qelodraws · 2 years
Lucio ❤️🖤
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Se llamaba Dante pero le puse Lucio ❤️
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femmchantress · 1 year
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It is traditional to read from the Megilath Ruth - the Scroll/Book of Ruth - on Shavuot (a holiday which begins tonight). As such, I present to you my favorite passage from it: Ruth’s declaration of unending love and loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi.
Regardless of how you interpret her actions (there is a lot of Jewish lesbian literature on this), the declaration of “Ki El-Asher Telchi Elech” - “Wherever you go, I will go” begins one of the most moving and romantic monologues that Hebrew has to offer (it’s even engraved on the inside of my husband and I’s wedding rings) and it makes me so happy to see how many queer Jews have incorporated it into their marriage/commitment vows. ☺️
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elchaqueno · 1 year
Lucas Careaga conquista su séptimo campeonato nacional de karting
El 11 años de edad, Lucas Careaga, quien ha nacido en Potosí pero representa a Santa Cruz, se coronó campeón nacional de karting en la categoría Vórtex 100. Esto volvió a demostrar su gran talento y dedicación para el deporte. Durante el último fin de semana del Campeonato Nacional de Karting se llevó a cabo la tercera y última fecha, en el circuito de la Villa Deportiva Abraham Telchi de Santa…
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noticlick · 1 year
Lucas Careaga conquista su séptimo campeonato nacional de karting
El 11 años de edad, Lucas Careaga, quien ha nacido en Potosí pero representa a Santa Cruz, se coronó campeón nacional de karting en la categoría Vórtex 100. Esto volvió a demostrar su gran talento y dedicación para el deporte. Durante el último fin de semana del Campeonato Nacional de Karting se llevó a cabo la tercera y última fecha, en el circuito de la Villa Deportiva Abraham Telchi de Santa…
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curiouslich · 7 years
No one is Forgotten
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“Embershade...Daygrove...Flamewhisper...Dawnshield….Hawkheart….Brightblade.” The words on his lips had become a mantra. The return to Kris was a blur, truth be told Itrius couldn’t even fathom how he ended up back in the bed at the Sleeping Lynx Inn.
“Embershade...Daygrove...Flamewhisper...Dawnshield….Hawkheart….Brightblade… Sunshatter... “ his name on the list bought a reprieve from his  devouring thoughts, but just for a moment.
“But you aren’t dead, you are here in Kris, in a bed, safe, warm. You are alive..” Swinging his fist down on the mattress he grit his teeth suppressing another scream. “Do not disgrace their name, Ours doesn’t belong there. They are heros, you are a coward. You left Allamar. You left them. You led everyone straight into hell, and you were the ONLY one to leave!”
Swinging his hand out he slammed it into the wooden wall next to the bed. The thud of an arm hitting something it couldn’t dream of changing echoed out. The ache of pain spread radiated, but that didn’t stop him. Again, and again, and again the thud rang out. “
“I am not the leader you were brother… I failed our family. I wish I was with Sunstorm against the Eternal Dawn. If they killed me my men might still be alive…” Clenching his teeth he sucked in another breath. “Irigir… Help me. What in the Sun’s name can I do? I can’t go back by myself… The Crimons won't follow me without Eclipse. And I am already out of my jurisdiction.. the Phoenix Guard won't come…”
Wetness gathering at the edges of his lashes Itrius bit his cheek. Bringing a hand to rest on the palm shaped scar seared into his skin he closed his eyes. “Sun guide me….”
Knock… Knock… Knock
Itrius couldn’t help but to stifle his growl. Was now really a good time to disturb him? Despite the mused questions he remained silent. He had no words for anyone. He didn’t want the world to witness his failure quite yet.
After a brief pause there came a second round of knocks. Just go away already! Fingertips digging at the scar as the hint of copper flicked at his tongue.
The unknown guest must have gotten the message as there was no third round. Instead the sound of soft scratching filled the room. Sitting up the paladin squinted at the space below the door. Then with a serendipitous push the folded parchment slid onto the floor.
Eyes shot wide open at the invasion Itrius lept to the floor. “Light above…” Practically falling to his feet he dove for the letter. Greedy hands pawing over the parchment to see the answer to his prayers and problems. All summed up with the familiar signature.
“Elleynah Stormsummer”
Throwing the chair out of the way Itrius tossed the letter onto the bed. There would be time for that later, now was not for idle conversation. Bringing the candle closer to the parchment he ripped a quill from its rest. Stilling his racing heart he dipped the quill away and raced the edge along the paper. Creating what could barely be acknowledged as a return letter.
Your letter could not have come at a better moment. I found myself back in Kris after a nightmare return to Allamar. They are gone Elleynah, my men, the crimsons. The casualty level of the mission was nearly all. I need help, I need your Sunguard to help, someone, anyone to help. Their is a faint hope they still live, I pray to the Sun they are. If I don’t act with beyond haste they won't be though. Please deliver this to Lord Truefeather personally. You are a leader in your order. He has to listen to you…
Please, for everything I hold dear I need you.
Moving the first letter aside to dry the shaken man relaxed the hold on his lungs.. “Sun, please guide me.” He had spoken with the Truefeathers often. The lords of the house came by Goldsea often. They were proud of it. Breathing again Itrius summoned all the nobelity he could muster as he penned his second missive.
