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elkasaur · 4 months ago
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Hello and welcome to the TaleTime Legacy Challenge, an Interactive legacy which is based on literature genres and consists of 10 generations.
Being an interactive legacy means most of the generations have few options to choose from. Options from the same gen have a common theme but different rules and stories that I created "in style" of certain literature genres. Сhoosing a certain option may lead to a storyline that cannot be reached otherwise. So while taking a specific path be aware that some later gens' options might NOT be available for you any more.
The stories prior to every single option are NOT meant to be perceived literally as a description of your character's life. It suppose to give you a setting and vibe that is inherent in this particular storyline. Purely for additional inspiration and fun.
Short disclaimer: English is not my native language so I'm sorry in advance for any grammatical mistakes.
General rules:
You can play on any lifespan (but I suggest playing on Normal one).
You can use any money/real estate cheats (unless generation's rules state otherwise).
You can live wherever you want, with your parents/sibilings or without them (unless it's specified in the generation's rules).
You DON'T have to complete career and aspiration (unless it's said in the generation's rules).
Almost each generation starts when the heir becomes Young Adult.
There are more details about heirs at the end of each gens' description. Make sure you read it BEFORE starting the next generation.
There are main rules for each generation and optional ones. You can choose any of the optional rules to complete or just ignore them.
Many gens have only two necessary traits for your character which means YOU have to choose the other trait or spin the "random wheel". Same goes for career and aspiration if they are not stated.
This legacy was created using content from many packs. If you don't have some of the required sims packs, you can adjust some rules to still be able to play.
Keep in mind that I added a few variations to some of the gens' rules so it contains options from different packs or a base game. You can choose to accomplish all of them or pick the one that is more available and/or preferable to you.
You DON'T have to complete all of the options given for each generation. The goal is to choose ONE heir from the kids and play the specific option that is dedicated for this heir. You DON'T have to play with their sibilings and complete their options as well.
The most important rule:
NO RULES! It's meant to be fun and enjoyable. If you don't wanna do something or wanna do it the other way around, then don't force some rules upon yourself. It's more of a guideline anyway!
Btw: tag of the challenge is #TaleTimeLegacyChallenge. Hope you'll enjoy it!
(I'm curently working on some visual chart for this legacy to make it easier for players to keep track of all the generation's options. Stay tuned!)
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Gen 1. The Tale of Hoods and Fairy Creatures
Once upon a time there was a Sim. The Sim was young, friendly and simply the most cheerful human being who was ever seen. The Sim didn't have any parents - for they were just a poor little orphan - but they had a grandparent and a best friend who was always near their side. This friend was the most enchanting talking animal though none of the folk have ever hear them talk. One day the charming Sim took their charming friend to explore what lies beyond the woods and find a good place to start a new exciting life. Many misfortunes they met on their way but nothing could break their young and sincere spirit. After all adventures they finally discovered a perfect cozy village where they decided to stay and make even more great friends. And they lived happily ever after… or didn't they…?
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Childish, Cheerful
Aspiration: Friend of the World/Country Caretaker
Career: selling goods or Gardener
start with a young Sim and their pet (cat, dog, horse - whoever you want to be your companion). You can adopt if you prefer so
be close friends with your pet
make money by selling food or collectibles using sales table/stall. After marriage you can continue or start Gardener career
propose or marry your partner in Sylvian Glade - a hidden world in Willow Creek (it's your secret comfy place)
have three kids (one with Good trait, another Self-Absorbed, another Evil in no particular order)
befriend at least three occult sims (counting Ghosts)
complete MySims trophies collection
master Charisma and Gardening skills
live in a world of Willow Creek, Brindleton Bay, Glimmerbrook or Henford-on-Bagley
live with a grandparent in your household (or just put them somewhere in the world)
always have at least one pet (it can be a "small" animal too - rat, cow, mini sheep, chicken, etc.)
marry occult sim (embrace a fairytale)
instead of having a regular "job" you can open a vet clinic or retail store
The end:
For they had three children...
