#Tamriel Rebuilt
be-a-stranger12 · 6 months
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The hunting grounds of hircine
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feivelynart · 2 years
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The Tribunal and their Daedric anticipations
Dres wall mural for TR
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yeoldecorprusarium · 6 months
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Yeah bitch, magic!
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The way the TR team has been stepping on Skyrim's Bethesda's balls with 8'' heels when it comes to major settlements size and complexity is astonishing. This is a 20yo game, FFS.
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Morrowind concepts 5. Uriel, the Anticipations, and an armor
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darkelfguy · 8 months
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Morrowind - Tamriel Rebuilt - Cities of the Mainland
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aldudagga · 5 months
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Project Hammerfell concept art for the Abecean Red Armada - a state-sanctioned privateer militia chartered by the Crown to oversee his direct domains of Old Hegathe, Stros M'kai, and Gilane. They were founded during the Simulacrum in response to the decline of the Imperial West Navy and the increasing instability following the War of the Blue Divide. The coronation of Commodore Naffir as Constable of Stros M'kai has invariably given the outfit more power and tighter responsibilities, and the Constable still remains ever vigilant in his war on smuggling.
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sylvienerevarine · 1 year
Animals of Tamriel Rebuilt: Reviewed!
I'm finishing up my current Morrowind playthrough (until Tamriel Rebuilt releases their next expansion!) and will probably start ESO soon, so that's exciting. Here are my ratings for some of the weird and lovely critters one can find in Tamriel Rebuilt Land.
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It's a butterfly. It's a horse. You can use its nectar to make illegal booze. 100/10.
Armun Kagouti
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As much fun as a regular kagouti, just harder to kill. Gets points for aesthetic. 8/10.
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A musical armadillo sheep. Let me repeat that: A MUSICAL ARMADILLO SHEEP. No notes. 200/10.
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Floaty friend? Wouldn't let me pet it. 20/10.
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I respect these wee guys, but I don't entirely trust them. 9/10.
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No explanation needed. 1000/10.
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delemis · 1 month
The Parable of Indoril Karath and the Guar
In the days when red-handed Reman contested the lands of Resdayn, Indoril Karath would patrol the Mephalan Vales with her ebon-hewn blade, a protector to her people and sword-judge upon the interloper. When the wise Indoril did dispense her wisdom, it is said that listeners would throng even the most treacherous peaks to hear it. When she stopped to rest, it is said that even the hermits of the vales would hurry to attend on her. And when she drew her blade, not even the haughtiest of Reman’s servants could stand against her.
But passing by a humble farmstead on one such outing, the good Indoril was shocked when a guar herder emerged from the grass clutching a wounded, bleeding arm.
“By our Three, what has happened to you?” She asked. And, equally astonished, the herder exclaimed: “It bit me! My own guar bit me!”
But even as he said it the kind Indoril laid her hands upon him, and when she pulled away the guar herder’s wound was healed, such were her gifts.
“What would bring a guar to attack its own keeper?” She asked then without delay, and this puzzled the herder, as he lifted his now healed arm in muted amazement.
“I don’t know.” He said simply, and he became more perplexed still by her reply.
“Then I will ask.” Said Karath, and she walked past the now dumbstruck Velothi until she came upon the enclosure of his field.
There she perched herself upon the fence with one fluid leap, and the Indoril spied the guar laying in the shade of a pale-bough tree.
And when the guar was roused by the sight of the Indoril in her robes of spidersilk, she spoke: “Fie, lazing beast! To what end do you set your teeth against your master?” 
“Do not judge me so, oh Indoril.” The guar replied still languidly. “I harbor no traitor’s heart. Indeed it is my master you should admonish, for he had planned to kill me, to butcher me for his supper!”
“Even still, you bite the hand that feeds.” Said the keen Indoril. “All things live in death, as must all things serve in life, even the lowly guar. Will your ghost not outlive you, when you have done good service by your master?”
“But I wish to live!” Roared the guar. “I wish for the soft grass on which I graze! I wish for the pleasant cool waters from which I drink! Am I not entitled to such things, and to not have them taken from me on a cruel whim? Do I have no part in determining my own fate?”
And this of course did give the compassionate Indoril pause, for hers is the domain of those who are moved by the plight of all their garden’s creations. But she did not falter in her judgement, saying: “For all the years that you grazed and basked, did you not spare a thought for the one who kept you? For it is he, not yourself, that entitled you to the life you lived, protecting you and giving you shelter, treating you as his own. 
“Cry not then, for the life you may yet live. Instead, give what you owe to your patron. And speak not of self-determined fate; Almsivi is good, and determines the fate of all things, and all things are made to bend before the law of Almsivi.”
But the guar rebuked Karath’s kindly advice, saying: “And what of you Indoril, who would gladly sacrifice me? Would you so gladly sacrifice my master as well, sending him to die in war with red-handed Cyrod?”
And these words gave the temperate Indoril a dark disposition, and in that instant she grasped the hilt of her thin ebon-hewn blade with grim resolve. “I am the wisdom of Almsivi, and I am its judgement. And so I must tend the garden, even at cost.”
And Karath leapt forth like a streak of silver, drawing her blade and slaying the guar in a single artful stroke. And the guar herder who beheld her was amazed at once by the kindness, the wisdom and the holy wrath of House Indoril, who preside ever over the garden of Resdayn. 
That night the herder and his family dined on the guar, and the next day sold its hides to be made into armor for the Indoril’s militia. When they marched west, those brave Velothi would win a great victory on the shores of Lake Coronati, pushing back the red-handed legions for a span. 
Karath returned to her chapel, meanwhile, to preside over a land free from strife. And when she heard of her people’s victory over the enemy, she -- like the simple herder -- was content.
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trainwiz · 2 years
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Shout to Tamriel Rebuilt for letting me 
-Visit the home of a world famous rock collector.
-Letting me steal his most famous priceless gem.
-Letting me then eat his most famous priceless gem in front of him.
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uesp · 2 years
The latest release of Tamriel Rebuilt has just come out. You can get it from their website or from Nexus.
"This release adds two major expansions to the game world. Dominions of Dust is mostly a sparsely inhabited and dangerous borderland to Vvardenfell's southwest, in contention between Great Houses Hlaalu and Redoran. The exception is the city of Andothren, a huge Hlaalu trade port on the Inner Sea. Embers of Empire completely overhauls the western shore of the Telvanni peninsula with its Imperial settlements of Firewatch and Helnim – the lone outposts of Imperial power in this most hostile part of Morrowind.
"Combined, the two expansions include new land areas three times the size of TES III: Bloodmoon and about 200 new or overhauled quests, finally bringing the total quest count of Tamriel Rebuilt to parity with the vanilla game and expansions."
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install-wizard-exe · 11 months
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Some wizard designs I did for Tamriel Rebuilt (under the name c0dacan0n)
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be-a-stranger12 · 6 months
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The town of Selethis sitting located between the grey meadows and julan shar
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feivelynart · 1 year
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TR telvannis landscape concepts
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yeoldecorprusarium · 6 months
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Some of my fav areas from TR.
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Project Tamriel Rebuilt concepts the seventh. Mostly clothing designs/adaptations
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darkelfguy · 11 days
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Morrowind - Tamriel Rebuilt - An Aerial View of Old Ebonheart
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