#Team Jess
thatdesigirl17 · 3 days
jess mariano x fem!reader
requested by @dkjndfnmdfmdmnd I don't know if this is what you wanted but I hope you like it! no warnings, but its basically fluff and angst.
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‘Do I have to go?’, Y/N whined as Lorelai pushed her in her room. ‘Yes, Luke and Liz both have invited you, it’ll be rude plus do you really wanna miss that wedding? It’ll be our share of entertainment for the entire week!’, Lorelai tried persuading her. Y/N was home for another week due to her holidays at Yale, although she wasn’t exactly Lorelei’s biological kid, Lorelai had basically adopted her since Y/N’s parents hardly used to be home because of their work and travel. Currently, Lorelai was trying to make Y/N come to Liz’s wedding with her, but she didn’t want to and the reason was simple. Jess Mariano. 
Jess was her ex-boyfriend, the love of her life, her best friend who had left without so much as a goodbye about two years ago and hadn’t been in touch since. ‘Is it because of him?’, Lorelai sighed, sitting on the bed. ‘What will I even say to him?’, Y/N said, sitting across Lorelai. ‘You could slap him.’, Lorelai suggested sarcastically, making Y/N chuckle, ‘You cannot skip the wedding because of a man! Have I taught you nothing? You are coming to the wedding and showing Jess what he missed out on okay? No more discussions.’ Lorelai said as she exited the room, closing the door behind her, and leaving Y/N to get ready. Y/N sighed, she knew Lorelai was right and decided to do exactly what she said. She got ready wearing a short dress with a corset, highlighting her chest and waist. She put on light makeup and flowers in her hair because Lorelai insisted upon following the Renaissance theme. 
Lorelai and Y/N went to Luke’s where he was waiting for them on the sidewalk. They greeted each other as Luke complimented Lorelai. ‘You look great, Y/N.’, he said, looking over at her. ‘Thank you.’, she smiled politely. They started walking together, towards the town square where the wedding was being held. ‘Hey Y/N, you gonna be okay?’, Luke asked. ‘I hope so.’, she smiled. He nodded and walked with Lorelai. 
Just as they got seated, Liz’s friend Carrie arrived and told them about how Liz had ripped her wedding dress. Lorelai got up to help and dragged Y/N with her to Miss Patty’s where Liz was getting ready.  They greeted each other as Lorelai inspected the rip and told Y/N to get some pins from her purse. 
‘Here you go-‘, Y/N said, stopping right in her tracks as soon as she entered the barn once again. She saw him, Jess, looking right at her. He looked the same, except he had let his hair grow long. She could feel his eyes roaming around her body, taking her presence in. ‘Hey.’, she breathed. ‘Hey.’, he responded with a nod, his face expressionless but his gaze soft. 
‘Y/N, honey, the pins.’, Lorelai reminded as they witnessed the staring contest taking place between Jess and Y/N. Y/N shook her head and walked towards Lorelai, brushing past Jess. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as their arm brushed. ‘Here.’, she said, handing Lorelai the pins and looking at Jess through the mirror. The awkward tension filled the air in the room. 
‘All done!’, Lorelai chimed as she finished altering the dress. ‘I’ll go tell everyone.’, Jess said and left the barn hurriedly. Lorelai and Y/N too made their way out and back to their seats. Luke and Lorelai sat in the second row, next to each other, while Y/N sat in the first, next to an empty chair. ‘Luke, shouldn’t you be seated here?’, she asked, turning around. ‘He cannot sit without his date! And I’m not sitting in the first row.’, Lorelai jumped in, just as an old-timey traditional tune played, signalling the start of the ceremony as the flower girls marched. Y/N turned her attention back to the ceremony, her mind still replaying the flashbacks of Jess, the late night drives in his car, them sitting on the bridge by the lake, reading together or just taking walks around the town.  A man cartwheeling and tumbling brought her attention back to the wedding as Liz entered, walking down the aisle with Jess. 
Liz kissed Jess on the cheek as he sat down on the empty chair right next to Y/N, wiping his cheek. They gave each other a small smile as the minister came forward, singing a poem. The four of them clenched their jaws, trying their best not to laugh at the wedding ceremony. Y/N looked at Lorelai over her shoulder, both of them on the verge of laughing out loud. Jess reached over and gently placed his hand on top of hers, trying to control his laughter himself, but he knew how hard it was for her to control her laughter, especially in serious situations. She looked at him and bit her lip, finding him looking right back at her. She quickly looked ahead as the ceremony proceeded. 
