#Tbhk theory
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who-tf-cares-bitch · 2 days ago
OHHH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR ANALYSIS!!! your predictions are sooo good!!!!!!!
also, idek much about germany culture AT ALL but when people were like "let's theorize where they're from" I was like "isn't it germany" like???? thank u for reaffirming my guess because honestly it was just something out of my ass like its vibes were giving germany idk🔥🔥🔥
Let's talk about the clock keepers boundary!
(warning: spoilers until chapter 124!!)
I've had some guess on where they could be from so let's look at what we have in the manga for now. I will keep things on surface level for the most part but it's just some things I noticed!
The first mention of the town is in chapter 111, where we finally have a view on their boundary.
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A lot of fans already guessed from their clothes that they were not from Japan, this panel definitely confirms it and even points more precizely to a European country, mostly Western Europe. And also a country where Winter with snow exist.
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It's also not an English speaking country, since Akane cannot understand the language and we know he has english classes at school.
Now there are several things we can look at to have more clues!
First, the architecture.
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This type of house is called Timbered framed houses. It’s important to note that the roofs on those houses are really really sharp here. Which means theywere built for snow, so it can slide off the roofs more easily. The trees are also pines, something that can be found in a lot of Europe. (wood was needed to be able to create houses made of wood/with visible Framework( Little note: I know Italy was a guess for a lot of person because of the link to Pinocchio, but Italy main material for houses is stone not wood. And it is also not known for its winter.)
Here we can also see bricks which is something more associated to countries like Germany, Belgium or the Nertherlands, we don't have the colors so we can't guess from which minerals it was made for now.
But we have even more informations when we look at chapter 124!
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The bridge and tower may be inspired by a fortified city, something that you could find A LOT in Western Europe during the middle age, not a lot of cities still have their entire walls but you can still see it if you go into old medieval towns. We can also see something that looks like a Belfry on several panels. Towers used mostly to indicate each passing hour of the day (may be a campanile or a bell tower (the difference is wether it's linked to religion or not basically)
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Second! Let's do a little bit of clock making history!
I won't go into details, but there are some countries to point for this. England, The Netherlands and Germany. We already took out England before and we can easily erase Nertherlands from the list with the next step (my favorite one).
The food! I already had my suspicions confirmed with this bonus art from volume 22.
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First of all, they have tea which is not something that was in Europe before the XVII century. But let's look at the sweets they have here.
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Chocolates which look close to Belgian chocolate ( I say Belgian but other countries' chocolate is pretty close to it) , Christstollen Cake, and Spiztbuden.
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We have even more to look at with the new chapter! And they confirm that it's indeed a stollen cake.
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With all these foods it's now pretty obvious which area the clock keepers are inspired from.
Stollen cakes are German cakes, ginger cookies are from Germany too. I will also add that there is a chance the crescent moon cookies are VanilleKipferl. We have another panel showing Sausages and bread. Only the Almond is something not typical from Germany but which clearly was all over Western Europe with trades.
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Their city already looked like the 'perfect christmas city' you can see in movies, inspired by German culture. And they also mention Mulled Wine which is THE beverage to take in any chritmas market in Europe.
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Chritmas markets are inspired and coming from Germany first, but I wanna point something more.
My main guess was, Nuremberg, the city where the ancestor of the pocket watch was created, the Nuremberg Egg. It's also a Fortified city and it has forests around it. It's also known for its Ginger cookies!
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So Germany would be a great pic, but the more I think about it the more I can also see the link to another region: Alsace.
Alsace is a region from France right now BUT it's a mixt of german and french culture (I will not make a history lesson but it is a place that always switched between France and Germany basically, now it's French).
All the food mentionned before are also made in the Alsace region!
It's situated in the Vosges, a chain of mountains known to have a lot of forets of pines and which is known to have villages like this:
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Which were also the main inspirations for movies like Howl's moving castle for example. You can see the similarities between the artchitectures
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The first ever Chritmas Market was in Strasbourg, the capital of Alsace, when it was German and it spread accross Europe after.
I will now look at something I usually don't do because I exclude Aus from canon but it's just a funny thing to point out.
