#Taki Taki video song
hearts4golbach · 8 months
The 7Eleven. (Jake Webber x Fem!Reader.)
reccomendation from @dreamcastgirl99 (i cant find their account to tag.)
i traced the lines of jakes tattoos, waiting impatiently for him to get done editing his new video. these always took forever, and i was sick of sitting around and scrolling on tiktok. i traced over the edges of the 3 8-bit hearts on his inner forearm with my nail, gently digging into his skin.
he giggled, "that tickles."
i rolled my eyes," you need to hurry! im so bored and im ready to go on our date. its our 5 year anniversary." i reminded him.
"im just as excited as you are." he gently kissed my forehead, "im finishing up the lsdt bit, then we can go. go get your shoes and shit on."
i yawned and did as told without any response. as i walked away, jake suspisciously pulled out his phone and began texting. i decided to think nothing of it, shrugging it off and grabbing my favorite beat up converse. i pursed my lips together as i laced up my shoes, suddenly nervous. jake had been distant recently, but nothing had changed in our relationship prior, as far as i knew, my stomach tingled.
"you okay, babe? you got weirdly quiet." jake called. i heard footsteps coming my way.
"yeah, sorry, i was just thinking." i looked up at him, giving him an awkwrd smile before tying up my other shoe.
"ill be right back." he said, walking out of the bedroom. he came back quickly, jangling the keys in his hand. "ready, babe?"
I nodded and he grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers in line. no matter what Jake did or how long we were together, I still got butterflies like the first week we began dating. over the years, jake had never lost any enthusiasm in the relationship. yeah, he had his rough days with work but he was never difficult with me.
the sun was just starting to go down. I hopped in the passenger seat of Jake's car and quickly strapped on my seat belt. "are we stopping by 7-Eleven?" I asked.
"always." he smirked, reversing out of the driveway and turning down onto the street.
me and Jake met at 7-Eleven. I was having a sjitty day and yelled at him because he was taking too long to get his nachos. he felt bad and paid for my nachos, against my protests, and ended up getting my number. I'm sure you can guess how the rest of that went.
jake turned our mixed playlist on shuffle, turning it up loud before rolling the windows down. keeping one hand on the wheel, jake let his arm rest outside of the window. the warm, late summer breeze spilled in through the windows. I heard crickets singing their lullabies in the grass, the sound of other cars swooshing past, and the sound of jake humming along to whatever song was playing. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, enjoying the peaceful moment with jake. I pulled out my phone to take a picture of the scenery. tall city buildings were a dark contrast against the setting sun, making me feel warm inside. I posted the photo to my Instagram story and shut off my phone, putting it on do not disturb. jake gently nodded his head along with the song and placed his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing circles into my skin. I quickly took a photo of that too, planning to post it later. our soft breaths were in sync as our hair fluttered in the wind. I looked at him and smiled, enjoying every moment and small detail.
we pulled into the parking spot closest to the door and quickly got out. he came around and opened the door for me, placing a kiss on my forehead.
I walked inside, making a b-line for the energy drinks with jake by my side. I got a redbull, per usual, and he got his favorite flavor of monster.
"you should try something else." he teased, gently elbowing me.
I rolled my eyes. "you can't even talk, jakey."
he visibly cringed. he's always hated it when I called him 'jakey' which made it even funnier whenever I did it to shut him up.
he continued to grab our usual snacks, which were just takis and gummy worms before we made our way towards the nachos. he had my combo memorized, as I had his. he made our nachos as I stalked around the aisles, seeing if there were any other things we should try or get again. he found me about a minute later, gesturing for me to come on so we could leave.
as we were walking up to the register, he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "what do you think about going to the park?"
"won't we get butt fucked by mosquitoes?" I asked with a smile.
"I have bug spray, silly." he pursed his lips together and tapped my nose.
I laughed and swatted his hand away. "sounds fun."
as we got back into the car, we repeated the same ritual we always had. music, windows down, and some form of touch. it was a less than 5 minute drive to a small, local park that we have had a couple picnic dates in. picnic dates were my favorite, even though I wasn't an out-doorsy person.
"how are your nachos?" Jake smirked.
"uh, good?" I responded awkwardly, confused at the question.
"youre cute when youre shy, have i ever told you that?" his gaze softened.
i looked down at my food before looking back at him. "yeah," i giggled.
he stood up to throw away the bag and stood in front of me when he came back. "y/n/n, you're the love of my life. I wouldn't have made it as far as I have without you. you're my anchor and I have no idea what I'd do without you." he took my hands.
