#Tara Haigh
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buch-sonar · 4 months ago
"Der Ruf des schwimmenden Gartens" von Tara Haigh
Vor der atemberaubenden Kulisse Madeiras kämpft eine junge Frau entgegen allen Widerständen um ihre Freiheit und ihre Liebe. Bremen, 1914: Sofie arbeitet als Ärztin im dortigen Krankenhaus, leidet jedoch darunter, von den männlichen Kollegen nicht ernst genommen zu werden. Da hört sie, dass deutsche Investoren auf Madeira ein Krankenhaus eröffnen wollen und händeringend nach Ärzten suchen. Bei…
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septembergold · 3 years ago
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Like OMG that cover is so cheezy^^I can’t! (I wanna read it though.)
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 5 years ago
Momma Stiles, True Alpha
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VRMQJi
by MrsDiablousRiddle
Stiles decides after hearing about what happened with Isaac Lahey that he'll take him in, no matter the cost to himself. He's prepared to lose his dad, he's prepared to lose his best friend and his best friend's mom. He's prepared to give up everything to give these teens who don't come from stable homes, who don't come from loving environments, a stable and loving environment to grow into the people they can be. Stiles isn't initially prepared to fight Derek Hale, but he will if he has to. He's in good standing with: the people at the office where Louisa Hewitt, his real estate agent, works, David Whittemore, most of the Sheriff's station, the staff at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, and the DCS office where Norman Bryant, the agent assigned to their case, works. Stiles might have gotten more than he bargained for when he left his dad, but he wouldn't trade ot for the world.
Words: 5297, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Momma Stiles, True Alpha
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Noah Stilinski, Scott McCall, Melissa McCall, Mason Hewitt's Mother, Isaac Lahey, David Whittemore, Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes' Mother, Original Male Character, Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Corey Bryant's Father, Peter Hale, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Deputy Tara Graeme, Deputy Strauss (Teen Wolf), Deputy Haigh (Teen Wolf), Cora Hale, Braeden (Teen Wolf), Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Brett Talbott, Hayden Romero
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Kira Yukimura, Mason Hewitt/Corey Bryant, Cora Hale/Braeden, Jackson Whittemore/Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken/Brett Tablbott/Hayden Romero, Isaac Lahey & Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes & Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd & Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski & Melissa McCall, Tara Graeme & Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore & Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski, Malia Tate & Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken & Brett Talbott & Hayden Romero & Stiles Stilinski, Mason Hewitt's Mother & Stiles Stilinski, David Whittemore & Stiles Stilinski, Corey Bryant's Father & Stiles Stilinski, Cora Hale & Braeden & Stiles Stilinski, Corey Bryant & Mason Hewitt & Liam Dunbar & Stiles Stilinski, Kira Yukimura & Stiles Stilinski - Relationship, Noah Stilinski & Derek Hale
Additional Tags: Pack Mother Stiles Stilinski, True Alpha Stiles Stilinski, Human Stiles Stilinski, Noah Stilinski doesn't have faith in Stiles' abilities, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski are Siblings, Stiles Stilinski thinks of Melissa McCall as his mother, Erica Reyes & Vernon Boyd & Isaac Lahey are Siblings, Stiles is Erica & Vernon & Isaac's mom, Peter Hale is a Dad, Malia is Stiles' stepdaughter, Mr. Tate doesn't want anything to do with Malia, Kira is a part of the pack, Humans in the Stilinski Pack, Liam Dunbar is Stiles and Peter's youngest child, Noah Stilinski and Derek Hale try to take the betas away from Stiles, Mates Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Melissa McCall, Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VRMQJi
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ao3feed-sterek · 6 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zM4nre
by Moonlight_Killer
Everything is different in this world, and he knows it, but it is hard to accept that everything… Isn't just as he remembers it. He can't accept the face he has Scott as friend, but at the same time he doesn't. Or the fact that Derek doesn't him when he looks at him, but his mother who seemed to be Lucifer of this universe. Or Gerard’s smiles and pats on the head as he talks about cousins or Kate talking about boys with him. It is just… Hard to accept anything in this world.
Words: 2639, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The bottle of inspiration
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel, The Punisher (2004), The Punisher (1989), The Punisher by D.A. Stern
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Claudia Stilinski, Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Victoria Argent, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Jordan Parrish, Tara Graeme, Deputy Haigh, Valerie Clarke (Teen Wolf), Deputy Strauss (Teen Wolf), Alan Deaton, Marin Morrell, Braeden (Teen Wolf), Donovan Donati, Tracy Stewart's Father, Tracy Stewart, Melissa McCall, Rafael McCall, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Noshiko Yukimura, Ken Yukimura, Kira Yukimura, Natalie Martin, Lorraine Martin, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Jackson Whittemore's Mother, Liam Dunbar, Liam Dunbar's Father, Liam Dunbar's Mother, Henry Tate, Malia Tate, Evelyn Tate, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Laura Hale, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Adrian Harris, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Frank Castle, Howard Saint, Johnny Saint, Bobby Saint, Livia Saint, Quentin Glass
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski/Original Female Character(s), Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Johnny Saint
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, FBI Agent Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski is Not Stiles Stilinski's Parent, in this universe, Time Travel, Fix-It, Were-Creatures, Creature Stiles Stilinski, Creature Quentin, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Mafia Boss Stiles Stilinski, Snake's Revenge, english isn't my first language, Not Beta Read, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zM4nre
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avengerness · 7 years ago
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The first trailer for Big Finish’s adaption of “Too Many Targets” written by John Peel and Dave Rogers, published 1990, is online and you can pre-order the audiobook.
Trailer: here
  “Two agents are dead, and their murderers sound worryingly familiar. A killer gorilla is on the loose, a deadly disease is ravaging a distant country and an eminent doctor has been kidnapped. It's all pretty much business as usual.
But when John Steed is called in by his old boss and given an appalling task to complete, at the same time as Tara is given one that's even worse, it becomes clear that the myriad threads of a terrifying scheme are drawing together. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.
