#Talwar history
wonderful-skills · 1 year
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okaydrawboy · 4 months
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My collection of swords, from a few years back, I think 2021? A swordtember collection.
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kultofathena · 6 months
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Embrace the elegance of the scimitar! This distinctively curved sword with a single-edged blade has a rich history originating in the Middle East. From the Persian shamshir to the Indian talwar, the scimitar has been embraced by various cultures. Discover the beauty and power of this iconic weapon at Kultofathena.com.
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hvpma · 11 months
Traditional sports and games: A journey through India's rich cultural heritage
India is a land of diverse cultures and traditions, and this diversity is reflected in its rich sporting heritage. Traditional sports and games have been played in India for centuries, and they continue to be popular today. These sports and games are not only fun and challenging, but they also offer a glimpse into India's unique culture and history.
Mallakhamb is a traditional Indian sport that involves performing acrobatic feats on a wooden pole. The pole is typically made of teak or coconut wood and is about 12 feet tall. Mallakhamb practitioners perform a variety of poses and tricks on the pole, including inversions, twists, and balances.
Mallakhamb is believed to have originated in ancient India and is mentioned in several Hindu scriptures. It was originally used as a form of training for warriors, but it is now practiced by people of all ages and genders. Mallakhamb is a physically demanding sport, but it is also very rewarding. It requires strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination.
Danpatta is a traditional Indian martial art that originated in the state of Maharashtra. It is a form of stick fighting that involves using a long bamboo stick called a dandi. Danpatta practitioners use the dandi to strike, block, and disarm their opponents.
Danpatta is a very dynamic and exciting martial art. It is fast-paced and requires a high level of skill and athleticism. Danpatta practitioners must be able to move quickly and think on their feet.
Vita-fek is a traditional Indian martial art that originated in the state of Kerala. It is a form of hand-to-hand combat that involves using a variety of strikes, locks, and throws. Vita-fek practitioners also use a variety of weapons, including knives, swords, and sticks.
Vita-fek is a very effective martial art. It is designed to be used in real-world self-defense situations. Vita-fek practitioners are trained to be aware of their surroundings and to be able to defend themselves against any type of attack.
Dhal Talwar (Shield & Sword)
Dhal Talwar is a traditional Indian martial art that originated in the state of Punjab. It is a form of sword fighting that involves using a shield called a dhal and a sword called a talwar. Dhal Talwar practitioners use the dhal to defend themselves from their opponents' attacks and the talwar to attack their opponents.
Dhal Talwar is a very versatile martial art. It can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. Dhal Talwar practitioners are trained to be able to move quickly and to be able to attack and defend simultaneously.
Torches Marching
Torches Marching is a traditional Indian sport that originated in the state of Kerala. It is a team sport that involves marching while carrying torches. The torches are typically made of bamboo and are filled with oil and cloth.
Torches Marching is a very challenging sport. It requires a high level of fitness and endurance. Torches Marching teams must be able to march long distances while carrying heavy torches.
Lezim is a traditional Indian dance that originated in the state of Maharashtra. It is a group dance that is performed by women. Lezim dancers wear colorful costumes and jewelry and perform a variety of acrobatic feats.
Lezim is a very energetic and exciting dance. It is a celebration of women's strength and power. Lezim dancers are trained to be able to move in perfect synchronicity and to perform complex acrobatic feats.
Dand Baithak
Dand Baithak is a traditional Indian exercise that involves squatting up and down while holding a stick. The stick is typically made of wood and is about 6 feet long. Dand Baithak is a very effective exercise for strengthening the legs and core muscles.
Dand Baithak is a very popular exercise in India. It is often performed by children and adults alike. Dand Baithak is a simple but effective exercise that can help people to improve their fitness and overall health.
Dumbbell drills
Dumbbell drills are a traditional Indian form of weight training. Dumbbells are typically made of iron or steel and come in a variety of weights. Dumbbell drills involve performing a variety of exercises with dumbbells, such as curls, presses, and rows.
