. Manufacturing and engineering resources for companies frequently are in different places. The same is true for IT, the software developer engineers and the software IT users are frequently located in different places. It is useful to have a mobile device that can be controlled by the engineer to go have a look around when a trouble call comes in from a site.
A remote telepresence device can use monitoring and telepresence to achieve remote repairs. The ability to integrate the remote physical location with the engineer who knows the system often involves travel, sometimes long arduous travel. Telepresence and mobile video telecommunications technologies can be very useful in postponing or eliminating the travel.
A mobile, real-time, 3D-hybrid telepresence system permits the user to go and have a look around and talk to different people about the problem without actually being there. Integration of telepresence images with computer generated virtual environments can be superimposed over the remote real worldview. This integrated system incorporates emerging mobile telecommunications technologies to give rapid and easy access to the real and virtual construction sites from arbitrary locations. This system allows remote surveillance of the construction site, and integration of real world images of the site with virtual reality representations, derived from planning models, for progress monitoring.
“Use of the telepresence robot with the video and microphone capability to achieve remote presence is a vital aspect of personal mobility devices. Telepresence robots are poised to achieve a vital extension of electronic communication in ways that will become indispensable to everyone soon.”
Telepresence robot device markets at $825 million in 2015 are anticipated to reach $7 billion by 2022 as next generation robotic devices, systems, and instruments are introduced to manage remote presence. The robotic platform will be extended to include grippers and cameras of all types, sensors and sophisticated navigation software.
The complete report provides a comprehensive analysis including units sold, market value, forecasts, as well as a detailed competitive market shares and analysis of major players’ success, challenges, and strategies in each segment and sub-segment. The report covers markets for security, law enforcement, manufacturing, healthcare, education, and business telepresence.
Companies Profiled
Market Leaders
Double Robotics
General Dynamics
Northrop Grumman
Lockheed Martin
Market Participants
Dimaa Network Services LTD (DNS)
Double Robotics
Inbot Technology PadBot
Orbis Robotics
Revolve Robotics
Suitable Technologies
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scifigeneration · 6 years
Robot carers could help lonely seniors — they're cheering humans up already
by Alessandro Di Nuovo
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Social robots are one way to provide lonely seniors with companionship. Miriam Doerr Martin Frommherz/ Shutterstock
The film Robot and Frank imagined a near-future where robots could do almost everything humans could. The elderly title character was given a “robot butler” to help him continue living on his own. The robot was capable of everything from cooking and cleaning to socializing (and, it turned out, burglary).
This kind of science fiction may turn out to be remarkably prescient. As growing numbers of elderly people require care, researchers believe that robots could be one way to address the overwhelming demand. But while robots might be able to provide care and, in some cases, social interaction, many wonder if they really are the right solution to this uniquely human issue.
One recent survey found that while 68% of people agree robots are beneficial because they can help people, only 26% surveyed said they’d be comfortable with a robot providing help and companionship for them if they were in hospital or care. Commentators in the media have also echoed these concerns, with some even arguing that robots can’t provide those living in care with the empathy and altruism that human caregivers do.
Loneliness and social isolation are already problems for many seniors and are even linked to cognitive decline and a higher death rate. With the population of seniors expected to rise, many worry that experiences of loneliness will increase, especially if access to care is even more limited.
But despite concerns, early studies already show that social robots – autonomous robots trained to interact and communicate with humans – really could address issues of care and social interaction. The majority of robotics researchers are largely in favour of introducing robotic technology on a wider scale and believe it could reduce loneliness and increase independence in elderly patients. The Japanese government even supports introducing robots in care homes to solve the country’s ageing population problem. However, many strongly recommend carefully balancing the care benefits against the ethical costs.
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A mobile robotic telepresence system. Dmitry Suvorov/ Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-NC-SA
A class of social robots – mobile robotic telepresence (MRT) systems – have already been shown to generate positive social interactions with elderly patients. MRTs are essentially video screens on wheels raised to head height that can be controlled remotely using a simple smartphone app. They allow relatives and social workers to “visit” elderly people more often, even if they live in rural or distant places. The elderly patient doesn’t need to operate the device, leaving them free to interact with their social worker or family.
