#Taylor swift and the addicted series and HOTD and daemon 😀
fawnandshadows · 2 years
Fawn Fest — Prices and Vices
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Prompt: Halloween + Costume Party
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Language maybe? Nothing extreme
The skirt of her costume was much shorter than Elain remembered, or maybe it was the fact that she didn’t try it on with her bright pink boots with four inch heels before. But as she stood outside the door of Feyre and Rhys’s penthouse she was acutely aware of how much leg she was showing, and her hands clutched her pink glittery skirt in an attempt to hold it down.
She watched as the door slowly opened in front of her, and Feyre’s drunken, smiling face beamed at her. Her tight, spandex catwoman costume clung to her form, and she forgoed any type of mask, but Elain found the kitten ears on her head and the tail sticking out from her back to be adorable.
“You’re here!” Feyre exclaimed, throwing her arms around her sister, and Elain could smell the alcohol on her breath. It wasn’t often that Feyre let herself get like this, but it always made Elain happy to see her older sister relaxed and free.
“Sorry I’m late,” Elain said as she stepped into the penthouse, her eyes floating to the crush of bodies crammed into the large space — Elain didn’t recognize anyone. “My wings were giving me trouble.” She motioned to the green wings sticking out of her back, which bobbed with her movements.
Feyre took a step back and looked at her sister's costume, her blue eyes smiling in recognition.
“Sexy Flora.” A new voice said, and Elain felt the blood rush to her cheeks at the words.
Her brown eyes drifted to Nesta, who was leaning against the wall and smirking at her sisters.
“Not sexy,” Elain replied, crossing her arms and immediately dropping them at the way it showcased her cleavage. “Just Flora,” Nesta rolled her eyes with a smile and Elain took the opportunity to take in her costume: leggings, Cassian’s oversized t-shirt with no bra underneath, and unbrushed hair. Elain’s mind was blank. “And you’re a book character?”
It was a shot in the dark, but Nesta nodded with a smile.
“Lily Calloway.”
Elain smiled in excitement, grateful that she took her sister's recommendation to read the series, and she felt a switch of recognition flip in her mind.
“It’s perfect! Is Cassian Lo?”
Nesta’s amusement faded, and she rolled her eyes without affection.
“Sadly, no.”
Just then Cassian turned into the cramped hallway they were standing in, and Elain felt her eyes bug out of her head. He stood completely naked in nothing but a diaper that looked ready to fall off, and it was likely held together by two comically large safety pins at his hips.
“Baby?” Elain asked, keeping her eyes on his face and not his abs.
Cassian pointed to himself with a grin and replied, “Sexy baby.”
Elain couldn’t stop the guttural snort that sounded from her throat.
“And where’s the monster on the hill?
Cassian’s smile grew as Elain understood the reference he was making with his costume.
“Not you, obviously, since you showed up as a sexy fairy and not the gargoyle costume I got for you.”
Now it was Elain’s turn to roll her eyes at his teasing.
“I’m Flora, not a sexy fairy.” Elain said, nervously adjusting the glove-like sleeves on her arms.
“Azriel will be happy.” Nesta’s sly voice broke through the awkwardness that Elain was feeling, and a surge of warmth flooded her body.
“Why would Azriel be happy?” Elain asked, her heart skipping in her chest. “Is Gwyn here?”
“Yes,” Nesta said with a shrug. “But that’s not what I was talking about.” Her blue eyes focused on Elain’s favorite part of the costume — the rose necklace that laid at the base of her throat, the one that Azriel had given her last year at Christmas.
All three of them fixated on the jewelry, and their expressions all turned into a mixture of pity and sympathy. All of them all undoubtedly remembering that last Christmas, where Elain and Azriel were caught under the mistletoe, where they would have kissed if Rhysand had never interrupted them. Where they all watched as Elain opened up her necklace on Christmas morning, and then two days later Azriel started dating a certain redhead.
Gwyn, his on and off again girlfriend for the past year.
Elain simply shrugged, ignoring the way they all stared at her.
“Let’s get you a drink.” Feyre exclaimed, draping her arm over her sister's shoulder and leading her towards the kitchen.
They brushed past Nesta and Cassian who lingered in the entryway hall, and Elain let her eyes sweep the crowd of bodies and told herself that she wasn’t looking for anyone in particular. Certainly not someone that stood well above six feet with curling dark hair, smoldering hazel eyes, and hands burned with scars of his past.
She didn’t see him anyway.
And she didn’t see Gwyn.
Elain pushed that knowledge to the back of her brain and focused on the red solo cup that Feyre handed to her.
“Rhys left to get some more drinks,” Feyre explained, her voice rising above the music as Elain took a sip of a cocktail that most likely had more alcohol than she realized. “Amren and Varian took Nyx trick-or-treating, and Azriel is here…somewhere.”
Elain nodded and took another sip.
“Do you want to dance?” Elain asked, and her sister nodded with excitement.
This almost never happened, the two of them finding each other.
Feyre was almost always with her husband or son, and Elain had been avoiding a lot of family events — not wanting to see Azriel with a redhead draped over him. Even before everything, Elain and Feyre had never exactly been close. Elain always found herself in the role of family peacemaker, which was surprisingly lonely.
