#Tekke Tekke
letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode 89: Japanese Folklore Feat. Reina Scully
Image 01: Episode 89 is now live on all platforms, including YouTube! Image 02: three depictions of a kappa Image 03: kokkuri Image 04: two depictions Kuchisake-Onna Image 05: Kuchisake-Onna’s diagram Image 06: three depictions of Tekke Tekke Image 07: “Tomino’s Hell”, it’s movie adaptation, and a photo of Yaso Saijo Image 08: Two castles that supposedly have hitobashira’s buried in them
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chattingstars · 3 months
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Living in a house by the coast provides some of the comfiest mornings a little lady like Tekke could ever hope for~.
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ulgeniniz · 22 days
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deinlieblingwolf · 2 months
Verliebe ich mich gerade,
oder Verliere ich mich gerade
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gnzma · 9 months
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@aetherceuse @divimperator @vindictes
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running-with-the-feels · 11 months
So, bit of a ramble but I swear I'll get to the point.
We actually get a not terrible amount of worldbuilding in mk9-mk11 continuity, but not enough (tbf I go feral for worldbuilding so that might just be me) and I'm really tempted to try and make the worldbuilding of MK9-mk11 make more sense and flesh it out a bit?
Like, there's so many questions left unanswered:
If the cryomancers were banished from Edenia by Sindel, why? And how did they end up in China? What was their culture before that? Did they have a language of their own, has any of it survived, did the dragons Kuai Liang finds in Arctika come from Edenia with the cryomancers or were they there before that?
Also, the Tarkatans, we know they have a language but NRS hasn't made anything substantial for it (which is fair, conlangs are hard and a lot of work to put in for what would likely be a minor part of the games) so what would their language look like? And what is their culture like, we know they value kombat, but what else? Do they have rules around who they can hunt, is anyone off limits? Do they have holidays or gods?
Kollector is an antisemetic caricature, I don't think anyone can really dispute that, so I would love to throw that out tbh. For the Naknada, what if the way Kollector behaves is just a stereotype Outworlders hold about them, and not actually the truth (seriously fu NRS for making Kollector like that, wtf)? What is their culture like? Their language? We know Shao Khan enslaved them so where did they come from before that and are they now free or still trapped?
And the Netherrealm, canonically, people go there when they die sometimes. Do people ever escape? What do they become then, are they wraiths or something else? Also what specifically is the difference between a wraith and a revenant? It's implied that spectres and wraiths are the same thing but are they? What's the hierarchy between the Oni? We know they answer to Quan Chi and Shinnok but how are they organized besides that? What is their culture (Or cultures) like? And their language?
Similarly with Edenia, what was their culture and language like? How much of it survived with Sindel and got passed down to Kitana and Jade? How many Edenians survived and now live in Outworld, bc surely Shao Khan couldn't have killed them all, not only would that be logistically impossible, it's kinda proven by the way he treats the Naknada and the Tarkatans that he prefers to keep the peoples of the realms he conquers around as a workforce, did he do the same here?
What did the other Mortal Kombat tournaments look like? Not the ones with Earthrealm but with Tarkata, the Osh-Tekk, and the Naknada (who I'm pretty sure had their own realm too?). You have to win ten consecutive tournaments to conquer a realm so what happens if you lose the third? Do you have like a cooldown period or just wait another however many years to when the fourth would be and start from there? Like do the realms being threatened need to win ten as well in order to stave off conquest?
Similarly, what specifically is the timeframe, bc a couple times they say once a generation (unclear), others (if I remember correctly) they say it's every hundred years, but then Shao Khan says he has to wait 500 years to conquer Earthrealm so is that the cooldown period? Or is that how long it took him to get to tournament ten (making it 50 years between tournaments)? Is it different depending on which realm is attacking which? Like it's once a generation but bc some live longer than others the exact amount of years varies (which seems to make the most sense)?
What even are the actual rules of Mortal Kombat? How many fighters can each side bring? Are there any weapons banned in the arena? Why can people challenge fighters on their own side and does this count as an official match and if so whose victory does the win count towards? Who is allowed to declare Mortal Kombat? Does it have to be a leader (like how Shao Khan is an emperor) or can a realm's protector god do it?
Also wtf was Outworld originally? I know we get some answers on that in games before mk9-11 but I don't know what those answers are (PLEASE feel free to yell at me about it, I BEG). Which of the nations we see under Shao Khan were part of Outworld originally, and which had their own realms?
Basically, I have many questions, I crave answers and if I cannot find them I might just create them.
Like I have headcanons and a long and boring night ahead so...
