#Talaria Power Tech
design-law · 1 year
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Does this bike infringe this design patent? That’s the claim in this recently-filed complaint.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Hermes (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Jackrabbit by Dionysus
The Busy One, The Lucky Lad by the people of Olympius
He Man by Apollo
Smart Ass by Thalia (muse of comedy)
Age- 17 (immortal)
Location- Arcadia, Olympius
Personality- He's a cheerful laid back guy for the most part. There’s always a sly devilish grin on his face. He loves being the center of attention. He’s cunning, clever, and quick on his feet. Hermes never passes on the opportunity for a dare, bet, or wager and he also has a wicked sense of humor. He’s pansexual & is currently single.
As the god of roads, travelers, thieves, merchants, messengers, speed, trade, sports, borders, thoughts, communications, money, & luck, he has a wide range of powers/abilities. They include clauditikinesis (being able to control locks), magically expanding storage spaces, telepathy (being able to read minds), chrimatakinesis (money manipulation), teleportation (through a red mist), force field generation, chemokinesis (chemistry manipulation), super enchanced speed (the fastest deity in the pantheon!), hypnokinesis, communicating with/shapeshifting into animals that are sacred to him (like tortoises, rams, hawks, and snakes, etc...). He gives off his natural scent- a mixture of ground up coffee beans & gasoline.
Being the god of many things (roads, thieves, hospitality, etc...) Hermes oversees a lot of businesses in Olympius. He helps Zeus with his several powerful business conglomerates, he helps Hephaestus with his tech & construction companies- more specifically with road construction. Hermes even works for his uncle Hades (god of the dead), ushering souls in the Underworld. He's the founder/head of the OPS (Olympius Postal Service). He also owns most of the banks and has his own chain of casinos in the country- called Caduceus Palace. Hermes has other ventures including a few night clubs, his own airline (Diaktoros), a successful fitness magazine (Powerpulse), a business/finance magazine (The Acropolis Street Ledger), his own gas stations, karaoke bars, novelty prank stores, & nationwide gyms called Fit to be a God. Hermes also has a popular sneaker line called Airopolis, an athletic/streetwear fashion line called ViVoTrack (which includes eyewear), and a line of energy drinks called OmegaDash. Hermes has his own amusement park- Talaria Theme Park!
His mischievious nature started out early in life when he stole a herd of cows from his half brother Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge) when Hermes was barely a day old! Another notable moment from his godly career was when he slayed the hundred eyed giant Argus.
He's the creator/founder of the social media website Fatestagram, the video sharing site PanopTube, as well as the internet search engine Omega.
Hermes' favorite football team is the Arcadia Rams!
As an induction gift his father gave him a white gold chunky chain necklace with a key charm covered in white diamonds.
His most prized possession is his smartphone that can also transform into his caduceus.
He’s also one of the co-chairs of the annual Olympic Tournament- the biggest sporting event in all of Olympius!
Hermes is fluent in all the languages spoken in Olympius!
His go-to drink is a rum and coke. He also likes soda (most flavors) & energy drinks (especially his brand). A usual for him from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized iced coffee!
As well as living in New Olympus, Hermes also spends some time in the Underworld. He lives in an apartment at The Obsidian Tower. He also has an estate in Arcadia where he owns a farm with a lot of cattle and sheep!
Hermes has the largest, most extensive sneaker collection in the pantheon!
His all time favorite dessert from Hollyhock's Bakery is the rocky road brownies!
Hermes' favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate coffee.
As far as his relationships with the other deities, Hermes tries to be friendly with everyone, even his step-mother Hera (goddess of women & marriage); in spite of her thinly veiled insults. Hermes was the second god to be mentored by Pan (god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music).
He adores his mom, Maia, always taking the opportunity to spoil her with extravagant gifts. Hermes also has a cool relationship with his aunts, The Pleiades. He considers Electra to be his favorite aunt. Hermes feels that he has to put on a show (less flashy, more restrained) when his grandmother Pleione (Titaness of sailing & stars) is around.
He loves snacking on pickle flavored chips!
In his free time, Hermes loves pulling pranks on people and the other deities! He also enjoys playing basketball, playing dice, sailing, writing (in his journal), cliff diving, playing dominoes, video games, doing live streams, bungee jumping, poker, mountain climbing, billiards, playing jacks, skateboarding, bowling, rollerblading, football (soccer), traveling, and working out. He's also been bitten by the photography bug & has enjoyed taking pictures! Hermes has become quite the photographer with many of his pictures being in art galleries in the city. His father Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning) even allowed him to do the photography for the New Olympus travel brochure. He's even started to collect cameras.
Hermes enjoys teasing Hecate (goddess of magic & witchcraft) about them making out at Hades’ Ta Kalanta party. He remembers the taste of spiced rum on her lips. He has a “friends with benefits” relationship with Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality) and hate-sex arrangement with Chelone (goddess of tortoises). Hermes' last long term relationship was with Chione (goddess of snow). Their breakup was shown on a HUGE jumbotron, as they were arguing during a basketball game. He also had a crush on Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection)- with him having a life size poster of her in the penthouse apartment he shares with Apollo & Dionysus (god of wine), that was personally autographed by her. Hermes has been in a “duel” of sorts with Thalia (muse of comedy). It all started after he performed at her comedy club and garnered a louder standing ovation. They’re always trying to one up each other to see who's the funniest. They both say that they hate each other. Other people (like Aphrodite) say they have angst & sexual tension. Hermes also kinda hooked up with Adephagia (goddess of gluttony).