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This au shows a snow town inspired by ginger bread houses. I just find it funny because Aoi is shown as a baker, with bread (which are not baguette I think, it's way larger here) but with some croissant on her table (disclaimer: Croissant are not french at first, this form here is, but it's from Austria otherwise) And Kako clearly has something similar to a Wine bottle in his hands. This au is the only one featuring them, was given with their volumes and the vibes are really similar to their boundary.
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I would say no matter what it's definitely closer to German culture but I wanted to point out this region which is known for it's Christmas season and its typical houses.
I will mostly say that it's an inspiration from this region of Europe, I don't know if a real country is the reference for it since we don't even know where tbhk takes place, but it's always funny to look at those things :DD
Little bonus:
In a more messy note, the clothes. I put them at the end because besides their hats, I had no idea how to describe it, since it seems pretty typical of what people could wear in winter.
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I did the research in the other way, to look for German and Alsacian clothing to see if it match and it kinda does but I don't think it's speficific to this region. The girls wear classic white Charlotte and big clothes with layers for Winter.
The clock keepers clothes are different, it looks like a mixt of Japanese and western European clothing (especially from england).
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Their main outfits for Akane and Kako really just look like a typical waistcoast/costume you can find in the XIXth century in Europe and Mirai's seems more inspired by a mixt of a Kimono with several layers(she also has sandals and frills) and a coat? The little knots Kako and Akane have on their coats look like something inspired from Mizuhiki knots too (I actually saw a costume with those exact same knots in a museum but I didn't take a picture rip)
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So I would say they probably changed slowly their attire when they arrived in Japan, we don't know since how many times they are here, but we know that what is happening in the deeper place of the boundary is linked to memories previous to their arrival. According to their origin I think we can say that it's pretty sure they arrived after the Meiji/during the Meiji Era in Japan (1868/1912), since it's a this time Japan mostly imported Western culture (for clothing here, the first contact was before this. And note: it was mostly rich people who dressed like this). And If we look at some others dates like the things they are eating, used to have or even their clothes, I would say it's more probably the Meiji Era and not in the XVs.
Another note is that their clocks have the numbers written in japanese on it (in the og version but it maye just be so it's readable for the japanese readers? idk if it's a choice or not).
I haven't searched much on their clothes but it was still something I wanted to note here ^^
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venxomi · 2 days ago
The dark truth of the Clock Keepers - Theory
I will be talking about how there's much more to the Clock Keepers and how they are an active danger to everyone else, and and an even more terrible threat than even the pit god, at that.
For an introduction, Akane agrees: The biggest threat to the students are the Clock Keepers. But it's a much bigger threat that anyone would expect.
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This arc is about the Clock Keepers changing the timeline that we know of into a new one, everything has gone wrong and Nene is the only one left.
But it would seem it goes much deeper than that. After all, the timeline we know of isn't even the original one.
For starters, Akane explains that while there are some who are able to regain their memories of the 'Old World', they would be rewritten with memories of the 'New World'. It's specific for 3 days due to the Festival being 3 days long, an event where the timeflow becomes unstable.
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During the Festival Season of 1968, Yugi Amane attempts to get the clock moving so he can manipulate time, and Hanako states that he HAD to get it moving until the end of the School Festival, but he can't remember anything about the clock.
Sounds familiar?
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To get to the point, Yugi Amane of 1968 had the memories of a 'previous world', and tried to fix the clock so he can go back. But he failed to do so, and, as a result, forgot everything about the clock.
Until Chapter 124, this is also seemingly supported by Teru and Akane.
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Even if they may not be aware, their impressions are right. It's extremely unlikely that this is the first time the Clock Keepers altered time, like playing 'God'.
But now, it's even further confirmed by Chapter 124.
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The past has indeed been changed several times. But why do so many people have to suffer in this way, have their souls cut and forever bound to the Boundary, some even going crazy as a result. In a way, it sounds like something the pit god would do, isn't it?
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But *why* would the Clock Keepers do that? There's an easy answer. They need to bend the rules. At first glance, the Clock Keepers seem overpowered, unbeatable. They can seemingly turn back time on a whim with no repercussions- But we know for a fact that's not true.
