#Teachers and studants too
dartalias · 1 month
Avatar calendar
You know how they say in the Kyoshi novels some people or in some cases its use a "tradicional calendar" to mark the time with the day withing that avatar era??
("you know today is technically the day 6454 in Kyoshi's era?" SoK pag 192)
So, if we put like, approximately 80 years for each avatar
it would be around 30 000 per era
But then we have Kuruk: 12 100
And then Aang (with the iceberg): 65 800
And then KYOSHI: 84 008
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cyn-bot · 4 months
(probably going to sound insulting i swear im trying to be nice im just not very good at english) ithink is super cool to see a teacher being silly i have alot of trauma with being a studant and my mom being a teacher and always being upset because of work and !!!! even though i dropped out the teachers that where silly and talked to me as a person instead of a job to do where always the best i miss some of them i dont know what your like at work but your the first teacher that i know of that has a silly hobby and that isnt serious all of the time and it makes me hopeful for some reason thank you tess and cyn murder drones
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// I am so sorry to hear how badly you were treated by your peers. As a teacher myself, it devastates me when other teachers treat their students so poorly.
When I'm at work, I act very out-going and friendly towards all my students. They're still people too, you know! Kids are capable of so much and they deserve to be treated with respect.
It makes me so happy you appreciate me for the person I am and my silly behavior, hehe. I truly appreciate you taking the time to send me this message and showing your gratitude for me. It fills me with joy that I'm able to shed some hope into your life. That's what makes my job so rewarding!
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And you're welcome, happy to help. Take care of yourself, okay? Best of luck to you!
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megamangx · 2 years
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it is back this hallowaeen and with 3 new blood scarying tales of darkness and horror.
baldy was in the school whipping people for doing maths the wrong way “do maths right or i will beat you up stupid studant,” he was angry face and did not caring thay there was crying in the room “stop it the crying only makes me beat you harders” baldy said and broke one of there arms “maths is important is helps us fly the rockats”
he went out and was real mad and angry mad “why can these studants not learn i only care for there future so they can get jobs and be good society humans and not ending up on dole or homlass” he said
then a woman had come she was cute and the pricnpel had come in pointiong “this is miss lizzy she is the new english teacher, shoe her around” and he left and baldy had a crush “i am lizzy the new english teacher and you are cute” she giggaled and bvaldy was in love
maybe it was not so mad day as he thinked and the future was a happy one.
the end.
evan was having a party with jeff and vinny and doctor cornhall who had all comed back to life after they had killed habit and stopped the evil and with the evil gone they wented back to making there fitness youtube show “thinking after party we could go to live garden and get some brad sticks eh” said evan and everyone agree “founds like fun lets do it i could usd some bred sticks” said vinny but in a dark temple slenderman was there he was alive and he was angry people romanticed him or turn him into joke “i will kill them and i will reminder people to not mess with me” and he eated the remains of the rake AND MERGED WITH IT GROWING LONG CLAW ARMS AND SCARY BODY WITH SUIT “I am SLENDERAKE!!!!!”
AT THE OLive garden vinny was eating some pizza with jeff and cornhall “this is great i love peperoni pizza its the shit” vinny said but then the windows smashed as slenderrake star ted killing people “YOUR GOING TO GET RAKED!” he shouted but doctor cornhall shot gunned him in face “the horror may have scared us before but now we are ready we are fighters” he shotgunned some more and even gotted his sword out witch was folded carbon katana “i am ready too i am not going to let you monsters run our lives like you did years ago” and they fighted with slenderrake but he was stong and tough “YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR SINS” Slenderrake said bnut even saw the ghost of damsel who was kill by rake years ago “you must finish this so you can live again normal” she smile and kiss even and he feeled her power
“NO THIS TIME ITS PERSONAL” said even as he and jeff combed attacks and cut slenderrake in half as he bloewed up in light energy was was sended back to the darkness “its over anyway lets get those bread sticks guys” and they all laughed and had a good night.
the end.
it had been one year since father john and father galrcia had killed gary and his evil satan cult but now there was not certan of a good future becuse bad air was still lurked “we need to go back to rome and report to hq” and they gotted a plane but on the plane the air hostess was being a bit weird “I WILL RIP YOUR FACE OFF FOR THE DEVIL” she groled and turned into demon and started killing the plane and people where scraming and the pilots where dead “oh no the pilots are dead john nobody is flying the fucking plane” so john taked his cross out and sent the demon air strwwardass back to helll and they rushed to the cockpit to take control “WE ARE GONNA CRASH AH!” said john but they managed to get control back and land the plane and get out
“they looked scary good thing you landed” said a police and after giving a statement they went to vatican city “it seems the cult is alive and trying to stop us reporting to the cathloic church” said gracia.
walking into the vatican they saw the pope “pope we need to report the cult of gary had tryed to summon a demon to end the world and we trhink the cult is still alive and we need more back up to stop it” john said but the popes eyes glowed “gary already mind controled us and made us love the devil now the church serves satan you have no friends you are alone prist” and they taked there crosses out but the demon pope was to stong so they had to run and escaped into the sewers and evil prists where after them “you will join us and help us bring the end of days” said the prists but garlica shot gunned at them and they got into city.
it was dark and they had a cigerette “it looks like the entire catholic church has been compromised we must fight alone now and stop the evil lets do it” garlcia said and they got ready for a new crusade.
the end.
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the-sunshine-dims · 5 years
what's everyones fav classes?
dee likes chem class, he also likes math class ‘cuase he a pan that can do math
logan like chem and home ec
patton like home ec and lunch
roman like music class
remy like lunch
remus like chem and history
virgil doesn't like or even is particularly indifferent to any class, too many people,
 emile doesnt particularly care about classes, but he likes the teachers, the teacher makes the class,
and i think i named all the studants favorite classes
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yoonkooklibrary · 7 years
Hey!!! Do you have a ff when yoongi is a teacher and jungkook is a studant, (mostly fulff) and jungkook gets bullied???
이 사랑은 악마의 또 다른 이름 byllamajoon (1/1 | T |21,204)
Yoongi really doesn’t like his new student, and his new student really doesn’t like Yoongi, too.
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suzakumuto · 6 years
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Zen: “Oh so you live my dear studant, I’m pretty sure I killed you after drinking all your blood”
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“Ha, it so happens I live teacher, Ruby saved my life by turning me into a vampire, I don’t kill like you do, i’ll never become a murder like you bastard”
Zen goes up behind Suzaku moving his white hair to the side making the teen shiver,
Zen licks Suzaku’s neck and smirks
Zen: “Ah yes this was where I bit you las time wasn’t it, you know I can still drink your blood boy”
Suzaku hisses as he struggles from Zen’s grip
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“You drink Vampire blood too? your sick, GET THE HELL OFF ME”
Zen pushes Suzaku onto the ground and pins him down as he bites his neck drinking his blood.
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