Archon Lord Telchis Truefeather.
My name is Itrius Sunshatter, Investigative Captain of the Phoenix Guard and eldest son of the late matron of Goldsea. I am writing this most dire letter in a great time of need. These past few months I have been on assignment in the Southern tip of Quel’thalas along the Amani border. I have witnessed horrifying oddities that have plagued this land and its people. Working alongside the local militia I had hoped to placate any threats and minimize possible incidents.
The forces at work though, are far more insidious than I could have fathomed. Entire cities have been laid waste at the feet of some dark magics. This land is caught in a war between the mindless undead, the savagery of the Amani, and now this new element of terror. People are dying, good, honest people that have done nothing but struggle to live their lives. I find the resources at my disposal inadequate to remedy the situation.
I write you not as on envoy of the Phoenix Guard, but as a Son of the Dawnspire and Lord of Goldsea. Send aid to Kris. Help me show the people of this land they are not forgotten, that they are as we are, citizens of Quel’thalas.
Itrius Sunshatter
This is it, this is the end of the story and the call to action. One year of work 60 pages wrote and its ends here.
I want to thank my lovely wife @stormandozone for standing by me, for pushing me, and for inspiring me.
@sakialyn for supporting and helping me build this world
@felthier is being tagged for mentions.
Now its all up to @thesunguardmg to help me write the next chapter, and stop the Return of the Nightmare
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testimanifesti · 4 years
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felthier · 6 years
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redarrowhouse · 6 years
A Letter to an Archon
Tears stain the parchment in places, blurring and marring the otherwise perfect handwriting.  The letter itself is rolled unevenly, as if done by shaking hands.  
News has reached us in Orgrimmar about what has happened.  I write this to you knowing full well that my brother is in his current predicament by his own fault.  I know you are angry about what he and the others did.  I would ask you to set that aside so that I may ask you a question close to my heart.  
My family from my life before is small now; I can count on one hand the few I have left.  Ithranicus is reckless and impulsive but he is also my brother and the only family I have left that is not my own progeny from before.  We were starting to get along and to understand each other, myself with his strange humour, he with my strange nature.  Our meetings are no longer ones of uncomfortable wariness, instead holding a warmth I have only felt with my daughter.  We have plans for the future, plans to rebuild our home.
I have heard of the letters dispersed by the Alliance, promising his execution if hostilities are not ceased.  
Please save my brother, Archon.  
Emberward Siildore Frostlotus
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thanidiel · 6 years
[Taking place in some fuck-off time bubble a month after the current phase of the Kris storyline]
From the green horizon that divides Dawnspire Province from its Kingdom whole, a curious sight greets the scarce workers tending the plots of winter-wheat surrounding ailing Autumnvale.
Like the rolling fields of the Goldsea, the Sun, posed overhead, shines onto a glinting sea of bodies. Two-hundred men and women, all donning the winged greathelm of the Phoenix Guard, march in unison along the stone-laid road set centuries prior and maintained since. In the center of their army, space is made for the movement of herded cattle and wagon; evidencing that these elves had no intention to return to the bounty of the Dawnspire garrison any time soon.
At the head of this formation, two horseriders post to the rhythmic trot that leads them closer and closer towards the approaching village. To the left, overtaken by the other, a woman with a mass of hair as black as the beast ‘tween her knees. To the right, a figure with the same greathelm as the host behind them: their body below bathed in red and slivering gold (striking against the white of their steed) and in their hand, standard breaches skyward. Large and paramount, the weathered, scarlet, symbol of Tyr’s Hand, and beneath, the more vivid gold and crimson of the Sunguard.
Once, the movement of such armies along this route between Quel’Thalas and its Dawnspire whether in war or peace was a regular occurrence. Now, the flow of migration that met Autumnvale has trickled to near-nothingness beyond the most bold, or desperate, of elves.
So unique this sight is, the marching host observes the quick withdrawal of the labourers specked all along the soon-to-be-harvested green of winter-wheat towards the disrepair of the village.
Allowing no pause, the army draws ever-steady to the very edges of the farmland surrounding the village buildings within. And that is when the leading figure releases their grip on the reins of their companion. Their unoccupied hand raises high and flat into the air. A succession of shouts and the two hundred come to clean halt in moments with the thud of feet and the ache of wagon wheels.
Once the din of noise settles, the low feminine that had been in quiet discussion to the woman to her right raises to a high thunder that carries over the army and to the ears of the villagers already beginning to gather in the square ahead.
“Harthen! Establish the company’s encampment along the plain. Lynxfury, Dragonsroar, Hawkspear Platoons - you are with me. Assemble behind me in phalanx as the others disperse. Gather the supplies we spoke of last night, the wagon marked with yellow paint.”
The Captain’s vision lolls lazily to regard her partner; a feat that is, by no means, done easily with the weight of her greathelm. her volume lowers to something only heard to Bricini.
“Get the fuck out of my sight. I don’t need you.”
“Oh, Light, you’re such a romantic. Say it again. Once more. With feeling.”
“I mean it - you can’t fuck this up. Go take a nap in one of the supply wagons.”
“I! Want! ...to see my girlfriend, my partner, in her element. Is that so unbearable to deal with?”
