#Taffy and Ghosty
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taffycandyqt · 11 months ago
Duo Name
Ghosty and I were thinking of a duo name that we could use on Tumblr. And we need some help with them!
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fluxedbuds · 2 years ago
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thinking thoughts of the tek variety
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taffycandyqt · 8 months ago
maybe something like, haunted diaries? Or if that's not the vibe, Alex('s) corner? Or you could do something fanbase centered like shadowfan_1 or something.
y’all I need help
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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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NAMES︰ acid. adder. adrian. aisling. alex. alice. alix. amethyst. annabelle. aqua. ash. ashlee. ashley. aspen. astley. avril. awe. axe. ayesha. bates. bell. bella. belladonna. bellatrix. billy. blade. blair. blitz. bloodie. bloodscene. blythe. bow. bree. butterfly. callie. candi. candy. celeste. chase. checkerz. clarity. click. coraline. couture. crow. cyril. cyrus. dakota. demi. demonia. devin. dino. dizzy. doge. dom. dominic. ebony. electra. elliot. emery. emmett. emo. epic. erin. evan. flash. fred. galaxy. gavin. gerard. ghostie. gif. gloom. gray. grayson. grim. gutz. happy. havoc. hazel. heyley. hunter. hyde. indigo. ink. iris. ivory. ivy. jack. jade. jason. jasper. jax. jeff. jet. jett. julie. kai kandi. kandiz. kat. kayden. killer. kit. kitt. kobi. kyler. lady. lapis. lee. lexie. liam. luna. lurk. lynx. lyric. lyxzen. mace. maddox. madeline. mae. malice. marceline. marcie. mars. mavis. meow. mia. midnight. mika. mill. nana. neo. net. nick. nina. noah. noob. nora. nyan. nyx. obscene. octavia. olivia. onix. onyx. opal. orange. orchid. pearl. phantom. phoenix. pierce, pierce. pitch. pixie. pop. punk. pusheen. rain. rainbow. raine. rainer. rave. raven. raver. rawr. razorz. reaper. ripley. river. rogue. ronnie. rose. rouge. roux. rubi. ruby ruby. sable. salem. sally. sapphire. sash. sasha. scythe. silvi. silvia. smiley. smoke. smokey. snap. snow. sonya. soot. sparrow. spike. splatter. spook. stella. steve. stripe. sunny. suzi. suzie. suzy. taffi. taffy. tag. tech. tempest. travis. trend. tyler. vesper. vine. vista. vivi. waffle. wave. web. wentz. wesley. wild. willow. wound. xander. z!m. zach. zack. zade. zaire. zak. zander. zara. zero. ziggy. zim. zircon. zoe. zoom. zyair.
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PRONOUNS︰ awesome/awesome. ay/aym. bark/bark. bi/bim. bite/bite. black/black. bling/blingee. blood/blood. bone/bone. bow/bow. brace/bracelet. bright/bright. bright/colour. byte/byte. cat/cat. cata/catatonic. ce/cer. check/checkered. chem/chem. cir/circut. color/color. computer/computer. cool/cool. cos/cos. creepy/pasta. cringe/cringe. cry/cry. cut/cut. dead/dead. death/death. die/die. dino/dino. emo/emo. emoticon/emoticon. epic/epic. ev/ev. exe/exe. ey/em. eye/strain. fang/fang. fringe/fringe. game/game. gamer/gamer. ghost/ghost. gir/gir. girr/girr. glit/glitter. glitter/glitter. gloom/gloom. glow/glow. glow/stick. gore/gore. grr/grr. gun/gun. gut/gut. hor/horror. hx/hxm. hyper/hyper. hyperpop/hyperpop. internet/internet. it/it. ix/ix. kan/kandi. kand/kandi. kandi/kandi. kill/kill. kit/kit. knife/knife. lix/lix. loud/loud. luv/luv. mask/mask. meme/meme. meow/meow. mew/mew. mlp/mlp. mon/monster. mspaint/mspaint. music/music. neo/neon. neon/neon. net/net. nostalgia/nostalgia. nya/nya. nya/nyan. nyan/cat. old/old. online/online. pika/pikachu. pix/pix. pixel/pixel. plur/plur. pony/pony. pop/pop. pop/tart. queen/queen. quiet/quiet. rain/rain. rainbow/rainbow. random/random. rave/rave. rawr/rawr. raz/razor. red/red. rei/reina. scene/scene. scene/scenester. scenecore/scenecore. scream/scream. shx/hxr. si/silent. silly/silly. skull/skull. slash/slash. slice/slice. sound/sound. spi/spider. spook/spook. stab/stab. stick/sticker. sticker/sticker. stud/stud. swag/swags/swagself. thxy/thxm. troll/troll. tutu/tutu. txt/txt. vamp/vamp. video/game. virtual/virtual. vocaloid/vocaloid. web/web. windows/window. xe/xem. xey/xem. xy/xyr. youtube/youtube. ze/zem. ze/zer. ze/zero. zi/zim. zim/zim. zom/zombie. zomb/zomb.