Dumbbell drills are a very effective way to build muscle and strength. Dumbbell drills can be performed by people of all ages and fitness levels. Dumbbell drills are a simple and effective way to improve your overall fitness.
Kushti (Wrestling)
Kushti is a traditional Indian form of wrestling. It is a very physical sport that involves grappling and takedowns.
Madu is a traditional Indian martial art that originated in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is a form of unarmed combat that involves using a variety of strikes, locks, and throws. Madu practitioners also use a variety of weapons, including sticks, knives, and swords.
Madu is a very effective martial art. It is designed to be used in real-world self-defense situations. Madu practitioners are trained to be aware of their surroundings and to be able to defend themselves against any type of attack.
Baneti is a traditional Indian stick fighting game that originated in the state of Karnataka. It is played with a pair of sticks called banets. The banets are typically made of bamboo and are about 3 feet long.
Baneti is a very fast-paced and exciting game. It requires a high level of skill and athleticism. Baneti players must be able to move quickly and to strike and defend simultaneously.
Marshal Arts - Thangta
Thangta is a traditional Indian martial art that originated in the state of Manipur. It is a form of unarmed combat that involves using a variety of strikes, locks, and throws. Thangta practitioners also use a variety of weapons, including spears, swords, and shields.
Thangta is a very effective martial art. It is designed to be used in real-world self-defense situations. Thangta practitioners are trained to be aware of their surroundings and to be able to defend themselves against any type of attack.
Bhala is a traditional Indian sport that involves throwing a spear at a target. The spear is typically made of wood or metal and is about 6 feet long. Bhala throwers aim to hit the target from a distance of about 30 feet.
Bhala is a very challenging sport. It requires a high level of strength, accuracy, and coordination. Bhala throwers must be able to generate a lot of power in their throw and to aim accurately at the target.
Yoga is a traditional Indian practice that involves physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Yoga is believed to have originated in ancient India and is mentioned in several Hindu scriptures.
Yoga is a very beneficial practice for both the body and the mind. Yoga can help to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. Yoga can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Traditional sports and games are an important part of India's rich cultural heritage. These sports and games offer a glimpse into India's unique culture and history. Traditional sports and games are also a great way to stay fit and healthy.
If you are interested in learning more about traditional Indian sports and games, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also find many traditional Indian sports and games clubs and organizations in India and around the world.
I hope this blog post has helped you to learn more about traditional Indian sports and games. I encourage you to explore these sports and games and to experience the rich cultural heritage of India.
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india7d · 1 year
A banker who stood firm against the pressure of the Central Government and Sanjay Gandhi during the time of Emergency
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In relation to a restructuring proposal from a cement company borrower, SBI had made it a requirement for further financial support that a change in promoters be implemented. Importantly, this decision was not solely made by Talwar. The promoters, attempting to have this condition waived, sought assistance from Sanjay Gandhi. However, upon examining the files, Talwar firmly believed that the Bank's decision was the correct course of action. The Union Finance Minister, C. Subramanian, contacted Talwar to convey that he had received instructions from "the highest authority in the land" to alter SBI's position. However, Talwar remained steadfast and resolute. Sanjay Gandhi, finding amusement in encountering someone who dared to defy him, requested a meeting with Talwar. Yet, the SBI Chairman declined, citing his lack of constitutional authority and emphasizing that he was "accountable" solely to the Government. Sanjay Gandhi directed the Finance Minister to dismiss the SBI Chairman. However, the SBI Act of 1955 did not contain any provision for the Chairman to be removed from office. Moreover, Talwar had established an impressive reputation for his unwavering integrity. Undeterred, the Finance Minister made another attempt by proposing that if Talwar were to step aside, he would be appointed as the Chairman of a proposed Banking Commission. Nonetheless, Talwar respectfully declined the offer. Following the Government's amendment to the SBI Act, Talwar received a message on August 4, 1976, granting him an unsolicited 13-month leave that coincided with the remainder of his tenure. Additionally, he was instructed to transfer his responsibilities to the Managing Director. Vaghul's depiction of the Bank's esteemed