“I’m gonna be in the crowd.”
“Get off the horse, then.”
The Phoenix Guard presses her knees into the bare flanks of her mare and bends her head to murmur into its ear. A slow, precise, walk of its hooves commences with another flourishing wave of left hand towards the gathered thirty-six behind them.
Flowing around the dismounting Dawnmender, the soldiers make their way to the center of Autumnvale: where, already, about half of its population has gathered in curious interest towards the seemingly paused army. Worry, hope, fear, caution: she catches all of these murmured sentiments through the whispering people. Very few seem to have recognised her from past days.
The soldiers move in quiet succession around the barren market stalls and prominent statue that make up the core of the square. Ultimately, presenting themselves to where the crowd has condensed the most, towards where the square bleeds into the majority of the sprawling buildings.
From there, one squad breaks from the three-platoon-strong phalanx and quickly establish themselves a large, empty, space behind the Duskward. Unslinging their packs from their shoulders, they work to establish a framework of wooden pole and stake in the earth interspersed between the pieces of stonery below - displaying the reason for the long roll of fabric that spanned the length of the phalanx before it.
In the meantime, Thanidiel pulls herself from the saddle of the dirt-slicked and pale horse below her. Clutching the reins of the placid animal in her left hand, she steps forward towards the crowd. She continues her silent march, closer and closer, to the growing citizenry. Until the phalanx’s backline steps backwards over the tarp to heft it up in smooth coordination and the whole of the formation strides to cover the space made between the working six.
Only then, she brings herself to a squared halt. From her slitted visor, the newly-instated Kin’taris gazes upon the sampling of her wards before her. Many are too young for work, with disproportionate bodies and stringy muscles to their bones. Some are too old for work, with curled, shriveled, bone and hair of fading pigment. Few of those who do not take to the sides of either caretaker or charge possess the weight of true adulthood, even their ears lack length. She could not even call what she had to work with here as ‘scraps.’
The doubled standard raises overhead, the noon-sun catching along the lengths of weighty fabric, and crashes down towards the earth in one beat (of course, it had cantripped an hours’ time before to cut through and settle in the soil as well as it does: thank the Sun for the unsuccessful arcanists ‘mongst the men). Her hand goes for the lip of her greathelm shortly after, already unstrapped from her head before they had entered village, and pulls away the heavy metal.
In the woman’s grip, the armour-piece fall to clatter against the golden steel of her chausses. Easing the ache sparked down her muscles from a motion more theatrical than based in her usual practicality, she hefts the same shoulder in a rolling motion. The draping mantle of a once-great lynx shakes around her in the process as Thanidiel lofts the strong of her imperious chin upward, flicking aside loose curls of her platinum hair. Her one eye falls upon the approach of Sir Reval through the villagers.
She thunders.
“Hail, People of Autumnvale!
Above all, I provide to you condolences concerning the passing of Besari Vella. The most deep of sorrows gripped me the day it was discovered that the efforts of your’s, Kin’taros Reval, Serdari Truefeather, and myself, failed to preserve the life of your own.
As we all know well, however, we, Children of the fallen Blood, must push on with the clockwork of the seasons ahead of us no matter the grief that clutches our breasts. We must honor the memory of not only the late Besari, but those that fell around her, as the Sun and Earth return their bodies to the wheat. Thus, your Serdar has assigned me, Thanidiel Highdawn, to warden these lands under the charge of Kin’taris.
From this point forward, Sir Reval and his troops are dismissed from garrison. His Lord has greater needs of his talent in regions beyond here.
The absence of his skill and the absence of his soldiers emphasises the gaping void that these foreign wars have exacted upon Autumnvale. In exchange; I bring you not only replacement, but I promise you growing respite of the burdens felt here.
Here is a fraction of the able-bodies I have brought you:”
In practiced unison, the thirty soldiers planted behind the Captain all remove their grandiose phoenix helms from themselves - all daring to throw the priceless armour forward with the lob of Thanidiel’s own signature of battle. All displaying the vibrant youth in their taut skin and seafoam eyes staring out to the Citizenry.
The winged gold falls in a rain of metallic racket, rolling this way and that way to strike either stone or the rims of the crowd’s well-worn boots. The Phoenix Guard allows the din to fall down to creaking hints, though not long enough for the people to recover from stupour.
“—the largest misconception suffered by the World is that soldiers eke their livelihoods on the sole spill of blood. We come here to alleviate such falsehood. We will work. We will perform our duties to not only the protection of Autumnvale, but its succour as well.
Aye, People of Autumnvale, we will harvest the ready bounty of your fields alongside you. We will repair what the Broken Men have razed here and more. We will take your ill and your hurt into our camps with open arms. We will assure that there is always bread in your bellies and a fire for your bones. And never shall we ask of you of anything but to live your lives as you ought to live them, anywhere where the Serdar’s Sun strikes the grasses.
Not only will we assist in the going-ons of the village, but we will work to revive the trade route that runs here from Dawnspire to Western High Home. The Broken Men that we all once called siblings terrorise our livelihoods. Telchis Truefeather, as both Serdar and Archon, possesses little patience for Oathbreakers, especially those who would exert their sorrow with ill upon their former loved ones.