Steed won't be able to handle this case alone.
The Avengers are needed. All of them.
Julian Wadham (John Steed), Olivia Poulet (Emma Peel), Anthony Howell (Dr David Keel), Lucy Briggs-Owen (Carol Wilson), Beth Chalmers (Cathy Gale), Emily Woodward (Tara King), Christopher Benjamin (Mother)
More cast details to follow.
Producer David Richardson Script Editor John Dorney Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs”
Source: Bigfinish.com
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fraugoethe · 3 years ago
DRK-Schwester zwischen den Fronten
*Die Klänge der Freiheit* von Tara Haigh ist diese Woche Thema der #blogtour von @literaturtest. Mit DRK-Schwester Inge geht es über die #Ostfront in Charkow nach #Montecassino. Im Beitrag findet ihr ebenfalls ein #Interview mit der Autorin.
Die Klänge der Freiheit von Tara Haigh Nürnberg, 1943. Inge träumt davon, die Welt zu sehen. Als DRK-Schwester will sie nach Afrika. Ihre Freundin Annemarie zieht Paris vor. Leider kommt die Einberufung für beide an die Ostfront in Charkow. Dort trifft die Deutsche Front auf die Rote Armee und das Lazarett ist überfüllt. Bald wird deutlich, dass nur der Rückzug lebensrettend sein kann. Zögerlich…
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spikedluv · 7 years ago
TW Fic: all the pain of yesterday (Peter/Chris; PG13)
*flails* I'm so excited that this fic is finaly done and posted! It has been a labor of love, emphasis on labor, lol! I hope you enjoy it! I finished the story for @wipbigbang and had the most amazing artist, as you will soon see.
all the pain of yesterday (66025 words) by Spikedluv Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chris Argent/Peter Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Derek Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Appearance by Allison Argent, mention of scott/allison - Freeform, implied pre-derek/stiles, the sheriff's name is John, Appearance by Stiles Stilinski, Appearance by Scott McCall, Appearance by Nurse Jennifer, Appearance by Satomi Ito, Appearance by Kate Argent, Cameo by Lydia Martin, Cameo by Jackson Whittemore, Cameo by Araya Calavara, Cameo by Deputy Tara Graeme, Cameo by Deputy Clarke, Cameo by Deputy Haigh, Cameo by Gerard Argent, Minor description of vomiting in chapter four Summary: Chris retires from hunting and moves back to Beacon Hills with Allison. Or, a rewrite of early season one.
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rico1953 · 4 years ago
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{Werbung/unbezahlt-Rezension} 👋Huhu,ihr Lieben👋 Was macht einen historischen Familienroman aus?? 📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖 Bamberg 1887, Das Familienimperium der Familie Imhoff steckt in argen Schwierigkeiten,erst durch den Preisverfall durch die Importe aus China entstanden entstanden ist,befällt noch ein Pilz die Lakritzfelder.So fällt die Ernte sehr gering aus. Es müssen Lösungen her,um das Familienunternehmen noch zu retten.Amalie kommt auf die Idee, das nur noch eine Vernunftehe(dies war zur dieser Zeit sehr üblich)mit einem Bankier und ihrer kleinen Schwester Elise das Familienunternehmen retten kann. Aber Elise liebt einen anderen und hat andere Pläne.Sie flieht mit ihrem Traummann Ferdinand nach Paris,um ihren Traum von einer eigenen Confiserie zu verwirklichen zu können. Aber ihre große Schwester Amalie stellt sich mit Leib und Seele in den Dienst des Familienunternehmen. Um das Familienimperium zu retten reist Amalie mit ihrem Vater nach Kalabrien um dort neues Land zu kaufen,um das "Südholz" nun da anzubauen. Aber da verliebt sich Amalie in einen anderen Mann und stellt ihr bisheriges Leben in Frage....... Mein Fazit zu diesem Roman: Ich finde das hier Tara Haigh was geniales gelungen ist,sie hat einen historischen Familienroman mit einen Liebesroman vermischt.Besonders gut hat mir gefallen, das man durch den ständigen Wechsel der Schauplätze Kalabrien/Paris, so die Lebensverläufeder beiden Schwestern mit sehr viel Spannung verfolgen konnte.Ich gebe dem Roman"Das schwarze Gold des Südens" eine klare Leseempfehlung.Besonders wer historische Familien -und Liebesromane liebt,der kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten. Beeindruckt hat mich der Schreibstil,gerade die Details der Architektur gepart mit dem Liebesleben der Protagonisten,hat sie super vermischt und hervorragend dargestellt. #tinteundfeder #autorengesucht #autoren #tarahaigh #vorablesen #dasschwarzegolddessüdens #rezension #buchrezension #bücherwelt #lesestoff #bookstagram #buchsüchtig #leseempfehlung #historischerroman #liebesroman #lakritz #tessahennig #spannung #liebe #buchtipp #booklover #booksofinstagramdeutschland #blogger #currentlyreading #buchvorstellung #lesenmachtdaslebenschöner https://www.instagram.com/p/CMecD3lBCc8/?igshid=18kwr9aol43jm
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thisdiscontentedwinter · 8 years ago
hunger - chapter 7
Hunger master post. 
There’s no way Stiles can just walk into the Sheriff’s Department with some cock and bull story about a lost wallet or a stolen iPod and just hope that Kate Argent is on the counter to take his complaint. Firstly, he looks homeless and that’s going to ring some alarm bells. Secondly, he’s pretty sure it’d be just his luck to be recognized the second he stepped inside. Which means he’d be back in the custody of Child Services before he could even blink.
Stiles stakes out the diner instead, lurking right on the corner where he can watch the deputies’ cruisers pull in, day or night. He doesn’t see Kate Argent the next day, which isn’t unusual. She’s probably on a day off or something. He sees Parrish again, and Tara too.