leader departing State Bank Bhavan that day carries a poignant tone. "Talwar left the Bank promptly at 5.30 pm, his customary time of departure. There was scarcely anyone to bid him farewell. Fear had gripped everyone, deterring any association with him." On that day, the remarkable individual departed in a manner reminiscent of Walter Scott's poignant phrase—unwept, unhonoured, and unsung. In the evening, Vaghul, Talwar's neighbor and former junior colleague, visited him and offered words of consolation, saying something along the lines of accepting the Divine Will with humility, as a gesture of sympathy. Talwar responded in a manner befitting his character, stating, "Where is the question of accepting or not accepting? You have to learn to enjoy all the time the Divine play." This response exemplified the quintessential nature of Talwar. In echoing the immortal spirit of Aurobindo Ghosh's Uttarpara speech, the revolutionary-mystic who, in his later life, collaborated with Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) from Paris to establish a spiritual community in Pondicherry, Talwar embodied a similar mindset. Within the financial sector, State Bank of India (SBI), an esteemed institution, has embodied values and ethics that may truly be recognized and appreciated in hindsight. Throughout its history, SBI has been led by individuals who have steadfastly upheld core values, thereby preserving this national symbol. The former and current leaders of SBI command immense respect in their field, not only for their expertise but also for their unwavering commitment to specific principles. Among the notable leaders in the history of SBI, none surpasses the legendary stature of RK Talwar. Taking charge as Chairman of SBI at the young age of 47 in 1969, he exerted a dominant influence over the Indian banking landscape for nearly two decades, spanning the 1960s to the mid-1970s. Remarkably, he was also the first career banker from SBI to ascend to the position of Chairman. His journey began in 1943 when he joined the Imperial Bank of India, the precursor to SBI, as a Probationary Assistant (Officer), shortly after completing his postgraduate degree in Mathematics from Lahore University. During his tenure as Chairman, Talwar played a pioneering role in streamlining procedures for financing small-scale industries and introduced innovative schemes to support smaller entrepreneurs, small businesses, and agriculturists. He implemented systems to ensure thorough analysis of corporate balance sheets long before the Reserve Bank mandated such norms for assessing large advances. Additionally, Talwar's visionary approach led to the initiation of the first-ever organizational restructuring of State Bank in 1971, a framework that stood strong for more than three decades. Notably, State Bank Bhavan, the current Corporate Centre of SBI located in Mumbai, was constructed under his leadership. Talwar exemplified a commitment to values and fearlessly expressed his opinions, regardless of the individuals he interacted with. A notable instance of his principled stance occurred during his tenure as Superintendent of the Advances Department in Kolkata, where he took a firm position on the financing of the jute industry. Despite facing the disapproval of Ramnath Goenka, a highly influential media owner with vested interests in the jute industry and a longstanding grudge against Talwar, the banker remained unaffected by such pressures and stood unwavering in his beliefs. Talwar's approach and inner resilience were deeply influenced by his spiritual beliefs. One particularly significant incident that deserves mention is his encounter with Sanjay Gandhi, the second son of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, who wielded unconstitutional authority during the Emergency period from 1975 to 1977. Talwar had embraced the influence of Aurobindo and the Mother long before. Following his successful tenure at the helm of SBI, he chose to retire to the Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry at the age of 54. With the exception of a brief period as Chairman of IDBI from 1979 to 1980, he refrained from active involvement in public service. Talwar passed away in 2002 at the age of 80. "Values in Leadership" is an essential read for anyone responsible for managing individuals or navigating complex situations. Article based on the book 'values in leadership ' by MR N Vaghul Read the full article
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marwahstudios · 2 years
Seminar on Second Day of IFFI Brought New Ideas on Table
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Noida: The second day of IFFI- Irish Film Festival of India saw the deep discussions on different subjects related to creative arts including the respective films shown during the festival and history of Irish Film Industry by the dignities present on the occasion.
We are pleased to sanction a radio program on Radio Noida, and another program on MSTV on monthly basis for full one year which will not only highlight but will also promote relations between the two countries India & Ireland. We are also starting the preparation for the next edition of Irish Film Festival of India,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios.
