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khushi70428 · 10 months ago
Decode the Tech Jargon: Frequently Asked Questions on MIS and Data Analytics
Curious about the tech buzz around MIS and Data Analytics? Unravel the mystery with our FAQs! đŸ€”đŸ’» Understand the basics of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Data Analytics, demystifying jargon for you. Learn how these technologies optimize decision-making and drive business success. 📊🚀
Explore FAQs like "What is MIS?" 🧐, "How does Data Analytics work?" 🔄, and "Why is it crucial for businesses?" đŸ’Œ Our concise answers break down complex concepts into digestible insights. 💡🔱 Stay ahead in the tech game by diving into this informational treasure trove! 🚀📚
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maaarine · 3 years ago
Podcast subscriptions (EN/FR/NL): September 2021 Update
❀: love it
❀❀: listen to it every day
❀❀❀: really love it
Global News Podcast ❀❀
“The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.”
New Scientist Weekly
“Keep up with the latest scientific developments and breakthroughs in this weekly podcast from the team at New Scientist, the world’s most popular weekly science and technology magazine.”
H3 Podcast ❀❀❀
“The official podcast of comedians Ethan & Hila Klein of h3h3productions.”
Citations Needed
“Citations Needed is a podcast about the intersection of media, PR, and power, hosted by Nima Shirazi and Adam Johnson.”
Freakonomics Radio
“Each week, Freakonomics Radio tells you things you always thought you knew (but didn’t) and things you never thought you wanted to know (but do) — from the economics of sleep to how to become great at just about anything.”
In Our Time
“Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the history of ideas”
Philosophize This!
“For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it.”
Media & Tech
Decoder with Nilay Patel
“Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel talks to a diverse cast of innovators and policymakers at the frontiers of business and technology to reveal how they’re navigating an ever-changing landscape, what keeps them up at night, and what it all means for our shared future.”
Pivot ❀
“Every Tuesday and Friday, Recode’s Kara Swisher and NYU Professor Scott Galloway offer sharp, unfiltered insights into the biggest stories in tech, business, and politics.”
Recode Media
“What happens when media, entertainment, and technology collide? Peter Kafka, one of the media industry's most acclaimed reporters, talks to business titans, journalists, comedians and podcasters to get their take.“
Investigative & Narrative
Against the Rules with Michael Lewis
“Journalist and bestselling author Michael Lewis (Liar's Poker, Moneyball) takes a searing look at what’s happened to fairness.”
Revisionist History
“Revisionist History is Malcolm Gladwell's journey through the overlooked and the misunderstood. Every episode re-examines something from the past—an event, a person, an idea, even a song—and asks whether we got it right the first time.”
The Audio Long Reads
“The Audio Long Reads podcast is a selection of the Guardian’s long reads, giving you the opportunity to get on with your day while listening to some of the finest journalism the Guardian has to offer, including in-depth writing from around the world on immigration, crime, business, the arts and much more.”
US Politics
Chapo Trap House
”The podcast is strongly associated with the dirtbag left, a term coined by Frost to refer to a style of contentious left-wing political discourse that eschews civility in favor of a more casual—and often vulgar—speaking style.”
Gaslit Nation
“Writers and civic leaders Andrea Chalupa and Sarah Kendzior take a deep dive on the news that skips the outrage and delivers analysis, history, and context.”
Conversation: easy to listen to
“Now taking on Washington, Hollywood and the world, Kara investigates power: who has it, who’s been denied it, and who dares to defy it.”
The Adam Buxton Podcast ❀
“British comedian Adam Buxton talks with interesting people. The rambly conversations are sometimes funny, sometimes more serious with funny bits.”
The Tim Ferriss Show
“In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.”
Ways to Change the World with Krishnan Guru-Murthy
“How can you change the world? Join Krishnan Guru-Murthy and his guest of the week as they explore the big ideas influencing how we think, act and live.”
Conversation: harder to listen to
Lex Fridman Podcast
“Conversations about AI, science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power.”
Making Sense with Sam Harris
“Join neuroscientist, philosopher, and best-selling author Sam Harris as he explores important and controversial questions about the human mind, society, and current events.”
Mind & Life
“Exploring frontiers of contemplative science—discussing mind, meditation, and more.”
Sean Carroll’s Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts
“From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.”
The Ezra Klein Show
“Winner of the 2020 Webby and People's Voice awards for best interview podcast. Ezra Klein brings you far-reaching conversations about hard problems, big ideas, illuminating theories, and cutting-edge research.”
The Wright Show
“Conversations with a series of people who have nothing in common except that program host Robert Wright is curious about what they’re thinking.“
Vox Conversations
“Vox Conversations brings you discussions between the brightest minds and the deepest thinkers; conversations that will cause you to question old assumptions and think about the world and our role in it in a new light.”
In French
5 Heures ❀❀❀
“Hugues Dayez retrouve Rudy LĂ©onet pour passer en revue les sorties cinĂ©ma de la semaine en essayant de garder le cap malgrĂ© les nombreuses – et attendues – digressions. Pas de place pour la langue de bois : Rudy et Hugues disent ce qu’ils pensent.”
“Un jeudi sur deux, Camille Regache propose de dĂ©construire tout ce qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme naturel et innĂ© en ce qui concerne l’identitĂ© de genre et la sexualitĂ©.”
Cultures Monde ❀
“Qu’elles soient sociales, sociĂ©tales, environnementales, ou Ă©conomiques les problĂ©matiques contemporaines se forment et s’apprĂ©hendent diffĂ©remment selon les pays, les rĂ©gions et les cultures du monde.”
“Pour comprendre pourquoi vous ressentez ce que vous ressentez, et d'oĂč viennent les Ă©motions que vous Ă©prouvez. Un lundi sur deux, plongez dans votre jungle intĂ©rieure, et apprenez Ă  mieux y naviguer grĂące Ă  des expert(e)s et des histoires.”
