#Tasha Flanagan
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Sexiest Podcast Character 2024 — Scripted Bracket — Round 1
Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel):
He's bi. He's a lady. He's a noir PI. He's a space pirate. His boyfriend is a master thief. He's nonbinary. He's got it all.
Tasha Flanagan (Shadows at the Door):
Born to be a chill bi girlie in literary academia, forced to deal with ghosts because she accidentally friend-adopted a jamesian protagonist
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this woman was out here committing literal war crimes and it was just? chill?
#lab rats#lab rats bionic island#lab rats elite force#adam davenport#bree davenport#chase davenport#leo dooley#donald davenport#douglas davenport#tasha dooley#principal perry#terry perry#maile flanagan
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part 2 of lab rats deserving better, for lack of a better title
picking up where we left off with mr. donald davenport/big d (chris and bryan, what the heck-) also HUGE TRIGGER WARNING of abuse and narcissism - donald davenport is one of the worst parents i have ever seen on disney. he makes it abundantly clear he only cares about himself and barely cares about his kids. i am fully aware that he was trying to protect them from douglas but i will say this on here because of the hate i got on the ‘say my name’ edit on tiktok. it’s davenport’s APPROACH that i am talking about. i know douglas would have been worse. with that being said… davenport always managed to make the situation about him. whether that was making a doll version of himself and making the toy company pay him god knows what amount of money for the lab rats’ action figures, or it’s an award FOR HIS KIDS for their 1000th mission that he tries to turn into a market deal with the president for his car, he always made it about him making money. even if it’s not about money, his ego never quits. when the KID’S BIONICS WERE EXPOSED, he said “i’m the brains behind it all. the smart behind the heart” (idk his exact words) and it’s like, stop talking about yourself for once. your kids could potentially be separated from each other and you’re talking about how you deserve credit for them. stfu, donald. additionally, and i sort of buried the lead here, my bad, in the literal first episode, you can see how donald had treated them for 16 years. he fed them pellet through a tube in their capsules - which was called ‘feeding time’ - what the fuck. chase LITERALLY says they’re “like human lab rats” and then they show adam in a human-sized hamster wheel. do people that defend davenport not realize that he treats his kids like animals? then after they made one mistake (going to school with no outside world experience thus inevitably causing trouble at school) and he almost sent them to an off-shore facility where they could complete their training - AGAIN, not letting them see the real world. bro, these are human kids you’re shutting out from the world. that’s like elsa in frozen possibly never evening meeting anna, could you imagine that? if you defend davenport, respectfully, unfollow or block me. no hate to hal sparks, all the hate goes to donald davenport.
tasha - my god, i love tasha. but there’s one thing that i wish they could have explored more: where the fuck is leo’s bio dad and what happened to him? so we know leo has a dad because leo says in ‘crush, chop, and burn part 1,’ “my NEW dad is batman!” but that’s literally all we even remotely hear of his bio dad. there are so many questions about this man. trigger warning real quick. was his dad absent most of his life? did tasha and him have a messy divorce? was he abusive? did they have a good or bad relationship with him? did he pass away? was he anything like davenport? in ‘can i borrow the helicopter?’ leo confides in davenport with a crush he has on janelle. davenport decides to tell tasha about said crush and she tries to help him hang out with her. after it backfires, leo is inevitably and understandably upset. “and what’s up with mr. blabbenport? i spill my guts to him and he blabs all about it” he says to tasha. davenport appears and here’s what he says to him: “you told my mom about janelle! i’ll never trust you again.” in my opinion, he could have and should have been more hurt. that could have showed us a bit more of leo’s past with his reaction. he could have said something like “i can’t believe my new dad can’t keep secrets either” or “my old dad would never have said anything.” like give us SOMETHING, disney. leo could have even struggled to tell davenport because his dad could have been a blabbermouth. we have no idea what his life was like before his mom married davenport. and tasha, when davenport was being irrational, could have said something like “this again! my ex husband always did stuff like this” or “new husband, same shenanigans.” seriously, we can get a little deeper here.