When Stiles was twelve he had a massive crush on Tara. She was gorgeous—she still is—and it twists him up in ways that are difficult to explain, even to himself, to see her again. Because he wants to believe she’s still his Tara. He wants to believe her gorgeous smile was never hiding anything. He wants to run from the alley and fling himself at her with all the enthusiasm of twelve-year-old Stiles, but twelve-year-old Stiles doesn’t exist anymore. He’s gone, and left this pale, thin, vengeful wraith in his place.
Tara’s is the first familiar face he sees, but not the last. He sees Ramirez too, and Haigh, and tears burn his eyes when he thinks of the barbeques his dad used to host, and how the guys used to throw footballs for him and piggyback him around the yard.
It’s in the early hours of what is possibly Friday morning when he checks the parking lot for cruisers, and realizes he’s slept through someone arriving. He checks his pocket for coins. He’s got enough for a cup of coffee, which also means he can use the bathroom before the waitress tosses him out. He looks through the front windows of the diner and his heart races when he sees the blonde female deputy sitting in a booth.
It’s her.
Kate Argent.
“Stay,” he tells the dog, and the dog growls his displeasure. “They’re not going to let you inside, big guy.”
The dog tries to clamp his jaws around his wrist. Stiles tugs himself free, wipes the drool on his hoodie, and sidesteps the dog to enter the diner.
It’s warm inside. It seeps into Stiles’s skin. God, it’s so much nicer than outside. He walks up to the counter and sits at one of the stools.
“Black coffee,” he says to the waitress, then angles himself slightly so he can watch Kate Argent. She looks like she’s just sitting on a single black coffee too, but Stiles bets the staff doesn’t give her the same attitude they give him. Which is fair enough probably. She’s not stinking the place up just by being in here, right?
Stiles wonders if he can engage her in conversation, or if he’ll be better off trying to ask the staff about her when she leaves. He doesn’t think he’s dexterous enough to attempt to steal her wallet. Or maybe he just needs to hear her voice again, to see if it really does match the one in his memory.
He downs his cheap coffee and walks over to her booth, his heart in his throat. “Hey,” he says.
She looks up, and then looks him up and down. “Can I help you?”
You can tell me why you threatened my dad.
“Um.” Stiles tries for an easy smile. “Sorry, this is weird and stuff. But I wanted to say thanks. For you doing your job, I mean. The serving, and the protecting. All that.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Okaaaay.”
“And I don’t really want to bother you in your break,” Stiles says, pushing on, “but nobody ever remembers to thank the police, right? So, um, that’s what this is.”
She smiles at him like he’s slightly slow. Which, to be fair, is the vibe he’s giving off right now. “Well, I appreciate that. Thank you very much.”
Stiles shifts his weight from foot to foot.
It’s her.
He’s sure it’s her.
It’s that same saccharine tone. Too sweet to ring entirely true, with barbed malice hiding just behind it.
It’s her.
“Okay.” he says, because he knows he’s worn out his welcome. “Thanks. Have a good night, deputy.”
Her gaze follows him toward the door. “You too, sweetie.”
 The wolf’s boy is jittery when he returns to the alley. He takes his knife out of his pocket and unfolds it. Its down on the cardboard and stabs the knife into it, over and over again. He jiggles his leg.
He is like the electricity in the sky before a storm.
He is energy and motion and anticipation.
He is the thunder before it rolls, and the lightning before it cracks.
He is a force of nature, building, building, building.
His eyes are hooded. His mouth is set in a thin line. He stabs the cardboard over and over again.
“It’s her,” he tells the wolf. “It’s her. I know it is.” He laughs, breathless, raw. “God. I wish I could just kill her, you know? I could. I bet I could.”
The wolf doesn’t doubt his boy’s viciousness at all.
“But if I do, how will that help my dad?” He scowls and chews on his bottom lip. “I only get one chance at this. I can’t fuck it up.”
His boy smells sharp and acrid. He smells of fear.
“But I have to… I have to act.”
There is another smell now. Sweet perfume and skin. The wolf knows it even before he hears her footfalls, the crunch of her boot on broken glass.
Her scent hits the wolf in the gut. It’s visceral. Vicious. The flood of memories threatens to tear him apart, to rend his skin and flesh from his bones and leave nothing behind but his anguished howl.
She was his everything once.
And then she betrayed him.
The wolf lifts his head and steps between his boy and the woman whose blood he needs to taste.
 The dog growls suddenly, and Stiles freezes.
Still on his ass, he shuffles around so that he’s facing the entrance to the alleyway. The only entrance.
The deputy, Kate Argent, is standing there, lit by the dim light of the street lamp.
“You hustled out of there like your ass was on fire, didn’t you, sweetie?” she asks. She points her firearm at him. “I guess I know why now, don’t I?” She smirks. “Hello again, Derek. You don’t look so good.” 
What? Stiles blinks. That’s not his name.
She starts to laugh.
Stiles is frozen.
The dog isn’t.
He launches himself at her, fangs snapping.
She fires.
 Stiles’s face is pressed into the asphalt, and Kate Argent’s knees are pressed into his back. His arms are wrenched so far up that he thinks his shoulders are about to pop. Pain flares white in his vision. He can’t breathe, and through his tears he can see the dog lying in the alleyway, blood matting his fur. He’s not moving.
“What did he tell you, kid?” Kate asks, leaning over him.
Stiles can’t breathe.
“What did he tell you?”
Is she talking about his dad? Abut the phone call? Stiles tries to shake his head. He blinks, and tears blind him. A fraction of a second later, headlights blind him as a police cruiser pulls into the entrance of the alleyway.
Boots thump over the asphalt.
“Kate?” someone calls, and it’s the other deputy, the one with the earnest face. Parrish. “What the hell happened?”
“This kid set his dog on me,” Kate tells him. “I had to shoot it.”
Stiles tries to suck in a breath, and fails. He starts to choke instead.
“Okay,” Parrish says. “Okay, get him up.”