La MĂ©thode Scientifique
“De l'astrophysique Ă  la palĂ©ontologie, de la mĂ©decine Ă  l'Ă©pistĂ©mologie, la MĂ©thode Scientifique enfile sa blouse, remonte ses manches et vous propose chaque jour une heure de savoir autour des sciences, toutes les sciences, et sur les problĂ©matiques Ă©thiques, politiques, Ă©conomiques et sociales qui font l'actualitĂ© la recherche.”
Le Coeur sur la Table ❀❀❀
“Parce que s’aimer est l’une des façons de faire la rĂ©volution. Une fois par semaine, un Ă©pisode pour rĂ©inventer nos relations amoureuses, nos liens avec nos ami·e·s, nos parent·e·s et nos amant·e·s.”
Les Couilles sur la Table ❀❀❀
“Un jeudi sur deux, Victoire Tuaillon parle en profondeur d’un aspect des masculinitĂ©s contemporaines avec un·e invité·e. Parce qu’on ne naĂźt pas homme, on le devient.”
Les Gens qui Doutent
“Il me fallait une excuse pour rencontrer les gens que j'admire (en stand up, musique, littĂ©rature,...). Donc j'ai fait un podcast. Contact : @FannyRuwet.”
Septante Minutes Avec
“Toutes les deux semaines, Guillaume Hachez discute le temps d'une heure avec les personnalitĂ©s les plus intĂ©ressantes de Belgique et d'ailleurs. Ensemble, ils discutent de sujets de sociĂ©tĂ©, souvent en rapport avec la technologie - mais pas que.”
Soft Power
“Le magazine des industries culturelles et du numĂ©rique de France Culture. C'est la quinziĂšme saison de ce magazine de rĂ©fĂ©rence consacrĂ© aux industries crĂ©atives (cinĂ©ma, musique, livre, jeu vidĂ©o), aux mĂ©dias et au numĂ©rique.”
Un Podcast Ă  Soi ❀
“Chaque premier mercredi du mois, Un Podcast Ă  soi mĂȘle intimitĂ© et expertise, tĂ©moignages et rĂ©flexions, pour aborder les questions de genre, de fĂ©minismes, d’égalitĂ© entre les femmes et les hommes.”
VĂ©nus s'Ă©pilait-elle la chatte ?
“VĂ©nus s'Ă©pilait-elle chatte dĂ©construit l’histoire de l’art occidentale, en proposant un point de vue fĂ©ministe et inclusif.”
In Dutch
De Afspraak Op Vrijdag
“Ivan De Vadder blikt samen met zijn gasten terug op de politieke week.”
De Rudi & Freddie Show
“Geregeld voeren Rutger Bregman en Jesse Frederik gesprekken over economie en politiek waarvan ze achteraf denken: was dit niet ook een leuke podcast geweest?”
De Universiteit van Vlaanderen Podcast
“Heb jij je al eens afgevraagd of we mensen onzichtbaar kunnen maken? Of Latijn leren tijdverspilling is? Of je voor eeuwig samen zal blijven met je lief? Topprofessoren uit de Vlaamse Universiteiten geven een antwoord op al deze vragen en nog veel meer via deze gratis colleges.”
DS Vandaag ❀❀
“In DS Vandaag zoomt een journalist van De Standaard elke weekdag in op een actuele kwestie.”
Een Podcast over Media
“Alexander Klöpping (Blendle) en Ernst-Jan Pfauth (De Correspondent) zadelen je in hun podcast op met de verhalen die ze normaal in de kroeg vertellen. Tenminste, die over media en technologie dan.”
Interne Keuken ❀
“Wekelijks interviewen zij twee uur lang live vier gasten die ‘hebben nagedacht over het leven en de wereld en praten met hen over wetenschap, geschiedenis en samenleving.’”
Plan B
“In de podcast PLAN B gaan de politieke journalisten Alain Gerlache (RTBF) en Ivan De Vadder (VRT) op zoek naar de verschillen Ă©n de gelijkenissen tussen Vlaanderen en Franstalig BelgiĂ«.”
Vranckx & Byloo
“Rudi Vranckx en Vincent Byloo maken de stand van de wereld op. Waar slaat de koorts toe, en waar groeien bloemen op de ruïne? Ze hebben het over de Arabische wereld, natuurlijk, maar evengoed over het hart van Europa of de klauwen van de Russische beer.”
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webpacknews · 6 years ago
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RT @menepie: #TechDecoded is a new program for developers we recently launched. As part of it, see the #DataCenterCloudComputing track and the "Open Source as a Change Agent for the Cloud" interview https://t.co/OiygOikjmJ
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prevajconsultants · 7 years ago
RT @menepie: #TechDecoded is a new program for developers we recently launched. As part of it, see the #DataCenterCloudComputing track and the "Open Source as a Change Agent for the Cloud" interview https://t.co/OiygOikjmJ
#TechDecoded is a new program for developers we recently launched. As part of it, see the #DataCenterCloudComputing track and the "Open Source as a Change Agent for the Cloud" interview https://t.co/OiygOikjmJ
— Monica EnePietrosanu (@menepie) June 27, 2018
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eurekakinginc · 5 years ago
Posted by Umasdfjklxc via /r/artificial. Join Discussion: https://ift.tt/2UxS8ti. Curated by: www.eurekaking.com
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nodejstutorial4y · 6 years ago
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RT @menepie: #TechDecoded is a new program for developers we recently launched. As part of it, see the #DataCenterCloudComputing track and the "Open Source as a Change Agent for the Cloud" interview https://t.co/OiygOikjmJ
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