#Talos x Reader
anundyingfidelity · 6 months
⋆˚࿔ 𝟒𝐎𝐎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 ! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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well, i reached 400 followers recently and honestly i didn't think it'd happen sometime but here i am so thanks :D
i'm opening requests for 400 words drabbles, so send in anything you have in mind! please see the fandoms/characters and genres i am open to write. ♡
GENRES I WRITE: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, smut, and i'm open to dark stuff as well with boundaries. you can ask!!! for smut i also write mostly female reader ^^
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★ Foundation (Apple TV)
Brother Day
Brother Dawn
* i'm ok with any of these cleons tbh just specify which one
Adam Warlock
Talos/Director Keller
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
★ One Piece Live Action
★ The Boys (Amazon Prime)
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
★ Real Person Fiction
Lee Pace
Jensen Ackles
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banner in use by @benkeibear, ty sm! | last gif not mine.
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iloveoldermen46 · 1 year
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Dear God in Heaven please sir I can’t handle this anymore 🥵😩….like mmhm god
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luxthestrange · 17 hours
HOUSAMO Incorrect quotes#32 He aint wrong
Talos: Between My Maker, Takemaru, and Mc, there are three brain cells. Talos: And Mc has all three of them or at least the assertiveness!
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my-head-is-an-animal · 8 months
Hi I hope you be ok can you do something like that: Talos is insecure for that what If reader become tired of him? But reader make sure him, her loved him in his real face and he's attractive for her!!
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I Could Never Get Bored Of You
Talos x Reader
Word Count: 2225
You hadn’t really seen Talos act like this before, usually he was fun and playful and always had the best intentions for you. But now, in recent weeks, he was distant.
You knew he and Fury would occasionally have to work on one secret mission or another, but this was different, he wasn’t away from your home long enough for it to be a secret mission.
Patience wasn’t always your thing, but you had it where Talos was concerned. You owed him that much for saving your life three years ago.
Walking the short distance home at night was never something that usually bothered you, your work was right around the corner, but the journey was full of alleyways. It just so happened that a group of men tried to mug you down one of them on a random Tuesday night.
Talos was there, the second a knife was pulled, you were convinced you were going to die, you couldn’t remember enough of the self defence training you’d had in school to defend yourself properly. That, and you were taken by such surprise that all memory of anything left you immediately.
It was a blurred memory now, but you do remember watching Talos move like the group of men were rag dolls. He was so strong and quick, you were sure it was your imagination at first.
‘Are you okay?’ He said gently kneeling down a short distance from you, trying not to get too close, but enough to actually see if you were okay.
It took you a moment, but when you started to move, you realised that your back was at least bruised, you had scrapes and cuts over your knees and hands and you really weren’t okay.
‘Can I call anyone for you?’ He asked, moving to pick up your bag and tentatively hand it to you. ‘Maybe a taxi or a friend to pick you up?’
His crystal blue eyes looked somehow off and it was then you sore his knuckles were purple. It confused you for a moment, but you thought maybe it was the light making the colour look strange. Talos had caught you looking and subtly moved his hand out of sight.
‘I’m okay.’ You breathed, clearly lying. ‘I don’t live that far anyway.’
He nodded, again not convinced. ‘Would you be comfortable if I offered to walk you the rest of the way? I’ll understand if you say no, I won’t force you.’
There was something so incredibly sweet about the way he asked, still not daring encroach into your space, making sure you really were okay.
‘Thank you.’ You breathed, taking your bag with a shaking hand.
Talos gave you a brief smile, hoping to settle you somewhat. ‘I’m Talos by the way.’
He nodded again, gently. ‘You got everything? They didn’t manage to get away with anything, did they?’
Talos took a step back, giving you more room to check your bag. Everything was in there, including your keys which you took out, sliding one key between your middle and ring finger, just in case.
You were sure he saw it, but he said nothing. Instead, Talos walked you home, always walking the other side of the parked cars, making sure you knew he wasn’t going to attack you or even threaten you.
Talos didn’t even walk into the car park with you, the entrance to your block being around the back, he wanted you to know that he only wanted to help.
After that, you saw him a couple of times wandering around the same area, assuming he lived close by, you introduced yourself properly and thanked him for helping you. He was sweet and kind and always a gentleman, keeping his distance, knowing that you would feel more comfortable that way.
It took a few weeks, but eventually you were scheduling in coffee dates and the occasional dinner. He didn’t seem to want anything from you, he assumed you didn’t want anything from him, but you very quickly realised how attracted you were to him.
Talos had been a little shy around the subject, but always assured you it wasn’t a rejection, he just had a job which didn’t allow for him to get too close to people. He had a natural mistrust of everyone and you understood that.
It was almost six months in before he revealed his true nature, scared you would run away or call the police, he believed you deserved a choice in all things and deserved the truth regardless of the personal cost to himself.
Strangely, nothing about his natural form made you feel any different, in fact, you loved him the more for it. To be brave enough and love you enough to risk everything, you couldn’t imagine how difficult it must have been.
Ever since that day, you made it clear that he never had to take Keller’s form when in your home, of course, he made sure the curtains were closed just in case he was being watched, but you didn’t mind, as long as he was comfortable.
‘Talos?’ You called, hearing the door to your flat close.
‘Just me.’ He yelled back, but his tone was quiet and tired. It must have been a hard day.
You grabbed a towel to dry your hands from doing the dishes and wandered into your living room where he still had Keller’s likeness.
‘Are you okay?’ You asked, closing the curtains so he could change back. ‘You sound a bit tired.’
‘I’m fine.’ Talos nodded, but didn’t change his form. He took his jacket off and hung it up carefully next to your door.
‘Are you sure?’ You half laughed. ‘You seem a bit…’
‘What?’ Talos was keeping a strange distance between you. The length of your three seater sofa, in fact.
‘What’s going on?’ You felt your heart sinking slightly, red flags began popping up in your mind.
‘I told you, nothing.’ Talos shook his head.
You moved back towards the table that sat beneath your window, knowing there was a knife in the drawer.
‘What was the first thing you said to me after you showed me your real face?’ You asked.
Talos frowned, tilting his head. ‘Y/N, it is me. I’m not someone else.’
‘If you’re really Talos, you’ll know the answer.’ You countered, moving to reach into the drawer as subtly as you could.
Talos sighed, clearly irritated by the question. ‘I told you I had no intentions of falling in love in you, but you deserve to be loved by someone who doesn’t have to hide who they are from the world.’
You let out a breath of relief.
‘You need to get better at hiding your movements though,’ Talos added. ‘I knew you were going for the drawer the second you decided to.’
‘Well, I panicked.’ You shot back. ‘I did my best.’
‘I know.’ Talos nodded, but his gaze dropped away. It was quiet for a moment. ‘Have you had a good day?’
It was your turn to tilt your head. ‘Talos, something’s going on here. What is it? Are you in trouble? Am I in trouble? Do we need to go?’
A thousand possibilities ran through your mind, including a scenario Talos had warned you could happen, someone could have found out about his relationship with you and threatened to use you against him.
