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gbhbl · 1 year ago
Album Review: Dark Evils Desecrate by Tanin’iver (Morning Star Heresy)
Due for release on the 25th of January, Australian extreme metal outfit, Tanin’iver, bring their fourth album titled Dark Evils Desecrate. Dark Evils Desecrate is the fourth full length album from Australian entity Tanin’iver, the extreme metal creation of Steve Lillywhite. A year in the making and three years on from the last Tanin’iver album, The Lucifer Effect, Dark Evils Desecrate sees Steve…
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dark-forest-witchcraft · 2 years ago
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“I shall now teach you a wonderful innovation.  You already know that evil Samael and wicked Lilith are like a sexual pair who, by means of and intermediary, receive an evil and wicked emanation from one and emanate to the other...As there is a pure Leviathan in the sea and it is called a serpent, so there is a great defiled serpent in the sea in the literal sense.  The same holds true above in a hidden way.  The heavenly serpent is a blind prince, the image of an intermediary between Samael and Lilith.  It’s name is Tanin’iver.  The masters of tradition said that just as this serpent slithers without eyes, so the supernal serpent has the image of a spiritual form without colour - these are ‘the eyes.’  The traditionalists call it an eyeless creature, therefore it’s name is Tanin’iver.  He is the bond, the accompaniment, and the union between Samael and Lilith.  If he were created whole in the fullness of his emanation he would have destroyed the world in an instant...”
-Treatise on the Left Emanation
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cymorilcinnamonroll · 5 months ago
Samael's Song (Lucifer x Mary Magdalene Poem)
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Love is poison, subtle pain
and this balm alone remains
Iron bars- no lover’s lips
Silence, in a hollow crypt.
Where no light can touch my form
And no scars my skin adorn
The aching skies all scream restraint
no pale flesh to play or taint
But oh, come night!  I crave release
At midnight prowls the pale beast,
Tanin’iver with hounds shall ride
Of my mount, a suicide
and I shall take a blackened bride-
some little lemming girl.
Bruises blossom, red on white
I plucked a rose or two from night
laid them ’round the coffin bright
and she spoke softly to me:
“Prince of power, lord of hours,
your sword is the hand of time,
revive Christ, Satan.  Spare His soul.”
I shall, but at what price?
Festering wounds on moon
last night, crater kisses
scream, I sigh…
A crescent smile, alone, am I.
The buffer betwixt death and life,
Aqua vitae, dissolved Lot’s wife.
Immortal cancer, spider bite
dosage makes the poison.
Lazarus!  Rise from the grave.
My puppets all crawl forth to play.
Strung with nerves, I play their skin
they bow to me, like violins
Bow and bend, my bow grates on
Grateful dead, now sing my song.
And you, my lemming- play along.
Danse macabre of those now gone.
Ring the bell, chime hour-child,
by your tune the dead beguile
from the waters far and wild
crawl the bones of memory.
“I know not what to dance,” cries she,
like Lilith by the Red, Red Sea
and I remember innocence
spread upon the sand.
She strings her guts amongst the skies
midnight’s jewels float softly by
night bled a bit, I suckled it
I’ll savor it come morning.
Play on shallow misery,
now cloak yourself in ecstasy,
let pain and bliss bind victory
to your will, necromancy.
My path shadow, razor’s edge
I push her to the brink of death
Her master, yea, the space of breath
in which we waltz- mortality.
I claim my price, she takes His soul
Sacrifice, to make Him whole
Christ rises from the flames of Hell,
three days enchained, now all is well.
The Magdalene’s dark workings drew
her Savior from the Styx’s dew.
He kisses Mary on the brow,
a boundless love their secret vow.
As Christ walks golden, in the sun
her maiden flesh will rot anon.
She cannot cheat my claim once drawn-
necrotic in the sickly dawn.
Magdalene, I bite your heel
your blood runs thin
as dreams congeal.
I lock my heart and
eat your pain
until you ride
night mares
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norteenlinea · 1 year ago
Australian black/death metal force Tanin’iver unleash their fourth album, Dark Evils Desecrate, through Morning Star Heresy!
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years ago
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psyentifically-minded · 6 years ago
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The Semites and the Hebrews who came later had a variety of different mythological animals, they are as follows:
Alitha: A beast capable of extinquishing any fire.
Alukah: Alukah means “horse leech” was a creature that fed on the blood of animals it was later identified with demons, vampires and werewolves.
Avarshina: The Canaanite/Hebrew word for Phoenix.
Bar Juchne: Also known as “Ziz” it was a collasal bird with a wingspan capable of blocking out the sun and was ruler of the air in a trinity along with Behemoth and Leviathan (depicted right). The Bar Juchne was said to cause destruction when tossing its gigantic eggs from heaven.