I laughed awkwardly. "if I didn't have you, I don't know where I'd be." I added. "but, where's this coming from?"
"you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and I know that's corny." he laughed. "but, I love you, y/n." he got down on one knee and reached into his pocket, making my heart skip a beat. the next events happened in slow motion as he pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it up, revealing a beautiful ring. "will you marry me?"
i felt tears begin to sting my eyes. my hands flew over my mouth as i began to cry. i nodded quickly, not able to form any words. i watched as jake took my hand and slid the ring on, making me cry even more.
he hugged me tightly. "this is a haply cry, right?" i nodded again, pulling back to wipe my tears. "i love you, y/n."
"i love you so much more, jake." i stuttered, continuosly wiping tears from my eyes.
"impossible," he rolled his eyes, "come here."
i followed him to a tree near where we weere sitting. he pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket. "are you about to murder me?" i laughed and sniffled.
he rolled his eyes and carved a heart into the tree, adding his initial in the middle before handing it to me. i felt tears threaten to spill once more as i carved a plus sign and my initial in the heart. he took the knife back as i was wiping tears from my eyes and carved the date into the tree.
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soft-bugs · 4 months
Stress Relief/Calming Distraction/etc. Ideas for Regressors (based on my own experiences and things I've learned from others)
• Take some deep breaths. I know that's like listening to a broken record and obvs doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try!
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• Drink some water and put some comfy clothes on and/or wrap your favorite blankie around yourself!
• Put on some soft lighting, if available. Especially if you're overstimulated!
• If you gotta/wanna bodily/vocally stim, DO IT!!! I also like to use stim toys and touch/hug soft things like a blanket, stuffie or pillow.
• If you have a pet, give 'em a cuddle or some pets! (a stuffie is also very comforting!) Or if you have one that can't/doesn't like to be handled/touched, you can just sit and watch them move around (feeding them if needed, can also be fun to watch!) (I love watching my fish swim around/eat sometimes 😹)
• If you're feeling anxious; dip your face in a bowl of cold/ice water, eat something sour or spicy like Warheads sour spray, Sour Patch Kids, Takis or jalapeños, hold something cold like an ice pack against your chest/stomach, try to relax your jaw and shoulders, use stim toys/stress balls
• If you're feeling angry; you can crumple/tear up pieces of paper or an old notebook. Writing down your feelings and/or scribbling rapidly before doing this is good too! You can also punch a pillow or anything soft enough to where you won't hurt yourself. Ik it can be wasteful, but snapping wooden pencils into lil bits was very therapeutic for me for a while! If you happen to have balloons for whatever reason, you can tie one to a rubber band(/string?) and bounce it against your fist like onea these babies:
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• From the one above, write out your feelings! Even if it's just "I am feeling _ because _". If you have a hard time finding the words, here's some cool emotion wheels I like to use!:
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• If you are on your period, take some painkillers (Midol is a lifesaver!), try to avoid caffeine & nicotine if you smoke, use a heating pad/heated blanket if available, take a hot bath or shower, if possible exercise/walking or certain stretches can help with cramping, and I'm gonna be completely honest here free-bl33ding on the toilet just helps sometimes idk 😂
• If possible, go for a walk or ride your bike around the block!
• If possible, try to talk to/call or text someone you trust, like a friend or family member. You can talk about anything, it doesn't have to be about what's causing your stress/anxiety/etc.
• Watch TV, YouTube, stim GIFs/videos, etc. Whatever helps you relax or laugh!
• Play a calming video game (I like to play Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, Cooking Mama, Night In The Woods, Webkinz and No Man's Sky on creative mode!)
• Be creative! Even if you think you're "bad" at it bc it doesn't matter if it looks "pretty," you don't have to show anyone or post it anywhere. All that matters is if it makes you feel better! Drawing/doodling and coloring have always been a very great emotional outlet for me! Other fun stuff you could do: Splatter/abstract paint, make a collage or start a scrapbook, make a DIY craft with stuff around your house, SCRIBBLE!!, play around with an instrument or music program/app, design a character on Picrew or some sort of character creator, print out/make paper dolls and their clothes, stickerbomb something, film a music video featuring ur pets/stuffies/toys!
• Continuing the creativity one, make a mood/stim/agere board for yourself, an OC, your fave/comfort characters(s), etc.!
• Do word/number puzzles like word searches, crossword puzzles, sudoku, acrostic puzzles, cryptograms, framework/fill-in puzzles, etc.
