#Tagging meme
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davycoquette · 8 months ago
Character Writing Exercises
I was going to make this a tagging game & include my taglist, but it's pretty involved and I don't want anyone to feel pressured to do it if it's a chore/they don't want to/it's not helpful to them.
Below are some exercises I find really, really useful for pulling brand new characters out of my ass. Barring that, they're fun to do for existing characters as well!
Paint a picture of a character by describing their bedroom while they’re not in it.
Whip up a new one right now, fall back on a tried and true OC. Or a canon character; I’m not the boss of you.
Shuffle a playlist on your music player of choice. For whichever song plays, describe what you “see” with your imagination.
For those of you who struggle to “see” imagined things, just tell me what’s goin’ on in that beautiful noodle of yours. Also, please tell me the song so I can listen to it while I read this part!
Describe a character by turning out their pockets.
what has it got in its pocketses?
An abandoned and unlocked phone (or wallet, if you wanna go back a coupla decades) has been discovered in a ratty little diner bathroom. What’s in there? What does it tell us about its owner?
Think photos, payment methods, notes, messages, Internet searches, receipts, etc. If cell phones and Waffle Houses aren't things in your character's world, pretend they are.
If you do all or some of these, please tag me because I would be overjoyed to read them!
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askfacultystaff · 2 years ago
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Principal's breakfast
Tagging: @zoeythefloppyceilingchild. @neko-sufis-world. @lunamagic-pink1977. @shadycosplayinbaldiaskblog. @in0ts0phia. @/Everyone else.
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azriona · 1 month ago
Fic Tagging Game!
Tagged by @maryofdoom
Oh, I like how this one’s constructed!
1. Most Hits
A result that will surprise exactly no one: Mise en Place, aka the one where Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay. Second place isn’t even close.
2. Second Most Kudos
In a surprise twist, the second-most kudos’ed fic is Those Three Words, which is the YOI Omegaverse where Yuuri knocks Victor up at the Grand Prix (shortly before his career implodes).  Or maybe not a surprising thing; honestly, this whole fic was a delightful surprise for me, so I should stop being surprised that it continues to surprise me.
3. Third Most Comment Threads
Also Those Three Words. YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN??? Hold on, brb, I’m laughing too hard.
4. Fourth Most Bookmarks
Awww, it’s Timing! The little one-shot that could. Johnlock, first kiss, total funny fluff. You say the only popular fics are the smutty ones? This is the exception that proves the rule, I suppose.
5. Fifth Most Words
Oh, I wouldn’t have guessed this one: Dangerous Disadvantages, which is the second main story of the Heart ‘Verse. (Johnlock, Omegaverse, John’s pregnant when Sherlock jumps and angst follows.)
You know what? I love Those Three Words, but honestly, I have nearly 200 fics on AO3, it does not get to occupy two slots on this chart. We’re doing a Bonus Round.
Bonus just for me because TTW is getting too full of itself, silly beloved goose of a fic:
Third Most Subscribed Fic
Well, fuck me sideways with a spoon.
I could not make this result up if I TRIED.
I swear I didn’t run this result before deciding to implement a bonus round.
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Yeah, I’m going to bed now.
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ltleflrt · 3 months ago
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Thanks for tagging me in the writing memes @eriquin and @anarchycox! Even if it wasn't this one lol
Dang, I wish I had this fancy template on years where I was writing for a booming popular fandom, so the numbers would look impressive. Oh well, the fact is that I got up to 10k Kudos on Kiss the Baker in 2024 (thanks to all of you who helped with those last 34!), and that's a damn cool accomplishment 😁
(template by @spicedrobot can be found here)
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angstsplatter · 2 months ago
Tagged by incontrovertible @shadowbends who I still get fannish over whenever she notices me lmaoooo! *ace buddy fist bump*
Last song: I'm actually not a huge music person, so I had to hunt down the answer to this. It was Test Drive from the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack!
Fave color: I'm really bad at favorites, so I tend to have clumps of favorites. I like blue, green, and orange primarily as faves.
Last book: I'm about 3/4 of the way through The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco, still. Discovered Chupeco through their phillipinx mythos The Sacrifice book, which I was enthralled by. I am LOVING The Girl From the Well, which is such a cool take on vengeful ghosts from the ghost's perspective.
Last movie: Nosferatu, which I gave a solid B/B+. Won't make it to my top faves, but it was a good enough watch in theaters.
Last show: In a "mindless content" kinda manner right now, so it was Money for Nothing. It's fun watching the upcycling process and seeing what ideas people have for transformation.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Ooooh why do you torture me with difficult questions. I GUESS I'm gonna have to go spicy, which tends to be the biggest staple of my diet. Even when I don't mean to, I end up making a lot of my food spicy for taste, lmao.
