#Tano Cabrón bar
oraculoediciones · 1 year
El 15 de julio de 2023, en "Tano Cabrón", de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, se presentó la antología "En las penumbras", del grupo "Escritores en las tinieblas". Moderó Maximino López y musicalizó en vivo Mi Propia Necrológica. --- Realización: Diego Arandojo Música: Power from the Sun (two handed shockwave) by Ov Moi Omm (Free Music Archive) Copyright 2023 / LAFARIUM / www.lafarium.com.ar
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pingou7 · 6 years
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A car, two cops and a stardust — a RebelCaptain road trip fic
by @pingou7 pingou  for @thestarbirdfromtheashesStarbird
(aka the Road trip fic Diego Luna’s filmography made me write)
Read and enjoy, and please consider leaving me a few words.
As the dusty roads criss under Kes Dameron’s old car, Cassian Andor lets the wind mess with his hair through the open window. Dust, sunshine, laughter, its easy to recapture the taste of days long gone.
At a gas station near Corpus Chirsti, when they climb back after taking a piss, both jump out of their skins as a random brunette, eyes thunderous, hisses dangerously from the backseat:
“Just pretend I’m not here.”
Update: Part 7 is published, give it a chance !
Read more on AO3 (or under the cut)
Part 7 — From Delicias, Chihuahua to Fresnillo, Zacatecas — Day 5.
Cassian, barely up to consciousness, realizes that five days in, they’re nowhere close to Bernal, way behind on their usual schedule. He gets up groggily and searches for the only pair of clean pants he has left in his suitcase, realizing that keeping him respectably clean before Bernal is soon going to cause further delay. Echoing his thoughts, Kes mutters sleepily about how he really needs to find a Laundromat today — apparently his married state left him spoiled in the domestic department.
For a few hazy minutes, neither take Jyn into account until she snorts and Cassian’s world is thrown out of its axis in a blink again. By contrast, she doesn’t seem perturbed by their presence nor bothered by her own lack of fashion choice. She has even cleaned her clothes in the sink with a bit of soap. Kes mocks her for it, but the obvious resourcefulness it shows, as slight as it is, doesn’t go unnoticed by either men.
She sends them a withering glare, but it’s not as if they’d ask her to do their laundry! The sight’s familiar that’s all: Dolores had a really big stone tank like this one, outside of her house. Before that, Mama Dameron and his had liked to use it to clean laundry too, or the boys when they were young enough to do so. His hazy impression of it was deep, and cool, and he remembers splashing around gleefully.
A vision from another time comes unbidden then, his brother in his place, giggling while himself stood guard. He’d wished for Cass to join him... but at six he had felt too old. He’d refused and Marco pouted, sulking. His stomach plummets violently at the recollection and Kes has to snap his fingers in front of him to pull him back to the present.
“Cassian? You look green, you’re not gonna be sick, are you?”
Oh, he’s sick all right, he’s alive, and the sight of a soapy sink is enough to make him lose it. Previous travels to Mexico weren’t as bad, so why is he so vulnerable, all of sudden? His weak emotional state darkens his mood and he does his best to shrug his best friend's concern away.
After all, the reason for his anxiousness rests squarely on Jyn's shoulders, he assures himself. Truth be told, it’s better pondering on her current family issues than his former ones. Kay would say it’s a pathetic attempt at avoiding his own problems, but he’s not here to shake some sense into him and Kes’ pretty indulgent that way.
She doesn't ask what prompted them to stop here, even come morning and as Cassian locks the door behind them a few minutes later, neither men fill her in. It wouldn't be important to her anyway. The vacancy of the house is obvious, yet Cassian puts the key back exactly where he found it, just in case. Someone might have use of that in the year separating them from their next stop? It'd be so nice if people were to finally fill that dormant sad place with laughter and life. All has been gone for a decade, now...
"Cass, c'mon, are you driving or shall I?"
He opts for getting behind the wheel and smacks his brother's hand away from the radio. No more sappy songs, for they have more than seven hours of driving ahead — and at that Jyn groans, declaring them insane:
"It's nonsense. You could have just bought a plane ticket and we would have gotten to your destination faster."
"Right, actually that's the plan for the return home. You're pretty judgmental for someone who imposed herself on us, girl."
"You're not imposing yourself, Jyn," Cassian denies quickly. "It's just the farewell trip of this piece of junk, and Kes wanted to dispose of it where he first got it. We wanted to enjoy the last ride."
"Well, do you?" Jyn asks with a smirk in their direction.
Kes looks at Cassian with a gleam in his eyes but he feigns innocence as he declares her company to be enjoyable in his most neutral voice. For a second here he thinks Dameron will strangle himself with laughter but he keeps his trap shut. Instead, it's Jyn who speaks again.
“For the record guys, I'm relieved to have ended up with you, despite the long driving and corny music, hitchhiking sucks.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Nope, I didn’t expect to tag along, at first, you know? Besides I can be traced back to some extent. People talk. I can be found.”