‘How is Yale?’, he asked, leaning over close to her. ‘Good, what about you? Where are you currently?’, she asked. ‘Oh, just here and there.’, he answered. She nodded, a bit of anger flaring up at his vague response. 
‘You look good.’, he whispered, leaning close to her ear. ‘Thank you, so do you. You let your hair grow long.’, she remarked, looking at him as he smiled and nodded, ‘You know what they say, hair holds memory, didn’t want to take the risk of forgetting.’ 
‘Forget what? Your perfect little life in Stars Hollow that you had to run away from?’, she said sarcastically, a bit of anger in her voice. She could feel him visibly tense at her words as he retracted his hand. ‘Y/N, I-‘, he starts but stops and sighs. She waits for his answer, she has waited for his answer for months. 
‘Nothing? Seriously?’, she says, her words laced with disappointment. She looks at him expectantly waiting for him to say something, anything, but he doesn’t, he just looks down, staring at his hands. She exhales the breath she was holding and gets up, walking away. He gets up quickly, following her, ‘Y/N, wait!’ ‘Why should I? I think I’ve waited long enough, Jess.’, she says continuing walking. He sprints catching up to her, grabbing her arm, stopping her and stepping in front of her. ‘Please.’ ‘Why? You’re not gonna say anything.’, she said. ‘You know I’m not good at all this small talk, just give me a minute, please.’, he said. ‘Fine.’, she said crossing her arms as she waited for him to explain. 
He bit his lip and sighed before speaking, ‘Y/N, I’m sorry.’ ‘For what exactly? Leaving? Not saying goodbye? Not keeping in touch?’, she asks, her anger getting the best of her. ‘For everything, you didn’t deserve it, you didn’t deserve an idiot like me.’, he said, looking down. ‘You’re right I didn’t.’, she said, her gaze softening at his genuineness. ‘I’m so sorry, trust me if you will, there wasn’t a day I thought of reaching out to you.’, he said, finally meeting her gaze. ‘Why didn’t you?’, she asked. ‘I didn’t know what to say.’, he said, his voice low, a whisper, as he took her hands in his, ‘Y/N, I know this isn’t an excuse but I’m sorry, for everything.’ ‘Jess, I have to go.’, she said slowly removing her hands from his grasp. ‘Y/N, don’t. Please stay, let’s talk this out.’, he said, holding her arms preventing her from walking away. ‘Jess please, you don’t understand.’, she said, tears almost welling up in her eyes. ‘What don’t I understand?’, he said, confused. She didn’t answer him. ‘Make me understand.’, he tried to convince her. ‘If I stay here with you-‘, she started and then stopped, looking away. ‘What? What are you saying?’, he asked, a bit of frustration in his voice. ‘If I stay here with you, I’ll start loving you again! And you won’t, you’ll just leave, again.’, she said, her voice low as her confession hung in the air. 
‘You think I didn’t love you?’, he said. ‘You left me. It doesn’t exactly scream I love you.’, she said her anger still present. ‘I know, I’m sorry, I know this won’t make up for anything but I still need to do this.’, he said, as he cupped her cheeks in his hands, leaning in and kissing her. She kissed him back almost instantly, the feeling so familiar to her. His movements were so soft and sincere that it made her forget all about her anger. He pulled her closer, one of his hands snaking around her waist as she rested hers on his arms. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against hers, as he says breathlessly, ‘I’m sorry.’ 
Her phone rings startling them as they let go of each other. It’s Lorelai, she answers it. ‘Lorelai says dinner is served, we should go.’, she says as he nods softly and follows her lead. She goes on to find Lorelai as he takes his seat on the table set down for them. 