Relationship status: Non-amorous and non-partnering aroace. Very happily solo.
Last thing i googled: I don't want to count googling The Sacrifice to make sure I had the title right, so we'll go with "dark winds show". An author I followed mentioned she'd started it. I hadn't heard of it, so I looked it up to see if it was something I'd be interested in watching. (Maybe if I came across it naturally but not enough so that I'm going to go looking for it.)
Current obsession: Too depressive slump to obsess right now, but most recent obsessions have been Dead End: Paranormal Park (Deadendia), Rise of the TMNT, and The Locked Tomb. I guess the last thing I technically started obsessing over was Alexandria Rowland's books, but my library only has three of them, so my obsession was kind of abruptly ended, LOL.
Looking forward to: I got a kindle scribe for Christmas, and I have field work coming up, so I'm looking forward to trying to balance getting some reading done and getting some writing done. I got like a dozen things published before I got this job, so I'd like to get back into writing! Aaaaalso Heavenly Tyrant came out, which I've been waiting for for...two years now? Super hype to finish TGFTW and dig into that! (That's a funny thing to say I'll do during field work, LOL, but that's part of the reason I like field work. It either keeps me naturally busy enough that I don't struggle to focus like office work or we have so much downtime I get to do things like actually read again.)
Tagging: @metalshootingstar, @deadlyflan, @dawntreaderflynne, @busybeern, @wobblefloss, @gonzogodzilla, @aliciadreaming, @remedyturtles, and @brilliantsnafu if y'all are so inclined :>
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uldren-sov · 8 months ago
tagged by @rivensbane tyty!! this is such a fun prompt
rules: make a poll with your top 5 favorite antagonists and ask your followers to vote for their favorite.
(I know that I'm going to forget some faves but just off the top of my head...)
(feel free to rb to get a bigger sample size) As your local villains lover I have SO many others, many just in Destiny alone and again I KNOW I forgot a lot but here's ONLY 5
keeping the chain going im tagging: @sotc @plushchimera @cytharat @drhu0806 @camelliagwerm @susandsnell @elegiacescapist @kornyo as always no pressure to do this (or do it again if you already have) but I lov your guys takes so enjoy!
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simbico · 1 year ago
Top 23 Screenshots for 2023
Tagged by @nitrozem💜 Thank you! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
I put most of them under a cut because, even though I don't mind it on my dash, idk if everyone feels the same about long posts.
tagging a few lovelies: @kissalopa @keoni-chan @introvertedfox @damseljamsel @illuminated-foxx @memoirsofasim
Feel free to do it if you want to! (˙꒳​˙ ) (If I'm not the first person to tag you all, sorry! My memory on a good day isn't great. ( ̄▽ ̄ )ゞ )
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1. The loneliest bus stop that I learned from posting this is actually functional!
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2. Recreation of one of my very first sims made with the CAS demo; Agent Pierce Connery.
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3. Amantius and Hugo on their first vacation trip. Hugo was so thin then compared to now, I forgot. lol
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4. Fifi and Priscilla, my Growing Together save while I waited for mod updates. I miss them but they've had some of the cutest kids in my current save.
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5. When Amantius set the shower on fire when he tried to magic clean it and all the cats came in to panic in circles around his feet.
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7. Toddler Fern trying to talk to newborn Juniper.
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8. Where's the (roast) beef?! (I still think about this and it still bothers me.)
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9. Matching buddies!
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10. I still don't know how her blow out got both of them.
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11. Love Day!
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12. When a glitch helped give the best angle for Queen Fern.
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13. The baby who didn't want to be held for anything.
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15. I did a meme too.
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16. 🐸ding ding🐸
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17. When they thought it was a good idea to duel.
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18. YAMACHAN! (also Rosen is so smol. 🥺)
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19. When I was ready to watch Amantius burn to death just to see if he or the chair was on fire.
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20. I was just happy with how this turned out. I went through a lot of anguish before I learned how to use wickedwhims to position teen and adult sims with poses.
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21. Rosen might be my favorite. (But Juniper is still a strong contestant.)
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22. Waffle's face.
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23. Their autonomous flirts/kisses melt my heart.🥹
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nothwell · 11 months ago
Post 6 sentences from a WIP and then tag 6 people.
