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amanluthra-safe · 1 year ago
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solveprogrammingproblems · 3 months ago
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bdbmarketingdesign01 · 2 years ago
Performance Coaching from BDB Marketing Design
Performance Coaching from BDB Marketing Design is designed to help individuals and teams unlock their full potential. Our experienced coaches provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals and optimize your performance. Let us help you reach new levels of success in your personal and professional life.
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monicaaallen · 2 years ago
Team Coaching And Development
Looking to develop your team quickly and efficiently? Look no further than LeaderJam. Their team coaching and development programs offer top global experts to help your team reach its full potential. From individual performers to entire teams, they have the perfect solution for you. Give them a try today and see the difference! Visit at
14 Clark St, Belmont, MA 02478
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graviteams · 2 years ago
Top oman based organizational coaching firms-Graviteams
Graviteams is an Oman-based organizational coaching, consulting, and training firm. Founded in 2019, Graviteams helps companies and organizations in Oman create sustainable and positive change through the use of evidence-based coaching strategies and techniques. Graviteams' services include executive coaching, leadership development, team building, talent management, and organizational development.
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The team at Graviteams are highly experienced and has a deep understanding of the cultural and economic environment in Oman, enabling them to provide tailored solutions to their clients.
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Best of all, our coach’s help your people become the leaders you need—and that benefits everyone in your organization. Executive leadership coaching in Oman. we are offering – Business coaching,team coaching,organizational coaching,etc
Contact Us-
Visit our Website:- https://graviteams.com/organizational-coaching-2/
Contact No.:-  +971(0)58 58 20767
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screechingmusiccollector · 2 months ago
Ein wichtiges Ziel des Teamcoachings ist die Verbesserung der Problemlösungs- und Entscheidungskompetenz innerhalb der Gruppe. In den komplexen Arbeitsumgebungen von heute müssen Teams in der Lage sein, mit Unsicherheit umzugehen, kritisch zu denken und gemeinsam effektive Lösungen zu finden. Coaches arbeiten mit Teams zusammen, um Rahmenbedingungen für die Problemlösung zu entwickeln, und fördern einen strukturierten Ansatz, der Brainstorming, die Bewertung von Optionen und die Konsensfindung umfasst. Dieser Fokus auf kollektive Problemlösung verbessert die Fähigkeit der Teammitglieder, Herausforderungen effizient zu meistern, und befähigt sie, Entscheidungen zu treffen, die dem gesamten Team zugutekommen.
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fancyfuryllama · 2 months ago
Die Verbesserung der Kommunikation ist ein weiteres zentrales Ziel des Teamcoachings. Effektive Teams leben von offener, ehrlicher und respektvoller Kommunikation, die den Austausch von Ideen, konstruktives Feedback und eine gesunde Konfliktlösung ermöglicht. Ein Teamcoach arbeitet daran, diese Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu entwickeln und zu stärken, wobei er häufig Tools wie aktives Zuhören, Rollenspiele und Feedbackprotokolle verwendet. Indem es einen sicheren Raum für Dialog schafft, ermutigt das Teamcoaching die Teammitglieder, ihre Gedanken offen auszudrücken und den Ansichten der anderen zuzuhören.
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hospitality-coach-miami · 2 months ago
Elevate Your Hospitality Business with Expert Coaching
✨ Elevate your hotel's guest experience with expert coaching! Boost team performance, improve communication, and create unforgettable stays. Ready to take your hospitality game to the next level?💼🌟 #HospitalityExcellence #TeamCoaching #GuestSatisfaction
In the high-end hotel industry, team performance is essential for success. Expert coaching can improve communication, leadership, guest satisfaction, and efficiency while boosting employee morale. This results in a more effective and harmonious work environment that directly impacts guest experiences and business growth. Contents Elevate Your Hospitality Business with Expert…
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Leer- en denkstijlen beïnvloeden je teamresultaat
​Leer- en denkstijlen beïnvloeden je teamresultaatIn mijn rol als teamcoach gebruik ik regelmatig technieken die verder gaan dan de gebruikelijke rationele denkwijze. Dit klinkt misschien complex, maar het is een methode om mensen te ondersteunen bij het ontdekken van nieuwe leer- en denkpatronen, zodat ze effectiever kunnen handelen.Stel je voor dat je als leidinggevende een teamlid helpt om een…
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anilkhare · 9 months ago
Introducing Dr. Anil Khare: Your Gateway to Success
Dr. Anil Khare is a name synonymous with transformation and excellence. As a highly experienced leadership coach, executive coach, and business consultant, Dr. Khare is revolutionizing the business ecosystem in Saudi Arabia, KSA, and the GCC region. Clients rely on his expertise and guidance to enhance their performance, optimize their processes, and achieve breakthrough success.