• If you like making lists (like me), write out a list! (Ideas: Your comfort characters/movies/shows, your favorite board/video games, favorite places or cool places you've been, interesting animals, favorite bands/musical artists, current favorite songs, etc.)
• If you're like me, you can play some music and write down your favorite lyrics from each song that plays! (And doodle/scribble around the paper borders in between hehe) And/or make a playlist! Maybe make a playlist of songs that make you feel better in that moment, so you can look for it whenever ur stressed/upset!
• If possible, take a hot bath (you can add bubbles, bath bombs and/or toys!) Or a quick shower. Oh, and speaking of, I have a tip for people who struggle with brushing your teeth/remembering to do so! Try brushing your teeth when you shower!
These aren't the only things I do/know about, just ones I can remember at the moment, and they may not all work for everyone of course, but hopefully this is helpful to someone. 🥺 Feel free to add more in the replies/tags/reblogs!
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skzkiyoon · 5 months
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CONTACT NAME: captain hong 🌊 🎩
good friends of each other, she picks up tips or two from him for producing
when they first met he was startled by her height and automatically started bowing at a 90 degree angle out of respect
they have their moments here in there, sometimes kiyoon will be live streaming and she’ll randomly get a call from him. their conversations are always short but sweet and there’s never a bland moment between them
it’s like the captain and his best mate between the two
mother and mother duo, always looking out for each other
seonghwa invites kiyoon to a lot of dance practice sessions just to catch up. if they can’t do that they always try to meet up at a cafe
kiyoon brings him and hongjoong food when she comes to visit ateez
loves to hang out with seonghwa and react to his parts in songs
CONTACT NAME: jongho!!! 🥹
it’s fun whenever jongho is being a menace but of course he’s always doing it in the most peaceful way possible and kiyoon is always there to watch
she actually entertains him whenever his hyungs are busy
they were spotted at a convenience store and it spread that everyone thought they were “dating” but in reality it was cleared up when they said they ran out of buldak and wanted more
jongho definitely WILL start cracking up when kiyoon tells stories of the dumb things her members do
CONTACT NAME: youngin 🫶🏼
it was just flat out coincidental that they happened to meet at a cafe one day
he likes to be a d1 yapper with kiyoon. it’s the talker and listener duo
honestly he couldn’t ask for a better friend because she’s so caring and it’s so unreal that someone he had only known for a short period of time could be so careful for someone else
he was only scolded one time for calling her while she was sleeping. never again will he ever call at 2:34 am just to talk about cows
CONTACT NAME: pretty lady 🦋❤️
kiyoon loves ningning, treats her like a younger sister
they were in an interview together for a collab they hoped they could do soon
ningning called kiyoon “mom” by accident in the interview and now it’s been stuck with her ever since
kiyoon babies ningning on a regular basis
CONTACT NAME: godgi 🦒🎸
kiyoon loves her style in rap so when doeun came up to her one day to say how much of a fan she was of a fellow artist’s work she was very glad
it’s so chill between the two of them, sometimes you walk into the same room they’re in and it’s complete silence. mostly watching movies or videos and bonding like besties is what they do
doeun is always the one to take advice on how to improve her flow and intonation on words
there are so many pictures of them together on both of their phones just from hanging with doeun
CONTACT NAMES: stephie 🫶🏼‼️, taeyanggg 🎀 , jiungie ❤️ , taki taki 🎸 , alien boy 👽, seobie 😎🔝
loved watching performances from p1h so kiyoon went out of her way to come see them in a concert as a vacation trip. that’s where she met them for the first time
loved them straight away, most of their laid back vibes and fun personalities made her really like them
loves soul the most, his weird and cute antics are so cute to her
loves to take group photos of them when there are beautiful sunsets
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svtminji · 1 year
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born in fresno, california, united states
had made frequent visits to japan during her teenage years
is the oldest sister ❪ has one younger brother born in 2004 ❫
signed up for a sm ent. trainee program
was a big fan of s.e.s and that gave her the courage to go into the program
mizuki is very organized and wakes up early than all of the members
is afraid of thunderstorms and thunder
LOVES spicy food
everytime she goes to the states -> leaves with takis
enjoys being in her bed more than anything else
likes horror movies because she gets the thrill of not knowing what’s next
close friends with twice’s momo and mina, nct’s yuta
was supposed to debut in a seventeen female subunit
before seventeen debuted, she would cook the younger members meals and prepare them for their day at school.