(tagged by @a-kind-of-merry-war, go read One Night in Hartswood)
Each of the three knuckle-bones lay entombed in its own locket-cage of silver filigree. Two silver marbles rolled between them, bracketed by delicate hinges. Silver scales overlapped the back of the contraption, armouring the bones against the slings and arrows of the world. The combination of the marbles within and the armour without made up the difference in the bones’ lack of flesh, so the resulting whole was equal in every measure to Fiore’s remaining fleshly finger—a perfect match.
Still, the number of chains—one along the underside, which made sense, but two over the back—puzzled Fiore.
“They represent the tendons,” Enzo explained in response to Fiore’s enquiring glance.
tagging… @0bfvscate @ashen-crest @noahhawthorneauthor @stjohnstarling @tesscarletta @writingwolverina
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neko-sufis-world · 2 years ago
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Me in real life
@serentiydraw5678 @loki104-uwu @nia1sworld @dimensions-multiverse-universe @alexisthemultifandomfan100 @untitled14360 @askfacultystaff @meg-rebloguea @rookie-choco @ykimhak01 @artismeyou-45 @cutedemon576 @lunamagic-pink1977 @cutebendy and anyone else -v-
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wotzka · 2 months ago
10 questions
Thank you for the tag, @smoggyfogbottom and I'm SO flattered you gobbled up UGR! Also YOUR CAT IS SO CUTE! 🥹
(I posted this earlier as part of the reply chain, but it was getting very long so I just made a new post instead. So if you saw this before and are seeing it again that's why!)
Last song: On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
Favorite color: right now, gray or navy blue
Last book/fic: I just finished a reread of Emma by Jane Austen, but my most recent new-read was Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews, which is the second book in the Kate Daniels series
Last movie: Dark City with the D&D squad!
Last show: A better glimpse into what I've been watching the past couple weeks is probably youtube videos? so I'd say this Xena: Warrior Princess retrospective, or this interesting video essay about writing voices, comparing two articles about two influencers (some trigger warnings for darker themes in the second one)
Relationship: Married to the sea! And also to this guy who hangs around my apartment
Last animal you petted: my cat!!
Last thing I internet searched: "mantua maker" - from a book I was reading. Apparently a mantua was a stylish article of clothing that women in wore in 18th century Europe!
Current obsession: I'm smack dab in the middle of a Jane Austen phase, which happens to me every 3-5 years (hence, "mantua maker")
I look forward to telling you: About my D&D characters/campaigns, and my red hot Jane Austen takes (and also my ice cold Jane Austen takes)
Tagging: @empresstress13 @buttsonthebeach @vide0-nasties and anyone else who is interested!
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askfacultystaff · 1 year ago
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Rama: Do you accept my confession, (your name)? ⊙V⊙
@neko-sufis-world. @mimiocto. @lunamagic-pink1977. @shadycosplayinbaldiaskblog. @zoeythefloppyceilingchild. @/Anyone.
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cassieoctavia · 11 months ago
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Then Let Me Be Evil
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
[Quiz here]
Was going to do this anyway, then I got tagged by @dragonsongmakhali, then Akuma was announced for SF6, and everything came together!
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ltleflrt · 9 months ago
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for tagging me @elvenmother 😊
1 - How many works do you have on AO3? 120
2 - What’s your total AO3 word count? 2,055,236
3 - What fandoms do you write for? Dragon Age, Mass Effect, SPN/Destiel, Baldur's Gate 3. I've also written a couple of City of Heroes fic, but those were a special situation, and I wouldn't say I "write for CoH fandom".
4 - Top five fics by kudos (lol these haven't changed in years but number 6 is creeping up on them, so maybe soon this list will be different!)
Kiss the Baker
Satin and Sawdust
No Words
Cursed or Not
Addicted to you
5 - Do you respond to comments? I respond on multi-chapter fics but not on short one shots. Unless it's for a smaller fandom, which for me is anything not Destiel. If there's only a tiny following, I make sure to respond to all of those to keep a connection with the community.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? No Such Thing As Ghosts
7 - What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Other than the fic in the previous question, they're all deliriously happy endings, so I couldn't pick just one.
8 - Do you get hate on fics? Not often. At most I get a bit of disgust about a side pairing, and it's been years since I've gotten something truly nasty.
9 - Do you write smut? Hells yeah. Patron Saint of Shower Smut babeee!
10 - Craziest crossover? I don't write crossovers, but I have lots of fusion ideas that I'll never write.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah, I've had a fic pop up on Wattpad before. They were quick to take it down when I reported it.
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup a couple. They're linked to the originals on AO3.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not officially. I've had some extremely hands on beta work, both as the beta and the writer, and @bendingsignpost wrote a lovely prequel to one of my fics 😊
14 - All time favorite ship? Uh...I've written the most and the longest for Destiel, so I guess that's my answer for now.
