#Tax Refund for Washing Uniform
georgeshutcheson · 2 months
How to Claim a Tax Refund for Washing Uniform
New Post has been published on https://www.fastaccountant.co.uk/tax-refund-for-washing-uniform/
How to Claim a Tax Refund for Washing Uniform
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If you’re living and working in the UK, you may be entitled to claim a tax refund for washing uniform. It’s a little-known benefit that many people overlook, but with a few simple steps, you could potentially save money on your taxes. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of claiming a tax refund for washing uniform, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to take advantage of this often overlooked opportunity. With a friendly and informative tone, we aim to make navigating the world of tax refunds a breeze for you. So, let’s get started on your journey to potentially putting a few extra pounds back into your pocket.
Understanding Tax Refund for Washing Uniform
If you wear a uniform for work and are responsible for the costs of washing and maintaining it, you may be eligible to claim a tax refund in the UK. This can help offset the expenses you incur in keeping your uniform clean and presentable. Understanding the eligibility criteria, types of uniform expenses eligible for tax refunds, and the required documentation is essential to ensure a smooth and successful claim process.
Eligibility Criteria for Claiming Tax Refunds
To be eligible for a tax refund for washing your uniform in the UK, you must meet certain criteria. Firstly, you must be required to wear a uniform as part of your job. This means that your employer has a specific dress code in place that you must adhere to.
Additionally, the uniform must bear your employer’s logo or be distinctive to those who work within the company. It’s important to note that plain clothing, even if it is worn solely for work purposes, does not qualify as a uniform for tax refund purposes.
Furthermore, you must personally incur the expenses of washing and maintaining your uniform. If your employer reimburses you for these costs, you will not be eligible to claim a tax refund.
Types of Uniform Expenses Eligible for Tax Refunds
When it comes to claiming tax refunds for washing your uniform in the UK, certain expenses are eligible for consideration. These include the cost of washing, drying, and ironing your uniform, as well as any necessary laundry detergents or cleaning products.
If you use a laundrette or dry cleaning service to clean your uniform, these expenses can also be included in your claim. However, it’s important to keep in mind that only the costs directly associated with washing your uniform are eligible. Any additional items, such as non-work-related clothing, cannot be claimed for tax purposes.
Calculating Tax Refund Amount
Once you have determined that you meet the eligibility criteria, it is time to calculate the tax refund amount you can claim for washing your uniform.
Determining the Amount Eligible for Tax Refund
To calculate the amount eligible for tax refund, you need to have a clear understanding of the tax relief available. The standard flat-rate expense allowance for uniform maintenance in the UK is £60 per year. You can claim a tax refund on expenses up to this amount without needing to provide any specific evidence or receipts. Besides the standard flat rate of £60, there is a list provided by HMRC with standard flat rate for different jobs or industry. Only uses standard flat rate of £60 if your job / industry is not on the list of flat rates. You can access the list by visiting HMRC website here.
You can claim the actual amount that you spent on cleaning your uniform rather than the flat rate. However you will need your receipts in order to do so.
  How to Claim Tax Refund for Washing Uniform
Claiming a tax refund for washing your uniform in the UK can be a straightforward process if you follow the necessary steps. If you are claiming the flat rate expenses, you can do so online by using the HMRC online service accessible from this page.
To claim a tax refund for the actual amount that you spent, you will need to fill out the P87 form and send it by post together with your receipts HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This form allows you to declare your employment-related expenses and claim any applicable tax refunds.
Filling out the P87 Form
When completing the P87 form, you will need to provide details such as your personal information, employment details, and the expenses you are claiming for. Ensure that you accurately fill out all the sections relevant to your uniform washing expenses.
Submitting the Claim
Once you have completed the P87 form, you can submit it to HMRC for processing. It is recommended to keep a copy of the form and the supporting documents for your own records.
Timeframe for Receiving the Refund
The timeframe for receiving your tax refund can vary. HMRC aims to process most claims within four to six weeks. However, during peak periods or if additional information is required, the processing time may be longer.
If you haven’t received your refund within the expected timeframe, it is advisable to contact HMRC to inquire about the status of your claim.
Appealing a Refund Decision
In the unlikely event that your claim is denied, you have the option to appeal HMRC’s decision. This can be done by providing additional evidence or submitting a written explanation of why you believe your claim is valid. The appeal process details and steps will be outlined in the letter of denial you receive from HMRC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What if my employer reimburses me for washing uniform expenses?
If your employer reimburses you for the expenses of washing your uniform, you will not be eligible to claim a tax refund. It’s important to keep a record of any reimbursements received and consult HMRC or seek professional advice for further clarification.
Can I claim tax refund for laundering non-work-related clothing?
No, tax refunds for washing uniforms specifically pertain to work-related clothing. Non-work-related clothing expenses cannot be claimed for tax purposes.
Can I claim tax refund for washing uniform if I am self-employed?
Tax refunds for washing uniforms with regards to self employed people are dealt with through their self assessment tax return.
What if I have lost my receipts?
It is always best to keep receipts as evidence of your expenses if you want to claim more than the flat rate expenses. However, if you have lost your receipts, you should still be able to make a claim. Try to provide as much detail as possible and include any alternative evidence, such as bank statements or invoices from the laundrette or dry cleaning service you used.
Can I claim tax refund for dry cleaning expenses?
Yes, the cost of dry cleaning your uniform can be included in your tax refund claim. Just make sure to keep receipts or invoices as evidence of the expenses incurred.
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prairienymph · 17 days
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years
This is entirely and forever the fault of @angelfishofthelord and their “The Genre You Struggle With” challenge.
And thus, I present, a schmoopy, silly, rom-com style epoch of the first meeting of Sam and Sam’s Blurry Wife (from the finale). 
Summary: A coffee shop, a sprig of mistletoe, and a barista who just might be Santa’s little helper...looks like Gabrielle and Sam are learning a little more about Chemistry.
* * *
“Good morning, Professor!”
Gabrielle D'Angelo raised a hand in greeting at Nico, the morning barista at Renegade Coffee. She had to duck a little bit to avoid the excessive use of tinsel around the door, but once inside the warm coffee shop she could almost forgive the sheer ton of glitter and sparkle and twinkle around her.
“You certainly went all out,” she commented as Nico set a tall, steaming cup of her usual morning order on the counter. “It's barely December and this place looks like a Hallmark exploded in here.”
“Well, you know,” Nico shrugged. “Gloria went a little nuts. She downsized to an apartment this summer, so we get all the decorations that won't fit in her new place.”
