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tjerra14 · 3 months ago
PSA for the neverending influx of spiders: if you want to avoid premature eviction when sharing a flat with me, not dropping from the ceiling hanging suspended at head-height while deciding how to proceed from there twice on a single evening would be a good place to start
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unhingedlesbear · 6 months ago
Wouuu my scary spider waaaa my spooky creepy spider aaa!!
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thecryptandtheincubus · 11 months ago
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LAPIDARIUM : Cornaline, Charoite
CURIOSITAS : Tégénaire (Tegenaria Domestica)
LIEU DE TROUVAILLE : sous mon toit
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mindblowingscience · 2 years ago
These species join a large number of invertebrates recently found in Israeli caves that are new to science.
The study was recently published in the Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution journal, and has extensive scientific implications for uncovering the evolution of speciation in caves and the historical, geographic and climatic processes that occurred in Israel.
Doctoral student Shlomi Aharon led the study under the guidance of Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev, from the National Natural History Collections at Hebrew University and Professor Dror Hawlena from the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior. The unique conditions in cave habitats, as well as the isolation from other habitats, lead to a process of convergent evolution, in which we observe the development of exceptional adaptations to life in the dark, such as blindness, loss of pigments and enlargement of sensory organs.
"In many cases, these adaptations will lead to the creation of new species, whose distribution is geographically limited in areas with unique ecological conditions, such as a single cave or a system of connected caves," explains Shlomi Aharon.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years ago
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@patrickbatemanspussy submitted: hello! looking for ID on this spider friend. they were found last week in my basement in [removed] (pls remove location). thanks in advance!!!
Hi :) She is very fuzzy and I love her. She's definitely a funnel weaver, probably a barn funnel weaver, Tegenaria domestica :)
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snapeaddict · 1 year ago
Snapetober Day 20 - Spider
There was a feeble light under the door, then a moving shadow obstructed it for a second or two. Mum was going down the stairs; Da was home.
Instinctively, he pulled his pillow over his head. He held on to it like a lifebelt and turned over in his bed, facing the window. 
The moon was almost full tonight. It cast a pale but luminous light into the narrow room, which he found comforting; he heard a door slam; the sound of a struggle.
There were no voices, no screams, nothing. Mum had not said a word. She had merely stood on the threshold and Da had pushed her, like he often did.
He did not understand why she kept going back. Sometimes she pushed Da, too. Sometimes Da was nice for weeks and all was well.
More struggle - more muffled protest. Then muffled moans.
He looked at the window obstinately. There was a big house spider who lived there, in a hole just to its right: she was out tonight. 
A Tegenaria domestica, mum had taught him.
There was the sound of broken glass, and a whimper. He watched as the spider slowly descended from the hole. A chair was knocked over. The spider was just in front of the moon; she looked as if she lived there, on a planet just her size. 
Some cursing - a scream, though muffled too.
He started humming.
The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
It was hot, boiling hot in fact, by far the worst day this August. But he could not go outside, he was punished: he was not supposed to repair his bedframe, Dad had said. 
Dad had not cared about the fact the broken wood could not be fixed, and he had not bothered to look at Mum who stood in the corner, watching them yet again with a mournful expression.
He had not meant to fix it. He would not have dared to - not after Dad had broken it so badly. But he had wished it would be, and the next morning it just was. 
The spider was pleased, too. She used it to get back onto the wall and then, to her hole. He left a bottle cap filled with water in the corner for her.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
He showed the spider to Lily one day, when his parents were out. They nudged her in her hole and it was not very nice, but he wanted to impress his new friend.
She was not scared of spiders - he was very fond of her.
He apologized to the spider that night, though. He should not have bothered her.
But he liked it when Lily smiled...
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
He was fairly certain his father would snap his wand into pieces if he got his hands on it. He no longer had the option to store his stuff at Lily's, and he felt terribly vulnerable, with his books and cauldron and robes in that tiny room of his. He hid his wand under a loose plank of parquet flooring. 
His father didn't find it. He got mad. He reeked of cheap liquor; it was a bad combination.
He bashed his head against the wall. For a moment he could not see, or hear properly. But the tumult startled the spider and she fell out of her hole, right into his hair and then on the floor. His father took a step forward to slap him hard; the spider fled to the other side of the room, where his books and cauldron were. His father kicked into the heap savagely. He crushed the spider without even noticing. 