douglas: again, LOVE douglas. i know he started out at the main villain of the show along with marcus, but his CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT; BRAVO. he’s probably one of the funniest characters on the show. he just wanted his kids back, you know? give him a break. no but in all seriousness, he changed so much and became a better person. he showed he cared about the kids and saved their lives twice. donald? didn’t care that chase came home safe in ‘avalanche’ and was more excited about the money than his own kid. also the thing with perry having a crush on him was hilarious. i wish we had seen more of his backstory, though. all we know is that he wanted to make adam, bree, chase, and daniel cyber soldiers and davenport kicked him out and stole/rescued (however you see it) the kids, he faked his own death, and he partnered with victor krane to continue his research. all we get are these jokes throughout the show: “i was going through a rough patch and wanted societies to destroy each other.” in ‘sink or swim part 2’ when krane says to destroy adam, bree, and chase, douglas says “that was never my plan?” and from then on, tries to get in with and protect the kids, what did he want then? did he just want forgiveness or did he still want control over them? other than that, i don’t have much to say. i think douglas’ character was well written and had a good arc.
theresa cherry perry aka principal perry - i know she’s a terrible person but she’s so easy to like. she clearly cares about the kids but will never admit that. she wasn’t a very complex character though, i think. she was the standard mean principal who had a questionable past and 6 cats. what do you guys think of perry? what questions and/or suggestions do you have?
danielle, trent, ethan, stephanie, mrs. thissle - where did they all go?
am i the only one who couldn’t stand caitlin? like she started out as bree’s nerdy best friend but then became this like crazy weird girl everyone hates. like? you couldn’t let bree have one good friend?
overall, lab rats is a great show. clearly, it has a huge fan base and there are lab rats editors everywhere on tiktoks and instagram. hundreds of blogs dedicated to lab rats and other disney xd shows on tumblr, or loads of posts about the lab rats universe. again, chris peterson and bryan moore did a great job with what they had, but if the show hadn’t been produced by disney and the things from post and part 1 of this post had been thought about more, it could have been a MUCH better show. what are your thoughts?
#lab rats#chase davenport#disney xd#billy unger#lab rats elite force#lab rats bionic island#bree davenport#donald davenport#kelli berglund#adam davenport#spencer boldman#douglas davenport#douglas is just better#jeremy kent jackson#principal perry#maile flanagan#terry cherry perry#leo dooley#tyrel jackson williams#tasha davenport#angel parker
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Eight Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by @oenothera5
1. Three ships? Thrawn/Pryce (Star Wars Rebels), Levi/Hanji (Attack on Titan), Tasha Yar/Richard Castillo (Star Trek The Next Generation)
2. First ever ship? Probably John Sheridan and Delenn from Babylon 5. I remember watching the show back in the 90s with my dad, and I loved seeing those two together so much.
3. Last song? “The Gravel Walks Set” by Caladh Nua
4. Last movie? Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash
5. Currently reading? The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan (I’m revisiting the Ranger’s Apprentice series because I never finished it back in the day, so I’m rereading the early books so I can refresh my memory.)
6. Currently watching? Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
7. Currently consuming? Still on my Gundam obsession.
8. Currently craving? Pizza.
I’m kind of in a slump right now, so if you want to pick it up, go ahead and consider yourself tagged.
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Welcome to the family, TASHA! Your application to FRANNIE FABRAY was accepted. I am really happy to give your second character! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! I can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Frannie Fabray CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 12th April OCCUPATION: Owner of the Vet Clinic FACE CLAIM: Blake Lively HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Where were they born? Lima Ohio Where do they live now? New York SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: Attentive, Confident, Adventurous NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bitchy, Flirtatious, Vain CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: “One day my prince will come.”
Frannie was always a rebellious and stubborn child, she had it in her and it was never moving from that because she believed she was right about a lot of things. The amount of times she was in trouble with her parents was a lot but she still made them proud in one way or another.
Growing up, in high school she was definitely the high school flirt but a little bit of a bitch as well and a lot of the guys at high school would go for her, it wasn’t a surprise the amount of times she would go back to a guys house after a party.
Although Frannie could be seen as a bitch, she was definitely a caring and smart person. When she was going to college, she wanted to study to be a veterinarian, so she found a college in New York that taught her what she wanted and she got in luckily with the good grades that she had been getting.
Frannie was very close with her family, or so she liked the think and her and Quinn got on well enough, Frannie would always have her back even if that meant being honest about things and telling her straight what she thinks.
Frannie was used to getting used for just sex, so when she met a guy named Bradley Jackson, she expected him to just use her and then leave her but he didn’t. They dated for a long while during college for about a year and a half and she loved him. Time went buy and they started arguing a lot and he decided he wanted out of their relationship and this crushed Frannie. She believed that no one would love her again.
