has anyone found a cure on second lead syndrome?
me: What’s this feeling I’m getting? Oh, right! Second Lead Syndrome kicking in!
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Allow yourself to be a beginner. No-one starts off being excellent.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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We have to make a stand. As a student and as a part of the youth, I have to speak up. We have to speak up. And I say, CYBERCRIME MUST STOP. Why? Other than because it is a crime, it number one affects the youth, physically and emotionally. Cybercrime, according to wikipedia, is a fast-growing area of crime. More and more criminals are exploiting the speed, convenience and anonymity of the Internet to commit a diverse range of criminal activities that know no borders, either physical or virtual that cause serious harm and pose very real threats to victims worldwide. Sometimes people don't realize how badly cybercrime is to victims that would not just affect the victim's day but also it's whole life. And in some instance, it results to horrible things, like deaths of other people. As a student, the only way that I think I could do to prevent cybercrime is to let the people be informed. Because they should have the right knowledge about what cybercrime really is, how will it affect others and that it is very wrong.
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Being a digital citizen have its own limitations. Just because we are all exposed to digitals and technologies, it doesn't mean that it's a non-stop use of gadgets everyday. As I said in my previous blogs, we should be able to balance things. Also, almost all of us has their own social media accounts. Just because we are free to say anything we want, it also doesn't mean that we can post or say anything we want without thinking twice. That's why being a digital citizen, takes a lot of responsibility. You are responsible for yourself, you are responsible of your actions and you are responsible of your words. It may sound clichè but this saying says it all.. "Think before you click"
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Google is one of the most reliable and relevant applications you can find amongst others. According to a site on google, (see? It so reliable that I can google the meaning of google!) Google searches for information on the internet using the search engine.
For a student like me, google is a very useful tool in coping up with my everyday studies. Especially when I do my researches and homeworks. Unlike any social media sites/applications like instagram, facebook and twitter, google is more relevant in terms of finding informations because most of the sites are made by trusted organization and companies.
Anything you want to know, anything you want to find and anything you want to see, all in just one click with this application.
Photo Credit: Google
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I, living in today's tech-world, realized that modern things and ways of life have replaced simple tasks. Like photos, for example. Instead of putting them into an actual photo album, people post them online like Instagram. Even in sending post mails to your love ones. In just one click, you've been able to send your letter effortlessly through e-mail. You can also rarely see a youth using a radio because they prefer to use Spotify. Plus, e-books are starting to populate the world wide web. I bet in the future years, no one will ever read books anymore. Especially now that there are schools wherein they replace books into tablets. And then now, people are too busy watching youtube when they can watch and see how beautiful their environment are. In my illustration, that's the perfect message i want to say. That because we are so wrapped up with social media apps, we forget to "un-plug" once in a while and appreciate real life. I'm not saying that i don't use gadgets and digital innovatives like any other teenagers because even myself cannot deny that I am a part of a new world that is exposed to digitals and technologies. I'm saying, that we should be able to neutralize and also enjoy the non-virtual aspects of life. Because if not.. technology can occupy our whole system.
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It's funny how I reminisce my first ever encounter with digitals. It happened when my parents gave me my first ever phone and it was a nokia. I don't exactly remember what kind of nokia phone was that but i'm sure, it was close to a nokia 3210. Ignorance hit me the first time I touched my phone. Ofcourse! I was only 7 years old back then. I didn't know how to open the phone and I didn't even know how to text. And when i learned slowly, all I do is to enjoy myself just by texting and playing endlessly. The games I used to play was snake game, space impact, bounce ball and etc. And from then on, I consider that moment as one of my favorite childhood memory because before catching pokemons, playing dota, doing snapchat, instagram and before facebook came, I get to experience those moments where I think, future generations won't get to experience. Photo Credit: Google
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Excitement was in everybody’s face as the CLDH-EI Basic Education Department Intramurals 2016 was held. Who wouldn’t be excited? This is the time wherein every CLista showcase their talents and skills in sports. Not only that, but it test your attitude whenever you win or lose in a game.
“Yellow, let’s go! Yellow, let’s fight! Yellow let’s go and win this fight!”
I scream, they scream, everybody screams as students cheer their hearts out for their respective teams. But as for me, the yell stated above was my favorite part because it boost every yellow team’s moral to fight and be happy! We may not be the champions in the Intramurals, but we had fun and enjoyed every moment. And with that, we were winning. 💛💛
Photo Credit: SHS CListas: The Gallery
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why are concert tickets so expensive they’re a bit of paper that lets you see other humans just bc they have talent and you don’t
(via hilarious-teen)
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Sorry, I can’t get out of bed today. The blankets have accepted me as one of their own. If I leave now I might lose their trust.
(via hilarious-teen)
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My momma always told me, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. And people wonder why I’m so quiet around them.
(via hilarious-teen)
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