Behemoth: A gigantic creature and ruler of the earth in a trinity with Ziz and Leviathan (depicted right) it was said that it had a tail like a cedar causing some to depict it as a dinosaur while in later demonology it would be equated with an elephant it was said that only Behemoths own bones could harm it, it was also said to drink rivers dry.
Broxa: A bird of shape-shifter said to feed on goats milk.
Leviathan: A giant sea serpent and ruler of the seas in a trinity with Behemoth and Ziz (depicted right). At the end of the Bible God is said to feed the people on the corpse of Leviathan which was so great and terrible only God himself could capture and contain it. The word Leviathan is used as a replacement for Samael and Lilith in certain old Bible passages possibly related to the two being connected via a force called “Tanin’iver” (meaning blind dragon) since the word “Tanin” means “sea serpent”, in this text God castrates the Male Leviathan to prevent their offspring from overpopularing the world. Due to this connection with Samael and Lilith, Leviathan would appear in later works on demonology. In Kabbalistic astrology Leviathan describes a percieved emination of the star sign Pisces.
Phoenix: The Phoenician word for Phoenix. A large bird (depicted left) that gatheted up sacred incenses to make its nest every hundred or thousand years it would self-immolate being born anew from its funeral pyre thus it was a symbol of rejuvenation, resurrection and rebirth.
Re’em: The Hebrew word for Unicorn sometimes taken to mean a mythical type of ox.
Shamir: Also called “Solomons Shamir” (depicted central). The Shamir is described as a worm which has the power to disintegrate anything and may draw parallels with the Alchemical universal solvent - “Alkahest”. King Solomon is said to have used the Shamir in place of tools to build his temple and the Shamir is usually stated to have been a gift to him from the demon king Asmodeus. Moses was said to have used the Shamir to carve the priestly breast plates that contained Urim and Thummin. The Shamir was sent by God to free the demons bound to Solomons will as Solomon died proped up by his staff observing his demonic slaves efforts, not knowing their master had died they continued to labour until the Shamir came along and ate through the staff causing Solomon to fall down and the demons, realising he had died, escaped.
Tzavua: A vicious beast with 365 colours in its fur.
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siderealxmelody · 5 years ago
Love of The Nine/The Enneagram
The Religion of the Sirens (now known as Incubi and Succubi in mortal tongues). They were the ones who gave inspiration and passion to Light and Darkness's groups respectively.
Afterall, Light and Darkness served their Dieties, it was an honor to help these two groups entertain and protect the Lovers and their children.
The Sirens have a religion of love, their society is a mix of sects based on their nine deities.
When Light and Darkness took over the Immortals they brought the Sirens with them. As a show of their might the Dou handed the Sirens over as slaves for the Immortlas to use. As they themselves had used them to kill the Trio (Father, Mother, &, Sibling)
The Immortals continue to use them even now as comfort for their soldiers, spies, assassins, and, torturers.
The Reformer - The Rational, 
Idealistic Type: Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and Perfectionistic
Female Lover 
The Empress
Depiction: The Empress sits on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter in one hand. The scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has twelve stars representing her dominance over the year, and her throne is in the midst of a field of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things.
Meaning: The Empress is traditionally associated with maternal influence, it is the card if you are hoping to start a family. She can represent the creation of life, romance, art, or new business.
Upright card (keywords): Pregnancy, Nurturing, Abundance, Maternal care, A new opportunity, Stability
Reversed card (keywords): Financial issues, Stagnation, Domestic problems, Unwanted pregnancy
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Venus
The Achiever - The Success-Oriented, 
Pragmatic Type: Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious
Male Lover 
The Emperor
Depiction: The Emperor sits on a ram-adorned throne, a symbol of Mars. He holds an ankh scepter in his right hand, and a globe, symbol of domination, in his left. The Emperor sits atop a stark, barren mountain, a sign of "sterility of regulation, and unyielding power".
Meaning: This card is suggestive of stability and security in life. You are on top of things and everything in under your control. It is your hard work, discipline and self control that have bought you this far. It means that you are in charge of your life now setting up your own rules and boundaries.
Upright card (keywords): Law and order, Power, Leadership, Father figure, Promotion, Authority
Reversed card (keywords): Loss of authority, Immaturity, Control freak, Lack of discipline, Manipulative friends
Element: Fire
Ruling planet: Mars
The Individualist - The Sensitive, 
Withdrawn Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental
The Hermit
Depiction: An old man carrying a staff in one hand and a lit lantern containing a six-pointed star in the other hand.
Meaning: The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention inwards and looking for answers within. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position.