She watched a lot of her friends fall in love and get married and even have kids and it broke her, she wanted that and she is trying to not feel lonely whilst she waits for someone to come into her life but she didn’t know how to.
JUDY & RUSSELL FABRAY (Parents): Frannie was somewhat close to her parents, she always tried to please them so some things she would keep to herself and not let show or let them know. QUINN FABRAY (Younger Sister): Quinn and her were somewhat close, but they have always had a complicate relationship in the past so it is definitely a work in progress. DANIEL, AVERY & JULIETTE FABRAY (Half-Siblings): Nothing to mention MRS. & MR. SANDERS & MRS. & MR. FABRAY (Grandparents): Nothing to mention BRADLEY JACKSON (Ex- Boyfriend): They met in college and dated for a year and a half and were in love, she thought he was it for her but then they argued a few times and he decided he wanted out. She still has hope that maybe there is a chance for them. WILLA FLANAGAN (Best Friend): They met during college and ever since they have been best friends, it was very hard to split them up. And now that Willa is married and has a daughter, nothing has changed, they are still inseparable.
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Os 12 filmes ideais para assistir na Netflix, de acordo com seu signo
Alguns signos preferem suspense, enquanto outros vão optar pelas comédias sempre. Com base nos conhecimentos populares sobre o Zodíaco, a Bula reuniu em uma lista o filme ideal para cada signo. Todos os longas selecionados estão disponíveis na Netflix e receberam boas avaliações da crítica especializada em cinema.

Se a data e o horário de nascimento influenciam na personalidade das pessoas, então provavelmente devem ser responsáveis pelo gosto por filmes também. Alguns signos preferem suspense, enquanto outros vão optar pelas comédias sempre. Com base nos conhecimentos populares sobre o Zodíaco, a Bula reuniu em uma lista o filme ideal para cada signo disponível na Netflix. Entre os selecionados, estão “Esquadrão 6” (2019), de Michael Bay, a indicação para os arianos; e “A Teoria de Tudo” (2014), de James Marsh; uma boa opção para os leoninos. Até mesmo para os céticos, vale a pena fazer o teste, pois todos os longas selecionados foram bem-avaliados pela crítica especializada em cinema.
Esquadrão 6 (2019), Michael Bay

Arianos gostam de ação e aventura, por isso a indicação é “Esquadrão 6”. O filme conta a história de um bilionário e filantropo norte-americano que, quatro anos após testemunhar os horrores de um regime brutal em um país do Oriente Médio, forja sua própria morte para se tornar um justiceiro e derrubar criminosos e terroristas. Conhecido como “Um”, ele recruta outros cinco bilionários para juntarem-se à causa. Eles armam um golpe de estado contra um ditador, mas acabam sendo perseguidos pela máfia e pela polícia.
Mistério no Mediterrâneo (2019), Kyle Newacheck e Anne Fletcher

Taurinos gostam de se divertir e rir, não querem lidar com emoções pesadas em filmes. Então, a melhor dica é “Mistério no Mediterrâneo”. Conta a história de um policial que decide tirar férias e viajar com sua mulher para a Europa. No avião, eles fazem novas amizades e são convidados para uma reunião de família no iate do idoso bilionário Malcolm Quince. Mas, Quince é encontrado morto durante a festa e o os dois são apontados como os principais suspeitos. Então, eles se unem para encontrar o verdadeiro culpado e provar que são inocentes.
Bird Box (2018), Susanne Bier

Em um mundo pós-apocalíptico, Malorie e seus dois filhos precisam atravessar um rio traiçoeiro para fugirem do Problema, uma força misteriosa que, ao ser vista, faz as pessoas se tornarem extremamente violentas. Para não se contaminarem, eles devem fazer a travessia com os olhos vendados, o que torna tudo ainda mais difícil. O longa é baseado no livro homônimo de Josh Malerman. “Bird Box” é um filme cheio de emoções, ideal para os geminianos, que gostam de mistérios.
A Sociedade Literária e a Torta de Casca de Batata (2018), Mike Newell

Como os cancerianos são muito sentimentais, a indicação é um romance emocionante. O filme conta a história de Juliet Ashton, uma escritora que vive na Londres de 1946, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ela recebe a carta de um fazendeiro que mora em Guernsey, uma ilha invadida pela Alemanha. Ele conta à Juliet como os moradores formaram um clube de leitura local. Interessada na história, a escritora decide visitar Guernsey e lá encontra a inspiração para seu próximo livro.