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Good child - give them Paranoid trait as well and go to Gen 2.1 Who did it?
If you pick Self-Absorbed child - give them Materialistic trait as well and go to Gen 2.2 An Average Murder Down the Street
If you pick Evil child - give them Loyal trait as well and go to Gen 2.3 Case of Extreme Violence
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Gen 2.1 Who did it?
Working on the side of the law was never going to be easy. Sim knew that, always knew. But they were really good at it! Seeking justice, helping those who are in trouble, making the world a better place. They never thought that someone like them might have a real hater... Until one day the letter arrived on their front porch. The letter with threats in it. Now there's only one question... Who did it?
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Good, Paranoid
Aspiration: any
Career: Detective/Law (Judge )
marry someone with whom you have a good compatibility
have at least two kids (one with Cringe/Clumsy trait, another Goofball in no particular order)
have a board game night with your family/friends every weekends
hire a butler/maid/babysitter, maintain good relationships with them, but when all your kids reach Сhild life stage, fire them and declare an enemy (you found a hater... maybe)
reach level 8 in your career
master Logic skill
place a bug on 10 sims and listen to their conversations. You're trying to find who send the threatening letter
maintain Great or Pristine reputation
retire as soon as you become an elder and adopt a stray dog
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Cringe/Clumsy child - give them Gloomy trait as well and go to Gen 3.1 Remember Sunny the Tragic Clown
If you pick Goofball child - give them Chased by Death trait as well and go to Gen 3.2 Life as A Reaper's Joke
Gen 2.2 An Average Murder Down the Street
The police arrived when the body was already stone cold. Sim was sobbing on their knees next to it. How could this happen?... So dreadfully, so unexpectedly... Their spouse, their loving and beautiful spouse who they just recently married... dead on the floor. Such an unfortunate twist of fate... Such a terrible murder... Sorry, an accident, exceptionally terrible accident... Well, one way or another their poor-poor spouse may rest in peace. Now, could we please start reading the will?...
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Materialistic
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy/Mansion Baron
Career: Style Influencer then none
work at Style Influencer career. After marriage you have to leave the job and never work again
marry a wealthy sim, kill them shortly after marriage and take all their money (you can't deal with someone overshadowing you)
have one child with your spouse (give them Chased by Death and Cringe/Clumsy traits)
maintain good relationships with both of your sibilings but not with your child
befriend ONLY elder sims
master Acting and Wellness skills
organize grand funeral for your spouse (pretend like you care)
go on three vacationsduring your lifetime (you can go to the same place multiple times)
never do the cleaning and cooking yourself, always call service or make your child do it
The end:
Now you have to choose how you are going to play next.
You can give your child Gloomy trait and go to Gen 3.1 Remember Sunny the Tragic Clown
You can give your child Goofball trait and go to Gen 3.2 Life as A Reaper's Joke
Gen 2.3 Case of Extreme Violence
"The report mentions a presence of eight people at the crime scene. Some witnesses described them as violent and intimidating armed people who were trying to rob a shopping centre in Magnolia Promenade. Presumably, this is not the first time this gang has committed such offenses. In the last six months alone, there have been reported about ten cases of violations involving a similar group of individuals..."
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Evil, Loyal
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal (Boss)
create a club (more like gang) and do some mischievious/evil activities regularly
maintain friendship with all your club members
marry a sim from your gang when you become an Adult
have one child with your spouse (give them Gloomy trait)
reach level 7 in your career
master Mischief skill
at any point after having a child you can "arrange" an unnatural death for yourself (being old and frail is not really for you)
maintain Awful or Atrocious reputation
The end:
Give your child Cringe/Clumsy trait and go to Gen 3.1 Remember Sunny the Tragic Clown
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Gen 3.1 Remember Sunny the Tragic Clown
Today I decided to practice my new performance at the local park. Perhaps, testing something new for the first time in front of a big crowd wasn't the smartest decision... but anyway, it doesn't matter now. Long story short, I tried to execute some fruit juggling. It was going rather well at first, but then all of a sudden this treacherous banana slipped right out of my hands! And, of course, the next second, in my oversized shoes, I slipped on a banana peel and plopped on the ground. I hit my nose on the sidewalk so hard that tears came out of my eyes. But guess what? Nobody was upset! Instead everyone was laughing and giggling at my awkward drop. They thought it was part of the show! So I decided to rename the entry - now it's called Tears of a Clown!