Stiles is sliding into a total panic attack when the deputies haul him to his feet. He barely registers the snap of the cuffs around his wrists. His cheek is bleeding from being scraped against the asphalt. He barely notices that either. He can’t breathe. The pressure on his chest is growing and growing, like his ribs are in a vise, squeezing his lungs flat. His vision is already going gray at the edges.
Why would…
Why would she just shoot the dog like that?
Stiles can’t see through his tears.
“Kid?” Parrish asks. “Kid, are you with me?”
Stiles can’t breathe. He tries to suck a breath into his useless lungs, and chokes on it instead. Panic claws at his throat, and he tries to pull away from the deputy.
Nothing makes sense.
What just happened?
He can’t breathe.
“Kid?” Parrish again. “Hey, kid?”
Stiles pitches forward and lands on his knees. He jars every bone in his body. The flash of pain is white.
“He’s hyperventilating,” Parrish says, but that can’t be right because Stiles isn’t breathing enough. “Slow it down, kid. Slow it down.”
Stiles sobs, and tries to wrench away, but with his hands cuffed behind his back he’s not going anywhere. He shuffles forward on his stinging knees, trying to get to the dog, but Parrish stops him easily.
Kate is standing over the dog, a strange half-smile on her face.
Stiles is in the middle of a panic attack, oxygen-deprived and close to blacking out, and in that strange place between the conscious and the unconscious, he has one clear, startling thought: Kate Argent is a monster. She’s a demon. She’s every cruel thought Stiles has ever had, every bad choice he’s ever made. She’s every black stain that tarnished his soul, personified, and she wants to destroy everything that Stiles has ever loved.
She crushes him like he’s an insect underfoot.
His dad, his home, his whole life, and now the dog.
And she couldn’t even get his fucking name right.
Stiles chokes on his sobs.
 The wolf watches through half-closed eyes as his boy is dragged away by the male deputy and placed in the back of the cruiser. A moment later it drives away with his boy inside. The wolf watches as death stalks nearer. At first she is a black shape in his periphery, but she winds closer and closer. Her mouth is open.
Death is always hungry.
Kate stands above him. She presses the toe of her boot into his belly, pushing hard against one of the bullet wounds. The wolf is too weak to even whine. Kate’s mouth curves into a smile. “It is you, isn’t it, Derek? Look at you, you dirty fucking mutt.”
The wolf sighs as death kneels by him.
“You tried to attack me, Derek,” Kate says, her eyes bright with barely-contained laughter. “I’d be well within the bounds of the code to pump you full of wolfsbane and watch you die.” She tilts her head. “I think a part of you would like that, wouldn’t you?”
The wolf tries to growl.
No. He has his boy now. He needs to live, to protect his boy.
“But I think I can do better than that, don’t you, sweetie?” Kate asks me. “I think I’d like to see that pretty face of yours again before you die.”
Death inches closer. Her breath is cold.
Kate pulls her phone out of her pocket. She dials a number and, smiling down at the wolf, waits for an answer. “Dad? You’ll never guess who I’ve just run into after all these years.”
The wolf closes his eyes as death reaches out and runs her thin fingers through his fur. Her touch is like ice.
In the distance, he thinks he hears someone howling.
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ao3-sterek · 8 years ago
Day 8: “I’ll admit I had reservations, but man, those pole dancing lessons really paid off!”
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lQ2ujE
by Kiti_the_Warrior_Poet
Stiles always trusts his gut, and his gut is telling him that there is something off about the new neighbors across the street. Does anyone else trust Stiles' gut? No, of course not.
Or the time Stiles uses some unexpected skills to rescue his pack from witches.
Words: 3455, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Valentine's Fic a Day 2017
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Original Female Character(s), Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Jordan Parrish, Sheriff Stilinski, Derek Hale, Tara Graeme, Deputy Haigh, Valerie Clark, Alan Deaton, Cora Hale
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Witches, BAMF Stiles, Valentine's Day, Implied/Referenced oral sex, BHPD Are In The Know, Mind Control
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lQ2ujE
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buch-sonar · 1 year ago
"Der süße Duft der Reben" von Tara Haigh
Der wagemutige Weg einer starken jungen Frau und die Geschichte einer großen Liebe in SpanienLondon 1903. Der Vater der jungen Spanierin Isabel hat mit dem Import von Rosinen aus der Heimat ein Vermögen gemacht. An ihrem einundzwanzigsten Geburtstag eröffnet er ihr, dass sie Rafael heiraten soll, den Sohn eines Rosinenbarons, den sie schon seit ihrer Kindheit verabscheut. Auf sich allein…
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nsula · 6 years ago
Spring 2019 President’s List