The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
He killed flies with his wand, staring mindlessly at the bloody spots they left on the ceiling. It didn't feel particularly nice. But he had to do the spider's job, now.
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myheadisalabyrinth · 6 months ago
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Also found this Charcoal spider(Tegenaria ferruginea) on our doorstep, that died most likely from starvation or old age. Don't worry tho I gave it a proper burial in my flowerpot, because every critter deserves peace after death, even the ones that people don't like.
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sleepy-helion · 1 year ago
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Some time ago Jakei made a little art contest in which you have to cross Xtale/Underverse with your own Ocs. This was my entry! I wrote a little description for it for context:
"One carefree day, when I was selling my special Tegenaria Cakes for the first time, someone rather odd appeared. A stray-looking girl with tentacles and messy black hair, whose name is apparently Onyx, just appeared in our world and started buying all of my cupcakes! I made quite a profit off of her, she cluelessly bought every single cupcake for double the price, ahuhuhu~"
"Anyways, Frisk looked really upset when she started eating every single cupcake I had to offer on the spot. She had quite an appetite for having such a stature. Hehe, if Frisky had looked just a little closer he would have known that I got his back~"
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sukimas · 1 year ago
wait this is a Tegenaria species. where's your funnel dude. cmon
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jupiterswasphouse · 1 year ago
Hi, it seems to be mainly a wasp blog but I was wondering if it would be ok for you to tell me non-scary facts about tegenerias (domestic spiders in Europe) ? For example why would they have such long legs ?
I'm no professional but I do know a bit about more than just wasps! Although admittedly, funnel weavers (the family to which the genus Tegenaria belongs) aren't something I've looked into much before,,,
I can't say for certain why any spider's legs are so long but I can tell you that some evidence implies that spiders with longer legs may be faster while suspended but slower on the ground! I'm not sure if this says anything about funnel weavers specifically however, given they don't seem to spend a long time suspended as far as I know-
With regards to funnel weavers though, while most spider webs are sticky, funnel weaver webs tend not to be sticky at all! This includes Tegenaria webs!
Furthermore on Tegenaria species, they only bite in self defense and their bites are not dangerous to humans, being painless (According to Source 1)
Tegenaria can also live for several months without food (see Source 1) and, while their lives are shorter in the wild, spiders of the species Tegenaria domestica have supposedly lived up to seven years in captivity! (According to Source 2)
If anyone has anything more to add, feel free! :]
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tjerra14 · 1 year ago
Tfw you’re not particularly fond of spiders but have made an uneasy peace with them that consists of “if you don’t meet some weird unwritten arbitrary criteria that result in temporary tolerance, you go straight back outside” and every goddamn spider in the vicinity seems to have decided to try their luck and come by for a visit
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dlium · 1 month ago
Four new species of Tegenaria Latreille 1804 and one Maimuna Lehtinen 1967 from Turkey and Caucasus
Türkiye ve Kafkasya'dan Tegenaria Latreille 1804 ve bir Maimuna Lehtinen 1967'nin dört yeni türü
Չորս նոր տեսակ Tegenaria Latreille 1804 և մեկ Maimuna Lehtinen 1967 Թուրքիայից և Կովկասից
Neljä uutta lajia Tegenaria Latreille 1804 ja yksi Maimuna Lehtinen 1967 Turkista ja Kaukasuksesta
Dlium TheDlium
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mineestellepolari · 2 months ago
Tegenaria domestica o semplicemente "ragno delle case". Comunissimo in Italia e anche in gran parte dell'Europa.
E se te lo stai chiedendo, no, il suo veleno non è una minaccia per noi umani. Anche perché il suo morso stesso non riesce a penetrare la cute umana. A tale scopo riesce solo un suo parente più grande, ma il cui veleno rimane comunque non di rilevanza per la nostra salute.
