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दंगों के आरोपी ताहिर हुसैन को 5 साल बाद मिली 6 दिनों की कस्टडी पेरोल, घर जाने पर पाबंदी; प्रचार के लिए लगाई शर्त
#News दंगों के आरोपी ताहिर हुसैन को 5 साल बाद मिली 6 दिनों की कस्टडी पेरोल, घर जाने पर पाबंदी; प्रचार के लिए लगाई शर्त
Delhi News: दिल्ली दंगों के आरोपी ताहिर हुसैन को 5 साल बाद शर्तों के साथ ही सही पर जेल से बाहर आने की इजाजत मिल गई है। एआईएमआईएम के टिकट पर मुस्तफाबाद सीट से विधानसभा का चुनाव लड़ रहे ताहिर हुसैन को सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 6 दिनों के लिए कस्टडी पेरोल दी है। 29 जनवरी से 3 फरवरी तक ताहिर हुसैन हर दिन 12 घंटे के लिए जेल से बाहर निकलेगा। कोर्ट ने ताहिर की अस्थायी ‘आजादी’ पर कई तरह की पाबंदियां लगाईं हैं।…
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Remembering Jiah Khan on her 10th Death Anniversary, a Young Actress Who Passed Away at the Age of 25
Summary: On the 10th death anniversary of Jiah Khan, a beloved Bollywood actress, here is a glimpse into her prolific career in the film industry from inception.
Jiah Khan changed her name to Nafisa Khan after Gia, a movie starring Angelina Jolie (1998). The actress was born on 20 February 1988 to her parents Rabiya Amin, a yesteryear Bollywood actress known for her role in Dulha Bikta Hai by Tahir Husain, and Ali Rizvi Khan. She studied in New York at the Lee Strasberg Academy of Dramatic Arts after getting done with A-levels in film studies and literature in London. But soon she quit her studies in between on receiving an offer for a film from Mumbai.
She was 16 when Mahesh Bhatt offered her the lead role in 2004 for Tumsa Nahin Dekha. But Jiah backed out from the role as she felt the character was too mature for her. Thereafter she starred in Nishabd, her Bollywood debut in 2007, which was a controversial film for its storyline of an older man falling for a young girl, despite being married. The movie was directed by Ram Gopal Verma, and Amitabh Bachchan played her love interest.
The plot of an illicit affair was compared to the Hollywood classic Lolita of 1962. However, the character portrayal by Jiah Khan seemed genuine as she exuded attitude, confidence, and sex appeal. For this, she even was nominated for her performance as the ‘Best Debutant’. Then she landed with Ghajini in 2008, which was a super hit movie starring Amir Khan. The movie was a remake of a 2005 film by A R Murugadoss, of the same name, which had the actor Surya of the fame 'Raktha Charitra'.
Before the release of Ghajini, there were rumors that Jiah Khan is the step-sister of Amir Khan, as the latter’s father had worked in Dulha Bikta Hai with Rabiya, Jiah’s mother. But the rumors were ended after clarification. Then the actress moved on to Chance Pe Dance by Ken Ghosh in 2010. The movie starred Shahid Kapoor. She was then replaced by Genelia D’Souza after shooting a good number of scenes for the project.
However, she starred in Housefull, a hit comedy film in the same year. Jiah Khan was the supporting actress in Housefull, which contained a huge star cast. Sajid Khan was the director of the movie. The film starred big names such as Deepika Padukone, Akshay Kumar, Riteish Deshmukh, Arjun Rampal, and Lara Dutta. Here, Jiah did the role of Akshay’s wife. But the film, unfortunately, remained the last one where Jiah was seen on the big screen. Because on 3 June 2013, the actress reportedly died of suicide and was found dead in Juhu, Mumbai, in her flat. She was found hanging and a suicide note was recovered after a probe by CBI. Jiah was too young at that time and passed away at the tender age of 25.
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दिल्ली /आईबी कर्मचारी अंकित शर्मा की फैमिली ने दिल्ली छोड़ा, हिंसा में गई थी जान, दिल्ली हिंसा और ताहिर हुसैन को लेकर ट्विटर पर भिड़े AAP और बीजेपी नेता दिल्ली हिंसा और ताहिर हुसैन को लेकर ट्विटर पर भिड़े AAP और बीजेपी नेता: 1. कपिल मिश्रा और आदेश गुप्ता ने अमानतुल्लाह को दिया जवाब.कोरोना संकट के बीच भी देश की राजधानी में आम आदमी पार्टी और बीजेपी के बीच चल रही राजनीतिक अदावत थमने का नाम नहीं ले रही है.