Leão: A Teoria de Tudo (2014), James Marsh

Leoninos não têm medo de expressar seus sentimentos e gostam de histórias inspiradoras, como “A Teoria de Tudo”, que conta a trajetória de Stephen Hawking, astrofísico britânico. Aos 21 anos, ele se apaixona por Jane Wilde, uma estudante de Cambridge, mas logo é diagnosticado com esclerose lateral amiotrófica (ELA), uma doença motora degenerativa. Jane decide continuar ao lado do namorado e os dois se casam. Contrariando os diagnósticos médicos, Hawking tem três filhos com Jane e persiste em seu trabalho intelectual, tornando-se um dos cientistas mais aclamados do mundo.
Virgem: I Am Mother (2019), Grant Sputore

Virginianos adoram ficção científica, então podem se surpreender com “I Am Mother”, filme sobre um robô chamado Mãe que, após a extinção dos humanos, é designado para renovar a humanidade. Em um bunker, Mãe cria uma criança, conhecida apenas como Filha, evitando que ela tenha qualquer contato com o mundo externo. Ao ouvir uma mulher ferida pedindo ajuda, Filha a acolhe dentro do bunker. A mulher diz à garota que existem outros humanos na Terra, mas os robôs são uma ameaça perigosa a eles. Então, filha passa a desconfiar de sua mãe.
A Incrível Jessica James (2017), James C. Strouse

Librianos são despreocupados e gostam de filmes sem tensões ou grandes mistérios. Nesse caso, uma boa indicação é “A Incrível Jessica James”, que narra a história da dramaturga Jessica. Quando seu relacionamento chega ao fim sem um motivo aparente, ela fica perturbada. Para levantar o astral de Jessica, sua melhor amiga, Tasha, sugere que ela saia com Boone, um desenvolvedor de aplicativos que também se separou recentemente. Apesar do receio, Jessica se encontra com Boone. Aos poucos, os dois descobrem como enfrentar os tempos difíceis juntos.
Escorpião: Joias Brutas (2020), Benny e Josh Safdie

Escorpianos têm um gosto mais amplo, mas tendem a ter um senso de humor mais sombrio. Nesse caso, a indicação é “Joias Brutas”, filme sobre Howard Ratner, o dono de uma loja de joias que está cheio de dívidas por jogos de apostas. Para resolver sua situação, ele quer vender uma pedra não lapidada enviada diretamente da Etiópia. Inicialmente, Howard oferece a joia a um de seus clientes assíduos, mas depois percebe que pode lucrar muito mais indo à leilão. Só que, antes disso, ele precisa driblar os cobradores que o perseguem.
A Verdade Nua e Crua (2009), Robert Luketic

Sagitarianos se mostram durões, mas na verdade adoram comédias românticas. Então, a dica é “A Verdade Nua e Crua”, que acompanha Abby Ritcher, uma produtora de um programa de televisão. Com os índices de audiência caindo, o chefe de Abby decide contratar Mike Chadway, um guru de relacionamentos especialista no que realmente atrai os homens. A produtora acha que Mike é nojento e machista, mas faz um pacto com o conselheiro: se as dicas dele a ajudarem a ficar com um médico chamado Colin, ela o deixará em paz no trabalho. Caso contrário, ele terá que pedir demissão do programa.
Mulher-Maravilha (2017), Patty Jenkins

Capricornianos são nostálgicos e não resistem a um filme que relembra a infância, como o da heroína “Mulher-Maravilha”. Treinada para ser uma lutadora imbatível, Diana nunca saiu da ilha de Themyscira, lar da raça de mulheres guerreiras criadas pelos deuses do Monte Olimpo para proteger a humanidade de Ares, o deus da guerra. Quando um piloto das forças americanas cai em Themyscira, Diana descobre que um terrível conflito mundial está destruindo a Terra. Então, ela decide abandonar a ilha para interferir na guerra e salvar os humanos.
Jogo Perigoso (2017), Mike Flanagan

Aquarianos têm um gosto surpreendentemente sombrio para filmes, por isso o suspense “Jogo Perigoso” é a indicação. Para tentar salvar o casamento, Jessie e o marido Gerald viajam para uma casa de campo, onde planejam um fim de semana romântico. Gerald, no entanto, tem planos mais apimentados em mente e decide realizar um jogo sexual com a mulher. Ele algema os dois pulsos de Jessie na cama, mas as coisas acabam saindo do controle e o que deveria ser apenas uma aventura se transforma em uma luta por sobrevivência.