It is his Will and, thus, mine to provide security to this region once more and reestablish the flow of trade. We would have Autumnvale’s square and streets filled to the brim with merchant stalls and first-privy to the goods that flow between this province and beyond - as the days of past prosperity.
So it all shall become and be.
I will make myself available here, in this square, for the People as long as there are troubles to plague us; I refuse to spend a single copper of your funds nor hour of your time to repair Sunvalor Estate, a pointless indulgence that benefits only myself.
I want all remaining businesspeople and those you call leaders to speak with me in orderly fashion during meal or passing times over the next week. I wish to evaluate what we are missing here in terms of resources and specialised labour to better my judgement of Autumnvale’s needs going forwards.
Please disperse and return to your days. The army beyond your fields will make rounds starting on the morrow to find and make work with you. Step forward if there are words to be passed.
Belono sil'aru, Tel rea Belore’dorei.”
Having refined to good time in the days prior, Thanidiel’s speech commences right as the crimson and gold tarp is completely fastened and secured to the Commander’s tent established. Pushing out a lengthy breath of repose from her lips, the woman passes off her reins to one of the soldiers now breaking from formation to recover their helmets. She accepts trade of her distinct helm, with its engraved horses into its fore, in return.
The Duskward pulls on the standard she had plunged into the earth minutes ago, turning away from the din of cheering younglings. She notes the squad from before, periodically jogging in and out of the tent with her needed furnishings in the wagon that had followed some distance away: table and stool, bed, armour-and-weapon stands, maps, papers, inks, quills. Their Captain drives her standard back into the ground where it near brushes against the pulled-back tent flap behind it.
The hours drone on in the aftermath of her introduction in a flurry of countless conversations hunched in stool, and painstaking notes generated by the new Kin’taris - a library of cross-reference birthed in a days’ half and promising much more in the length of this evaluation period.
By the time nightfall truly engulfs the village - the woman’s eye strains in throbbing pain, not to mention her spine and backside. She drains her waterskin like she had escaped the heat of Hellfire once again with the exit of the last tradesperson (a carpenter lamenting the lack of lumber for needed reconstruction) into the darkness beyond.
The thrumming relief in her breast is palpable when, minutes later, the smell of just-cooked beef wafts in through the tent opening. Followed by a characteristic smirk and wild of black hair.
[Appearance by @jessipalooza | Mentions/interest of @felthier @azriah ]
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telchis · 7 years
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Born to the prestigious House of Truefeather, Telchis Truefeather grew up knowing a life of duty and honor. These traits were tested time and time again during the rise and fall of the thalassian people. Now born to take up the title of Serdar of the Dawnspire, Telchis looks to help his people rebuild anew, much like the phoenix that symbolizes his people’s spirit. 
I got this absolutely stunning character sheet from an amazing artist known as https://yourimaginarytwin.deviantart.com/! Not only was she delightful to work with, but extremely professional and very interested in making sure my character looked the way I wanted and envisioned! This is my second commission request from her and I cannot recommend working with her enough! 
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thepilgrimofwar · 4 years
Breaking the Line - Edited Roll20 Log
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[Back dated from after Minutes to Midnight and before Warplanning 2]
[Event Start]
The counter-attack had caught the forces of House Illithia off-guard, and a conscripted army that had expected an easy advance against the scattered resistance from the Emberglades instead found themselves on the run. Retreating behind hastily dug and fortified earthworks, they manage to halt what meager soldiers that the Heartlands had to spare. Gathering their strength for the next push, they awaited Judereth’s militiamen. Numbering in the thousands from every household of the Glades, they had spent the last day mobilizing and marching to the front and were now prepared to join a new offensive.
Judereth marched at the head of the coalition. True to her words over the war table, they were to be the tip of the spear. A spear that would be driven straight into the heart of Westheath. “Spread the word, we’re approaching the front,” said the Baneret, and the men under her command did so without question.
Relriah rode beside her, sidesaddle. She looked the part of a noble lady save for the sheathed sword on her saddle and the look of fire in her eyes. “I am in your hands,” she said with a nod, looking at the men that she led into battle. The comment seemed to encourage them, activating some sort of primal instinct that did not wish to see a mother come to harm.
Mara Blazingdawn rallies the banner men of the Dawnspire to her side. Looking along the ramparts, she could see the muzzle flash of rilfemen opening up onto the approaching forces. Bodies littered the field of good men poorly spent. "Shields!" Mara shouted, as she channeled a personal protection spell. Swords and shields versus well fortified fusiliers. "It's a suicide charge! We need to clear them out!"
Thanidiel:"I am not fond of that entrenchment."
"Highdawn will hold but will not advance until there is breach."
Kebha was silent as always, her presence unknown even to those men she had been given to command. She had all but abandoned them, leaving them with the simple notion of kill or be killed- or be eaten, if they failed. Kebha cared little for the fates of 'her' troops- she was here at Lirelle's request, honoring perhaps the closest thing to a friendship she had formed outside of the cabal. She left them to their devices, cloaking herself in thick void and vanished from sight along with Xio'lhr and her trusted Ashtongue.
Ethalarian nudges his Charger forward to the crest of the small hill behind the artillery. He surveys the field with a grim expression painted over his scarred features and turns to the square-jawed man behind him. "Send word to Highdawn and the militia cavalry under my command- we wait for a breach in the lines."