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freebooter4ever · 4 months ago
ghosty bread goal AND a laffy taffy goal, this is a good game ^_^
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vaas · 2 years ago
ghost and cassiopeia are the same person. like genetically. i have decided. ghost is the original human flesh body of cassiopeia. cassiopeia^2 is a synth.
ghosts full name is Cassia Garvey
(her and preston got married)
cassiopeia goes by Pia of Far Harbour
ghost escaped cryostasis like immediately after the vault was opened and disappeared into the wasteland
she was picked up by the children of atom basically immediately and disappeared into the glowing sea
cassiopeia is fabricated by the institute, placed in the vault, woken up at the appointed time and does all the regular sosu stuff
ghost is physically mutated by the time cassiopeia makes it to the glowing sea
she looks like someone put her through a taffy stretching machine shes tall and skinny. pale and greyish. bulbous jaundiced eyes. she has atoms gift but her body is still reacting badly
the initial meeting goes pretty bad! its pretty bad! its not good! cassiopeia brought nick with her so she has kind of the best possible guy to talk her through it but still. bad
ghost returns to the commonwealth a bit after cassiopeia leaves and returns to sanctuary where she meets preston!
cassiopeia gets cyborged out in the institute shes like "well you already stuck your stupid noses in my body. now give me robot arms."
their relationship improves over time especially after synth shaun shows up
ultimately they split their name up even tho ghostie goes by ghost by choice she likes being spooky
the official label they use is 'sisters' and shaun calls cassiopeia Mom and ghost Aunt
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just-a-ghostiee · 9 months ago
yayyy tag game!
Nickname(s): ghostie, ben, benjamin
Zodiac sign: libra
Height: 5'2"
Last thing I googled: steam gift card
Amount of sleep: goes to bed at 11-12 pm and wakes up at 6 am
Dream job: Mental health therapist, working at a youth mental hospital
Movie/book that describes me the most: fullmetal alchemist and NINJA TURTLES HAJDJCNZJAKDJAXBA
Favorite song(s): fireworks - mitski, custer-slipknot, achilles come down - gang of youths, dead as fuck - motionless in white, AND SO MANY MORE
favorite instrument: cello or electric bass
Favorite aesthetic: grunge
Favorite author: *I don't know* 😭
Random fun fact: I'm in a band!!
@cupcakeslushie @elliwoods @ilovebeingaturtle @onionninjasstuff @raphala-taffy @raphieartz @wraenata 🫶
hehehe starting another tag gamee
nickname : irl i dont rlly have one?? also dont think i have one here??
zodiac sign : cancer <33
height : 5'6 (168cm maybe??)
last thing I googled: the road toll from where we stayed at the beach to home
amount of sleep: bro like 6 then i was up for a few hours then 2 more
dream job: upper high/uni teacher (specifically english and humanities) but if not idk i just wanna sit in my room with my silly little guys
movie/book that describes me the most: movie would probably be ladybird it makes me so fdahfdhalk
favorite song: atm gibson girl by ethel cain (been listening to her album recently fdhlhfald)
favorite instrument: to listen to, i lovee the sound of orchestral string instruments in pop/modern songs. to play would be drumkit or guitar
favorite aesthetics: omggg so many but i love downtown girl/rockstar girlfriend (even tho i AM the rockstar and the girlfriend ehehe)
favorite author: as of now octavia e. butler
random fun fact: my favourite potato chip flavour is sea salt and balsamic vinegar
npt <3 @zzzzzzzzzee @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @literatureisdying @tellme-o-muse @recklessandyoung @holdmyteaplease @strawberryloveyyy @syzygy-yzygy @svnflowermoon @ineedibuprofen @august-taylors-version @a-portal-to-nowhere @qwerty-keysmash @judeisthedude @wastedonthesebutterflies @skeelly @trying-to-be-cool-abt-it @bookscorpion73 @mandythedino @personifiedgoldenretriever @notatypicalhumanatall @isitoversnowtvs @stopurlosingme @evermore-4-life @evazlana @giveuthemo0n and anyone else that wants to join <33
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dirtytransmasc · 3 years ago
What do think the ghostie boys’s favorite candies would be?
so, I'm gonna do modern candies cause I don't know much about the 70s candy era.