After all, Shijima herself states it. Each Boundary of the School Mystery is bound by rules. Mysteries can't just do whatever they like- There are rules they have to respect. Especially when it comes to such an overpowered ability like messing with time, there has to be a major weakness or price to pay for it, a drawback that Kako discovered how to circumvent. Such an overpowered ability, unregulated? No way.
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After all, it's not only the Clock Keepers' servants that are clockwork dolls, they themselves are also clockwork dolls.
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Kako cutting up souls everytime the past is changed is not a coincidence. It's so he can have someone else pay for the price of altering time.
Wouldn't that be why Kako decided to travel to 1968, to the time he would find a 12 year old who is so desperate to turn back time?
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After all, it's so much easier to find a human willing to pay the price in your stead. Especially if it's a child motivated by desperation. For every timeline change, someone has to sacrifice something. But Kako had found an easier way: Just sacrifice someone else.
Some are able to accept reality as it is and just dutifully abide by the Clock Keepers' rules as their masters, like the cat, and some don't and end up crazy, like the broken doll. Whether from the past, future or another world, they're all the same- They all used to be humans.
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This cruel practice is so Kako is freely able to play 'God' without worrying about the rules every mystery has to abide to, and it's even solidified by the victims who can't recall the circumstances themselves. It's a practice that, if revealed, exposes the Clock Keepers' limits.
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Why do you think Kako had asked Akane to stay alive until they wake up? Because if all else failed, the Clock Keepers would be able to exchange Akane's soul to turn back time once more. It's literally Akane that's a safety net, not just the Yorishiro.
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Wouldn't that also explain why the position of the Clock Keeper of the Present is vacant and only filled by humans?
Why was that position vacant until they found Akane, a boy who similarly wanted the power to control time? The "Clock Keeper of the Present" is simply a disposable asset.
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But now, Kako messed up big time. He used time as his playground to attempt to get rid of an actual God, one who now is aware of the danger the Clock poses.
The consequences for this will be lethal for the Clock Keepers, ones who treat time and lives so lightly, and karmic retribution will come swiftly.
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As final words, it would seem that Nene finding the truth behind the dolls behind finding Kako is done on purpose so she cannot fall in the Clock Keepers' trap and play her cards right.
Kako will not be able to get away with treating this world as his personal playground.
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adenomors · 3 months ago
Talking about Minamoto Mom
[tbhk spoilers ahead]
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Why is she alive in the new timeline? The clock keepers only changed one thing in the past, the major effects being on the seven wonders and the entity under the red house. Minamoto Mom died of an illness, and unless I missed some important detail, it had nothing to do with the supernatural. She should have died of that illness in the new timeline, but she didn't. Something else must've been involved. Someone must've lied to the Minamoto children about her death, or at least refrained from telling the entire truth.
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depressed-orchids · 2 months ago
We all know “the look” that kou gets around mitsuba right
Im talking about this
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He gets this look only when looking at mitsuba not even around nene
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Its this like almost sad knowing look. Like he knows if he even looks away something could happen. But its also really innocent like he has this special wonder when he looks at mitsuba
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And when he doesn’t look surprised his eyes have so much detail, in most panels his eyes are the smallest and simplest but around mitsuba they glow!
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His eyes are so wide this boys not even trying to hide the fact that he is head over heels over this ghost😭
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teruwasright · 3 months ago
Ok since the new tbhk chp comes out in like 2 days I'm gonna make a final prediction that came into my head JUST INCASE IM RIGHT-
ok so what if...Teru villain arc?
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katythetbhkfan · 4 months ago
The seven mysteries are over powered :
No.1 are actual gods of time, even Akane's powers are crazy.
No.2 can bring you to anywhere and can make people into dolls.
No.3 can see what happened anytime in front of the mirrors, which is like basically a record of everything.
No.4 makes fake worlds and can make anything she draws become real.
No.5 has books of every student ever been in the school and can see past and future.
No.6 is the life and death God( which we haven't seen yet).
No.7 can grants wishes although not very affective(but we haven't seen his full ability yet so we'll have to wait and see).