Thanidiel:"Lady, if you would pull towards the farmland."
"It is unwise to be so close to the 'firing line.'"
Thanidiel 's iconic banner flicks after Ethalarian's runner reaches them. Some sign of her understanding without return or shout.
Relriah acquiesces to Thanidiel's demands. "Very well, I'll be observing"
Elara Blazingdawn surveys the troops under her command and fists her hands on her hips. "Alright lads and lasses. Now's the time to find that inner sense of strength that I hope to the Light you all have. Otherwise, uh, we're done." She pauses, realizing this is a bad motivational speech. "BUT!" She exclaims, "We represent the Dawnspire tonight! The Serdar has sent us strong and bolstered to the field. Tonight we fight for,er, Quel'thalas!"
Avenaiel is a construct of an elf, and her soldiers seem the same; the remains of Blood Knight armor mantles her but it is mostly replaced with leathers. She waves with her fingers to the artillery, and is greeted with nods.
[Combat Start]
[The Assault]
With a great war cry, the forces of Emberheart charge across the gap of no-man’s land, crossing over the corpses of the ones who had charged before them. But this time, the soldiers of the coalition were there to protect them with their flesh and steel. Esheyn covered their flanks, her soldiers protecting the ladder and siege bridge bearers with their shields as cavalry belonging to Thanidiel, Ethalarian, and Relriah ride at their backs, ready to cross the moment the staked trenches were bridged.
Beathyn orders the bombards that he had purchased off Obaniwix to shell the enemy rifle lines, trying his best to minimize the casualties from enemy fire.
Mara & Elara Blazingdawn, with their knights sent by Telchis and Ellasha from the Dawnspire, covered their rightmost advance, ensuring that the militia there were well protected from their assault.
Kheba, an Illidari of blood and shadow, infiltrated the enemy lines, drifting over with others of her kind until they were far behind the enemy defences and trenches. She moved towards the artillery that was raining death down upon friendly troops on the assault.
Oosaarn advanced with arbalests on either side and a handful of no longer bored Warsong at his back. While the orcs held their ground, crossbows soon fired away at the enemy's rifles.
[The Staked Trench Bridged]
Thanidiel rides straight through the enemy lines to the forefront of their cavalry reserves. The standard of Tyr’s Hand held high in the horizon by her troops as the ex-Knight cracks a whip of holy fire like a blazing lightning strike, meant to startle the horses.
Ethalarian lifts his lance high and bellows his orders over the din of cannon fire and the screaming wounded. "Punch through! Clear a path for the infantry!"
Thanidiel:"Soon would be the time to gain a real notch on your belt, Lady Illithia."
Relriah gives her a nod, unable to hide the mix of excitement and horror in her eyes.
Elara Blazingdawn signals her troops to advance, reinforcing Mara's troops near the ladder. Boots thunder on the ladder as the elven troops raid the fort, turning on the Westheath Militia where they can.
Oosaarn led that ragtag group of Warsong towards the siege ladders. Leaving the arbalests behind to continue their volleys upon the enemy forces.
Kebha continues to advance forward, an incidious shadow across the battlefield like choking smoke. She rushes forward, making her way towards the battery, biding her time until she can do real damage. Across the field, the militia struggled on, heeding the words of Thanidiel. They drew steel, diving forward into the riflemen before them.
[Battle for the Battery]
Esheyn rallies her troops to press on, to bring their weapons down upon the militia that surround them.
Mara Blazingdawn"Rally! Do not get stopped! All forces advance!"
Ethalarian wheels his cavalry about as the first formation of heavy infantry are broken apart. He signals to the militia cavalry with his lance and turns his own cavalry on the infantry striking at his flank.
Elara Blazingdawn hikes up the ladder with her troops in tow, eager to close the distance between her sister and herself. "Keep moving, keep moving! Get that militia!"
Oosaarn’s Arbalests again fired on the forces at the other side of the defenses. All while the group of orcs barreled into the enemy's frontlines in thunderous war cries.
Shrapnel catches Thanidiel as the battery fires indiscriminately into the advancing Emberheart forces. She is seen passing the Standard of Tyr's Hand to the Emberglades heavy cavalry and pulling off of the field with a scant retinue, letting them continue the battle in her stead.
[Morale Breaks Militiamen begin to flee]
Mara Blazingdawn:"Let these peasants run back to their homes. All forces reform and move onto the trebuchet!"
Ethalarian goes racing northward now, shouting orders for his flagging unit of militia to retreat. The Blood Knight lancers crest the hill, preceded by thundering hoofbeats and the deafening blast of a war horn. Lances at the ready, enveloped by the twisted sheen of stolen Light, they crash into the crews manning the artillery battery.
[The Trebuchet is destroyed. Combat Ends. Knowing they were defeated a significant number of Westheath forces have thrown down their arms.]
Ethalarian would like to keep War Crimes to a minimum.
Mara Blazingdawn:"The battle has finished. What will we do with all of these captured and wounded?"
Relriah doesn't speak, but should the decision to slay the captured and wounded be decided upon she would see to it herself.
Oosaarn:"Give them a choice. Rot in a cell or a quick death."
Kebha sheathes her glaives, turning her attention back towards her allies. She says nothing, but does eye the frightened looking infantry like a snack.