Vance is the easiest in my opinion, anything vaguely spicy/cinnamon flavored. so hot tamales, red hots, cinnamon jolly ranchers that sort of stuff. I don't think he's a chocolate person all that much, he likes a little here and there, but normally it's too overpowering for him. I think he likes the fluffy gummies like the sharks, cuss ether glassic clear gummies can be a little too chewy for him (he has sensitive teeth, cause I said so)
Griffin likes sweet and sour stuff so think Mike an Ike's, sour patch kids, sour gummies. again not the biggest chocolate fan, lesser so then even Vance.
Finney likes classics, he gives me the vibes of someone who has an old man taste in candy. so the regular gummy bears, taffy's, twizzlers, chocolate bars. he really likes butterfingers and kit Kats. just the tamer more original stuff.
Bruce is kinda everywhere, he likes hard candies, he likes something he can just pop in his mouth and suck in for a while. so he'll eat sweet, sour, spicy. if he can find harder chocolate candies (like chocolate blow pops) he'll take those no problem. he also eats a lot of gum, definitely the biggest gum person in the group, and he has a gazillion different packs of all different brands and flavours for all different occasions.
robin likes chocolate, probably the most. he will steal stuff from any of the bigs cause he doesn't necessarily dislike anything. he mostly steals from Vance, claiming he has the best taste in candy (he loves Finney dearly, but his taste in candy is kinda crap), but also cause he does like spicer candy's. he also likes Mexican styled chocolate, now my white ass doesn't know much about it but I've had mexican style chocolate made with both cinnamon and chilli powder and I think it would be right up his alley (I tried finding a specific name for it and couldn't, but if someone knows please leave it in the comments so I can edit this with the right name).
lastly Billy, I don't think he has a major sweet tooth, he's more of a savory type of person, so he sticks to butterfingers, caramels, and peanut butter based candies. definitely chews a lot of gum though, and he loves crunch and munch.
bonus: gwenny likes sweet hard candies, but she just chews straight through them. so think any sort of sucker candies (that's what I've been raised calling them, they normally look like big pills or cough drops, and they come in a couple dozen flavors), lollipops, stuff like that.
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fragileizywriting · 3 years ago
this is going to resonate with absolutely no one in the crowd and it is going to make zero sense but i have a felinette idea and the whole reason why it's felinette in the first place is because of the name "graham de vanilly" which i'm sure at some point was supposed to be a nod to vanilla graham crackers? hold on let me confirm with ghostie
okay so apparently his name is not at all a nod to vanilla graham crackers. i totally made that up, apparently. honest to god i thought that was the reference, but i'm totally wrong, so this is definitely going to be uhhhh a mess. anywaaayyy...
how about this: a chocolate com pimenta... inspired... fic... mixed with fire lily petals.
alright here we go let me give you the rundown of my plot [shoves your wiki article away] no. don't look at that. you've never heard of chocolate com pimenta, that's fine. let me explain to you the fun. uh. how do i start this.
basic presmise of my fic would be something like this: the owners of the chocolate factory in the town of [whatever. france?] are getting wealthier and wealthier as the years go on. the graham de vanily household is absolutely full of wealth and money, and now the owner of the factory, felix, has absolutely everything he wants smack in the middle of his 20s.
marinette, a poor girl in her very early 20s with confectionary parents, living on her uncle's farm after her parents passed away. she sells and makes her own confectionary in the town using the chocolate bars that the GDVs sell, except hers is good. like, good. rumors keep floating around that the sweetheart valentine chocolates end up making you aroused.
the sympathy mints make your heartache hurt less.
the truffle loverhoney she sells in jars are so sweet that every time you see someone you love you get a toothache.
the salty-tears taffy is a kid favorite, always making them cry on the first taste until you stop eating it.
there are decadent chocolate cakes with rows and rows of strawberries and fudge, there are carrot cakes shaped into interesting molds with powdered sugar, there are flans and puddings with condensed milk, passion-fruit mousses that ooze sweetness, and, and--
felix is so confused. he shows up, wanting to buy at least one of her items, just one of her sweets, and ends up falling in love with the girl behind the counter when she treats him so kindly. she's a breath of fresh air compared to what he deals with at the estate, and had no idea.