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Gloomy, Cringe/Clumsy
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Entertainer (Comedian)
have a Tragic Clown painting in your house
befriend a Tragic Clown
visit every Humor and Hijinks festival (if possible)
marry someone who was your childhood friend
have two kids (one with Art Lover trait, another Lazy in no particular order)
complete Joke Star aspiration
reach level 7 in your career
master Comedy skill
maintain bad relationships with at least three of your colleagues (for some reasons you don't "fit in")
have regular tea/coffee gatherings with a Tragic Clown
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Art Lover child - give them Kleptomaniac trait as well and go to Gen 4.1 A Knight in Shining Armour
If you pick Lazy child - give them Creative trait as well and go to Gen 4.2 The Fallen Kingdom
Gen 3.2 Life as A Reaper's Joke
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life suddenly ends in the most ridiculous way... well... just start a new one! Whoever this Reaper guy is, they must be a pretty funny fella. In fact, good for them for having such a great sense of humor. Everybody needs a break from time to time. I, on the other hand, am not ready for an everlasting break yet. A silly mistake was made on my shift, I get it, so I forgive them and heading back. After all, life beholds so many opportunities!
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Goofball, Chased by Death
Aspiration: Master Chef/Master Mixologist
Career: Tech Guru/Salaryperson then Culinary
before becoming an Adult you have to "suddenly" die and continue living as a ghost (an accidental death from the game itself is also acceptable)
as a ghost start Culinary career
ask your spouse to stay married but have a short-lived affair with someone else
have two kids (one with Art Lover trait, another Lazy in no particular order)
become enemies with Grim Reaper
as a ghost reach 5 in your Culinary career
master Programming and Cooking/Mixology skills
after accomplishing all the rules REBORN as your spouse's child/your kids' sibiling (it will open a "secret" option for the next gen that is only accessible with this rule execution). If you do that give this child Music Lover trait
if you decided not to choose rebirth and live as a ghost, compete Master Chef/Master Mixologist aspiration and reach level 10 in Culinary career
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Art Lover child - give them Kleptomaniac trait as well and go to Gen 4.1 A Knight in Shining Armour
If you pick Lazy child - give them Creative trait as well and go to Gen 4.2 The Fallen Kingdom
If you pick Music Lover child (the reborn sim) - give them Mean/Evil trait as well and go to Gen 4.3 One String to Rule Them All
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Gen 4.1 A Knight in Shining Armour
Draped in gleaming armor, a person was making their way through the dense thicket of the forest. They seemed focused but tired. They were looking for something. Something of a very big value. Whispers spoke of this powerful treasure, an artifact, lost for centuries in the enchanted lands of the kingdom. It was said to grant extraordinary gifts to its possessor — immortality, wisdom, limitless power... For the good of the all people, or maybe for their own ambition, who wouldn't want to own such wonder?
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Art Lover
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar/Jungle Explorer
Career: Athlete/Military
you can get married only as an Adult. Your spouse should NOT work after marriage but be a stay-at-home parent
have difficult/strained relationships with your spouse
have two kids (one with Romantic trait, another Hot-Headed in no particular order). Be a strict parent
steal at least 10 pieces of art and display them at your house
don't have any close friends
get divorced after one of your children becomes Teen. Now you have to split your household. One child will stay with you and another one will live with your ex-spouse
complete Ancient Omiscan artifacts collection
master Archaeology and Fitness skills
complete Omiscan treasures collection
after having kids wish for a Long Life using the wishing well
have a horse who is also gonna be your only real friend
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Romantic child - give them Bookworm trait as well and go to Gen 5.1 Dear Diary
If you pick Hot-Headed child - give them Ambitious trait as well and go to Gen 5.3 Ten Things I Hate About You
Gen 4.2 The Fallen Kingdom
Life of a royal heir is carefree, joyful and extremely simple. At least that's what Sim always hoped for. As a child, their life consisted of endless balls, dinner parties and other pleasant entertainments. A grand castle, adorned with intricate tapestries, has always seemed to be a safe hideaway from the worries of a difficult outside world. But, apparently, the Royal Highness is forbidden from enjoying the delights of their royal life. Suddenly, cautious but insistent knock broke into the quietude of Sim's chambers and thoughts. — Come in! — Your Grace, the Queen demands your presence...