“Uh-huh,” Gabrielle nodded. She couldn't help but notice the row of nutcrackers on top of the display case. They were all in different little service uniforms—like a postman, milkman, garbage collector, teacher. She pointed at them, eyebrows raised. “No barista?”
“Some people have no taste,” Nico replied with a haughty sniff before breaking out in a dimpled smile. “What else can I get you, Professor?”
Gabrielle leaned down to study the pastries in the case. She liked that Nico always called her Professor, even though she wasn't teaching this year. It sounded better than “textbook revisionist”, which was her actual profession. “Cheese danish?”
“Coming up. I'll bring it out to you when it's warm.”
She raised her coffee cup in toast and left a ten-dollar bill on the counter. That would cover the coffee, pastry, first refill, and her tip...for now. If she couldn't get through Dr. Adair's notes on the taxonomy of noble gases she was going to need more than this. Not even Nico's secret whiskey flask could get her through Dr. Adair's notes on the taxonomy of noble gases.
Gabrielle made her way to her favorite booth in the corner and began unloading her rolling laptop case. Well...it wasn't actually a case. More of a plastic milk crate on a portable luggage dolly, with her laptop tucked in to one side. From the crate she unpacked three older chemistry textbooks, a half-dozen manuscripts held together by alligator clips, and a Hello Kitty pencil case that contained the pens and highlighters she'd need (shut up, it was lucky).
“Cheese danish for milady?” Nico offered, as soon as Gabrielle had unloaded and booted up her laptop. She accepted the little plate and absently took a bite from the warm danish, ignoring the fork Nico had placed at her side, and stared at the glowing logo as the computer slowly roused itself.
Her laptop was old, still a relic from her graduate days. She always meant to buy a new one when her tax refund hit every year, but something else came up. Car repairs, a friend's wedding, sewage line backing up into her bathroom...there was never enough money. If she could make the deadline on the textbook revisions, though, she should have enough for a new laptop and a new muffler. No more cable ties and duct tape!
As Gabrielle waited, computer slowly idling its way awake, she caught herself staring at the door, wondering if Hippy Man would appear today.
Hippy Man was...well, she really was supposed to be above these things. But with that hair and the little bit of stubble...hey, a girl could still dream, even if that girl had two doctorates and a Very Important Opportunity. Plus, he was probably taken. Or an asshole. Or both!
Hippy Man didn't come in as often as Gabrielle did, unless he was here the three days a week she let herself sleep past 6am. He didn't have a regular order, Nico and the others didn't know him by name, and he never stayed longer than the time he took to drink his tea of the day.
(She knew he favored Chai because he ordered it at least twice a week, and Nico put a cut little accent on when he called out a Chai latte...that was why she knew it, she wasn't snooping.)
The bell over the door jingled (and jingled...and jingled...looks like Gloria replaced the little shop bell with an entire harness of sleigh bells), and in walked Hippy Man. Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear.
He was in the blue flannel today, which was Gabrielle's favorite. The brown one washed out his complexion, and the yellow one was just a no. Between the flannel and the beanie he looked like some kind of beatnik poet, though the muscles in his forearms and the callouses on his hands spoke more to manual labor.
(She wasn't snooping! She was just...bored.)
“Chai latte today, sir?” Nico asked. Ah, good! Hippy Man was coming in regularly enough to start being recognized.
Hippy Man started back, staring from the board to Nico for a moment. Gabrielle wanted to roll her eyes...maybe this wasn't a small town, but it was a small coffee shop. Come to Renegade Coffee enough times and Nico would learn something about you. It happened. Just go with it.
“Yeah, uh, sounds great,” Hippy Man nodded. “Do you have any of those vegan blueberry muffins?”
“Saved one for you!” Nico replied cheerily. God, he was the best. Gabrielle ducked her head, pretending like she wasn't snooping. (Okay, so she was snooping a little bit.) Obviously Nico had noticed that Hippy Man only drank tea and ate the vegan muffins (ew). Nico had probably figured out the guy's entire backstory based on his morning orders.
The bright tones of the Windows theme alerted Gabrielle to the fact that her laptop had finally booted up. Gabrielle shook herself, crammed the last of her danish in her mouth, and started on the arduous process to getting her dinosaur of a machine to log on to the Renegade Coffee WiFi.
Hippy Guy always waited at the counter for his order, which just added to the weird. Most patrons took a seat, relaxed a little, but not this guy. He stood there, hands shoved in his pockets, bowed forward a little as though to hide his ridiculous height.
(Really, instead of Hippy Man maybe she should have called him The Moose.)
“Here you go, dude,” Nico announced, setting Hippy Man's beverage and muffin on the counter. “Enjoy!”
“Yeah, uh, thanks. You too.”
Gabrielle bit back a snort, covering it up with a sip from her coffee (Renegade's own Double Dark Dark blend, guaranteed the strongest coffee in the tri-county area. Hey, the taxonomy of noble gases wasn't a laughing matter). At least Hippy Man was as human as the rest of them.
She rested an elbow on the table and leaned her chin in her hand to watch Hippy Man blunder through an embarrassed apology/explanation for what he'd just said���even though Nico had heard “you too” so many times he didn't even react anymore—while she waiting for the little spinny thing to connect her to the internet. Dr. Adair had probably sent three more emails, each one trying to decide between “the order to which we assign these elements” and “to which order we assign these elements”.
In the corner of her eye she saw her screen go white and leaned back to look at it.
No connection.
Gabrielle frowned and tapped the WiFi icon again.
More spinning. She took a minute to straighten the manuscripts—Dr. Russel's additions to the chapters on heavy metals were probably the best she'd seen yet, especially considering Dr. Russel had her own proofreader and hadn't demanded to revise her entry dozens of times, like Dr. Adair.
The screen flashed white again. No connection.
“Hey, Nico?” Gabrielle called. She noticed Hippy Guy frowning at his phone, but ignored him for the moment (which was difficult). “Is the WiFi down?”
Nico poked his head out of the back, towel draped over his shoulder. “Sorry, Professor. It was acting up last night...guess it's still out there. Gloria said she'd call it in when she gets here.”
Gabrielle sunk down in her chair, biting her lip and staring blankly at her computer. She could always pull up the emails on her phone, she supposed. The textbook itself was in a shared online file so she wouldn't be able to work on that until the WiFi was fixed...but she could go through the manuscripts and make notes by hand. With a heavy sigh she slapped her laptop shut and tugged the first stack of paper over.