often viewed as the mother of the group
in a youtube video regarding children, she mentioned that she never wanted to be a mother at first but know that she has seen how much it really affects her fiancé; she would like to have kids of her own
has bruised and scarred feet due to her extensive training as a ballerina
she has a softer dance style compared to the members but isn’t afraid to step out of that comfort for more hip-hop based choreography
has done choreography for multiple seventeen songs
when asked how she sees herself in ten years, she answered “married, hopefully, and a ballerina.”
announced her relationship with jeonghan on june 22nd of 2022, and got engaged on february 14th, 2023
has been labeled as the prada girl
minji’s ideal type: 2pm’s taecyeon and shinee’s minho
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i have no idea on what to write about fun facts? i did my best TT
@svtminji est. 2023
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onlyjaeyun · 10 months
So &Team is formed of 4 members that were on I-Land, and 5 members chosen through &Audition. Taki, Nicholas, Euijoo, and K were all on I-Land. Nicholas and Euijoo are apart of 02 line with Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon. Fuma, Yuma, Jo, Harua, and Maki were chosen through &Audition to complete the group.
Left to right we have: Yuma, Fuma, Harua, Euijoo, Jo, Maki, Nicholas, Taki, and K. .
K is the oldest, October 21, 1997.
Fuma is second oldest and sub-leader, June 29, 1998.
Nicholas is third older, July, 9, 2002. He's the only Taiwanese in a Japanese group.
Euijoo is fourth oldest and leader, his stage name is EJ, September 7, 2002. He's the only Korean in a Japanese group.
Yuma is the middle child, February 7, 2004.
Jo fourth youngest, July 8, 2004.
Haura is third youngest, May 1, 2005.
Taki is second youngest, May 4, 2005.
Maki is the maknae, February 17, 2006.
I would recommend watching Under The Skin, the extended music video actually connects &Team's lore to Enhypens lore, since they are like brother groups, Under The Skin is connected to Drunk-Dazed, since Euijoo and K are the wolves in Drunk-Dazed. And I recommend watching Scent of You just because that's my favorite song of theirs.
this is SO cute thank you so much baby🥺 am absolutely gonna watch their mvs and see if i can see the enha connections bc i was so excited when i saw two of tjem i the dd mv 🫣 also, i cant promise i'll get to it soon bc i can barely keep up with enha rn but if you see me talking about them soon just act surprised pls 😭
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ieatnomnom9823 · 7 months
stupid headcanons no one asked for and make 0 sense
me and my friend enjoy in making the most shit headcanons to exist so i'm gonna share some of them bc why the fuck not?
princess kenny is an amazon box
kyle only knows how to play football because of how much he kicks Ike
cartman vibes to this video: https://youtu.be/PDJLvF1dUek?list=RDgBpdSlgR5qM (thats not mine btw)
butters has a MLP figure he literally sleeps with and treats it like his own child
everyone is sort of worried about butters obsession to that toy
the plural of kenny is in fact not kennies, but kennys
kyle not only kicks babies, but he also throws them
butters genuineley thinks the rickroll is a banger
kenny and cartman have the weirdest fucking pinterest feed *cough* maid catboys, shitty t-shirts, those random-ass pictures with text over them, like memes kinda but not with a very specific color text and font, the most random stickers and flags like bibble idk they really like bibble though also this totallyyyy isn't inspired by my feed *cough*
stan dedicates his LIFE to minecraft parkour. i'm talking watching those low guality parkour things with screenshits from the interent and he is a GOD at hypixel housing parkour (i came up with this because i have hypixel parkour open rn)
kenny is #1 lemon demon fan. i will NEVER change my mind about this.
craig literally sleeps with a fucking metal pipe.