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Lazy, Creative
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits/Fabulously Filthy
Career: none
live with your parent(s) until they pass away
be close friends with your parent(s)
marry a sim who is a friend of your parents (and has a good compatibility with them)
have distant relationships with your spouse
have separate bedrooms with your spouse
have two kids (one with Bookworm trait, another Outgoing/Nosy in no particular order). Hire a babysitter to take care of them
find and grow a cowplant seed
have a best friend who is gonna be your secret crush
complete Frogs and/or Axolotls collections
master Knitting/Cross-stitch skill
you cannot make money by selling frogs
if your spouse dies before you, confess feelings to your best friend
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Bookworm child - give them Romantic trait as well and go to Gen 5.1 Dear Diary
If you pick Outgoing/Nosy child - give them Lovebug/Romantic trait as well and go to Gen 5.2 Yes, I do
Gen 4.3 One String to Rule Them All
In the twilight of a cozy autumn evening the cobblestone streets shimmered with the glow of torches. Warm light streamed from the tavern window on the corner of the street and laughter, music and dancing could be heard from the inside. On a small stage the bard played a cheerful brisk melody which was complemented by the clatter of heels and the clink of dishes. An instrument in the hands of the young bard was pouring a river of sonorous sounds and the voice, so strong and confident, was sweeter than the birds singing. Yet, despite their melodious charm and nimble fingers, fame and glory always seemed to dance just out of reach.
Your first living expirience made it very clear: being a nice person with a normal job and day-to-day concerns is quiet boring. You don't wanna waste your second life on these nonsense. This one is destined to be great! It's time to become a mastermind, go down in history and maybe even think about world domination...
But perhaps corrupting minds with some catchy annoying tune will be just enough... for this lifetime.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Music Lover, Mean/Evil
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity/Musical Genius
Career: none
become at least a three stars celebrity by making music
have at least Bad reputation and choose Who's Bad perk
secretly elope with your fiance in a moonlight
have three kids (one with Bookworm trait, another Lovebug/Romantic, another Ambitious in no particular order)
become enemies with two other celebrities
master Media production and any instument skills
leave all your money to your children and sibilings (who are also your children?... your family-tree is a loop, I guess)
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Bookworm child - give them Romantic trait as well and go to Gen 5.1 Dear Diary
If you pick Lovebug/Romantic child - give them Outgoing/Nosy trait as well and go to Gen 5.2 Yes, I do
If you pick Ambitious child - give them Hot-Headed trait as well and go to Gen 5.3 Ten Things I Hate About You
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Gen 5.1 Dear Diary
Dear Diary, Today has altered my life forever. I've always fantasized about meeting my one and only, shuffled different scenarios from my favourite love stories dreaming of this unforgettable moment. I have imagined this second countless times. And then I saw Them. The most beautiful being, They entered my world ethereally like the morning sunlight making its way through the window. For a few moments my heart stopped beating. In front of me I saw an angel, a divine creature that filled everything and everyone with its light. An eternity flashed before my eyes when I finally was able to comprehend the insignificance of everything that had happened to my life up to this very second. Who would have thought that one fleeting moment could change my entire existence? With love and faith in dreams come true, Sim
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Bookworm, Romantic
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: any
never have romantic relationships with anyone but your spouse
marry the "first person you see" (yes, that's wild). You can arrange this using Blind Date system or call repair service/order a pizza/etc. and fall in love with this sim
have one child (give them Erratic trait). You will have difficult/distant relationships
read all 11 romance books
complete Soulmate aspiration
if your partner already had a job before meeting you - join the same (or roughly similar) career
master Singing skill
renew your wedding vows at romance festival
"explore" every single woohoo spot
Gen 5.2 Yes, I do
Sim stood at the edge of an exquisitly decorated garden and the light breeze was murmuring among the leaves of the trees surrounding it. The afternoon was serene and soothing, yet their heart was racing. Today marked their third wedding. Staring off into the distance with an unwavering gaze full of hope, they were carried away by thoughts of two other days from their past, days so similar to this one. Exchanging vows, promising of eternal love, pledging a fairytale for life... None of these lasted long but maybe this time will be different.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Lovebug/Romantic, Outgoing/Nosy
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine/Serial Romantic/Romantic Explorer
Career: any
marry three different sims. They should already be in the relationships (convince them to leave their partners)
you have to cheat with other sims. a lot.