Oh shit. Hippy Man was watching her.
Gabrielle bent forward over the table, letting her dark hair fall forward like a curtain to cut him off from view. Sure, he was cute and all, but she didn't really want to get into this with him now.
Hippy Man was standing up.
Don't come over, don't come over, don't come over....
Hippy Man was walking over.
“Hi, I'm Sam,” Hippy Man said, holding his hand out.
Gabrielle blew out a sigh and accepted the gesture. “Gabrielle.”
Apparently that was enough for Hippy Man—Sam—and he pulled out the chair opposite. “So, you're a professor?”
“I'm not teaching at the moment,” Gabrielle hedged. Sam was looking at the books on her table, actually touching one of the old textbooks to turn it so he could see the spine. His eyebrows shot up.
Oh god. Here it comes. She could see the headline now...Local Himbo Knows More About Chemistry Than Distinguished Textbook Revisionist.
“You teach chemistry?” Sam asked.
“I'm...working on the textbook,” Gabrielle said. She braced herself for it. Every time she met a guy—at least the tall, ruggedly handsome, flannel-wearing, beatnik-poet-looking ones—they were always intimidated by her work. Or they broke it down to something less (no, it wasn't the same as his mom putting together the family newsletter...yes, she did have a degree in chemistry...no, that didn't mean she could break bad or whatever, and no, she didn't know how to make meth!).
“That's incredible!” Sam said. He actually had the textbook open, caressing the table of contents. “I think I used this edition my sophomore year—is this the one you're revising?”
Gabrielle stared at him. “Well...we're about three versions ahead, but we're going back to that edition for the section on Amphoterism, Peterson really didn't do it justice even if he did have tenure at the time.”
Sam's eyebrows had shot up even higher, almost into his beanie. Gabrielle had to laugh at herself. “Sorry, shop talk.”
“It's okay,” Sam gently closed the textbook and placed it back on the stack reverently. “I see you in here a lot, you just always seem so busy. I didn't want to disturb you.”
Gabrielle shrugged. She had a lot of work to do. Coming out to Renegade Coffee to do it just felt better than working at home, with nothing but her beta fish to distract her. “And how about you, chai-tea-and-vegan-muffin-man? What do you do when you're not telling Nico to enjoy his meal?”
Sam blushed and stared down at the cup in his hands. God, he was cute, up this close. He even had dimples. “It's just a reflex,” he said defensively. She giggled—actually giggled, like an idiot in a rom-com. Instead of making Sam blush even harder, he peered up at her through his bangs and unleashed a devastating smile.
“So?” Gabrielle insisted. “What do you do?”
“This and that,” Sam shrugged. “Mostly pest removal.”
“Yeah?” she took a sip of her coffee. It was almost cold now...this was the point she usually drank the rest of it in one long shot, but she decided to savor it this time. Nico had snuck in a pump of peppermint flavor, and while she would normally beat him with edition three of A Modern Approach to Chemistry she was willing to forgive him this time. It was almost Christmas. “So, like, mice and roaches and stuff?”
Sam gave a halfhearted shrug. “More...specialized.”
Gabrielle felt her own eyebrows rise. “Specialized pest removal? What, like...coyotes in the crawlspace?”
He held up a hand, forefinger and thumb about a centimeter apart. “Almost. It's...complicated. I'm kind of doing it on the side, taking some time off to deal with...personal stuff.”
Shit, Gabrielle could understand that. When her widowed father had gotten remarried she'd taken almost a year to work with a pharmaceutical company in Canada. She loved her new step-father, sure, but it was hard to see anyone else in her mother's place.
Nico stopped by the table, a fresh coffee in one hand and a hot tea in the other. “On the house,” he explained. “Gloria will be in in about twenty minutes, she said she already called the internet guys.”
“Thanks, Nico,” Gabrielle smiled. She threw back the rest of her coffee in one long pull and set the empty cup to one side before tugging the new, hot cup close.
Nico was staring at her. Well, he was staring from her to Sam and back again.
“What?” Gabrielle demanded.
He pointedly looked up.
For the first time, Gabrielle noticed there was mistletoe hanging from the light fixture above her head.
“Nico!” Gabrielle moaned.
“Oh, sorry, I didn't...see that,” Sam protested. He tried to scoot his chair back but Nico had stuck a foot behind it.
“Either you kiss her or I kiss you, big fella,” Nico said, winking.
Face burning with embarrassment, Gabrielle looked over in time to see Sam give a helpless shrug. He shuffled sideways into the booth next to her and gently caught her chin with one hand.
“Merry Christmas, Gabrielle,” he whispered, leaning down to press his lips to hers.
Her stomach did a little flip, which had nothing to do with the coffee she'd just down, and she found herself unconsciously leaning toward him when he pulled back.
Gabrielle blinked, staring up at the man who was now sitting beside her. “What was that?”
Nico snatched up her empty cups and gave her a wink. “That, my dear Professor, was Chemistry.”
* * *
The challenge:
-Must not deviate into your usual preferred genre of writing (I normally write hurt/comfort, action, and suspense, so this was romance/rom-com)
-Must be written in third-person (done!)
-For added difficulty, add an essential original character (pick between Gabrielle as the OFC version of Sam’s Blurry Wife or Nico the barista as Santa’s little helper)
-Use less than ten tags (not including character/relationship tags) (is “chemistry words” a tag? I looked them up)
-For extra added difficulty write for a ship you hate (Sam/SBW is one I hate if SBW isn’t Eileen...but I named her Gabrielle because I also hate Sabriel)
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remindme2breathe · 3 years
NO- it’s not an option
I am in the process of Selling my home (beyond the process I guess, we are in the middle of closing escrow!!! Woohoo!!!) I’ll be honest, it took 4 days to sell my home, so I hope what I’m saying doesn’t sound like a complaint, this entire entry should be the complaint, ha, ha, just kidding- kinda. My home is smaller then my next home (which is also in process, 3 weeks!!) but it doesn’t lack comfort. Although I have never been a true fan of this particular home, it has allowed us to experience a lot of family-like ‘adventures’ (don’t worry, you’ll hear about some of those sometime in the future). My new home is sitting pretty on 4 and a half acres of clean, flat land! My home has enough bedrooms for EVERYONE to have their own space! This next home is a blessing that I can never describe with all the words in the world. Not only is it gorgeous, but thanks to the help of my parents, I got it all on my own! All they really did was sign, but I managed to save, fix my credit and get approved all on my own. Being grateful doesn't even begin to compare to the actual feeling! What did I do to accomplish that? Refused to let anyone convince me that NO was an option. 