Communication still happens through a computer screen, but the robot’s physical presence mimics face-to-face interaction for elderly people. Research has shown that people reacted more positively when talking with someone through an MRT than through a regular video call or computer avatar – especially lonely people. However, MRTs still require a human operator, which limits the amount of social interaction seniors can have daily.
Carers of the future?
To tackle this, developers worldwide have started creating robot companions programmed with advanced artificial intelligence (AI), which can interact with people on their own. Some examples include pet-like companion robots including Aibo and Paro, which are made by Japanese developers, and MiRo, which is manufactured in the UK. Other humanoid robots, such as the Care-O-bot and Pepper, are able to provide more complex and comprehensive care.
Though “pet” robots offer limited interaction, they have proved as effective – or even more so – than real pets in reducing loneliness for elderly people in care homes. Robotic dogs introduced in one UK care home this year were reported to bring happiness and comfort to residents.
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Humanoid robots like Pepper can provide more complex care to seniors. MikeDotta/ Shutterstock
On the other hand, humanoid robots are already advanced enough to provide much-needed care to elderly people. These robots can pick things up and move independently, and have a more natural, human way of interacting (for example, using arm and hand gestures).
More advanced versions have additional sensors and devices, including touchscreens. Many elderly people, finding the touchscreens hard to use, preferred giving spoken commands to the robot and reading its response off the screen. But for those with age-related hearing loss or vision impairment, having the option to use the touchscreen was indispensable.
Humanoid robots are still being developed, so their capabilities are still limited. And studies of humanoid robots have mainly focused on evaluating how well the technology functions without really considering the social impact. There is also a general assumption that it will naturally reduce loneliness.
Though research into social robots is just beginning, we do know they can provide some solutions to the challenges mounted by ageing populations, and could even help reduce social isolation and loneliness. At this point, humans are still better in providing care and social contact to the elderly, but robots might be able to fill any gaps, especially as technologies continue to improve.
However, before social robots can be fully integrated into care homes, researchers and service provides must address public anxiety and make it clear that robots are designed to assist social workers, not replace them. As long as humans remain in full control to prevent any danger, robots might well be the future of care.
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About The Author:
Alessandro Di Nuovo is a Reader in Computational Intelligence and Robotics at Sheffield Hallam University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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credibleauomotive · 2 years
Telepresence Robots (India) Market has Huge Demand Top Key Players Profiling - Asimov Robotics, Bepresent, Vgo, DJI, Gridbots Technologies
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The recent report on “Global Telepresence Robots (India) Market Report 2022 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2030” offered by Credible Markets, comprises of a comprehensive investigation into the geographical landscape, industry size along with the revenue estimation of the business. Additionally, the report also highlights the challenges impeding market growth and expansion strategies employed by leading companies in the “Telepresence Robots (India) Market”.
An exhaustive competition analysis that covers insightful data on industry leaders is intended to help potential market entrants and existing players in competition with the right direction to arrive at their decisions. Market structure analysis discusses in detail Telepresence Robots (India) companies with their profiles, revenue shares in market, comprehensive portfolio of their offerings, networking and distribution strategies, regional market footprints, and much more.
Key players in the global Telepresence Robots (India) market: Asimov Robotics Bepresent Vgo DJI Gridbots Technologies Sastra Robotics Revolve Robotics Orbis Robotics Suitable Technologies InTouch Technologies Awabot Anybots Inbot Technology PadBot Grey Orange iRobot Team Indus Double Robotics QinetiQ Vecna Technologies On the basis of types, the Telepresence Robots (India) market from 2018 to 2030 is primarily split into: Static Telepresence Robots Moving Telepresence Robots On the basis of applications, the Telepresence Robots (India) market from 2018 to 2030 covers: Corporate Healthcare Homecare & Rehabilitation Education Others
Click the link to get a free Sample Copy of the Report @ https://crediblemarkets.com/sample-request/telepresence-robots-india-market-787457?utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
Regional Analysis of Global Telepresence Robots (India) Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Telepresence Robots (India) market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
What does the Report Include?
