#Technical SEO freelancers
seoforsm · 2 years
Technical SEO Services
How would you describe technical SEO? Is it something that only experts should handle or does anyone who has basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc., qualify?
Technical SEO refers to optimizing websites using coding techniques such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This type of optimization helps improve user experience and increase conversion rates.
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While some webmasters consider themselves technically savvy enough to perform technical SEO, they often lack the skills necessary to optimize their sites effectively. In other words, even though they might be able to write code, they don’t necessarily know how to properly implement it.
The most important thing to remember when doing any kind of SEO work is that search engines will never reward you for manipulating your site content. They want to see natural results from real users, not artificial ones. If you try to trick Google into thinking your website is better than it really is, you could end up getting banned by the search engine giant.
The Benefits of Technical SEO Optimization
It’s important to note that technical SEO isn’t just about making sure your site loads fast; it’s also about ensuring your content is accessible, crawlable, and indexed by search engines. This means taking care of things like page speed, mobile friendliness, responsive design, and accessibility. If you want to see what Google thinks about your website, check out its PageSpeed Insights tool. This free online service will tell you where your pages could improve, based on user experience metrics including load times, errors, and usability.
In addition to improving performance, technical SEO helps ensure that your content gets seen by people who might not otherwise visit your site. For example, if you publish articles on topics that aren’t popular among readers, they won’t show up in search results. But if you optimize your content for keywords related to those topics, your posts may appear higher in search results and attract new visitors.
How Would You Describe Technical SEO?
Technical SEO is all about making sure your website has everything it needs to rank well in search engines. This includes things like having a fast-loading site, being mobile-friendly, using relevant keywords throughout the content, etc.
The first stage is to optimize images by reducing file size and optimizing compression settings. This will reduce the load on the server and improve page loading speed. The next step is to remove all unnecessary image tags. These include any text overlays, logos, watermarks, copyright notices, etc. If your site has a lot of images, then this may take some time. It's best to start with the most important images and work down the list. Once you've removed all unnecessary tags, save the new version of the image. Then go back to the original image and add the necessary tags. Save the new version again. Repeat until all images are optimized.
In addition to image optimization, we also recommend using responsive design techniques. Responsive web design (RWD) allows your website to adapt to different screen sizes so users don't need to scroll horizontally to see all the content. It's important to note that RWD isn't just about making websites look good on mobile devices; it's about creating sites that work well across multiple platforms.  The next step is to identify competitors who might be using this same keyword phrase. This will help you understand what they’re doing well and where they may be struggling. It’s important to note that not all keywords are created equal. Some terms will generate higher volumes of traffic than others. 
Once you know which phrases are working best, it’s time to start creating content around them. If you don’t yet have any pages optimized for those specific keywords, now is the perfect time to build some new ones.
Technical Site Audits
A technical site audit (TSA) is a process where experts from outside your organization review your website and provide feedback on its design, content, usability, accessibility, security, and overall performance. The goal of this type of assessment is to help you improve your website so it better serves your customers. This is a great way to find out what people think about your company and products before they invest any money in them. It will give you valuable insight into whether your target audience likes what you do and whether they want to hear from you again.
A technical site audit is a process where experts outside your organization review your web page and provide feedback on its layout, content, usability, accessibility, security, and overall functionality. The goal of this kind of assessment is to help your business improve its website so it better serves its clients.
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Consistent URL Structure
The first thing I do when I start working on a new site is to look at its URL structure. If it has a lot of unnecessary words (like “index.php?pagehome&id1″), then I know I’m going to have a hard time getting Google to understand what the page is all about. It will take longer to load, and people will leave before they find out what the page is about. A good URL should tell visitors exactly where they want to go. This makes it easier for them to navigate your website. And it also gives search engines more clues as to what the page is about so they can index it properly.
A consistent URL structure makes your site easier to navigate and more user-friendly. It also allows search engines to index all pages within your website easily. If you want to make sure your URLs remain consistent throughout your entire website, create a single page with links to each section of your site. This way, when someone clicks one of those links, they'll land on the same page as everyone else.
Why hire a Technical SEO Freelancer on Upwork?
Technical SEO freelancers are experts in search engine optimization (SEO). They understand what makes websites rank well in Google and Bing. They also know how to make sure your website is accessible to users with disabilities. And they know how to help you build links to your site so that more people find it when they search online.
The first step in hiring a technical SEO expert is to determine whether you need one. If your site has been up for more than two months, then you probably need one. In either case, you'll need to find a good candidate. Here's what to look for when searching for a technical SEO expert.
A good technical SEO will work closely with your web developer to ensure that all pages load quickly and efficiently. They should also help you identify any issues with your code so they can be fixed before they cause problems for users. Finally, they should offer advice on how to improve your search engine rankings by making sure that your content is optimized for keywords.