she's so sweet, just like the stuff she sells, and wow wow wow felix comes back home with a sweet in his hand that he's so terrified to try out.
he does.
oh god.
he spends every single chance he gets trying to convince her to work for "the gdv's, they'd love to have you," to which she says no thank you. he has no idea that marinette's also caught the eye of the city's star princess, chloe, a childhood friend of felix's who knows exactly what's happening every time he slips into marinette's shop, and has deliberately threatened her that if she gets any closer to felix she'll have issues.
chloe tries out the chocolate making business, too, trying to get felix's attention. she fails horribly. even when she thinks she's found marinette's secret, and uses it in her own chocolate making, everything comes out bland. something's afoot with marinette's confectionary skills.
i haven't thought any more ahead.
but i just really like the idea of felix and marinette eating chocolate together and giggling like children. so cute. i hope they get married in this fic, it'd be adorable-- this definitely wouldn't be a oneshot. i don't know.
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musubiki · 4 years ago
Aaa I love your comic sm, all of the characters are so precious and I want to give them all hugs! <3 I dont know if anyone's asked this question before, but I'm super curious! If the characters from TCWG all had Pokemon what kind of team would they each have? And which cat Pokemon would Pom be? :3
aaa thank you!!! 😭😭 im super glad you like my characters!!!
mochi ➡️ fairy type!! since fairy i guess is the most “magic” type?? plus it matches her aesthetic!! (and in this case her mom would be the regional professor and also a fairy user) 
pom is her sylveon!! i know a lot of people say umbreon or something is better but i dont mind pom being pink if she can fit in with mochis scary fairys.,...plus i love the idea of pom with her creepy flesh ribbons
lime ➡️ electric!! we saw this coming, though i think he comes from a family of dragons cuz he does have a bit of fang going on there
coco ➡️ dark type!! cocos main character trait is that shes a fist fighter, and since dark is considered the “dishonorable/underhanded fighting” type, it matches her!! plus it also matches her monochrome aesthetic
oscar ➡️ ghost!! we all saw this coming. hes a ghosty boy
taffy ➡️ water (we all saw this coming too)
and one more but penny ➡️ normal type!! since bunneary matches her color pallet/aesthetic so well but also bc her and oscar are supposed to be each others bane so their fights are always (it had no effect!) (it had no effect!) (it had no effect!) (it ha
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taffycandyqt · 10 months ago
some little outfit sketches
i drew @ghosty-0w0 some different outfits for her human persona. Her you are girly pop(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
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sorry if some of the lines are hard to interpret. These are just quick sketches.
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queenofbaws · 4 years ago
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well hey friends! it’s wednesday again!! it’s been a hot second since i’ve been able to post a finished product, but rest assured i’ve got some capital-s Stuff coming soon!!! until then, a couple peeks at what i have cooking up:
some ghosty stuff...
“Sooo…” he said slowly, pulling that vowel sound out until it became something saccharine and drippy, hot taffy pulled by an artisan on the side of a boardwalk. “What’s, uh…what’s with Grizzly Adams over there?” A strange look came over his face then, and when he fixed his eyes on Josh that time, most of his laughter had drained away. “Is this a sex thing?”
Josh took in a deeply exasperated breath. He tried to find that vague ‘center’ within himself Sam was always going on about. He leveled his gaze at Conrad and willed himself not to crack wise. It was…so much harder than he’d anticipated. “What have I ever done to make you think I’d ever consider having sex with someone who looks like that?”
“Literally every life choice you’ve ever made. I need you to come to grips with that, and then I’m gonna need you to accept it.”
and a dragon age au no one asked for but that you’re (probably) getting anyway...
With the sort of smirk reserved specifically for younger siblings, Bethany waved Carver over, patting the seat next to her. “We’re making fun of Mari,” she giggled, her laughter growing that much louder as Hawke hung her head and Carver sat himself in the open chair.
“Well well! Finally a conversation I can get behind!” He grinned his own grin at that (if one could call the stoic upturning of his lips a grin), fixing Hawke with a knowing look as he prepared to launch himself into it in earnest. “Not that I’m picky, but what’re we making fun of her for, exactly? There’s so much to choose fr—”
Carver was back on his feet immediately. “Goodbye.”
i hope you guys are doing well out there in internet land! if you have any wips YOU want an excuse to share, heck, say i tagged you and share those babies!!!
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misgivings · 7 years ago
Halloween candy, ranked
43. Peeps: Plumbing caulk. Leftover foam party residue. I don’t care if you made it look like a cute little ghostie. It’s still meringue with poor self-esteem.