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thelunarfairy · 1 month ago
The cat from the past
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Can we call him that? I know, I know, you must have seen thousands of theories, thoughts and bets about the identity of our newest character, the black cat.
But, instead of comparisons, let's think about possibilities based on the current reality and a little on the old one.
Everything is based on Kako's main thought, about "getting rid" of the root of the problem, not being Tsukasa, but the entity inside him.
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Still, he tells Amane that, if Tsukasa is an impostor, he needs to cease to exist, not in those words, but in the literal sense that his existence has no purpose if that is not the real Tsukasa.
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Theoretically speaking, of course.
But, still, Kako was unable to get rid of the entity, without Tsukasa the entity was more "free", that's because the yorishiros no longer exist, as well as the seven mysteries.
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And that's strange, don't you think?
If Kako's goal was to pull out the root, then why is the entity still there?
The red house remains in the same place, with Amane possessed, but still conscious. If Amane is still conscious, if he can show feelings, the ones that Tsuchigomori and Nene were able to feel, then that is still Amane - something that Nene recognized, it is the Amane that she knew, but in a different form.
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Here we have the main theme of the work, rooted in the phrase "would you love someone even if they became something completely different? If they took another form, would they still be that person?".
This theme is in the relationship of the twins, Aoi and Akane, Kou and Mitsuba, and even mentioned for the first time in the Yako arc, where she became something different, but was still her.
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That was Amane, the one he hid when he became Hanako, the one he avoided over the years and knew Nene would fear.
And him having memories of his childhood when he saw Kako, only strengthens this thought even more.
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But what about Tsukasa?
The little boy who showed no apparent feelings, empty eyes while he became "that thing".
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So, here is the root.
What did Kako do so that Tsukasa would not become the yorishiro?
The entity said that he sacrificed everyone, Tsukasa, the twins' parents, and well, Tsukasa died early, four years old, like in the other reality.
In the other reality he sacrificed himself because he had a wish.
In the current reality, Amane said that he sacrificed Tsukasa.
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It means that the entity tricked him, or that Amane was never sick.
Which makes everything even more confusing, he died at four years old, and Kako was with Amane at that time, saying that he could change the future.
Why would Amane want to change the past/future if everything was fine?
If he wasn't sick, Tsukasa wouldn't disappear, he wouldn't want to change anything, right?
So, Tsukasa sacrificed himself for Amane's health, but in that short period, Kako came back and made a proposal to Amane, probably so he could have Tsukasa back.
Tsukasa from the old reality had no interest in going back, and he did it to find out why and how Amane was going to kill him.
What would motivate Tsukasa from this reality to come back?
That's where the answer lies.
Kako wasn't interested in making deals (theoretically) I imagine he tried to force Tsukasa to do something he wanted, but the boy didn't do it, just as the entity wouldn't allow it.
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Let's look at the "punishment" that Tsukasa would have, being a servant of the clock guardians, so that he could be kept under control?
Tsukasa hadn't been punished for what he did yet, had he?
Rumors say that whoever tampers with the clock, the guardians will steal the time of that person's life, how could they steal Tsukasa's life?
A punishment would be to simply take the boy's spirit and place it in a cat-shaped toy (even though he said he's not a toy), where it would work for Kako and be kept under control.
An interesting idea, isn't it?
Yes, but it's not that useful.
Despite everything, Kako's main objective was not achieved.
The entity is still there.
This made me wonder… if the entity is still there and Tsukasa, theoretically, has become a servant, then, the entity wasn't the problem?
If absolutely everything, yorishiros, the seven mysteries, have disappeared and the entity is still there, free, both in the school and in the city, then was the problem really Tsukasa?
The entity is there, but Mei, Kou's mother, Mitsuba, are alive, suggesting that the deaths are linked to the boy.
What was different about Tsukasa for the entity?
If the child Tsukasa we saw at school in the current reality was not him, but a representation (perhaps) of him, or a part of him, was not as dangerous as the real one, then what did he do?
Tsukasa from the current reality still grants wishes, but needs to be summoned.
The old Tsukasa is summoned only by the desire from the bottom of the heart, no rituals are needed.