Diário de uma Paixão (2004), Nick Cassavetes

Piscianos são racionais, mas também adoram um romance, como “O Diário de Uma Paixão”. Em um asilo, um idoso conta a história de amor de Noah e Allie para sua esposa. Na década de 1940, Noah, um operário, e Allie, uma moça rica, se apaixonam, mas a família da jovem proíbe o romance. Quando Noah é convocado para lutar na Segunda Guerra Mundial, Allie perde as esperanças de reencontrá-lo e fica noiva de outro homem. Mas, antes do casamento, Noah retorna para a cidade e os dois se envolvem novamente.
Os 12 filmes ideais para assistir na Netflix, de acordo com seu signo Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 87th week in review!
New Characters
Darce Allen (minor character), played by Dee
Sage Belmont (minor character), played by Leigh
Serena Smythe, played by Laura
Haley Sterling, played by Jeanne
This brings us to forty-one active main characters and four minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Mercedes Jones - personal reasons
Brodie Weston - failure to return from hiatus
Wanted Characters
Chloe Anderson, Blair’s half-sister
Mal Rutherford’s co-worker and first crush
Tasha, X’s first friend, muse, and love
Characters on Hiatus
Amber Montgomery, played by Aly - on hiatus until March 24
Fiona Hudson, Nicola de Rocha, and Scout Solano, played by KT - on semi-hiatus until March 25
Rowan Flanagan, played by Becca - on hiatus until March 31
Spencer Porter, Ellie Gilbert, Lara James, and Logan Hansen, played by Kai - on semi-hiatus until April 8
March Madness - Initial event post here!
Follow along to the bracket updates here!
BOTB: Dedications - Submit your dedications here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Hookup: Kate and Scout
Coming up
SUNDAY, March 24
April’s Showers
Info on Weekend One of Indoor Tourney here!
Indoor Season Schedule
Week 11 - Mar 24 - Tourney Weekend 1
Week 12 - Mar 31 - Tourney Weekend 2
MONDAY, March 25
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, March 26
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
THURSDAY, March 28
FRIDAY, March 29
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, March 30
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April 11 - Brittany Pierce
April 22 - Samantha McKenna
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (8/10-8/17)
1. Sucias
August 12, 2017, 7-11PM Work by: Obsidian Bellis, Mimi Chrzanowski, Lisa Czech, Krystal DiFronzo, Inés Estrada, Susana Garcia, Chloe Lewis, Anna Mielniczuk, Jessica Milton, Gabby Mulholland, Mony Nuñez, Olive Panter, and Hiromi Ueyoshi; Performances by Marcela Torres, Forced Into Femininity (Jill Flanagan), Sarah Squirm, and featuring DJ Nihilismo 2000 (Curated by Chloë Perkis) Hoofprint Workshop: 2433 S Oakley Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
2. A Revision of Everyday Life
August 11, 2017, 6-9PM Work by: Cassie Tompkins Spudnik Press Cooperative: 1821 W Hubbard, Suite 302, Chicago, IL 60622
3. Savior
August 11, 2017, 5-8PM Work by: Josuhe Pagliery and Johann Armenteros VGA Gallery: 2418 W Bloomingdale Ave, Unit 102, Chicago, IL 60647
4. Customer Service
August 12, 2017, 3-5PM Work by: Jennifer Cronin The Bagelers: 2461 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
5. Beauty Breaks One Year Anniversary
August 12, 2017, 6-10PM Rootwork Gallery: 645 W 18th St, Chicago, IL 60616 Perfromances by: Tasha Viets-Vanlear, Lotus LostTribe, A.J. McClenon, Jackie CQQCHIFRUIT Guerrero, and Compton Quashie
Hey Chicago, submit your events to the Visualist here: http://ift.tt/2ax8j1m.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (4/13-4/19)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (3/16-3/22)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/17-11/24)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (8/10-8/17) published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (8/10-8/17)
1. Sucias
August 12, 2017, 7-11PM Work by: Obsidian Bellis, Mimi Chrzanowski, Lisa Czech, Krystal DiFronzo, Inés Estrada, Susana Garcia, Chloe Lewis, Anna Mielniczuk, Jessica Milton, Gabby Mulholland, Mony Nuñez, Olive Panter, and Hiromi Ueyoshi; Performances by Marcela Torres, Forced Into Femininity (Jill Flanagan), Sarah Squirm, and featuring DJ Nihilismo 2000 (Curated by Chloë Perkis) Hoofprint Workshop: 2433 S Oakley Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
2. A Revision of Everyday Life
August 11, 2017, 6-9PM Work by: Cassie Tompkins Spudnik Press Cooperative: 1821 W Hubbard, Suite 302, Chicago, IL 60622
3. Savior