instead of warming glasses of milk by pouring milk into a cup and microwaving the cup, he literally puts the whole fucking CARTON IN THE MICROWAVE AND THEN PUTS IT IN A CUP
instead of repenting your sins, cartman repeats his sins ( i just really needed to say that phrase today)
kyle is so weezer coded
stan's the type of mf to say "chat" instead of "guys"
anytime someone makes a dirty joke butters just akwardly smiles politely bc he doesn't get it but he's too embarrassed to ask what it meant
i found a picture this is exactly cartman and kenny's feed:
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(that was my first screenshot since cleanig my files out other then the random bunny thing i drew in class cuz i was fucking boerd and had no idea what was going on)
stuart, randy, gerald, and steven (or whatever the fuck their name is) are literally besties but HERE ME OUT
randy and gerald are the silly besties like kyle and stan BUT stuart and steven (what the fuck is that man's name) are ALSO besties BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE IN TFBW IN THE STRIP CLUB THEIR WATCHING LADIES DANCE TOGETHER AND THEIR GETTING DRUNK TOGETHER THEIR LITERALLY BEsTIES OMG
craig has flying powers
butters thinks skibidi toilet is peak comedy and that is why everyone hates him (except for literally like 2 people)
why the fuck is his name dougie
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"life goes onyonyonyonyonyonyonyon" is literally cartman's theme song after trying to kill everyone with some shitty plan he got from watching Megamind or something
kyle literally has trauma from burgers he will NOT eat any burger if you paid him fucking 56,000,000 bucks
kyle is so an elephant he's literally an elephant that's his spirit animal
tweek is literally a turtle idk how i can't describe the vibe but he is ik he's SO not a turtle but he just... idk he is
kenny is a fucking rat i literally have art of me bullying him and calling him a rat
butters is either a bunny or a cat of a duck he's just silly like that
cartman isn't a duck he's a goddamn angry goose
stan is a bear or like a giraffe or something idk ik he's the main character but i don't think about him that much for me
butters is literally in choir guys
craig is the most beaustiful majestic dragon to ever exist
craig's literally my favorite character if you couldn't tell
kenny is too scared to eat cheetos so he eats takis instead
literally everyone loves megamind
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dreadfutures · 8 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
Thank you so much for the tag @beebundt <3 it was great getting to know you a little better :3 Here are my answers, blank template under the cut. Tagging: @kiastirling | @queenaeducan | @knightdawn | @shivunin | @greypetrel | @demandthedoodles | @xochihuacoyotl | @fadedsweater | @ghostwise <3 No pressure!
Last Song: Spotify recommended a playlist of indie songs from 2010 and I gave in to the urge to reminisce... I have so many memories tied to the songs in that playlist, but this one stands out from my bus ride home today: Spanish Sahara (Foals)
Favorite Color: Proooobably maroon. It was my high school class color and we were so right for that tbh.
Last Movie/TV Show: I think it was The Boy and the Heron. It was interesting, I have some mixed feelings about it. I think it should have been two separate movies, so that its two sets of themes could have been fleshed out adequately. It was very quirky and I liked the world building/narnia-esque quality to it, and it kind of felt like a return to Spirited Away, but...it didn't have the follow-through I wanted for many things, compared to Miyazaki's earlier works. It feels almost like at this point in his career, no one is allowed to edit Miyazaki lol including himself. I do think a major theme was about retirement and being a creative and not knowing when to let go.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: In order from best to least favorite: Savory > Spicy >>>>>>> Sweet. I rarely want something sweet. My favorite snack is the Tapatio Doritos or the knock-off chili lime Takis from Trader Joes. I will always go for a savory food though.
Relationship Status: You know. A friend today said that "Men think they're competing with other men for women's attention, but really they're competing with a woman's peace." Gave me a lot to think about.
Last thing I googled: The name of a friend of my family's who was a painter. He passed away a while ago and I was wondering if I could find any of his other works. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like any of them are digital, but here are two from my childhood home. They're very large!
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Current Obsession: Hollow Knight lore! I just played through the game for the first time (90% completion atm!) and it is such a unique and DEEP world to explore. Super tragic, and while it's very much a Souls game to its core (including the story), it is so, so unique. There's very little like it. So imaginative! And so many twists and turns to think about its story. (I have listened to. like. 60 hours of video essays about it at this point.)
Last Book: The last book I fully read through was Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia! I really enjoyed it.
Looking forwards to: Getting frames for more of my art! I have been so fortunate to collect so many beautiful prints & be gifted so many more, like my sisters got me a whole set of Ghibli-style TOTK/LOZ prints, and they need frames and they need to go up on my wall. Slowly! It really has helped my mental health to start putting up decor in my apartment.
Blank Template
Last Song:
Favorite Color:
Last Movie/Show:
Relationship Status:
Last Thing I Googled:
Current Obsession:
Last Book:
Looking Forward To:
Tag nine people whose answers you are interested in!
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7-dreamers · 1 year
28 May 2023, [Idoltist] Choreographing·YouTube…Dreamcatcher Sua, what can’t she do? ②
Sua, who showed talent in dancing since a young age, came to Seoul from South Gyeongsang’s city of Masan all by herself to start the trainee life. Through 5 years of training and nurturing her ability to copy choreography, Sua started thinking ‘I want to teach others choreography that I make’.
“So of course I used my members. The company suggested that I created choreography for a special clip. I had only been thinking those thoughts, but it was the company’s director that made it actually happen.”
◆ Special clip Sua & Dami 'Havana'
“It was my first choreography so I knew there would be a lot of expectation, and as this team’s main dancer I didn’t want to make an easy dance, so I added in a lot of strange moves and practiced alone.