Talos stepped forward to calm you down. ‘No, no, no one’s in trouble.’ He said, calmly and quietly. It always calmed you down when he spoke like that. ‘I just…’ You recognised his thought pattern, it was one that wasn’t taking him anywhere good. ‘I think we need to reconsider… our relationship.’
It was as if a lead ball had dropped into the pit of your stomach. ‘What do you mean?’ You said, shakily.
‘I mean…’ Talos started, but never finished the sentence.
‘You don’t love me anymore.’ You closed your eyes, feeling the tears fill them.
‘Of course, I love you.’ Talos took another step towards you, within touching distance. ‘Y/N, I love you more than anything in the world.’
‘Then why are you breaking up with me?’ You suddenly demanded.
‘Because you don’t love me anymore!’ Talos suddenly snapped. Clearly something had been building for a while.
‘What are you talking about?’ Your breathing stuttered.
Talos sighed and leaned over the back of your sofa, the one you were supposed to be sitting on, watching some movie to pass the time that evening.
‘A couple weeks ago,’ he started, quietly. ‘We… that night…’ You really needed him to get to the point, what night was he talking about?
‘Talos, you’re scaring me now.’ You felt the tears falling hot on your cheeks.
Talos’ head snapped up. Scaring you was the one thing he could never forgive himself for.
‘Just tell me.’ You quietly begged.
Talos swallowed back the emotion, letting his head drop back down and closing his eyes tight. ‘When we had sex, you were really… you liked it a lot… more than usual.’ Talos sighed and you still couldn’t see the problem. ‘I had this face, his face.’
Talos stood up, taking in a deep breath, but you still weren’t seeing the connection, in fact, you were still trying to remember the night in question.
‘Look, I know that this has never been ideal for you.’ Talos didn’t even look at you for a moment. ‘I know that you’d love to introduce me to your friends, you’d love to do normal things and you can’t because of what I am. And I understand, I get it. I thought I could forget about it, because you never complained… but that night, I realised that you and Keller would actually make a really good fit. He’s a nice guy, a bit repressed, but once you crack him open, he’s a pussycat.’ Talos almost laughed. ‘He could be a better choice for you, I know he could make you happy… give you the kids you want-‘
‘Talos, stop.’ You breathed, still stuttering over every breath. ‘I don’t understand what it going on here. Are you breaking up with me?’
Talos seemed to trip over his thoughts for a moment.
‘You seem to be under the impression that I would prefer another man to the one I’ve chosen.’
‘That’s the problem, I’m not a man,’ Talos countered. ‘I’m not human, I’m a Skrull and you should be with someone who can give you human things, not someone you could get bored with.’
‘Get bored?!’ You exclaimed, outraged. ‘What is God’s name makes you think I’m bored of you?’
‘Because I didn’t look like me when we-‘
‘Oh for God’s sake, Talos!’ You almost screamed. ‘I love you!’ You tried to say it clearly, so he understood. ‘I am in love with YOU! I fell in love with who you are not the face you wear. We had sex that night because I missed YOU.’ You felt like you were exerting more energy than you had, and Talos just stood and watched you. ‘Maybe this is my fault, I should never have told you Keller was attractive, I should have understood you might be insecure about some things-‘
‘Woah, woah, hold on, don’t say it like that.’ Talos put his hand up to stop you. ‘Don’t say it like…’
‘Go on.’ You dared him, but Talos remained silent. ‘Look, if you want to leave, you can leave, any time you want. If you’re bored of me, then fine, okay, I can learn to live with that, but don’t you dare question just how much I love you, the real you. I’m not in love with you because you look like someone you think I find more attractive… I’m in love with you because of everything that makes you who you are. Including… and most especially, what you really look like.’
You folded your arms, half expecting Talos to leave your flat and never come back. Maybe you could have learned to live with it, maybe you could have found a way to move forward and things would eventually be okay again, but it would take time.
Talos stepped towards you slowly, placing the tips of his fingers over your forearms, you opened your eyes to see he’d changed back to his true form.
‘I’m sorry.’ He whispered, softly against your temple. ‘I’m so sorry.’ He said, again. ‘I thought…’
‘You thought wrong.’ You whispered back, lifting your head to see him. You were always drawn to his eyes, deep and unending.
‘Forgive me?’ Talos tilted his head a little.
You smiled gently, still feeling the lead ball slowly lifting from your stomach. ‘Of course.’ You breathed. ‘Just don’t ever do that to me again. I will decide what’s best for me.’ Talos gently nodded. ‘I’ve chosen you, Talos. Everything about you, that is my choice.’ You sniffed, letting him run his hands over your arms and shoulders, hoping to somehow keep you close. ‘You’re so beautiful.’ You whispered. ‘I could never get bored of that.’
Talos’ deep purple eyes snapped to yours again, suddenly his lips pressed hard against you, your arms wrapped around his neck and you felt it, every part of him that loved you, you felt it. You just prayed you would never come so close to losing it ever again.
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General of the stars, family man on Earth (1)
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AN: Hey everybody, welcome to my new fic! I have been obsessing over Secret Invasion recently (three guesses why) and I wish that we had more glimpses into the relationship between young G'iah and Talos. And voila, this fic was born. The warnings for this chapter include canon typical behaviour by the Dursleys towards Harry, child abandonment, mentions of physical violence, and canonical character death.
The mood board was made by me on Canva and the images are not mine; credit to the original owners. Also, Talos is a single dad in this fic and there will be some references to Secret Invasion and some spoilers for Marvel movies.
Tagging: @ashifloof
If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know.
Chapter 1
“I still don’t understand why you don’t like chocolate chip mint ice cream, dad.”  G’iah complained as she threw her used serviette in the bin with one hand and held onto her dad’s hand with her other.
Talos shook his head, wrinkling his nose in disgust, “You always ask that and my reply never changes.  There are too many flavours in that type of ice-cream.  There are times when simple is better and this is one of them.”
“But strawberry ice-cream is so boring,” G’iah whined while Talos led them out of the park in Surrey.  She and her dad had come to Surrey so her dad could do some work for Fury.  G’iah didn’t know all of the details but she knew that she and her dad needed to be careful which meant that they couldn’t be in their normal forms and they had to hide.  Thankfully, it was their last day in Surrey.
Talos let out an amused snort, “There’s a reason that it’s a classic.”
G’iah didn’t respond which worried Talos.  When it came to the topic of her favourite ice-cream, his daughter always had a lot to say in the matter.  Suddenly, she pulled her hand from his and ran back into the park.
“G’IAH!” Talos cried, racing after her.
He knew his daughter could hear him as he shouted her name in worry but she was choosing not to respond and after running for about a minute, she came to an abrupt stop next to the swings.  Relief swept over Talos and he crouched down in front of her.  He gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him.
“Don’t ever do that again,” he chided.
“But dad!” G’iah protested, “There’s a boy from school on the swings and he’s all alone!”