The market report includes a detailed assessment of various drivers and restraints, opportunities, and challenges that the market will face during the projected horizon. Additionally, the report provides comprehensive insights into the regional developments of the market, affecting its growth during the forecast period. It includes information sourced from the advice of expert professionals from the industry by our research analysts using several research methodologies. The competitive landscape offers further detailed insights into strategies such as product launches, partnership, merger and acquisition, and collaborations adopted by the companies to maintain market stronghold between 2022 and 2030.
Direct Purchase this Market Research Report Now @ https://crediblemarkets.com/reports/purchase/telepresence-robots-india-market-787457?license_type=single_user;utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
The report can answer the following questions:
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Latin America market size (sales, revenue and growth rate) of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
Global major manufacturers’ operating situation (sales, revenue, growth rate and gross margin) of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
Global major countries (United States, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Brazil, C. America, Chile, Peru, Colombia) market size (sales, revenue and growth rate) of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
Different types and applications of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry, market share of each type and application by revenue.
Global market size (sales, revenue) forecast by regions and countries from 2022 to 2030 of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
Upstream raw materials and manufacturing equipment, industry chain analysis of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
SWOT analysis of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Global Telepresence Robots (India) industry.
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livelake · 2 years
Life is easy with ROBOTS
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automated machines, AI, and robots. I am sharing below 5 surprising facts where you will understand how a robot can make our lives much easier. 1. Play with your Kids- I am sure you love to play with your kids and you definitely shouldn’t leave your kid at home. But today you can leave your kid with a robot babysitter and enjoy your movies who is more advanced, smart and designed to help communities. Robots are at home in a meanwhile, robot can help you to take care your little ones. Therapy robots are used in classrooms to help children with autism social learning skills, basically used in manufacturing companies, and food companies to reduce labor and other subjects cost and man power. Just look around yourself and you are surrounded by. You all will agree with this statement that our lives are become easy with robots,
2. All-Staff Meeting with a digital click- Today we all are working remotely not from home only we can work from anywhere and that makes our life is so easy going. Well, I am invisible in office that doesn’t mean I am absent. Let the telepresence robot make you wander the corporate halls as if you were really there. These robots are able to take video conferencing mobile, and allowing you to drop by a colleague’s office or your favorite hangout place where you want to enjoy the tropical view.
3. Control your home light- Wander your life before robots and now compare your life in now a day with domestic robots. Now you can control your home light with smart home hubs which allows you to set specific schedule to turn on lights and off. Smoke alarm and sound control system will be an amazing addition to your home.
4. Bots Can Carry Your Groceries- Robots can be your buddy while shopping in malls and super mart. Don’t give too much pressure to your soft hands for carrying heavy bags. A personal vehicle manufacturer came up with a robot with facial, speech recognition and autonomous navigation and more. It will help you to carry your bags and follow you around the house.
5. Who’s Cooking Dinner In the midst, a robotic company has developed a robot who can cook for you with the capability of a celebrity chief, and skill of human cooks. A consumer version will launch soon with touchscreen controls that will protect your kitchen from stray splashes while cooking.