Once you've found someone who meets those criteria, ask them to provide references from previous clients. This way, you'll know if they're reliable and trustworthy. Also, check out their online portfolio to see if it contains examples of similar projects they've worked on.
Upwork has become one of the most popular freelancing websites with over 1 million users. It allows people to find work online by posting projects and offering payment. There are thousands of freelance workers on Upwork, so finding quality work is easy. If you want to hire someone on Upwork, make sure to check out some tips below.
First, search through freelancers’ profiles for reviews from previous clients. This will help you see what kind of work they do well. Then, read through their profile carefully to find out if they’ve worked on similar projects before. Finally, ask them any specific questions you may have about the project.
Technical SEO freelancers offer a wide range of services including technical audits, link building, keyword research, site speed optimization, and more. They also provide ongoing support as your website grows. A good technical SEO consultant should be familiar with all aspects of search engine algorithms so they can help you improve your rankings. This includes understanding what keywords people are searching for, where those searches originate, and whether your competitors are using similar terms. They may even suggest ways to optimize your page titles and meta descriptions.
Technical SEO consultants often work closely with webmasters to ensure that their websites meet Google's guidelines for mobile-friendliness, accessibility, and performance. They might recommend changes to your HTML code or CSS stylesheets to make them easier to read and navigate. They'll also look into any issues that affect how quickly your pages load.
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White Hat vs Black hat SEO techniques
In the past, SEO was all about getting links back to your site. Today, however, Google has become so sophisticated that it's more important than ever to focus on quality over quantity. This is where white-hat SEO comes into play. It involves following best practices and using ethical methods to improve search rankings. Black hat SEO, on the other hand, includes unethical tactics. These activities result in penalties against websites and may even cause them to lose traffic.
White hats don't just look for bugs; they also test the functionality of the website and its content. If something doesn't seem right, they'll report it. For example, if they notice that a page isn't loading properly, they might contact the webmaster to let him know.
White hat SEO is about getting your site found by people searching for what you sell. It's about making sure that when someone searches for your product or service online, your site comes up first. This requires testing different keywords and phrases to see which ones bring visitors to your site.
Black hat SEO attempts to game Google's system by using manipulative techniques to boost rankings. These practices could result in your site being removed from Google entirely.
The white hat technique is used by people who want to make sure that their website remains safe and secure. They try to find ways to improve the security of websites so that hackers cannot access them. This includes using strong passwords, keeping software updated, and installing anti-virus programs.
Technical SEO Services are services offered by some webmasters to help them improve their websites' search engine rankings. It includes things such as optimizing your website's code, adding relevant keywords to your site, and making sure your site has good page titles and descriptions. These tasks may seem simple but they're often overlooked when people think about improving their sites' search engine ranking. If you want to find out more about what I offer as an SEO expert, visit my page here. 
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seoinsiderinsights · 5 months
SEO Expert
Contact me On fiverr
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sohaibsajiid · 4 months
10 Faceless Social Media Accounts Making Big Bucks Monthly
Ever wondered if you can make a killing on social media without ever showing your face? Turns out, it's not only possible but happening right now. There are 10 faceless social media accounts making...Read More
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nusratz · 8 months
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chinakhatun123 · 1 year
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Which Blog Content is Best?
Creating the best blog content depends on various factors, including your target audience, industry, and goals. However, there are key elements that define high-quality blog content across all niches. Here's an in-depth guide to what makes the best blog content, helping you decide what works best for your blog and readers.
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1. Understanding Your Audience
Before you start writing blog content, you must clearly define your target audience. Understanding their preferences, pain points, and interests will allow you to tailor your content to their needs. Crafting content that resonates with your audience is key to improving engagement and retention.
Creating buyer personas can be a helpful strategy here, as it gives you insight into your readers' demographics, challenges, and behaviors. When your content solves real problems or provides value, it strengthens your relationship with readers and enhances loyalty.
2. Choosing the Right Content Type
Blog content comes in various forms, and the best type for your blog will depend on your objectives and what your audience prefers. Some of the most effective types of blog content include:
Listicles: Readers love lists because they're easy to digest and highly scannable. A "Top 10" format can be engaging.
How-tos: Educational content that walks the reader through a process step by step.
Case studies: These provide social proof by showing real-world success stories.
Product reviews: In-depth product analysis can attract readers interested in making a purchase decision.
Interviews: Q&A sessions with industry experts add authority to your blog.
Tutorials: These are perfect for industries where hands-on learning is essential, such as technology or DIY niches.
3. Crafting Engaging Headlines
Your headline is the first impression your readers get. It determines whether they'll click on your post or scroll past it. Engaging headlines often include numbers, questions, or power words that trigger curiosity. Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can help ensure your headlines are compelling and SEO-friendly.
4. Focusing on SEO-Optimized Content
Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for driving organic traffic to your blog. Incorporating target keywords naturally, optimizing meta descriptions, and ensuring the content is valuable to the reader can significantly boost search rankings. Include both internal links to your previous posts and external links to reputable sources to build trust and authority.