“Right, because traveling with cops on vacation makes so much sense when you're fleeing...”
“Less work for you in case it turns bad, but meanwhile I stay relatively safe, that’s a win-win in my book.”
"Why would things turn bad, Jyn?"
“Why wouldn't they," she bites back instantly, "everything has always soured where my father's concerned. I'm just enjoying the reprieve I get."
Her resignation ignites Cassian's fury, because she can't be so fatalistic yet, without giving herself a chance. She can’t surrender without trying to turn the odds in her favor, without a fight.
"Everyone doesn't have the luxury of having such a determined mindset. Generally I prefer to be left alone, Cassian."
"If you're so convinced your situation will explode, why bother at all then? Just hide yourself away until you're an old frightened woman."
"I've got moderate chance to reach that point if I don't hide, so keep your condescension to yourself!"
"Everyone lost something, is struggling day by day. Some just decided to do something about it."
"Hey, don't have a spat in my car," Kes intervenes in his Dad voice, rubbing his temples, "besides, Stardust, you're not alone, you've got us in your corner."
Her look is still dubious and okay, maybe Cassian handled this the wrong way, but she cannot be passive and defiant all at once. One way or another, she will have to take a stand and he doesn't mind pushing her until she does. Power above made them cross paths for a reason, and he'll be damned before he lets her go away unchanged.
She has already changed him, but how he cannot define yet.
The remaining four hours of travel pass without the sound of her voice. The Charolastras don’t feel obliged to fill the silence however so Cassian tries to shut his mind off the memories progressively leaking in his head, as the scenery passes around them. Nothing to distract him, not even their silent fugitive or Kes absently humming an ABBA song of all things...
“You’re dreadful, you know that cabrón? With the amount of stupid songs you got memorized, it’s a wonder you can function at all.”
“You like ABBA rudo.”
“Yeah right, sorry to disappoint but it’s getting on my nerves. The only time i enjoy their repertoire is when I’m drunk and you know it.”
He prays Kes won’t disclose the drunken rendition he made of Super Trooper with Alexsandr Kallus and Ahsoka Tano but he keeps his vows and stays mercifully quiet. Jyn isn’t likely bound to ensure his wellbeing however and starts to belt out “Waterloo” pretty loudly and off-key just to mess with him. Kes sniggers and joins in, like the false brother he is. Sab’s house in Fresnillo suddenly seems absurdly further away but he can’t bring himself to stay mad. When Jyn sends him an impish look in the mirror as Kes switches to “Take a chance on me” he lets a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
By the time they reach Sandro Saba’s house, the air within the car is almost cracking with restlessness. Jyn has switched places twice and stares at their smartphones with a mixture of longing and apprehension. They have already told her she could call anybody she wanted but she refused.
They park and amazingly their friend is on the porch, ready to greet them as warmly as ever. His bloodshot eyes and vacant smile, not to mention the smell that comes heavily from his clothes are obvious clues but only Jyn feels the need to point it out:
"Is he...?"
"Yep, stoned."
"And you're okay with that?"
"One, we're not working for the DEA, two we're on vacation, and three his usual recreational use does no harm to anyone. In fact, you're welcome to have some, I'm sure Saba wouldn't mind sharing. You seem a bit stressed out," Kes leers, inexplicably amused by the glare she bestows upon him.
"I'd rather stay an uptight bitch, thanks Dameron," she snaps, making Cassian snort into his beer and his brother guffaw for the whole neighborhood to hear.
"Jyn," Cassian adds more soberly, "you can relax a bit without the magic herbs, make your call and if you worry about Sab, you don’t need to fear him flapping his jaw to anyone. He has the attention span of a goldfish. I swear Poe’s more of a risk. He won’t remember you tomorrow."
“If you say so.”
“I’m sure of it. We had a pretty wild teens.”
“For cops, maybe," Jyn retorts wryly, smirking, “but I can say without a doubt that it was tame next to mine.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on it,” Kes replies with the ghost of the little punks they were audible in his voice.
Cassian wouldn’t bet either, as the bygone tastes of weed and cheap tequila invade his memory. The aftermath of Soccer matches and bar brawls tingles under his skin, too. If he squints, he could call back visions of tables with too many boisterous guests for the food prepared that day. It was a hard yet a simpler life than the solitary one he leads now.
“Do you want to go out? It’s Friday, so... I wouldn’t mind unwinding after spending hours and hours in the car.”
“I know a guy...” Sandro starts slowly, because some people never change, and somehow after mandatory calls, the three tourists end up at a party nearby.
“Want to dance,” Cassian asks Jyn a good while later, because the beat of the song currently playing calls to him.
“I’d rather not, I don’t really know how to dance Cassian. Not sober that is.”
Kes snorts at her honesty, rising his own glass in a mock salute, yet he assures: “Don’t worry, rudo here dances well enough for the two of you.”
