teatrtenei · 22 days
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Tayt (also Tait, Tayet, and Taytet) Tayet was the goddess of weaving known from Old Kingdom times when she appears in the Pyramid Texts, where it is said that she is the king's mother and that guards the king's head, gatherers together his bones and grants him favour with other gods. In later mythology Tayet was also said to weave the curtains or walls of the tent of purification in which the embalmers worked, but the most significant role played by this goddess is that is the deity who provided the bandages in which the mummy was wrapped. The importance of these wraps to the ancient Egyptians and the proper burial procedure which utilized them is seen in the Middle Kingdom story of Sinuhe where the hero of the tale is urged to return to Egypt by Senwosret I who reminds him that only there will he receive "wrapping from the hands Tayet upon his death. The goddess was linked to Neith who was also associated with weaving and with Osiris, Isis and Nephthys because of her funerary role. Although she had no temples of her own, Tayet was honoured in sanctuaries of several deities with whom she was associated.
Тайет (Таит) была богиней ткачества, известной со времен Древнего царства, когда она появляется в Текстах пирамид, где говорится, что она мать царя и что она охраняет голову царя, собирает его кости и дарует ему благосклонность других богов. В более поздней мифологии Тайет также ткала занавеси или стены шатра очищения, в котором работали бальзамировщики, но самая значимая роль, которую играла эта богиня, заключается в том, что она была божеством, создающим бинты, в которые была завернута мумия. Богиня была связана с Нейт, которая также ассоциировалась с ткачеством, а также с Осирисом, Исидой и Нефтидой из-за ее погребальной роли. Хотя у нее не было собственных храмов, Тает почиталась в святилищах нескольких божеств, с которыми она была связана.
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galgannet · 22 days
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A sketch for my second Shadow Theater blog.
Tayt (also Tait, Tayet, and Taytet) Tayet was the goddess of weaving known from Old Kingdom times when she appears in the Pyramid Texts, where it is said that she is the king's mother and that guards the king's head, gatherers together his bones and grants him favour with other gods. In later mythology Tayet was also said to weave the curtains or walls of the tent of purification in which the embalmers worked, but the most significant role played by this goddess is that is the deity who provided the bandages in which the mummy was wrapped. The importance of these wraps to the ancient Egyptians and the proper burial procedure which utilized them is seen in the Middle Kingdom story of Sinuhe where the hero of the tale is urged to return to Egypt by Senwosret I who reminds him that only there will he receive "wrapping from the hands Tayet upon his death. The goddess was linked to Neith who was also associated with weaving and with Osiris, Isis and Nephthys because of her funerary role. Although she had no temples of her own, Tayet was honoured in sanctuaries of several deities with whom she was associated. Тайет (Таит) была богиней ткачества, известной со времен Древнего царства, когда она появляется в Текстах пирамид, где говорится, что она мать царя и что она охраняет голову царя, собирает его кости и дарует ему благосклонность других богов. В более поздней мифологии Тайет также ткала занавеси или стены шатра очищения, в котором работали бальзамировщики, но самая значимая роль, которую играла эта богиня, заключается в том, что она была божеством, создающим бинты, в которые была завернута мумия. Богиня была связана с Нейт, которая также ассоциировалась с ткачеством, а также с Осирисом, Исидой и Нефтидой из-за ее погребальной роли. Хотя у нее не было собственных храмов, Тает почиталась в святилищах нескольких божеств, с которыми она была связана.