As a renowned leadership coach, Dr. Anil Khare empowers individuals to unlock their full potential. His expertise in communication, strategic thinking, and decision-making enables leaders to navigate challenges with ease, inspiring their teams to achieve greater heights.
Dr. Anil Khare's exceptional prowess in executive coaching is unmatched. His guidance has helped numerous executives optimize their performance, ensuring they lead with utmost efficiency and drive business growth.
Entrepreneurship and startups can be challenging, but with Dr. Anil Khare's remarkable mentorship, success is within reach. His coaching delves deep into the nuances of business development, equipping entrepreneurs and startups with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive.
Small businesses form the backbone of the economy, and Dr. Anil Khare's guidance is invaluable in this domain. His comprehensive coaching enables small business owners to achieve their goals, from financial management to marketing and sales.
Sales and marketing can be daunting, but with Dr. Anil Khare's exceptional coaching, professionals gain valuable insights that transform them into sales and marketing gurus. His strategies enable business professionals to craft compelling marketing campaigns that drive results.
Dr. Anil Khare's exceptional performance coaching takes an all-around approach to success, covering career coaching, financial coaching, digital transformation coaching, industry-specific coaching, mindset and personal development coaching, and team coaching, helping clients to unlock their potential across all domains.
As a sought-after business consultant, Dr. Anil Khare has helped over 5000 companies across Saudi Arabia and the GCC region. His profound insights enable organizations to develop actionable strategies that drive long-term growth.
To leverage the transformative power of Dr. Anil Khare's coaching and consultancy services, visit his website at www.anilkhare.com. And for direct consultations, contact him at +971-55-9564344.
DrAnilKhare #LeadershipCoach #ExecutiveCoach #BusinessConsultant #EntrepreneurialCoach #StartupCoach #SmallBusinessCoach #SalesCoach #MarketingCoach #PerformanceCoach #CareerCoach #FinancialCoach #DigitalTransformationCoach #IndustrySpecificCoach #MindsetCoach #PersonalDevelopmentCoach #TeamCoach #BusinessConsultancy #GCC #SaudiArabia #UnlockYourPotential #BusinessSuccess #AnilKhareCoaching
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puurmensenwerk · 1 year ago
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Een kijkje in de keuken van Puur. Deze week een mooie combi van coaching en training.
Individuele coaching mogen verzorgen voor Aveleijn, de wijkteams, Universiteit Twente , FrieslandCampina en Cloetta.
Afgewisseld met een sessie MT Cloetta strategische communicatie en altijd op de agenda : vertrouwen ( prio 1 in succesvolle teams)
OR facilitator bij FrieslandCampina teamcoaching bij Aveleijn voor een team dat te maken heeft met oud zeer en onderstroom issues. De eerste mooie stappen zijn gezet richting nieuwe verbinding
Intensief, mooi en waardevol
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lindeman · 1 year ago
Als alle stemmen spreken - In de huid van een ervaren teambegeleider
Rick Lindeman las ‘Als alle stemmen spreken’ van Sandra Bouckaert. ‘Ik was het soms echt fel oneens met de beslissingen die haar hoofdpersonen nemen,’ schrijft hij, ‘maar het boek is heel leerzaam voor ervaren teamcoaches’. Als alle stemmen sprekenvan Sandra Boukaert is niet zo maar een managementboek voor teamcoaches. Ze probeert onder de huid te kruipen van wat er in mensen speelt en aan de…
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graviteams · 2 years ago
Best team coaching process in dubai city
Team Coaching is the main tool through which the company can focus on the Team. Top Coaching & Mentoring Courses in Dubai. Develop leadership skills With our team building training Dubai, you will get to learn the best practice strategies to work in a team collectively
Our business consultants are available 24/7 to assist you with your business setup. We have got you covered for every aspect of your business.
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Learn and sharpen your career with the best professional courses.Feel free to contact us
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fatihkaanbayhan · 1 year ago
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Deneyimledim ki;
Kendi doğasıyla barışık bir kadın, 
karşısındaki erkeğe erkek olma cesareti verebilir;
Kendi doğasıyla barışık bir erkek,
karşısındaki kadına kadın olma cesareti verebilir.