Isilos:"The question is, will they become hostile combatants if released?"
Judereth clears her throat. "Prisoners will be a drain on resources we scarcely have at the moment. But I am usre Lord Emberheart would like them alive. The boy wants to be merciful."
Mara Blazingdawn:"I am liken to agree. Hold them in a cell until the war is over. Rebels are less likely to take up arms if their brothers and sisters have a chance of surviving. Killing them will only give them reason for revenge."
Elara Blazingdawn:"Offer them the choice."
Oosaarn:"Then do whatever it is your 'lord' wants. I do not care."
Iiloridan shrugs his shoulders; not his land, but if they were asking... "I agree with the orc. Cell or death."
Ethalarian tugs on the reins of his charger and, somewhat bloody and now covered in artillery shrapnel- thanks Isilos- exhales a long sigh. "I've seen enough of my kin slain in recent times." Lord does he sound thoroughly -tired-. "Treat their wounds and hold them until this business is finished."
Judereth:Sighs, shakes her head, but orders her militia coming up from the rear to collect the wounded and to clasp the others in chains.
[The Coalition votes to Imprison them.]
Kebha laments. But Dinner.
Ethalarian: There are enough freshly dead people to eat, you monster
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noirsnow · 6 years
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worldofwarcraftart · 6 years
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Telchis by Noirsnow Source: https://ift.tt/2H40JgE New news website for furry fans: http://awoonews.com
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Howl In The Dawn
The first sign of daylight had lightened the night sky into a muted purple, and the Sunguard’s main camp seemed quiet save for the guards getting ready to be relieved of their shift; perhaps those who were early risers had begun to stir in their tents. Snow was still present, and though the cold nights had not been quite as harsh as before, the ground was becoming more wet as signs of Spring were beginning to show with a gradual melt and crunch of those white hillsides and banks.
Approaching from the east, a dire wolf as massive as many of the cavalry’s warhorses and nearly camouflaged by her pale sand-colored fur, slow and tired from an arduous journey. One guard who was a volunteering fighter from The Farstriders recognized the beast and allowed The Blonde through, though curious and somewhat alarmed that the wolf was alone; missing the woman she was bonded to. Tied at the neck and hidden under The Blonde’s thick, winter guard hairs was a satchel that seemed to be made from skins of animals recently caught. Determined to reach her target, The Blonde did not stop to let the Farstrider check this satchel, and walked her way silently through the camp with only the crunch of snow beneath her paws alerting her presence.
The scent of Ethalarian Dawnstalker and Nuellen’s wolf Moro grew stronger and eventually The Blonde had arrived in time to greet the Blood Knight when he walked out from his tent, still pulling himself from a restless sleep.
His reaction, understandably, was one of immediate shock and then panic. He began to look around the immediate area The Blonde was standing, “Where is she?! Where-- Where is Nuellen?!”
He addressed the dire wolf directly, knowing the connection The Blonde and Amarr had to Nuellen, and seemed to understand general feelings and intentions from others. Yet, all the wolf did was wag her tail gently and lean forward to lick the entire left side of his face with the broad side of her tongue. He seemed to grow more frustrated and was about to continue his fruitless interrogation of a four-legged creature, but forced himself to calm as he watched The Blonde sit back onto the snow and yawn wide, lifting her head to expose the leather pouch tied to her neck.
The surge of concern and adrenaline made Larry’s hands shake as he went to untie and remove the pouch. Another deep breath was needed before he opened the pouch, not caring to admire the fact that somehow Nuellen had pulled enough twine from her supplies to sew the damn thing together.
Inside were three pieces of parchment folded neatly and marked on the outside with different sets of initials: BK E.D., AK A.B., and Arch. T.T.
He quickly identified which initials belonged to their person and made to remove his letter, but his eye caught the glint of metal resting at the bottom of the pouch. He reached and felt his heart sink as he pulled forth two necklaces; one of which was very familiar to him. Thinking the worst already, he looked down and pulled his letter. He only read what was addressed to him, but after some time, he dressed and left his tent once more, letters in hand and moving to make sure they were delivered to their intended recipient.
Nuellen’s Messages:
Under The Cut
I write this as I camp somewhere on the far Eastern side of Quel’Thalas, between a mountain range and perhaps a few weeks walk to The Goldsea; it’s a bit hard to tell right now. I don’t plan to linger very long here, and I don’t know how long this message will take getting to you, so I can only say that I’m alive and have avoided most conflict. I’m uninjured, if a little hungry, most of the prey animals are keeping warm and out of the snow.
These weeks of tracking have been almost too long - Amarr and The Blonde caught scent of Kipcha and we followed her trail as some allies were trying to get her to lead them to Velianor’s location, but Kipcha broke away and ran back the way they were traveling. I expect perhaps Frostblaze is injured and she was returning to her mate... Instead of turning back, we pressed forward; lost the scent a few times, but have finally found something.
Time has worn away any sort of direction Veli and her pack were headed, but someone had her on the run. I found wolf bodies, well worn by decay, but no sign of Velianor or a body. I’ve been canvassing the area for the better part of two weeks now; I may have found a site where she could have fallen, but there’s no signs of a body, nor any kind of scavenging. I have a fresher scent now, though...