           NATCHITOCHES – Five hundred and sixty-four students were named to the Spring 2019 President’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of 4.0. Those named to the President’s List listed by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville -- Kayla Marceaux;
Alexandria -- Lili Bedoya, Leslie Bordelon, Destiny Dotson, Selena Elmore, Claudia Gauthier, Ian Grant, Martha Hopewell, Jordan Johnson, Allison, McCloud, Madalyn Mayer, Madeline Mitchell, LaShanda Moss, Madeline Pharis, Jennifer Prevot, Sailor Reed, Zachary Roberts, Elaina Williams, Samantha Wynn;
 Amite – Sidney Polezcek;
Anacoco – Kinsley Blakeway, Karington Hood, Cassandra Osborne, Seth Ponthieux, Kayla Stephens, Casey Williams;
 Arlington, Texas – Samantha Bell;
Arnaudville -- Zachary Leboeuf;
 Atlanta –Deanna Guidry, Alexis Hanson;
 Austin, Texas – Skylar Besch, Anuj Patel;
 Baker – Katelyn Kennedy;
 Ball – Joseph Reynolds;
 Bastrop – Anna Akins, Taylor Gabell, Haleigh Vollmar;
 Baton Rouge – Meagan Barbay , Jasmine Davis, Hannah Knoff, Elizabeth Ledet, Bethany Lee, Henrietta Mercer, Madalyn Mullins, Mary Pourciau, Sarah Talbot;
 Baytown, Texas – Norma Trejo;
Belcher – Victoria Hebert;
 Belle Chasse -- Annie  Wright;
Belle Rose – Thomas Daigle;
 Benton – Victoria Berry, Bridget Miller, Jessica O’Neal, Finnley Plaster, Megan Rainwater, Ty Whatley;
 Bossier City – Christian Baker, Brittant Batchelor, Katie Briggs, Courtney Brooks, DeMontre Evans, Hannah Gates, Candace Guillory, Peyton Harville, Cayin Head, Ashanti Hill, Jodi Hill, Nicholas Hopkins, Brandon Larkin, Chelsea Laverdiere, Arielle Martignetti, Katherine Parson, Taylor Powell, Melissa Raley, Jenna Rambin, Jami Rivers, Jalyn Robertson, Winnifred Robinson, Tori Spraggins, Savannah Stevens, Courtney Wilson, Eric Zheng;
 Boyce – Bo Bowers, Katelyn Brister, Dylan Frazier, Jodie Martin;
 Branch – Elizabeth Sonnier;
 Breaux Bridge – Shayla James;
 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma – Madeline Drake;
 Brookeland, Texas – Paige West;
 Brussels, Belgium – Leyla Fettweis;
 Bunkie – Emily Arnaud, Brett Baker;
 Burleson, Texas -- Addison Pellegrino;
 Calhoun – Grace Cummings, Robert Mccandlish;
 Calvin – Erin Price;
Campti – Alisha Bedgood;
 Carencro – Jasmin Thibodeaux;
Cartagena, Colombia -- Valeria Correa Meza, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Hassik  Vasquez Narvaez;
 Carthage, Illinois – Nicole Clark;
 Castor – Brittany Sampey;
 Center, Texas – Chelsea Henderson;
 Church Point – Meghan Bearb;
 Clifton – Brittany Shackleford;
 Colfax – Alyssa Coleman, Elizabeth Slayter,
 Colorado Springs, Colorado – Morgan Linson;
Columbia -- Melissa Robinson;
Converse -- Haleigh Sharrow;
 Cottonport – Rayne Canoe, Zachary Gauthier;
 Coushatta – Sydney Anderson, Kaylee Antilley, Mary James, Sidney Jones, William Lee, Carmie Williams;                          
Covington -- Justin Brogdon, Andrea Mier;                            
 Custer, South Dakota – China Whitwer;
 Cut Off – Allie Soudelier;
 Cypress, Texas – Alexis Warren;
 Dallas, Texas – Natalie Robledo;
 Denham Springs – Jenson Wall;
De Ridder -- Delia Amadiz, Tabitha Deer, Ashleigh Fedderman, Rebekah Frantz, Shydae Hammond, Nickolas Lane, Briana March, Jessica Mullican, Rebecca Richmond, Shynikia Roberson, Mikalyn Russell, Summer Thomas, Jessica Wheeler, Tracy Wilson;
Des Allemands – Emily Blanchard, Claire Schouest;
 Destrehan – Hannah Boquet, Stephanie Webre;
Deville –Allison Deglandon, Alyssa Kline, Aubree Lampert, Maci Mayeux;
Diamondhead, Mississippi – Melissa Boyanton;
Dry Prong -- Jared Boydstun, Ashlee Elliott, Christy Gough;                          
 El Paso – Christopher Barron;
Elizabeth – Amanda Cloud;
Elmer – Halston Rachal, Joseph Rachal;
 Endicott, New York – Tonya Rackett;
 Fairmount, Georgia – Amanda Stephenson;
Florien --Connor Arthur, Ashley Carter, Shayla Duhon, Noah Parker, Ashley Ross;
Forney, Texas -- Jayden Wheeler;
Fort Myers, Florida – Andrea Smarsh;
Fort Polk -- Amanda Dhondt, Shaunda Gordon, Pierce Matthews, Maria Neumann, Christian Wood;
Fort Sill, Oklahoma -- Iryana Burrus;
Fort Valley, Georgia – Pittard Chapman;
Fort Worth, Texas – Corban James;                              
 Franklin -- Alison Guidroz;
Freeland, Washington – Paul Aune;
 Frierson -- Brittany Furrow;
 Frisco – Caroline Shepherd, Adam Trupp, Kalee Williams;
 Garland, Texas – Sierra Stone;
 Geismar -- Kristi Contreary;
Gheens -- Samantha Clark;
Glenmora -- Precious Goins, Tiara Baker;
Gloster -- Emmaleigh Cleary;                            
 Goldonna -- Harley Godwin;
Gonzales – Addison Adams, Kristina Gipson, Ryan Gremillion, Legand Lilly, Rebecca Marchand, Molly Moran, Bailee Ramey, Zoe Tapp;  
Grand Prairie, Texas -- Clayton Casner;
Grapevine, Texas – Margaret Black;
Gray – Cassie Becnel, Tevyn Johnson;
 Greenwell Springs – Cheramie Kravitz;
Greenwood -- Char'Tarian Wilson;
Gretna – Chloe Johnson;
Hammond – Andrea Hidalgo;
Harvey -- Christiana Johnson;
 Haughton – Brittony Cole, Bethanie Couch, Alexis Hoeltje, Victoria Lodrini, Jamie Phillips, Amber Simmons, Logan Turner, Morgan Webb;                            
 Heath – Megan Lohmiller;
Heflin -- Haley Garrison;
Henderson, Texas -- John Floyd;
Hermon, Maine -- Allessa Ingraham-Albert;
Hessmer -- Lacee-Beth Cazelot;                            
 Hineston -- Tylee Stokes;