It seems that Kako discovered Tsukasa's objective and intervened.
Or, in another hypothesis, Kako just didn't want to be a guardian anymore, as Teru suggested.
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If the current reality comes true, his yorishiro will disappear. The Yugi family will succumb, as will everyone else, except Nene.
Maybe Kako was just being selfish and making Tsukasa become a servant, because the boy is too smart for him to be able to "get rid of the poisoned root".
It's funny, if the cat is in fact Tsukasa, he just seems to be having fun.
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Remember, the twelve-year-old Tsukasa will still appear at some point, he seems to be waiting for it.
The cat, if it is Tsukasa, which it seems to be, seems to know everything, or, part of everything. He is a supernatural, if Nene and the others remember, so does he, even though Kako tried to affect his memory (like he did with Amane).
Tsukasa was waiting for this, as if he had planned the whole thing. He's the boy who can travel through time using the house, it wouldn't be the first time.
It's as if he's showing Nene that in most cases, he and Amane wouldn't be able to grow up together.
It still makes me wonder if Kako just didn't want to get involved with that entity and no longer serve any God, to be free in his own way.
As always, just confused and jumbled thoughts, don't take it too seriously.
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sakuraswifee · 2 months ago
Small and probably meaningless theory that somebody has probably already thought of!!
I'm gonna get straight to the point since I don't really need a big post since the theory is self-explanatory
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Hanako of the opera AU ends with Kou and Mitsuba basically running away from the opera (or to be fair, Kou kidnapping Mitsuba💀)
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Then we get this in chapter 118, which is basically Mitsuba saying, "Hey my platonic friend, let's run away together in a platonic way so that we can forget that we're doomed asf(platonically)".
The panel shows a train. They could've drawn snacks or silly stuff, but they chose a train?? What's the only other time a train has shown up in tbhk?
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To finish off, Kou has been hinted at becoming a supernatural multiple times. One of my favorite examples is the Ghost Hotel AU..
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...it's canon that in this AU exorcists are still a thing, because Teru is one...but Kou isn't one? And what does Teru say he's doing in this AU? Searching for his little brother.
Honestly, seems like foreshadowing lol
(And btw, as a fandom, we ignore HOTO way too much)
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sleepyjuice-juice · 10 months ago
okay okay imagine
this is kou's perfect tl, right? His family is together, his mom is alive, and not only is Sousuke alive and well, but they are close. First name basis. Sousuke knows that Kou is an exorcist even though he keeps that a secret from his other living friends, Yokoo and Satou. They share some sort of exclusive relationship.
And then... Nene, Akane, possibly Teru (Teru is a wildcard atp - Minamoto mom in the mix complicates his motives), possibly others are trying to revert the timeline, back to the one where absolutely nothing is working out for him. Dysfunctional family, loved ones dying, weight of the world on his shoulders all over again.
I mean, one part of this to analyze is how this affects Kou's character development. In the og tl, he's in a very tough spot in his character development, in which he still feels responsible for everyone else's happiness, always putting others first, always at his own expense. He feels weak and unreliable, but holds himself to such a high standard, because otherwise he doesn't know how to hope. He's barely voiced his insecurities to anyone, besides Mitsuba, and also Teru when they fought during the severance arc.
We don't know how much Kou remembers now, nor the rate he'll remember things, nor how adjusted he really is to this new tl. Because Nene, even though she initially struggled to remember the old tl, she also was foggy on some details about the current tl. And Kou set a table for three instead of 5. So, the question this begs is how displaced is Kou's memory atp?
Alright. Moving on. Depending on these factors... how is his development affected by this? He is in an environment that is fulfilling for him in every way, but it is being threatened to be taken away by people he may or may not remember (doesn't remember Nene yet, status with Akane not confirmed, Teru's motives still in question)
And even if he does remember, how will he react? He has everything he's ever wanted, and it's real this time, unlike in picture perfect. Will he finally put his own wishes first, or will he relinquish a life that's better for him, his family, Sousuke, and so many more? And would that really be selfish of him to decide, if this timeline is objectively healthier?