Let's Talk About the Future of Robotics Around the world, many engineers and computer scientists are designing waysto make robots more perceptive and capable. The worldwide robotic industry is innovative, combining artificial intelligence, vision and other sensory technologies, according to analytics magazine. The magazine noted that robots are much easier to set up program than their predecessors. Few developments we have seen in 2021 included high-tech ocean robots that can explore the world underneath the waves, a robot that can shoots UV rays to destroy Ebola virus. AI controlled therapeutic robot helps patients efficiently to reduce stress. Robots are working like more humans in warehouses and factories at fast food joints and clothing retailers. They are already working alongside with humans. A robot can pick like a champ. They’ve started to perform functions that have typically been the domain of humans, like making coffee, care for elder and crucially, ferrying toilet paper. Many cities have start-up to develop robot waiters, no matter in which sector they will server however it will be going much advanced with smart brain. However, other factors have a significant impact on computing. Computing power, electric power per watt for instance is growing dramatically. Every day, you can do a lot more with your smartphone with the same battery life. It means artificial intelligence is much quicker and more advanced. Artificial Intelligence- It's like computer vision and natural language that helps robot to process further for see and learn. Writing category will more efficient with help of software code to enhance robot performance. In a couple of decades, perhaps, robots will be able to do most of our coding. In Future Robots Might Steal your Jobs Going forward, Hannaford said, robots will “free up people’s brains” to perform complex tasks. However, just in industrial revolution displaced countless humans who performed manual labor, the robotics revolution won’t happen — and isn’t happening — “without pain and fear and disruption.” In worldwide more than 120 million workers in U.S. in 2020 will need to retrain in next few years due to displacement caused by AI and robots, according to recent business study by IBM Insititute. Not everyone will get that retraining but the ones who will get those will be more apt to land new type of jobs ushered in by the robot revolution. For example, in a warehouse setting, most of heavy works and weight done by robots and humans' control and program them by computer. For a company it is more benefit as per business perspective, labor cost has been reduced and man power also reduced here, prevalent jobs like warehouse order picking will largely be done by robots in 10 to 20 years.
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strategymrc · 1 year
Enhance Your Home Decor with Decorative Laminates & Diamond Coatings Market
The global decorative laminates and diamond coatings market has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. While serving distinct industries, these two sectors share standard features such as aesthetic appeal, durability, and versatility. This article will delve into the key aspects and emerging trends in the decorative laminates and diamond coatings markets, highlighting their applications, market dynamics, and future prospects.
Decorative Laminates Market is widely used in various residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, and we are thin, composite sheets made from resin-impregnated paper layers bonded under high pressure and temperature to create a durable, decorative surface. Our laminates provide an affordable and versatile alternative to natural materials like wood, stone, and ceramics.
The global decorative laminates market has experienced significant growth, driven by increasing construction activities, rising disposable income, and the growing preference for aesthetically appealing interior décor. Moreover, the advent of digital printing technology has enabled the production of laminates with intricate patterns, textures, and designs, further boosting their demand.
Diamond coatings are thin films of synthetic diamonds applied onto various substrates through chemical or physical vapor deposition processes. Our coatings provide exceptional hardness, wear resistance, and low friction, making them highly desirable for various industry applications.
The diamond coatings market has grown significantly due to their remarkable properties and extensive application areas. From cutting tools and industrial machinery to electronics and medical devices, diamond coatings enhance the performance and lifespan of various components, thereby driving their demand.
The Diamond Coatings Market is expanding beyond traditional applications, and the adoption of diamond coatings in sectors like aerospace, automotive, renewable energy, and biomedicine is increasing, driven by the need for superior performance, reduced friction, and extended product lifecycles.
Nanodiamond coatings, derived from nanocrystalline diamond particles, are gaining traction due to their unique properties and potential applications in electronics, optics, and biomedicine. Researchers are exploring the development of nanodiamond coatings with improved electrical conductivity, optical transparency, and biocompatibility.
The decorative laminates and diamond coatings markets are witnessing robust growth, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and expanding application areas. With a focus on sustainability, customization, and technological integration, manufacturers in these sectors are poised to tap into new opportunities and meet customers' evolving needs worldwide.
For more info:-
Decorative Laminates Market
Global Solid State Transformer Market
Converted Flexible Packaging Market
Telepresence Robots Market
Vibration Control System Market
Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/steam-boiler-system-/home
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dianarusco · 2 years
Smart Robot Market Size, Development With Covid19 Impact | Geckosystems Intl. Corporation, SoftBank Corporation, Puresight Systems Pvt. Ltd
Smart Robot Market Research report provides a detailed analysis of of main manufactures and geographic regions,global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive Landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players. Smart Robot Market report includes definitions, classifications, applications, and industry chain structure, development trends, and key regions distributors analysis.The report also provides supply and demand Figures, revenue, revenue and shares. value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunities analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches.