There are 3 things I’ve said to my kids more then necessary. 1. Quiting is not an option 2. Being rich doesn’t mean your successful 3. Always be of service to people
What do I do for a living? You’d be surprised how many people actually thought I was involved in something illegal... no, really... You’d be surprised! It’s gotten so old that now all I do is smile and nod. I’m not telling you this to make anyone think I’m showing off, no, it’s not about that. I don’t like to struggle, I hate to work, and I don’t understand financial technical terms like dows and percentage and whatever other fancy words they wanna use to shine up the real process. Let me tell you what I did, but first let me give you the scale in which it’s impacted my family. 
I grew up with working parents, both held full time jobs, their own businesses, investments, and had the ability to raise my siblings and I with the little luxuries we wanted (the occasional toys r’ us runs, little things like that). They were financial STABLE, but not rich. They opened their own business about 10 years ago and now both are worth about 3 million each, or so says their business person. I saw first hand the struggle my parents went through when they started up their business, my mom even said that there was a handful of times that they didn’t even have money to buy us food. But when success came for them, it came fast! 
When I turned 16 I took a dab at DJ-ing. Yes, I really was THAT cool back then! I did that for about 4 years. I worked for an actual radio station when I was 17 1/2, I did all their overnight programming and special events. At 18 at these big events I thought I was at the top of everything! My paychecks I spent on myself! All of it! Every dime. It was as through I was allergic to money and needed to spend it quicker then when I got it. My dad then brought it to my attention about my non-existent money management skills. He was right. What was my solution? Open a savings account? No, I’d still spend it. Save hard cold cash? Nope, I’d spend that too. I had to do something. At 18 money beckoned me. I decided to start doing side jobs; weddings, quinceaneras, anything! All that money I’d hand over to my dad and asked him not to give me a dime no matter what I tell him. WHO KNOW HE WOULD TAKE THAT SO LITERALLY! But it worked, I would save about 2800 every month, give or take. And some months he wouldn’t see anything- com’on! I had to have a life too! At 18 I graduated High School and started school to get my nursing degree. At age 20, with only 10 months left to graduate I got pregnant. I worked as long as I could and tried to do as much in school, I didn’t want to be a statistic! I will not be a number on the ‘’lets blame the baby’’ list! I was determined. AND I FINISHED! Once my baby was born I quit the radio station because it was more important for me to be with him then to be in clubs at night. After he turned 1 I decided to get into my field. I was lucky and got into an ER right away. It was exciting, super fast paced! The problem was the 12 hour shifts! I wasn’t being a baby... I wanted to be with my baby. While I worked there I continued to give my dad cash to hold, it wasn’t as much as before (because raising a baby comes with extra costs). But it was imperative that I saved because now my fear was providing for my child. But the hours were tough, mentally and physically, I went part time after 3 years. One day I had a patient that completely changed my life. PUT A PIN IN THAT!!!! He’s worth the story! Anyway this patient ended up influencing me way more then I could have hoped for! This man was put in my path for a reason. 
Closer to today: Last year I asked my dad how much I had finally saved. I never asked him because I was worried I’d be tempted to use it wrongly. Mind you, this was a savings I have accrewed over a span of about 22 years. I never kept track, I never wrote it down. This money had to be OUT OF SIGHT AND OUT OF MIND. I saved $264,464.10, that means I managed to save almost 12,000 a year! A little over $1,000 month! AGAIN!!!!! I didn’t do it religiously! I remember when the $0.10 happened: I TOLD YOU! Sometimes I wasnt able to, but my system was the following: I would carry $60.00 in cash every week on me for any little thing we might want, eating out, treats, toys, medicine, etc. A WEEK! That number went up when I had more people around me. I kept 1,000 in my bank account after bills at all times (this was also never garenteed: THESE BILLS CAN GET A LITTLE OUT OF HAND! If I had over 1,000, I would withdrawl and give it to my dad, no matter the amount. All the change that was under $5 (bill) I would save in an envelope I kept in my dresser and would seal and turn that change over to my dad at the end of the month (that change adds up QUICK!). Any extra cash- tax refunds, these stimulus... it is wasn’t I always had like a paycheck, it was considered extra and I would send it on its way. HOWEVER!!!!! YES I’VE BEEN TEMPTED! I STILL HAVE THAT TEMPTATION! My dad said to invest it to make money on it. Yea, that’s nice but no. I’m too impatient to wait for someone else to put my money to work. Well, I guess I kinda ate those words: here’s what I did. I have a close family friend who has tons of friends all of which could use a job. I made 3 businesses with $10,000 each. THIS WAS A STRETCH! But it’s do-able for WAY LESS!!! I just couldn’t help over buying, geez! 
Long story short, I started a gardening company. I do nothing but cover costs and pay wages. I collect on that and let me tell you- AMAZING. If you intend to do this let me disclose the following: People can be shitty! People CAN steal from you especially is the customers pay cash. PAY YOUR WORKERS WELL AND THEY WILL TREAT YOU WELL! I supply them with the extras. My kids fill refrigerators with snacks and waters or sodas. We supply uniforms at no cost, they get paid time off of two weeks, and rain or shine they get their salary! My son also said MOBILE CAR WASH is good too! There we went, now him and his friend run that truck. They make money, I make money. The 3rd one is a Pool Cleaning Service. This one was a little work because most people with pools have friend references. But this actually holds up pretty good. All three trucks are on my property by 8 pm, my son will fill the tanks, check the interiors, and supplies for the next pick up date. It works out. 
Doing this has allowed me to stay home with my kids. I have been a house mom for the last 8 years. And now, I’m buying my 4 acre property! Thank God! 
It’s tough, especially because I like expensive things! I love to spend, I love to travel. And believe it or not, I was still able to.
Wow, if this wasn’t an epic RAMBLE, I don’t know what would be! Sorry in advance. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to move! Hopefully someone has a small savings that they want to put to work and maybe this helped you get your mind thinking. 
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atlanticcanada · 5 years
Scheer in the Maritimes: Conservatives pledge to expand tax credit for volunteer fire, search and rescue
UPPER KINGSCLEAR, N.B. -- Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is promising to expand a program giving volunteer search and rescue workers and firefighters tax credits for their supplies.
He says if elected, he'd lower the number of service hours required to qualify for the program, introduced by a previous Conservative government.