His favorite meal is a large mediterranean pizza. Hermes also likes his mom's fried rice, lo mein, and szechuan chicken. He also likes steak (well done) with sauteed onions as well as the olympian sized onion rings with a cheesesteak burger from Olympic Chef!
His favorite from The Bread Box is the reuben sandwich (sometimes added with extra coleslaw) along with a medium container of potato salad.
“Sometimes, a sweet lie goes down easier than the bitter truth."
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xoteajays · 6 years
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elin mcnamara - talaria.
“ you’re my best friend, peter parker. ”
So it goes, Aisling Elin McNamara was an ordinary kid. Until she wasn’t. Some people were born with their powers, others were science experiments or bitten by radioactive spiders. Elin, as was her nature, wandered into where she shouldn’t have ever been. Yadda yadda, glowing alien spores, blah blah weird air powers, months of training and ‘I guess I’ll be a superhero’ etcetera etcetera. In school, she was regular Elin McNamara, Peter Parker’s best friend who was harboring a crush on Michelle Jones. When she put on the mask, she was Talaria, a hero, partners with Spider-Man, both beloved.
For a long time, it was Spider-Man and Talaria, partners in heroism, even if their costumes were shoddy and homemade. And then, suddenly, it wasn’t.
Spider-Man had Iron Man, the new suit and all the new high-tech equipment. Talaria had her beat-up sneakers and a growing annoyance towards Tony Stark.
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reushq · 3 years
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Name: Hermes Rhea. Suggested Occupations: Developer for Aegean Waters, tech superstar, intermediary between factions. Age: 27. Gender & Pronouns: Demi-male, he/they. FC Suggestion: Keith Powers. Can be seen: Carrying contracts in a waterproof backpack, spamming Tala newsfeeds, coding on the move, booking five-stars in Tartarus, blowing up the family’s inbox, liaisoning for his father’s enemy, avoiding Hera on Helicon.  
Influence  ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Charisma  ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Protection  ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Information ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Experience ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The youngest of the Rheas, Hermes was born in two worlds at once. For once, I mean this literally. They are the product of Zeus’ diplomatic trips to the Arcadian council, where the monarch would cash in overdue favours. Some go as far to say Hermes was conceived on a voting day; others, that it took years for the affair to bloom. The truth is only known to the Fates - and shared between the two lovers, now wisely parted.
While the name of their mother is a guarded secret, I can tell you a thing or two. Maia Pleiadis was a promising politician back then, and a true phenomenon now. Family doesn’t seem to be in her cards, which is perhaps why she and Zeus concluded their affair so amicably. Both were of the same mind: Hermes would have a better childhood in Olympe, with the world at their heels. And if you’re wondering what Hera had to say about that... well, you will just have to up and ask her. There are risks even I cannot take.
Hermes grew up successfully... if not peacefully. They had the family at their back - even when what they left behind was smoking debris, consequence of some failed experiment. For there was no object he didn’t break into, no mechanism he didn’t take apart. What mesmerized them the most was how people functioned. Unlike their siblings, they were more content to understand than control it. But Fate is funny like that. The buzzing kid on the sidelines ended up in charge of Talaria - the very substance of social life in Gaia.
Of course, this couldn’t have happened on Olympe, whose paths to glory require different talents. It took external intervention for Hermes to bloom - or, going off on his energy levels, combust. At a family event, Poseidon asked their help with a project. The input of the young generation, he said. Hermes instantly fell in love with it. Technology was the answer to each question he ever asked: the how, the who, the why. He begged Zeus to support his education on Pontius. For mysterious reasons, the patriarch agreed. Perhaps he thought the prodigal child would return upon finishing - and bring Poseidon’s trade secrets with them. 
Half a decade later, there is no chance of that. Hermes thrives on Pontius. For the first time in their life, they are no longer bored. They never have to stay in one place. The media platform he created, Talaria, made him globally connected - and renowned. Nowadays, the messenger brokers trade all over Gaia. He is the go-between when one of the Kings want to close a business agreement - or a subtle treaty. I’d say he sees more family in a week than some Rheas do in a decade. You might be tempted to find Hermes an eccentric shill. The truth is, the kid’s a prodigy. He just too often flies away before he can gather any laurels. But rest assured, prosperity wouldn’t grow  - and peace could not last - without them.
Familial connections: Zeus (father, constantly on their case). Hera (adoptive mother, tactical challenge). Artemis (half-sibling, radical demagogue). Athena (half-sibling, nitpicky about copyrights). Apollo (half-sibling, weekly featured on Tala). Dionysus (legal sibling, related at heart). Zagreus (cousin, party pals, beta tester). Ares (legal sibling, keeps blocking his posts). Hades (uncle, drives a tough bargain). Poseidon (best. relative. ever).
Professional connections: Poseidon (employer, financial backer). Circe (co-worker, refuses to call her leader). Aphrodite (co-managing the Aegean brand, terrifying & awesome). Dusa (speed-dial to get to Hades, great drinker). Ariadne (fire memes in the group chat). Charon (business facilitator, intriguing host). Hephaestus (strange to meet, good book-keeping). Prometheus (legalese expert, the only one in Olympe who can read his writing).
Social connections: The world itself.
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