5. Incorporating Visual Content
A picture is worth a thousand words, and incorporating visual elements like images, infographics, or videos can make your blog content more engaging. Visual content helps break up large blocks of text, improves readability, and can enhance understanding, especially for complex topics.
6. Long-Form vs. Short-Form Content
Deciding between long-form and short-form content depends on the topic and your audience’s preferences. Long-form content (usually 2000+ words) tends to perform better for in-depth topics and SEO. On the other hand, short-form content (500-800 words) can be more digestible and is effective for quick, engaging reads.
7. Delivering Value with Your Content
The best blog content offers value. Whether it’s teaching a new skill, solving a problem, or entertaining your audience, your content should provide tangible benefits. Readers are more likely to return to a blog that consistently delivers useful, relevant information.
8. Consistency in Publishing
Publishing frequency plays a role in SEO and audience retention. Posting consistently helps you stay top of mind with readers and signals to search engines that your blog is active, which can improve rankings.
9. Writing Conversationally
Writing in a conversational tone can make your content more relatable and enjoyable to read. This style helps humanize your blog, making it feel like a conversation between friends rather than a formal article.
10. Including Data and Research
Support your content with data, research, and authoritative sources. This boosts your blog’s credibility, making your content more trustworthy and authoritative. It also helps readers understand the context behind your claims.
11. Personalization and Storytelling
Personalized content and storytelling help build a deeper connection with your readers. Sharing personal anecdotes or case studies makes your content more engaging and relatable.
12. Promoting Content Across Channels
Even the best blog content needs promotion. Leverage social media platforms, email newsletters, and guest blogging opportunities to share your content. Cross-channel promotion is key to expanding your reach and gaining new readers.
13. Monitoring and Analyzing Performance
Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush to track how your blog content is performing. Monitor metrics like page views, time on page, bounce rate, and conversion rates to make data-driven improvements to your blog.
14. Updating Old Content
Keeping your blog content up-to-date is crucial for maintaining relevance and improving SEO. Updating old blog posts with new information, keywords, and insights can boost search rankings and provide better value to readers.
15. Building Reader Interaction
Encourage your readers to engage with your content through comments, shares, or even interactive elements like polls or quizzes. This increases user engagement and fosters a sense of community around your blog.
1. What is the most popular type of blog content? Listicles and how-to guides are some of the most popular types of blog content because they offer clear, actionable advice and are easy to digest.
2. How can I make my blog content more engaging? To make your blog content more engaging, focus on writing compelling headlines, using visuals, and incorporating storytelling techniques. Ensure that the content delivers real value and solves a problem for the reader.
3. How often should I publish blog posts? Consistency is key, but quality should not be sacrificed. For smaller blogs, once a week is a good starting point. For larger blogs, posting multiple times a week can help increase engagement and SEO performance.
4. How long should a blog post be for SEO? A blog post of 1500-2500 words tends to perform well for SEO, especially for in-depth topics. However, the length should be dictated by the depth of the content, not a word count goal.
5. What is the best way to promote blog content? Promote your blog content across social media platforms, through email marketing, and by guest posting on relevant websites. Sharing your content on forums or community groups related to your niche can also increase visibility.
6. How do I keep my blog content relevant? Regularly update older posts with new information, check for broken links, and ensure that your content stays aligned with industry trends and reader preferences.
For expert help with SEO, blog content creation, and overall website growth, check out this service on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/s/59mw5k
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willsonrobin · 1 month
Why Local Businesses Need a Dedicated SEO Service Expert for Maximum Impact
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In an era where digital presence can make or break a business, local enterprises face a unique set of challenges and opportunities. As more consumers turn to online searches to find products and services near them, mastering local SEO has become crucial for driving foot traffic and growing local market share. For many businesses, the complexities of optimizing for local search are best managed by a dedicated SEO service expert. Here's why local businesses need this specialized help to maximize their impact.
Understanding Local SEO and Its Importance
Local SEO is a branch of search engine optimization focused on improving a website’s visibility in local search results. Unlike global SEO, which targets a broad audience, local SEO aims to attract customers from specific geographic locations. This can significantly influence local businesses, which often depend on attracting customers from their immediate area.
The need for local SEO arises from the fact that search engines like Google prioritize local results for queries that imply a geographic intent. When users search for terms like "restaurants near me" or "plumbers in [city]," search engines use various signals to deliver relevant local results. Without proper optimization, a business might miss out on these high-intent searches.
Benefits of Hiring a Freelance SEO Expert
1. Tailored Strategies for Local Visibility
A freelance SEO expert specializing in local business SEO understands the nuances of local search algorithms and can implement targeted strategies to improve your visibility. Their expertise includes optimizing local listings, managing online reviews, and leveraging local keywords. They tailor their approach to align with the unique needs of your business and local market dynamics.
