#Tavira's Old Bridge
fabien-euskadi · 1 year
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The river that divides Tavira in two.
Between its source and the Old/Roman Bridge, it's called "Séqua" (upper images); after the bridge and until its mouth, it's called "Gilão" (lower images).
Historically, Tavira was part of the islamic Kingdom of Niebla, when, between 1239 and 1242, the city was conquered by the Knights of Santiago. According to a local legend, during the siege, a christian kight, called Gilão, and a moorish princess, called Séqua, fell in love with each other. Every night, both would meet in secret on the bridge, but it didn't take too long until the lovers were discoevered and denounced. Knowing that their fate would be death, Séqua and Gilão jumped from the bridge and dived on the river to never been seen again - the princess dived on the part facing the source of the river, the night on the waters facing the mouth. Some say that the spirits of both lovers meet each other every night, under the bridge where their faith was sealed.
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/04/30 La ciudad está atravesada por un río y hay muchos puentes que lo cruzan para comunicar las dos partes. En ambas orillas los edificios son muy bonitos, con las tradicionales fachadas de azulejos.
The city is crossed by a river and there are many bridges that cross it to communicate the two parts. On both banks the buildings are very beautiful, with traditional tiled facades.
Google Translation into French: La ville est traversée par une rivière et de nombreux ponts la traversent pour faire communiquer les deux parties. Sur les deux rives, les bâtiments sont très jolis, avec des façades en tuiles traditionnelles.
Google translation into Italian: La città è attraversata da un fiume e molti ponti la attraversano per mettere in comunicazione le due parti. Su entrambe le sponde, gli edifici sono molto belli, con le tradizionali facciate in piastrelle.
Google Translation into Portuguese: A cidade é atravessada por um rio e muitas pontes o atravessam para comunicar as duas partes. Em ambas as margens, os edifícios são muito bonitos, com fachadas de azulejos tradicionais.
Google Translation into German: Die Stadt wird von einem Fluss durchzogen und von vielen Brücken überquert, um die beiden Teile zu verbinden. An beiden Ufern sind die Gebäude mit traditionellen Ziegelfassaden sehr hübsch.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Qyteti përshkohet nga një lumë dhe përshkohet nga shumë ura për të lidhur të dy pjesët. Në të dy brigjet, ndërtesat me fasada tradicionale me tulla janë shumë të bukura.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քաղաքը անցնում է գետով և անցնում բազմաթիվ կամուրջներով՝ երկու մասերը միացնելու համար։ Երկու ափերին էլ ավանդական աղյուսե ճակատներով շենքերը շատ գեղեցիկ են։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Градът е пресечен от река и пресечен от много мостове, за да свържат двете части. И на двата бряга сградите с традиционни тухлени фасади са много красиви.
Google Translation into Czech: Městem protéká řeka a přes něj vede mnoho mostů, které obě části spojují. Na obou březích jsou velmi pěkné budovy s tradičními cihlovými fasádami.
Google Translation into Croatian: Grad presijeca rijeka i presijecaju ga mnogi mostovi koji povezuju dva dijela. S obje strane, zgrade s tradicionalnim fasadama od opeke vrlo su lijepe.
Google Translation into Danish Byen krydses af en flod og krydses af mange broer for at forbinde de to dele. På begge bredder er bygningerne med traditionelle murstensfacader meget smukke.
Google Translation into Slovak: Mestom preteká rieka a cez ňu vedie množstvo mostov, ktoré obe časti spájajú. Na oboch brehoch sú budovy s tradičnými tehlovými fasádami veľmi pekné.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Mesto prečka reka in prečkajo številni mostovi, ki povezujejo oba dela. Na obeh bregovih so stavbe s tradicionalnimi opečnimi fasadami zelo lepe.
Google Translation into Estonian: Linna läbib jõgi ja neid läbib palju sildu, mis ühendavad kahte osa. Mõlemal kaldal on traditsiooniliste telliskivifassaadidega hooned väga ilusad.
Google Translation into Suomi: Kaupungin halki kulkee joki, ja sen halki kulkee monia siltoja, jotka yhdistävät nämä kaksi osaa. Molemmilla rannoilla perinteiset tiilijulkisivut ovat erittäin kauniita.
Google Translation into Georgian: ქალაქს კვეთს მდინარე და კვეთს მრავალი ხიდი, რომლებიც აკავშირებს ორ ნაწილს. ორივე ნაპირზე, ტრადიციული აგურის ფასადებით შენობები ძალიან ლამაზია.
Google Translation into Greek: Η πόλη διασχίζεται από ένα ποτάμι και διασχίζεται από πολλές γέφυρες για να ενώσει τα δύο μέρη. Και στις δύο όχθες, τα κτίρια με τις παραδοσιακές προσόψεις από τούβλα είναι πολύ όμορφα.
Google Translation into Dutch: De stad wordt doorkruist door een rivier en doorkruist door vele bruggen om de twee delen met elkaar te verbinden. Aan beide oevers zijn de gebouwen met traditionele bakstenen gevels erg mooi.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Byen krysses av en elv og krysses av mange broer for å forbinde de to delene. På begge breddene er bygningene med tradisjonelle murfasader veldig pene.
Google Translation into Polish: Miasto przecina rzeka i wiele mostów łączących obie części. Na obu brzegach bardzo ładne są budynki z tradycyjnymi ceglanymi elewacjami.
Google Translation into Romanian: Orașul este străbătut de un râu și traversat de multe poduri pentru a lega cele două părți. Pe ambele maluri, clădirile cu fațade tradiționale din cărămidă sunt foarte frumoase.
Google Translation into Russian: Город пересекает река и множество мостов, соединяющих две части. На обоих берегах очень красивы здания с традиционными кирпичными фасадами.
Google Translation into Serbian: Град је пресечен реком и преко њега многи мостови који повезују два дела. На обе обале, зграде са традиционалним фасадама од цигле су веома лепе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Staden korsas av en flod och korsas av många broar för att förbinda de två delarna. På båda bankerna är byggnaderna med traditionella tegelfasader mycket vackra.
Google Translation into Turkish: Şehir bir nehir tarafından geçilir ve iki bölümü birbirine bağlayan birçok köprü ile geçilir. Her iki yakada da geleneksel tuğla cepheli binalar çok güzel.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Місто перетинає річка та перетинає багато мостів, які з’єднують дві частини. На обох берегах дуже гарні будівлі з традиційними цегляними фасадами.
Google Translation into Arabic: يعبر المدينة نهر ويقطعها العديد من الجسور لربط الجزأين. على كلا الضفتين ، المباني ذات الواجهات التقليدية المبنية من الطوب جميلة للغاية.
Google Translation into Bengali: শহরটি একটি নদী পেরিয়ে এবং দুটি অংশকে সংযোগ করার জন্য অনেকগুলি সেতু দিয়ে অতিক্রম করেছে। উভয় তীরে, ঐতিহ্যবাহী ইটের সম্মুখভাগের ভবনগুলি খুব সুন্দর।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这座城市被一条河流穿过,并有许多桥梁将两部分连接起来。 在两岸,传统砖砌外墙的建筑非常漂亮。
Google Translation into Korean: 도시는 강을 건너고 두 부분을 연결하는 많은 다리가 교차합니다. 양쪽 기슭 모두 전통적인 벽돌 외관을 가진 건물들이 매우 예쁘다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: את העיר חוצה נהר וחוצים אותה גשרים רבים כדי לחבר בין שני החלקים. בשתי הגדות, הבניינים עם חזיתות לבנים מסורתיות יפים מאוד.
Google Translation into Hindi: शहर को एक नदी द्वारा पार किया जाता है और दो भागों को जोड़ने के लिए कई पुलों को पार किया जाता है। दोनों किनारों पर, पारंपरिक ईंट के अग्रभाग वाली इमारतें बहुत सुंदर हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kota ini dilintasi sungai dan dilintasi banyak jembatan untuk menghubungkan kedua bagian tersebut. Di kedua tepian, bangunan dengan fasad bata tradisional sangat cantik.
Google Translation into Japanese: 市内には川が流れ、多くの橋がかかって二つの部分が結ばれています。 両岸には伝統的なレンガ造りの建物がとても美しいです。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Шаарды дарыя кесип өтөт жана эки бөлүктү бириктирүү үчүн көптөгөн көпүрөлөр аркылуу өтөт. Эки жээкте салттуу кирпичтен жасалган имараттар абдан кооз.
Google Translation into Malay: Bandar ini dilintasi oleh sungai dan dilalui oleh banyak jambatan untuk menghubungkan kedua-dua bahagian. Di kedua-dua tebing, bangunan dengan fasad bata tradisional sangat cantik.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Хотыг гол гаталж, олон гүүрээр гаталж хоёр хэсгийг холбодог. Хоёр эрэг дээр уламжлалт тоосгон фасадтай барилгууд маш үзэсгэлэнтэй юм.
Google Translation into Nepali: सहरलाई नदी पार गरिएको छ र दुई भागहरू जोड्न धेरै पुलहरू पार गरिएको छ। दुबै किनारमा, परम्परागत ईंटको अनुहारका भवनहरू धेरै राम्रा छन्।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਨਦੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਪਾਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਦੋ ਹਿੱਸਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਜੋੜਨ ਲਈ ਕਈ ਪੁਲਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਪਾਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਦੋਵਾਂ ਕਿਨਾਰਿਆਂ 'ਤੇ, ਰਵਾਇਤੀ ਇੱਟ ਦੇ ਚਿਹਰੇ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਇਮਾਰਤਾਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਹਨ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: ښار د سیند په واسطه تیریږي او د ډیری پلونو لخوا تیریږي ترڅو دوه برخې سره وصل کړي. په دواړو غاړو کې، د خښتو دودیزو مخونو ودانۍ خورا ښکلې دي.
Google Translation into Persian: رودخانه ای از شهر عبور می کند و پل های زیادی برای اتصال این دو قسمت از آن عبور می کند. در هر دو سو، ساختمان هایی با نمای آجری سنتی بسیار زیبا هستند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kota ieu diliwatan ku walungan jeung diliwatan ku loba sasak pikeun nyambungkeun dua bagian. Dina duanana bank, wangunan jeung facades bata tradisional geulis pisan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ang lungsod ay tinatawid ng isang ilog at binabagtas ng maraming tulay upang pag-ugnayin ang dalawang bahagi. Sa magkabilang bangko, napakaganda ng mga gusaling may tradisyonal na brick facade.
Google Translation into Thai: เมืองนี้ถูกข้ามด้วยแม่น้ำและมีสะพานมากมายเชื่อมระหว่างสองส่วน บนฝั่งทั้งสองฝั่ง อาคารที่ก่อด้วยอิฐแบบดั้งเดิมนั้นสวยงามมาก
Google Translation into Urdu: شہر کو ایک دریا سے عبور کیا جاتا ہے اور دونوں حصوں کو ملانے کے لیے کئی پلوں سے گزرتا ہے۔ دونوں کناروں پر، روایتی اینٹوں سے بنی عمارتیں بہت خوبصورت ہیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Shaharni daryo kesib o'tadi va ikki qismni bog'lash uchun ko'plab ko'priklar o'tadi. Ikkala qirg'oqda ham an'anaviy g'ishtli jabhali binolar juda chiroyli.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Thành phố được bắc qua một con sông và bắc qua nhiều cây cầu để nối hai phần. Hai bên bờ, những tòa nhà với mặt tiền bằng gạch truyền thống rất đẹp.