Talos furrowed his brow and looked over at the swings.  G’iah was right.  Seated on one of the swings, looking miserable and resigned at the same time was a young boy.  If Talos had to guess, he would say that the boy couldn’t have been older than six but he was dressed in a school uniform that looked two sizes too big for him.
Talos removed his arms from G’iah’s shoulders and she cautiously walked over to the boy.  “I’ve seen you at school.”
The boy nodded and looked down at his feet.
“My name is G’iah,” she continued.  “What’s yours?  Where are your parents?”
“My name is Harry Potter,” the boy replied in a bashful tone.  “My parents are dead and I live with my aunt, uncle and cousin.”
“Well where are they?” G’iah demanded, putting her hands on her hips and scowling.
“I think they went home.”
“Without you?” Talos questioned. 
Harry nodded and wrapped his hands around the chains of the swing, gripping them tightly.  From where he was standing, Talos could see the whites of the boy’s knuckles.
For a moment, Talos was silent.  His facial expression was neutral and betrayed no hint to the feelings of protectiveness and fury that were warring inside of him.  Talos could never imagine his relationship with G’iah breaking down to the point where he didn’t know where his daughter was.
“It’s not safe for you to be here by yourself,” Talos eventually stated with a barely controlled voice.  “We’ll take you home.”
Harry looked reluctant but jumped off of the swing, “They probably haven’t noticed that I’m not with them.  It’s not like I really think of Number 4 Privet Drive as home anyway.”
Talos was reluctant to take the boy to the address that he had just unknowingly given them.  Throughout his travels, he had seen many orphans that craved a home and because of the loss of Skrullos, Talos could sympathise with them.  He and Nick had been working to place orphaned and lost Skrull children with the Skrulls on Earth so that the adults could protect and raise the children as their own.  It was an arduous process but Talos believed it was also a fulfilling one.
Harry’s expression tugged at his heartstrings and G’iah appeared to be similarly affected.
“Dad—” she began but was interrupted by a male voice bellowing Harry’s full name.
Harry gasped and shrunk into himself.  G’iah reached out a hand to him but the gesture went unseen by Harry.
Once again, Talos carefully controlled his expression and pivoted so that he could face the person that had shouted.  Approaching the group with a deceptive amount of speed was a morbidly obese man with an incredibly thin woman scurrying after him and a young overweight boy trailing after her.  Talos knew instantly that these people were Harry’s aunt, uncle, and cousin.
Talos changed his posture so that his shoulders were straight and his feet were a shoulder’s width apart.  All of the hand-to-hand combat techniques that he had learned and developed during his time as a general flooded his mind and he began to search for weaknesses and vulnerable areas on his opponent that he could use to his advantage if the situation became physical.
If Talos had blinked, he would have missed the way the man’s eyes zeroed in on G’iah, her proximity to Harry and her outstretched hand.  The man continued barrelling forwards and Talos had the horrible fear that he would push G’iah out of the way to get to Harry because he thought she was in his way.
“Step away from my daughter.”  Talos ordered in a low voice and the man stopped at the sound of his voice.
The obese man sneered at Talos and Talos guessed that the man relied on his size and intimidation to get his way.  The Skrull fought the temptation to reveal his normal eyes; doing so could place G’iah in more danger.  Talos had faced beings like this man before and he knew that they crumbled at the thought of insulting someone more politically or socially powerful than they were.
“My name is Roland Keller,” he lied using the alias that he had adopted when he had infiltrated SHIELD. He was thankful that he was still wearing his suit and tie.  “My daughter and I came to Surrey on business.  The head of my organisation requested me to lead the project personally.”
The man appeared to freeze and Talos could see the cogs in his brain turning.  “I believe you were told to step away from my daughter.”
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mmm yummy SAGAU rambles
Childe who recognizes you at first sight. he’s one of the first people to hear about an “imposter” and is immediately up and armed to go hunt them down himself- how dare someone try to impersonate the Creator, his god, the one who gave him the courage to drag himself out of the Abyss and back into the light? no one yearned to find and eliminate the imposter as much as Childe, to tear that arrogant fool apart with his own hands and watch them die before his eyes- it was the only thing that would satisfy his fury. 
so he begins hunting, bow in hand and dull blue eyes blazing with anger and bloodlust. he’s allowed to, of course, as the only person who matches his rage is the Tsaritsa herself- in fact, she commands that the Fatui turn their efforts into finding and bringing this imposter to justice, and Childe- Tartaglia- is more than happy to comply as the Eleventh Harbinger.
but when he does find you, the so-called “imposter”, he instead finds a broken heap of a person, divine blood dripping from every injury as you cover your face and cower.
between sobs you beg for him not to hurt you, and Childe’s heart breaks as he hears the voice that so often hummed and laughed inside his head, the sign that the Creator was watching over him, now pleading, desperate to just be able to live.
he knows you love his Foul Legacy form- he’s heard you fawn over it during the weekly fights you bring him to- so within a second he’s transformed, the pain that usually lingers mysteriously gone as he kneels before you, delicately lifting your bruised hand to his forehead with a soft rumble. you’re shaking, breaths coming out as wheezes from fear, and Childe whines sadly.
so he promises that he will protect you- never again shall a Fatuus harm you in any way, instead they will guard your precious life as you heal, and Childe will be by your side. his Foul Legacy is unhindered by pain; now it feels whole, complete, you filling the missing link between him and the Abyss. he will be your guard, even if the rest of the world is against you, so he never has to hear that kind, wonderful voice of yours filled with fear ever again.
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gr3milinz · 18 days
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W.I.P of shuriken x reader
Also can u guess my new hyperfixation
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eating-plastic · 8 months
Headcanons: Maison Talo Punishing his Fem!S/O for ignoring him (SMUT)
Warnings: nsfw (duh), smut (minors and ageless blogs do not touch please and thanks), AFAB!reader, vaginal sex, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, unprotected sex, Maison becomes pussy drunk (yes, I am making that a tag), masturbation, voyeurism, any other warnings that come with fucking a man eating house creature lol, lots of inaccuracies about Maison's anatomy, established relationship, probably some grammatical errors
A/N: Wow, this took me way too long to write, but it's finally done. First things first, I would like to thank @oliviathatgirl for giving me the idea for this as I was starved of ideas for a Maison Talo x reader thingy (pun not intended btw). Secondly, I get it. I took the easy way out when making this. But let's be real here, I don't think anyone knows what trying to have sex with Maison would be like. So yeah, I don't wanna hear it, I know. Let's all just have a little bit of fun and enjoy fiction, got it? Also this is long too, sorry about that. I could've shortened it, but I had already had everything almost written out so I just said "fuck it" lol. I blame the fact that I'm in a fic writing mood. Still, I hope someone out there enjoys this. Cheers!