2. Technical SEO Expertise
Technical SEO is an essential component of a successful SEO strategy. A freelance technical SEO expert brings advanced skills in optimizing the technical aspects of your website. They conduct comprehensive audits to identify and fix issues such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, and crawl errors. Technical SEO ensures that your site is accessible and performs well, which can significantly impact your search rankings and user experience.
3. Up-to-Date Knowledge and Skills
SEO is a constantly evolving field, with search engines frequently updating their algorithms and ranking factors. A dedicated SEO service expert stays current with these changes and understands how to adapt strategies accordingly. This up-to-date knowledge is crucial for maintaining and improving your rankings in a competitive local market.
4. Local Listings and Citation Management
One of the cornerstones of local SEO is managing local listings and citations. This involves ensuring that your business information is accurate and consistent across various online directories and platforms. A freelance SEO expert can handle this process, helping to boost your credibility and visibility in local search results.
5. Enhanced User Experience
User experience (UX) is a critical factor in search engine rankings. A technical SEO expert can optimize your website to provide a seamless experience for visitors. This includes improving page load times, ensuring mobile compatibility, and creating a user-friendly site structure. A positive user experience not only helps with SEO but also enhances customer satisfaction and retention.
Key Strategies for Local SEO Success
1. Optimize Google My Business
Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool for local SEO. It allows businesses to manage their online presence on Google, including search results and Google Maps. A dedicated local business SEO service expert will optimize your GMB listing by providing accurate business information, selecting relevant categories, and encouraging customer reviews. This optimization helps improve your visibility in local search results and attracts more local customers.
2. Leverage Local Keywords
Incorporating local keywords into your website content is essential for attracting nearby customers. A freelance SEO expert will conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-performing local keywords for your business. They will then strategically integrate these keywords into your website’s content, meta tags, and other on-page elements to improve your search rankings.
3. Build High-Quality Local Backlinks
Backlinks from reputable local sources can enhance your website’s authority and relevance in local search results. A dedicated SEO expert will develop a strategy for acquiring high-quality local backlinks, such as through partnerships with local organizations, guest blogging, and sponsorships. These backlinks help establish your business as a trusted and authoritative source in your community.
4. Monitor and Analyze Performance
Ongoing monitoring and analysis are crucial for optimizing your local SEO efforts. A freelance SEO expert uses various tools and metrics to track your website’s performance, including traffic, rankings, and conversions. They analyze this data to identify trends, assess the effectiveness of your strategies, and make data-driven adjustments to continually improve your results.
Real-Life Success Stories
1. Case Study: Local Restaurant
A local restaurant struggled to attract new customers despite having a strong online presence. After partnering with a freelance SEO expert, the restaurant implemented a comprehensive local SEO strategy. This included optimizing their Google My Business listing, targeting local keywords, and improving their website’s technical performance. As a result, the restaurant saw a significant increase in local search visibility, leading to a 30% rise in foot traffic and a 25% boost in reservations.
2. Case Study: Independent Retail Store
An independent retail store faced challenges competing with larger chain stores in their area. The store hired a local SEO service expert to enhance its online visibility. The expert focused on building high-quality local backlinks, optimizing the store’s website for mobile devices, and managing local citations. Within six months, the store experienced a 40% increase in organic search traffic and a 20% increase in sales.
For local businesses aiming to make a significant impact in their communities, the expertise of a dedicated SEO service expert is invaluable. From tailoring strategies to enhance local visibility to optimizing technical aspects and managing local listings, a freelance SEO expert brings specialized knowledge and skills that can drive meaningful results.
Investing in a dedicated SEO expert is not just about improving your search rankings—it’s about setting the stage for long-term success and growth. By leveraging their expertise, local businesses can achieve maximum impact, attract more customers, and thrive in a competitive digital landscape.
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yogeshseoexpert · 2 months
Hire SEO Freelancer for Full SEO Services, Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis
Boost your online visibility with a skilled SEO freelancer offering full SEO services, in-depth keyword research, and detailed competitor analysis. Enhance your rankings and drive more organic traffic with expert strategies tailored to your needs.
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gourresearch · 1 year
Navigating the Hiring Process for Web Developers and Technical SEO Analysts
In today’s digital landscape, the demand for hire web developers and technical SEO analysts is soaring as businesses strive to establish a strong online presence. Whether you’re a startup or a well-established company, finding and hiring the right talent for these crucial roles can significantly impact your success. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps of recruiting and onboarding web developers and technical SEO analysts to ensure a seamless process.
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The Significance of Hiring a Freelance Web Developer with SEO Expertise
In the dynamic world of online business, a strong web presence is paramount to success. As you embark on the journey of enhancing your website, there’s a critical decision to make: hiring a freelance web developer with SEO expertise. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of this choice and how it can significantly impact your online business.