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sekhenetnut · 1 year
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supernovaae · 2 years
Egyptian Mythological Figures to Use for Dislyte Ocs:
Aker, Amathaunta, Ammit, Amn, Anat, Anhur, Ani, Anuke, Apet, Astarte, Aten, Bat, Bennu, Besna, Denwen, Djefa, Dua, Fa, Hatmehit, Haurun, Hedetet, Hedjhotep, Heka, Heptet, Heneb, Heset, Iah, Iabet, Iat, Ihy, Imentet/Amentet, Iusaaset, Kebehut, Kek, Ken, Khepri, Khesfu, Kherty, Khnum, Khonsu, Kneph, Maahes, Maat, Mafdet, Mehen, Menhit, Imhotep, Meret, Meskhenet, Min, Mnevis, Montu, Mut, Kith, Nehmetawy, Nekhbet/Nekhebit, Nemty, Neper, Nepit, Nun, Pakhet, Pelican, Perit, Pesi, Petbe, Ptah, Qetesh, Rekhit, Renenet, Renpet, Fetket, Sait, Satet, Sehith, Seker, Sekhemus, Selkis, Sepa, Sepes, Seshat, Setem, Shed, Shehbui, Shezmu, Sopdu, Taweret, Tayt/Tayet, Tefnut, Tenenet, Thermuthis, Tjenmyt, Thmei, Uneg/Weneg, Unut, Usit, Wadjet/Uatchit, Wadj-wer/Wadjwer, Wosret,
Other: Amun (male form of Amunet), Anput (female form of anubis), Naunet (female version of Nun), Nebethetepet (female version of Atum), Temt (female version of Atum),
Note: Keep in mind that this list may not be accurate and/or may be missing some mythological figures because I put down what I knew and did the bare minimum of google searching.
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444names · 11 months
Names generated from The Elder Scrolls' Breton names and Old English forenames, excluding the letter "C"
Abera Abien Adelanort Adywyrrya Agnong Agryð Aldard Aleontot Alexant Aline Alleorvart Allin Alolur Alvivin Ambenber Andelley Anreddith Ardereg Aremord Arlinstyr Arodelle Arthibard Asille Asond Asseph Astaudis Astia Astyn Astyrahl Aubeorgan Audistor Augene Augile Auzou...
Babar Barbera Barique Barnara Bashfolre Bastyra Baustyne Bearthel Belan Bellodore Beodaire Berayeorna Berhtmær Berin Berne Berryan Berya Boeuna Boine Boiris Branifyr Broferne Brois Brugavele Brysyliern Daimir Dairie Dalorgan Dastal Daulfgie Daynn Delitine Delvelayn Derry Dette Detternon Dhurand Difyraline Dingh Dolbeoda Dorde Dorrya Dorstine Douzond Dovine Duben Dufola Dultz Dunda Durorgnak Dægent Earard Earbout Edena Edmærb Edrina Edwearey Edwine Eespandel Elairie Elane Elette Elieleon Elielone Ellard Ellere Elloryvan Elynau Emadiste Emiustyvyr Emuna Ennaud Enoise Eopere Eorya Eroxan Ertras Eseriente Estierrya Estonon Etine Evalieryg Evana Evelle Evelline Eveloine Evely Eviely Evyrrin Falip Falysyn Faudie Feliel Feluse Fennovene Ferth Fienort Fierelavo Fierht Floixes Florya Flædmorund Fraoin Fretter Gabezo Gabier Gaele Gaelot Gaelskyr Gaeri Gaeriande Galdranrel Gararique Garoq Gatrandyre Gavebeline Gavelia Gefautrand Gephis Geynis Gimitham Ginaud Ginelette Girena Githyn Gitil Gondayn Gonelsig Gontienew Grane Grenne Griellet Grozone Guele Guina Gustoth Gwine Gwyne Gwyranrie Halard Hamasht Hamernot Harlergine Hawkslarq Heanne Heaurie Heauzabing Helin Hellemps Helouriend Hemont Henrie Hentloq Heredaldel Hernolt Hiellene Hilard Holarg Holor Hugastond Hunesdet Hylous Hywyna Ighouis Ileyoldwyn Illard Imundyvald Inamellou Ingirno Ionnie Irrax Irryð Jadent Jambur Jashsmien Jashstyrah Jasild Jastentis Jearthienn Jehan Jenno Jerananis Jerane Jerton Jeuguy Jolardl Julielle Jutheladri Kaeriste Karelind Karis Karpen Kertin Laistyr Larthier Larwin Lashsle Leauth Legnond Leorheo Lexing Lieven Limord Littannyn Loorle Louare Lozenring Lyeodyven Lynake Lyssan Lyssens