🏠-Let's be very clear, you weren't trying to ignore Maison, things just happened
🏠-You were busy. VERY busy
🏠-Be it work, college, or a combination of the two, on top of maintaining your social life, you just would be too tired for any of his romantic gestures
🏠-You felt bad about it, really you did, but Maison would always tell you that it was alright and you believed him. After all, he had his own busy days himself trying to keep himself fed and it wasn't like he was a clingy or needy lover
🏠-This would've been an accurate statement had it been made before you managed to work your way into his life. And that is all because you had managed to introduce him to a new need that wasn't hunger
🏠-And that was love. A sweet, gentle affection that was so foreign to him. Something that he doesn't know if he has experienced it before or even at all, but he does know one thing:
🏠-He revels in it. Both getting and giving it from you and you alone (after getting used to it of course). He just can't get enough of your love and loving you
🏠-It gave him a new purpose that wasn't just keeping himself fed and maintaining his reputation as number 1 realtor in the Uncanny Valley
🏠-As such, the lack of affection was starting to make Maison a bit antsy. A bit on edge, though he didn't blame you about it
🏠-And then one day *poof* you finally had time to yourself. You were so excited you went to tell him the good news...and of course it had to be on a day when he left to scout for a meal
🏠-No matter, you would make yourself comfortable while you waited for him to come back to his house body or a little text telling you to get out as he was coming by with a "potential buyer"
🏠-Meanwhile at a bus station on the edge of the Uncanny Valley, Maison was waiting just out of view to spot an unfamiliar face
🏠-He could sense everything you were doing within him. If he closed his eyes, he could see you putzing around as if you were just in a normal home. If he strained his ears, he could hear you talking to yourself, or singing along to your favorite song, or laughing at a joke said in your favorite TV show
🏠-It never failed to calm him and put him in a good mood. He always worried about your well being due to the many dangers within the Uncanny Valley, so it was nice to know where you were and that you were safe and sound
🏠-It was cute too, watching you. It showed just how much you trusted him. He could just eat you so easily right then and there, not that he ever would. He'd truly rather starve than have it come to that
🏠-You on the other hand, were completely unaware of this ability of his. A fact that was evident by you heading up to the master bedroom for a different way to destress after the long week
🏠-'What harm could it do?' you thought, while shucking off your shorts and panties. Sure, it could be seen as a little odd to touch yourself in a home that was a living thing, therefore you technically couldn't call it yours despite staying. This house would always be Maison's because it was him. Still, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him
🏠-While you lay on the bed, stroking your clit, your mind drifted to your beloved realtor. You wondered what it would be like to be so intimate with him. Yes, "would be like". You were too embarrassed to initiate it or even bring it up. Hell, from how he ate, you wondered if it was even possible. Of course that never stopped you from fantasizing about it.
🏠-If it was possible, what would having sex with Maison be like? What would he look like under that fancy blazer of his? What would he be like in bed? What would he be into?
🏠-Soft moans fill the room while you continue to imagine the most filthiest scenarios with him
🏠-All the while, Maison was going through his normal routine of reeling in some food for himself. The poor soul, though just as suspicious as they always are with his "offer," he could just see it in this person's eyes that they wouldn't be a difficult meal
🏠-After giving them his card, it would just be another boring waiting game once more. At least that's what he thought until he suddenly tasted something sweet
🏠-It startled him a bit, tasting something out of nowhere. Perhaps you had accidentally dropped a snack for yourself. Yes, that was probably it, poor you. Might as well check on you, he figured
🏠-And that's just what he did, getting quite the surprise when he got a view of you. Pretty, little you moaning so sweetly while your hand played with your soaked pussy, slick dripping onto the bed underneath. So that's what that sweet taste was
🏠-Similarly with love, lust was also foreign to Maison, and yet he was quickly receptive to it. After all, what was lust, if not a different form of hunger?
🏠-Oh how his mind was almost instantly filled with thoughts of what he could do to you. What he wanted to do to you
🏠-The moment his name left your lips while lost in your pleasure, the thoughts of his new meal vanished. He needed to relieve this new hunger he felt
🏠-He needed you
🏠-To say that he hurried back to his house form, would be an understatement. With the mess you were making, each of his strides grew faster. He would've loudly slammed the front door behind him, had he not have a sliver of self control tell him it would be better to catch you off guard
🏠-After all, didn't you deserve a little bit of a startle for what you've done to him? You had gotten him so unbelievably worked up, and after being denied giving and getting your affection too
🏠-While Maison quietly made his way up to the master bedroom, you were slowly reaching your peak. Your moans grew in volume as rubbed away at your clit. Just a few more strokes would tip you over the edge. Just a few more-
🏠-"My my, what's this?"
🏠-Your eyes shoot open and you rip your hand away from your dripping cunt. You scramble into a sitting position with your legs crossed, but there was no hiding what you were doing. The longer Maison stares at you, waiting for you to explain yourself, the hotter your face gets
🏠-"M-Maison! W-what I was-! I-I mean I was...just um...," you let out an ashamed, defeated sigh and cover your face with your hands. "I'm sorry."
🏠-Your eyes glance around at everything but the tall realtor in the room. This allows him to prowl his way closer to the bed, gently dragging his fingertips up your leg when he gets close enough. His eyes trail down your body, trying to get a better look at that sweet, little treat in between your legs
🏠-You let out a confused squeak and will up the courage to look back up at Maison, only to have all thoughts freeze as he slowly brings his face closer to yours. So close in fact, that the tip of his nose touches yours
🏠-"This is quite the interesting surprise to...return to," his voice comes out as a low purr. Maybe one day he'd tell you about his ability to spy on you, but if he could have more moments to see you playing with yourself and completely unaware of him watching you, he'll be keeping that to himself for a while
🏠-"I-I'm sorry...I d-didn't mean for you...," you whimper, which causes him to darkly chuckle. Perhaps it was the fact that you were so close to cumming that made you do this, but the sound does cause you to clench around nothing
🏠-"Ah yes, you wanted this to be a little secret. Do it while I was away searching for a little bite to eat, hm," suddenly, his hand grabs your face and holds it firmly, forcing you to look up at him. "I never realized how cruel you could be, my little tenant. How long has it been since I was able to cherish you, hm? Or that you were able to extend me that same grace?"
🏠-You really don't know how to feel. You're still mortified, sure, and yet this whole situation wasn't helping the slick leaking out of your pussy. After realizing that Maison was waiting for you to respond, you breathe out the answer
🏠-"That's right. And this is what you do while I'm still missing you? You cry out about how much you need me while I'm gone? You make such a delicious little mess that you know I can taste?"
🏠-Your eyes widen at that. God, how did that slip your mind? If he can taste the food you drop and the drinks you spill...then of course he could taste...
🏠-"Would you like to know just what I think about all of this, my dear?" he asks, reveling in the cute, little expressions you were making
🏠-You hesitantly nod your head. With that, Maison leans his head towards your ear and takes one of your hands into his own, slowly dragging it down his torso. Once your hand crosses below his waist, you gasp, a noise that causes him to chuckle once more. Not even your fantasies could've predicted that he was that well endowed
🏠-"I think I liked the little show you put on," he purred while rubbing your hand against himself. "But I think I'd like it more if I could indulge in it as well."
