#Tassili n'Ajjer
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Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria
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rh35211 · 1 year
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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Tuareg Near A Rock Carving Depicting Giraffes, Tassili N'ajjer National Park, Tadrart Rouge, Algeria
Algeria, A Place That’s Soon To Be On Everyone’s Radar
Photographer: Eric Lafforgue
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Tuareg Sits In The Sahara Desert, North Africa, Erg Admer, Algeria
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Mozabite Women In White Haïk In The Streets Of Ksar El Atteuf, North Africa, Ghardaia, Algeria
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Boy Near The Torso Of Jupiter Statue, North Africa, Djemila, Algeria
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Unknown, Cave painting from the Tassili N'Ajjer Mountains, about 8000 to 12,000 years old
This rendering looks clean to me to not have been enhanced, but what do I know. Art of this era is fascinating to me
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armatofu · 5 months
Pintura rupestre de la cueva de Tassili n'Ajjer, Sahara (12000-7000 años).
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visions-of-our-past · 3 months
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Cave painting from Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria.
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theyoungwaldschrat · 2 years
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mine \\ Jarod K. Anderson (@cryptonature) \\ Frida Kahlo - Portrait of Luther Burbank \\ Prof. T.H. DeLuca - Soils Simplified \\ mine \\ Roman bronze hand amulet against the Evil Eye \\ NBC's Hannibal - S01E02 Amuse-Bouche \\ right: 9000 year old cave painting of a wasp faced mushroom shaman in Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria; left: my interpretation \\ Andrew Adamatzky - Language of fungi derived from their electrical spiking activity, 2022 \\ Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service - Cordyceps wasp
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"Tassili n'Ajjer
Located in a strange lunar landscape of great geological interest, this site has one of the most important groupings of prehistoric cave art in the world. More than 15,000 drawings and engravings record the climatic changes, the animal migrations and the evolution of human life on the edge of the Sahara from 6000 BC to the first centuries of the present era."
quote from https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/179/
pics 1 and 2 from https://www.amusingplanet.com/2016/03/the-prehistoric-rock-art-of-tassili.html
pic 3 from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/498703358720537985/
pic 4 from https://wondersofthepast.quora.com/Rock-Art-from-Tadrart-Acacus-Libya
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mosertone · 1 year
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8000 year old cave painting in Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria depicting a shaman during a psychedelic mushroom use(5800 BC)
Cave art in Tassili n’Ajjer SE Algeria shows the oldest known petroglyphs of psychoactive mushrooms, specifically Psilocybe.
The paintings show people holding objects that look like mushrooms and some have mushrooms growing from their bodies.
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jojou2 · 1 year
''قافـــلـــة الايـــموهاغ '' الـــــطـــــوارق
CARAVAN OF IMOHAGH - La caravane des Imoûhagh Touareg 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪
الـــــــجزائـــــــــــــر_ Algeria
منذ اقدم العصور جاب الطوارق الايموهاغ الصحراء بقوافلهم فاحيوا الواحات و المخيمات و المجتمعات السكانية و قامو بتامين تبادل تجاري و ثقافي, حيث كان هناك قوافل تسافر لعدة اشهروكانت مكونة في بعض المرات مثل قافلة الملح " الزاي " بما يزيد عن الالف جمل .
Depuis la nuit des Temps, les TOUAREGS ont sillonné le Sahara en tous sens avec leurs caravanes, faisant vivre les oasis, les campements, les centres de vie, assurant les échanges commerciaux et culturels. Les caravanes partaient pour plusieurs mois et certaines étaient constituées, comme l’Azalaï la caravane du sel, de plus de 1000 dromadaires.
Since the dawn of Time, theTUAREG have crossed the Sahara in all directions with their caravans and live oasis, encampments, living centers, providing the commercial and cultural exchanges.
The caravan left for several months and were incorporated, as the caravan Azalaï salt, more than 1,000 camels.