Crafting Compelling Job Descriptions: The journey begins with creating detailed job descriptions that accurately outline the roles and responsibilities. For a web developer, specify the programming languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) and any preferred frameworks. Tailor the description for a technical SEO expert to include required SEO skills, analytics tools familiarity, and optimization techniques expertise.
2. Casting a Wide Net: To attract the best candidates, leverage multiple platforms for job postings. Utilize your company website, popular job boards like LinkedIn and Indeed, and relevant social media channels. Tap into professional networks and industry-specific communities to reach potential candidates who might not actively be looking for jobs.
3. Screening and Interviewing: Shortlist applicants based on their resumes and applications. Conduct initial interviews to assess technical skills, experience, and cultural fit. For technical roles, consider incorporating coding tests or SEO analysis scenarios to evaluate their practical knowledge.
4. Gauging Technical Competence: For web developers, evaluate coding abilities through coding challenges or by reviewing their past projects on platforms like GitHub. Technical SEO analysts can showcase their skills by analyzing a sample website, suggesting optimizations, and explaining their approach.
5. Reference Validation: Before making a final decision, perform thorough reference checks to verify the candidates’ background, skills, and work ethic. Insights from previous employers or colleagues can offer valuable perspectives.
6. Crafting Irresistible Offers: Extend well-structured offers detailing compensation, benefits, and any other pertinent information. Be open to negotiation while ensuring that the offer aligns with industry standards.
7. Seamless Onboarding: The onboarding process is crucial for setting new hires up for success. Provide access to tools, resources, and introduce them to the team. Create a welcoming environment where questions are encouraged and growth is supported.
8. Lifelong Learning and Development: Both web development and technical SEO are rapidly evolving fields. Foster an environment of continuous learning by encouraging attendance at industry conferences, workshops, and access to online courses. This not only improves skill sets but also enhances job satisfaction.
9. Nurturing an Inclusive Culture: Diversity and inclusion are vital for a thriving work environment. Strive to create a culture that values different perspectives and backgrounds, promoting creativity and innovation.
10. Building a Sustainable Workforce: Retaining talent is as important as hiring it. Regularly engage with employees, provide opportunities for career growth, and recognize their contributions to ensure long-term commitment.
In conclusion, the process of hiring web developers and technical SEO analysts involves several crucial steps, from crafting job descriptions to fostering a culture of continuous learning. By meticulously executing each stage of the hiring journey, you can not only attract and retain top talent but also position your business for digital success in today’s competitive landscape.
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Hire An Experienced Technical SEO Freelancer - FDM
Technical SEO is all about enhancing the technical aspect of the website to boost its ranking on SERP. With Freelance Digital Marketers you can hire a technical SEO freelancer to fulfill your digital marketing needs.
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klapollo · 6 months
is copywriting a good job to look into as a writer? im job hunting and i see quite a few openings online but im worried the work will be extremely dreary
i didnt set out to be a copywriter -- frankly when i graduated i had no idea what i wanted to do. i spent about three and a half years freelancing and doing gig work and i'd make like 140 bucks a month on a good year. i happened to apply for a copywriting job among a sea of other entry level things -- social media coordinator, communications associate etc. and i feel SOOOOO fucking blessed that i fell into copywriting
in terms of money: copywriting is very lucrative if you get the experience for it and stay the course. my very first position with no prior copywriting experience (just freelance writing experience) paid me 35/hr. starting off you'll probably make about 50k but moving up the hierarchy can pay a LOT. with four years of experience, during my job hunt i would say the vast majority of the positions i interviewed were within a six figure salary band. moving up the hierarchy, lots of senior copywriters make six figs, and some associate creative directors make over 200k. you can definitely live comfortably as a career copywriter if you play your cards right.
in terms of work: personally i love copywriting, but it's an arm of marketing. if you cant stomach writing marketing materials or learning how marketing works, it might not be for you, but i kinda make it into a game in my head. there's a lot of different kinds of copy -- short form (landing pages, social media blurbs, headlines, emails, product descriptions etc) and long form (white papers, SEO articles/blog posts, ebooks). i would aim to find a copywriting position that will have a wide scope of copy types, because that helps cultivate a well-rounded resume (i.e. shoot for a job that'll have you writing landing pages, emails and blog posts etc over one that's just headlines and captions).
there is also B2C (business to customer, as in marketing a consumer product to individuals) and B2B (business to business, as in marketing a product like mailchimp to a business). i mostly do B2C, but I also do B2B now. it's fine to start with just one, but i'd say right now demand is very high for B2B
the good thing about copywriting is that basically any industry requires it in some capacity. i've worked predominantly in entertainment and digital media, but right now i'd say the biggest demand is in healthcare, fintech and SaaS (software). i freelance for a telehealth company right now in part because i want to make my portfolio more well-rounded. but as i said, nearly any industry can need one -- hospitality, beauty, fashion, retail, nonprofits, anything that is a business that needs to be advertised. when i started, i worked in television, which meant my days largely consisted of watching shows before air and writing episode descriptions. i had a lot of fun!