🏠-With that, you are pushed back down onto the bed with your hands pinned by your head. Maison moves to hover over you, smirking at your wide eyed expression. Despite the suddenness of it all, you've never been more turned on in your life
🏠-Slowly, he dragged his hands down from your wrists, to your arms, to the curves of your body, until they landed on your thighs. Moving underneath them, he lifts them up, almost pushing your knees against your chest. There was no hiding your sex from him now
🏠-He takes in the sight of it, the sensation of his stare making you squirm in his hold. He then moves one of your legs up onto his shoulder so he can free one of his hands. He wasted no time swiping his fingers through your wet folds
🏠-You gasp and continue to writhe underneath Maison while he toyed with your cunt, settling on having his thumb stroke your clit and his index and middle finger slipping in and out of you. He found that to be most efficient with coaxing your sweet slick out of you
🏠-It was like a drug with how that little puddle underneath you had him addicted. With every passing moment that it grew, the more insatiable he got. It made his pants even tighter too
🏠-You were completely blissed out with his ministrations to your body, and as soon as you knew it, you were right at the cusp of your peak again. You mewl and whine about your impending release, throwing your arms above your head to grip the pillow. With just a few more strokes to that sensitive, little bundle of nerves in between your legs, your vision goes white and you cry out Maison's name
🏠-While you get lost in your orgasm, Maison finally pulls away a bit to take you in. Oh how he revels in your pleasure just as much as you are. Not just because of how good it tasted, but because it was his darling, little tenant getting lost in an ecstasy he administrated
🏠-And he wanted more of it
🏠-Not understanding that your poor body was hypersensitive now, he decides to try something new. If his lure form could experience senses like touch, sight, and sound, then why not try tasting your juices at the source?
🏠-He wasted no time leaning down and hoisting your hips upwards. He then slowly drags his tongue through your puffy lips in an experimental lick, letting out a pleasant hum once he picks up your taste
🏠-A wail leaves your lips as he begins lapping at your pussy, each drag of his tongue making your body jerk in his grasp. You try to wiggle out of it, but your squirming just causes his grip to tighten
🏠-"A-ah-! Too much! P-please, Maison, too much!" you sob, tugging at his rough, gray hair to push him away. At the same time though, you felt the conflicting feeling of wanting him to keep going
🏠-"Aww, you poor thing," he coos once he pulls away from you. "I thought this was what you wanted. That's certainly what it sounded like."
🏠-He moves up your body so that his face is hovering above yours. He then raises a hand to caress your cheek and gently swipes his thumb across your bottom lip. The feeling causes you to nuzzle your face into his palm. Oh how you missed it
🏠-"You can handle a little bit more, can't you my dear?" his voice is as soft as his gesture, coaxing you to agree. And of course you do, from how gentle he was being and the bit of pleading in his eyes
🏠-"Y-yeah, I think I can," you breathe, causing Maison's smile to widen. He then leans down and places a kiss to your lips. You eagerly return it, realizing just how long it really has been since you got to enjoy his affection. You also moan slightly as you also get a taste of yourself. He then pulls away and leaves a final kiss to your forehead
🏠-"Good girl," he purrs, before returning himself back to the position he had in between your legs. There you were once again treated to that conflicting feeling of wanting him to continue and stop all at once
🏠-You continue to whine and keen once you feel his tongue back on you. Despite agreeing that you could handle it, you still writhe in his grasp. Your fingers find his hair again, which you both tug on as a brace and to pull his head closer. You even start grinding yourself against his face as you feel your second orgasm churn within you, your voice spiking in pitch each time his nose brushes your clit
🏠-Maison lets out an amused hum at your action, both from your taste and your desperation to cum again. In fact, in anticipation of feeling your release on his tongue, he begins to grind himself against the bed. The small rushes of pleasure cause him to let out low groans, the floorboards creaking with each one that escapes him
🏠-Of course the vibrations from that cause you to tip over the edge and cum all over his face. Due to it being your second release of the day, the pleasure was intense. Tears seep from the corners of your eyes, an overwhelming bliss flows through your veins, and your body feels like it's floating
🏠-Unfortunately for Maison, he was unable to see you in such a state, too busy indulging himself on your juices once more. He only pulls away from you once he realizes just how worked up he got from simply grinding against the bed. If he continued, he would've spilt himself in his pants, and what a waste that would've been
🏠-While you slowly come down from your high, he finally undoes his pants, allowing his length to spring free. He lets out a sigh from the relieved tension, before taking a moment to actually get a good look at it
🏠-'How interesting,' he thinks, while investigating his cock. It was the same tannish color as his lure form's skin tone, yet the tip was a bit darker. What has him the most curious however, is the whiteish clear fluid beaded from it. He carefully swipes his thumb across it, causing him to hiss and for the house to shift a bit
🏠-He then moves his hand to wrap it around the shaft, feeling how oddly heavy it was against his palm. After getting a feel for the weight, he decides to slowly move his hand up and down, letting out another low groan and another creak. What an interesting kind of pleasure this was
🏠-Your soft gasp pulls him away from his investigation. As his dark eyes lock with yours, he instantly remembers all the things he can do with the length in his hand. Your brain on the other hand was still fuzzy from your intense release, as well as actually seeing Maison's dick. While he wasn't too girthy, he definitely was long, and it was making you actually consider going another round
🏠-Smirking at your wide-eyed expression, he lets himself go and moves back on top of you, hand gently stroking your cheek once more
🏠-"Oh my poor, little tenant. I know it's cruel of me to ask this of you, again," his voice drips in sweetness, yet you can still hear that bit of sleaze that makes your brain tilt in favor of overstimulating yourself again. "May I take you? Indulge in you in a way unlike ever before? Bathe you in ecstasy one more time? Please, my dear?"
🏠-It's a repeat of the same charade he did when his tongue was against your pussy, and you fall for it again. You didn't know how long he could perform it over and over until you finally denied him, but it certainly wasn't now. Carefully, you move to sit up, Maison shifting off of you to give you a bit of space. His face holds the same, soft expression, yet there's a hint of curiosity there as he wonders what you are doing, as well as your answer
🏠-And you give it to him in the form of you removing your shirt and bra, leaving you completely bare in front of him. If you were going to let him take you, why not let him have all of you. Besides, you were getting all sweaty and hot anyways
🏠-Amusement takes over his eyes and smile, hand returning to your cheek. You melt into it and back into your position underneath him. Of course, you should've known he wasn't going to do anything until he heard your response
🏠-"Yes," you decide, despite knowing your body was more hypersensitive than ever before. "Please...take me."