La Grande Caravane de l’Ahaggar au Tassili N’Ajjer
C’est la piste des rezzou d’autrefois que vous suivez. De Tamanrasset à Djanet, 700 km à dos de dromadaire. Sur votre parcours, les oueds et campements de l’Est de l’Ahaggar, de vieilles montagnes volcaniques, les ténérés d’Amadghor et du Tafessasset, les grandes dunes de l’erg Admer, les falaises du tassili N’Ajjer
The Big Caravan
From Ahaggar to Tassili of N'Ajjer
This is the track of past raids that you follow. Tamanrasset to Djanet, 700 km camel. On your journey, wadis and settlements in eastern Ahaggar, ancient volcanic mountains, Ténéré of Amadghor Tafessasset, the large dunes of Erg Admer, cliffs of Tassili N'Ajjer
21jours & 22 nuits / 21 days & 22 nights
Caravane de l’Ahaggar
Au fil des oueds qui serpentent comme des veines entre les collines de l’Est de l’Ahaggar vous découvrez des campements de zéribas, des jardins sahariens, des gravures rupestres, des oiseaux, vieux volcans.
Ce voyage peut se faire à deux ou à plus que deux personnes
Caravan of Ahaggar
Over the wadis that wind like veins in the hills east of the Ahaggar you find camps of zéribas (huts), Saharan gardens, rupestral engravings, birds, old volcanoes.
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purasangree · 5 months
Las misteriosas pinturas rupestres del Parque Nacional Tassili N'ajjer.
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rabi-kabir · 1 year
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The Tassili national park n'Ajjer Algeria
حظيرة طاسيلي الوطنية اطناجر الجزائر
The Tassili n'Ajjer national park is a mountainous region of the Sahara Desert, and amongst its many unusual rock formations
حظيرة طاسيلي ناجر الوطنية هي منطقة جبلية في الصحراء الكبرى ، ومن بين العديد من التكوينات الصخرية غير العادية
Located in a strange lunar landscape of great geological interest, this site has one of the most important groupings of prehistoric cave art in the world. More than 15,000 drawings and engravings record the climatic changes, the animal migrations and the evolution of human life on the edge of the Sahara from 6000 BC to the first centuries of the present era. The geological formations are of outstanding scenic interest, with eroded sandstones forming ‘forests of rock
يقع هذا الموقع في منظر قمري غريب ذو أهمية جيولوجية كبيرة ، ويحتوي على واحدة من أهم مجموعات فن الكهوف ما قبل التاريخ في العالم. يسجل أكثر من 15000 رسم ونقوش التغيرات المناخية وهجرات الحيوانات وتطور الحياة البشرية على حافة الصحراء من 6000 قبل الميلاد إلى القرو�� الأولى من العصر الحالي. التكوينات الجيولوجية ذات أهمية خلابة رائعة, مع تآكل الأحجار الرملية التي تشكل غابات الصخور
Tassili n'Ajjer is a heavily eroded sandstone rock formation in the Algerian section of the Sahara Desert, located on vast plateau in south-east Algeria at the borders of Libya, Niger and Mali, covering an area of 72,000 sq. km.
طاسيلي ناجر هو تشكيل صخري من الحجر الرملي المتآكل بشدة في القسم الجزائري من الصحراء الكبرى ، ويقع على هضبة شاسعة في جنوب شرق الجزائر على حدود ليبيا والنيجر ومالي ، ويغطي مساحة قدرها 72000 متر مربع. كم.
The geological conformation of Tassili n'Ajjer includes Precambrian crystalline elements and sedimentary sandstone successions of great paleo-geographical and paleo-ecological interest, The range is composed largely of sandstone. Erosion in the area has resulted in approximately 300 natural rock arches being formed, along with many other spectacular landforms.
يشمل التشكل الجيولوجي لطاسيلي ناجر عناصر بلورية ما قبل الكمبري وتعاقب الحجر الرملي الرسوبي ذي الأهمية الجغرافية القديمة والبيئية القديمة, يتكون النطاق إلى حد كبير من الحجر الرملي. أدى التآكل في المنطقة إلى تشكيل ما يقرب من 300 قوس صخري طبيعي ، إلى جانب العديد من التضاريس المذهلة الأخرى.
#Blue8Knot #GeologyOfTheWorld
#Sahara #landscape #geological #national_park #Algeria #n'Ajjer
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kaelula-sungwis · 1 year
Sand dunes in the Sahara desert, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Tadrart Rouge, Algeria by Eric Lafforgue Via Flickr: © Eric Lafforgue www.ericlafforgue.com
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pugachevrolet · 1 year
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Rock art from Tassili n'Ajjer in Algeria
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skygodz · 1 year
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Impressive cave paintings in Tassili N'Ajjer in Algeria show strange spacecraft interacting with people and animals. We were never alone!
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Las pinturas rupestres más antiguas del mundo están en Argelia - Revista Mundo Diners
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