“Kabuljan Murzaev ‘Sakura’ kitabından��“
İnsan olarak eşit olan kadın ve erkek 
doğaları gereği çok farklıdır.
Kadın ve erkeğin tam ve bütün olmasını 
mümkün kılan da bu farklılıktır.
Bu farkındalıktan yoksunsanız
bütünleşmenin özlemi içinde 
kendimize uygun bir partner bulamaz,
sağlıklı bir ilişki kurup, yönetemezsiniz.
Söylemek istediğim 
hem kendi doğanızı
hem de karşı cinsin doğasını 
sadece biyolojik yönden değil, 
psikolojik yönden de bilmek  
ve kabul etmeniz önemlidir.
Siz eşsiz tek ve biricik olduğunuz halde 
başkaları eşsiz, tek ve biricik olamaz mı?
Hepimizin kendimize has özellikleri ve güzellikleri  
olumsuzlukları, eksiklikleri, zayıflıkları ve geliştirmesi gereken 
yönleri olduğu gibi,
sadece kadınlara ve erkeklere has farklı düşünce ve davranış modelleri de var.
Bu farklılık; 
kadınlarda bedenin sol tarafı ve sağ beyin lobunda, 
erkekte ise bedenin sağ tarafı ve sol beyin lobunda 
kayıtlı olan genetik mirasımızla şekilleniyor. 
Bu genetik miras, yedi kuşak atalarımızın 
zengin karakter ve algılama becerileriyle 
kadın ve erkek farklılığını da içeren bir hazinedir.
Kadınlar doğaları gereği erkeklerin duygusallıklarının daha düşük olduğunu 
bilseler ve erkekler konusundaki yargılarının bir bölümünü buna göre oluştursalar da 
yine de aşkın söze dökülmesini beklerler.
Kadınlar için aşkın ifadesi değerlidir.
Aşk kelimelerini duymaktan daima hoşlanırlar ve duyduklarıyla aşık olurlar.
Ne yazık ki, genel anlamda erkekler de bunu gereksiz gördüklerinden 
anlamakta son derece zorluk çeker ve istemese de aşkına balta vurabilirler.
Çünkü erkek konuşmaktan çok eyleme daha yatkındır.
Yalnızlık durağında olanlar.
çareyi başka başka duraklarda dolaşmakta aramayın.
Kadın erkek ilişkisine dair ünlü İngiliz bilim adamı 
Isaac Newton sözüne kulak verin.
“Aşk, köprü kurmaktır. 
İnsanlar köprü kuracaklarına, 
duvar ördükleri için yalnız kalırlar.”
#fatihkaanbayhan #deneyimledimki #mycoach  #icfglobal #eğitim #coachingexecutive #teamcoaching #yönetimdanışmanı #hotelmanagement #futuristhotelier #kendinecapaat
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tjenkehpala · 1 year ago
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“Een volk zonder geschiedenis, is als een boom zonder wortels.”
Ik ben Melchior Akihary. Ik ben een 3e generatie Molukker en ben opgegroeid in Roosendaal. Daarna heb ik voor mijn studie Bedrijfscommunicatie aan de Radboud Universiteit enige jaren in Nijmegen gewoond (in Hatert, vlakbij de Molukse wijk) en inmiddels ben ik, samen met mijn vrouw en twee kinderen, alweer zo’n zestien jaar woonachtig in Barendrecht. Ik ben de zoon van een Molukse vader en een Nederlandse moeder. Dit gaf mij de kans om ‘the best of both worlds’ in mijn leven te integreren. In het dagelijks leven ben ik ondernemer en ben ik vooral werkzaam als teamcoach. Dat houdt in dat ik teams help op hun pad naar zelforganisatie en zelfsturendheid. Uiteraard komt daar ook een belangrijke component persoonlijke coaching bij kijken. Dit werk geeft me veel voldoening en energie, omdat ik het fijn vind om mensen te kunnen helpen in hun persoonlijke en zakelijke groei. Mijn Molukse identiteit is erg belangrijk voor me en ik probeer zoveel mogelijk waardevolle elementen hiervan over te brengen op mijn kinderen. Een advies dat ik zou willen geven aan de huidige en volgende generatie Molukkers is als volgt: vergeet nooit waar je vandaan komt en houd je geschiedenis levend. Alleen dan is het mogelijk om de juiste stappen te zetten naar een goede en bestendige toekomst met behoud van de waardevolle Molukse culturele elementen.