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thequirkycoach · 3 years
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This bridge across the River Gilão in charming #Tavira, is known as the Ponte Romana (Roman Bridge) as it was built on the foundations of the bridge on the route of the Roman road which linked Faro and Castro Marim on the Algarve #Portugal 👍 In medieval times the old Roman Bridge formed part of an important transport route offering one of the few crossing points of the Gilão river. It has fortified towers at each end and it is even said to have had a wooden floor which could be removed as a defensive measure. This bridge dates from 1667. It has seven arches, a cobbled surface and wrought iron rails along which it has become common to find love locks attached. Up until relatively recently the bridge was used by both pedestrians and cars. However, a flood in December 1989 caused extensive damage to the bridge after which it became exclusively for foot and non-motorized vehicles. From the bridge there are good views of the palm-fringed riverbanks and many of the city’s finest buildings. I’ve swapped the cold and rain of UK for a holiday in Portugal with David 🥰 First time travelling abroad since 2 years ago to Menorca. Got through all the Covid red tape and now enjoying a much-needed rest on my first visit to Portugal 🇵🇹🤗🇵🇹 #portugallovers #algarveportugal #taviraportugal #mindbodyspirit #travel (at Tavira) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVz64kJqdA9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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milesgotomoon · 4 years
Portugal- Places to Visit While You Are There
In the northwestern tip of continental Europe, Portugal is an old college region. In the following informative article, we now take a look at Lisbon, Lagos, and the Algarve.
Lisbon may be the largest city in Portugal and is found on the Atlantic coast in the middle of the country. I have been around Lisbon for 3 days, but only for a day or two each moment. Every time that I come away with the impression of sophistication.
Inspired by train, your very first preference of Lisbon will be when you walk out of the rail channel right onto the shore of the harbor. Since you visit the ocean, the title"bay area" immediately springs to mind. Mountains rise up on both sides of the mouth area of the harbor and then there is the bridge. Running across the mouth of the bay can be a bridge that looks for all intensive functions including the Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco. I've never really had a chance to research it, however, there has to be an associate.
As you head into Lisbon, what's clean and relaxed. You will find walking just roads with cafes and garden areas. Needing to mind San Francisco back, there are cable cars running through the guts of the town. I can not tell you, however, Lisbon can be just a rather low-stress town on both your head and your wallet. Yep, it is cheap and also a superior destination for funding travelers.
The Algarve is your northwestern tip of Portugal and borders on either Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans. This is definitely an interpretation in my area because a few believe the region just addresses the beaches to the Mediterranean Ocean. Regardless, the Algarve is still an assortment of beach cities that remind me of Southern California from the 1940s. No, I'm not that outdated. I'm just counting on family members' tales and graphics. Jeez, give me some credit! One of the many highlights of the Algarve is Lagos.
I grew up in North Park, California. It is really a remarkable place for always a young child and an adult. The single gripe I have is a lot of individuals appear to feel the same. The people have exploded beyond view, freeways are busy on weekends and housing prices moderate roughly $500,000 to get a deluxe cupboard without a push. It's nice, but I've started to think about shifting. Should I actually do, Lagos can be my vacation spot.
Lagos is just a tired beach group with only about what you could want in paradise. White shores, private beaches, grottos, wine climbing, a playful nightlife, contemporary comforts and just about the best people you have at any time met in life.
You can stay in a hotel while in Lagos, however, this is a mistake in my opinion. As an alternative, head towards the rail station and book a room with a family. Chemicals in towns all over the world achieve so, but Lagos is different. The family you stay with less or more adopts you personally as one of the own. They'll pull you over town, introduce you to other sailors and normally give you a genuine taste of Portugal. For veteran vacationers, almost nothing could possibly be even better.
For a total evaluation, I offer Portugal and Lagos that the maximum rating of"bar." I loved it much, I wanted to stay and almost bought a bar by blackmailing, bribing and begging that a buddy in California on the phone. Alas, his spouse did not think it had been such a superior idea.
Hey, What about you personally? We might probably still receive a good deal!
No, seriously.
In the event you really go holiday and also do the standard tourism around the city, then you are going to see lots about Lisbon history, then listen to the interesting narrative of this earthquake at 1755 and start to see that the effects with the disastrous occasions much though lots of amazing and intriguing monuments still continue being. However, also for somebody that has achieved similar holiday with this town along with many others round it such as Porto, Fatima, Faro, and Albufeira, there's just another significant part Lisbon Portugal at which you might also know its own history, present, and past. Why don't we dip into the hot realm of wine along with its particular foundation?
Lisbon Portugal along with its particular wines
About the outskirts of all Lisbon, you can find just four grape developing places. On the west, only a tiny northwest of Estoril could be your place named Carcavelos. The wine, such as lots of different wines from Lisbon, gained its very good standing because of the alliance with the English. It's just a wine using a flavor that is striped using the following flavor of nuts, in fairly to semi-sweet. 
Colares, moving in direction of the northeast, which makes a few of their absolute most unusual perfumes round. The metropolis is situated involving your mountains of Sintra into the west and also west Atlantic shores to the west coast. The number of this grape utilized, a tiny dark blue, has increased from the plantations of the Atlantic Ocean. Since you are able to picture, the procedure is just a rather tough one as the origins need to have been implanted inside the Mesozoic coating of clay. As a result of the mild and thick kind of property, the grape-vines which can be used now endured the plague that struck Europe from 1870. Hence, the wines and plants are only since these were just 100 decades in the past. Notice just how many records you may find! All these perfumes are both half-bodied and then depart from orally with a flavor that is concentrated. 
For an even longer nicer and floral odor, a cleanser and dryer flavor even using a small marked acidity, then proceed to get a Bucelas wine. These wineries are approximately 25 km north of Lisbon, staying expanded over the clay Hill Side and at the earth nearby the shore of this River Trancao. Nearly all those wines have been young folks or spend time but are also remarkably popular along with other countries of their European neighborhood. Thus, it's all up into this traveler to come across that a goos obsolete Bucelas. The one that's spent a couple of a long time in freshwater pine barrels earlier it was brewed, rendering it even have a profitable and additional unique flavor. The elderly kinds are thought to be on the list of most effective white wines in Portugal.
Thanks to Oporto
The Hindu blossoms have been famous due to this oporto wine in Porto, their distinguished ambassador that has been made as 18 30 with all the cooperation of their British. Using a lengthy and intriguing heritage, the Oporto wine has gained its own place one of the other amazing sweet wines such as Sauternes, Tokai along Madeira. It's a fortified wine whose grapes are cultivated from the mountainous and rocky terrain of this substantial Duero. It might be white or red, even though it's the reddish wine that has been awarded celebrity. If a wine has been reportedly fortified, this usually means the pure ingestion of these sugars from the blossoms I have been ceased in a predetermined moment as soon as the accession of Portuguese strawberry liqueur was additional. This inclusion raises alcoholic attention between 1-5 and 24 percent, which makes it a lively and reasonably sweet wine.
Traveling out of Lisbon to Madeira
even when you aren't accustomed to ingesting lots of diverse wines, then you are unable to help but to really have found out of Madeira wine during buddies, in an assembly or over the tv screen. By the sixteenth century, the island of Madeira has been blindsided by sailors which makes their prolonged travels into the newest universe and utilized Madeira because of stopover, to unwind in its own paradisical setting and why not drink its own domestic item. You can find just four different types of wine: Sercial that's the driest, light in color with a mild human body and also drunk using the appetizer. Verdelho is really a moderate dry wine additionally employed for sandwiches or using soups. Malmsey wine would be your most loaded using its plump twang, candy and hence most useful using desserts. And it's Bual having a smokey savor, medium-bodied and marginally sweet therefore that it goes with sandwiches or desserts. Madeira wine is aged in barrels everywhere from a few to four 3 years, therefore, they are sometimes categorized to labels too antique. Antique blossoms are simply produced by the many select blossoms and thus the current weather also has a vital part in just about every many year's calibers.
And right after done your wine course, traveling down into the absolute most southern place into Faro or even Albufeira to absorb several beams putting to the terraces of the most useful hotels whilst the elements are normally quite agreeable a lot of months of this year. Or see the neighboring city of Tavira, certainly one among the earliest & most enchanting spots from the Algarve location, only a stone throw off from Lisbon, Portugal.
I acknowledge it I'm ashore enthusiast. I really like travel to shores all around the entire world due to the fact, if you ask me personally, every shore has a unique persona, nonetheless, have the exact identical caliber that I like -- that the capability to exude immediate serene. That is correct, although people rugged, rugged shores with all the waves that are hard on the stones could instill immediate tranquil.
Someone asked me another day when I needed to select only 1 shore to go to, that you is it? Even the Algarve in Portugal appeared in my mind. Ok, it truly is perhaps not a single shore, it truly is a location (the southern part of Portugal to be accurate ), however, the Algarve is therefore varied, but it offers whatever shore will match my disposition.
Very first, Tiny heaven. Going west, the western suggestion of this Algarve may be that the ending of continental Europe. The truth is that in early situations the location has been believed to become the advantage of earth. Thus, as soon as you are setting up sunlight in the shores of this Algarve, it truly is interesting to merely imagine your self in the border of earth.
You will find around 100 kilometers of beaches at the Algarve! Thus, whichever form of all beachgoing experience-you would like is certainly found. Starting about the west shore there really are the windward shores with big plantations. This equates to unbelievable browsing. In the event, you want cove-type shores which tend to be more scenic, try out the southern shore.
Among my own favorite beaches at The Algarve lies south of Lagos in the western shore - Dona Ana, and it really is a bunch of coves. Dona Ana is still only an ideal spot to receive lost from the great thing about the Algarve. I could only sit and await hrs. And, when I am throughout sitting down, it really is interesting to research the various caves and grottos which energies this location.
In case you are contemplating an excursion to unwind, then '' I recommend The Algarve, Portugal. Your spirit will undoubtedly be happy you made the excursion.