His eyes follow her every move, a small smirk appearing on his face as they make eye contact, while she talks to Lorelai. He gets up and walks over to her. ‘Dance with me?’, he asks towering behind her. ‘Are you high?’, she asks sarcastically,  turning around. ‘Just trying to make up.’, he shrugs. ‘You’ve got a long way ahead of you for that, don’t think this is it.’, she says as she lets him lead her to the dance floor. ‘Not even when I’m doing something I hate for you?’, he asks playfully. ‘Not even close.’, she chuckles, narrowing her eyes at him. He chuckles, a breath of relief leaving him as he hears her laugh.
He grabs her waist, pulling her closer and swaying to the rhythm of the song the band is playing. She rests her hands on his shoulders. ‘I intend on making it up to you.’, he says, leaning closer slightly. ‘It’ll probably cost you your entire lifetime.’, she chuckles. ‘Then so be it.’, he smirks.
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coolchickblog · 2 months
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“There she goes. There she goes again”🤎📚☕️🍂
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kimberly-stocks · 2 months
Jess reading compilation. The most rowdy kid in town
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seredelgi · 6 months
Ok but here me out:
Dean- mommy issues
Logan- daddy issues
Jess- both lol
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raisedbythetv89 · 1 year
Anyone who says "Rory should have married Logan" or that Emily and Richard were a good influence on Rory or that they weren't "that bad" of parents to Lorelai just DO NOT GET IT and "it" being literally the entire messaging of the whole show.
Rory started at chilton when Lorelai left (literally Rory had her birthday party in ep 6 and her first day of chilton is ep 2)
They have the exact same name, look the same and it's said countless times that Rory is just like her mother. So, Rory is picking up in Lorelai's "correct life path" (according to Richard and Emily) exactly where Lorelai left off when she had her and left home, continuing at the "good schools" going to an ivy league college, has a coming out party, joins the D.A.R. etc. Rory has the life Lorelai's parents always wanted for Lorelai AND YET!!!
Rory still doesn't marry "her christopher" aka Logan, but is having his baby and is choosing to be a single mom while Jess is her endgame because Luke is Lorelai's endgame and Jess is Luke and Rory is Lorelai.
Literally the ENTIRE POINT of the show is that everything that Emily and Richard were so worked up about and prioritized all of Lorelai's life about her life choices and how she "threw her life away" because she got pregnant, moved out and became apart of the working class and didn't go to any ivy league college and marry Christopher do not matter and the idea that she "threw her life away" and wasted her potential is absolute bullshit. Because Rory does all the things Lorelai didn't get to do and the results were IDENTICAL except Rory wasn't a teen mom and she would likely continue to live at home with Lorelai and Luke when her baby is first born breaking the those specific Lorelai/Emily cycles because Lorelai did her best to meet her daughter's emotional needs and therefore was able to have a infinitely better relationship with her and Rory is always willing to accept her help and support because it doesn't come at the emotional cost that Lorelai getting help from her parents took because they are literally emotionally abusive and controlling parents - they aren't just bad parents they are abusive (that's a whole other post but there are people who are just human and make mistakes like most of the other characters in the show and then their are abusive ones and Emily especially but also Richard emotionally abuse their daughter even though they help with money and aren't completely horrible 100% of the time that doesn't make them not abusive and while that is never explicitly stated we see and hear how horrible all of the other chilton parents and Logan's circle of friends parents are to their kids demonstrating just how horrible parents in Emily and Richards social circle truly are and it has nothing to do with Lorelai "being difficult or stubborn" as Emily tries to claim but I digress...)
That point of, what Emily and Richard prioritized their entire lives is all bullshit, is literally driven home by Emily's speech at the end of AYITL that "all of this is bullshit!" Emily acknowledges - once Richard is gone and therefore no longer fits into her society like she used to as a wife and married woman - that playing along with all of the societal norms and her ultra-wealthy social circle is SOUL SUCKING and bullshit! She is SO HAPPY to have a home deed with HER NAME ON IT. She has an interested suitor but it's clear she never plans to marry him and she gets a job at a museum as a tour guide for crying out loud!! The old Emily would be horrified by that - she's literally making choices so similar to Lorelai's by the end showing Lorelai's choices WERE THE RIGHT ONES. Moving away from an environment that hurt you and misunderstood and abused you and fighting and working your ass off to build a life that's yours. Even building a loving community with her housekeepers family that moves in with her!!!