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Tombs Rich in Artifacts Discovered in Cyprus
An archaeological expedition from Sweden's University of Gothenburg has uncovered tombs rich in artifacts and antiquities in Cyprus that makes the discovery among the richest ever found in the Mediterranean region.
Peter Fischer, the leader of the expedition and a professor of archaeology at the University of Gothenburg, said “considering the richness of the grave goods, it is a reasonable assumption that these were royal tombs, even though we do not know much about the form of government practiced in the city at the time."
Fischer believes that the artifacts, found just outside the Bronze Age trading city of Hala Sultan Tekke, indicate the tombs' occupants ruled the city, which was a center for copper trade between 1500–1300 BCE. The tombs, located outside the 50-hectare city, consist of underground chambers of varying sizes, accessed via a narrow passage from the surface.
Cyprus' Department of Antiquities, in an update posted to their website, noted: "The city’s wealth seems to have been based on the production of copper and trade with near and distant cultures. Judging by the rich burial gifts, the tombs belonged to families of the city’s ruling class who took part in the export of copper and intercultural trade."
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Unearthed artifacts include imports from Egypt, Baltic region
The Swedish Söderberg expedition has been carrying out excavations in Hala Sultan Tekke near the city of Larnaca on the south coast of Cyprus since 2010. Though the expedition has previously found chamber tombs with valuable grave goods, the latest discovery is unprecedented given the superb quality and quantity of artifacts.
“We found more than 500 complete artifacts distributed among two tombs. Many of the artifacts consist of precious metals, gems, ivory and high-quality ceramics," Fischer said.
About half of the artifacts unearthed during the expedition are believed to have been imported from different civilizations. For example, gold and ivory came from Egypt while precious stones, such as blue lapis lazuli, dark red carnelian and blue-green turquoise, were imported from Afghanistan, India and Sinai respectively. Amber objects from the Baltic region were also found among the artifacts.
The Department of Antiquities said that three chamber tombs, preliminarily dated to the 14th century BC, were exposed. While one of them had been looted, most likely in the 19th century AD, the other two were "undisturbed", apart from the collapse of their chambers.
Items recovered from those include locally produced pottery and ornaments and numerous items of jewelry such as diadems, which are ornamental headbands. Embossed images of bulls, gazelles, lions and flowers adorn the diadems. Bronze weapons, some inlaid with ivory, were also recovered as well as a gold-framed seal made of the hard mineral hematite with inscriptions of gods and rulers.
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"Several items of ivory and faience are imports from Egypt during the famous 18th Dynasty, the time of the well-known pharaohs Thutmose III, Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) and his wife Nefertiti," said the department.
The excavation team used magnetometers, a type of instrument that can produce images showing objects and structures up to two meters beneath the surface, to carry out their expedition, according to the university.
Besides artifacts, the research team also unearthed several well-preserved skeletons in the tombs including one of a woman surrounded by dozens of ceramic vessels, jewelry and a round bronze mirror. A one-year-old child with a ceramic toy also lay beside her.
By Saman Shafiq.
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5tagewach · 1 year
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young, dumb & numb
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crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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humanized tekk bc uhm. the uh
+ bonus comic lmao
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keremsii · 4 months
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magpies-gold · 9 months
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Tekk Sweaters All arguments are invalid: these tekk are cozy.
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golden-golem · 1 year
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Just some of the latest arts. Thank you everyone who got a gold commission from me. <3 
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wubbgang · 2 years
We'd like to politely say that you are all so cool, and would like to offer:
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Who would fit each palette. :)
(( thank youuu, you guys are cool too!! :D i started reading TBoCI on ao3, lookin forward to seeing more of it in the future ^^
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here’s the whole gang with whatever color palettes i thought would fit them best lol, some of em were pretty easy to assign but others were just. process of elimination lol
+ individual rows!
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gnzma · 6 months
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[ muns of antagonistic muses after being asked what's their RP pet peeve:
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kitekki-khaos · 9 months
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ya ever play Lethal Company and get inspired to draw furry femboys??
Yeah, me neither.
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yyamask · 10 months
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so there was this Acerola blog that was trying to get him to believe in ghosts and Aiden being both a skeptic and An Asshole™ was basically like "sorry no that's dumb." which is disrespecting her culture, I guess.
I also made an ooc post that he shouldn't be allowed on Alola because he would end up fucking up a heritage site or something. not because he was deliberately insensitive, but because he is an oblivious, self-centered Unovan. this was all before his postmortem character growth and evidentially making him one of Those Tourists as a character flaw is what made my content "borderline racist" to one particular anon.
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