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malte1mj-blog · 6 years
2018 Matt Movie Awards
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Best Picture: Can You Ever Forgive Me? The Favourite If Beale Street Could Talk A Star Is Born Widows HONORABLE MENTION: Eighth Grade, Leave No Trace, Sorry to Bother You, BlacKkKlansman, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Isle of Dogs, Minding the Gap, Hereditary, Burning, Black Panther, Boy Erased, Support the Girls, Roma, Shoplifters, Mission: Impossible - Fallout
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Best Director: Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born Marielle Heller, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk Yorgos Lanthimos, The Favourite Steve McQueen, Widows HONORABLE MENTION: Wes Anderson, Isle of Dogs; Ari Aster, Hereditary; Andrew Bujalski, Support the Girls; Bo Burnham, Eighth Grade; Lee Chang-dong, Burning; Ryan Coogler, Black Panther; Alfonso Cuaron, Roma; Joel Edgerton, Boy Erased; Debra Granik, Leave No Trace; Hirokazu Kore-eda, Shoplifters; Spike Lee, BlacKkKlansman; Bing Liu, Minding the Gap; Christopher McQuarrie, Mission: Impossible - Fallout; Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse; Boots Riley, Sorry to Bother You
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Best Actor: Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born Ben Foster, Leave No Trace Ethan Hawke, First Reformed Lakeith Stanfield, Sorry to Bother You John David Washington, BlacKkKlansman HONORABLE MENTION: Yoo Ah-in, Burning; Christian Bale, Vice; Simon Russell Beale, The Death of Stalin; Chadwick Boseman, Black Panther; Steve Buscemi, The Death of Stalin; Timothee Chalamet, Beautiful Boy; Timothee Chalamet, Hot Summer Nights; Steve Coogan, Stan & Ollie; Bryan Cranston, Isle of Dogs; Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate; Benicio Del Toro, Sicario: Day of the Soldado; Daveed Diggs, Blindspotting; Lily Franky, Shoplifters; Paul Giamatti, Private Life; Ryan Gosling, First Man; Lucas Hedges, Ben Is Back; Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased; Stephan James, If Beale Street Could Talk; Michael B. Jordan, Creed II; Barry Keoghan, American Animals; John Krasinski, A Quiet Place; Shameik Moore, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse; Evan Peters, American Animals; Joaquin Phoenix, Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot; Joaquin Phoenix, The Sisters Brothers; Joaquin Phoenix, You Were Never Really Here; Charlie Plummer, Lean on Pete; Robert Redford, The Old Man & the Gun; John C. Reilly, The Sisters Brothers; John C. Reilly, Stan & Ollie; Nick Robinson, Love Simon
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Best Actress: Toni Collette, Hereditary Olivia Colman, The Favourite Viola Davis, Widows Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me? HONORABLE MENTION: Sakura Ando, Shoplifters; Yalitza Aparicio, Roma; Juliette Binoche, Let the Sunshine In; Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns; Emily Blunt, A Quiet Place; Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade; Claire Foy, Unsane; Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Kindergarten Teacher; Kathryn Hahn, Private Life; Regina Hall, Support the Girls; Helena Howard, Madeline’s Madeline; Holly Hunter, Incredibles 2; Lily James, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again; Dakota Johnson, Suspiria; Nicole Kidman, Destroyer; Diane Kruger, In the Fade; Joanna Kulig, Cold War; KiKi Layne, If Beale Street Could Talk; Rachel McAdams, Disobedience; Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie, Leave No Trace; Carey Mulligan, Wildlife; Rosamund Pike, A Private War; Natalie Portman, Vox Lux; Julia Roberts, Ben Is Back; Saoirse Ronan, Mary Queen of Scots; Alia Shawkat, Blaze; Sarah Silverman, Ralph Breaks the Internet; Amandla Stenberg, The Hate U Give; Emma Stone, The Favourite; Charlize Theron, Tully; Daniela Vega, A Fantastic Woman; Rachel Weisz, Disobedience; Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians
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Best Supporting Actor: Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Michael B. Jordan, Black Panther Daniel Kaluuya, Widows Alex Wolff, Hereditary Steven Yeun, Burning HONORABLE MENTION: Riz Ahmed, The Sisters Brothers; Mahershala Ali, Green Book; Jeff Bridges, Bad Times at the El Royale; Steve Buscemi, Lean on Pete; Rafael Casal, Blindspotting; Raul Castillo, We the Animals; Andrew Dice Clay, A Star Is Born; Russell Crowe, Boy Erased; Joel Edgerton, Boy Erased; Sam Elliott, A Star Is Born; Colin Farrell, Widows; Jake Gyllenhaal, The Sisters Brothers; Jake Gyllenhaal, Wildlife; Josh Hamilton, Eighth Grade; Jonah Hill, Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot; Russell Hornsby, The Hate U Give; Nicholas Hoult, The Favourite; Oscar Isaac, At Eternity’s Gate; Jake Johnson, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse; Jude Law, Vox Lux; Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mary Poppins Returns; Liam Neeson, Widows; Tim Blake Nelson, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Alessandro Nivola, Disobedience; Michael Palin, The Death of Stalin; Jesse Plemons, Game Night; Tom Waits, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Anton Yelchin, Thoroughbreds
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Best Supporting Actress: Elizabeth Debicki, Widows Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk Haley Lu Richardson, Support the Girls Tilda Swinton, Suspiria Rachel Weisz, The Favourite HONORABLE MENTION: Awkwafina, Crazy Rich Asians; Kayli Carter, Private Life; Mackenzie Davis, Tully; Marina de Tavira, Roma; Cynthia Erivo, Bad Times at the El Royale; Cynthia Erivo, Widows; Claire Foy, First Man; Danai Gurira, Black Panther; Anne Hathaway, Ocean’s 8; Jeon Jong-seo, Burning; Zoe Kazan, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Catherine Keener, Incredibles 2; Nicole Kidman, Boy Erased; Kiki Kirin, Shoplifters; Blake Lively, A Simple Favor; Elisabeth Moss, The Seagull; Andrea Riseborough, The Death of Stalin; Margot Robbie, Mary Queen of Scots; Milly Shapiro, Hereditary; Millicent Simmonds, A Quiet Place; J. Smith-Cameron, Nancy; Sissy Spacek, The Old Man & the Gun; Tessa Thompson, Creed II; Tessa Thompson, Sorry to Bother You; Maura Tierney, Beautiful Boy; Dolly Wells, Can You Ever Forgive Me?; Letitia Wright, Black Panther; Michelle Yeoh, Crazy Rich Asians
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Best Original Screenplay: Eighth Grade - Bo Burnham The Favourite - Deborah Davis & Tony McNamara Hereditary - Ari Aster Isle of Dogs - Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola, Kunichi Nomura & Jason Schwartzman Sorry to Bother You - Boots Riley HONORABLE MENTION: American Animals, Bad Times at the El Royale, Blindspotting, Destroyer, A Fantastic Woman, First Reformed, Game Night, In the Fade, Private Life, A Quiet Place, Roma, Shoplifters, Support the Girls, Thoroughbreds, Tully
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Best Adapted Screenplay: Can You Ever Forgive Me? - Nicole Holofcener & Jeff Whitty If Beale Street Could Talk - Barry Jenkins Leave No Trace - Debra Granik & Anne Rosellini A Star Is Born - Bradley Cooper, Will Fetters & Eric Roth Widows - Gillian Flynn & Steve McQueen HONORABLE MENTION: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Black Panther, BlacKkKlansman, Boy Erased, Burning, Crazy Rich Asians, Creed II, The Death of Stalin, Disobedience, Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot, First Man, The Hate U Give, Incredibles 2, The Kindergarten Teacher, Lean on Pete, Love Simon, Mary Queen of Scots, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Ralph Breaks the Internet, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Suspiria, We the Animals, Wildlife, You Were Never Really Here
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Best Ensemble: Black Panther Crazy Rich Asians If Beale Street Could Talk Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Widows HONORABLE MENTION: American Animals, Avengers: Infinity War, Bad Times at the El Royale, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, BlacKkKlansman, Blockers, Boy Erased, Can You Ever Forgive Me?. Creed II, Deadpool 2, The Death of Stalin, Eighth Grade, The Favourite, First Man, The Front Runner, Game Night, The Hate U Give, Incredibles 2, Isle of Dogs, Lean on Pete, Love Simon, Mary Poppins Returns, Mary Queen of Scots, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Ocean’s 8, Paddington 2, Ralph Breaks the Internet, Roma, The Seagull, Shoplifters, Sorry to Bother You, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, A Star Is Born, Support the Girls, Suspiria, Vice
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Best Limited Performance - Male: Harry Belafonte, BlacKkKlansman Philip Ettinger, First Reformed Corey Hawkins, BlacKkKlansman Brian Tyree Henry, If Beale Street Could Talk Jake Ryan, Eighth Grade HONORABLE MENTION: Christopher Abbott, Vox Lux; F. Murray Abraham, Isle of Dogs; Joe Alwyn, Boy Erased; Niels Arestrup, At Eternity’s Gate; Alec Baldwin, BlacKkKlansman; Sterling K. Brown, Black Panther; Reg E. Cathey, Tyrel; Vladimir Consigny, At Eternity’s Gate; Terry Crews, Sorry to Bother You; Gerard Depardieu, Let the Sunshine In; Xavier Dolan, Boy Erased; Dave Franco, If Beale Street Could Talk; Mark Gatiss, The Favourite; Jon Michael Hill, Widows; Gene Jones, The Old Man & the Gun; Diego Luna, If Beale Street Could Talk; Mads Mikkelsen, At Eternity’s Gate; Alfred Molina, The Front Runner; Nick Offerman, Bad Times at the El Royale; D.J. ‘Shangela’ Pierce, A Star Is Born; Stephen Root, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Algee Smith, The Hate U Give; Dick Van Dyke, Mary Poppins Returns; Shea Whigham, First Man; Bradley Whitford, Destroyer; Jeffrey Wright, Game Night; David Zaldivar, Ben Is Back
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Best Limited Performance - Female: Jane Curtin, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Aunjanue Ellis, If Beale Street Could Talk Lisa Gay Hamilton, Beautiful Boy Teyonah Parris, If Beale Street Could Talk Meryl Streep, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again HONORABLE MENTION: Carrie Coon, Widows; Lea DeLaria, Support the Girls; Beth Ditto, Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot; Lisa Gay Hamilton, Vice; Celia Imrie, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again; Amy Irving, Unsane; Cherry Jones, Boy Erased; Agata Kulesza, Cold War; Angela Lansbury, Mary Poppins Returns; Chloe Grace Moretz, Suspiria; Mary-Louise Parker, Red Sparrow; Chelsea Peretti, Game Night; Emily Rios, If Beale Street Could Talk; Emmanuelle Seigner, At Eternity’s Gate; Meryl Streep, Mary Poppins Returns; Tilda Swinton, Isle of Dogs; Jacki Weaver, Widows
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Breakthrough Performance: Rafael Casal, Blindspotting Cynthia Erivo, Bad Times at the El Royale Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade KiKi Layne, If Beale Street Could Talk Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie, Leave No Trace HONORABLE MENTION: Chante Adams, Roxanne Roxanne; Yalitza Aparicio, Roma; Awkwafina, Crazy Rich Asians; Alexandra Borbely, On Body and Soul; Kayli Carter, Private Life; Noah Centineo, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before; Lana Condor, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before; Ben Dickey, Blaze; Henry Golding, Crazy Rich Asians; Laura Harrier, BlacKkKlansman; Helena Howard, Madeline’s Madeline; Brady Jandreau, The Rider; Jeon Jong-seo, Burning; Tomasz Kot, Cold War; Joanna Kulig, Cold War; May Matsuoka, Shoplifters; Milly Shapiro, Hereditary; Daniela Vega, A Fantastic Woman; Letitia Wright, Black Panther; Jessica Keenan Wynn, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