All of Luke's "rantings" about the wealthy and corporate greed, owning and operating a diner even though he's shown to have the cooking skills and know-how to do "more". Taking something he inherited from his father but making it his own by turning it into a diner instead of keeping it a hardware store. Whereas by the end of AYITL Christopher is working within his family's business, staying on the path his parents wanted for him and it's the same with Logan - marrying the woman his parents want him to marry and working for his father - The show tells and shows us over and over again, not just doing what society tells you you should do with your life but knowing yourself well enough to decide for yourself and taking the time to find out is what is best and you shouldn't let anyone else dictate that for you. The show is very pro "break out of the boxes society tries to shove you into"
There is a whole other convo to be had about privilege that comes with being white and thin and pretty and coming from money that more easily enables your ability to do so as well as Lorelai having a community in Stars Hollow that has always supported her which allowed her to leave home at 16 with a newborn and build a great life for herself because if she failed she wouldn't end up homeless because her support system and her parents provided a safety net so the message is very much only aimed at the characters within the show that have the ability to make your own way in life but that is what Rory and Lorelai do (Rory's really starts with rejecting Logan's marriage proposal when she graduates and taking a grueling, low paying campaign job instead of using any of her many connections to get her a more prestigious and stable position whereas before she was absolutely on the "conveyer belt" described by the "other daughter" of the wealthy family of Harvard alumni who helped Rory with all her college application questions, who chose not to go to college like her two other siblings) as well and Luke and Jess both make their own way and build a life that best suits their passions and skills. Which is why Luke/Lorelai and Jess/Rory are endgame because you can't have a relationship between someone who fits into their societal mold and one who broke out, it just doesn't work. Logan's affair with Rory shows he has the desire to break out of his mold but never has the strength to do so, just like Christopher which is why they could never truly keep up with the Gilmore Girls.
The show does have flaws in it's execution of this message because of internalized misogyny, white supremacy, and fatphobia that we are still struggling to get out of writers rooms to this day so don't think this post is me saying everything about the show or Rory and Lorelai is perfect because they absolutely are flawed characters who makes questionable decisions and mistakes but to me they are all very realistic of 2 pretty white women in the early 2000's dealing with all of the trauma that came from Richard and Emily's abuse and Rory being raised by a teen mom and a completely unreliable father for most of her childhood.
Anyway Team Jess, Team Luke and Team Rory receives entirely too much hate because of misogyny and her trauma is completely overlooked because she so rarely shows how much hurt she's endured in her young life and is carrying the weight of the world and her entire family's expectations and "legacy" on her young shoulders. Emily and Richard never being able to let go Lorelai getting pregnant and leaving home and SHOWING THAT/SAYING IT around Rory made her feel responsible for all the issues between Lorelai and her parents, her grandparents pain and disappointment and to "fix" all her mother's "mistakes" - her burn out/break down in AYITL makes COMPLETE sense and her choice to allow herself to be "just like her mom" by keeping her baby and being a single mom is the start of her shedding those burdens she's carried her entire life and letting her just be herself even if that looks a lot like her mother who her grandparents and everyone in their world has been telling her for decades is a failure and a disappointment. Rory has always tried to please her grandparents and having to tell her grandmother she's going to be a single mom is basically the worse thing she could do in Emily's eyes (at least the old Emily who knows how post AYITL might react because she's stopped caring and therefore stopped trying to be so controlling but her revelation might not be enough to counter news like that that hits a wound that she literally never even tried to heal). Radical self acceptance despite what society aka her grandparents and their world thinks is what is meant for both Lorelai and Rory and choosing Luke/Jess over Christopher/Logan is apart of that acceptance.
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So if your looking at things from Jess' pov his mom just kicked him out to live with his uncle he barely knows, he has a lady he's just meeting for the first time talking to him about how she knows what he's going through and to him it feels condescending even if it wasn't meant that way by Lorelai. He doesn't want to be in Stars Hollow initially so he starts acting out to test how quickly he could get sent back such as stealing garden noms...etc, then he meets a girl who shares the same interests as him and the only person in town so far that doesn't automatically treat him like a preconceived opinion about him and she makes him feel comfortable so he proceed to impress his crush with writing notes in her book margins (that says I want you to know me) and pulls pranks that would make her laugh to then learn she has a boyfriend and learn that he is beloved by her mother that loathes him.