Madwynfer Maelixeve Magrane Malauze Malbard Malbeomise Maldamique Malette Mannista Marand Marardine Maratierte Marbera Marbouzint Mariend Marilorene Marinvien Marlaul Marobine Marold Mashry Masimre Mastintond Maten Mathiller Matilley Matthfie Maudeona Maumont Mautine Maxevan Maxever Maxil Maxiseleon Meline Menrialyn Meorylin Mibelle Milban Mitte Miviste Molenna Monariane Mondield Monnen Montan Morettena Morgarth Morht Morier Mortht Moryð Mousse Muien Mundryn Nadnot Naklin Naranise Nauzole Nianierine Nienne Nieny Nitteve Noborine Nurmelmær Nytthalis Ogine Omine Orilzola Oring Orinvie Osaynette Osigafol Oslyr Othelafa Pairrydere Patis Peille Pelasir Penvin Perand Perind Permyn Pertine Phandelian Phele Pierht Pierj Pierra Pilbelle Pilie Pinne Prelles Pujose Pynard Ralanderht Raraneles Rashtrese Rayna Rayne Redam Redræd Reinin Rerri Ribere Robera Rodort Roglael Rolberos Rolda Rommen Rostrane Rothard Rysernis Salynabald Sanne Sebart Senfoles Setteria Shtair Shtwule Sille Slynak Slyne Soringte Sovis Stair Stastand Stianna Stlese Stmurte Store Styria Stystyr Surrina Surthena Swiloin Sybelens Sylver Syvyrrise Tanet Tayet Terie Thard Thelia Thellette Therjaque Thhonona Tibal Tonde Toraiste Torine Trelvie Trierya Trineadne Uleximild Ulrunient Utharierna Vairert Valtz Vanrosan Velgodyne Vergna Verriannan Vierht Viete Vilia Vimoordord Vinis Vintine Vitara Vroldaine Vyris Welle Weodarring Wihtwoor Woodilane Woodique Wuldarie Wuline Wærfal Xandisa Yllever Yssabyvyr Yssant Ysset Ysylvie Yuarjorvie Yvalle Yvyrineque Zavelisa Zazulort Ægenræd Ægmunder Ælfnor Ælfre Ælfweau Ællak Æðelletolm
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don't know if my ask sent, but I'm trying to make 4 Ozluminati teams. For Beacon I have Ozpin Glynda Shion and a Scarecrow instead of Qrow. But for the other three schools I only have Headmasters. Maybe Maria or Pietro or Xanthe or Tayet (golden skin, Before the Dawn, fight club) could somehow be Oz allusions, idk. I'm hoping your allusion experience can help me. Sorry if this is an odd ask, I'm just not good at this. My other ideas are the Patchwork Girl, Nimmie Amee, Hungry Tiger, China Girl, and maybe a Flying Monkey.
I do have ideas for the characters you suggested, but they don't exactly fit into what you've suggested.
As for the Headmasters...I don't think I can help you with that. Sorry.
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notesonartistry · 2 years
Hey its your swiftie Christmas / Winter anon! Good evening!
How are you?
So let's talk about Taylor and Joe. I've seen pictures of him. Handsome guy but also a good one. I see her attraction!
The pictures I've seen are adorable and the William Bowery thing makes me laugh.
What's he like? Has Tayet her match?
Hey anon, funny that your message was sitting in my inbox this morning along with one about Joe!
They seem very happy together and I'm really glad for her that she's been able to balance her life out and make it feel more manageable.
Joe comes across as a really lovely guy and everyone he works with raves about how nice and kind and gentle he is. The fact that they're able to write songs together too is really cute and brought us some great music, plus the whole William Bowery thing, which also makes me laugh.
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luimnigh · 4 years
Oh, that's really clever!
Tayet Aldhahab, a golden-skinned women covered in bandages.
Aldhahab is Arabic for gold or golden.