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Best Film Editing: American Animals - Nick Fenton, Chris Gill & Julian Hart The Favourite - Yorgos Mavropsaridis Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Eddie Hamilton A Star Is Born - Jay Cassidy Widows - Joe Walker HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Infinity War, Bad Times at the El Royale, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Black Panther, BlacKkKlansman, Blindspotting, Boy Erased, Burning, Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Creed II, Destroyer, Eighth Grade, A Fantastic Woman, First Man, First Reformed, Game Night, Hereditary, If Beale Street Could Talk, Isle of Dogs, Lean on Pete, Leave No Trace, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Minding the Gap, Private Life, A Quiet Place, Roma, Shirkers, Shoplifters, Sorry to Bother You, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Support the Girls, Three Identical Strangers, You Were Never Really Here
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Best Cinematography: The Favourite - Robbie Ryan If Beale Street Could Talk - James Laxton Roma - Alfonso Cuaron A Star Is Born - Matthew Libatique Suspiria - Sayombhu Mukdeeprom HONORABLE MENTION: At Eternity’s Gate, Bad Times at the El Royale, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Black Panther, BlacKkKlansman, Bohemian Rhapsody, Burning, Cold War, Eighth Grade, First Man, First Reformed, Hereditary, Lean on Pete, Leave No Trace, Mary Queen of Scots, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, A Private War, A Quiet Place, The Rider, The Sisters Brothers, Widows, You Were Never Really Here
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Best Original Score: BlacKkKlansman - Terence Blanchard If Beale Street Could Talk - Nicholas Britell Isle of Dogs - Alexandre Desplat Suspiria - Thom Yorke Widows - Hans Zimmer HONORABLE MENTION: Annihilation, At Eternity’s Gate, Avengers: Infinity War, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Bird Box, Black Panther, Destroyer, Eighth Grade, First Man, The Hate U Give, Incredibles 2, Mary Poppins Returns, Mary Queen of Scots, Mid90s, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, The Old Man & the Gun, Paddington 2, A Quiet Place, Ready Player One, The Sisters Brothers, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Stan & Ollie, We the Animals, You Were Never Really Here
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Best Original Song: Boy Erased - “Revelation” - Jon Thor Birgisson & Troye Sivan Mary Poppins Returns - “A Cover Is Not the Book” - Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman A Star Is Born - “Always Remember Us This Way” - Natalie Hemby, Lady Gaga, Hillary Lindsey & Lori McKenna A Star Is Born - “I’ll Never Love Again” - Natalie Hemby, Lady Gaga, Hillary Lindsey & Aaron Raitiere A Star Is Born - “Shallow” - Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando & Andrew Wyatt HONORABLE MENTION: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - “When a Cowboy Trades His Spurs for Wings”; Black Panther - “All the Stars”; Black Panther - “Pray for Me”; Blaze - “Blaze & Sybil’s Lullaby”; Blindspotting - “Not a Game”; Creed II - “Runnin’”; Deadpool 2 - “Ashes”; Dumplin’ - “Girl in the Movies”; Fifty Shades Freed - “Deer in Headlights”; The Hate U Give - “We Won’t Move”; Hearts Beat Loud - “Hearts Beat Loud”; Hearts Beat Loud - “Shut Your Eyes”; Love, Simon - “Alfie’s Song (Not So Typical Love Song)”; Love, Simon - “Love Lies”; Mary Poppins Returns - “The Place Where Lost Things Go”; Mary Poppins Returns - “Trip a Little Light Fantastic”; Outside In - “By Any Means”; Ralph Breaks the Internet - “A Place Called Slaughter Race”; Sorry to Bother You - “OYAHYTT”; Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - “Sunflower”; A Star Is Born - “Hair Body Face”; A Star Is Born - “I Don’t Know What Love Is”; A Star Is Born - “Is That Alright?”; A Star Is Born - “Look What I Found”; A Star Is Born - “Maybe It’s Time”; A Star Is Born - “Why Did You Do That?”; Suspiria - “Suspirium”; Teen Titans Go! to the Movies - “Upbeat Inspirational Song About Life”; Vox Lux - “Hologram (Smoke and Mirrors)”; Vox Lux - “Wrapped Up”; A Wrinkle in Time - “Flower of the Universe”
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Best Art Direction: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - Jess Gonchor & Nancy Haigh Black Panther - Hannah Beachler & Jay Hart Crazy Rich Asians - Andrew Baseman & Nelson Coates The Favourite - Fiona Crombie & Alice Felton First Man - Nathan Crowley & Kathy Lucas HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Infinity War, Bad Times at the El Royale, BlacKkKlansman, Bohemian Rhapsody, Cold War, Deadpool 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Hereditary, If Beale Street Could Talk, Isle of Dogs, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Mary Poppins Returns, Mary Queen of Scots, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Paddington 2, A Quiet Place, Ready Player One, Red Sparrow, Roma, The Sisters Brothers, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Stan & Ollie, A Star Is Born, Suspiria, Widows, Wildlife
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Best Costume Design: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - Mary Zophres Black Panther - Ruth E. Carter The Favourite - Sandy Powell If Beale Street Could Talk - Caroline Eselin Mary Queen of Scots - Alexandra Byrne HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Infinity War, Bad Times at the El Royale, BlacKkKlansman, Bohemian Rhapsody, Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Cold War, Crazy Rich Asians, Deadpool 2, Dumplin’, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, First Man, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Mary Poppins Returns, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, Paddington 2, A Quiet Place, Ready Player One, Red Sparrow, The Seagull, A Simple Favor, The Sisters Brothers, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Stan & Ollie, A Star Is Born, Suspiria, Widows, Wildlife
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Best Makeup: Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther The Favourite Mary Queen of Scots Suspiria HONORABLE MENTION: Aquaman, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Creed II, Deadpool 2, Destroyer, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, How to Talk to Girls at Parties, If Beale Street Could Talk, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Mary Poppins Returns, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, A Private War, Stan & Ollie, A Star Is Born, Vice, Vox Lux, A Wrinkle in Time
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Best Sound Mixing: Black Panther First Man Mission: Impossible - Fallout A Quiet Place A Star Is Born HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Infinity War, Bad Times at the El Royale, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Bird Box, Cold War, Creed II, Deadpool 2, The Favourite, Game Night, Hereditary, If Beale Street Could Talk, Incredibles 2, Isle of Dogs, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Mary Poppins Returns, The Old Man & the Gun, Paddington 2, A Private War, Ralph Breaks the Internet, Ready Player One, Roma, Sicario: Day of the Soldado, The Sisters Brothers, Sorry to Bother You, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Suspiria, Vox Lux, Widows, You Were Never Really Here
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Best Sound Editing: Black Panther First Man Mission: Impossible - Fallout A Quiet Place Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse HONORABLE MENTION: Annihilation, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Avengers: Infinity War, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Creed II, Deadpool 2, Incredibles 2, Isle of Dogs, Paddington 2, A Private War, Ralph Breaks the Internet, Ready Player One, Roma, Sicario: Day of the Soldado, The Sisters Brothers, Suspiria, Widows, You Were Never Really Here
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Best Visual Effects: Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther Mission: Impossible - Fallout Paddington 2 Ready Player One HONORABLE MENTION: Annihilation, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Aquaman, Deadpool 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, First Man, Incredibles 2, Isle of Dogs, Mary Poppins Returns, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Venom
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Best Foreign Film: Burning - Lee Chang-dong A Fantastic Woman - Sebastian Lelio In the Fade - Faith Akin Roma - Alfonso Cuaron Shoplifters - Kore-eda Hirokazu HONORABLE MENTION: Cold War, Let the Sunshine In, On Body and Soul
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Best Documentary: Love, Gilda - Lisa D’Apolito Minding the Gap - Bing Liu Shirkers - Sandi Tan Three Identical Strangers - Tim Wardle Whitney - Kevin Macdonald HONORABLE MENTION: Free Solo, Generation Wealth, Hale County This Morning This Evening, The King, RBG, Science Fair, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
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Best Animated Film: Incredibles 2 - Brad Bird Isle of Dogs - Wes Anderson Ralph Breaks the Internet - Phil Johnston & Rich Moore Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Bob Perischetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman Teen Titans Go! to the Movies - Aaron Horvath & Pete Rita Michail HONORABLE MENTION: Early Man Every 2018 Film I've Seen: Ranked
0 notes
brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Portugal holidays:10 great Algarve bargains to keep the summer alive… 
The air bridge to Portugal is up – and that means the joys of the Algarve are available once more to British holidaymakers.
Here we present 10 of the very best deals for this summer for locations including Albufeira, Olhao and Vilamoura.
Alvor beach – just outside the town of Alvor – is where most of the tourist accommodation in this area is clustered 
About four miles west of Praia da Rocha, in the Algarve, the town of Alvor has a charming harbour with fishing boats and seafood restaurants. It’s an ancient settlement with the ruins of a 13th-century castle up a hill.
There is also a beach outside the centre, where most tourist accommodation is clustered. Great birdwatching on the peninsular by the mouth of the River Alvor; guided tours are available.
Best thing? Fish dinners by the harbour.
Details: A week at Club Alvorferias Apartments from £233pp self-catering, departing on September 3 from Gatwick (tui.co.uk).
Praia da Oura, pictured, has a fine sandy beach. It measures in at 900 metres long and the quietest parts are at the eastern end 
Praia da Oura is a fine sandy beach, with a rocky bluff, topped by pines and a coastal path at its western end leading to the busy, popular tourist resort of Albufeira. There is plenty going on close by, though with good restaurants and jolly bars.
The golden sands, 900 metres long, can get overcrowded in normal years; the quietest parts are at the eastern end.
Best thing? Walks along the coast.
Details: A week at Ouratlantico Apartments from £385pp self-catering, departing on September 20 from Birmingham (tui.co.uk).
The ancient town of Tavira, pictured, has a tranquil, traditional feel along the waterfront of the River Gilao
The ancient town of Tavira was founded in 400BC and was an important trading port with North Africa for many years. There’s a tranquil, traditional feel along the waterfront of the River Gilao.
Boutique shops and restaurants can be found near the old market. The beach on Ilha de Tavira, an island reached by ferry, is wonderfully peaceful.
Best thing? Peaceful picnics on Ilha de Tavira.
Details: A week at Robinson Club Quinta da Ria on the edge of Tavira, with two golf courses, is from £823pp all-inclusive, departing on September 10 from Gatwick (firstchoice.co.uk).
Albufeira, pictured, is one of the Algarve’s best spots for letting your hair down. It has lanes lined with bars and restaurants
With its whitewashed buildings and lanes lined with bars and restaurants, Albufeira is one of the Algarve’s best spots for letting your hair down.
The beach is reached via a tunnel from the main square —and it’s a beauty with fine golden sands. A day trip to the picturesque village of Alte, one of the prettiest in the region, or to see the cathedral and castle in Silves is recommended.