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U Dubaiju ne mare za sankcije i rat: Rusi prebacuju novac sa Zapada i kupuju sve što mogu, a najviše vole vile uz more
Mira Estate, tvrtka za luksuzne nekretnine iz Dubaija, ima razloga za slavlje – u prvoj polovici 2022. zabilježili su stopostotni rast prodaje kupcima iz Rusije i drugih bivših sovjetskih država. Tržište nekretnina u Dubaiju zahuktalo se u posljednjih nekoliko godina, a zbog zapadnih sankcija bogati Rusi sve češće bacaju oko na Ujedinjene Arapske Emirate Milijarder Roman Abramovič, bivši vlasnik nogometnog kluba Chelseaja i dugogodišnji suradnik ruskog predsjednika Vladimira Putina, navodno traži kuću na Palm Jumeirahu u Dubaiju, kultnom arhipelagu umjetnih otoka dizajniranih tako da izgledaju poput palme. Nakon strmoglavog pada na početku pandemije, financijsko i komercijalno središte Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata (UAE) doživjelo je stabilan oporavak jer su druga tržišta zbog covida i dalje provodila rigorozne mjere, a UAE je imao opušteniji pristup. Krenuli su i s novim izdavanjem viza za osobe s dugotrajnim boravkom i digitalne nomade, potpisali su povijesni sporazum o normalizaciji odnosa s Izraelom, liberalizirali neka od svojih društvenih pravila te se prebacili s islamskog vikenda od petka do subote na vikend od subote do nedjelje. Odluka da ostanu neutralni u trenutku u kojem je velik dio bogatog svijeta zatvorio svoja vrata Rusima nakon Putinove invazije na Ukrajinu krajem veljače dobro se isplatila UAE-u, čiji status porezne oaze i reputacija financijske diskrecije čine tu zemlju privlačnom mnogim bogatašima u svijetu. Dubajska brokerska kuća Betterhomes, na ljestvici objavljenoj u travnju, otkrila je da su se Rusi pomaknuli za dva mjesta i postali peti najveći kupci nekretnina u Dubaiju u prvom kvartalu. Tvrtka Henley & Partners sa sjedištem u Londonu u lipnju je objavila izvješće u kojem se predviđa da će Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati ove godine biti top svjetska destinacija za najbogatije, s predviđanjima da će primiti 4000 novih milijunaša. Rusija bi u međuvremenu trebala izgubiti 15.000 milijunaša, prema istraživanju tvrtke. Ruski kupci uglavnom biraju luksuzne nekretnine, posebno vile oko mora, poput Palma Jumeiraha te luksuznih imanja Beachfront i La Mer duž gradske obale. 'Sve u blizini mora s dobrim pogledom, to im je uvijek na prvom mjestu. Kupci traže kombinaciju nekretnina za držanje i iznajmljivanje kao ulaganje, ali za osobnu upotrebu, premda je većina za ulaganje', rekao je za CNBC Tahir Majithia, izvršni partner u tvrtki za nekretnine Prime Capital u Dubaiju. 'Blok poslovi', kojima kupac kupuje cijeli kat ili nekoliko njih, vrlo su česti. Jedan kat luksuzne stambene zgrade koštat će u prosjeku između sedam i deset milijuna dolara, rekao je Majithia, iako to ovisi o lokaciji i veličini. Primijetio je i da su neki od kupaca likvidirali svoju imovinu u drugim zemljama i prebacili novac u Dubai, a često kupuju i u kriptovalutama. S druge strane Financial Action Task Force, jedna od ključnih svjetskih organizacija za borbu protiv pranja novca, u ožujku je stavila UAE na svoju 'sivu listu' zbog zabrinutosti da postoje 'strateški nedostaci' u zaustavljanju nezakonitih financijskih aktivnosti. No emiratsko tijelo zaduženo za suzbijanje nezakonitih financijskih aktivnosti reklo je da UAE 'iznimno ozbiljno shvaća svoju ulogu u zaštiti integriteta globalnog financijskog sustava i da će blisko surađivati s FATF-om kako bi brzo poboljšali identificirana područja'. Vlasti UAE-a obećale su uhvatiti se u koštac s nezakonitim protokom novca te ubrzavaju svoje reforme u nastojanju ispunjavanja međunarodnih standarda. 'Siguran sam da mnogi Rusi pokušavaju riješiti svoje probleme, ali Dubai će u konačnici imati koristi od svake krize. Iskreno govoreći, ove sankcije stvaraju nervozu među ljudima. Ako nam novac legalno stigne kroz bankarski sustav i sve bude profesionalno, poslovat ćemo s tim ljudima', rekao je emiratski nekretninski magnat Husain Sajvani u intervjuu za CNBC ubrzo nakon početka rata u Rusiji. Tportal.hr Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric Read the full article