Upright card (keywords): Soul-searching, Introspection, Solitude, Withdrawn from society, Meditation, Self-reflection
Reversed card (keywords): Misfit, Withdrawing from loved ones, Exile, Sadness, Loneliness
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Mercury
The Investigator - The Intense, 
Cerebral Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated
The Magician
Depiction: The image of the Magician shows a man who is standing in front of his powerful altar with tools that represent all four directions and the four suits in the tarot.
Meaning: When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities and resources at the querent's disposal to succeed. The message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
Upright card (keywords): Determined, Resourceful, Strong powerful man, Dexterity, Skilled
Reversed card (keywords): Deceit, Lack of energy, Communication blocks, Confusion, Ill intentions
Element: Air
Ruling planet: Mercury
Anat (Mother) - Patron of The Demons before their murder at the hands of Light & Darkness.
The Helper - The Caring,
Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive
The High Priestess
Depiction: The High Priestess is identified with the Shekhinah, the female indwelling presence of the divine. She wears plain blue robes and sits with her hands in her lap. She has a lunar crescent at her feet, & wears "a horned diadem on her head, with a globe in the middle".
Meaning: High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now.
Upright card (keywords): Spiritual insight, Hidden talents, Intuition, Things yet to be revealed, Mystery
Reversed card (keywords): Secrets, Information withheld, Lack of personal harmony
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Moon
Baal (Father) - Patron of The Angels before his murder at the hands of Light & Darkness.
The Loyalist  - The Committed, 
Security-Oriented Type: Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious)
The Hanged Man
Depiction: It depicts a pittura infamante, a shameful image of a traitor being punished in a manner common at the time for traitors in Italy. Some versions portray Judas, and include the bags of silver in his hands.
Meaning: The Hanged Man is the card that suggests ultimate surrender, sacrifice, or being suspended in time.
Upright card (keywords): Letting go, Breaking old patterns, Circumspection, Suspension, Metamorphosis
Reversed card (keywords): Missing an opportunity, Inability to change, Egotism
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Neptune
Liluri (Sibling) - Patron of The Jinn before their murder at the hands of Light & Darkness.
The Enthusiast - The Busy,
 Fun-Loving Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, and Scattered
The Hierophant
Depiction: The Hierophant is seen seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing law and liberty or obedience and disobedience. He wears a triple crown, and the keys to Heaven are at his feet.
Meaning: Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. It can represent marriage in an arranged setup. It can also mean a teacher or counsellor who will help in learning / education of the querent.
Upright card (keywords): Seeking counsel or advice, Marriage, Tradition, Religion, Learning, Spiritual guidance, Education
Reversed card (keywords): Breakdown, Rejection of family values, Abuse of position, Poor counsel
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Venus
The Peacemaker - The Easygoing, 
Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent
The Fool
Depiction: The Fool is usually depicted as a beggar or a vagabond, he wears ragged clothes & stockings without shoes, and carries a stick on his back.
Meaning: The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
Upright card (keywords): Beginnings, Spontaneity, Originality, Innocence, Leap of faith
Reversed card (keywords): Naivety, Poor judgement, Folly, Lack of direction, Stupidity, Chaos
Element: Air
Ruling planet: Uranus
The Challenger - The Powerful, 
Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational
The Chariot
Depiction: A powerful, princely figure sits in a swift chariot, pulled usually by two sphinxes or horses. The figure is crowned and holds a sword or wand.
Meaning: The Chariot is a card about overcoming conflicts and moving forward in a positive direction. One needs to keep going on and through sheer hard work and commitment he will be victorious.
Upright card (keywords): Overcoming obstacles, Will power, Drive, A journey, Confidence, Ambition
Reversed card (keywords): Scattered energy, Lack of direction, Self doubt
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Moon
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years ago
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years ago
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silentwcrds · 5 years ago
Queen of The Stars
Tanin'iver strolled onto the small beach. The universe spun around it. The waves an aquamarine, a nebula hung to the left of them, he could almost hear the stars as they grew awareness.
“Hello Miulla.”
He said softly as he stood a few feet from her. He wasn’t sure if he should use her true name, but he didn’t know what she called herself now.
He rubbed his wrists, he could still feel the indents from the chains as they had lashed onto his wrists and ankles. But Light was weak now and he was finally free.
Amara spun upon hearing that name. Of all things, she hadn’t heard that in more time than she could care to admit. It was soft, the voice carrying over the wind, drifting to her, and for a moment, she almost imagined-- 
Her eyes widened ever so slightly when she saw him. Though her brother had mentioned him, she’d not expected to see him, here and now-- And Amara didn’t want to admit it took her breath from her very body. That silly saying that so many of these mortals existed with, and yet, she finally seemed to grasp it now. 
He took my breath away... 
“Tanin’iver.” Name left her lips in a whisper of Amara’s own. Like she was barely uttering the syllables alone. “Wh--I have not heard that name of mine spoken in a long time.” 
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