personally, i dont find my work dreary. sometimes it can be a LITTLE tedious if i'm writing something more technical/internal, but the whole point of copywriting is to figure out how to entice someone to check something out, which means puzzling out how to write something fun and engaging. if you want something less marketing-focused, i would look into getting into technical writing. this is basically writing informational texts and guides for technology and similar things. it pays VERY well and is usually in high demand, but i will say it's definitely more tedious than copywriting.
in short: yes i love copywriting and you can be very financially stable in it! i'd argue it's one of the most financially comfortable day jobs for someone with writing experience. happy hunting anon!!!! i hope u get what ur after
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sohaibsajiid · 4 months
Cypress: The Future of Frontend Testing - Streamline Your Tests
I've been using Cypress for a while now, and I'm blown away by how much it streamlines my...Read More
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afeefadigital · 1 month
Freelance Digital Marketer in Malappuram | Afeefa
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, businesses need more than just a presence—they need a strategy that drives results. As a freelance digital marketer in Malappuram, I, Afeefa, understand the unique challenges and opportunities that local businesses face. My goal is to help you navigate the digital landscape with confidence, using tailored strategies that enhance your online presence, engage your audience, and ultimately, grow your business. From SEO to social media marketing, website design, and content creation, I offer comprehensive digital marketing services designed to meet your specific needs.
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Boost your business online with expert digital marketing strategies that drive results.
Digital Marketing Services Tailored for Your Business
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Effective digital marketing strategies are built on SEO. By optimizing your website’s content, structure, and technical elements, I help your business rank higher on search engines like Google. This increased visibility drives more organic traffic to your site, leading to more leads and sales. Whether you’re a local business in Malappuram or looking to expand your reach, my SEO strategies are designed to put you on the map.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social media is where your customers are, and I can help you meet them there. My SMM services include setting up and managing your social media profiles, creating engaging content, and running targeted ad campaigns. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other platform, I tailor my approach to your brand and audience, ensuring that your social media presence is not just active but effective.
Website Design and Development
Your website is often the first point of contact potential customers have with your brand. I specialize in designing and developing websites that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and optimized for conversions. From responsive design to intuitive navigation, every aspect of the website is crafted to enhance user experience and encourage interaction.
Graphic Design
Visuals play a crucial role in how your brand is perceived. I offer graphic design services that include everything from logo design to marketing materials like brochures, banners, and social media graphics. My designs are modern, clean, and aligned with your brand’s identity, helping you stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Content Creation
Content is the heart of digital marketing. Whether it’s blog posts, website copy, or social media updates, I create content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take action. My content creation services are designed to inform, engage, and convert, ensuring that your brand message is always clear and compelling.
Why Choose Afeefa as Your Freelance Digital Marketer
Personalized Attention
As a freelancer, I offer a level of personalized attention that larger agencies can’t match. I work closely with you to understand your business goals and challenges, and I tailor my services to meet your specific needs.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Working with a freelancer like me means you get top-quality digital marketing services without the overhead costs associated with larger firms. I offer flexible pricing options that fit your budget while delivering measurable results.
Proven Results
My approach is data-driven and results-oriented. I track the performance of every campaign, making adjustments as needed to ensure we’re always moving towards your business goals. My clients in Malappuram have seen significant improvements in their online visibility, engagement, and sales thanks to my strategies.
In conclusion, choosing the right digital marketing partner is crucial for the success of your business. As Afeefa, a freelance digital marketer in Malappuram, I bring a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and a deep understanding of the local market to every project. Whether you’re looking to boost your SEO, enhance your social media presence, or create a stunning website, I’m here to help. Let’s collaborate to develop a digital marketing strategy that not only meets your goals but exceeds them. Contact me today to learn more about how my services can help your business thrive in the digital age.
Contact information
+91 9745315083 website:afeefan.in
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gaurav-digital · 1 month
Gaurav Digital: Your Go-To Digital Marketing Freelancer in Mumbai
In today's fast-paced digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business aiming to succeed. Whether you are a small startup or a well-established company, effective digital marketing can make all the difference in reaching your target audience and driving growth. If you are looking for a Digital Marketing Freelancer in Mumbai who can take your business to the next level, look no further than Gaurav Digital.
Why Choose Gaurav Digital?
As a seasoned Digital Marketer in Mumbai, Gaurav brings years of experience and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape. Specializing in various aspects of digital marketing, Gaurav is committed to helping businesses thrive online. Here's what sets Gaurav Digital apart:
1. Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services
Gaurav offers a full suite of digital marketing services tailored to your specific needs. From social media management and content creation to paid advertising and email marketing, Gaurav has the expertise to craft strategies that resonate with your audience and achieve measurable results.
2. SEO Expertise
One of the key components of digital marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Gaurav excels as an SEO expert. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, Gaurav ensures that your business ranks higher in search results, driving organic traffic and increasing visibility.