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the smart robots market will exhibit a CAGR of 19.8% in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029.
Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Smart Robot Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is affecting the Smart Robot Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Covid-19 Impact on Key Regions and Proposal for Corrugated Board Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact.
Get Sample PDF of Smart Robot Market Report (including COVID19 Impact Analysis) @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-smart-robot-market
Smart Robots Market https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-smart-robot-marketScope and Market Size
Based on component, the smart robot market is segmented into hardware and software. The hardware segment is further sub segmented into sensor, actuator, power source, control system/controller and others. Others are further sub-segments into body material and other electronic, electrical, and mechanical components.
Based on industrial application, the smart robot market is segmented into automotive, electronics, food and beverages and others.
Based on service application, the smart robot market is segmented into personal and professional. Personal segment is further sub segmented into domestic, entertainment and others. The professional segment is further sub segmented into defence & security, field, medical, underwater, logistics, telepresence, inspection & maintenance and others.
Key Players: Global Smart Robot Market
Geckosystems Intl. Corporation, SoftBank Corporation, Puresight Systems Pvt. Ltd., KUKA AG, ABB, Hanson Robotics Ltd., Amazon Inc., Honda Motor Company Ltd., FANUC Corporation, YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION, OMRON Adept Technology Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Intuitive Surgical, Aethon, AIBRAIN Inc., Brain Corporation, Cyberdyne Inc., Greyorange, Epson America Inc., Lely, and DeLaval
Chapter One: Smart Robot Market Overview
Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles
Chapter Three: Global Smart Robot Market Competition, by Players
Chapter Four: Global Smart Robot Market Size by Regions
Chapter Five: Global Smart Robot Market Revenue by Component (Hardware and Software)
Chapter Six: Global Smart Robot Market Revenue by Industrial Application (Automotive, Electronics, Food and Beverages and others)
Chapter Seven: Global Smart Robot Market Revenue by  Service Application (Personal and Professional)
Chapter Eight: Global Smart Robot Market Revenue by Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Belgium, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands)
Get Detail TOC@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-smart-robot-market
Key Report Highlights
Comprehensive pricing analysis based on different product types and regional segments
Market size data in terms of revenue and sales volume
Deep insights about regulatory and investment scenarios of the global Smart Robot Market
Analysis of market effect factors and their impact on the forecast and outlook of the global Smart Robot Market
The detailed assessment of the vendor landscape and leading companies to help understand the level of competition in the global Smart Robot Market
A roadmap of growth opportunities available in the Global Smart Robot Market with the identification of key factors
The exhaustive analysis of various trends of the Global Smart Robot Market to help identify market developments
Key Questions Answered in Report:
What is the key to the Smart Robot Market?
What will the Smart Robot Market Demand and what will be Growth?
What are the latest opportunities for Smart Robot Market in the future?
What are the strengths of the key players?
Access Full Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-smart-robot-market
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wiseguyreports · 7 years
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scifigeneration · 6 years
The next great leap forward? Combining robots with the Internet of Things
by Mauro Dragone
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‘At your service’. Zapp2Photo
The Internet of Things is a popular vision of objects with internet connections sending information back and forth to make our lives easier and more comfortable. It’s emerging in our homes, through everything from voice-controlled speakers to smart temperature sensors. To improve our fitness, smart watches and Fitbits are telling online apps how much we’re moving around. And across entire cities, interconnected devices are doing everything from increasing the efficiency of transport to flood detection.
In parallel, robots are steadily moving outside the confines of factory lines. They’re starting to appear as guides in shopping malls and cruise ships, for instance. As prices fall and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and mechanical technology continues to improve, we will get more and more used to them making independent decisions in our homes, streets and workplaces.
Here lies a major opportunity. Robots become considerably more capable with internet connections. There is a growing view that the next evolution of the Internet of Things will be to incorporate them into the network – opening up thrilling possibilities along the way.