I also have proof that I’ve made headway and have packed them with these letters to you, Aestus, and The Archon; I remember catching a glance of her wearing these necklaces a few times and I assume they weren’t removed voluntarily.
There is no trail, so Amarr and I will circle and widen the area for any possible signs or routes that she could have taken. I will not assume that she has been taken captive or killed.
I’ve done some training of my own with Amarr and The Blonde. I believe they now will have a connection to my well being, similarly to Velianor and her wolves but not quite as strong. The Blonde is to remain with you and Aestus for the time being, but if she will let you know if something is wrong.
I love you. This will have a positive outcome. Believe in that.
P.S. Please make sure that Archon Truefeather gets my report.
I write this as I camp somewhere on the far Eastern side of Quel’Thalas, between a mountain range and perhaps a few weeks walk to The Goldsea; it’s a bit hard to tell right now. I don’t plan to linger very long here, and I don’t know how long this message will take getting to you, so I can only say that I’m alive and have avoided most conflict.
Finding our Velianor has not been easy, and it remains a challenge, but I believe I’ve made progress finally and now have more to work with.
Bad News first: Much of her pack has been eliminated, it seems. Some kind of skirmish happened and she was forced to retreat but not without pursuit. I found the necklaces I’ve sent with The Blonde hanging from a tree in one valley section, but I also found a few other signs that Amarr and I could get a solid scent from.
Better News: I have not found any evidence of a body or scavenging from other animals. This means she’s not here and I will continue to track her down. It will still take some time to circle the area and extend our search, but I’m confident Amarr and I will catch up to her. Wherever she is.
I realize this message may bring you and Ethalarian more distress, but keep your head clear. Don’t let the Worst Scenario worm it’s way to you. There’s something in my bones telling me that she isn’t gone from this realm; certainly you feel the same thing?
Keep hold of that feeling.
I’ll find her; and we will return together. Keep breathing.
Archon Telchis Truefeather,
Nuellen Swiftstrike, Pathfinder Dawnward and Farstrider Ranger-Captain, writing to you in regards to the whereabouts and status of fellow Dawnward Velianor Novastorm. Apologies, first off and also in hindsight, for departing without previous approval from Superiors; this mission to track and locate the Dawnward started and has only been one of Personal and Emotional gain to myself and other members who are close to Velianor. However, I am acting alone and did not attempt to convince anyone else to join me; any repercussions for my actions against orders, I will accept when I return with Dawnward Novastorm, alive or otherwise.
I’m unaware of her reason for being so far from any other units, but that is not a concern to me, at current... Only that myself and others were alerted by one of her bonded wolves that something severely wrong had happened to her and the wolf pack she travels with. She had escaped the main camp and I decided to follow.
I’ve managed to track down a site along the mountainside South East of The Goldsea that I believe she had encountered an enemy force and retreat was required. However, the retreat was followed - perhaps harried - as many of her wolves are now rotting in the snow. The body of the Dawnward in particular was not discovered, nor have there been signs of any scavenging in the area; not even a finger bone was located. I have, however, found a lead and have chosen to follow it. If I find she is captured by any enemies, I will send my black Dire Wolf Amarr with notice and continue to track, but I will not engage. Otherwise, if she is found recovering or otherwise, I will report to the nearest camp with Dawnward Novastorm in my care.
I understand this is a minor update among events that are far more important. Please consider this letter an official report of investigation for The Sunguard’s archives.
Light and Lady Aessina Keep You Safe,
Nuellen Swiftstrike Alah’ni
Long Overdue Post Regarding Velianor Novastorm’s Phoenix War Stories: Planting Seeds in a Garden You Never Get to See and What’s Left Behind while eventually leading up to The Forgotten Pt. 1 / Pt. 2
Tagged For Mentions: @ocarina-of-what // @theletter27 ( @shampoocommercialelves ) // @trained-trainwreck ( @ethalarian) // @felthier ( @thesunguardmg )
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felthier · 6 years
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I make pretty transmogs
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thesunguardmg · 6 years
Sunguard System Update 5.6 Pt. 1
Hello all,
I have put together part 1 of our system update which features half of the upcoming changes to our system. Please have your sheets updated by the first combat/diplomacy event taking place in Turn Four. 
Please see the details below the cut.
Sunguard System Update 5.6:
Character Stats
Combatant has gained a clarification notation that the +5 mod to damage does not apply to Prestige Class abilities nor does the extra usage of Resourceful apply to Prestige Class abilities.
Support has gained a clarification notation that the +5 mod to healing does not apply to Prestige Class abilities nor does the extra usage of Resourceful apply to Prestige Class abilities.
Mag’har Race Added: Animalistic, Lay of the Land
New Alliance characters can no longer be added to the guild given the events of the Phoenix Wars
Added Acolyte: Blessed, Impervious, Reverent, Stern
Added Commander Virtues: Like duelist virtues, these require 3 points of Vices instead of 2.
Added Challenging Orders: You may attempt to roll a Taunt check on an enemy unit in Commander Mode by rolling 1d20>8 within 20ft.
Added Drilled Formations: Whenever an allied unit is on both your right and left flank, you become impervious to Penetrating Assaults and gain the Fortified buff.