Right now, volunteers must work 200 hours a year to access the credit, and the Conservatives are pledging to lower that to 150.
Scheer notes that volunteers often pay out-of-pocket for equipment, uniforms, transportation, training, and insurance -- costs that run into the thousands of dollars.
"Communities across Canada rely on volunteers for essential services like fire protection and search and rescue," Scheer said. "These are people of courage, character, and strength who step up when their neighbours need it most, often at significant personal expense."
The expanded policy will leave the amount those volunteers can claim unchanged. The credit is also non-refundable, so those who qualify can use it to reduce their overall tax payments, but don't get any of that money back.
It's the latest in a series of boutique tax credit pledges Scheer has made in the campaign, many of which are updates of programs introduced by the Harper Conservative government.
He made today's promise in the town of Upper Kingsclear, N.B., where the entire fire department is run by volunteers.
A report released last year by the American-based National Fire Protection Association estimated that between 2014-2016, 83 per cent of Canada's fire fighters were volunteers.
The Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada says 9,000 volunteers serve on 300 teams across the country.
Upper Kingsclear is in the riding of New Brunswick Southwest, a longtime Conservative stronghold that fell to the Liberals in the 2015 campaign as a red wave washed over the Atlantic provinces.
The Conservative candidate there this election is former MP John Williamson. In 2015, he was forced to apologize after reportedly saying it made no sense to pay "whities" to stay home while companies bring in "brown people" as part of the temporary foreign worker program.
Scheer will campaign later today in Nova Scotia.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 3, 2019.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2o9vzgQ
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Claiming your Uniform Tax Rebate
Not many people who work in uniforms are aware of the fact that they can actually make a uniform tax relief claim if they incur costs of washing their work clothes themselves. Fortunately, the government offers this option as a simple way for gratitude to these people for their service. Read on this guide so you do not miss out on some of the most important details while making your claim.
Tax payers aware of this relief system are often daunted by the rules, regulations and process to even tray submitting their legitimate tax relief claim. It is quite complicated and time consuming although there are ways you could reduce the stress factor in the process such as applying online. There are also fully trained and professionally regulated accountants online who make use of their skill and expertise to come up with accurate and optimized claims for their clients.
Through online sites, you can as well find calculators that help give you an estimate of the amount you ought to claim based on several different factors. According to some previous statistics, it is believed that every 2 in three employees are entitled to a tax rebate and of course, there are those special cases exempted from the relief funds. If you do not claim it, you will lose it.
Online claims have made work so much easier and they also save on time. You are only required to fill in a claim form and eave the pros to do what they know best. If you have to wear protective clothing or uniform for work and you wash it at home, you are entitled to file a claim on that cost.
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There are also other allowances depending on your job specification. Some of them are published by HMRC and other allowances, in particular, the higher ones are not. It is important to first confirm if you are getting those allowances and if you are due a tax rebate for certain complexities.
The average amount people receive for rebates is around £112 but the amount again varies depending on your job type and specifications. Moreover, it only takes a couple of minutes to fill in your claim. However, after submitting your form, it usually depends on how busy HMRC are and it takes them between 4 and 12 weeks to respond to your claim.
You can backdate your claim for up to the previous 4 tax years and you can as well claim for completed part of the current tax year. The previous years are refunded as a single payment and the rest is paid in your wages as will in any of your future tax relief.
With that said and done, I hope you are now better informed about the Uniform tax rebate process. If you would still like to know more, simply click on  https://simpletaxrebate.co.uk/uniform-tax-rebate/ and you will get any information you may need. If you have not thought about filling a claim, you had better consider it now and after all, you will need the money.
Personal Remocommendation -
Derik Williams Simple Tax Rebate Unit 201 26 Cheering Lane, East Village Stratford, London, England, E20 1BD Phone: +442032900361
SimpleTaxRebate.co.uk is the trading name of Zhikman Ltd, a UK Limited Registered company 09567319.
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February 22nd 2017
I woke up at 0730. I fell back to sleep after about 10 minutes. It's horrible when 8 alarms go off at different times in the same room. Steve didn’t wake up at all. He turned his alarm off and went back to sleep. He fell over at football yesterday, he did this back roll on the floor and twisted his ankle. He said his ankle is hurting him a fair bit, that it’s swollen. He can’t put much weight onto it. Limp, limp. Not gym for Steve…
We eventually got up at 0930/1000. We had to say goodbye to Joe. His name is Joha but Joe is fine. I gave him a cuddle and he said he would message if he needs the boys for football again. Steve whispered “not this week”. Too much for him and his old age, me thinks. Max was checking out too and the Chinese girls left before I woke up. 4 new roommates to welcome. How exciting. The Chinese didn’t take their sheets down. Not sure if they understood or not. It was a good job Max was leaving. Yesterday, he asked Josh why he fell out with his old roommates. Josh stated he was too right winged. Max replied with, “So, you’re racist?”. I just sat on my bed thinking ‘here we go again’. Max understood from both points of view which was better than the last argument. Max is from Germany so talking about Brexit was awkward. To top this heated discussion off, Max tried to change the subject. He asked Josh and Steve who they supported, to which they both replied “Liverpool, you?” (I know, they can’t help it). Max replied with “Manchester United”. BRILLIANT. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Let’s start again shall we - lets continue this heated discussion and turn to football. To which it did. But not as heated.