It's suggested that one of the Yugi twins even grew up to be one of Tsuchigomori's colleagues, likely Amane. If he thought about it, Kou could argue that if Nene loves Hanako/Amane, she would choose the world that he got to grow up in instead of the one where he dies prematurely. It's even hinted that Aoi still likes Akane despite her engagement to Teru, so, logically he'd have a really good argument against everyone opposing the new tl, right?
But... it's not his story. We know he's more than likely going to have to lose this life. Lose his loved ones all over again
And of course... to choose Sousuke Mitsuba, he has to unchoose Mitsuba No. 3. Which is another ooooof biiiig storm coming
It's gonna hurt me, I know. I'm just SO goddamn invested in how this is going to play out
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sunnysunsins · 3 months ago
The house entity possession theory and what did Clock Keepers change
Okay so, after the most recent chapter i had an epiphany of what the Clock Keepers changed. But that requires a bit of setup, which leads to possession theory.
So we know for sure, after Tsukasa sacrificed himself for Amane to be cured from his illness and let him live, Tsukasa came back a little demon. As in, the house entity possessed him (seeing how he managed to grant the wish of the shrine dude.. and well, how he acted like a little demon to the point his mom took him to the shrine)
And we know little Tsukasa now has the knowledge that Amane would kill him in the future (thanks, Kou). So. Entity takes over him and now has this knowledge too. "Oh, we're gonna get killed? Neat, we'll become a supernatural and will have ghost powers, that's even better, let's do this". And now Tsukasa starts tormenting Amane, trying to get him to snap and kill him. Slowly getting more and more violent, and Amane keeps letting him. (Maybe he found out about what Tsukasa did for him, somehow?)
Eventually managing to get that wish. Personal theory on what happened - Tsukasa killed his parents. Probably in a horrific way. Which made Amane finally snap and kill him, then himself, and burn the house down. (see: that one cover where Hanako is on one side and in the mirror shards Amane is bleeding out with fire around him), which lead to them both becoming ghosts, just like entity wanted.
So, what does that lead to? Clock Keepers found out during trial that Tsukasa is behind the whole thing, destroying the clock, making supernaturals go insane, the whole shabang. So what do they do?
They make sure he never comes back.
In the new timeline, Tsukasa never came back after sacrificing himself to the house entity. He only came back because future Kou accidentally slipped up and told him about Amane killing him. So with that change, entity doesn't know about them becoming a supernatural, nor do they torment Amane for it.
Which means Amane gets to live, become a teacher, and enjoy life. Until one point somewhere in his 30s. When the house entity takes over him, hungry for "gifts". Just like it took over Tsukasa in our timeline.
That's why in this new chapter he talks exactly like Tsukasa in our timeline does. Jokey, violent, no remorse, finding fun in all the killings that he's done.
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It's the entity talking. Amane here has the same eyes as Tsukasa when he's being a demonic little shit. Completely black.
And this bit could be both this timeline and/or our timeline entity talking. Honestly, it's either/or. Both fit. What's clear, is that it's the entity talking through Amane as a vessel. Just like it did with Tsukasa in our timeline.
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So, what does Nene need to change? Make Tsukasa come back? Get him to find out he's gonna die by Amane's hand? Both? What's important, the house entity needs to possess Tsukasa, to lead to the events of our timeline.
And perhaps we'll see what actually happened that day, finally.
P.S.: side-theory for yall. Since she'll have to come back to when the twins were 4, i think she'll be the reason Amane finds "the moon rock". Maybe scrambling to hide, so he doesn't see her, and accidentally making a rock fall in front of him.
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toiletghostie · 1 month ago
What if by the end of TBHK Mitsuba does become human but in exchange for Kou becoming a supernatural. Similar to how Nene had her lifespan fixed in exchange for Aoi's. Also considering what's happening in recent chapters the conflict between the Kou and Teru surrounding this hypothetical event would be really interesting!!
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noahxeditz · 5 months ago
Amane Yugi was never bullied, he was getting hurt by the clock which he couldn't tell Tsuchigomori about due to the fact that no one is meant to be touching the clock.
Amane was so determined to get the clock moving by the end of the year that he didn’t care if he was hurting himself.