The Irish film industry has grown somewhat in recent years thanks partly to the promotion of the sector by Screen Ireland and the introduction of heavy tax breaks. According to the Irish Audio-visual Content Production Sector Review carried out by the Irish Film Board and PricewaterhouseCoopers, this sector, has gone from 1,000 people employed six or seven years ago, to well over 8,000 people in that sector now. Most films are produced in English as Ireland is largely Anglophone, though some productions are made in Irish either wholly or partially informed Siraj Zaidi Producer, Director Actor from Ireland.
Some of the most successful Irish films include The Wind That Shakes The Barley (2006), Intermission (2003), Man About Dog (2004), Michael Collins (1996),Angela’s Ashes (1999), The Commitments (1991), Once (2007) and Notorius (2017). Mrs Brown’s Boy D’ Movie (2014) holds the record for the biggest gross on the opening day of an Irish film in Ireland. Notorious (2017) on the other hand holds the record for highest grossing Irish documentary of all time.
Siraj Zaidi from Dublin Ireland, Atul Tiwari renowned Actor & Writer from Mumbai, Nilesh Malhotra Actor, Producer & Director from Mumbai, Minu Talwar former Presenter Doordarshan, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Sandeep Marwah answered many questions raised by the audience on Cinema. The event was supported by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, Indo Ireland Film and Cultural Forum and AAFT University.
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barbucomedie · 6 years
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Talwar from India dated to the Late 18th Century on display at the Queen’s Gallery in Edinburgh
This talwar forged entirely of watered crucible steel giving the blade a very fine dark watered pattern and it is inlaid with gold with a dedication in Persian to the Prince of Wales (Edward VII) from Maharaja Mangal Singh of Alwar and the name of the bladesmith, Muhammad Ibrahim. The hilt forged with a knuckleguard in the form of a lion's head is blued and overlaid with gold inscriptions in Persian and poppies and butterflies. The inscriptions on the hilt refer to a previous Maharaja of Alwar, Bakhtawar Singh (1779-1815) and to 'Zulfiqar', the legendary sword that the Prophet Muhammed presented to his son-in-law, Ali ibn Ali Talib. The inscriptions suggest that the hilt predates the blade.
This sword is an exceptional example of watered crucible steel made by melting iron with carbon-rich vegetable material, such as leaves, in a crucible for a prolonged period. Then cooled into ingots that would be worked to form blades or hilts. This process of making steel not only resulted in an exceptionally sharp and strong blade, but also created a fine rippling water-like pattern that was revealed by acid etching.  This method is thought to have originated in South India and spread to other parts of the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia.
Photographs taken by myself 2017
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victoriansword · 5 years
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peashooter85 · 7 years
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Ornate Indian talwar, 19th century.
from Peter Dekker’s Mandarin Mansion
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maka1aure · 2 years
My references for Elven weapons: Swords and Spears
I need to stop spamming my friends with images of swords, so here are all the photos together (under cut because this post is incredibly long with the images)
- Fighting knives, daggers, and Telerin blades will have to go in separate posts.
Swords of Valinor: This group includes the weapons brought out of the West into Middle Earth, as well as the swords created in Middle Earth inspired by those original blades. They tend to be lightly curved, particularly at the tip, and the guards tend to be small. 
Visual references: dao (particularly 雁毛刀), kampilan, dha
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Swords of Middle Earth: The style of Middle Earth, crafted for practical defense from the beginning. They had straight blades and were used by the Sindar and Men. Mannish swords and rare elven swords sometimes sported full crossguards. (The Nandor and Avari forego swords entirely, preferring bows, spears, and traps, though the Green Elves’ daggers eventually evolved to imitate swords. The Silvans have their own swordlike weapons apart from their knives, which I will talk about later.)
Visual references: jian, any Middle Ages sword
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Experimental Swords: Egalmoth’s famous curved sword: Kamakura period katana
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Anglachel and Anguirel: keris (made in the shape of dwarvish weapons, but longer and straighter at the point)
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Spears: Elven spears are very similar to human spears, save for the styles of craftsmanship. There’s a wide variation in these weapons; whatever spear that existed in our history, the elves have almost definitely used it.