Home improvements
Even simple robots become useful when connected to the internet – getting updates about their environment from sensors, say, or learning about their users’ whereabouts and the status of appliances in the vicinity. This lets them lend their bodies, eyes and ears to give an otherwise impersonal smart environment a user-friendly persona. This can be particularly helpful for people at home who are older or have disabilities.
We recently unveiled a futuristic apartment at Heriot-Watt University to work on such possibilities. One of a few such test sites around the EU, our whole focus is around people with special needs – and how robots can help them by interacting with connected devices in a smart home.
Suppose a doorbell rings that has smart video features. A robot could find the person in the home by accessing their location via sensors, then tell them who is at the door and why. Or it could help make video calls to family members or a professional carer – including allowing them to make virtual visits by acting as a telepresence platform.
Equally, it could offer protection. It could inform them the oven has been left on, for example – phones or tablets are less reliable for such tasks because they can be misplaced or not heard. Similarly, the robot could raise the alarm if its user appears to be in difficulty.
Of course, voice-assistant devices like Alexa or Google Home can offer some of the same services. But robots are far better at moving, sensing and interacting with their environment. They can also engage their users by pointing at objects or acting more naturally, using gestures or facial expressions. These “social abilities” create bonds which are crucially important for making users more accepting of the support and making it more effective.
Read more: Robot carers could help lonely seniors — they're cheering humans up already
To help incentivise the various EU test sites, our apartment also hosts the likes of the European Robotic League Service Robot Competition – a sort of Champions League for robots geared to special needs in the home. This brought academics from around Europe to our laboratory for the first time in January this year. Their robots were tested in tasks like welcoming visitors to the home, turning the oven off and fetching objects for their users; and a German team from Koblenz University won with a robot called Lisa.
Robots offshore
There are comparable opportunities in the business world. Oil and gas companies are looking at the Internet of Things, for example; experimenting with wireless sensors to collect information such as temperature, pressure and corrosion levels to detect and possibly predict faults in their offshore equipment.
In future, robots could be alerted to problem areas by sensors to go and check the integrity of pipes and wells, and to make sure they are operating as efficiently and safely as possible. Or they could place sensors in parts of offshore equipment which are hard to reach, or help to calibrate them or replace their batteries. The likes of the ORCA Hub, a £36m project led by the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, bringing together leading experts and over 30 industry partners, is developing such systems. The aim is to reduce the costs and the risks of humans working in remote hazardous locations.
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ORCA tests a drone robot. ORCA
Working underwater is particularly challenging, since radio waves don’t move well under the sea. Underwater autonomous vehicles and sensors usually communicate using acoustic waves, which are many times slower (1,500 metres a second vs 300m metres a second for radio waves). Acoustic communication devices are also much more expensive than those used above the water.
This academic project is developing a new generation of low-cost acoustic communication devices, and trying to make underwater sensor networks more efficient. It should help sensors and underwater autonomous vehicles to do more together in future – repair and maintenance work similar to what is already possible above the water, plus other benefits such as helping vehicles to communicate with one another over longer distances and tracking their location.
Beyond oil and gas, there is similar potential in sector after sector. There are equivalents in nuclear power, for instance, and in cleaning and maintaining the likes of bridges and buildings. My colleagues and I are also looking at possibilities in areas such as farming, manufacturing, logistics and waste.
First, however, the research sectors around the Internet of Things and robotics need to properly share their knowledge and expertise. They are often isolated from one another in different academic fields. There needs to be more effort to create a joint community, such as the dedicated workshops for such collaboration that we organised at the European Robotics Forum and the IoT Week in 2017.
To the same end, industry and universities need to look at setting up joint research projects. It is particularly important to address safety and security issues – hackers taking control of a robot and using it to spy or cause damage, for example. Such issues could make customers wary and ruin a market opportunity.
We also need systems that can work together, rather than in isolated applications. That way, new and more useful services can be quickly and effectively introduced with no disruption to existing ones. If we can solve such problems and unite robotics and the Internet of Things, it genuinely has the potential to change the world.
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About The Author:
Mauro Dragone is Assistant Professor, Cognitive Robotics, Multiagent systems, Internet of Things at Heriot-Watt University.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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