Dean does all the "perfect boyfriend things" while being a possessive, explosive, and an emotionally abusive control freak. Jess only wants to then spend more time with her, but the whole town already thinks he is trouble because of the reputation he set for himself.
He gets into a car accident with Rory and people then act like he's the spawn of Satan. He becomes so anxious and feels so bad after the accident that he leaves town because he doesn't want to cause Rory any harm or get harm from the weirdo townies. When she comes for him in New York he gets this burst of hope in him which is why he decides to move back for the possibility of being with Rory.
After Rory kissed him the first time he was so gone for her and in that moment that was all he wanted. He genuinely thought she was going to break up with Dean and choose to be with him, but when she didn't and left instead (my boy who already has deep abandonment wounds) is hurt because she didn't outright choose him and left. He then was alone without the one person in that town that he wanted to be around and so he met Shane who didn't want anything serious so it was a perfect way to try to mask his pain with her. He mysteriously gets a car, and people are going nuts thinking he stole it, and he's thinking I can't even get a second job without people thinking I'm a criminal, and I can't get a second job without people accusing me of being a drug dealer or a stripper.
Once him and Rory get together he is so happy he doesn't want to mess it up with her and he gets nervous because he wants everything to go right. She's the one he's been waiting for and now he has her. Then her ex boyfriend starts stalking and harassing him in secret and he feels like he can't do anything about it, and can't even tell his girlfriend about it because he thinks she won't believe her if he told her, so he bottles it up. When he gets attacked by the swan and she thought he got in a fight with Dean and didn't believe him it really hurt him. (I don't blame Rory for this she had no way of knowing and Dean was being manipulative with his "nice guy" and shitty behaviors but it still hurt Jess none the less.) After that he begins to put up his walls again.
When he realizes he's been messing up after not calling he then starts trying to do better and set dates and plans to be with her. All he wants to do is make her happy at this point. Then he gets the news that he's not graduating and in that moment it feels like everything everyone had always said about him came true, he felt like a failure and knowing that he wasn't going to be able to keep his promise to Rory that he would take her to prom crushed him. He wanted so badly to be there for her and do all the boyfriend things and he was so afraid of telling her he wasn't graduating and so upset he couldn't keep his promise to her. His smart girlfriend was getting into an ivy league school and he wasn't even going to graduate highschool and the thought of telling her that was horrible to him.
He could feel he was losing her and he thought once he told her that it would be over, and ended up messing things up with her anyways. He felt like he was doing her a favor by leaving because he figured she would want him gone. He didn't think she would want him to stay, even though that's all she wanted. He was battling his demons alone and was used to everyone shipping him off when he messed up that he thought he was doing her a favor by leaving after he messed up so bad.
His father that left him as a baby showed up in his life for the first time and he didn't know how to handle that. Once Luke kicked him out he ran to his dad that left him because crashing on his couch or floor was better than staying with his neglectful deadbeat mother.
He finds out his uncle was hiding his car from him and felt double betrayed he was already feeling abandoned yet again after Luke kicked him out to then find out he took something he worked so hard to get from him he was more betrayed. He comes back to Stars Hollow to get his car and everyone still wants him gone. Luke tells Jess to stay away from Rory so he proceeds trying to avoid her while he is there and he knows how badly he messed up with her and he wants to talk to her but when he sees her at the firelight festival he wants to explain to her but she is still so mad and all he could get out was that he loves her. He just wanted her to know he then leaves because he doesn't expect her to say anything he just wanted her to know. Jess is deeply hurting at this point inside and his pain is at it's peak. He just keeps digging a deeper whole and doesn't know how to fix it at this point.