🏠-And that's just what he does. After shifting into position and wrapping your legs around his waist, Maison slips himself inside of you. With every inch pushed into your tight, weeping core, you softly whimper and throw your arms around him to hold him close. The moment his cock is completely sheathed within your warm, velvety walls, your mind goes numb from how deep inside you he was
🏠-To be perfectly honest, he wasn't faring that much better. Just the feeling of you wrapped around him alone was enough for his eyes to close with bliss. It causes him to take a moment to both get used to and savor the sensation. It truly made him wish you both would've tried this out sooner
🏠-After his little break, he finally starts to move in small, shallow thrusts. All the while, he enjoys the cute, little look on your face. Your eyebrows knitted together and eyes closed from overstimulation. Your soft lips parted, with the only sound dripping from them being whines and whimpers
🏠-"Such a pretty, little thing," he muses, fondly, adoration in his eyes. He raises his hand to hold your face, before leaning down to kiss you. It doesn't take long for his tongue to find itself in your mouth and eagerly greet your own
🏠-Suddenly, as if his hips had gotten a mind of their own, he harshly bucks himself inside of you. You moan in surprise from the tip of his cock slamming right into your g-spot, and tighten your grip around him in more ways than one
🏠-Liking the new, rougher pace, in tandem with your pussy constricting his dick, Maison grasps your hips and begins to rut away into your cunt. That poor little, sweet spot inside of you wouldn't be able to the escape the abuse he had in store for it
🏠-To say that your brain is now mush at this point would be an understatement. You can hardly form a coherent thought, and all you can say when he finally broke that delicious kiss is sobs of pleasure. Even as you feel your body building up your third orgasm of the day, you can't get out anymore than stuttered words broken by cries
🏠-Fortunately, Maison can decipher your pleasant sounds and responds to them by quickening the pace. He is going to make sure you cum right on his length at least once today. He needed to feel it
🏠-"That's it," he breathes, another loud creak following. "Just one more, my dear. Just one more for me."
🏠-It only takes a few harsh thrusts for you to become completely spent. Your velvety walls clench around him like a vice and your body jolts in his grasp as your release crashes over you
🏠-From the intense sensation, Maison follows closely behind. With a loud groan, he fills your core with ropes of his cum and the house shakes as if a small earthquake had sprouted
🏠-Eventually, the shaking goes from violent, to a vibration, to a complete still. By that time, you had both come down from your highs and decide to revel in the afterglow. That was truly better than either of you could've imagined it would be
🏠-"Well...that was certainly...something," Maison muses, smiling down at you. You tiredly laugh at his remark. Honestly you couldn't think of any other way to describe what the two of you did
🏠-"Yeah...just...wow," you return his fond smile, before realizing how sticky with sweat your skin was. "Augh, I think I need a bath."
🏠-"Of course. Please, allow me, my dear," he purrs, before puling out of you and fixing himself back in his pants. "You deserve a little rest after being so good for me."
🏠-With a gentle kiss to your forehead, Maison leaves to head to the bathroom. On his way there however, a soft buzzing catches his attention. Ah yes, his phone. That must be the "potential buyer" he was talking with earlier. He answers, but tells them that they would have to check out the house tomorrow
🏠-He had much more important matters to take care of right now
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bigeatz · 4 months
Climber x Reader Hcs
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It’s been like two years since I’ve posted on this account oops 😭!! Anyways here’s y’all’s once a year content loll
The Climber is extremely affectionate and clingy, To the point it’s almost difficult for you to do things while he’s around. The mannequin is constantly atop of you and always touching you. He loves being able to hold your hands or snuggle up to you whenever possible.
Climber can’t exactly give you kisses since he doesn’t have a real mouth,but that doesn’t stop him from trying. He’ll often press his face into your cheek or lips to simulate a kiss, just trying his best to be affectionate with you. While it does make him flustered he’ll ask you for kisses frequently, he’ll get pouty when you don’t provide them to him but completely understands.
Dude is the definition of a snuggle bug. He loves being able to cuddle you and love on you when the two of you are alone. Just being able to relax in your arms or hug you from behind brings him so much joy. You could be scrolling on your phone or typing away on your laptop and he’d be snuggled up to your side; just holding you and enjoying your presence.
Due to his limited vocabulary he isn’t exactly the best with pet names. He’ll try his hardest learn for you; often going to Mr.Jack or TG for advice.
Pet names he would call you: Baby, Sweetie, babe and sweetheart.
Climber is very into “acts of service” with his partner. Since he wants to make himself useful he’ll try to do everything he possibly can to make you happy. Getting you gifts such as stuffed animals from the carnival games around the amusement park, flowers or any trinkets he can get his hands on.
Just like Karl, Climber is extremely protective of you. If it ever seems like you’re in any danger at all he’ll put himself in between you and whatever he’s deemed as a threat. He understands how fragile humans can be so he’s always worried about your wellbeing.
When you eventually have to end up leaving the park the Climber will get extremely upset. Often begging you to not leave him with holding you tightly against him. The only way he’ll end up letting you go is when you promise to come and see him again. Which you would do regardless.
Sorry for the literal 2 year gap between my posts 😭I’m thinking abt making a post for Mr.Jack next!!
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anundyingfidelity · 5 months
hi i hope you be ok!!!
Can I ask for Talos and fem reader?
jealous and insecure talos. And reader make sure him, she loved him?
Maybe much smut?
hi noonieee! i'm doing good ty ! and of course!! long time since i last posted for talos, still love my old man a lot ! please let's pretend this is an au after secret invasion and he's doing ok 😔🩷
event guidelines ✮ event masterlist ✮
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
ONLY YOU — Talos x female reader
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Word count: 480.
Genre: smut.
Warnings: jealous sex, p in vi, unprotected sex, all stuff you shouldn't do in real life lol.
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When Fury put you back in the field together, this wasn’t what you expected. 
The first mission and you were already, almost, fucking it up. The man who was your target got too close to you during the evening, dressed neatly and undercover in the middle of a ball full of rich people and criminals. You knew that your partner would hear every single word of your conversation with the target, but flirting and teasing was necessary once the target put his sole attention on you. Getting your information was a whole lot easier after that, getting to kill him, running past some bullets and two times where you almost got killed before you and your partner returned to the motel you were staying to complete the mission.
Talos was silent the whole drive once he scolded you for sneaking like that, but you stood up for yourself. What came after though, you didn’t expect it. Remembering the events of the night, here you were, between his body and the wall, your back pressing against his chest. His hands were hiking up the skirt of your dress while you tried to hold back a loud cry, his cock stretching you out perfectly with every thrust.
“You have no idea how much I wanted you,” Talos growled, kissing your shoulder. “So fucking ravishing...”
His praise sent chills down your spine and you held tight as much as you could to the wall, moaning and singing his name. His hands gripping both your hips so harsh you knew it would leave marks on you the next day, but it felt so nice. All you could do was cry as his hips striked against your ass.
“You’re mine and mine only,” he whispered, his hand cupping your cheek to lean and take your lips in a hungry, heated kiss.
A pathetic moan past slipped your throat. Fuck, you were so close to get there. You didn’t want him to stop, ever. But you were out of words right now. All that mattered was him, fucking you so good, his fingers now between your legs and rubbing your clit, and his wet kisses running down your skin.