August 11, 2017, 5-8PM Work by: Josuhe Pagliery and Johann Armenteros VGA Gallery: 2418 W Bloomingdale Ave, Unit 102, Chicago, IL 60647
4. Customer Service
August 12, 2017, 3-5PM Work by: Jennifer Cronin The Bagelers: 2461 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
5. Beauty Breaks One Year Anniversary
August 12, 2017, 6-10PM Rootwork Gallery: 645 W 18th St, Chicago, IL 60616 Perfromances by: Tasha Viets-Vanlear, Lotus LostTribe, A.J. McClenon, Jackie CQQCHIFRUIT Guerrero, and Compton Quashie
Hey Chicago, submit your events to the Visualist here: http://ift.tt/2ax8j1m.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (4/13-4/19)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (3/16-3/22)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/17-11/24)
from Bad at Sports http://ift.tt/2vRAjJM via IFTTT
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Sexiest Podcast Character 2024 — Scripted Redemption Bracket — Round 2
Tasha Flanagan (Shadows at the Door):
Born to be a chill bi girlie in literary academia, forced to deal with ghosts because she accidentally friend-adopted a jamesian protagonist
Cheri (Fuck Humans):
The incubus girlfriend of one of the other lead characters.
If you're an 18+ mature adult, please listen to Fuck Humans to hear how unbelievably sexy Cheri is. and basically the entire cast.
Also, propaganda for all the Fuck Humans characters in this bracket, because how can you not vote for the sexy podcast characters in a sexy podcast character poll
Additional propaganda below the cut:
Tasha Flanagan (Shadows at the Door):
This is propaganda for all the female characters. Voters please remember how pretty all women are and factor that into every single vote you make. Thank you.
Cheri (Fuck Humans):
This is propaganda for all the female characters. Voters please remember how pretty all women are and factor that into every single vote you make. Thank you.
#2024 Round 2#Tasha Flanagan#Cheri#Cheri Fuck Humans#Shadows at the Door#Fuck Humans#Fuck Humans Podcast
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calling all lab rats fans
i need help with something. i know how dumb this is gonna sound but i need y’all’s opinions on head canons (it’s for a DR)
- tasha would treat any of the boys girlfriends as another daughter of hers (like how she treats bree)
- chase hates physical touch unless it comes to his partner, then i think physical touch is his love language
- chase is a morning person and a tea person
- bree’s favorite things to do are go to the mall, go to karaoke, have sleepovers with her best friends (bonus: naps)
- adam has more rules than any of his siblings including a strict bedtime and certain things he can’t eat because he won’t sleep
- tasha and bree have mother-daughter days
- chase isn’t unaccepting and baffled by superpowers (what heck, writers of elite force?), he’s fascinated by them and tried to learn more about them
- chase is THE type of person to go on a walk at 6am and try to take bree with him (who ironically refuses but you know what, i don’t blame her)
- what animals do y’all think chase actually likes cause i feel like he just doesn’t like animals but loves kids
- tasha loves cats but perry’s cats annoy her
- douglas and donald are dog people (hello, otis)
- i feel like crystals absolutely freak chase out but not in a super bad way
- this one’s more personal, but i feel like chase hates theater (like broadway musicals) but loves the symphony and opera (ew, in my opinion), but like, he doesn’t *actually* hate it (think of that one scene from spongebob where spongebob catches squid word with a whole closet full of crabby patty’s). like he doesn’t like it at first but then he secretly listens to all the albums
- bree literally eats everything. she’s the opposite of a picky eater
- bree gets so excited sometimes that she literally starts bouncing off the walls or passes out (this is canon though cause she passed out the first time she discovered nail polish)
- janelle is the black cat girlfriend and leo is the golden retriever boyfriend (i ship them so much y’all)
- bree and janelle would actually be good friends if they interacted more
#lab rats#disney xd#lab rats bionic island#lab rats elite force#chase davenport#bree davenport#adam davenport#donald davenport#douglas davenport#tasha davenport#leo dooley#billy unger#kelli berglund#spencer boldman#hal sparks#tyrel jackson williams#maile flanagan#angel parker
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The worst part is that I don’t think this is a hyperbole

this woman was out here committing literal war crimes and it was just? chill?