Luke convinces Jess to go to his neglectful mother's wedding and goes to a bachelor party where he is assaulted by his stepdad to be at a bar and he naturally goes into defense mode. He was so used to his other abusive step dad's that he was constantly in defense mode and fought back. He goes to his mother's wedding anyways and walks her down the isle despite everything his mom put him through. Luke gives him the self help book that he had been reading, and Jess reads it and tries to better himself as well, meanwhile Lorelai scoffs to Luke about it. (I love Lorelai but that was extremely uncalled for by her and it just makes me think no matter what he does or how better he becomes he will always resent him, and it just makes no sense that she has this one sided grudge with a kid that was deeply in pain.) He makes up with Luke and thanks him for everything he did for him, and then he goes to try to apologize and tell Rory how he feels, but then he sees Dean there and he is thrown off and he just wants to make things right so in the spur of the moment he asks her to leave with him because he just wants to fix what they had. (He wasn't thinking rationally, but he meant it when he said she could count on him now and so he went out and turned his life around and made something for himself and came back to show her how much she could count him now even if it meant as a friend. He would still be there for her and he showed her that he could be the person she always knew he was. He still didn't expect anything from her he just wanted to show her his book, and let her know he couldn't have done it without her.)
He was so badly traumatized while him and Rory were together and it couldn't have possibly worked out at that time. He was battling so much pain internally, and everyone in that town was against him and actively hating him 😭 and I just feel for what he was going through, and I'm just so proud of who he turned out to be. I'm not sure what this rant was anymore but I'm just thinking about Jess' perspective and his pain right now. He was in so much pain while him and Rory were together and he didn't know how to properly express that or tell her that, and I just want to hug him and I'm so proud of him for how far he came and how much he overcame his pain and trauma and ugh I just feel so much right now. (Also I had a lot of coffee today and my autistic/ADHD brain is just going with thoughts right now.)
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imlovelace · 1 year
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"ice cream in coooones"
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redamanccys · 6 months
will never understand how jess was supposed to be the bad boy because what?? he literally always minded his own business except for a few harmless pranks that made everyone lose their shit for no reason
like everyone thinking he stole the money for his car or stole the whole car but hb was the employee of the month at WALMART
he came back to his mom's wedding JUST because Luke asked him to even though Liz was a shitty mom and then read SELF HELP BOOKS?????
everyone was praying on his downfall and the day he gets arrested but no RORY gets arrested luke ALSO gets arrested and then EMILY GILMORE? like if jess was the one who got arrested everyone would be gossiping about it INCLUDING lorelai who was probably the #1 jess hater
ending my short "rant" because im sleepy with the fact that jess was a lover boy and a hopeless romantic just in a leather jacket and walls up so high with one hidden door and only one person has the key
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poppletonink · 1 year
Jess Mariano: An Inspired Reading Recommendations List
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Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History Of Punk by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain
On The Road by Jack Kerouac
Sweet Dreams: The Story Of The New Romantics by Dylan Jones
Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
We Owe You Nothing, Punk Planet: The Collected Interviews by Daniel Sinker
Factotum by Charles Bukowski
The Green Mile by Stephen King
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Why Bowie Matters by Will Brooker
A Light that Never Goes Out: The Enduring Saga of the Smiths by Tony Fletcher
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
1984 by George Orwell
Punk Avenue: The New York City Underground 1972-1982 by Phil Marcade
Emma by Jane Austen
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger
Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg
The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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rogue-academic · 1 year
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bussyandbingus4life · 2 months
I don't care what anyone says, High School Jess was still good for Rory. I agree he wasn't the best person and he treated her like shit at times, but this is also coming from a kid who never got a true family experience and who never understood what it felt like to be truly loved and cared for, and I think he just didn't know how to respond to it. And that's why he left in the first place. He thought that she deserved better and he would never be good enough. That's also why he went back to her after all those years, and why he never stopped loving her. Because she was the first person to treat him like a human and not just the local degenerate and he was hoping that she would see how much he matured and was hoping that he would finally be enough for her, but by then she had become immature. They swapped places. But he knew he got better and was hoping she would too, hence him STILL not being over her in AYITL. Jess was the best Rory boyfriend, not because of how he treated her, but because of how he wanted to and how he never lost hope for her even when he lost it in himself. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. GOOD NIGHT.
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thatdesigirl17 · 19 days
jess mariano x fem!reader
warnings: smoking, suggestive talk, jess and reader being possessive
haven't written in a long time so hope you like this, requests are open!
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It was the weekend, the day of the concert for which Y/N had bought tickets for them weeks ago. When she heard they were coming to perform in Hartford, she knew she had to buy those tickets because Jess liked them. 