15 - What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably Shameless, and definitely Descent and For Better or Worse.
16 - What are your writing strengths? I think I'm really good at dialogue that sounds like the character even in an AU.
17 - What are your writing weaknesses? Setting descriptions
18 - Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Love it
19 - First fandom you wrote in? Dragon Age
20 - Favorite fic you’ve written? I refuse to choose a favorite out of all my babies, but I wish more people would read Dreaming in Digital 😆
tagging @jupiterjames @anarchycox @slytherkins @littleraeofsunshineda @joasakura and anyone else who wants to play 💜
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morgan-aleghieri · 1 month ago
9 Fandom People I'd Like to Get To Know Better
Tagged by: @janzoo ! 🥰 Thank you!
Three Ships I Like: Ough, tricky. Artoirel x Stephanivien is pretty good. Jane x Bingley (90s v)... 🤔🤔🤔 trying to think of something else that isn't just another ffxiv ship jeez... Ok you know what, Trixie Belden x Jim.
First Ship: God, who knows at this point. Jo March and Friedrich Bhaer maybe. Or Elisa Maza and Goliath.
Last Song: According to VLC, the last song I listened to was
Favourite Childhood Book(s): Oh good question, wee child? "Martha B. Rabbit - The Faerie's Cook," I think.
Currently Reading: I haven't read much lately, but I did start reading, "The Silver Metal Lover," by Tanith Lee recently.
Currently Watching: The Colin Firth "Pride & Prejudice" on repeat, apparently 👀💦 (it's a good background watch alright)
Currently Consuming: Like, food? Or content? Food - chocolate wagon wheel biscuit I guess. 😩 Content - I've been powering thru Veilguard finally. Not quite finished, but I'm probably not far off the PoNR.
Currently Craving: B o r g e r
Tagging: (Alas, no one, but if you want to play and pretend I tagged you, please do!)
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uldren-sov · 7 months ago
Get to know you meme
Tagged by @shaydh and @sotc !! Tysm!! Sorry it's so late but the horrors have persisted (but so do I)
Three Ships:
Shakarian (Mass Effect)
RebelCaptain (Star Wars)
Ilya Kurayakin/Gaby Teller/Napoleon Solo (TMFU)
(I legit blanked for so long on this LOL)
First Ship: I hate to be lazy with this but Shaydh you really popped off with Kurama/Karasu (YuYu Hakusho)
Last Movie: Dune 2 (womp womp)
Last Song: Circle With Me - Spiritbox
Currently Reading: Going to be reading Tevinter Nights (bc im being bullied)
Currently Watching: Finished watching The Decameron and WHAT a good time.
Currently Eating: glass of water lol had a boring salad for dinner
Currently Craving: borger
Tagging: @plushchimera @fetabathwater @frozenabattoir @drhu0806 @kornyo
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racxnteur · 3 months ago
Tagged by @at-heart-a-gentleman
Last song: The Fix Is In by OK Go
Fav colour: red/burgundy
Last book: presently reading The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchet; and, as of last night, re-reading The Raven Boys (and then TDT) to prep for my friend getting back on TRC to start Blue Lily, Lily Blue while I re-read along
Last movie: Nightbitch
Last TV show: rotating between Elementary rewatch and BBC Merlin rewatch
Sweet/savoury/spicy: also usually savory although I think I've been more on sweets this year than usual
Relationship status: confirmed bachelor <- stealing because accurate
Last thing I searched: "can a three week old kitten climb"
Current obsession: I'm reviving my interest in BBC Merlin when it's on for rewatching; other than that I've recently become intimately acquainted with the insufficiency of Being Human UK fic on AO3
Looking forward to: a rheumatologist being able to give me a hopefully less ambiguous answer on whether my ANA results & history are cause for concern or not
Fav drink: Pepsi on the rocks
Song playing 24/7: I crave stimulation by means of variety
Current fav character: there is absolutely never a singular answer to this. From things I've mentioned or alluded to in this post so far, take the Luggage, Ronan Lynch, Merlin Emrys, Grantaire, John Mitchell.
Fun activity you would like to get into: I'd like to re-get into tabletop gaming and horses.
Last video game: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Last comic/graphic novel: the Tapas comics I've been keeping up with mostly are Hugger Mugger, Valentine, B-Side You, Ceo-San and Hisho-Kun, and R. U. Screwed
Tagging @beauteousicarus @cheerynoir @thecatsformalwear @weisbrot and whoever else wants to do it I am tagging you in spirit and you may name me as your tagger
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