42. Popcorn balls: At least hand out apples, Mom.
41. Weird off-brand chocolate wrapped in foil: If a candy sits in a bowl and no one eats it, is it still candy? At what point does it become an artifact?
40. Candy pumpkins: The candy equivalent of eating crown molding. This is for decoration.
39. Candy corn: Though it is similar to its pumpkin-shaped colleague, the saving grace of these most divisive Halloween candies is that you can stick them on your canine teeth and pretend to be a vampire with gingivitis. What would you call that flavor, anyway? Expired sugar? Dull resignation to the way things have always been? Be better to yourself.
38. Lollipops: Dum Dums are legit. Anything else takes too long and keeps you from eating other candy.
37. Bubblegum: See above. As a Koopa shell is in Mario Kart, so this is. It just gets in the way. Don’t get me started on Blow Pops.
36. Smarties: Some blackboard chalk magnate is cackling at the greatest scam ever pulled.
35. Swedish Fish: Like a fine malbec, one cannot appreciate Poseidon’s gummiest children until adulthood, and even then only if they have particular tastes. They’re not worth putting in a festive cauldron for all to enjoy.
34. Taffy: No one else is in on the joke, grandma.
33. Jellybeans: I want to shove candy in my mouth, not consult a chart just to figure out if I’m about to taste lemon or pee.
32. Jolly Ranchers: These are a prize for many children, enticed by a shard of glass that will turn their tongue blue. The discerning confection connoisseur knows they’re one-note and cloying.
31. Airheads: Only ranked higher than taffy because it doesn’t double as a low-cost dental filling. Softer, gentler, still inessential.
30. Nerds: These are heterosexual Pop Rocks.
29. 3 Musketeers: You get out of life what you put into it. If you put in only nougat, you become the elevator music of candies.
28. Milk Duds: I love a Milk Dud. I hate needing a Waterpik and a blowtorch to not look like Austin Powers when I’m done.
27. Pixy Stix: One one hand, I respect the simplicity of distilling the concept of candy to straight-up sugar granules. On the other hand, it’s like ordering coffee at Starbucks and just getting a cup of beans. Do a little work, man.
26. Hershey’s Kisses: This is a Christmas candy.
25. Hershey’s Bar: It’s like eating a dry baked potato. Sure, you can do it. But you don’t have to.
24. Sweet Tarts: Smarties are Olivia Newton-John at the beginning of “Grease.” Sweet Tarts are Olivia Newton-John in leather pants.
23. Sour Patch Kids: A year-round favorite of kids, and for good reason, but don’t you find all that sour sugar gauche?
22. Kit Kat: Humble and workmanlike, like a dad who works nights.
21. M&Ms (peanut): This will be an upset ranking, but I don’t care. These are not bad, but I’ve never eaten a bag of plain M&Ms and thought, “I wish this tasted like a free snack from a bar.”
20. Snickers: The prototypical candy bar. You’ve got your chocolate, your caramel, your nuts. Somehow, that chewy devil, nougat, snuck into this party. But all things considered, it’s earned its prestige.
19. Milky Way: There is a small chance I just don’t love peanuts in my candy.
18. Twix: The main problem with candy in general is that it’s not cookies. These sugary Frankenstein sticks found a crunchy, chewy gap in the market and filled it like capitalist heroes.
17. Almond Joy: A flood of tender, tropical sweetness mixed with crunchy, hearty almonds and enveloped in milk chocolate. My stance on nuts is becoming more inscrutable by the minute. I guess sometimes you do feel like a nut.
15. Nestle Crunch: Look no further for evidence that texture is a major player in the confectionary Hunger Games. The defined ridges on the Crunch bar are fun to bite into; the crisped rice mixed in keeps the sensations coming with each chew.
14. Whoppers: They’re like little eggs filled with crunchy powder that taste like an ice cream treat. Weird, but good! They’ve been around in some form since the late 1930s, which is exactly the era in which you’d think someone would create something called a “malted milk ball.”
13. Lemonheads: This list has not been kind to harder candies, but Lemonheads (and to a lesser extent, their various fruit-flavored siblings) combine a sweet-and-sour lemon flavor that’s not too precious with a layered texture experience. Bonus: The creator named them after his newborn son because he thought the baby’s head looked like a lemon. Delicious and inspired by a casual insult to an infant!
12. Starburst: Picking up taffy’s slack since 1960.
11. Skittles: Just not the purple ones.
10. 100 Grand: This candy bar makes me feel like I have clear pores and a Roth IRA.