Best thing? Knees-up meal on Largo Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco square.
Details: A week at the Cerro Mar Colina apartments in Albufeira from £373pp self-catering, departing on September 10 from Manchester (firstchoice.co.uk).
The excellent sandy beach in Praia da Rocha, where there are bars and restaurants galore as well as an old sea fort 
One of the most developed stretches of coast on the Algarve — but Praia da Rocha is popular for a reason: its excellent sandy beach backed by low, ochre-hued cliffs.
There are bars and restaurants galore, plus an old sea fort and a casino. A day trip to Ferragudo, with its cobbled lanes and little seafood restaurants, offers a change of scene, and there are plenty of nearby coves to explore.
Best thing? Sundowners at a clifftop bar.
Details: A week at Jupiter Algarve Hotel in Praia da Rocha is from £487pp B&B, departing on September 12 from Glasgow (jet2holidays.com).
Vilamoura boasts Portugal’s largest marina, pictured, where you can expect to see yachts aplenty as well as boutique shops 
Vilamoura is a big resort built from the Sixties onwards, round what was once a small harbour in the Algarve. Now it is home to Portugal’s largest marina. So expect yachts aplenty, boutique shops, restaurants and cocktail bars. 
As well as sandy beaches, tennis and golf can be played close by and there are Roman ruins to investigate at Cerro da Vila, on the outskirts.
Best thing? Boat trips along the coast.
Details: A week at Vilamoura Golf Apartments is from £326pp self-catering, departing on September 12 from Manchester (jet2holidays.com).
The lovely beach of Praia do Ancao, pictured, from where nature trails run along the coastline
Portugal’s ambassador to the UK says British holidaymakers shouldn’t hesitate in visiting Portugal. Pictured is the city of Faro 
We are very happy! Finally, there will be many British tourists coming to my country now that the quarantine requirement has been lifted.
It has been a challenging time — a time of frequent, open dialogue with our British colleagues, where we repeatedly gave our point of view that it was safe to travel to Portugal. This was not fully accepted. But now that has changed, which is great news.
Of course, the absence of British tourists has been noticeable and has made life difficult for our tourism sector. In the Algarve, from where I have just returned after spending my holidays there, it was not the same as usual. The British were much missed.
I go every year to the Algarve and, this time, I stayed for ten days in Baia, a resort near Albufeira. There were fewer people on the beaches than usual. But I was pleased to see that, despite the difficulties, businesses continued.
The atmosphere was quiet and confident, waiting for change to come.
I did not see any signs of fear or worry. People were respecting fully the health rules. They were happy, perfectly at ease.
I want readers of the Daily Mail to know that autumn is a good time to go to Portugal, especially the Algarve. 
British tourists should come to Portugal in full confidence, says the ambassador. Pictured is Carvoeiro beach 
September is the high season for golfers and we have plenty of courses for players of all standards.
From the end of October, those who like lower temperatures, less sunlight, attractive landscapes, playing sports and so on will realise that Portugal is a fantastic destination.
British tourists should come to Portugal in full confidence that we will welcome you and offer the very best in friendship and hospitality. So please don’t hesitate.
Quinta do Lago is a big, luxury golf resort with two top-class courses. Its rolling, well-manicured landscape leads to a lovely beach, Praia do Ancao, from where nature trails run along the coastline. There are a choice of apartments and hotels. 
The England football team stay here when playing international matches at Estadio Algarve, close to Faro, the Algarve’s capital.
Best thing? Golfers will love it.
Details: A week at the five-star Conrad Algarve spa hotel is from £1,090pp, departing on September 12 from Heathrow (ba.com).
The beautiful, secluded sandy beach of Praia da Falesia. On the cliff above the beach, you can find the family-friendly Pine Cliffs Hotel 
On a cliff above the beautiful, secluded sandy beach of Praia da Falesia, Pine Cliffs Hotel is a family-friendly resort with pools, a spectacular golf course (with fine holes including shots over gullies) and the Annabel Croft Tennis Academy.
There are no fewer than 11 restaurants, kids’ clubs and a beach club/bar. It’s on the edge of Olhos de Agua, a tiny town with a natural spring.
Best thing? Secluded beach.
Details: A week at the Pine Cliffs Hotel is from £770pp B&B, departing on September 12 from Heathrow (ba.com).
The hill-town of Monchique, pictured, has a market and a 17th-century monastery 
Stay in the foothills of the Serra de Monchique, a mountain range that divides the Algarve from Alentejo to the north. Slopes are covered in thick pine, chestnut and oak forests.
The hill-town of Monchique has a market and a 17th-century monastery. A thermal spa at Caldas de Monchique is four miles away. The area is known as the Garden of the Algarve.
Best thing? Hikes in the hills.
Details: A week at the Monchique Resort & Spa is from £917, departing on September 13 from Stansted (onthebeach.co.uk).
The fishing port of Olhao, which is six miles east of the city of Faro. Expect narrow streets with tiled buildings and a superb fish market
Olhao is a fishing port that is home to the well-known Bela sardine brand and is six miles east of Faro.
It’s a relaxing spot within the Ria Formosa Natural Park by an estuary sheltered by the islands of Culatra and Armona. Expect narrow streets with tiled buildings and a superb fish market designed by Gustave Eiffel, no less. A boat trip to the secluded beaches on Culatra is a must.
Best thing? Trying the local octopus and squid, some of Portugal’s best.
Details: A week at the Real Marina Hotel is from £1,290 for a single traveller, including B&B and some meals with wine and activities, departing on September 13 from Stansted (friendshiptravel.com).
All prices correct as we went to press.
The biggest wave ever surfed was off the coast of Nazare in Portugal — 24.38 metres high, in 2017.
There’s an average of around 300 days’ sunshine a year in the Algarve.
Portugal is the oldest country in Europe with unchanged borders dating from 1139.
In the 15th century, half of the New World belonged to Portugal.
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe.
 There’s an average of around 300 days’ sunshine a year in the Algarve, pictured 
The Algarve has 125 miles of coastline and Cabo da Roca is the most westerly point on mainland Europe.
Vasco da Gama Bridge across the River Tagus is the longest in Europe at 7.6 miles.
Lisbon is home to the world’s oldest bookshop, Bertrand, founded in 1732.
The first documented hot balloon flight was in Lisbon in 1709.
Portugal produces 70 per cent of world’s cork.
Portuguese invented tempura — explorers introducing the Japanese to deep-fried cooking.
Portugal holds world record for the largest omelette (6.4 tonnes).
  The post Portugal holidays:10 great Algarve bargains to keep the summer alive…  appeared first on Shri Times News.
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wherespaulo · 7 years
Exploring Lisbon, the Algarve and Andalusia
Nov 18-28, 2017
Portugal and the Andalusia region of Spain had always been on my bucket list, so here I was getting away from the US, over the Thanksgiving period as usual, by splitting my time between two nights in Lisbon, three nights in Seville, and four nights in Albufeira. As well as experiencing the different cultures and architecture, I also wanted to get a feel for whether I might like to live there one day. Although I'm in no rush to leave New York, the job that took me there, along with it's social circle, has now gone, and many of the good friends I'd built up over eleven years have now moved away, so I'd had a loose plan for some scouting trips in different  parts of southern Europe over the next couple of years.
After a winding, steep uphill climb over narrow cobbled streets towards Sao Jorge Castle in the chill morning, the taxi driver from Lisbon airport finally dropped me just outside the old town wall around 6am in the chill darkness, seemingly refusing, in Portuguese, to take me the last few hundred meters to my small hotel, the Solar Do Castelo. As I entered the old town on foot through the arch of Largo do Chao da Feira, the source of my driver's reluctance became clear – all the old buildings on these narrow, winding street corners, were covered in scrapes and grooves from car bumpers. I tried to minimize the clanking of my wheely bag moving over the cobbles at such a god-awful hour as I struggled to locate my accommodation in the darkness of the old town maze – yet when Google Maps finally came to the rescue I felt a pang of guilt, as though I'd cheated somehow; made it too easy by borrowing a high tech solution from the future in this historical location.
A stroll in the dazzling early morning sunshine around Lisbon's main plaza, the Praca do Comercio, where so much of Portugal's political history evolved, including the assassination of Carlos I in 1908, and the military coop of 1974, was a great way to walk off the fuzzy head from my sleepless overnight flight. This was followed by fleeting visits to the impressive cathedral and Santo Antonio Church, where I visited the crypt of St Anthony birth of 1195. I have to say that although I consider myself non-religious, I do have an eye for appealing architecture, and houses of God do seem to have some of the very best – it never ceases to amaze me how the power of religion throughout history lead to so many of these enormous, quality structures, where money seems to have been no object.
I headed back up the hill towards Sao Jorge Castle and strolled around the medieval ramparts. From Lisbon's pinnacle I had a panoramic view of red tiled Romanesque roofs in every direction and as far as the eye could see. Lisbon, along with much of Portugal, had been rebuilt following the major earthquake of 1755, and I tried to imagine the devastation that must have been evident from this elevated position.
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Over the following 48 hours I would discover the beauty of traveling by tram in Lisbon – number 28, a traditional 1930's model for the city tour, and then number 15, a modern version going east to Belem to view Jeronimos Monastery, which survived the earthquake as it sits on sand, Belem Tower, the Monument to the Discoveries, and the Tropical  Botanical Garden. I should say that I'm always on the look out for a botanical garden when visiting international cities – the serenity within the urban chaos seems to give me another angle on the place.
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My overriding feeling as I left Lisbon behind in my rear view mirror, on my way to the Spanish border and Seville, was of a cosmopolitan city of culture, full of ancient architecture, great restaurants and friendly people with a strange 'Russian sounding' twang, a very different accent to my Brazilian friends – and on top of all that it's very affordable, and has a certain buzz and edge about it that I found very appealing to my creative spirit.
I finally arrived in Seville after a 4.5 hour drive from Lisbon, quickly checked into my accommodation, the Hotel Becquer, and then headed out for dinner. Taberna Colonial looked like a traditional tapas and wine establishment, so I headed in. The place seemed strangely subdued though, and the owner eyed me suspiciously when he heard my accent, seemingly reluctant to serve me – red rags and bulls sprung to mind as I struggled to get an order in. It was only later that I got an inkling of what might have been going on here. It seemed I'd coincidentally arrived in the city center just as thousands of rowdy, and probably slightly inebriated, Liverpool soccer fans had only just left for the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium for an important European Championship game against Sevilla. It seems they had left this owner shell shocked and the sound of my accent probably left him thinking I was a straggler up for some more drunken revelry.
The highlights of Seville for me were the Real Alcazar de Sevilla, or royal palace, the cathedral, the maze of beautiful old cobbled streets lined with laden orange trees and, of course, the world famous flamenco. The absolutely stunning Unesco listed Alcazar in the center of Seville is a magnificent marriage of Christian and Mudejar architecture dating back to the 10th century. As I strolled through its maze of hallowed halls, it was as though I was in a time machine, every room exuding a different period, culture and architectural style, accompanied by their magnificent, ever-present, Islamic-inspired tiling. And as for the gardens – secluded 'rooms' full of blooms and laden orange tree clipped hedges, which could be overlooked from the spectacular Galeria de Grutescos which almost encloses them.