“Shit, I’m- Ohgod!” you whimpered, head falling against his shoulder. You felt the sweet sensation taking over your body exploding. Your throat released the most beautiful cries as he came with you, filling you up perfectly with his hot seed.
“Are you okay?” Talos asked. You could hear his breath hitching and nodded, taking in the aftermath.
“Yeah, just wondering what happened to you,” you replied back letting the weight of your body fall against his own. “I loved it, don’t get me wrong,” you smiled.
“Guess this mission lightened up something inside me.” He kissed your bare shoulder once again. “You’re mine. You belong to me and I belong to you.”
“I love how that sounds.”
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iloveoldermen46 · 1 year
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I am such a slut for this man. Like good god this man is so sexy.🥵😩
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transmechanicus · 4 months
I feel like you’re giving me a warped impression of what 40k is like.
Is this because of the adorable catboy dark angels? Do you hate me bc i like it when my power armored kittens yell "REPENT FOR TOMORROW YOU DIE"?
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Hi can I please request a
Talos x reader. The reader helps fight using a frying pan & everyone is looking at each other like who know a  frying, pan, could be such a useful weapon. Your story are amazing. Hope your day is going great 😌
Of course you can!
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Full of Surprises
Talos x Reader
Word Count: 752
Well, it wasn't exactly the way you thought the day would go, you thought it was just a standard intel gathering mission, but then again, nothing was ever standard where Talos was concerned.
Your job was to collect data from a laptop, easy. Talos would keep watch while you did your job, so it wasn’t exactly grabbing your attention when he came into the kitchen and told you to hurry up. These things always ended up with you rushing and Talos getting you out safe and sound. Except this time, he was outnumbered.
You heard the crashing of a vase and Talos being backed into the kitchen by what looked to be two SWAT guys, they had been disarmed fortunately, but they were still swinging and Talos was dodging where possible, trying to keep their attention while you finished up what you could.
You were just about to pull your hard drive and make a run for the van where Hill and Fury were waiting, when another five soldiers appeared from the doorway where Talos had been.
‘We’re coming.’ You heard Hill on comms.
Talos was doing his best to disarm and knock out the men he could, he was a big believer in not killing needlessly and you really liked that about him.
Suddenly one of the soldiers turned to see you, not hesitating before rushing towards you. You felt panic flood your limbs, reaching for the nearest weapon and swinging at the soldier. A bloody frying pan! Of course, you couldn’t have picked up a knife, you know, something actually useful.
Talos was hit hard and fell onto one knee. Hill and Fury still hadn’t made it into the house and there wasn’t many options. You took a breath and leaped up onto the kitchen island, wildly swinging the frying pan hard against the heads of whoever was closest.
You managed to take out three before Hill and Fury arrived to finish up.
You were still standing on top of the island, panting hard and feeling the adrenaline start to wear off. Everyone just stared at you for a moment, Talos getting back to his feet.
A sound caught everyone’s attention, but your fear forced you to move first and launch the frying pan at the direction of the sound. It was a bloody good shot, the pan bouncing squarely off the forehead of another soldier who thought he could creep up on you, knocking him out.
Talos was finally back to his feet and took a step towards you slowly, almost fearing you’d produce another pan from God knows where and knock him out as well.
‘I have to say,’ he spoke slowly so as not to startle you as he approached the island. ‘You are full of surprises.’
‘Yeah.’ You panted.
Talos just smiled, reaching up to lift you down off the countertop, making sure you were alright before grabbing your hard drive and finishing your work.
Talos, Hill and Fury just exchanged a slightly bemused look between them.
‘Remind me never to back you into a corner.’ Fury joked, making Talos and Hill stifle laughs.
It was the only thing that put you at ease, a smile finally making it to the corners of your mouth.
Talos gave you a comforting wink while Hill and Fury went to secure the perimeter once again.
You took a deep breath, reaching up to massage your shoulder. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and you could feel your muscles starting to ache.
‘Sore?’ Talos asked.
‘Yeah.’ You breathed a laugh.
‘I’m not surprised, you did a hell of a job.’ Talos moved towards the frying pan, picking it up and observing the dents that were now in it.
One of the soldiers moved a little as he was starting to wake up, it caught Talos’s eye and took one step towards the man, swinging the pan against his head just enough to knock him out properly. He looked at the pan, adjusting it in his hand to feel the weight of it.
‘Not a bad choice of weapon.’ He said, amused.
‘I was hoping for a knife.’ You confessed.
‘Nah, I think this was plenty.’
Talos put the pan down next to you, noticing you were still rubbing your shoulder.
‘I’ll give you a hand with that when we get back.’ He said with a wink.
Even after a fight he could make you laugh, and you were entirely grateful that Talos had come to know you so well.
If you liked this, please consider supporting me ☕ thanks for reading!
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offical-ouroboros · 6 months
Hiii!! I wanna ask about a transmasc reader x maison HCs if you want to do that is :33
You got it! Bear with me though, I don't know Maison the best anymore :(
Maison Talo x Transmasc!Reader
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※ Just like Heim, he finds himself a bit curious with your identity!
※ Unlike Heim however, Maison can relate to you.
※ As a REALTOR, their bodies and lures don't necessarily match.
※ Maison happens to be a non-pollinating REALTOR, just like you!
※ Well... Not exactly like you, but close enough.
※ If you've undergone any surgery or take any medications, he'll be there for you!
※ He's not shy at all if you happen to get t-shots, and will definitely help out if it's something you're a bit scared to do.
※ He would also comfort you if you ever struggled with your body, musing soft compliments as he pet you carefully.
※ He's very serious about his job, but he still does enjoy your company.
※ He's not as interested in romance as the others, but he still loves you a lot.
※ It could be a bit difficult staying with him, as you'd likely fall prey to his enzymes easily.
※ It's nothing bad! You just tire out much faster than you ever would with Heim.
"My little buyer, going to bed so soon? You just came home."
※ He doesn't mind if you'd like to curl up and sleep, though he will encourage you to go out and about still. It's good for humans to stretch!
※ Hopefully you don't mind either, as he'll let himself hold your body a bit forcefully in place whenever you sleep.
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General of the stars, family man on Earth (3)
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AN: The warnings for this chapter include canon typical behaviour by the Dursleys towards Harry, mentions of food being withheld as a punishment, mentions of nightmares, and mentions of fighting.
Tagging: @ashifloof
Thank you to everyone who has engaged with the previous chapters! As always, if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, let me know by either commenting on this fic or by sending me an ask.
Catch up with chapter 1 here and chapter 2 here!
Chapter 3
The next morning, Talos groggily opened his eyes.  It took him a few moments to focus on the time displayed on the alarm clock on the bedside table but when he eventually realised what time it was, Talos closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.  He was definitely not an early-morning person. His time as a general of the Skrull's army had forced him to rise earlier than he would have liked (if he were fortunate to get any rest at all) and Talos was grateful for the fact that the Skrulls no longer had to fight for a permanent residence.