I first realized when I was doing the ‘Havana’ dance with Dami. ‘If you’re going to teach people a dance, you have to add moves that look good when anyone does it, not just yourself.’”
◆ Special Clip Jiu & Sua & Yoohyeon 'Taki Taki'
“For my second choreography, I picked the members. I wanted to make a hip and hot dance for ‘Taki Taki’, so I picked members that would fit that.
The members did really well to make the choreography look good. What I also felt then was that when the people who are performing pull off the gestures and facial expressions really well, it makes it so fun for the person making the dance. ‘I see this person can pull it off like this.’ The same move can produce a variety of feelings and that in and of itself was fun.
For my first choreography, I learned that ‘I have to create a dance that suits that person’, and for the second one, I learned that ‘it can end up looking good (even differently).’”
◆ Special clip 'COPYCAT'
After showing dances with the members, Sua prepared her first solo performance through ‘COPYCAT’. Sua received inspiration from BTS J-Hope’s solo dance for this choreography.
“I really liked it. So from then on I thought ‘everything I do turns out well’ and gained strength.
It was the result I liked the most. I still watch it even now. I think the composition was perfect. At the time our manager sent the video to our group chat, and Yoohyeon said ‘This dance is totally my style. I want to do it too’. When the members say that they want to do it themselves too, I feel like I created it really well.”
◆ Dreamcatcher B-side 'Red Sun'
Up until then Sua had only been choreographing for special clips, but after choreographing for Dreamcatcher’s B-side song ‘Red Sun’, she showed her choreography on music shows as well.
“It was so fascinating. I was happy even just having the members dance to choreography that I created, but when the music show MC introduced our song by saying ‘Sua’s choreography,’ I felt so good.
From then on I’ve been wanting to choreograph for our title songs as well. My next goal is higher, so I have to do as much research to reach that point.”
◆ Special clip Sua & CLC Seungyeon 'Tadow'
“There were a lot of fans asking for a collaboration with another company’s artist, and coincidentally Seungyeon was doing a program that released a video every month. We had been saying ‘let’s film a dance video together’ for about a year and half, and we felt that ‘now is that time’ so we created a dance together and uploaded it.
It was a choreography with a different vibe compared to our group’s concept, so it was fun. I felt that ‘it is nice to do a variety of dances’, ‘I like dances that are not confined to one thing.’”
Starting with special clips all the way to Dreamcatcher’s group choreography, Sua has even started creating her own YouTube content. Through Dreamcatcher’s YouTube channel, Sua releases her personal vlog called ‘Sua’s Private Life’ that she films and edits herself.
“It’s nice for the company to edit for me, but they have so much to do including group videos and the other members’ personal vlogs. In that way if one person does everything, all the members’ personal vlogs start to have the same vibe.
I definitely had my own style. No captions and fast cuts, to me it felt very easy to watch. So I felt like it was a good idea to edit the videos that I took in my own style. I think I challenged myself to this for practice since I want to open up my own YouTube channel later.
At first I started it fearlessly, but it turns out there’s a lot to do. I have to write all the captions with correct spacing and grammar. After one or two videos, I started to get tired of it. (laughs) So I started doing it all at once right before the deadline.”
Although Sua makes the content on her own, currently ‘Sua’s Personal Life’ is taking a break. “I filmed a lot of vlogs when we went on tour. It’s not a vlog I usually film, so the content and flow becomes repetitive. So I realized I needed to take a break.
Even so, in the future I will keep doing them. Because I bought an editing app. In order to do it, I even bought an Apple Pencil and keyboard. (laughs) I’m the type of person who needs to start something the moment I think of it, so I immediately bought them.”
To ease the absence of ‘Sua’s Personal Life’, Sua recently started filming a CeCi Korea content called ‘Solution Sua’. Sua says “if I keep doing things like this one by one, later on when I make a YouTube channel, maybe it will just feel like a continuation,” and brings about anticipation.
Source : Xports News
[Reporter Lee Seul]
Translation by 7-Dreamers irshu Please do not take translation without credit
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amskvaris · 9 months
note to self to record a 45 sec video of taki watching the little wisps in that cute glade area in stia outskirts. i have a pretty song i want to put on it
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max1461 · 2 years
I am asking once again for you to help me find this youtube video, the song in the video, the artwork from the video, or any other information about the video
Hello. This is a highly specific and request, but I am looking for any lead on tracking down a particular youtube video that I watched around the time of 2018, or any information about it. This video has almost certainly been removed from youtube, but that doesn't necessarily mean all information is gone.