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The largest Gothic cathedral in the world (3rd largest cathedral) was constructed of giant blocks of weathered grey/yellow sandstone through the 1400's, on the foundations of the grand mosque from the 1100's, and is located close to the Alcazar. The builders preserved many of the elements of that earlier mosque, including the minaret which was converted into a bell tower known as La Giralda – a brisk hike up the 343ft of elevation via a spiral stone staircase brought me to the top with panoramic views over Seville. After scanning the cavernous space of the central nave, questioning my ability to fully appreciate even a tiny part of this cathedral's grandeur in just a few hours of strolling around, I paused by Christopher Columbus's tomb and felt privileged to stand in the presence of such an eminent fellow explorer – the sheer immenseness, craftsmanship and quality of materials is overpowering and hints at it's iconic importance to the catholic church and Spain all those years ago.
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I couldn't leave Seville without experiencing the world famous flamenco, so headed out to an evening show at the Museo Del Baile Flamenco. There was hushed silence in the audience until the suspense was almost imperceptibly broken by the forlorn notes of a lone Spanish guitar emanating from the darkened stage – as the melody slowly built into a crescendo, a female dancer appeared, her beautiful, tight fitting dress, emphasizing her lithe, leggy, athletic body. I became transfixed at the intensity of passion and humor communicated solely by her foot stamps, facial expressions and hand movements, all perfectly attuned to the fast hand clapping and guitar from the sidelines. I was utterly captivated. It was as if she were striving with every ounce of her being to give this intense and complicated story, of love and loss, some kind of tangible shape and meaning. Then a male dancer appeared with moves that told a simpler, more masculine story – of tolling the fields to feed his family, of hard drinking. I was briefly taken back to an earlier stage of my life, to my own flamenco guitar lessons, provided by an accomplished musician who looked the part -- tall, dark and swarve, the word on the street was that he pursued an artists bohemian lifestyle. So it wasn't a complete surprise when I turned up for my scheduled weekly lesson only to find his house completely empty and vacant – he'd clearly done a runner after someones husband, or wife, had discovered his finagling. Well, that was the end of my woefully unlikely flamenco career and, as far as I know, my teacher.
I decided to drive back to Portugal and it's southern Algarve region via a slight detour through Ronda, to see the impressive bridge, Puente Nuevo, built in the 1700's to span the 400 ft chasm located in the middle of this small city. As I took in the breathtaking panorama from the bridge, I felt an urge to experience the spectacle at closer quarters so that I could truly appreciate the magnificence of this engineering feat. But my attempt to hike into the bottom of the chasm was thwarted when the footpath seemingly fizzled out half way down – I'm sure if I'd had more time to explore I would have found a route. But Portugal beckoned, so maybe next time.
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When I finally arrived in the southern Algarve, I made a quick visit to the beautiful old town of Tavira before carrying on to pick up my 26 year old son, Alex, from Faro airport, and we then headed on to our hotel, the Aqua Pedra dos Bicos in Albufeira. He'd taken a 2.5 hour flight down from London for a long weekend. Straight away we couldn't help noticing the preponderance of retired boozy Brits in soccer shirts, and sports bars. I was definitely not feeling it for this place -- Albufeira would NOT be a potential place for me to live! Other parts of the Algarve that we drove to felt much more cultural. A drive west along small coastal roads took us to the pretty town of Lagos and then onto the defensive fort near Sagres at the very south west tip of Portugal – as we strolled around the fort perimeter, a little black redstart, dark with it's flicking rust red tail, flitted here and there amongst the cliff side rocks, and reminded me that it's these little sprinklings of magic that elevates an experience from just mediocre to something special and remembered. As the fisherman lined the cliffs edge all around this promontory, I half hoped to see someone catch a largish specimen as I was curious to observe how they could possibly haul it up the 100's of feet of sheer cliff face. 
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Another drive, inland this time, took us to Silves, with it's beautiful red sandstone castle, and then onto Monchique with it's medieval, derelict convent which was overrun by a local farmer and his chickens.
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As we started our drive back to Faro Airport from Monchique we started laughing so hard at the most bizarre spectacle – it was a muster of storks. I should say here that my sense of humor, along with my sense of the bizarre, is perfectly aligned with that of both my sons. Within a half mile stretch of road there must have been fifty families of these strange, prehistoric looking creatures perched on their large, ragged nests, occupying the pinnacle of every single telegraph pole and tree in sight. And strangely enough, just after we'd left the storks behind, and just as it was turning dark, a gigantic domestic pig nonchalantly strolled in front of our path, briefly reminding me of that bizarre scene from the Lobster movie when the two-humped camel wanders through the woodland in the background. I managed to swerve around it just in time, the pig non-the wiser for it's lucky escape, and luckily for us, and the pig, nothing coming the other way on this narrow road. This had been a strange drive indeed, and a feeling of anxiety slowly started to descend on me as the thought that we'd almost wrote off a pig, a car, and possibly ourselves, started to sink in – what if we'd been at that point in the road two seconds earlier?
After dropping Alex off at Faro airport for his return flight to London, I headed back to my hotel in Albufeira for one final night, then drove back to Lisbon airport the following morning for my flight back to New York. As my plane taxied on the runway, I decided Lisbon and Seville were definitely contenders as places to live, and that the wider Andalusia region certainly deserved more scouting out, maybe around Granada and Cardoba, but parts of the Algarve were probably not for me; I'm not really looking to find a bit of England in a foreign land.
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Portugal Golf Holidays
Europe is undoubtedly a high vacation spot for many travelers that wish to again round regions. Prepare an email in notepad or your word processor with details of your holiday plans, the dates you would like to ebook and any important necessities. Portugal is situated in Japanese Europe and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and in addition surrounded at the north and east by Spain. Holidays and food/wine excursions provided in Spain and Portugal. In the again nation only miles from the tourist locations many villages and cities stay untouched with little identified rural walks within the spring flowers and shady woods. You will find among the quite a few sights that you may see inns that are suited for numerous budgets and holidays. This coastal nature park is situated simply an hour south of Lisbon on a rugged stretch of coastline where the Sado river meets the wild Atlantic. The favorable weather, abundance of campsites within the South of France and the friendly locals' welcoming perspective in the direction of motorists makes this a preferred choice. This vibrant metropolis is the country's capital and probably the most lovely locations in Europe. Nevertheless, the national bus or coach service gives the most inexpensive means of touring inside Spain. Once Portugal had a sea route across the Horn of Africa, Ferdinand and Isabella had to discover a path to the East as a way to keep their competitor from grabbing the lion share of the market. Wanting westward, the fantastic panorama includes the Atlantic coast and it is simple to make out the many beautiful beaches that are situated solely a short drive away from Sintra. And naturally, all Europeans seeking to go to this beautiful nation. Sweden has two bronze medals (1950 and 1994) and one silver (1958) as the best performances in the FIFA World Cup. Water sports activities including browsing, windsurfing, water skiing and crusing are on offer from the seashores here in Cascais. Alongside the coastal regions of Portugal, a great deal of real property growth has taken place. From tip to tip, Madeira measures roughly 54km (west to east) by 23km (north to south). Identified for their nice customer service and speedy delivery, Shop Flip Flop will make your custom flip flop by hand and have them to you in a well timed method. Alongside the Algarve many of the seashores are discovered on sandbanks and require a brief ferry journey to go to. Aveiro City still has tons extra to supply any customer like browsing as well as wind browsing in its Costa Nova Seaside and the river, or you possibly can all the time buy groceries at Forum Aveiro or the Rua dos Combatientes de Guerra in addition to store at Avenida Dr. Lourenco Peixinho. This stretch of sand could be very fashionable with the Portuguese however continues for miles permitting for solitude even in the busy summer season. A 3 day metropolis break vacation in Lisbon offers adequate time to visit many of the key vacationer points of interest. Property house owners can usually provide added worth by providing you with insiders data on the perfect locations to eat out, locations of particular interest close by, the best native seashores and so on. Now Lisbon is experiencing its "second delivery", again turning into one of many "golden cities" of the Southern Europe. At the time that this contract is executed and signed, the purchaser of the real property is known as upon to put a deposit for the true property that's topic to the transaction. As a result of it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, water sports like browsing, kayaking and sailing are well-liked forms of leisure actions in Portugal. In case you lease a vacation villa in Florida or an condominium in Disney, then the closest seashores to drive to are Cocoa Seashore and Daytona Seashore which are positioned on the Jap facet - Atlantic Ocean. Should you think the Golden Gate of San Francisco is magnificent, wait till you see this bridge. Visit the institute to take the local port wine which is normally serve with Serra, a kind of cheese placed on crackers. Most journey insurance corporations do automatically embody standard holiday locations such because the Canary Islands, the Azores, Tunisia, Turkey, Madeira, and Egypt underneath Europe - however always test. Eventhough you can travel with one visa between Schengen nations, it's at all times safe to hold your passport and some other identification with you. Individuals also need to be aware of forex conversion and other Portuguese travel suggestions. cheap hotels in glasgow Low-cost airplane tickets to Ireland and Portugal are at present nice deals, being supplied at below average prices. Whether you need an motion packed vacation in a preferred resort or a place to relaxation up within the sun with space and time to discover the coastline, the alternatives in the Algarve are virtually endless. This led him to signal for the native first-division staff CD Nacional, the place he would join the youth membership and instantly make an impression, helping his staff win the youth championship the following 12 months. They discover that the winter months are the perfect time to discover the countryside as the temperatures, normally, are perfect for these activities. This makes wine corks stand out from different types of packaging, varieties that always hinder their surroundings relatively than assist them. Get some brochures and pamphlets on the locations provided and do some research on the company's complaint history to examine whether or not previous clients have been satisfied or otherwise. A survey carried by Deco Proteste (a nationwide journal) has proven that Viseu is the very best metropolis to live in Portugal. Approximately ten p.c of Romanian audio system reside in Moldovan territory where Romanian (albeit under the title Moldovan) is the official language. Porto Santo is a few 11km (southwest to northeast) by 5.5km (northwest to southeast) large at its broadest. For the enjoyable searching for tourist, that is the place to be. One other enjoyable seaside is the Ilha de Tavira in Tavira. Bringing an 18-year old Portuguese participant to interchange a global tremendous-star like Beckham did not seem to be a good idea at first, but from his first season Cristiano Ronaldo's targets proved decisive and he rapidly gained the love of the Pink Devils' followers. Say you might be in Morocco and you want to go to the architectural heritage of Morocco however simply have no idea where and learn how to go, discovering a local journey company such as the Morocco Travel Agency to sign up for a day tour across the beautiful sights of Moroccan buildings can leave you with joyful reminiscences to last. Son Bou is an extended seashore with plenty of sand dunes, freshwater marshes stuffed with ducks and a lagoon close to by. Wonderful water sports facilities are available right here though it is best to take care to test the conditions for swimming as there are dangerous currents at instances. The first Portuguese king Alfonso Henriques in 1147 freed Lisbon from Arab invasion and made it a capital. More often than not dressed in fancy gown, singing local songs and having fun with a style of rugby that certainly hasn't been seen at Twickenham for a couple of years in the fifteen game. If you purchase insurance over the phone you may be asked in your vacation spot nation or international locations and the right cowl might be applied mechanically. 