So they were driving to Hartford in Jess’s car and what Jess could think about was her, he had told her that already ever since he picked her up from your house and saw her outfit, a tight, black, short skirt with a cropped black shirt and heeled boots and to top it off, she wore a leather jacket, his leather jacket that drowned her. It made him go crazy for her, he always liked seeing her in his clothes, and it would always fuel his possessive nature. She loved seeing him like this, trying his best to control himself because of her and she was gonna make this harder for him. 
During the entire ride, he kept stealing glances at her, putting his hand on her thigh and being distracted until she came up with a deal, for him to behave himself and control his desires and she would stay the night at his apartment doing whatever and however he wants, a deal that Jess was more than happy to agree to. 
Jess parks the car right outside the venue as she gets off and waits by the front of the car for him, he walks over to her, a sly smirk on his face as he holds her hips, leaning her against the bonnet of the car. 
‘You made a deal, Jess.’, she says looking up at him, placing her hands on his chest. ‘Yeah and I’m just sealing the deal.’, he says smugly before leaning in and kissing her, his body trapping her against the car, pulling her closer his hands now encircling her waist. She kissed him back instantly her hands snaking up to his shoulders from his chest. He breaks the kiss, both of them breathless, ‘Back to behaving myself.’ 
They enter the stadium, the place packed and buzzing with people. 
‘This place is overly crowded.’, Y/N remarked as they entered. Jess looks around and nods, agreeing with her. It’s even difficult for them to move around without bumping into other people. He keeps a protective hand on her waist, guiding her through the crowd, his possessive nature unrevealing itself. They walk a bit closer to the stage, now surrounded by a mass of people all around them.
‘You alright?’, he asks leaning down, closer to her ear, to be heard from the noise of the crowd. ‘I’m fine.’, she replies nodding. Jess nods, relieved to hear that you're okay despite the crowded conditions. He keeps a close eye on the people around her, making sure no one accidentally bumps into her or tries to get too close. His hand stays firmly on her waist, his touch is possessive and protective. ‘Alright, but let me know if you feel uncomfortable, okay? I can try to make more space for you if you need.’ ‘And how will you even do that?’, she asks sarcastically, knowing that there is really little space for everyone to move around. Jess grins at your question, his eyes lighting up with mischief
‘Oh, I've got a few ideas…’, he shifts his position, moving even closer to her until his body is almost pressed fully against hers. His hand on her waist tightens its grip, pulling her against him even more, his body acting as a shield between her and the rest of the crowd. 'How's this? Comfortable enough for you now?’
‘You know the only thing I can see now is you, right? And we're here to see the band.’, she says, her tone feisty. ‘Like you’d want it any other way.’, he grins, teasing her, leaning towards her ear and whispering, his voice sultry. ‘You’re supposed to behave yourself.’, she says pushing him back slightly so that she can look at him. Jess smirks, looking down at her, his hands roaming up and down her sides, ‘I’m behaving myself…just making sure you’re safe and close to me. Don’t want you bumping into someone, now do we?’ 
She hums along, smirking, knowing exactly how much of a tease Jess can be when he comes to it. She pushes him away and moves slightly so she’s right in front of him, her back against his chest, and then takes his hand and wraps it around his waist, ‘How’s this? I’m all yours to keep safe and I can actually see the band.’ ‘Perfect.’, he smiles, planting a kiss on the side of her neck, pulling her closer to him. 
The place seems to have gotten more crowded in a matter of minutes as the band is about to go on stage. He feels the people around them press closer, the heat and proximity of the confined space only stirring up his possessive nature even more. He keeps her tightly held against his chest, his arms like a vice around her body. He mutters in your ear, his voice a mix of desire and frustration. ‘Damn, it's getting more crowded in here. People need to back off. You alright, Y/N?’ She nods in response, her hands placed on his jacket-clad arms around her waist. 
Jess fishes a cigarette out of his pocket, Y/N looking at him over her shoulder as she feels him move. ‘Needed a smoke to distract me. You're too damn tempting right now.’, he explains, pulling her flush against his chest as he leans forward, his other hand leaving his waist for a moment as he lights the cigarette with her still between his arms, the proximity making her breath hitch. He lights it, taking a deep drag as he tries to calm his frayed nerves. He lets out a plume of smoke, the acrid smell filling the air around them. He returns his other hand firmly to your waist, a possessive gesture. He keeps the cigarette between his lips as he takes another drag, the smoke wafting around them both. She takes the cigarette from his hands as she takes a drag herself, her body relaxing more against him, handing the cigarette back to him.