No visual references provided here because literally any image of any spear from anywhere around the world could work for at least one Elven culture.
Battle spears: A subcategory of the above, used only in open warfare. They developed quickly in Middle Earth following the arrival of the Exiles, and were used by Sindar and Noldor alike. I was looking through elfdict dot com and found there isn’t a word for halberds, meaning they did not use them.. so here is a category of spears with similar functions because I cannot let this go. 
Visual references: this specific French halberd, some more French weapons I don’t know the name of, and fauchards and glaives
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Curved swordlike knives (scimitars): There is a Sindarin word for a cutlass, “lang”, which means they either used or were aware of such weapons. I suggest that the cutlass is a weapon developed as a multipurpose weapon for sailors, and scimitars were developed in parallel by elves from a combination of Silvan knives and manuscripts describing Egalmoth’s sword. As such, the weapon did not exist until the Second Age. A scimitar could be called cimithil (moon blade) in Sindarin. They were mostly used by Silvans, but some Sindar also used them.
Visual references: talwar, kilij
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wikifeed-blog · 5 years
This article is about the greatest swords of Indian history
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fervxr · 2 years
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Tales of Glory: [ Weapon ]
Now this will be brain rotting over the weapon I have Murata wield a lot in battle!
History and Background
The Tizona; Tizona was the name of the sword carried by the Castillian (Iberian ~ Spanish) commander Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. El Cid, as he is otherwise known, wielded the Tizona in his campaigns to drive the Islamic Moors from the Iberian Peninsula during the late 11th century. It is one of the two swords used by El Cid, the other being the Colada. The sword is 103 cm long and weighs 1.1 kg.
The broad blade is of type XIII, typical of c. the 12th century, with a narrow fuller running along less than half of the blade's length. The hilt is later, added in the time of the Catholic Monarchs, with the elaborate curved crossguard typical of the "Hispano-Moorish" style of the period. Its blade carries acid etched inscriptions in the fullers on either side:
YO SOY LA TIZONA ~ FUE : FECHA ~~ ENLAERA : DE : MILE : QVARENTA (Yo soy la Tizona [que] fue hecha en la era de mil e quarenta, "I am the Tizona, who was made in the year 1040")
AVE : MARIA GRATIA ~~ PLENA DOMINVSSMECVN (Ave Maria gratia plena; dominus mecum , "Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord be with me")
The date "1040" given in the description is traditionally identified as given in the Hispanic Era (38 BC), i.e. designating the year AD 1002.
Appearance and Design
Now the actual Tizona looks more regal like the usual long swords. Murata’s tizona is altered to be used more like a heavy armed gladiator arm aka claymore class.
It looks more a scimitar; single-edged sword with a convex curved blade. It is associated with Middle Eastern, South Asian, and North African cultures. These swords include the Persian shamshir (the origin of the word scimitar), the Arab saif, the Indian talwar, the North African nimcha, and the Turkish kilij.
Causing the weight and length of this Tizona to be the following: 95.5 cm and 1.4 kg.
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bollywoodmixtape · 7 years
Song: Talwar Movie: Ik Onkar (2017) [Punjabi] - wikipedia Starring: Harpreet Singh, Gajendra Chauhan, Shivender Mahal, Sukhdeep Singh Music/Singer: Sukshinder Shinda -- Talwar | Ik Onkar | Sukshinder Shinda | Latest Punjabi Songs 2017 | Yellow Music | 10th Nov(via Yellow Music)
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arminxkhan · 2 years
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NAME: Armin Khan
AGE: Thirty-three
OCCUPATION: Veterinarian
BIRTHDAY: September 2, 1989
PLACE OF BIRTH: Vancouver, BC, Candana
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to @maya-talwar​
POSITIVE TRAITS: Talkative, Patient 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Cowardly, Disorganized 
MOTHER: Damaris Khan 
FATHER: Armando Khan
PETS: Rosie, Golden Retriever (deceased) 
Armin is a Vancouver native. He was born and raised to Armando and Damaris Khan. He was raised by a large community of people early on in his life until he moved next door to Tali when he was about 6 years old. 