6. TurkeyThe coastline round Turkey has many wonderful seashore settings - and the beaches situated near vacation villas in Olu Deniz is essentially the most famous. There are a lot of condos accessible for hire along the beautiful, scenic coast, principally between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth that price in the vary of $ 1500 - $ 1900 a month. Low-cost flights to Portugal have really changed how people could be close to the world. Schengen is a wine-growing village in south-japanese Luxembourg near the point the place the borders of Germany, France and Luxembourg meet collectively. three. Call your Travel Agent - It could seem old school however reserving your trip through a journey agent is a tried-and-true last-minute trip method that works most of the time. This Algarve city is the proper place for occasion lovers however you should not miss an opportunity to discover its seashores which can be accomplished by renting a motorcycle, moped or a horse. In 929AD he declares hims self Caliph and from this time until 1031AD this era in history may very well be known as the Caliphate dynasty. Fundamental seashores have a tendency to supply Lifeguards, in season and offer water sports activities services together with restaurant food and snacks. Inns in Portugal are plentiful in vacationer areas and cities, however in the countryside they can be uncommon. Additionally on the east coast is Brisbane which is legendary for Australia's Gold Coast beaches, and in contrast to apartments in Perth which is situated on the West coast, whilst Adelaide is to the south. In the conventional package vacation state of affairs custom and culture were at finest synthetic spectacles similar to a flamenco night in Tenerife and at worst local folks have felt exploited and vacationers unwelcome. It is merely probably the most lovely places in Europe and holds a world heritage status. A holiday to Portugal would not be complete with no day or two on the beach. France, Spain and England have played in thirteen World Cups every. He's the only ruler of most of Spain excluding Asturias within the North and the coastal strip from there to the Pyrenees in France. If you plan to travel to European international locations that implement Schengen agreement, a "Schengen Visa" simplifies your travel between these international locations. This is a wonderful neighborhood to visit for those who love to see historical monuments as well as buildings. The Baka are discovering it tougher to get different types of meat since poachers began utilizing the EU's street to promote their catch from the forest reserve. Nations that is part of the European Union and the countries which are not in the E.U. The Europe has been focusing a lot on the tourism and travelers so there's nothing that would disappoint you. The realm boasts full-bodied, fragrant red wines with wonderful alcoholic content material: the wines of the south (castas Camarate, Periquita and Tinto Miudo) are lively when young, intense yet nicely balanced and with an exquisite bouquet when aged. "Many Brits are promoting up in the Algarve and shifting up to the Oeste Region, which is situated simply north of Lisbon. A good idea if the interest rate within the nation in question is so much greater than it's right here within the UK as you will pay loads much less in month-to-month repayments. A recent examine ranked Lisbon in 41st place of world cities with very best quality of living. Buying property in Silver Coast Portugal is at the moment common with Europeans, however as of but, not a lot with the British property patrons. The Euromillions lotto, or the Euro loto as it is regularly known, gathers the stakes of all 9 collaborating European nations presenting a mammoth Euro lotto prize. The London Sevens leg of the IRB World Sevens Sequence arrives on the town and for two days Twickenham rocks like no different time of the yr. The region can be identified for its mild wines with lower alcohol content material, and for the one DOC (managed commonplace of origin) classified brandy in Portugal - Aguardente Vinica from Lourinha. This provides it an area of 741sq km. However, the floor land area is much larger than this as Madeira has a really mountainous topography. The idependent traveller has far better freedom to vary their plans and discover spontaneously. Henry the Navigator had revived an outdated proposal for Portugal to pursue a sea route across the southern tip of Africa. Cameroon has qualified six instances for the FIFA World Cup, more than some other African nation. Cyprus has been awarded more than 50 blue flag beaches, located at resorts which give residences in Protaras, Ayia Napa, Paphos, Larnaca and Limossol. Impartial travelers journey to a greater variety of locations. Nearly all of these audio system reside primarily in Romania as well as in neighboring Moldova, where it is referred to as Moldovan. The reliance on packaged holidays has induced severe pressures on the infrastructure and surroundings of holiday scorching spots like the Algarve and Majorca, Spain. This problem has come under scrutiny lately concerning cover for Turkey and Egypt, and whether the nations are categorised as a part of Europe for travel insurance coverage functions. Portuguese is a member of the Italic subfamily which in flip is part of the Indo-European family of languages.
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destinatornet1 · 7 years
A honeymooner’s guide to the Algarve
The first thing my husband and I discussed after getting engaged was where we’d like to travel for our honeymoon. We are both quite keen travelers, and we had so many places we still wanted to see on our lists, that it took us a while to settle on just one location.
Finally, we settled on Portugal. The original idea was to visit Lisbon first, but then we decided we’d rather go somewhere more beachy. So, we booked ourselves a great holiday in the Algarve, since it would have something for both of us. I’m more into lounging on the beach and having a cocktail, while he’s more into exploring and having an active holiday. The Algarve had something for the both of us.
First stop, Tavira
As we were actually arriving from France, we decided to first stay in Tavira. It is rather close to the Spanish border, and is an amazing town with a fabulous Roman Bridge across the river Gilão. We spent four days there.
What we were soon to learn is that Tavira is famous for its churches. In fact, it has more of them than any other town in Portugal. We couldn’t possibly see them all, so we made a short list, and started exploring. My favorite was one called the Misericórdia, built during the Renaissance, which has some amazing tiles and is rather charming.
Another thing I fell in love with were the orange trees. They seem to be everywhere. We completely got used to having coffee in small taverns on corners, with the oranges so near, smelling wonderful.
Nearby is an island called the Ilha de Tavira, where I could satisfy my bathing and sunbathing needs. You can only get there by boat, which was another part of the adventure, as I naturally dropped my sunglasses into the water hallway across. The island itself is lovely, and the water was great!
On to Faro
Next, we headed out to Faro, the capital of the Algarve. This is actually where you tend to land if you are flying in, but as we drove part of the way, we did not. What I remember most about it is the Cathedral Square, from our very first afternoon in town. There is a chapel there decorated with bones, which was naturally something I had to see, being such a fan of everything gothic and horror-related.
There are also much more people to meet in Faro, and we had a bit of a struggle to get ourselves a table at some taverns. However, the food itself was amazing everywhere we went, which is something we would learn is the case absolutely everywhere in the Algarve.
We also made the most of being motorized and drove out to Mesquita, which is a village near Faro famous for its lamb. The trip was wholly worth wile, since we both probably gained a pound while there.
Final stop, Albuferia
We finally set out to Albuferia, where we were to soak up the sun in our resort. It was formerly a fishing town, located on the cliffs above some of the most amazing beaches my beach-loving eyes have ever seen. The resort itself is very modern, but some of the old houses still stand, and make for a wonderful photo opportunity.
The Old Town was charming and provided the necessary entertainment. There are musicians there playing in the streets, the crowds are all smiles and suntans, and the nightlife is also great. The food was naturally amazing, as was the wine, but what I loved most was the fish. I have yet to eat better fish than the one we had practically every day in the Algarve.
The beaches themselves are thought to be the best in Portugal, and I can’t help but agree. The sun was amazing, the waters were perfect, and we had an amazing time bathing morning, noon and night, before starting off on our drive back home.
If you are contemplating your own honeymoon destination, or would just like to take a tour of the Algarve, I can’t recommend it highly enough. The region simply has everything, from historic sites to amazing beaches, to delicious food and wine. Make sure to explore as much of this wonderful region as you can!
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fabien-euskadi · 2 years
juniper, maple, willow please
juniper ➳ what personality trait does someone need to have for you to feel safe with them?
Do you want a sincere answer? Well, the answer is sincerity, the good old honest, straightforward (but polite) sincerity. I need to feel that, when someone says x, that person means x, not a, b or c. But this is a very rare personality trait. Extremely rare, I would say. Most people claim they adore a honest sincerity… but only when it is convenient, when it s flattering. And many expect sincerity from others, but do not practice themselves. And I have a very sharp instinct that detects when people are not being sincere - even if, to be 100 pc sincere, many times I chose to ignore that same instinct.
And I may not know you, but I sincerely hope you have this personality trait.
maple ➳ is there any good news you've gotten recently?
Yes, there are. In a recent conversation with a friend, I realized that I have been too harsh with myself all my life. Many times I took the blame for things that I was not to blame for. Many times I blamed myself when other people did something wrong. Many times I assumed that I was not good enough, when others were not good enough - and, frequently, they tried to put me down just to feel better.
This was a very interesting and, sometimes, peculiar conversation. But in a handful of sentences, it made me realize one thing: I am a better than I thought and I was correct more times than I gave myself credit for. And those are the good news: "Miguel, you are not a lame person and many decisions you made in your life were, actually, correct, even if others ended up spoiling everything - but the blame is not yours".
So, kudos for the person who made me see that. And, by the way, kudos for seeing that.
And no, I am no narcissist. I just needed to balance my devastating self-criticism with some light. That's what happened.
willow ➳ what is your favorite, most treasured memory?
All my favourite memories lie in the future - and they are still waiting to happen and to become memories.
But there are some in the past. There is one that pops into my mind frequently. Years ago, after a sad break-up (another one..), I moved to the city of Tavira between the middle and the end of summer. And I recall how magical that town looked like, with its river, lagoon, lake, ocean, islands, castle, palace, bridges and churches, many, many churches. The weather was wonderful, the sidewalk cafes inviting and the nights were pleasant. And every night, I would have dinner in a sidewalk cafe in the Alagoa Square, where street musicians would play - and I recall that there was a dude who played a spectacular version of "Stand By Me".
After fighting depression in that summer, for a split second, there was hope - and suggestion of happiness in the air. But everything would crumble down in a few months and things would get.. ah, but no, back then, despite the emotional wounds, everything was still alright.
I would like to feel hope like that again.
Thank you very much for the asks - and, please, drive safely :)
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destinatorcom · 7 years
A honeymooner’s guide to the Algarve
The first thing my husband and I discussed after getting engaged was where we’d like to travel for our honeymoon. We are both quite keen travelers, and we had so many places we still wanted to see on our lists, that it took us a while to settle on just one location.
Finally, we settled on Portugal. The original idea was to visit Lisbon first, but then we decided we’d rather go somewhere more beachy. So, we booked ourselves a great holiday in the Algarve, since it would have something for both of us. I’m more into lounging on the beach and having a cocktail, while he’s more into exploring and having an active holiday. The Algarve had something for the both of us.
First stop, Tavira
As we were actually arriving from France, we decided to first stay in Tavira. It is rather close to the Spanish border, and is an amazing town with a fabulous Roman Bridge across the river Gilão. We spent four days there.