Anyway, back to 4 empty beds. Josh forgot to extend his stay for another week or two so he ran down to reception to do so. Too late, they already sold his bed… This meant, tomorrow morning, we would be saying goodbye to our last and only friend. Fantastic. He can get a space back in Mad Monkey on Monday but I’m not sure he’s going too. Settling into a new place is rubbish and having to live out of backpacks is rubbish, too. He’s better off booking for a week or so. He will struggle badly to find any space on a weekend. Hostels sell out SO fast. We ate breakfast and came back to the room. Steve had his interview at 1145 and had to leave for 1130. I got his clothes out for him whilst he was in the shower. Steve left and I sat on the bed doing absolutely nothing until two new roommates entered. Two girls. They look kind of normal, here goes… Not sure of their names, but they’re from Germany. Only here for the one night. When will I make friends that aren’t male?! They moaned about how cold it was and tried fiddling with the aircon. I was getting fairly annoyed. Do not touch. It broke not long ago and we couldn’t sleep. I don’t care that we are all dying from hypothermia. At least we can sleep. Steve walked in after 25 minutes… He got into the agency! Hooray! This means he could have work by tomorrow morning. If they don’t contact him tonight, he will be starting on Monday morning. How exciting! Not for Steve though. We had to leave and go buy PPE. We went to Town Hall (Westfield) to find clothing. The first shop we went into was selling PPE fairly cheap from what we’d seen elsewhere. Steve spent a good 45 minutes trying bits on. I wouldn’t mind but he was to wear either a florescent orange or yellow… In and out of the changing room - blue shorts, black shorts, beige shorts, yellow top, orange top, with a collar, without a collar, what colour socks… “What goes best?”. It doesn’t matter Steve, you still look like a tit! Mind you, literally every male backpacker is in construction here and a good 50% of the male Australian population. The florescent uniform is EVERYWHERE. I found some cheap steel-toe cap boots for $70. The rest were roughly $200 so I was pretty pleased with myself. Of course, Steve didn’t like them. After a short moan about money, he tried them on and bought them. Hard hat, gloves and ear plugs were left to get. Unfortunately, that store didn’t sell them. The place Steve had his interview did so we went back home to Kings Cross to buy them. They gave the earplugs for free so I might have took a fair few for myself. I thoroughly enjoy sleeping with them in now. Altogether, his PPE came to $185. Expensive, I know. I’m sure he can get that back with his tax refund at the end of the year though. I’ve kept his receipts in case. I also bought 2 new folders today, one each. This way we could take our own stuff to interviews and jobs. We still have one big folder with the most important stuff in that will stay in the lockers - passports, travel insurance, visa and photocopies. We have a lot more paperwork now so it was getting too big for one folder. We now have our Tax File Number letters, Medicare card letters, bank letters, RSA letter, white card letters, certificates etc… I’m so organised. I’ve even put a photocopy of our passports in our individual folders so we don’t have to take them out. It was 1700 by the time we got back. I sorted out our washing and put that on. I also sorted out the lockers and drawers. I folded all my clothes and put them away. The wash takes 37 minutes. I’ll remember it this time, I think. I then realised we needed a food shop. Steve was absolutely starving, in fact, he was fading away… We left to go Coles without thinking that it was slightly more expensive than Woolworths. Coles is much closer though and I couldn’t have Steve’s stomach thinking his throats been cut any longer. Hangry was an understatement. We got 1kg of beef mince for $7 which isn’t too bad, turkey mince, salad, sweetcorn, onions and gherkins. Gherkins are a personal fav of mine.   I was doing spag bol with salad tonight which is what we had left in the fridge. Steve was finally eating for the first time in his life by 1800. He managed to go the extra two hours without eating even though he swore he was going to die. What a hero! I started the cooking whilst Steve got the washing out and put it on the bed to dry. We was going to play a game of scrabble at the dinner table but we didn’t want to embarrass ourselves with words like “Nan”, so we decided against it. Steve’s phone rang - work tomorrow! Bondi Junction 0700 start. Brilliant news. Not for him, as he keeps on reminding me. I am so proud of him! We made Steve’s work lunch after dinner. We bought some tupperware so he could take cooked food and fruit. This is me hoping he doesn’t buy fatty foods on the go… I also made him a list of stuff that he needed for work and what he needed to do before leaving. Getting his food from the kitchen, filling his water bottle up, PPE, time sheet, folder, Opal card etc… Steve would be lost without me, I’m sure. I also received a call for an interview tomorrow in Woolloomooloo. I dare you to try and pronounce it! It’s for a waitress in a Bistro. The guy was meant to text me the address but he hasn’t done. I text to ask for it but I’ve received no reply. I’ll ring him tomorrow morning as my interview is meant to be at 1100. It’s about 3 minutes away from Kings Cross which is good. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt about Australian’s is, if it can be done tomorrow, it will be. There’s no rushing them. It’s all calm.
Two new roommates stuff appeared after dinner. They must’ve been out because they weren’t in. The room was now a complete and utter mess. A bomb had hit it. It was like Steve’s bedroom on a good day. The German girls had their stuff everywhere. Bags, clothes, shoes, a packet of serviettes wrapped in tin foil… I’m not sure, so don’t ask me. There is a rule here that you cannot have food and drink in the rooms. I don’t particularly agree with this rule as my room and bed is the only “personal” space I get. Therefore, I would like to eat and drink as I please… Food and drink get stolen so easily so I would rather it be in my room. Of course, things that need to be in the fridge stay in our food cooler bag. When I went down to reception to change our sheets, I noticed a drawer of foods and drinks. The more I looked, the more I recognised it. Turns out, they took all our food and drink from the room and confiscated it. The food and drink was hidden in our drawers under my bed so it annoyed me that they went through our stuff… We could have it back but it had to remain downstairs. Anyone could’ve said it was there’s though and took it. Good job I went down when I did. I put them all into plastic bag and found cupboard space. Steve and I then became 007 and 008 mission 'Try and Retrieve Stolen Goods and Take Them Upstairs’. I shoved all the important stuff (Tim Tams, Dairy Milks, Malteasers) into my handbag. I carried my purse and phone separately to make more space. We went down later on with the backpack for the Pepsi Max and rice cakes. Mission accomplished. Goodies put away in our lockers so nobody can find them.
Steve’s bag is packed and he is ready to go tomorrow morning. I made him cut his toenails too so his feet won’t get sore in his new boots. He struggles to remember simple things like that. His alarm will be on for 0500. He will climb into my bed when he wakes up and wake me up again to say goodbye. He always does. He’s a wet blanket at heart, a right softy.
Currently 2115 and Steve needs to get to sleep. German girls messing about with all their stuff. I think they’re going out. Josh has fallen asleep side ways in his bed and Johnny has just walked in. Still not met our newest roomies. The light is still on and the shower is running. Good luck with that Steve.
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biofunmy · 5 years
From Underwear to Cars, India’s Economy Is Fraying
TIRUPUR, India — When Alan Greenspan ran a consulting firm and wanted to know where the economy was headed, he would often look at sales of men’s underwear as a guide.
Mr. Greenspan, who later served as chairman of the Federal Reserve, believed that when times were tough, men would stop replacing worn-out underwear, which no one could see, before cutting other purchases.
By that measure, India is in a serious slump.
“Sales are down 50 percent,” said Jeffrin Moses, gesturing toward the boxes of cotton briefs and tank tops bulging from the shelves of the Tantex undergarment emporium in Tirupur, the southern city where most of the country’s knitwear is made.