divorce all three of your spouses
have one child with anybody - I mean ANYbody (give them Erratic trait). You will have difficult/distant relationships
you can get engaged withone of you ex-spouses again when your child becomes a teen but never marry them
master Romance skill
one of your fiances may die during the wedding ceremony (cause it's fun, right?)
Gen 5.3 Ten Things I Hate About You
Sim hated them. A seething, burning feeling has filled the entire body as soon as Sim caught a glimpse of them. Time froze in a heartbeat, and it seems like it's become difficult to breathe when anger flood the whole space around. The heart was beating at a rabid pace and Sim was ready to, quite literally, pounce on them in a rage. Ah, that unbearable feeling of their heavy gaze looking straight into the soul. This vile, contemptuous look on their face when their eyes met. Sim hated them... right?
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious
Aspiration: any
Career: Business/Politician
become love partners withyour enemy (who also has to be your coworker)
never marry
have one child (give them Erratic trait). You will have difficult/distant relationships
celebrate your birthdays at karaoke
when one of you becomes an elder go back to being enemies with your partner
reach level 8 in your career
master Singing and/or Dancing skills
live in an apartment (real or fake)
befriend a mayor of Henford-on-Bagley or/and any celebrity
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Gen 6. Is anybody here?..
There was somebody outside the window, standing in the shade of the trees. The dark figure could barely be seen in the foggy grace of moonlight. The presence of this.. Thing.. filled Sim's insides with cold animal dread. The invisible stare - they sensed it with every inch of their body - was fixed directly on them, frozen in the middle of a grim living room. Hide, run away, crawl in the furthest and darkest corner of this house, vanish. Somewhere in the silence of their house, creaked the old wooden floor.
It seems like your parents cared more about their own drama in life than about you. And it certainly left a mark.. You are not crazy, you are just a little weird. I would even saу.. obsessed. With this idea of having big loving household. And maybe you're trying a little bit too hard.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Erratic, Family-oriented
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Undertaker or selling crafted goods
you have to move from your parents and make a "fresh start" on an empty lot with only 5000 simoleons
make money by crafting and selling goods made on Gemology and/or Woodworking table. You can also choose an Undertaker career
"collect" 10 graves on your backyard (I'm not gonna ask questions about HOW you do it, just DO it)
marry a sim with Gloomy, Macabre, Socially Awkward OR Unflirty trait
have at least four kids (one with Loves Outdoors/Child of the Ocean trait, another Adventurous/Active trait in no particular order)
you have to maintain great relationships with all your children
master Handiness and/or Gemology skills
you can choose a fixer upper type of gameplay. Move into an "abandoned collapsing house" and start there with 0 simoleons
live in a world of Forgotten Hollow, Moonwood Mill or Ravenwood
befriend Mother Alice and/or Grim Reaper
every week visit at least one festival in Ravenwood with your family
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Loves Outdoors/Child of the Ocean child - give them Noncommittal trait as well and go to Gen 7.1 Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of.. Juice? Nectar?