Elain finished her drink, which Feyre refilled along with getting another one for herself, and the two sisters drifted towards the living-room-turned-dance-floor.
Elain was unaware of the passing of time.
With each sip of her drink she lived more and more in the moment. Simply enjoying the bass of the music that pounded through the room, and the way that her and Feyre enjoyed each others company — ignoring the rest of the crowd and doing the silly, ridiculous dance moves that would have embarrassed them if it wasn’t for the copious amounts of alcohol.
Neither of them were aware of anyone else until Batman walked up behind Feyre, planted his hands on her hips, and kissed her from behind. The pink of his tongue flashing at he plundered her mouth.
Elain froze. And from the way Feyre was leaning into the embrace, Elain deduced that Rhysand was the one in the costume and slowly backed away. Regressing to her normal role in family functions.
Suddenly, the heat generated by all those dancing bodies became overbearing and suffocating, and Elain found herself desperate for chilled night air. So, she shoved her way through the crowd, ignoring the grasping hands of people trying to dance with her. A familiar song started pouring through the speakers, and she heard Cassian holler in excitement.
Elain looked over her shoulder as she approached the glass door that led to the balcony and saw Cassian standing on a table, grinning from the attention and the excitement of his costume getting the spotlight.
Her hand slowly twisted the door handle and she opened the door just enough to slip outside.
The cool air was a balm on her sweaty skin.
She took unsteady steps forward and laid her hands on top of the cool stone balcony.
Elain took a deep breath, her eyes closing as she took a drink of the night air. Brisk. Chilled…smoky?
Her eyes drifted open, taking in the gleaming cityscape of Velaris, before turning her head to the left and seeing that she wasn’t alone on the balcony.
She immediately locked onto a scarred hand that held a cigarette precariously between his fingers.
A small war battled inside of her, her happy drunkenness and a startling sobriety that started at the sight of Azriel.
A blonde wig sat on his head, and he wore way too many layers — including a suspiciously accurate, leather like tunic over a bright red, long sleeve shirt — that Elain thought he might still be sweltering in the Halloween air.
The drunkenness won.
“You look hot as a blonde.” Elain said, slowly walking towards him, and not even registering the words that passed over her tongue.
Azriel’s eyebrow quirked at the words, and his lips twitched in amusement.
He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t stop her as Elain took the cigarette from his hand and brought it to her lips. His face stayed neutral as Elain sputtered and coughed from her first drag of a cigarette.
Her disgruntled face scrunched as she looked at the burning cigarette, smoke leaving her mouth as she said, “I still don’t understand why you do this.”
She held out the cigarette to him, but he didn’t take it.
His hazel eyes slowly traced her body, and Elain could have sworn she felt his large hands on her.
For a second, he stood still, but then he grabbed the cigarette from her and instead of taking a drag like Elain expected, he took a step closer to her and brought his hand up to her lips.
“Try again.” Azriel quietly demanded.
“Of course…Daemon.” Elain said teasingly, but the dark heat that flashed in his eyes caused excitement to prick at her spine.
She wrapped her lips around the cigarette, and she heard Azriel’s low voice say, “Slowly, not too much,” Elain did as she was told, and when he took the cigarette away she followed his instructions and breathed out.
“Very good…Flora.” Azriel said with approval, a smile forming on his lips.
“I’m surprised you recognized my costume.” Elain said, almost sheepishly, delighting in the way that Azriel tucked a strand of golden hair behind her ear.
“I know she’s one of your favorites.” Azriel said tenderly, his eyes softening.
Elain never kept it a secret which characters she loved, and which ones she didn’t. Her close friend's story on instagram was constantly filled with her favorite media, and as much as she tried to stop herself, she always wanted to see whether or not Azriel looked at her story. He almost always did. Which meant that he also knew her latest obsession.
And he dressed up as her latest crush.
Even in her drunken state, she knew that nothing with Azriel was accidental.
Her heart clenched at the knowledge. At the intense way he was looking down at her.
“Where’s Gwyn?” Elain asked, her voice sharper than she intended.
Azriel kept his face impassive as he took a drag of his cigarette.
“We got in a fight and she left,” Azriel shrugged. “Apparently I couldn’t take my eyes off of a certain sexy fairy. Her words, not mine.”
Elain brought her tongue out to wet her dry lips, and Azriel’s hazel eyes followed the movement. She accepted his offering as he brought the cigarette back to her lips.
“Then I guess you should use some company tonight.”
His eyes watched the smoke that fell from her mouth and mingled with the night air, and then they dropped to the necklace that hung around her neck.
“I’ll get us some drinks.” Azriel said, handing the cigarette back to Elain. He waited all of five seconds, giving her time to excuse herself, before slipping back into the house.
Elain’s hands shook and small ashes fell from her hand as she waited for him.
Part Two
tagging: @thefangirlofhp @sakurakittypeach @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @feyredarlinq @alwayssara @nyxreads @rinadragomir @secretpuppyflower @captainbrucebanner @ultadverb @irisesforelain @shedoessoshedoes s @magnolia-blossom87 @sheena-beene @nivem565
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