What we were soon to learn is that Tavira is famous for its churches. In fact, it has more of them than any other town in Portugal. We couldn’t possibly see them all, so we made a short list, and started exploring. My favorite was one called the Misericórdia, built during the Renaissance, which has some amazing tiles and is rather charming.
Another thing I fell in love with were the orange trees. They seem to be everywhere. We completely got used to having coffee in small taverns on corners, with the oranges so near, smelling wonderful.
Nearby is an island called the Ilha de Tavira, where I could satisfy my bathing and sunbathing needs. You can only get there by boat, which was another part of the adventure, as I naturally dropped my sunglasses into the water hallway across. The island itself is lovely, and the water was great!
On to Faro
Next, we headed out to Faro, the capital of the Algarve. This is actually where you tend to land if you are flying in, but as we drove part of the way, we did not. What I remember most about it is the Cathedral Square, from our very first afternoon in town. There is a chapel there decorated with bones, which was naturally something I had to see, being such a fan of everything gothic and horror-related.
There are also much more people to meet in Faro, and we had a bit of a struggle to get ourselves a table at some taverns. However, the food itself was amazing everywhere we went, which is something we would learn is the case absolutely everywhere in the Algarve.
We also made the most of being motorized and drove out to Mesquita, which is a village near Faro famous for its lamb. The trip was wholly worth wile, since we both probably gained a pound while there.
Final stop, Albuferia
We finally set out to Albuferia, where we were to soak up the sun in our resort. It was formerly a fishing town, located on the cliffs above some of the most amazing beaches my beach-loving eyes have ever seen. The resort itself is very modern, but some of the old houses still stand, and make for a wonderful photo opportunity.
The Old Town was charming and provided the necessary entertainment. There are musicians there playing in the streets, the crowds are all smiles and suntans, and the nightlife is also great. The food was naturally amazing, as was the wine, but what I loved most was the fish. I have yet to eat better fish than the one we had practically every day in the Algarve.
The beaches themselves are thought to be the best in Portugal, and I can’t help but agree. The sun was amazing, the waters were perfect, and we had an amazing time bathing morning, noon and night, before starting off on our drive back home.
If you are contemplating your own honeymoon destination, or would just like to take a tour of the Algarve, I can’t recommend it highly enough. The region simply has everything, from historic sites to amazing beaches, to delicious food and wine. Make sure to explore as much of this wonderful region as you can!
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wanderlustjas-blog · 8 years
Hola me amigos! Onwards and upwards! This one’s a bit longer than the last couple of posts :)
(By the end of tour I dropped the ball and took fewer and fewer photos, especially the day sheets so pretend there’s one here)
DAY 17: Seville, Spain. As I mentioned in the previous post, I got a bit lazy on this day and my back was starting to hurt, so I decided that I was going to have the day ‘off’ and not go out exploring. I needed some time to myself so I just chilled out for a little while in our room, slept a bit more, took a long bath and just relaxed. Seville is beautiful and I will need to go back to check it out properly, but I was happy to miss a little bit to just get some “me” time.
So after the day to myself and the group back it was time to get ready for our optional dinner and Flamenco show. Unfortunately we were only allowed to take photos right at the end of the show, but it was pretty cool to see. It did drag out a bit, but when you’ve got food and wine you make the most of it.
We had the night to ourselves and we didn’t have to be up quite as early as we had been in Morocco, so we hung out in the beautiful summer night, bouncing around a few clubs/bars that were on the same street.
Amy and I ended up going into the Irish pub for a bit (whiskey for Amy, Bailey’s for me) and a couple of the other girls were there as well. Ryan came and hung over with us for a bit and ended up buying us dessert which was lovely.
We were out for a few hours and I feel like I caught a taxi home with Amy & Nads – not too early – but there were plenty of the group still out and about. Still had to pack all my shit up and say goodbye to the wonderful hotel suite :P
DAY EIGHTEEN: We say goodbye to Seville and Spain for a few days because we’re on the road to Portugal! Final destination: Lisbon – or more accurately, Lisboa.
Logan and I were stilling behind Molly and Simone – we frequently sat together on the coach, the four of us. Now, I feel like I’m going to get the sequence of events wrong so sorry if this is out of order, but we’ll get there! (I believe) We were scheduled to stop once we’d gone over the border into Portugal for lunch and out firs experience of authentic Portuguese tarts.
We stopped in an adorable town called Tavira.
I think it was as we were coming into Tavira but poor Simo was suddenly not well. She blacked out/passed out on the coach a couple of times and it scared the bejeezus out of me. Luckily our very own Nurse-Nadia was there to help while we waited for the ambulance. Because we had to wait for Sim to be allowed to leave the hospital, had some extra time in Tavira which wasn’t bad. It was a very cute little place and it was a beautiful warm day, we just all felt so bad for Simone.
Back on the road after our stop and Simone back with the group, we continued on to Lisbon! Before we stopped at our hotel, we visited some of the cities biggest monuments – monuments that are instantly recognisable….from other cities?
Christo Rei – Christ the Redeemer. Portugal’s answer to Rio’s famous statue. It was based on the one in Brazil when then one of the Cardinal’s of Portugal visited the original in Rio.
And we have the 25 de Abril Bridge. This suspension bridge look familiar to anyone? Often compared to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco (although they were built by two different companies” the 25 de Abril Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in the world.
The city of Lisbon in the background
We had finally arrived! This would be our home for the next two days. Dropping our bags off at the hotel, we were out in the main city centre for a walking tour.
Logan and I had previously talked about getting a tattoo together in Lisbon. So we passed on the walking tour, grabbed a quick dinner before going exploring to find a tattoo parlour that we’d looked up previously. Walking around the city was great – its a very hilly place and its said to be similar to San Fransisco. We arrived at the tattoo place and asked them about our respective tattoos that we wanted.
It was far too much for either of us so we didn’t end up doing it. We wandered and got a drink, listened to some street music before meeting up with everyone else in the main square to head back to the hotel.
One of the guys who had been on the first part of our tour (and had finished his tour) had booked a room in the hotel we were in. He had managed to procure some weed (we think it was weed but you know) so the two of us hung out with him in his room for a few hours. It didn’t do too much for us and we think it may have been tea haha. Note to everyone: don’t buy drugs from the rando’s in Portugal – its not good stuff :P
So after a few hours we buggered off and went to bed to be ready for tomorrow.
DAY NINETEEN: Today we were up an at ’em, we had three main stops for the day; the Belem District in Lisbon, the forested area of Sintra and finally the beach town of Cascais. We started our day with a quick tour of the Belem District on the waterfront.
Here we got to see the Torre de Belem, the Tower of Belem which was designed as both a  defence system at the mouth of the Tagus river and as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon.
Then we have the Monument to the Discoveries. It’s hard to get this bugger all in one shot as every side is different and so very detailed. Its placed along the river where the ships left from to trade with Asia.
Our final landmark that we saw in Lisbon was the Jeronimos Monastery. A UNESCO World Heritage sight, its dated back to 1495. I know that for me, its just amazing that buildings can be that old and still look so amazing fresh and new. For someone who comes from a fairly ‘young’ country, its just insane that there are buildings this old. Its always blown my mind. Small things you know :P
Back on the coach and a half hour drive North-West, we arrived at the wonderful and very different area of Cascais. For those who know where I live, that’s what the drive through the hills reminded me of – driving around the winding roads through forest and it being just so peaceful. I immediately fell in love with the place.
The whole town of Sintra is also a UNESCO sight due to all of the architecture and the statues etc blah blah blah – I’ll try not to lecture too much! Anyway, its got 3 cool looking castles, pastel-coloured buildings, amazing pastries. Its well-known for cork products of all things! The shops were fun to look through. Shoes, bangles, jewellery, coasters etc etc.
We didn’t get too much time here before we had to move on. Looping back around via the coast, we had a quick photo stop for our first glimpse of Cascais.
Elodie, Ryan & Logan
We got here for lunchtime and Areti took the group to a restaurant for the ‘best peri peri chicken’. Everyone was really excited for that, meanwhile Logan and I dug into a bottle.
Lunch done and dusted, the group kind of disintegrated into smaller factions as we were set loose in Cascais for the afternoon. Some of us just HAD to get an ice-cream, we’d been talking about it forever and we needed it NOW. Luckily at the beachside, there were many ice cream shops so we were satiated.
Me being me, I will never say no to a swim and the beach was where I made a bee-line for. Mollie, Adam, Elodie and a few others grabbed their beach gear and enjoyed the rays. Knowing how easily I burn, I’m not great at sitting still for too long so I swam out to boats and back a few times.
Mojito Time
After a while, we knew we had to start making our way back to the pick-up point, so we reluctantly left the beach. But not before Mollie and I got a sneaky Mojito in on the way back!
Heading back to the hostel in Lisbon, we had an optional Portuguese dinner tonight – our second last night with the group – and for some who wanted to finish in Portugal, their last evening with the group! It’s a surreal thing being part of a tour. You bond really quickly because you need to. You’re sharing everything with the people around you. And then all of a sudden its just over, done, finished. The endings always suck.
Dinner was mainly seafood. I remember that much….it was good I’m assuming, otherwise I’d remember it for being shitty. I just remember Logan got stuck sitting opposite Bianca and she got the staring treatment that I’d been getting for most of the trip. Sorry Logan, but I’m just so glad it wasn’t me for once!
After dinner we went out to this tiny little club. It was so small we barely all fit. But the music was just so me. It was perfect. I remember one of the girls calling me jukebox because I knew all the songs – it was 80’s fantastic and I could’ve stayed there the whole night!
But alas, we couldn’t stay all night as we had another venue to check out, the K Urban  Beach Club. I drank faaar too much,  but it was a fantastic time!
It was a lovely way to end the part of our Portugal section of the tour.
I vaguely remember getting a taxi with Kat…and maybe Nads….not quite sure! But we made it back to the hotel. It was a long day of driving coming up for the next day and I’d had plenty of alcohol whilst out so I passed out as soon as I hit the bed.
OKAY! That’s all from me at the moment. We’re coming up to the final stretch of contiki now. One more full day then done! I WILL make it before January finishes :P
Thanks for reading along!
    Contiki: Seville to Portugal Hola me amigos! Onwards and upwards! This one's a bit longer than the last couple of posts :)
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fabien-euskadi · 7 years
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The time has come: I will leave Tavira behind. And I will not miss this beautiful place - not even a little bit.
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fabien-euskadi · 7 years
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Tavira, Tavira, it's time to say farewell. After all these years, there is nothing between us - truth to be told, this was never meant to be, although we pretended it was a match made in heaven.
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fabien-euskadi · 3 years
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I have crossed the bridge - both the old and the new - to the Tavira Island more times than I could possibly remember. However, I still recall distinctively the last time I crossed the old bridge (not knowing that it would be the final crossing) and the first time I used the new one (the one you can see on the photos) - in both occasions, during the Spring of 2017.
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fabien-euskadi · 7 years
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Tavira: the Bridge, the River Séqua, The Pelames Street.
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