If you pick Adventurous/Active child - give them Bro trait as well and go to Gen 7.2 A Tragic Loss of a Postcard and Other Adventures of Hamster Crunch
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Gen 7.1 Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of.. Juice? Nectar?
The sky crackled with furious growl and thousands lights covered the boundless canvas of the sea. Black restless waves crashed against the hull of the majestic but shabby ship. On board, where orderly chaos reigned, an experienced crew battled marine force with knowledge of the matter. The Сaptain stood at the helm, gripping the wheel as the wind howled around them. and shouted commands breaking through the nature's cacophony. The next moment the swell crushed upon them, ready to swallow them whole. The Captain's head went under the wave and their throat filled with saltwater as the sea dragged them to its depths. Another flash of lightning cut through the skies and... ...Sim woke up. The head was heavy while thoughts were trying to return from the dream to reality. The hangover from last night's binge was taking its toll.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Loves Outdoors/Child of the Ocean, Noncommittal
Aspiration: any
Career: part-time jobs, odd jobs or errands
make money ONLY by having part-time jobs, odd jobs and/or errands
ruin relationships with all your sibilings
every weekends you have to go to the bar and get a few drinks
never marry or have longterm relationships
have one child ONLY that lives with you (give them Glutton and Jealous traits). If you ended up having more children never acknowledge them or let them live in your household
complete Seashells or Messages in bottles collection
master Juice fizzing and/or Nectar making skills
live in a world of Sulani, Tartosa or Tomarang
have a pool at your house (if you're able to add it)
you can make additional money by selling juice and nectar
The end:
Now you have to choose how you are going to play next.
You can give your child Overachiever trait and go to Gen 8.1 None of Us Will Make It to the End. This generation starts when your Sim is still a teen
You can give your child Snob trait and go to Gen 8.2 The Sacred Tribunal
Gen 7.2 A Tragic Loss of a Postcard and Other Adventures of Hamster Crunch
Taste for adventures stretched far beyond their cozy cage. The vast outside world beckoned for exploration. The Great Unknown appealed to the curiosity living in the Crunch's heart. Their little hamster paws couldn't wait to traverse all of the uncharted paths. Which amazing encounters and discoveries will the next journey bring? Will it be exciting, instructive or even dangerous? Will it fulfill Crunch's ambitions or break his colossal dreams?
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Adventurous/Active, Bro
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Freelancer/Social Media career
live in three different worlds
paint a picture of every single residential world (using painting by photo) and keep it. You'll have to reach level 3 of Painting skill to unlock it
every week you have to throw at least one gold medal party
attend festival, party or any other social event at least twice a week
marry someone you've met during a social event
have one child with your spouse (give them Glutton trait) and another child with a different sim (give them Jealous trait)
complete Postcards and/or Snow Globes collections
master Charisma and Photography/Painting skills
you cannot make money by selling paintings
have a pet rodent
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Jealous child - give them Overachiever trait as well and go to Gen 8.1 None of Us Will Make It to the End. This generation starts when your Sim is still a teen
If you pick Glutton child - give them Snob trait as well and go to Gen 8.2 The Sacred Tribunal
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Gen 8.1 None of Us Will Make It to the End
For pitiful soul and heart full of spite, Sim plotted and schemed with a sinister flair, Their envy was potion that brewed in the night. Revenge in their heart had an icy cold stare. A bastard who lost an inheritance game, While jealousy’s fire ignited their pride, Imprisoned, defeated by their own shame, Oppressed with a wound and cruel collide.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Jealous, Overachiever
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career:Secret Agent -> Actor -> Critic
propose to your partner while being a Teen. Get married as soon as possible
start Secret Agent career and reach lever 3 in it
kill your parents and sibilings (if there are any) by serving poisonous Pufferfish Nigiri dish
start Actor career and reach lever 3 in it. Never accept fame
start Critic career and reach lever 8 in it
have one child (give them Loner trait). This child will have good relationships with your spouse, but bad relationships with you
complete Renaissance Sim aspiration
master Violin skill
kill your spouse any time having a child together (you want to be the best one of parents)
have no friends at all
The end:
Now you have to choose how you are going to play next.