The creak of a floorboard made Talos’ eyes shoot open and for a second, he relaxed because he thought that G’iah was returning to her room after getting a drink of water.  Then he remembered that G’iah took a water bottle to her bedroom the night before.
The floor creaked again and the events of the previous day flooded back to him.  Talos squeezed his eyes shut and focused on his human form just as there was a knock on the partially open door and Harry peeked in.
“Is something wrong Harry?” Talos asked.  There had been times when G’iah had come into his room after a nightmare and he thought that that may have been the case with Harry.  Talos was proven wrong when Harry shook his head and his messy black hair fell across his face.  For a split second, a lightning bolt scar was visible on the boy’s forehead.  Harry pushed the door open more and Talos noticed the tray in his hands.  Before he could comment on that, Harry spoke again.
“I wanted to say thank you for choosing to adopt me so I made you breakfast using the stove.”
Talos bolted upright in shock, “You did what?” The Skrull gasped disbelievingly as his hands clutched at the top blanket on the bed.  Talos was immediately grateful for all the practice that he had had to focus his shapeshifting and not revert to his natural form.
Harry’s lip trembled and Talos beckoned the boy over.  He took the tray from Harry’s small hands silently and put it on the bedside table next to his alarm clock.  As he did so, Talos noticed a sharp knife and a fork with a serviette underneath them.  He resolved to bring up the dangers of Harry carrying sharp utensils as well when he addressed the child’s choice to use the stove unsupervised.
“Climb up,” Talos murmured, patting a space on the bed and Harry hastily did so.
“Harry, you shouldn’t be going near the stove at your age much less using it without an adult present and you also shouldn’t be touching sharp knives.  What if you had hurt yourself?”
“Aunt Petunia showed me how to use the stove a couple of days ago and I cooked breakfast for her, Dudley, and Uncle Vernon the next day.  They didn’t have a problem with a six-year-old using the stove.”  Harry grumbled crossing his arms and pouting.
Talos inhaled deeply and counted to ten in his mind.  He wasn’t calm after that so he counted to twenty in his mind.  Then fifty.
After Talos had finished counting to fifty, he registered the different smells form the different foods wafting over to him from the breakfast tray next to him.  Deciding that Harry’s wellbeing was more important than his desire to ensure that the Dursleys faced consequences for their actions at the moment, he pushed the matter of Harry being shown how to cook food on the stove when he could barely reach it and that the adults who were supposedly caring for him had taught him to carry sharp utensils.
Trying a different tactic, he addressed the child, “You must be hungry after cooking.”
Harry gave a minute nod.
Talos shifted in the bed where he was sitting and reached out to grab the breakfast tray.  He sat it on his lap and met Harry’s expectant and curious gaze.
“Take as much as you want,” Talos ordered, gesturing to the foods on the tray.  There was pancakes, some toast with jam, bacon, and sausages.  One of Harry’s hands lifted itself from his lap and crept forward towards the tray.  Just when Talos thought Harry was going to choose something, Harry pulled his hand back as if it had been burned.
“Is this a test?” The boy breathed.
Talos swore he heard his heart crack, “No Harry.”  He wanted to reach forwards and cup the child’s cheek in his hand or press his forehead to Harry’s and purr to reassure the child but he reminded himself that he needed to take this slowly.
“It is a parent’s duty to ensure that any child of theirs has a safe place to call home, is looked after and knows that their parents love them selflessly.”  There was so much more that Talos wanted to say, especially about how withholding food as a punishment is nothing short of cruel but Talos held his tongue.
“Are you angry with me?”
Talos started to shake his head even before Harry had finished speaking, “No Harry.  I was worried that you used the stove without any supervision because you felt that you needed to cook breakfast for me.  If you want to cook-”
“I do!” The boy broke in eagerly, “I want to learn!”
“Then,” Talos continued, disregarding the interruption but raising his voice a notch.  “I will teach you some skills in the kitchen which you will only use under my supervision.  By no means are you to use the stove until you are much older.”
“How old?” Harry asked timidly.
“At least thirteen or fourteen and even then, I will be nearby keeping an eye on you.”
With a quick jerk of his head, Harry demonstrated that he understood Talos’ words.
“Good,” the Skrull praised.  He decided to try and persuade Harry to take some food from the tray again.
This time when Harry reached forward, he picked up a slice of toast and at Talos’ encouraging nod, his other hand stretched out and took two pieces of bacon.
Talos waited until after Harry had taken two bites of his toast before he cut into the pancakes.  Talos could see that the pancakes had been topped with a type of glaze.  When the Skrull took the first bite, he was amazed at how soft and fluffy the pancakes were.  The glaze melted in Talos’ mouth and he realised that the glaze was simply maple syrup and honey mixed together.  Then his gaze fell on the bacon.  Talos was pretty sure that he had put the bacon in the freezer and while Talos and G’iah had shown Harry around the house where they lived last night, Talos was certain that neither he nor G’iah had shown Harry the inside of the freezer.
“How did you know where to find the bacon Harry?”  He questioned.
Harry swallowed his mouthful of toast, “I’m not sure.”  When he noticed that Talos was waiting for him to elaborate, Harry swallowed again.  “Before I went to bed last night, I knew that I wanted to cook breakfast for you as a thank you.  When I woke up this morning, I went into the kitchen and as I thought of the things that Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley like to have for breakfast, the same items appeared on the counter and the stove lit itself when I was ready to use it.”
Talos regarded Harry with a curious expression and his hearing picked up the sound of another set of feet padding down the hallway toward his room.  Seconds later, G’iah stepped into the room and it appeared to take her a few moments to register the scene in front of her.
“Where’d the food come from?” She inquired, rubbing her eyes with her fists.  Talos thought he glimpsed a flash of some of the purple lines that decorated his daughter’s skin but they were gone before Harry could notice.
“Harry made it for me.”  Talos replied.  He noticed the way her face changed and he held up a hand, “Harry and I have already discussed using the stove and we’ve figured it out.  Now, are you planning to stand there and let the food get cold or…?”
G’iah darted forwards and Talos trailed off as she scrambled up onto the bed to sit next to Harry.  Harry moved closer to the edge of the bed to give her more room but Talos caught his eye, shook his head and Harry inched over to his previous place on the bed.
“Thank you for cooking for us Harry.”
Harry looked between G’iah and Talos with a bemused expression which eventually faded into a shyly appreciative one, “You’re welcome.”
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
Hello, may I request some h/cs for Maison Talo realizing he’s got a crush and confessing to the reader? Thank you for your time
Sorry I got this out incredibly late! Requests are stacked!
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This smooth mf
He knows what he's doing
He's been around many men and women who have fallen for his looks and charms
But when it came to you
He was stumped
You didn't fall for him at first glance or words
You treated him like any normal person
That's when he started to fall for you
He likes it when you treat him fairly and not give in to his charms
He likes hard to get people
He confessed in the most cheesy way
He got roses and took you to a nice restaurant where he then told you of his feelings
{Sorry this is short anon! Though I hope you liked it regardless. As always heart's and re-blogs are ways welcomed along with questions and requests}
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