 Hornbeck -- Emma DuBose Rogers, Joshua Hughes;
 Houma – Sarah Lajaunie;
 Houston, Texas – Oai Lee Huynh;
 Iowa – Matthew Phillips, Marvette Williams;
 Irving, Texas – Darria Williams;
Jefferson --Jaleia Parker;
Jena – Christian Aymond, Teacy Kendrick;
 Jennings – Aimee Boothe, Alyson Brown, Janee Charles, Rachelle Edwards, Wesley Simien, Lydia Williams;
 Jonesboro – Jordan Winston;
 Jonesville – James White;                          
 Keatchie – Susan Laws;
 Keithville – Cora Procell, Janae Richardson;
 Kenner – Brooke Petkovich;
Kentwood – Jenna Morris;
 Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow;
Killeen, Texas – Arlyn Johnson, Nathalohn Nanai;
 Kinder -- Jonathon Villareal;
 Lacombe – William Simpson;
 Lafayette – Natalye Bradley, Abbey Broussard, Rachael Bryant, Amari Carmouche, Madison Duplechine, Ashley Guidry, John Irion, Joy Newman, Jordan Redd, Brittany Robinson, Andrea Saelios, Dante Saelios, Chynna Theriot;
 Lake Arthur – Nicole Andrews;
 Lake Charles – Shawn Becton, Derek Fields, Ashtyn Hare, Rebekah Nicholas, Sarah Sargent;
 Lake Providence -- Brandy Chapman;
Lantana, Florida -- Christopher Mccormac;
Las Vegas -- April Ficarrotta;
 League City, Texas – Kennedi Carter, Emily Ornelas;
 Lecompte -- Allison Williams;                          
 Leesville -- Victoria Carbaugh, Carter Coriell, Brittany French, Geoffrey Goins, Kimberly Henley, Leigha Jackson, Kelsea Mckinney, Joseph Orchi, Heather Snell, Alicia Stanford, Jessica Tebbetts, Kristin Whistine;
Lena – Juan Gonzalez;
Little Elm, Texas -- Hunter Gagnon;                            
 Lockport -- Courtney Cedotal;
Longview, Texas -- Samantha Morris;
Loreauville – Tiffany Trahan;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry;
 Mabank, Texas – Dustin Huffman,
 Madisonville – Alyce Lis;
Mandeville – Shannon Roussell, Sheridan Smith;
 Manito, Illinois – Sarah Picken;
Mansfield – Samantha Powell;
 Many – Skyler Ezernack, Alison Garcia, Emily Holcomb, Heidi Knight, Jaleah Lee, Shelbie Martinez, Toni Mitcham, Samantha Simmons;
Marble Falls, Texas -- Sarah Lewis;                              
 Marksville – Zachary Moreau, Madeleine Morrow;
 Marthaville – Dillon Hagan, Frank Lester, Emeri Manasco, Hanna Pardee,
 Maurice – Adam Courville, Jenna-Clair Courville, Adele Vincent, Elise Vincent,
Merryville – Courtney Jennings;                          
 Metairie -- Sadye Treadway;
Minden -- Aubry Dennis, Abigail Reynolds, Kirsten Sibley, Heather White;
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada -- Kayla Bomben;
Mobile, Alabama --   Sarah Dempsey;
Monroe -- Caleb Horton, Aaron Hunt, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Jameelah Sanaany;
Monroe -- Kristin Hutchins;                          
 Morgan City -- Jeremy Orgeron;
Morrow -- Kiante Mouton;
Morse -- Kierra Linden;                            
 Murphy, Texas – Bronte Rhoden;
 Natchez – Patricia Wise;
 Navarre, Florida -- Alexandria Morales;
Napoleonville -- Elizabeth Coleman;
Natchitoches -- Sarah Aviles, Brock Barrios, Dylan Bennett, Gracie Bennett, Keaton Booker, Keyana Brown, Deasia Burrell, Savannah Bynog, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Gilda Chan, Leanna Coy, Whitney Crooks, Haley Dahlhoff, Jacob Dahlhoff, Elliot Davis, Jordan Durio, Abbie Gandy, Kara Gandy, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Hannah Haigh, Dylan Hale, Kaitlin Hatten, Aura Hernandez Canedo, Ashlyn Hogan, Anthony Jones, Kelsey Jordan, Mary Keran, Lyndon Knueppel, Clayton Larimer, Lindsay Lee, LiZhang Matuschka, Jordan Mitchell, Jorgia Nevers, Brooklyn Noe, Kevin Nutt, Anthony Pastorello, Abigail Poe, Kevin Price, Melissa Remo, Maria Rushing, Madison Shade, Madeline Taylor, David Thibodaux, Shayna Tilley, Kaleb Usleton, Madysen Watts, Sarah Kay Whitehead;                        
 New Iberia -- Tara Bonvillain, Madison Castille, Emily Neuville, Madison Romero;
New Llano -- Reaz Khan, Collar Wilson;
New Orleans – Faith Burke;
Oakdale – Adrian Brown, Alyssa Cole, Katelyn Johnson, James Obrien;
 Olla – Brianna Corley, Cierra Evans, Kaycie Posey, Kristen Smith;                            
 Opelousas – Lauren Hebert, Keshayla Jackson, Alexia Rubin, Jaylen St. Romain;
 Pelican – Mary Myers;
 Pflugerville, Texas -- Zoe Richardson                        
 Pineville – Malak Abdelhadi, Raegan Brocato, Amber Edmisson, Katlin Ernst, Sarah Flue, Brooke Gongre, Connor Littleton, Cade Mitchell, Johnna Odom, Cinnamon Player, Wendi Powell, Peyton Spurgeon, Wesley Williams;
 Pitkin – Mattie Stewart, Grace White-Rainger;                    
 Pollock – Tanner Brazil, Hannah Gaubert, Jadynn Giles, Megan Gypin, Samantha Wilber;
 Port Allen – Makayla Lacy;
Port Arthur, Texas -- Eryn Sandwell;
 Port Barre – Skylar Guidroz;
Prairieville. – Roy Cobb, Chloe Lambert, Sarah Makin;
 Princeton – Micah Larkins;
 Provencal – Rachel Head, Bailey Scarbrough;
Quitman – Cassie Tucker;
Raceland -- Megan Parks, Paige Parks, DQuincy McGuire;
Ragley -- Elizabeth Jaycox, Cole Spooner;
 Reeves – Kayla Rider;
 Reno, Nevada – Olivia Marazzo                            
 Roanoke, Virginia – Tessa Burse;
 Robeline – Jessica Clark, Hunter Dubois, Cody Hamous, Alyssa Maley, Lillian Rachal, Caleb Wester;                            
 Rowlett, Texas -- Daniel Miner.