He has always been school oriented. He would have tutored others in high school. He has never been sports oriented and preferred to watch sports rather than participate in playing. 
Naturally sociable, he didn’t always go out of his way to make friends as he tended to be more on the shy side growing up, when he did have friends, he was very social with them and could be quite talkative even to someone he just met, even if he didn’t approach them first. 
His childhood best friend is Tali and he grew up living next door to her. They were inseparable and it was how he met both Nes and Matt as well. They also became a very close friend group with one another. 
Armin first confessed his love to Tali after she was injured in a hockey game. While not a serious injury, it was enough for Armin to blurt it out and the rest was history. 
He dated Tali through high school and they mutually ended their relationship due to her leaving for college. Eventually, their friendship came to an end too. It wasn’t by choice but they eventually just stopped talking. 
In his earlier years of veterinary medicine college, he met Maya, who he would propose to after a while of dating. They have currently been engaged for three years, though for the last two years Armin has been conflicted about his relationship with her.
Growing up, Armin had a Golden Retriever that he adored with his entire life. After she passed away he hadn’t been able to get another dog in fear he would think he was replacing her. 
Armin is the type of person that is friends with everyone, though he might only have a handful of very close friends. He is friendly and while not super outgoing, his kindness makes up for that. Armin is the person that pays for another’s coffee, or lets them get their groceries first. 
his favorite animal is dogs.  he really loves all animals, but dogs are his favorite
since losing his dog, rosie, he has not got another one, though he thinks about it often
his favorite sport to watch or attend in person is still hockey, though he has taken a liking to watching other sports on tv when he is at the bar having a drink
armin has always wanted a family and is super family oriented
giving back to the community is very important to armin and he does it in many ways
in addition to giving discounted services to those in need at the animal hospital, armin also volunteers at local animal shelters and food kitchens for those in need
wanted connections.
current fiancée that he met while in college. they have been engaged for three years now ( armin is likely going to break off the engagement at some point )
childhood best friends ( he was super social growing up, talkative and loved making new friends )
family friends ( while his family was just him and his parent’s, he would have plenty of found family. people who helped out his parent’s when they were first having armin, people who are still really close with the family )
veterinarian colleagues ( whether they went to school locally or not)
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india7d · 1 year
A banker who stood firm against the pressure of the Central Government and Sanjay Gandhi during the time of Emergency
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In relation to a restructuring proposal from a cement company borrower, SBI had made it a requirement for further financial support that a change in promoters be implemented. Importantly, this decision was not solely made by Talwar. The promoters, attempting to have this condition waived, sought assistance from Sanjay Gandhi. However, upon examining the files, Talwar firmly believed that the Bank's decision was the correct course of action. The Union Finance Minister, C. Subramanian, contacted Talwar to convey that he had received instructions from "the highest authority in the land" to alter SBI's position. However, Talwar remained steadfast and resolute. Sanjay Gandhi, finding amusement in encountering someone who dared to defy him, requested a meeting with Talwar. Yet, the SBI Chairman declined, citing his lack of constitutional authority and emphasizing that he was "accountable" solely to the Government. Sanjay Gandhi directed the Finance Minister to dismiss the SBI Chairman. However, the SBI Act of 1955 did not contain any provision for the Chairman to be removed from office. Moreover, Talwar had established an impressive reputation for his unwavering integrity. Undeterred, the Finance Minister made another attempt by proposing that if Talwar were to step aside, he would be appointed as the Chairman of a proposed Banking Commission. Nonetheless, Talwar respectfully declined the offer. Following the Government's amendment to the SBI Act, Talwar received a message on August 4, 1976, granting him an unsolicited 13-month leave that coincided with the remainder of his tenure. Additionally, he was instructed to transfer his responsibilities to the Managing Director. Vaghul's depiction of the Bank's esteemed leader departing State Bank Bhavan that day carries a poignant tone. "Talwar left the Bank promptly at 5.30 pm, his customary time of departure. There was scarcely