You can give your child Genius and one good/bad trait and go to Gen 9.1 Model Q-Bik
You can give your child Perfectionist trait and go to Gen 9.2 Project Caelus: Journey Through the Stars
You can give your child Geek trait and go to Gen 9.3 SimCity 2090
Gen 8.2 The Sacred Tribunal
In darkness' arms, lost souls have been exposed And echo grieved their haunting cries for life, Here, sinful hearts were mourning cost; With hell's embrace, despair holds its thrive Among atrocities that now have been laid bare, Where it's impossible to hide a bloody knife.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Glutton, Snob
Aspiration: any or Inner Peace
visit a crypt
at least three times have woohoo in a public place
at least three times rummage through trash to get food
buy a vault and fill it up with at least 15000 simoleons
become partners in crime with somebody
get a voodoo doll and bind it to someone
get in a fight with three different sims, become enemies
make someone dislike another sim
have an affair with a spouse of your close friend, kill this friend and marry their widowed partner
have two kids (one with Genius trait, another Geek in no particular order)
complete Tarot Cards collection
reach level 8 in yourcareer
master Thanatology skill
try to to "redeem yourself" by donating money to charity (at least 10000 simoleons) and/or adopting a pet/child and taking good care of them
complete Inner Peace aspiration
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Genius child - give them Loner and one good/bad trait trait as well and go to Gen 9.1 Model Q-Bik
If you pick Geek child - give them Loner trait as well and go to Gen 9.3 SimCity 2090
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Gen 9.1 Model Q-Bik
In a corner of the lab, lined with tools and wires, Sim was looking eagerly at their latest project. A nearly finished robot was laying on the table, its metal parts were sparkling under the bright artificial light. — Are you ready, my dear friend? whispered Sim leaning closer to the robot. The robot's metal eyes, not yet activated, remained lifeless. Sim took a deep breath. Their heart was pounding with excitement and fear. They knew that this creation could change humanity. Now Sim must define the world's future.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Genius, Loner, choose one good/bad trait
Aspiration: The Positivity Challenge/Public Enemy (depending on a trait you've chosen)
Career: Engineer/Scientist
maintain bad relationships with your parent (Gen 8 sim)
build Servo and activate it, become best friends
make Servo be either really friendly to other sims or really evil
never have romantic relationships
have a science baby alone or any other way (give them Socially-Awkward and Neat traits)
complete Cristals and/or Elements collections
master Robotics and Handiness skills
discover The Forgotten Grotto - a hidden world in Oasis Springs
you can have romantic relationships with your servo (if you want to)
The end:
Now you have to choose how you are going to play next.
You can give your child Hates children trait and go to Gen 10.1 The Stories Untold
You can give your child Proper trait and go to Gen 10.2 Ginger and Snowflakes
Gen 9.2 Project Caelus: Journey Through the Stars
Sim had spent years preparing for this moment. The weightlessness of space felt as familiar as the air they once breathed on Earth. Their ship navigated through the cosmic ocean exploring deeps of the unknown galaxy. The stars and planets, once a distant dream, now felt like home, filled with promises. They held stories yet untold and secrets ready to be revealed. In that exact moment, admiring the beauty of the infinite space, Sim felt that they were the happiest being in the whole universe.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Perfectionist, Loner
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Astronaut
maintain bad relationships with your parent (Gen 8 sim)
build a rocket ship and visit Sixam
marry a sim, but after having children together decide to "stay friends" with your spouse (continue living in the same household)
have two kids (one with Socially-Awkward trait, another Proper in no particular order)
complete Space Rocks and Aliens collections
masterRocket science skill
befriend at least three aliens
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Socially-Awkward child - give them Hates children trait as well and go to Gen 10.1 The Stories Untold
If you pick Proper child - give them Neat trait as well and go to Gen 10.2 Ginger and Snowflakes
Gen 9.3 SimCity 2090
Their mind raced with visions of what was possible. Daydreaming, Sim sculpted fantastical futuristic cities soaring in the clouds, surrounded by floating gardens, ultra-fast vehicles and glass skyscrapers of all shapes and forms. They mused of new technologies, new capabilities which will be possessed by humanity of the future. What if we could harness the energy of space, create underwater districts, bend the very essence of time!.. What a marvelous world lies ahead!