#lab rats#lab rats bionic island#lab rats elite force#adam davenport#bree davenport#chase davenport#leo dooley#donald davenport#douglas davenport#tasha dooley#principal perry#terry perry#maile flanagan
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Who is the Sexiest Fictional Podcast Character? 2024 Edition.
Alright. It's been months, but here we go! After 153 submissions, 10 preliminaries, some eliminations, and a number of poll-runner additions, we are going to have a 64 character bracket for the Scripted Bracket, and a 32 character bracket for the Unscripted Bracket.
Round 1
Kayne (Malevolent) vs ANDI (Marsfall)
The Obituary Writer (Death by Dying) vs Madge Stallion (Fawx & Stallion)
Sister Carpenter (The Silt Verses) vs Val Torres (The Night Post)
Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) vs Lawry (We Will NOT Play DnD)
Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives) vs Graham Casner (The White Vault)
Jonathan Harker (Re: Dracula) vs Mab (Monstrous Agonies)
Mari Datuin (Hi Nay) vs Fayth Alden (Zero Hours)
Eisen Iyer (The Kingmaker Histories) vs Jib Janeen (The Thrilling Adventure Hours)
Michael Walters (WOE.BEGONE) vs SPEAKER (SAYER)
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats) vs Ryan Dalias (EOS 10)
Rowan Chow (Camp Here & There) vs Angelique (The Secret of St Kilda)
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs The Keeper (The Finder's Keeper)
Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Tasha Flanagan (Shadows at the Door)
Yaretzi (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs Cheri (Fuck Humans)
Damien (The Bright Sessions) vs Lucifer Kane (Kane & Feels)
Burt Harddrive (Anime Sickos) vs Kate Burnham (The Bridge)
Alice Dyer (The Magnus Protocol) vs Reva Luther Santiago (Station to Station)
The Angel of Death (Death by Dying) vs Mariana (Sherlock & Co.)
Paige Duplass (The Silt Verses) vs Ikogrisk (The Vesta Clinic)
Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359) vs Morgan (Give Me Away)
Gwendolyn Bouchard (The Magnus Protocol) vs X (Girl In Space)
Ty Betteridge (WOE.BEGONE) vs The Presenter (Monstrous Agonies)
Tor Client (Anime Sickos) vs Father Liberty Hale (Zero Hours)
Polly (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs Mabel Martin (Mabel)
John Doe (Malevolent) vs LEO(h) (Life With LEO(h))
Eric Chapman (Wooden Overcoats) vs Bryony Halbech (Red Valley)
Sydney Sargent (Camp Here & There) vs Seth (Lost Terminal)
John Peters (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Jasper Moon (Badlands Cola)
Buddy Aurinko (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Stella Reyes (Life With Althaar)
Ariadne Culver (The Kingmaker Histories) vs Bask (Fuck Humans)
Dr. Joan Bright (The Bright Sessions) vs Malachi Tessera (ROGUEMAKER)
Helen Distortion (The Magnus Archives) vs Lia Haddock (Limetown)
#2024 Round 1#Podcasts#Audio Drama#Tumblr Bracket#If you can spot my two point five typos in the image you get a gold star.#Not A Poll#Mod Update#Frankly I don't know when the polls themselves will exist because 32 is a lot to make and I have work. But! I hope for soon!#2024 Bracket
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im just gonna say it
we need a lab rats cast reunion
#lab rats#lab rats bionic island#lab rats elite force#disney xd#billy unger#kelli berglund#spencer boldman#hal sparks#tyrel jackson williams#angel parker#maile flanagan#chase davenport#bree davenport#adam davenport#donald davenport#douglas davenport#tasha dooley#tasha davenport
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 86th week in review!
New Characters
Brittany Pierce, played by Dillyn
This brings us to forty-one active main characters and two minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Wanted Characters
Chloe Anderson, Blair’s half-sister
Mal Rutherford’s co-worker and first crush
Tasha, X’s first friend, muse, and love
Characters on Hiatus
Amber Montgomery, played by Aly - on hiatus until March 18
Brodie Weston, played by Lina - on hiatus until March 18
Dani Harper, played by Han - on semi-hiatus until March 20
Spencer Porter, Ellie Gilbert, Lara James, and Logan Hansen, played by Kai - on semi-hiatus until March 21
Rowan Flanagan, played by Becca - on hiatus until March 23
Reggie Cliffton, played by MC - on semi-hiatus until March 23
Fiona Hudson, Nicola de Rocha, and Scout Solano, played by KT - on semi-hiatus until March 25
Task Tuesday - Task 4: Issues here!