anyone to bid him farewell. Fear had gripped everyone, deterring any association with him." On that day, the remarkable individual departed in a manner reminiscent of Walter Scott's poignant phrase—unwept, unhonoured, and unsung. In the evening, Vaghul, Talwar's neighbor and former junior colleague, visited him and offered words of consolation, saying something along the lines of accepting the Divine Will with humility, as a gesture of sympathy. Talwar responded in a manner befitting his character, stating, "Where is the question of accepting or not accepting? You have to learn to enjoy all the time the Divine play." This response exemplified the quintessential nature of Talwar. In echoing the immortal spirit of Aurobindo Ghosh's Uttarpara speech, the revolutionary-mystic who, in his later life, collaborated with Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) from Paris to establish a spiritual community in Pondicherry, Talwar embodied a similar mindset. Within the financial sector, State Bank of India (SBI), an esteemed institution, has embodied values and ethics that may truly be recognized and appreciated in hindsight. Throughout its history, SBI has been led by individuals who have steadfastly upheld core values, thereby preserving this national symbol. The former and current leaders of SBI command immense respect in their field, not only for their expertise but also for their unwavering commitment to specific principles. Among the notable leaders in the history of SBI, none surpasses the legendary stature of RK Talwar. Taking charge as Chairman of SBI at the young age of 47 in 1969, he exerted a dominant influence over the Indian banking landscape for nearly two decades, spanning the 1960s to the mid-1970s. Remarkably, he was also the first career banker from SBI to ascend to the position of Chairman. His journey began in 1943 when he joined the Imperial Bank of India, the precursor to SBI, as a Probationary Assistant (Officer), shortly after completing his postgraduate degree in Mathematics from Lahore University. During his tenure as Chairman, Talwar played a pioneering role in streamlining procedures for financing small-scale industries and introduced innovative schemes to support smaller entrepreneurs, small businesses, and agriculturists. He implemented systems to ensure thorough analysis of corporate balance sheets long before the Reserve Bank mandated such norms for assessing large advances. Additionally, Talwar's visionary approach led to the initiation of the first-ever organizational restructuring of State Bank in 1971, a framework that stood strong for more than three decades. Notably, State Bank Bhavan, the current Corporate Centre of SBI located in Mumbai, was constructed under his leadership. Talwar exemplified a commitment to values and fearlessly expressed his opinions, regardless of the individuals he interacted with. A notable instance of his principled stance occurred during his tenure as Superintendent of the Advances Department in Kolkata, where he took a firm position on the financing of the jute industry. Despite facing the disapproval of Ramnath Goenka, a highly influential media owner with vested interests in the jute industry and a longstanding grudge against Talwar, the banker remained unaffected by such pressures and stood unwavering in his beliefs. Talwar's approach and inner resilience were deeply influenced by his spiritual beliefs. One particularly significant incident that deserves mention is his encounter with Sanjay Gandhi, the second son of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, who wielded unconstitutional authority during the Emergency period from 1975 to 1977. Talwar had embraced the influence of Aurobindo and the Mother long before. Following his successful tenure at the helm of SBI, he chose to retire to the Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry at the age of 54. With the exception of a brief period as Chairman of IDBI from 1979 to 1980, he refrained from active involvement in public service. Talwar passed away in 2002 at the age of 80. "Values in Leadership" is an essential read for anyone responsible for managing individuals or navigating complex situations. Article based on the book 'values in leadership ' by MR N Vaghul Read the full article
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sringar · 3 years
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Talwar, (Sword)
Steel blade, damascened hilt
Dated AH 1148 (1740 CE)
96.3 cm (L)
Sir Ratan Tata Art Collection
A formal and symbolic representation of the animal is visible throughout India’s long history. From the paintings of the Paleolithic period till today, the animal form has continued to enamour the artist and is employed in every conceivable form as a decorative motif in either a ritual object or object of everyday use. The varied and plentiful Nature has always acted as a perennial source of inspiration to artists to create multiple forms, motifs and designs in decorative arts.
source: chhatrapati shivaji maharaj vastu sangrahalaya, mumbai
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