So, what is the video? Well it's not actually very spectacular. It is (was) a remix of one of the songs from the anime film Your Name, uploaded to youtube around 2017 or 2018. Unfortunately, my memory of the details here are a bit shaky, it's one of those "I'd know it if I saw it" things. But here is roughly what I can recall:
As mentioned, it's a song from Your Name. I am nearly 90% sure it's a remix, but I'm not 100% sure. I am 80% sure is was the song "sparkle", but it also possibly could have been "zenzenzense" or "nandemonaiya"
It was uploaded around 2017 or 2018; I almost certainly watched it in late 2017 or early 2018
It has very probably been removed for copyright violation.
In the background of the video, it featured a particular piece of fan art. If I remember correctly, the video cycled through several pieces of fan art in the background, and this was one of them, I believe also the one in the thumbnail. The problem with describing this fan art is that almost all Your Name fan art looks exactly the same! But, ok: it featured the two main characters, Mizuha and Taki, standing together with the comet from the movie falling overhead (again, this is 90% of the fan art out there). As I recall, it has something of a fish-eye lens effect, so that the ground appeared curved. Can't remember if it was concave or convex. I believe the art was in a less realistic, more cutetsy style than the actual animation of the movie. It was stylistically distinct enough that I remember it, at least.
I know that's not much to go on, but if anyone else has a recollection of seeing this, and happens to remember the art and/or the name of the remix, please let me know.
As I said, the video is removed from youtube. However, if you go into your youtube history, and then click "manage all history", you can get to a page which shows all your youtube searches and watched videos in order, including removed videos. I have been trawling through my youtube history from around that time, plugging in urls of removed videos to the wayback machine, looking for this video. I have yet to find it. If you think you watched this video and have it's url in your history, I would hugely appreciate if you felt like searching for it a bit and sending me the url.
Anyway, that's the video I'm looking for. I need to find this video for various ~reasons~ but I think it may be lost to time. Hopefully not through.
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problematicfactive · 1 year
This blog can get a little sad sometimes, so is is your ticket to talk about your favorite things! They do/don't have to be source connected, jet, what are some things that make you happy, make you joyful?
(Sorry about the wait, I had to keep this in drafts until I found out about things that actyally made me happy that weren't related to source 💀)
Bro they're so spicy and I canteat them BUT THEY AEE SO GOOD
I don't eat but I will always confront to eat a taki
I really love music, my favorite songs are psycho killer and please don't go. They remind me of My boyfriend
There's this guy in our system, his name is Albert. He's sourced from this guy who makes YouTube videos. I really like him and his sores they're great people and they always cheer me up
Thanks for letting me be me
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Tagged by @firstfandomfangirl ! Thankies!^^
Last Song: "Broken Machine" by Musiclide. It's a Oneshot fan song that's really good!
Currently watching: Not really any TV shows at the moment. Mostly a mix of animation memes and AMVs. (And adding to my YouTube animation playlist, which has almost 400 videos lol 😭)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Spicy all the way! Sweet too. Takis are one of my favorite snacks.
Relationship status: Single, and as an Aroace, I hope to remain that way
Current Obsession: Imma say FNAF and the original world I'm currently making.
Last thing you Googled: "Edible cookie dough recipe" I made cookie dough yesterday LMAO
Tags if any y'all wanna do this!: @yumeyumeappleo @hollowedart
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onceuponmykpop · 2 years
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The Group was created because of I-LAND, with 3 of them being my Biases (Sunoo, Jungwon & Jay) while the other 4 became my bias wreckers.
Sunoo would be the one I talk the most about though when it comes to anything ENHYPEN related because it was him that I couldn't stop paying attention to.
Then Jungwon's voice drew me in too.
Jay's warm personality, and how he never gave up, despite being so underappreciated.
The others, well it was obvious how much I liked them and why. Because of personalities and talents.
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I followed Taki (Another one of my Biases from I-LAND) as well as K, Nicholas & EJ... and was entranced by one of the boys who did Ballet in 'The Final Countdown' Music Video...
Hikaru soon became the one I just couldn't get enough of watching, with his shy demeanor and the beauty in which he danced.
Gaku was also another one that caught my eye and don't even get me started on both Hayate's voice and sense of humor.
Let's just say I started falling in love with all of them, but I knew in my heart that they weren't all going to make it.
This brings me to &TEAM...
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As much as I wanted all 15 of the boys to make it through, it didn't stop me from supporting the ones that did.
And right now I'm sooo proud of them all.