But Tayet was the name of an Egyptian Goddess, specifically the goddess of mummification (hence the bandages) .
And how were Egyptian Gods portrayed in murals?
With golden skin.
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anarchiia · 6 years
miedzy nami taje lód wszystko, co było pęka na pół stoję i moknę przy Tobie tu pod każdą z tych ciemnych chmur
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panels-of-interest · 7 years
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First appearance of Killmonger.
[from Jungle Action (1972) #6]
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monster-lili · 3 years
Haunt Couture diaries
Clawdeena on Instagram read all the diares and these are the most important parts:
All diaries write about their fearleading practice, Cleo cancels it two times
Shopping at the maul
Organising a fashion show called February Frights, to help fund the new fearleading uniforms
Clawd and Cleo are in bad moods
They take a care package (scare-package) to Cleo
Her telling them that she and Deuce broke up
Cleo helping Frankie figure out the dress printer 
They are wearing their HC looks at the fashion show
Their bios are the same, except for Draculaura’s age which is 1600 (still 1599 on the MH website)
I think the font is the same they used in the old diaries
Clawdeen’s diary:
Instagram is mentioned (as a pun, Instagrim), her username is @howlcouture
Draculaura and Clawd post pictures from their dates on Instagrim
Her Mom, Dad, Clawd, Clawdia (who is still in Londoom) and Howleen are mentioned
She wants to update the design of the fearleading uniforms
Clawdeen and Draculaura studied together at Drac’s place
She secretly liked the vegan sliders Draculaura made
She gives fashion tips at the Maul to random monsters
She spent a lot of money on her Back to Ghoul fashion trip, her Dad is still growling about that
She loves full moon nights with her family, her Dad grills, she races and plays casketball with her siblings, there’s s’mores and campfire where her parents snuggle :)
She says Cleo makes her mad, but she is her beast-friend :’)
She is running the fashion show
Cleo designed a fire(?) outfit, which Clawdeen loved and Cleo was smug about that
“There’s always fresh drama brewing in the couldron at MH.”
“Scares and scandals ahead.”
Frankie’s diary:
She has a crush on a guy who she calls Seven, who is a football player and has a cool accent (he is a character who’s only mentioned in diaries)
Her Mom, Dad and Watzit are mentioned, Frankenstein encourages her to make something for the science fair 
She is losing limbs, being a klutz as usual :)
Draculaura gave her the idea to make a printer that prints clothes
She can’t figure out how to make the machine work
She zapped Deuce’s locker, “who was weirdly distracted and the door narrowly missed his snakes and they hissed in annoyance”
She dropped out of the science fair, as she couldn’t make the printer work
Her favourite monster is her Dad :)
Nefera is mentioned, she’s still mean lol
“If I ever get a sister...” Alivia doesn’t exist!
“Being in or out of a relationship doesn’t define any ghoul.”
Cleo gave her Godess Tayet’s thread which made the printer work
Frankenstein fistbumped Cleo “which did not go over well” lol
Mr. Hackington and Ghoulia are mentioned
Cleo designed her skirt
"A not-so-secret admirer” tucked a note into her locker saying: “I love the way you’re put together. Lass(?) Hoping to fang out soon with the prettiest ghoul ever.”
Draculaura’s diary:
She still writes in the MH newspaper, which is still called The Gory Gazette :’)
She wrote an article about plant based meat
Count Fabulous and Dracula are mentioned
She cooked a lot of things
She caught Clawdeen taking a second bite of the vegan sliders “hehe”
VAMP: Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins
Clawd and her are still together
Draculaura senses that there is something going on with Clawd
Dracula ate her vegan vampire chili by accident and got mad at her for not labelling it properly, but he ate the whole thing lol
Clawd refused to tell her what’s wrong, saying it’s private and he promised he won’t tell
Count Fabulous collected bugs to cheer her up
Deuce told Clawd about the brake up, Cleo and Deuce asked him to keep it a secret
She met Clawd at Coffin Bean and they made up
Headmistress Bloodgood is mentioned, she liked the fashion show!