 St. Amant -- Kylie Nix;
 St. Francisville – Jordan Bringedahl, Ryan Reed;
St. Martinville -- Alli Douet;
St. Rose -- Alexis Mancuso;                            
 Salado, Texas -- Reagan Rogers;
Saline – Madelyn Cheatwood;
 San Antonio, Texas – Hayden Brown;
Scott -- Sydni Larriviere, Kristie Leger, Kristen Prejean;
Seattle, Washington – Zeynab Inaimi;                            
 Shreveport – Maria Awwad, Erin Batts, Maddison Benge, Hallie Bloxom, Jessica Bourne, Erin Brown, Rakeisha Brown, Kaysie Burgess, Kaylan Campbell, Kathryn Carroll, Kristen Ciconte, Abigail Davis, Jackson Driggers, Caleb Elkins, Jenna Fielder, David Fitzwater, Peyton Gamble, JaSae Gatlin, Leah Gould, Elaina Guerrero, Madyson Istre, Carly Johnson, Damion Johnson, Brett Kessel, Elysia Lanier, Alaina McMillian, Katherine Mckay, Maxey McSwain, Alexis Mason, Mary Murray, Kelly Moody, Aaron Navarre, Hannah Nicholls, Annabelle Parker, Michael Phelps, Taylor Poleman, Christopher Schimberg, Mary Sibley, Shelby Sowers, DeAndre Stevenson, Tim Whatley, Cara Wineinger;                      
 Sibley -- Julianna Schober;
 Simpson – David Marquis, Christina Snider;
Slidell -- Jacqueline Coleman, Shakera Dixon, Ayrianna Edwards, Parker Gwaltney, Kha Nguyen, Theresa Sharp, Olivia Warren;                          
 Spring, Texas – Rebekah Wilson;                            
 Springhill – Raegan Ferland;
Stinnett, Texas – Dalin Williams;
 Stonewall -- Brooke Meade;
Sulphur – Tiffany Lyons, Bryttani MacNamara, Elisabeth Perez;
 Sunset -- Lindsay Thibodeaux;
Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill;                            
 The Woodlands, Texas -- Tyler Rapp;
Thibodaux – Sheridan Duet;                              
 Tickfaw -- Colten Addison;
 Trout – Zachary Long, Deanna Poole, Devon Smith;
 Ventress – Racheal Gaude;
 Vidalia – Charles Johnson;
 Ville Platte – Alex Gautreaux;
 Vinton – Kelsie Rayon, Madison Zaunbrecher;                            
 Vivian -- Hannah Campbell, Steven McRae;
 Winnsboro – Samantha Browning;
 Walker – Johnny Brister, David Kolb, Brittany Marten;                          
 Washington -- Madelyn Dupont;
 West Monroe – Julianne Roan, Candyce Steele;                            
 Westport, Kentucky -- Sara MinkTaylor;
 White Castle – Cassidy Blanchard;
Whitehouse, Texas -- Jackson Allen;
Winnfield -- Tamierrea Alexander, Jermesia Anderson, John Collins, Simona Curry, Joshua Goins, Kayla Jones, Maggie Womack;
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Tyra Duma;
 Winter Springs, Florida -- Justin Garretson;
Woodworth -- Christian Jeansonne;
Wylie, Texas -- Alexis Perry;
Youngsville -- Brandon Granger;
Zakopane, Poland -- Patrycja Polanska;    
 Zachary – Lydia Johnson;
 Zwolle – Holly Laroux, Courtney McDaniel, Chyna Sepulvado.
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ao3feed-stydia · 6 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zM4nre
by Moonlight_Killer
Everything is different in this world, and he knows it, but it is hard to accept that everything… Isn't just as he remembers it. He can't accept the face he has Scott as friend, but at the same time he doesn't. Or the fact that Derek doesn't him when he looks at him, but his mother who seemed to be Lucifer of this universe. Or Gerard’s smiles and pats on the head as he talks about cousins or Kate talking about boys with him. It is just… Hard to accept anything in this world.
Words: 2639, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The bottle of inspiration
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel, The Punisher (2004), The Punisher (1989), The Punisher by D.A. Stern
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Claudia Stilinski, Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Victoria Argent, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Jordan Parrish, Tara Graeme, Deputy Haigh, Valerie Clarke (Teen Wolf), Deputy Strauss (Teen Wolf), Alan Deaton, Marin Morrell, Braeden (Teen Wolf), Donovan Donati, Tracy Stewart's Father, Tracy Stewart, Melissa McCall, Rafael McCall, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Noshiko Yukimura, Ken Yukimura, Kira Yukimura, Natalie Martin, Lorraine Martin, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Jackson Whittemore's Mother, Liam Dunbar, Liam Dunbar's Father, Liam Dunbar's Mother, Henry Tate, Malia Tate, Evelyn Tate, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Laura Hale, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Adrian Harris, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Frank Castle, Howard Saint, Johnny Saint, Bobby Saint, Livia Saint, Quentin Glass
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski/Original Female Character(s), Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Johnny Saint
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, FBI Agent Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski is Not Stiles Stilinski's Parent, in this universe, Time Travel, Fix-It, Were-Creatures, Creature Stiles Stilinski, Creature Quentin, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Mafia Boss Stiles Stilinski, Snake's Revenge, english isn't my first language, Not Beta Read, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zM4nre
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tindogpodcast · 6 years ago
TDP 788: The Avengers - Too Many Targets from @BigFinish
@TinDogPodcast reviews @Bigfinish #TheAvengers #TooManyTargets - Its A wonderful bit of nostalgia for a superb show. This is the 5 Doctors of Avengers Law. Not to be missed
  This title was released in September 2018. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until October 31st 2018, and on general sale after this date.