And I can't wait to see what they have in store for all of us.
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Hanbin was another one of my biases from I-LAND, just his personality stood out to me from the moment he was sent to GROUND in the first test. I was so happy that he made it to the TOP 12, but also upset that he never made it in to ENHYPEN.
Still, after seeing him in TEMPEST and getting to know all of the other members of this group, I realized he was definitely with the right people and their concept suits him well.
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I thought Geonu was such a talented trainee and I knew he was just meant to go places, so it was no surprise that he debuted in a group, the surprise was that he did it alongside one of the others from I-LAND; JM (Jimin).
I had such a soft spot for everyone that went to GROUND, so he was definitely someone I always saw uplifting others.
The other members of JUST B suit them well, and the songs they've released have never disappointed me.
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Being a part of the 'Crown' unit (which was one of my favourite perfromances), I was so happy to see Youngbin debut.
He always had such a beautiful voice and I loved watching him perform. And I love the place that he had in BLANK2Y and I love that he looks happy.
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I was disappointed that Kyungmin disappeared from &Audition (as he was another one of my BIASES from I-LAND.)
So finding out that he was no longer debuting with K and the others, I was shocked. Then when he started making appearances in another group, I was relieved.
Watching their footage and getting to know the others, I'm happy to say they are all really cute together and these boys are definitely going places.
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Daniel - He was another one of my Biases because of the 'Any Song' performance he did, as well as his personality and skills he had for someone his age. So it's no surprise that I'm still waiting for him.
Sangchul - I adored his voice and hoped he would make it somewhere, so I'm still waiting for him.
Yoonwon - Despite everything that happened in I-LAND,he was still a talented dancer and he had a great voice.
Jaeho - He is still such a great dancer, and I believe he could get to where he wants to if he still has the drive.
It's believed that they may all be training (maybe in different companies) to debut in different groups because there's not much information about them since I-LAND.
Song Writers:
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Echan (Jaebom)
They're both very talented singer-songwriters that have released songs over the years.
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It is believed that he went back to acting, which was a bummer but at the same time, I'm looking forward to his future work.
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simgrump · 2 years
I was @ ed by @bobapplesimblr to my main account, wildmourne :-)
Answer all questions and tag 9 people.
favorite color: green
currently reading: nothing other than simblrs
last song you listened to: lol, I watched a reaction video to “It’s Raining Men” by the Weather Girls
last series you watched: 911 Lone Star
sweet savoury or spicy: savoury
craving: we make a snack that is miniature sweet bell peppers, cream cheese and have Takis sticking out of them and yes I know they sound gross but they are delicious
tea or coffee: lattes lol
working on: my 228 drafts for the random rotational legacy ....
tagging: anyone who wants to do them, not sure who hasn’t at this point :-) 
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
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@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . please do not steal works
💿 = full length 📀 = drabble 💽 = soft thought/hour 📳 = texts 💾 = request 🎉 = birthday 📟 = suggestive 🎧 = personal fav ⭐ = a hit (over 75 notes) 📌 = headcanons
All works are fluff unless stated otherwise
🎬 koga kei
▶️ awake 📀💾📟
you won't wake up, to boyfriend!kei's dismay
▶️ kei as your bf 📀💾📌
▶️ kei as a work crush 📀💾📌⭐
🎬 murata fuma
▶️ fuma as a crush and bf 📀💾⭐📌
🎬 wang nicholas
▶️ hand holding 📀💽⭐
you notice that boyfriend!nicholas has a thing for holding your hand
▶️ kiss? 📀💽⭐
you recreate your very first kiss with boyfriend!nicholas
▶️ the stealer 💿⭐
roommate!nicholas overhears you gushing about him
🎬 byun euijoo
▶️ nothing yet
🎬 nakakita yuma
▶️ nothing yet
🎬 asakura jo
▶️ third avenue 📀💽
inspired by rocco's song, third avenue
▶️ mountain paintings 📀💽
fuma and secret boyfriend / idol!jo discuss where they would live when they grow old
🎬 shigeta harua
▶️ brownie 📀🎉⭐
you came for brownies, not stranger/barista!harua behind the register
🎬 takayma taki
▶️ h&mny archive 📳
funny moments between best friend!taki
🎬 hirota maki
▶️ video games 📀💽⭐
bestfriend!maki confesses to you during your game
▶️ amusement park 📀💽💾📌⭐
list things you and boyfriend!maki would do at an amusement park
▶️ you had me at hello 📳⭐
your friend introduces you to stranger!maki
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mollywood21com · 8 months
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