It’s not just underwear. Car sales plunged 32 percent in August, the largest drop in two decades, and carmakers are warning of one million layoffs as shoppers balk at rising prices and struggle to get loans from skittish lenders. Macrotech, a big real estate developer that has teamed up with President Trump on a residential tower in Mumbai, just laid off 400 employees as demand for new housing sinks.
Families are even skimping on the 7-cent packets of Parle biscuits that are a staple of India’s morning milk and tea. They are turning instead to even cheaper snacks made by local food vendors, according to Mayank Shah, a Parle executive. Biscuit sales are down about 8 percent, he said, and if current trends continue, the company may cut as many as 10,000 jobs.
Further darkening India’s outlook is the global economic slowdown, the recent spike in oil prices and the impact of Mr. Trump’s trade battles — including one with India.
On Friday, the Indian government, which spent months playing down evidence of a slowdown, finally acknowledged the depth of the problem, announcing a surprise cut in income taxes for all companies and additional incentives for manufacturers.
And this weekend, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is traveling to Houston to meet with Mr. Trump and try to resolve some of their trade disputes.
Until last year, India, with a population of 1.3 billion people, was the world’s fastest-growing large economy, routinely clocking growth of 8 percent or more. Now the government pegs the country’s growth at 5 percent. And the layoff notices are piling up, with unemployment at 8.4 percent and rising, according to the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy.
India’s reversal of fortunes, partly driven by domestic problems like neglected farmers, is ominous for other developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America that are trying to navigate both the weakening global economy and Mr. Trump’s fusillade of trade conflicts.
“India is potentially a bellwether,” said Per Hammarlund, the chief emerging markets strategist at SEB, a Swedish bank. “It’s a sign of the global economic trend right now: Growth has slowed further this year than last year.”
As skittish global investors have flocked to the safety of the dollar, India’s rupee and other emerging-market currencies have plunged in value. That has made vital imports of energy, electronics and factory equipment more expensive. Last weekend’s attack on two Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, which sent the global price of oil soaring, underscored just how vulnerable India and other developing countries are to external factors beyond their control.
Like China and Indonesia, India is grappling with the fallout from years of excessive lending encouraged by the state. In India’s case, the overhang of bad bank loans, coupled with recent defaults by nonbank financial firms, has curbed lending to consumers and businesses.
Policy decisions by India’s central and state governments have worsened the country’s downturn, according to economists and business leaders.
Auto manufacturers, for example, were hit by a triple whammy: New safety and emissions standards increased the cost of vehicles, nine states raised taxes on car sales, and the banks and finance companies that fund dealers and 80 percent of consumer car purchases were paralyzed by the credit crunch.
“All of that coming in one year resulted in a normal cyclical recession becoming a deep depression in the auto sector,” said R.C. Bhargava, chairman of Maruti Suzuki, India’s largest automaker.
Some manufacturers are now begging the government to cut taxes on new car purchases or get old gas guzzlers off the road through a cash-for-clunkers program.
Mr. Modi was criticized in his first term for ignoring early evidence of a slowdown. After he won a sweeping re-election victory in May, many economists expected him to pass a short-term stimulus package and tackle longstanding issues like farm poverty and land reform.
Instead, he dealt the economy a blow with an unexpected tax increase on foreign investors, prompting them to dump Indian stocks and bonds. The rupee reeled.
More recently, the Modi administration has acknowledged the need for action. In addition to the tax cuts on Friday, the finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, recently promised that the government would step in to help automakers and speed infrastructure spending, and she has directed government-owned banks to make more loans. The government also reversed the new taxes on investors.
The textile industry, which employs about 45 million people and is India’s second-largest employer after agriculture, is emblematic of the country’s distress.
On an afternoon in early September, Tirupur’s market for wholesale, overstock and slightly defective clothing was deserted. Mr. Moses said that store owners and distributors typically traveled across India to place bulk orders for shirts, pants, dresses and fabric before the country’s September-to-November festival season.
“Now, people do not come,” he said.
The region’s spinning mills, which twirl cotton into yarn, are cutting production. Although the world price of cotton has plunged because of the increased American tariffs on Chinese textiles, owners say that yarn prices have also fallen, making it difficult for mills to profit.
At Dollar Industries, which has made men’s underwear for nearly half a century, a 4 percent decline in sales last quarter was a shock.
“I haven’t seen a slowdown like this,” said Gaurav Gupta, a son of one of Dollar’s founders, as he walked through the company’s plants. “For a customer who used to buy six pairs of garments, now he has come down to probably four.”
Still, Dollar’s Italian-made cutting machines continue to slice colorful sheets of fabric for undershirts and underpants, six days a week. About 100 workers sort the pieces and tie them into bales, ready for contractors who will sew them into finished garments.
Dollar has not laid off anyone yet, although it has cut work hours — and paychecks — by 10 to 20 percent. Mr. Gupta said his factories were switching to making thermal underwear for northern India’s chilly winters, and he hoped that the festival season would mark the beginning of a turnaround in sales.
Sambhu Karwar, a 22-year-old employee who smooths the fabric before it is cut, said the job was better than working in his family’s bakery in eastern India. Dollar pays him a monthly salary of 12,000 rupees, or about $167, and provides lodging and some subsidized food.
“It’s good living here,” said Mr. Karwar, whose brother also works at the factory.
The outlook is bleaker at Siva Exports, a contractor that stitches some of Dollar’s underwear.
Most of the sewing machines in the two-story factory sit idle. Siva’s owner, V. Murugesan, said he had to lay off about three-quarters of his tailors over the last six months after he lost his two biggest clients — clothing brands in Italy and France. He said he could not match the prices they could get in Bangladesh, where wages are far lower.
“It’s a buyer’s market,” Mr. Murugesan said. “Orders are very slow.” He urged the government to help small exporters like him with subsidies or other support.
Dollar said its distributors and retailers were having trouble borrowing money to finance inventory. The government’s lengthy delays in paying tax refunds to small businesses are increasing the cash crunch.
So Dollar is trying to step into the gap, allowing its partners to buy a few weeks’ worth of stock at a time instead of requiring them to buy three months of inventory as it did previously.
“We are trying to work in a different manner,” said Shashi Agarwal, Dollar’s senior vice president of corporate strategy.
With the cheaper rupee and the higher American tariffs on imported Chinese textiles that began Sept. 1, India has an opportunity to export more garments to the United States.
That’s the theory, at least.
But C. Anand, director of RTW Renaissance Asia, a Tirupur garment maker that focuses on exports to the United States, said that India could not compete on price alone against exports from Bangladesh or Vietnam or free-trade zones like Jordan or Haiti.