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🔗🔗 *Nagpada Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) Unit ne 21 Cror 30 lakh ki uranium ke sath 2 log Arrest* 🚨 🔗 *Wednesday ATS ne 7 kg 100 Grams Uranium ke sath 2 logo ko arrest kiya jis ki keemat bazar me lagbhag 21Cror 30 lakh hai* 🔗🔗 *_2 Person arrested_* 1) *Abu Tahir Afzal husain Choudhary (31 yrs ) Mankhurd* 2) *Jigar Pandey (27 yra ) Residence Thane* *Press Link for Photo* 👇🏻👇🏻 *https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=370245624437631&id=115117089950487* _Siezed Ki huye substance ko jaanch ke liye BARC, Trombay, Mumbai bheja gaya tha_ 📝 *Report ke anusar* ```substance is Natural Uranium it's a highly readioactive and danger to human life ``` 😱😱 _ATS Team is baat ka bhi pata laga rahi hai ke Itni badi matra me unhe ye Uranium kaha se mila_ ✒️✒️ *FIR Registered As per the procedure of Atomic Energy Act,1962* ✒️✒️ *Case has been registered FIR on 05/05/2021 by ATS, Nagpada Unit* ✒️ *Compl vide ATS, CR No. 14/2021 U/s. 24(1)(a) of Atomic Energy Act, 1962* 🚨🚨 *Team of Nagpada Unit* *PI Santosh Bhalekar* *Api Prashant Sawant* *HC Mulla* *PN.Dhawale* ________________________ 📲 *To join our whatsapp group* https://chat.whatsapp.com/L2jSbClu0lz8mMCoLONu6S 🖥️ *Subscribe our Channel* https://youtube.com/channel/UCJPGGonokoejM1287ofdIGQ ✅ *Like our Fb page* https://www.facebook.com/115117089950487/posts/355316865930507/?app=fbl https://www.instagram.com/p/COh-MUPBBx0/?igshid=ce9hcnqjax81
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The school burnt in Delhi, Arun Modern Higher Secondary School was also set on fire by Muslim & Anti CAA mobs lead by AAP leader Tahir Husain. In this picture you can see principal crying in phone, after if mobs worte no CAA no NPR in school wall. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GNN5KhUI7/?igshid=7ppynagjibaq
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Muslims commemorate Islamic New Year in Kafanchan
Hundreds of Muslim faithful, followers of the Tijjaniyyah Sect on Saturday gathered at Jema’a Central Mosque in Kafanchan, Kaduna State to observe the Annual Zikr and prayers in commemoration of Islamic New Year, 1441 AH. The Muslims, under the auspices of Ansaru Faidhatu Tijjaniyya with dignitaries from within and outside Jema’a Emirate gathered at the Da’ira to recite Zikrs. They were led by top members of the sect who preached and offered prayers for peaceful coexistence and unity in the country. Sheikh Muhammad Kabir Qassim, the Deputy Chief Imam of Jema’a Central Mosque, urged Muslims to hold fast to the teachings of their religion and pray for peace, for the benefit of humanity. Also, Alhaji Husain Muhammad-Tahir, the Chairman, Ansaru Faidhatu Tijjaniyya, Kafanchan, called on parents to inculcate religious teachings and good behavior among their wards. He thanked Almighty God for sparing their lives to witness this year’s event. The Ulama prayed for first chairman and founder of the organization, Suleiman Tijjani-Tahir, who was kidnapped and killed recently Read the full article
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Manto | Hindi Movie | Trailer | Nandita Das | Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Manto | Hindi Movie | Trailer | Nandita Das | Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Title: Manto Language: Hindi
Nandita Das who marked her directorial debut with the stunning Firaaq in 2008, is back with her second full length feature film titled Manto. It is a biographical film based on the life of Saadat Hasan Manto- Indo-Pakistani author.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui plays the titular role of Manto.
Directed: Nandita Das | Starring: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Rasika…
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#Abhinay Banker#Danish Husain#Feryna Wazheir#Filmstoc#HP Studios#Nandita Das#Nandita Das Initiatives#Nawazuddin Siddiqui#Paresh Rawal#Purab Kohli#Rajshri Deshpande#Rasika Dugal#Shashank Arora#Sneha Khanwalkar#Tahir Raj Bhasin#Viacom 18 Motion Pictures#Vijay Varma#Zakir Hussain
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जिस ताहिर हुसैन को नहीं ढूंढ़ पाई दिल्ली पुलिस, उसने आजतक पर आकर कहा- सरेंडर कर रहा हूं
जिस ताहिर हुसैन को नहीं ढूंढ़ पाई दिल्ली पुलिस, उसने आजतक पर आकर कहा- सरेंडर कर रहा हूं
दिल्ली हिंसा के तीन मामलों में आरोपी पार्षद ताहिर हुसैन आज सरेंडर करेगा. राउज एवेन्यू कोर्ट में सरेंडर से पहले ताहिर हुसैन ने आजतक से खास बातचीत में खुद को बेगुनाह बताया. ताहिर हुसैन ने कहा कि मुझ पर गलत आरोप लगाए गए हैं. मेरे मकान का गलत इस्तेमाल किया गया.