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Ci sei andato vicino 😌
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utforskarna · 3 months ago
Fakta om spindelarter
Här är en lista med några vanliga och kända spindelarter tillsammans med kort fakta om var och en: Husspindel (Tegenaria domestica) Utseende: Har en lång kropp och långa ben, brun med mörka fläckar. Utbredning: Vanlig i Europa och Nordamerika, ofta i hus och källare. Fakta: Bygger stora, platta nät och är snabba löpare. Ofarlig för människor. Svarta änkan (Latrodectus mactans) Utseende:…
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entomoblog · 11 months ago
La nuit, les araignées sont de sortie : Au Royaume-Uni, la variation spatio-temporelle de la phénologie d'araignées domestiques a été passée à la loupe grâce à la science citoyenne
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
... Les scientifiques ont même établi l'heure à laquelle les araignées, qui rodent sans que l'on puisse les voir dans notre appartement ou notre maison, préfèrent sortir. En observant plus de 10 000 spécimens, des chercheurs britanniques ont découvert que 19h35 était leur heure préférée pour pointer le bout de leur nez.
  Avale-t-on vraiment des araignées en dormant ? Et pourquoi les araignées préfèrent-elles sortir la nuit ?
Ernest Ginot — Édité par Émile Vaizand
19 février 2024
  "Pourquoi 19h35 ? Parce que ce serait l'heure à laquelle nous nous mettons dans le canapé, sans faire trop de mouvements terrifiants pour les petites bêtes. Une heure également propice à… la recherche d'une femelle. Les mâles sont donc les premiers à sortir, avant qu'un nouveau pic d'activité ne soit observé entre 6h et 8h du matin, notamment dans les éviers et les lavabos des salles de bain. Un endroit idéal et peu fréquenté pour passer la nuit au chaud dans les canalisations."
  Spatiotemporal Variation in House Spider Phenology at a National Scale Using Citizen Science - Arachnology, 01.03.2018 https://bioone.org/journals/arachnology/volume-17/issue-7/arac.2017.17.7.331/Spatiotemporal-Variation-in-House-Spider-Phenology-at-a-National-Scale/10.13156/arac.2017.17.7.331.short
  L'apparition saisonnière de Tegenaria et d'Eratigena (les plus connues des araignées domestiques du Royaume-Uni) suscite un intérêt considérable de la part du public et des médias.
  Nous présentons ici le plus grand ensemble de données jamais recueillies sur la présence d'araignées domestiques dans le monde. Nous avons collecté près de 10 000 enregistrements dans différents lieux du Royaume-Uni (soit ∼250× plus de lieux et 25× plus d'enregistrements que toute autre étude antérieure) sur une période de six mois. En utilisant cet ensemble de données, qui contenait des détails sur les dates d'observation, les heures, la localisation au Royaume-Uni, la localisation dans la maison, la localisation dans les pièces et le sexe, nous avons pu étudier un certain nombre d'aspects de l'écologie de l'araignée domestique.
  Quatre-vingt-deux pour cent des observations étaient des mâles, ce qui confirme les résultats d'études antérieures montrant que la recrudescence d'araignées domestiques en automne est principalement le fait de mâles à la recherche d'une partenaire. Les observations ont atteint leur maximum à la mi-septembre, avec une progression significative vers le nord-ouest à travers le Royaume-Uni au fur et à mesure que l'automne avançait.
  L'activité quotidienne a atteint son maximum à 19 h 35 et les araignées ont été observées plus ou moins uniformément dans les différentes pièces ; nous expliquons pourquoi il est plus probable que cela soit dû à l'écologie des araignées qu'au comportement humain. Dans les pièces, il y avait une différence d'écologie basée sur le sexe, les femelles étant plus fréquentes sur les plafonds et les portes/fenêtres et les mâles plus fréquents sur les murs, peut-être en raison des différences de mobilité spécifiques au sexe.
  [Image] via Google Images
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coolmanjohnny · 1 year ago
My favorite fish are sturgeons, koi fish, coelacanths and catfish
My favorite tarantula is P. metallica and my favorite true spiders are wolf spiders (lycosidae) Though I like pretty much every spider and tarantula species.
I'm just having fun making lists here. Here are some pictures of insects and arachnids I've seen lately.
1. Female Lucanus capreolus
2. Vine weevil (Sitophilus granarius)
3. Can't remember off the top of my head but I believe it is a species of moth
4. House spider (Tegenaria domestica) (not certain. But definitely male lol)
5. Herpyllus ecclesiasticus (not certain)
6. Monarch butterfly caterpillar 🐛
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