“You have to bring innovation to the market,” he said. For example, he said, his company has devised a way to process the cotton yarn and fabric for an American company’s work uniforms so that they can withstand at least 50 washings without significant wear.
Innovation may not be enough, however.
Vijay Varthanan, who was once a quality control manager at a garment factory and now runs a small grocery store in Tirupur, predicted that times would get worse before they got better.
Sales are down by about 50 percent in his shop, he said, and a lot of people are buying food on credit. Mr. Varthanan said that many workers would head back to their home villages next month for Diwali, India’s biggest holiday — and not come back.
“Everything is totally down,” he said. “People are just waiting for their Diwali bonuses.”
Ayesha Venkataraman contributed research from Mumbai, India.
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Work With Professional Tax Relief Providers For Better Outcome
By Rebecca Wagner
For tax problems, medical bills, credit card bills or student loans, every tax relief company provides a free consultation review. Based on the review conducted by the tax relief company, an informed decision can be taken by the debtor. In case the debt is not paid, a lawsuit may be filed, which can be fought by the attorneys at tax relief providers. So many individuals endeavor to obtain this information, however, sorry to say, most of them are by no means enduring enough in order to hang around and go through the entire procedure. This more often than not leads to a state of affairs whereby the excise bureau remains owing numerous individuals paying off taxes millions and those they in no way refund for the reason that it is not at all claimed. In the present day, we will look at how individuals may claim the tax refund in the easier way. There are many tax rebate companies in the market that provide freedom from unsecured debt. Due to the plethora of companies dealing with the same in the financial market, it would be advisable to choose the services of an experienced relief company, so that appropriate exemptions can be made for the payment of debt. Therefore, you can receive the amount of money you have spent in maintaining your uniform from the government. But is it not so easy to get the exemption because there are certain conditions which you will have to fulfill if you want to avail this benefit. You can find various items that you really should look for although looking to consider additional benefit of tax aid. This may be regarded as the most exclusive technique to negotiate while using spine taxes like troubles. Tax relief checks are also readily available for individuals who use to obtain a weak financial ailment, or they're acquiring a minimal income source. The uniform that you wear to work every single day may help you to get reduction in the amount of the payable tax. But before claiming tax rebate with the help of the uniform, you need to understand a few terms and conditions. You will get uniform tax rebate only if you can show that you wash your uniform on a regular basis and the cost that is incurred by washing your uniform is reaching or exceeding more than two percent of your gross income. The uniform must solely be worn within the office or to those arena related to their workplace and must not be made use of as the casual wear at all that may be worn outside their workplace as well. If the uniform is a casual wear or something very elegant that individual can wear outside their place of work easily then they can never claim a uniform tax credit on that uniform. After you have paid a certain portion of your debt in advance, start paying the rest of the amount on a monthly basis. Once you are able to do this without any further complication, the IRS will never disturb you. This will keep your daily living free of tensions.
About the Author:
If you are looking for the facts about tax relief providers, come to our web pages online today. More details are available at http://ift.tt/2mYGBmo now.
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mikemead · 6 years
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Grain Valley Tax Preparation Checklist
Personal Information
Your social security number
Your spouse's full name and social security number
Your 2014, 2013, and/or 2012 tax return(s)
Your checkbook or a copy of a check with your bank's routing number and account number if you are expecting a return (for faster processing)
Other people who may belong on your return (children, parents, etc)
Dates of birth and social security numbers
Childcare records (including the provider's ID number) if applicable
Approximate income of other adults in your home (not spouse, if you're filing jointly)
Form 8332, copies of your divorce decree, or other documents showing that your ex-spouse is releasing their right to claim a child to you
Education Payments
Bills from the educational institution or other proof of what you paid or received (loans) versus what was covered by scholarship or other financial aid
Forms 1098-T and 1098-E, if you received them
Scholarships and fellowships
Employee Information
Forms W-2
Self-Employment Information
Forms 1099-MISC, Schedules K-1, income records to verify amounts not reported on 1099s.
Records of all expenses — check registers or credit card statements, and receipts
Business-use asset information (cost, date placed in service, etc.) for depreciation
Office in home information, if applicable
Vehicle Information (If used for business)
Total miles driven for the year (or beginning/ending odometer readings)
Total business miles driven for the year (other than commuting)
Amount of parking and tolls paid
If you want to claim actual expenses, receipts or totals for gas, oil, car washes, licenses, personal property tax, lease or interest expense, etc.
Rental Income
Records of income and expenses
Rental asset information (cost, date placed in service, etc.) for depreciation
Retirement Income and IRA contributions/distributions
Pension/IRA/annuity income (1099-R)
Social security/RRB income (1099-SSA, RRB-1099)
Amount contributed for 2014
Traditional IRA basis
Value of IRAs on Dec. 31, 2014
Savings and Investments
Interest, dividend income (1099-INT, 1099-OID, 1099-DIV)
Income from sales of stock or other property (1099-B, 1099-S)
Dates of acquisition and records of your cost or other basis in property you sold
Other Income
Unemployment, state tax refund (1099-G)
Gambling income (W-2G or records showing income, as well as expense records)
Amount of any alimony received and ex-spouse's name
Health care reimbursements (1099-SA or 1099-LTC)
Jury duty records
Hobby income and expenses
Prizes and awards
Other 1099s
Other deductions and expenses
Amount of any alimony paid and ex-spouse's social security number
Moving expenses receipts or proof
HSA payments
Self-employment health insurance
Expenses and possible deductions (Itemizing Deductions)
Forms 1098 or other mortgage statements
Amount of state/local income tax paid (other than wage withholding), or amount of state and local sales tax paid
Real estate and personal property tax records
Invoice showing amount of vehicle sales tax paid
HUD statement showing closing date of home purchase
Cash amounts donated to houses of worship, schools, other charitable organizations
Records of non-cash charitable donations
Amounts paid for healthcare insurance and to doctors, dentists, hospitals
Amounts of miles driven for charitable or medical purposes
Expenses related to your investments
Amount paid for preparation of your 2013 tax return
Employment-related expenses (dues, publications, tools, uniform cost and cleaning, travel)
Job-hunting expenses
If you were affected by a federally declared disaster
City/county you lived/worked/had property in
Records to support property losses (appraisal, clean up costs, etc.)
Records of rebuilding/repair costs
Insurance reimbursements/claims to be paid
FEMA assistance information
Check FEMA site to see if your county qualifies for individual assistance
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