3. Customized Solutions
Every business is unique, and Gaurav Digital understands that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Gaurav takes the time to understand your business goals, target audience, and industry dynamics, creating customized digital marketing strategies that align with your objectives.
4. Proven Track Record
With a portfolio of successful campaigns and satisfied clients, Gaurav has built a reputation as a reliable and results-driven Digital Marketer in Mumbai. Whether you're looking to boost your online presence, increase sales, or improve customer engagement, Gaurav's track record speaks for itself.
5. Personalized Attention
As a freelancer, Gaurav offers the kind of personalized attention that larger agencies often can't provide. You can expect direct communication, quick responses, and a collaborative approach that ensures your vision is realized.
Services Offered by Gaurav Digital
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): On-page and off-page SEO, keyword research, technical SEO audits, and content optimization.
Social Media Marketing: Strategy development, content creation, and community management across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Google Ads, social media ads, and retargeting campaigns to drive targeted traffic and conversions.
Content Marketing: Blog writing, article writing, video content creation, and more to engage your audience and build brand authority.
Email Marketing: Creating and managing email campaigns that convert leads into customers and nurture existing relationships.
Get in Touch with Gaurav Digital
If you're ready to take your business to new heights, it's time to partner with a dedicated Digital Marketing Freelancer in Mumbai who understands the nuances of the local market and the broader digital landscape. Whether you need an SEO expert to boost your rankings or a comprehensive digital strategy to grow your brand, Gaurav Digital is here to help.
Contact Gaurav today to discuss your digital marketing needs and start building a brighter future for your business.
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searchengine123 · 2 months
SEO Expert in India | Hire Best SEO Freelancer: Deepak Narula
Are you looking to enhance your website's visibility and drive organic traffic? Look no further! Deepak Narula is a seasoned SEO expert in India, renowned for his expertise in delivering top-notch SEO services. With years of experience in the industry, Deepak specializes in creating customized SEO strategies that align with your business goals and drive sustainable growth.
Why Choose Deepak Narula as Your SEO Freelancer?
1. Proven Expertise and Results: Deepak Narula has a track record of successfully improving search engine rankings for a diverse range of clients. His deep understanding of SEO best practices and algorithms ensures your website achieves higher rankings on search engines like Google.
2. Comprehensive SEO Services: From keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and content marketing, Deepak offers a full spectrum of SEO services. His holistic approach ensures every aspect of your website is optimized for maximum visibility and performance.
3. Customized SEO Strategies: Understanding that every business is unique, Deepak creates tailor-made SEO strategies that cater to your specific needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, his personalized approach guarantees effective results.
4. Ethical SEO Practices: Deepak strictly adheres to white-hat SEO techniques, ensuring your website remains compliant with search engine guidelines. His ethical approach not only improves your rankings but also protects your site from potential penalties.
5. Transparent Reporting and Communication: With Deepak, you receive regular updates and detailed reports on your website’s performance. His transparent communication ensures you are always informed about the progress and impact of the SEO efforts.
Key Services Offered:
Keyword Research and Analysis: Identifying high-potential keywords that drive targeted traffic to your site.
On-Page SEO Optimization: Enhancing meta tags, headers, content, and overall website structure for better search engine indexing.
Technical SEO: Addressing site speed, mobile-friendliness, and other technical aspects that affect search rankings.
Link Building: Building high-quality backlinks that boost your site's authority and search engine visibility.
Content Marketing: Creating and promoting valuable content that engages users and supports SEO goals.
Local SEO: Optimizing your business for local searches to attract nearby customers.
Achieve Your Business Goals with Deepak Narula
Investing in SEO is crucial for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape. By partnering with Deepak Narula, you leverage the expertise of one of India’s best SEO freelancers. His strategic approach and commitment to excellence will help you achieve higher rankings, increased traffic, and ultimately, greater business success.
Contact Deepak Narula today to start your journey towards improved online visibility and growth.
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digitalsoftware · 8 months
GeminAi Review 2024 - World's 1st True Google's Gemini Powered App
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GeminAi Review 2024
Introduction :-
Bringing You Instant Answers Across Text, Images, Audio, Video, and Code. This High-tech App Outshines ChatGPT-4 And Making Real-time Multimedia Responses Easy and Faster Within Seconds..!
Say Goodbye to Hefty Monthly Fees with an Advanced AI Alternative to ChatGPT & OpenAI!
Everything You Knew About Your Work, Life, and Work-Life Balance Is About to Change Forever.
What Is GeminAI ?
Geminai is not just another AI; it's a leap into the future of technology.
Built from the ground up, Geminai excels in multimodal reasoning across text, images, video, audio, and code, making it incredibly versatile and powerful.
Imagine an AI model that not only understands your language but also interprets and creates multimedia content based on your input.