So far it seems like they completely threw out the reboot MH story and characters and are working with the 2010-15 og MH lore!!!
I’m very excited to read Cleo’s diary, it’s going to explain so much!!!!!!
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headlessmage · 2 years
Hi! May I request a tarot reading with the Sekhmet’s Servant Oracle regarding my spiritual journey? I'm not sure if I'm on the right path and I'm a little confused as to where I am headed, thank you! - Liv
Hello there, and thank you for your patience!
I had Tayet, the goddess of weaving, come forward for you. She sits in a room full of various sized looms, all full of half completed projects. The largest is a blank tapestry, and she slowly works to unravel it.
"You have various threads available, Dear One. There are all these paths available for you, but you are so focused on one that you do not see them. Take a set back and look at the bigger picture. What path do you want? What do you feel would serve you best?"
"This may mean taking a set back on your current path and weighing the options before continuing. You have time for that, don't forget it. Time works for you, not against you. Use it wisely."
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Gods and Goddesses List
List of Goddesses (not counting closed cultures)
Greek: 44
Roman: 23
Norse/Celtic: 43
Egyptian: 40
Sumerian/Mesopotamian: 19
Hindu: 12
  Aditi (Hindu)
Andraste (Celtic)
Aine (Irish)
Althea (Greek)
Airmid (Irish)
Aramati (Hindu)
Ama (Sumerian)
Amaunet (Egyptian)
Amaterasu (Japanese)
Ammit (Egyptian)
Anat (Canaanite)
Anut (Egyptian)
Arachne (Greek)
Ashtar (Mesopotamian)
Arianhod (Welsh)
Amphitrite (Greek)
Ananke (Greek)
Apate (Greek)
Aurora (Roman Eos)
Asherah (Hebrew)
Ashnan (Sumerian)
Astraea (Greek)
Aunket (Egyptian)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Artemis (Greek)
Asteria (Greek)
Athena (Greek)
Atlanta (Greek)
Badb (Irish)
Branwen (Welsh)
Bastet (Egyptian)
Bata (Egyptian)
Bellona (Roman)
Bharati (Hindu)
Brigid (Irish)
Blodeuwedd (Welsh)
Baubo (Greek)
Cailleach (Scottish)
Carmenta (Roman)
Cear Ibormeith (Irish)
Ceres (Roman Demeter)
Cerridwen (Irish)
Circe (Greek)
Concordia (Greek)
Coventina (English)
Damkina (Sumerian)
Damara (Celtic)
Danu (Irish)
Demeter (Greek)
Deshtri (Hindu)
Devi (Hindu)
Diana (Roman Artemis)
Dike (Greek)
Discordia (Roman Eris)
Durga (Irish)
Egeria (Roman)
Eir (Norse)
Elen (Welsh)
Epona (Irish)
Eos (Greek)
Eris (Greek)
Eirenne (Greek)
Ereshkigal (Sumerian)
Erinyes (Greek)
Fides (Roman)
Filadia (Irish)