Two agents are dead, and their murderers sound worryingly familiar. A killer gorilla is on the loose, a deadly disease is ravaging a distant country and an eminent doctor has been kidnapped. It's all pretty much business as usual.
But when John Steed is called in by his old boss and given an appalling task to complete, at the same time as Tara is given one that's even worse, it becomes clear that the myriad threads of a terrifying scheme are drawing together. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.
Steed won't be able to handle this case alone.
The Avengers are needed. All of them.
Written By: John Peel and Dave Rogers, adapted by John Dorney Directed By: Ken Bentley
Julian Wadham (John Steed), Olivia Poulet (Emma Peel), Anthony Howell (Dr David Keel), Lucy Briggs-Owen (Carol Wilson), Beth Chalmers (Cathy Gale), Emily Woodward (Tara King), Christopher Benjamin (Mother), Hugh Fraser (Dr Cowles), Robert Portal (Armstrong), Dan Starkey (Wallace / Charles / Brodny), Leighton Pugh (Hunter / Lipp / Marty), Glen McCready (Alfie / Charlie). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson Script Editor John Dorney Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
  A new Tin Dog Podcast
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ao3feed-sterek · 8 years ago
Day 8: “I’ll admit I had reservations, but man, those pole dancing lessons really paid off!”
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lQ2ujE
by Kiti_the_Warrior_Poet
Stiles always trusts his gut, and his gut is telling him that there is something off about the new neighbors across the street. Does anyone else trust Stiles' gut? No, of course not.
Or the time Stiles uses some unexpected skills to rescue his pack from witches.
Words: 3455, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Valentine's Fic a Day 2017
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Original Female Character(s), Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Jordan Parrish, Sheriff Stilinski, Derek Hale, Tara Graeme, Deputy Haigh, Valerie Clark, Alan Deaton, Cora Hale
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Witches, BAMF Stiles, Valentine's Day, Implied/Referenced oral sex, BHPD Are In The Know, Mind Control
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lQ2ujE
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songedunenuitdete · 7 years ago
Bonjour à tous !  Et oui, pour beaucoup d’entre nous, c’est le jour de “The sortie” de l’année. C’est donc dans ma tenue de Wonder Woman que je vous ai préparé cette sélection… Comment ça, ce n’est pas le même univers ? Ok, je vais prendre ma tenue d’Harley Quinn… Toujours pas ? Ok, le temps de revoir mes classiques, regardons la sélection:
Film réalisé par Joe Russo, Anthony Russo. Avec  Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans L’une des plus grosses attentes de cette année ! La bande annonce annonce du lourd. Qu’il soit à la hauteur de nos espérances.
SYPNOPSIS: Les Avengers et leurs alliés devront être prêts à tout sacrifier pour neutraliser le redoutable Thanos avant que son attaque éclair ne conduise à la destruction complète de l’univers.
Film réalisé par Julien Hallard.  Avec Max Boublil, Vanessa Guide, Bruno Lochet Une comédie prometteuse revenant sur les débuts du football féminin français
SYNOPSIS: Reims, 1969. Paul Coutard, séducteur invétéré et journaliste sportif au quotidien Le Champenois, décide d’organiser un match de football féminin pour défier son directeur lors de la kermesse annuelle du journal. Sa meilleure ennemie, Emmanuelle Bruno, secrétaire de direction, se retrouve obligée de l’assister. Sans le savoir, ils vont se lancer ensemble dans la création de la première équipe féminine de football de France.
Film réalisé par Andrew Haigh . Avec Charlie Plummer, Chloë Sevigny, Steve Buscemi Pleine d’émotion dans cette bande annonce
SYPNOPSIS: Charley Thompson a quinze ans et a appris à vivre seul avec un père inconstant. Tout juste arrivé dans l’Oregon, le garçon se trouve un petit boulot chez un entraineur de chevaux et se prend d’affection pour Lean on Pete, un pur-sang en fin de carrière. Le jour où Charley se retrouve totalement livré à lui-même, il décide de s’enfuir avec Lean on Pete, à la recherche de sa tante dont il n’a qu’un lointain souvenir. Dans l’espoir de trouver enfin un foyer, ils entament ensemble un long voyage….
Film réalisé par  Dominic Savage. Avec Gemma Arterton, Dominic Cooper, Frances Barber Portrait d’une femme contemporain dépeint avec sensibilité.
SYPNOPSIS: Tara est une jeune mère qui vit dans la banlieue de Londres. Femme au foyer, elle passe ses journées à s’occuper de ses enfants, de la maison et à attendre le retour de son mari le soir. Cette vie calme et rangée lui pèse de plus en plus, jusqu’à ce qu’elle ne puisse plus supporter sa situation. Elle commence à se promener dans Londres, redécouvre le plaisir de s’acheter des livres, et songe à suivre des cours d’art. Son mari Mark, qui travaille dur chaque jour, ne comprend pas ses nouvelles envies. Tara prendra sur elle jusqu’au jour où, acculée, elle pensera à changer de vie.
Une belle sélection ! C’est donc dans ma tenue de Okoye que je finis cette chronique, espérant qu’elle vous a plu (et non, il y’aura pas de photos 😀 ). Je vous souhaite à tous de belles séances et de bien vous amuser. A la semaine prochaine !
[Klolianebooks] Bonjour à tous ! Préparez votre tenue de super-héros/héroïne et en route pour découvrir la nouvelle sélection de la semaine !" Bonjour à tous !  Et oui, pour beaucoup d'entre nous, c'est le jour de "The sortie" de l'année.
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