Added Iron Command: You may attempt to rally a routing allied unit by rolling 1d20>8 within 20ft of them to restore order in their ranks.
Marathon Training: In Commander Mode, you may attempt to reroll any failed Forced March checks. Only one success per event.
Aded Reverent: Characters have a +2 required threshold when attempting a social challenge check against your character.
Shields: Guardian is now an Instant and clarified as such.
Offensive Spells: Channeled Offensive Spells now deal full damage to fortified targets.
Healing Spells: Spell-Weaving now has a 10ft distance for the additional ½ healing applied when the Healing Spell crits.
Class Abilities:
Any ability with the description of an aura has been changed to list as “An Aura” which is now determined by the DM. Distances of aura are dependent on map size but will remain consistent in total size comparatively.
Class Abilities
Death Knights
Runic Onslaught now heals the user for 20HP, up from 10, when it deals more than 25 damage.
Unholy Dominance has had its ranged reduced to 10ft but damage increased to 3d12+8 from 3d8+8.
Aura of Damnation has had its description changed to show “An Aura”
Demon Hunters
Dark Flight has had its damaged increased to 1d25+5, up from 1d20+5
Illidari Imprisonment now has a non-boss descriptor and now will keep targets stunned for the entire event or until they pass a 1d20>12 check.
Demonic Hunger now grants a 5HP shield on successful rolls when a Demon Hunter is at full HP.
Cyclone now keeps a target CC’d for the remainder of the event or until they roll a 1d20>12 CC check.
Savage Charge has had its damage increased to 2d15+10 from 2d10+10
Hunter Pets now have 40HP, up from 30.
Hunting traps now requires a success check of 1d20>8 to apply the CC.
Arcane Vortex has had its damaged increased to 3d15+10, up from 3d10+10, but now requires a small explosion template instead of striking three targets.
Mirror Image now has a description where the images must remain within 20ft of the summoning player.
Ice Block has had its shield decreased from 30HP to 20HP.
Frost Nova description has been clarified with the removal of the aura descriptor keeping the 10ft radius. The CC check is now 1d20>8.
Tiger Form Strike now deals 3d10+8 damage, up from 3d10+4, the bonus damage is now 10, up from 7.
The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Techinque now deals 1d50+15 damage, but now requires the strike to kill the target. If the damage rolled isn’t high enough to kill the target, no damage is dealt.
Chi Blast has had its damage/healing increased to 3d12+8, up from 3d10+8.
Vigilant Bulwark has had its damage increased to 3d9+9, up from 3d5+5. The damage now requires a small explosion template instead of two adjacent targets.
Aegis of Light has had a description change for its rage changed from 5ft to “An Aura”.
Power Word Dominance has been removed, instead it has been replaced with the following:
Crystalized Umbra[1]: The priest gathers a formidable current of shadowy magic into a sharp shadowy spear and fires it forward in a Beam Template dealing 2d19+8 damage to each target within the template. This beam will also heal allied targets for the amount rolled.
Range: Self
Shadowfiend is now a passive pet and does not require a summon. It will start the event with the Priest. It now heals the priest for half the damage it deals, down from full heal.
Call of the Void has had its damage increased from 4d15+8 to 5d15+15
Mass Dispel has had its description changed to include a large explosion template instead of a 10ft radius.
Light’s Grace now includes the description of ‘an aura’ instead of 5ft.
Subdue now has a 1d20>8 requirement for CC and no longer has a usage and its requirements for the stun have been reduced to 1d20>8.
Vicious Strikes now uses a cone template instead of damaging adjacent targets.
Deathmark now heals the rogue for the remaining HP on the target instead of the challenge check.
Seeking Strike has had its damage increased to 3d10+10, up from 3d8+8.
Thunderous Strikes now uses a cone template instead of adjacent targets. Removed the notation that it applies onto abilities.
Rejuvenating Tides now uses a large explosion template and had its healing increased to 3d8+10, up form 3d
Eathern Bulwark has had its healing buffed to 2d12+8, up from 2d8+5.
Totemic Protector has had its HP increased to 40HP, up from 30HP.
Chain Lightning has had its damage increased to 3d12+12, up from 3d10+10.
Frost Shock has had its damage increased to 3d9+9
Demonic Master has had its crit bonus increased to +15, up from +10 and a minor action notation added for clarity.
Rain of Fire has had its damage increased to 1d66+6, up from 6d6+6
Immolation now deals damage to enemies within a small explosion template, applying the DOT to each target struck. Its usage has decreased to 1, down from 2.
Unyielding Corruption has had its damaged increased to 2d15+5, up from 1d15+5, and had its usage increased from 1 to 2.
Life Siphon now adds a shield to the warlock for the damage dealt (Up to 30) when at full HP.
Warlock Pets now have 40HP, up from 30HP.
Instead of costing gold, potions, bandages, oils, and grenades will have a cost now equated to essences. Poisons are applied to both weapons automatically if dual wielding. Because of the new cost, the natural gain of fortified essence will go from 2 Fortified Essences per event to 3.
Poisons have also be overhauled to work as an on use ability increasing damage done over three turns. Like potions, using a poison is a minor action.
We will be offering reimbursement of all bulk donations to the guild bank in the terms of gold. Please send a COD gray item to Telchis with the amount you deposited for items and I will send them back to you.
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