Fortuna (Roman)
Frau Holle (Germanic)
Freyja (Norse)
Frigg (Norse)
Fulla (Norse)
Gaia (Greek)
Greek Muses (Greek)
Gefjon (Norse)
Green Tara (Buddhism)
Gula (Sumerian)
Gwendydd (Celtic)
Harmonia (Greek)
Hathor (Egyptian)
Hatmehit (Egyptian)
Hecate (Greek)
Hedetet (Egyptian)
Heket (Egyptian)
Hel (Norse)
Henwen (English)
Heqet (Egyptian)
Hera (Greek)
Hebe (Greek)
Hemera (Greek)
Hestia (Greek)
Hygeia (Greek)
Ida (Greek)
Idunn (Norse)
Iris (Greek)
Inanna (Sumerian)
Indrani (Hindu)
Isthar (Mesopotamian)
Isis (Egyptian)
Iuasaas (Egyptian)
Juno (Roman Hera)
Juventas (Roman Hebe)
Kali (Hindu)
Ki (Sumerian)
Kwan Yin (Chinese)
Kauket (Egyptian)
Lakshimi (Hindu)
Leto (Greek)
Lilith (Hebrew)
Luna (Roman Selene)
Ma’at (Egyptian)
Maeve (Irish)
Mabb (Welsh)
Macha (Irish)
Maia (Greek)
Maitri (Hindu)
Mafdet (Egyptian)
Medusa (Greek)
Mnemosyne (Greek)
Medb (Irish)
Mehet Weret (Egyptian)
Menhit (Egyptian)
Meretseger (Egyptian)
Meskhenet (Egyptian)
Metis (Greek)
Minerva (Roman Athena)
Morgen Le Fey (Welsh/Briton)
Morrigan (Irish)
Mother Mary (Christian)
Mut (Egyptian)
Nahmauit (Egyptian)
Namagiri (Hindu)
Nammu (Sumerian)
Nanna (Norse)
Nanshe (Sumerian)
Neith (Egyptian)
Nehalennia (Germanic)
Nekhbet (Egyptian)
Nemesis (Greek)
Nephthys (Egyptian)
Ninhursag (Sumerian)
Nidaba (Sumerian)
Ninlil (Sumerian)
Ningal (Sumerian)
Nisaba (Sumerian)
Ninkasi (Sumerian)
Nike (Greek)
Nott (Norse)
The Norns (Norse)
Nut (Egyptian)
Nyx (Greek)
Olwen (Celtic)
Ostara (Germanic)
Pandora (Greek)
Parvati (Hindu)
Pakhet (Egyptian)
Pax (Roman Eirene)
Persephone (Greek)
Proserpina (Roman Persephone)
Phoebe (Greek)
Phanes (Greek)
Pomona (Roman)
Pontos (Greek)
Psyche (Greek)
Pythia (Greek)
Rati (Hindu)
Rhea (Greek)
Renenet (Egyptian)
Renpet (Egyptian)
Rhiannon (Welsh)
Saraswati (Hindu)
Salacia (Roman Neptune wife)
Salus (Roman Hygeia)
Satet (Egyptian)
Sarpanit (Sumerian)
Sekhmet (Egyptian)
Selene (Roman)
Serket (Egyptian)
Selkis (Egyptian)
Seshat (Egyptian)
Shelia-na-gig (Irish)
Sif (Norse)
Sirtir (Sumerian)
Sita (Hindu)
Sigyn (Norse)
Skadi (Norse)
Skuld (Norse)
Sopdet (Egyptian)
Taweret (Egyptian)
Tayet (Egyptian)
Tefnut (Egyptian)
Tellus (Roman Gaia)
Theia (Greek)
Themis (Greek)
Tiamat (Sumerian)
Trivia (Roman Hecate)
Tyche (Roman Fortuna)
Wadjet (Egyptian)
Wosyet (Egyptian)
Unut (Egyptian)
Venus (Roman Aphrodite)
Vesta (Roman Hestia)
Victoria (Roman Nike)
Voluspa (Norse)
    List of Gods (not counting closed cultures)
Greek: 21
Roman: 9
Norse/Celtic: 15
Egyptian: 20
Sumerian/Mesopotamian: 8
Hindu: 11
    Achilles (Greek)
Adonis (Greek)