“Indulge me,” Cassian drawls, as low and deep as he can.
He revels inwardly in Jyn’s catch of breath. Kes clearly seems to enjoy the sight as well, for he discreetly gives him a thumb up behind her. He feels like the man for a second, and the corners of Cassian’s mouth quirk into a wicked grin. He wants to give her a nudge already, but she remains self-conscious, scanning the crowd of strangers. Maybe he should retract his offer, considering how uncomfortable she is, but he really wants to dance with her.
After a few seconds of pondering, she lets him lead her to the dance floor awkwardly, but his grip is reassuring enough for her to sway to the music. She’s tense at first but he’d seen her move swiftly before and he knows she can be graceful. He gets closer still, his hand finding a proper grip on her hip — perhaps a bit lower than strictly necessary — but as he sends her a reassuring smile she relaxes in his grasp. This is no different than the intimacy they have come to share during the nights, and whether it’s the liquid courage, the music or his proximity, Jyn lets herself be led completely.
She doesn’t know the steps, but she mirrors him at the best of her ability. She’s light on her feet too, so pretty soon both enjoy themselves and she ends up giggling as he makes her spin and fall back into his arms. When the third song ends, she pleads for a break, all pink cheeks and short of breath.
“Come on Captain, you owe me a drink.”
However, when they reach the table, Kes is nowhere to be seen and he even had the decency to pay the tab. Scribbled on the receipt is a rowdy advice in Spanish and the long forgotten emblem of the Charolastras they had invented as kids.
Sometimes, cursí could really be the nicest bloke.
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lafirittle · 5 years
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@caruxy (en Tano Cabrón - Teatro & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XxlTyAWvq/?igshid=1xuitml9an30t
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eduvarde-blog · 7 years
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Para llegar bien a esta noche, practiqué dos microhabilidades: leer y escribir. Hoy practicaré(mos) las otras dos: hablar y escuchar. Ando con los nervios y las ansias de compartir un espacio nuevo y diferente, junto a los demás convocados por la editorial Peces de Ciudad. Les que quieran venir a practicar, serán bienvenides en el Tano Cabrón de Abasto. (en Tano Cabrón - Teatro & Bar)
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donadias · 3 years
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Este sábado 27 estaré con las remes y mucho más en Festival EL FUTURO ES CUIR 🌈✨ de 13 a 20 hs volvemos a tomar las calles del Abasto🎉 Desde las 13 hs te esperamos con el Choriplan más esperado ✌🏻🤤, junto a la cuir y autogestiva Feria Siamesa 👯‍♂️ de nuestro corazón de @chris.con.hache 🎩✨ Desde las 14 hs Transmisión de Radio Cabrona en VIVO de todo el Festival junto a grandes invitades por www.radiocabrona.ar Amor, Humor, Música y Poesía @radiocabronaok A las 17 hs las Malas Feministas Club Social presenta "Con las ganas de quemarlo todo": perfo, expo y radio 🔥@malasfeministasok Cierran el festi en la calle Noelia José y Nicolás Pita @nicolasgpita @lean_alem @nehuen.musica @yosoynoeliajose 🎤⚡ A las 22 hs Nuestra Cabrona Varieté✨ con Chavela la Fuegah desde el ardiente Chaco, Juan Manuel Fagnano de los fuegos del corazón del Tano y Felipink desde las llamas de nuestra patria hermana Chile Presenta: Chris con Hache🎂 Participan👤 @tanocabonOK @radiocabronaok @amorylaigualdad @lanochemasdiversa @kekenacorvalan @cinetecavida @curanderadearte @gestoracultural @carodiaria @dariocontarteselocutor @felipink_ @lafuegah @juanmanuelfagnano @radiocabronaok sabrinasirenfrost @rosarodriguezcante @martinetche_ #CaroLesta #DanteMarchetti #OscarScioscia @claraoshiro @mocalestico @cabrona_culpop Feriantes 🤸🏻 @platanoplantas @r0sacrystal @fummo_ @sha.buki @noafrodita @retamarilustra @la_forja_studios @barro.proyecto @_glaij_ @bboysonline @latiagrowshop @haich_zero #NosVemosEnElTano ✌🏻🔥✨ #NosEscuchamosEnLaCabrona 🎙️✌🏻 #musica #cultura #arte #poesia #teatroindependiente #performance #salidacolectiva #protocolo #cuidados #cooperativa #cabronacultural #todesnosotres #radiocabrona #radioenvivo #elfuturoescuir #cuir #festival #musicaenvivo #feria #feriacuir #queer #futuroqueer (en Tano Cabrón - Teatro & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWwJLDVrs9g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lafirittle · 5 years
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@camicamilain (en Tano Cabrón - Teatro & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XwR_zghkr/?igshid=100yfs4xt2bfa
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lafirittle · 5 years
💚✊🏻 (en Tano Cabrón - Teatro & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2YMXkDgyuM/?igshid=1fp88i7qs5udo
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