दिल्ली हिंसा के तीन मामलों में आरोपी पार्षद ताहिर हुसैन आज सरेंडर करेगा. ताहिर हुसैन ने राउज एवेन्यू कोर्ट में सरेंडर की अर्जी लगाई है. इससे…
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Raj HC | Petitioner to approach school authority in matter relating to posting before coming to Court
Rajasthan High Court: The Bench of Arun Bhansali, J., disposed of a petition with the direction to the petitioner to approach the school authority with the required representation in a matter relating to her posting before approaching the Court.
The present writ petition was filed by the petitioner aggrieved against the order dated 08-05-2018 passed by the respondents, whereby the petitioner had been posted at a particular school indicated in the order. After the order of posting, the petitioner made representation for being posted at a school where the posts were still vacant. However, the respondents did not pass any order on the said representation. It was submitted by the counsel for the petitioner, Vikram Singh, that the petitioner should be permitted to file a fresh detailed representation and the respondents should be directed to decide the said representation expeditiously.
The Court directed that the petitioner may approach the respondents with appropriate representation mentioning all the facts & raising her grievances. In case, the petitioner still had any grievance qua the disposal of the representation, she is free to take appropriate proceedings in accordance with law. [Tahir Husain v. State of Rajasthan, S.B. Civil Writ No. 3456 of 2019, Order dated 12-03-2019]
The post Raj HC | Petitioner to approach school authority in matter relating to posting before coming to Court appeared first on SCC Blog.
Raj HC | Petitioner to approach school authority in matter relating to posting before coming to Court published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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Mr. Perfectionist AKA Aamir Khan completes a thirty year marathon run and the one man race is still on
Mr. Perfectionist AKA Aamir Khan completes a thirty year marathon run and the one man race is still on
Mr. Perfectionist AKA Aamir Khan completes a thirty year marathon run and the one man race is still on
He was never the academic kind and did not show any signs of being a perfectionist in his studies and preferred to learn the basics of filmmaking from his renowned uncle Nasir Husain, his father, Tahir Husain and much later…
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Orang Terkaya di Indonesia Tahun 2017 Versi Majalah Forbes. Edaan Duitnyaa..
Orang Terkaya di Indonesia Tahun 2017 Versi Majalah Forbes. Edaan Duitnyaa..
Majalah Forbes kembali merilis 20 orang terkaya di Indonesia tahun 2017. Ternyata Bos Djarum, Robert Budi Hartono, masih menjadi orang terkaya di Indonesia.
Sementara untuk dunia, Budi Hartono menduduki orang terkaya urutan 140. Pria kelahiran Semarang, April 1940 itu memiliki kekayaan sekitar USD 9,4 miliar atau setara dengan Rp 125 triliun.
Sedangkan posisi kedua ditempati abangnya, Michael Hartono, dengan harta kekayaan mencapai USD 8,9 miliar atau sekitar Rp 118 triliun. Dua bersaudara ini merupakan pemilik bisnis Bank Central Asia (BCA) dan industri rokok (Djarum).
Inilah daftar 20 orang terkaya di Indonesia:
1. Robert Budi Hartono USD 9,4 miliar 2. Michael Hartono USD 8,9 miliar 3. Sri Prakash Lohia USD 5,4 miliar 4. Chairul Tanjung USD 4,6 miliar 5. Tahir USD 2,8 miliar 6. Murdaya Poo USD 2,1 miliar 7. Theodore Rachmat USD 1,9 miliar 8. Mochtar Riady USD 1,9 miliar 9. Prajogo Pangestu USD 1,8 miliar 10. Peter Sondakh USD 1,7 miliar 11. Ciputra USD 1,6 miliar 12. Martua Sitorus USD 1,5 miliar 13. Sukanto Tanoto USD 1,5 miliar 14. Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja USD 1,4 miliar 15. Djoko Susanto USD 1,3 miliar 16. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo USD 1,2 miliar 17. Husain Djojonegoro USD 1,2 miliar 18. Husain Djojonegoro USD 1,2 miliar 19. Harjo Sutanto USD 1,2 miliar 20. Hary Tanoesoedibjo USD 1,1 miliar (sumber: majalah forbes/jpnn)
Sumber : Orang Terkaya di Indonesia Tahun 2017 Versi Majalah Forbes. Edaan Duitnyaa..
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