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Now we can say that Tsukasa is the reason Amane is fixing the clock due to the fact that Tsukasa tells Nene about No.1's power.
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Also asking her if she wants to still learn about Amane and telling her to come play with him again if she does.
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Now this is where it's a bit blurry, cause Tsukasa KNEW the clock keeps would create a new timeline so then Nene COULD play with him once again. However the problem is that, what was the game?
Trying to get out of the pit? Cause if so, Nene will lose due to the fact she no longer has her fish form.
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Or maybe it was traumatising Kou with his wishes? Or maybe it was the fact someone actually came, to see him and wanted to learn about him and Amane.
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Tbh, I’m still not sure myself… but anyways.
I didn't forget the fact that I said that "Tsukasa remembers Nene" cause in reality. He does, we don't know why or how but from The Tea Party arc.
Tsukasa is asking her questions as if he know Nene liked Amane.
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When he hears that Nene doesn't, he takes Nene to the everywhere and nowhere boundary where Nene mets Amane for the first time and this is when Amane loses his keys.
Running out of the room.
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Now if you look at the date, this was 4 days BEFORE Amane gives Tsuchigomori the moon rock.
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Now this was on a Friday so for Monday and Tuesday. Amane was hard at work, trying to fix the clock. Which is why his wounds are worse than before in Tsuchigomori's flashback.
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(I am still working on this theory so please, if you have anything to add. Please do tell!! <3)
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justobsessedwithvic · 1 year ago
hello lovely people in the tbhk fandom! how are we all doing today?
Great! So in the chapter 112 leaks, we see this panel with shijima!
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here she is! our favorite supernatural artist, looking perfectly alive and healthy! so pretty!
Unlike the other students, she's not wearing a uniform, or a tracksuit like Aoi is. Instead, she's dressed like an adult. I would say a teacher. (also shes lowkey buff now look at her arms) Anyways, she seems really tall, and she's holding a clipboard.
In addition, the students near her are holding up a poster they made, and they look really proud of it. You know what teacher I would show a poster I made to first? an art teacher.
Shijima died years ago, so her current age makes sense, becuase in this reset world, she probably didn't die. (thank god because shes so pretty ajwhgskajshg)
Anyways yeah Shijima is the art teacher at the school. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
im gonna try not to talk about anything else because if i do i might start sobbing
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mistyart2008 · 1 month ago
summer lights arc mitsukou au!!!
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Sorry for the lack of uploads
been busy with exams but I’m entering a valentines tbhk art contest in a discord server I’m in
In the AU Mitsuba asks out Kou to the summer lights festival after feeling lonely and gayness ensues
I will be posting updates of this art
comment any other headcannons
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depressed-orchids · 3 months ago
Yall i miss silly tbhk:(
I miss when i started watching the anime in 2022 and i though the anime was the craziest coolest best animated thing i had seen
Then i decided i couldnt wait for season 2 so i read the manga which at that point went up to right before the severance (if im right)
And i was silly and about a girl and her silly crush getting herself in a deal with a silly ghost who protcted her and yeah mitsukou has always been sad but it wasn’t like so hopeless like it is now.
I want my silly high school accult/gay(im looking at you mitsuba) manga that i read for the good feels
Why does everything need to be doomed why cant we have nice things 🥲
(I know its for the plot guys im not saying i dont like the story im just saying maybe we lay of the literal middle/high schoolers and give them a chance at relaxation and a normal school life ((with hanako!! Im not forgetting him)) but nooooo we need the overworked brother to see his brother dead in a well)
Also i just realized when was the last time that hanako was actually really talked about, and i mean as hanako
Anywayss have an awesome day/night lovelys thanks for listening to me ramble:)
Also no im not stupid im just to lazy to go back and correct spelling mistakes
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elizabethzoopzoop986 · 9 months ago
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I don’t know how tbhk is gonna end nor do I know what I want to happen to Hanako, Nene and Kou. But what I do know is that Aoi and Akane should get married, and Aoi will be a girlboss millionaire ceo and Akane should be her trophy wife that stays home and raises the 495747 kids there gonna have and if that doesn’t happen I’m gonna riot.
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