With Geminai, you get context-aware, human-like interactions, offering a personalized experience that feels natural and intuitive.
Its image interaction capabilities take multimedia engagement to new heights, seamlessly recognizing and generating visuals that align perfectly with your needs.
Geminai is a pioneer, surpassing the limitations of other AI technologies, making it an accessible gateway to harnessing the full potential of AI for your personal and professional growth.
Unleash Limitless Possibilities with 3 simple Steps :-
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It's Features ?
World’s First True Google’s Gemini™ Powered Ai Chat bot.
Unlimited usage without any restriction.
Elevate Content Creation: Transform the way you create digital content, making it more engaging and effective.
Simplify Coding Efforts: Accessible, efficient coding for all skill levels.
Enhance Multimedia Interaction: Advanced Ai for superior image and video conversation with the Ai bot.
Start making money by charging your clients.
No need to pay any monthly fees to any Ai apps again. 
100% beginner-friendly, with no coding or technical skills required.
Get a Free Commercial License.
Pay one time and use it forever.
World Class customer support. 
Enjoy 24/7 expert support for whatever you need
30 Day Money back guarantee.
Get Results or we will pay you $500 in return for your troubles.
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With GeminAI App You can Replace, Various Freelancers or employees.
content writer
Graphic designer
Revolutionize Your Business with GeminAi App
Unleashing Cutting-Edge Technology to Skyrocket Your Success Instantly – Experience the Future Now!
GeminAi Can Interact With Multi Format: (Images & Videos Too)
AI Content Creation:
Advanced NLP Technology Processing
Cost-Efficient Transcription
Simple 3-Step Process
Multilingual Content Generation
100% Cloud-Based Convenience
Efficient Team Management
Limitless Templates
No Monthly Fees
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What You Can Do With The GeminAI App!!!
Create a Content Agency
Develop Cutting-Edge Apps
Build and Sell Chatbots
Write A-List Copy
AI-Driven Graphic Design
Video Production and Marketing
E-Commerce Optimization
Automated SEO and Content Marketing
Data Analysis and Reporting
Personal Branding and Influencer Marketing
Struggle that you have to facing....
Trapped in Unfulfilling Work
Struggle for Work-Life Balance
Financial Constraints and Uncertainty
Overwhelmed by Technological Advancements
Desire for Meaningful Work
Need to pay Hefty monthly charges for expensive Ai Apps.
Burden of paying expensive copywriters.
Struggle with time-consuming manual copywriting.
Face challenges in maintaining consistency in writing quality.
Encounter difficulties in generating creative and impactful content.
Invest significant time and effort in refining and editing text.
Experience limitations in adapting to diverse writing styles and tones.
Reason For that You have to Go With GeminAI App....
No need to pay any monthly fee for lifetime.
Replace all the copywriters with GeminAi.
Generate compelling and engaging copy effortlessly.
Enjoy a time-efficient content creation process.
Experience a boost in productivity with AI-generated text.
Achieve consistent and high-quality writing across various projects.
Seamlessly adapt to changing writing styles and tones.
In Order To Make This Even More Profitable And Easier For You,Here Are Some Big Bonuses:
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Frequently asked Question:
Q:   Will I get Support for this software?
A: Yes, our 24*7 support team is always available to solve your issues and help you get the best results from GeminAi.
​Q:   Are there any monthly fees?
A:  No, currently we are offering a one-time price for this tool. So, get this best deal before reversing to a Monthly subscription.
​Q:   Is there any money-back guarantee?
A: Yes, we are offering 30 days money-back guarantee. So there is no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is by taking no action.
​Q:   Do you update your product and improve it?
A:  Yes, we always maintain our product and improve with new features.
​Q:   How to Activate my Early Bird discount?
A: Click the below button to grab this at an early bird discount.
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Here's A Recap Of EverythingYou're Getting Instant Access To!HURRY! Price Rises Again In...
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GeminAi can Interact with Multi Format = $9990
Create Unlimited Ai content & visuals in minutes = $1590
High-Quality Training Included for making three Figures a day = $490
Free Commercial Rights = $1990
Done For you Template to Build App Instantly = $290
End to end SSL encryption to safeguard your Data & 24*7 malware protection = $490
24*7 Customer Support = Priceless
Double Your Money Back Guarantee = Priceless
Fast Action Bonus #1: Ai Profit Masterclass (Value:$197)
Fast Action Bonus #2: Ai Image Library (Value:$297)
Fast Action Bonus #3: TikTok Ad Mastery (Value:$147)
Fast Action Bonus #4: StockHub (Value:$147)
Fast Action Bonus #5: Ai Youtube Masterclass (Value:$197)
Fast Action Bonus #6: Ai for Productivity (Value:$197) 
Total Value Of Everything YOU GET TODAY: $14,840
For Limited Time Only Grab It Now For
$297 Monthly
Today, Only 1-Time - $14.95
Buy GeminAI Now
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