‘Damn it, you’re making this way harder for me, aren’t you?’, he mutters, looking down at her smoking his cigarette. ‘I would move, but there is no space.’, she smirks, shrugging. Jess's eyes rake over your form, taking in the way you're pressed tightly against him, the closeness making his possessive side even harder to ignore. He mutters under his breath, his voice a bit deeper, ‘Damn, you're right. There's no space here. I can't move, and you're too damn close. It's like I'm being tortured, having you this close but not being able to do everything I want to you. It's driving me crazy.’ She chuckles, her smirk growing wider, as she takes the cigarette from him again, taking another drag. She knew that it turned him on when she smoked and it was just another perk right now. She places her hand a little above her shoulder, for him to take the cigarette, but instead, he leans down, his head almost touching yours as he takes a drag, the cigarette still in her hands. The proximity only made her plan backfire. He takes a deep drag, the smoke swirling around you both before he moves his head back up. ‘You’re a damn tease, Mariano.’, she says looking up at him, her words making him smirk. ‘You’re the one to talk.’, he says smugly as the band finally comes onstage and the crowd breaks into a roaring cheer. 
Jess's head snaps up at the sudden sensation of someone bumping into her, his eyes narrowing as he looks over to see who it is. The possessive nature inside him flares up again, his arms tightening around her waist protectively.
‘Who the hell do these people think they are, bumping into you like that? Goddamn idiots.’, he says her voice irritated. ‘Crowds are so not your scene.’, she chuckles, rubbing his arm to comfort him a bit. He nods still eyeing people around them. ‘Jess, relax, we’re here because you love this band, not to play bodyguard, so enjoy yourself.’, she says laughing. He nods, loosening his grip ever so slightly as the band starts with their first song of the night. The sight of his favourite band starting to play makes a spark of excitement flicker in his eyes, she looks at him, smiling to herself as she sees him excited and happy. 
Jess watched Y/N, a small smile forming on his face, as she swayed to the beat, the sight of her body moving against his making his chest tighten with want, his eyes roaming all over her, as he mouths the word himself, tapping his feet with the rhythm. He leans down, his voice low as he speaks in her ear, his breath hitting against her skin, ‘You’re making this so hard for me. Moving like that when you’re pressed against me.’ 
A smirk forms on her lips, she says, leaning her head on his shoulder so that he can hear her through the loud music, ‘Just having fun.’, she grins as he sighs, her actions affecting him, her eyes flicker onto a group of girls nearby. They look at them, stealing glances, checking out Jess and giving her disgusted looks. She sighs, her possessive side coming out, as she leans in further, kissing his neck. 
‘Y/N…’, he says warningly, his grip on her tightening. She sucks and bites on his neck, leaving a mark on him, claiming him as hers. He inhales sharply, arching his neck to give her more access. She smiles against his skin, kissing his neck, moving upwards towards his jaw, leaving another mark there as well for everyone to see. He smirks and chuckles knowing exactly what she’s doing. ‘Really marking me up, huh?’, he says as she cups his cheek and kisses him, he kisses him back deepening the kiss as the band plays in the background. She breaks the kiss, panting looking up at him, ‘Now they’ll know that all they can do is only look at you.’ 
He smirks, as he looks around to see what she's talking about, ‘Jealous much?’ She rolls her eyes as he grins cockily. ‘Don’t roll your eyes, you were jealous.’, he says his grin widening. ‘Let’s just listen to the music’, she says, narrowing her eyes at him, and turning her attention back to the band. He chuckles as he returns his attention to the band as well. They spend the entire night vibing, dancing and singing along, while Jess also teases Y/N any chance he gets, loving to rile her up.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
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average conversation between two gilmore girls fans
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kimberly-stocks · 3 months
I love these pictures so much, especially the second one with the eyebrow 😍 I wonder what Jess's relationship with Lily would've been like if they made a spinoff 🤔
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personaldiary · 11 months
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role model
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heyvivalapluto · 8 months
jess really went from “i don’t even know you” to “i know you better than anyone. this isn’t you”, huh
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