Anhur (Egyptian)
Apollo (Greek)
Apollo (Roman)
An (Sumerian)
Amergin (Irish)
Amon (Egyptian)
Amun Ra (Egyptian)
Asclepius (Greek)
Anubis (Egyptian)
Angus (Irish)
Ares (Greek)
Archangel Azrael (Christian)
Atlas (Greek)
Bacchus (Roman Dionysus)
Baldr (Norse)
Bes (Egyptian)
Brahma (Hindu)
Bragi (Norse)
Buddha (Buddhism)
Cernunnos (Celtic)
Chronos (Greek)
Dadga (Irish)
Diancecht (Irish)
Dionysus (Greek)
Dyaus (Hindu)
Ea (Sumerian)
Enki (Sumerian)
Enlil (Sumerian)
Eros (Greek)
Erebos (Greek)
Evander (Greek)
Echidna (Greek)
Fenrir (Norse)
Archangel Gabriel (Christian)
Ganesha (Hindu)
Geb (Egyptian)
Gilgamesh (Sumerian)
Green Man
Goibhniu (Irish)
Hades (Greek)
Hanuman (Hindu)
Helios (Greek)
Hesperides (Greek)
Hephaestus (Greek)
Hercules (Greek)
Hermes (Greek)
Horus (Egyptian)
Hu (Egyptian)
Hyperion (Greek)
Hypnos (Greek)
Indra (Hindu)
Jesus (Christian)
Jupiter (Roman Zeus)
Kama (Hindu)
Khonsu (Egyptian)
Krishna (Hindu)
Khnum (Egyptian)
Khepri (Egyptian)
Loki (Norse)
Archangel Lucifer (Christianity)
Lugh (Irish)
Mars (Roman Ares)
Archangel Metatron (Christian)
Mercury (Roman Hermes)
Min (Egyptian)
Archangel Michael (Christian)
Nabu (Sumerian)
Nanna (Sumerian)
Narcissus (Greek)
Neptune (Roman Poseidon)
Nuada (Irish)
Odin (Norse)
Oghma (Irish)
Ouranos (Greek)
Orion (Greek)
Osiris (Egyptian)
Pan (Greek)
Perseus (Greek)
Poseidon (Greek)
Pluto (Roman Hades)
Prometheus (Greek)
Ptah (Egyptian)
Ra (Egyptian)
Archangel Raphael (Christian)
Saturn (Roman Chronos)
Shamash (Mesopotamian)
Shiva (Hindu)
Set (Egyptian)
Sia (Egyptian)
Sobek (Egyptian)
Shu (Egyptian)
Thor (Norse)
Thoth (Egyptian)
Typhon (Greek)
Tvastri (Hindu)
Tyr (Norse)
Archangel Uriel (Christian)
Utu (Mesopotamian)
Varuna (Hindu)
Vishnu (Hindu)
Vulcan (Roman Hephaestus)
Zeus (Greek)
   Greek total: 65
Roman total: 32
Norse/Celtic total: 58
Egyptian total: 60
Sumerian/Mesopotamian total: 27
Hindu total: 23
Goddesses: 195
Gods: 95
Total: 290
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neopoliitan · 3 years
Idea: to go along with your drawings of Bertilak and Theodore, there are others you could draw, if you want: Professor Xanthe Rumpole, Three Bandits (Argento Pocoron, Rosa Schwein, Green), Umber Gorgoneion, Ariadne Guimet, Rae Noire, Elektra Fury, Olive Gashley (I headcanon these four as team AERO), Jax Asturias, Gillian Asturias, Iris Marilla, Professor Rowena Sunnybrook, and Tayet Aldhahab.
I think of all those characters I'd most likely be inclined to draw Olive, but I worry she'd end up looking too much like my own OC Nyssa.