Friday Five here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Hookup: Rachel and Samantha
Coming up
SUNDAY, March 17
St. Patrick’s Day!
April’s Showers
Score: Win; 6-2
Goals: Stevie 6′ (unassisted); Riley 10′ (assist Jemma); Brodie 22′ (assist Spencer); Jemma 35′ (assist Spencer); Jemma 43′ (unassisted); Spencer 51′ (assist Jemma)
@streetsmartstevie @rileduplynn @itsjemmabitch @aboldbrewbrodie @superspence
Current Record: 6-4
Indoor Season Schedule
Week 1 - Jan 13 - vs. The Mighty Schmucks
Week 2 - Jan 20 - vs. ABCDE FC
Week 3 - Jan 27 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 4 - Feb 3 - vs. Game of Throw-Ins
Week 5 - Feb 10 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 6 - Feb 17 - vs. Green Monkeys
Week 7 - Feb 24 - vs. Athletico Pathetico
Week 8 - Mar 3 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 9 - Mar 10 - vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Škrtels
Week 10 - Mar 17 - vs. #SquadGoals
Week 11 - Mar 24 - Tourney Weekend 1
Week 12 - Mar 31 - Tourney Weekend 2
MONDAY, March 18
NYU Spring Recess - No Classes Scheduled
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, March 19
NYU Spring Recess - No Classes Scheduled
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
Spring Equinox
NYU Spring Recess - No Classes Scheduled
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
THURSDAY, March 21
Holi & Purim
NYU Spring Recess - No Classes Scheduled
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, March 22
NYU Spring Recess - No Classes Scheduled
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, March 23
Lola Alvarez’s birthday!
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April 11 - Brittany Pierce
April 18 - Brodie Weston
April 22 - Samantha McKenna
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
0 notes
Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 85th week in review!
New Characters
Cody Lawson, played by Laura
Brodie Weston, played by Lina
This brings us to forty active main characters and two minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Cody Lawson - minor character account; main account above!
Wanted Characters
Chloe Anderson, Blair’s half-sister
Mal Rutherford’s co-worker and first crush
Tasha, X’s first friend, muse, and love
Characters on Hiatus
Blair Anderson, Marley Rose, Jemma Sterling, Lola Alvarez, Riley Lynn, played by Leigh - on semi-hiatus until March 11
Jessi St. James, played by Laura - on semi-hiatus until March 11
Amber Montgomery, played by Aly - on hiatus until March 18
Dani Harper, played by Han - on semi-hiatus until March 20
Rowan Flanagan, played by Becca - on hiatus until March 23
Meme Monday - Stir the Pot here!
Task Tuesday - Task 3: We Are Family here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Exes: Brodie and Rachel
Past Hookup: Bea and Cody
Coming up
SUNDAY, March 10
April’s Showers
Score: Win; 4-0
Goals: Michelle 4′ (unassisted); Spencer 36′ (assist Sam); Stacey 40′ (assist Evie); Stacey 55′ (unassisted)
@superspence @samerystargaryen @itsstaceyevans @evielutionary
Current Record: 5-4
Indoor Season Schedule
Week 1 - Jan 13 - vs. The Mighty Schmucks
Week 2 - Jan 20 - vs. ABCDE FC
Week 3 - Jan 27 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 4 - Feb 3 - vs. Game of Throw-Ins
Week 5 - Feb 10 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 6 - Feb 17 - vs. Green Monkeys
Week 7 - Feb 24 - vs. Athletico Pathetico
Week 8 - Mar 3 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 9 - Mar 10 - vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Škrtels
Week 10 - Mar 17 - vs. #SquadGoals
Week 11 - Mar 24 - Tourney Weekend 1
Week 12 - Mar 31 - Tourney Weekend 2
MONDAY, March 11
Reagan Lane’s birthday!
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, March 12
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
THURSDAY, March 14
Scout Solano’s birthday!
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, March 15
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, March 16
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April 11 - Lola Alvarez
April 18 - Brodie Weston
Aprill 22 - Samantha McKenna
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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