You dream of seeing how the future world will modify and what could be better than to start some changes right now. There's not much you can do but at least you have a great imagination to envision how even these minor events of the present will affect an astonishing world of the distant future!
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Geek, Loner
Aspiration: Nerd Brain/Eco Innovator
Career:Civil designer/Conservationist
maintain bad relationships with your parent (Gen 8 sim)
read all 7 sci-fi books
visit every Geekcon festival (if possible)
win Hackathon and Ultimate Gaming Test at least ones
marry a sim with Clumsy, Goofball OR Outgoing trait
have two kids (one with Socially-Awkward trait, another Neat in no particular order)
reach level 7 in your career
master Logic and Video Gaming skill
own a Future Cube and every day ask it a question
win 1st Place in at least five Professional Gaming Tournaments
The end:
Now you have to choose with whom you are going to play next. Choose one child as an heir.
If you pick Socially-Awkward child - give them Hates children trait as well and go to Gen 10.1 The Stories Untold
If you pick Neat child - give them Proper trait as well and go to Gen 10.2 Ginger and Snowflakes
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Gen 10.1 The Stories Untold
Dark room was flooded with the dim quivering light of a dying candle. On the table lied a pile of scribbled papers. crumpled and stained with ink and candle wax. A person, rolling the quill in their fingers, leaned back in the chair and wearily closed their eyes. The right words still didn't come to mind. One by one failed pages were sent to the trash can, each time taking with them a piece of smoldering hopes. An insistent whisper of doubts poisoned the person's head and spirit. What if they will never win this silent struggle for recognition?
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Hates children, Socially-Awkward
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
write a bestseller book in each one of genres (including emotional genres)
purchase Mentor trait and help sim with Bookworm trait to learn Writing skill
marry a sim, who you mentored, when they reach level 5 in Writing skill (you'll live happily together for the rest of your days)
take a vacation on a honeymoon with your spouse
write The Book of Life and bind it to your spouse
never have kids
complete Bestselling Author aspiration
master Writing skill
as elders move to the world where you spend a honeymoon with your spouse (if possible)
if you want to continue playing afterwards, you can mentor another sim and make them your "heir" (or just choose rebirth...)
Gen 10.2 Ginger and Snowflakes
The sunlit kitchen was filled with the smell of gingerbread cookies. The children chattered away at the table, surrounded by a fortress of sugar, colorful towels and lots of kitchen appliances. The sleeves of their warm knitted sweaters kept trying to get into the dough. Their little upturned noses were sprinkled with flour. similar to snowflakes that were swirling outside the window. From here, on the backyard, you could see a freshly sculpted snowman near the swings. It was a calm frosty morning. Sim loved those days - days filled with simple joys. laughter and many-many of these tiny memorable magical moments.
Plot (aka rules):
Traits: Neat, Proper
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career:Education (Professor)
be close friends with your parent(s)
fall in love with a married sim
have three children with your good friend (they were always in love with you) OR adopt kids
reject a proposal from this friend or leave them at the alter
get married with this friend as an elder
you can leave your job while take care of your kids if you want to
leave a memorable heirloom for each of your children
complete Successful Lineage aspiration
master Parenting and Baking skills
get a degree at university
celebrate every Thanksgiving Day and/or Christmas among your family
try to get Happy Infant/Toddler or Top Notch Infant/Toddler reward trait for all of your kids
try to get High Confidence reward trait for all of your kids
You've successfully completed the challenge so now what?
I guess... that's a whole other tale ahead
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