Plus there's the fact to consider that the character descriptions in ATF are a complete mess, and I never finish any character designs I intend on doing 😓
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444names · 2 years
arab and french names
Abbid Abdeny Abderran Abdeux Abdogby Abihadre Acheetey Affer Aftan Afteediq Aggant Ahsille Akland Aklani Akmayyas Alahl Alais Alard Alazma Alberri Algadie Alhas Alhian Alier Aljard Alkham Alnoy Alooris Alpin Alraidau Altaw Amier Aminer Amnie Anana Anarher Angle Anguari Anguet Ansail Anson Anweif Apper Aqlas Arabria Arbadine Archa Argette Arnasur Asfont Ashale Ashoode Atardent Atteire Aubout Augel Awaise Awand Ayrult Azerry Azzia Babrier Baishier Baquin Barad Barlif Basfi Basseid Bassi Bastiert Bazey Bazzin Bellet Belli Belongi Belont Benfane Bentrani Berema Berres Biazi Biereef Borett Bouar Boudre Boudry Boufuris Bougane Bougessi Bouguy Bourani Bourif Bourite Boutault Brude Brudet Burnaram Cadutte Cainan Cajib Calliot Caphance Capper Cardin Cariont Casseef Chahbaux Chand Charrepe Chawi Chebadin Cheharan Chouqi Chriaza Clani Clouvier Cléninne Comaswa Cores Cotte Counstaf Courieu Coutrif Crembed Cyran Célier Céloman Dabas Dadeaud Daniyas Dapel Darier Debuquer Debvrer Decouli Degal Delabroz Delalma Deman Denri Dentrema Dephabi DeRote Destie Devillon Dhayer Dimon Dionda Dioni Diyalont Domps Dorge Dorgeon Dosavie Dozamy Dubahau Dubbotee Dubeh Duettano Duffe Dufoubad Duhan Dukria Durbine Dusse Eddate Elizi Elkhsal Elogue Emantier Emorce Fabbart Fahawa Fahjaim Faknoyas Farisin Farmie Farzoon Fathan Fatnon Fawit Fayer Fayrie Fayya Fegin Flode Florry Frafoux Frahlahd Fraigny Frane Frawsare Freauda Frefaro Frette Fusne Gabir Galin Garier Garutte Gaëlle Gendry Geore Gereura Ghalais Ghancenu Gherthen Ginoy Gisia Gogby Goughaif Grani Grattab Grocheh Grâcetin Guchel Guilani Hadhib Hailvy Halani Halemue Halhoof Hambly Hamdad Hamine Hijah Hillant Hombour Hossa Hostiene Houcon Hulleur Hultani Hussie Hussier Hypon Hypposse Ialin Ialwad Idinette Ifani Ihart Irèce Ismau Ismaya Jaban Jacolet Jacqud Jakurram Jamani Janda Jeauries Jende Jendri Jofik Josonc Jouverd Jujoonte Julse Jumer Kamanin Keauver Khato Khaux Kheedin Khomber Khoque Khose LaBaz Labeaud Laber Labervar Labnaire LaBois LaBre Lachoe LaCrar LaDuba Lafif LaFri LaGrah LaGroz Laidal Lammir Lamur Lanne LaPlanin LaRuet Lault Laveur Lavieri Lazzim Leaud Lecois Legasset Leglama Legny Leinet LeSham Levaris Leville Levillet Linel Loglexan Loreh Lounson Loveez Lucuit Ludant Lulsime Maccal Madone Mahiry Maiad Malant Mantie Maqqaqq Marabah Mareau Mariq Martif Maths Matte Mazer Mazza Melgh Mesriya Millick Moffau Mohatois Monne Moore Mousury Muhad Muier Mélie Mélierio Mélin Nabau Nadinger Nagnis Nagon Nasle Nathiba Navonine Nazzur Nerrane Noffiq Norin Ordard Palgeau Pattarce Picalih Piery Pines Pinne Pluson Poira Poissac Poussote Qaswal Qazani Quain Rabau Racoude Radierin Raffe Ramehber Ramle Ramps Raouilim Rasse Rasso Rastin Reiman Remotte Renne Renvil Revet Ridge Roccarot Rochadeh Rouqadeu Rushier Régéni Sahard Salet Sallim Sallose Samaland Saman Samzaki Sangris Savrod Secotint Serours Shaitine Shakiah Shalim Shance Shardeh Sheem Shevraux Shill Sihandr Simaira Siman Simille Souque Sourt Stéri Subette Suhafai Suhault Suhsien Sulier Surne Sweed Tajrint Tayet Thang Tophi Truze Umarozot Umnad Unier Urbon Valin Vasufle Wagenne Walion Yaque Yassore Youst Yuset Yvoiso Zaboss Zadee Zahacot Zakaël Zeber Ziashiad Zunin Éminer
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childrenofdune · 5 years
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Fremen by Tayete García Mazariegos.
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