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anilkhare · 9 months ago
Introducing Dr. Anil Khare: Your Catalyst for Success
Dr. Anil Khare, the embodiment of expertise and leadership, is revolutionizing the business coaching and consultancy landscape across Saudi Arabia and the GCC region. With a remarkable portfolio encompassing various coaching domains, Dr. Khare has impacted the lives of thousands of individuals and transformed numerous companies.
As a seasoned leadership coach, Dr. Anil Khare possesses the innate ability to unlock the full potential of individuals. Through personalized coaching sessions, he empowers leaders to embrace their unique strengths, enhance their communication skills, and foster effective decision-making. With Dr. Khare in their corner, leaders navigate challenges effortlessly and inspire their teams to achieve greatness.
Executive coaching is another realm where Dr. Anil Khare's expertise shines brightly. With his guidance, executives gain invaluable insights into optimizing their performance and leadership style. By cultivating a growth mindset and honing strategic thinking, executives under Dr. Khare's wing emerge as pioneers in their respective industries.
Moreover, Dr. Anil Khare's impact extends to the entrepreneurial and startup realm, where his innovative coaching methods have resulted in countless success stories. Entrepreneurs and startups benefit from his mentorship, as he equips them with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenging terrain of business development. Dr. Khare's proven strategies in business planning, fundraising, and growth acceleration have elevated many startups to unprecedented heights.
Small business owners find solace in Dr. Anil Khare's specialized coaching. His comprehensive guidance covers every aspect of running a successful business – from marketing tactics to financial acumen. With Dr. Khare's expertise, small business owners can overcome obstacles with ease and witness exponential growth.
Sales and marketing are two vital pillars of any thriving business. Dr. Anil Khare serves as an exceptional coach in both domains. With his guidance, professionals acquire the skills and strategies needed to drive sales, craft compelling marketing campaigns, and establish a strong brand presence.
Dr. Anil Khare's ability to enhance performance and unlock potential is not limited to specific roles or industries. As a performance coach, he helps individuals unleash their true capabilities and achieve their highest aspirations. In addition, Dr. Khare's career coaching expertise enables professionals to navigate the intricacies of their career paths, ensuring they make informed decisions and seize opportunities for growth.
Financial literacy is crucial in the business world, and Dr. Anil Khare's prowess as a financial coach ensures business professionals have a solid understanding of financial management. With his guidance, individuals can make sound financial decisions that drive sustainable growth and long-term success.
The digital era demands adaptability and transformation. Dr. Anil Khare excels as a digital transformation coach, enabling businesses to leverage technology and digitize their operations effectively. His strategies guide organizations towards embracing innovation, optimizing processes, and staying ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Dr. Anil Khare's profound impact on industry-specific coaching sets him apart. With his deep understanding of various industries, he tailors his guidance to address specific challenges and opportunities faced by professionals. From healthcare to technology, Dr. Khare's expertise transcends boundaries.
The power of mindset and personal development is undeniable in the business realm. Dr. Anil Khare's coaching enlightens businesspeople, helping them foster a growth mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and embrace change. By unlocking their full potential, individuals can achieve breakthrough success in their personal and professional lives.
Team dynamics play a pivotal role in organizational success. As a team coach, Dr. Anil Khare brings harmony and synergy to teams, helping them build strong bonds, enhance performance, and achieve collective goals. With his guidance, teams become a force to be reckoned with.
Dr. Anil Khare's impact is not limited to coaching alone. As a sought-after business consultant, he has provided invaluable insights and expertise to over 5000 companies across Saudi Arabia and the GCC region. His consultancy services cover a wide spectrum, including strategic planning, performance optimization, and organizational development.
To explore the transformative power of Dr. Anil Khare's coaching and consultancy services, visit his website at www.anilkhare.com. For direct consultations, reach out to him at +971-55-9564344.
DrAnilKhare #LeadershipCoach #ExecutiveCoach #BusinessConsultant #EntrepreneurialCoach #StartupCoach #SmallBusinessCoach #SalesCoach #MarketingCoach #PerformanceCoach #CareerCoach #FinancialCoach #DigitalTransformationCoach #IndustrySpecificCoach #MindsetCoach #PersonalDevelopmentCoach #TeamCoach #BusinessConsultancy #GCC #SaudiArabia #UnlockYourPotential #BusinessSuccess #AnilKhareCoaching
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