9. Tootsie Pops: See, lollipops? All you needed was a little punch of chocolate in the middle to transcend this world.
8. Dots: Soft, juicy and unique in their interpretation of a classic fruit palette. Don’t sleep on these gumdrops.
7. M&Ms (plain): Peanuts are a distraction. I meant it.
6. Reese’s Pieces: On the other hand … You’re going to start noticing a theme, and it’s that I will praise peanut butter like I’m a choosy mom who chooses bribes from the peanut butter lobby.
5. Twizzlers: Black licorice? A poisonous hose. Red Twizzlers? A delicious, edible soda straw.
4. Gummy worms: You could slot any gummy product here, because they’re all pretty legit, but the worms take the trophy home with their name engraved on it, due to the fact that they’re spooky.
3. Tootsie Rolls: It has recently come to my attention that many people dislike Tootsie Rolls. This happened when I expressed my love for it at work, and my colleagues shrieked like I’d told them our newspaper was pivoting to video. They are wrong, and I question their moral fiber. Tootsie Rolls are chewy, they have a mellow cocoa taste and they’re really hard to melt. Also, this fact, per the Tootsie Roll website, is bonkers and worthy of respect on the creepiest holiday: Inventor Leo Hirshfield’s “recipe required the incorporation of the previous day’s Tootsie Rolls into each newly cooked confection, a graining process that Tootsie continues to this day. As such, there’s (theoretically) a bit of Leo’s very first Tootsie Roll in every one of the sixty four million Tootsie Rolls that Tootsie produces each day.”
2. Butterfinger: Just enough of a peanut butter flavor to be warm and familiar, but just different enough to be its own thing. Perhaps the most gorgeous of the candies on this list — more treats should look like geologic formations when you bite into them. Crispety, crunchety orange shale forever.
1. Reese’s Cups: King candy. The reigning champion of decadence. You know you’re in charge when your name becomes synonymous with your flavor combination. When I worked at Amy’s Ice Creams, we were told the peanut butter cups were one of the most expensive crush’ns. Royalty knows its worth. Now, figure out a way to get more peanut butter in that cup.
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12/27/2017 Horoscope
Aries: Death keeps texting you and has tried calling several times. You don’t answer.
Taurus: You reach a town built near a cove and you stop. Your house is already waiting for you there. You drop off the bike and it runs off, away from you. You walk around. The tide comes in and is several dozen feet higher than it should be and floods some lower down buildings with a couple of inches of water. This is not your fault.
Gemini: There’s a woman on the corner. She stands as still as a statue and people walk around her. Her eyes are closed. A ghosty-goo who was following you this morning urges you to cross the street, so you don’t have to pass near her. You do. As you pass her, her eyes snap open and follow you, pure white with no pupils to be found. You shudder. You’re suddenly very glad for the stretch of asphalt between you.
Cancer: Your igloo is still standing in the park, but some snow pixies have claimed it. All the power to them, the kids lost interest in it anyway. It’s snowing, again. You get a lot of snow every winter. 
Leo: Some of the tourists get a little rowdy, lose a little bit of their shape. You and the foot can tell this is going to go bad, but Fira is blissfully ignorant. You’re forcefully reminded that she’s still relatively new to this. You go grab her and make your way out of the square while she fights and argues. You end up snapping at her, pointing out the little drips and daps coming off them, saying that when that happens you need to get the fuck out of dodge. You might be a bit frantic. She protests a lot less when you go back to getting the fuck out of dodge. You end up in some little back streets that should be safe. You advise her to avoid going anywhere near the square for the rest of the day. She thanks you and you nod.
Virgo: You get up. You get ready. You go to work. You go home. You go to bed. Did you remember to eat?
Libra: Parents are surprisingly suspicious about your daycare. You find that a little hypocritical considering they were already using you like one, this just makes it official. Kaimana comes in and cautiously questions you about it while she buys some taffy. You end up impulsively venting to her while you ring her up, because, really, did they think you were going to hurt the kids? She gives you a Look and dryly says that must suck, to be suspected of hurting children when you’ve never done anything and never would. You flush and apologize, again. She waves you off, then leaves with her taffy. You really stuck your foot in your mouth there.
Scorpio: You might want to avoid the downtown, today. There’s been an accident of a magical sort. Little one, you don’t want to know, I promise.
Sagittarius: The eye has reappeared in your kitchen. The general consensus is to not poke it again, though Bobby was pretty pleased his creams worked. You guess you just live with a giant eye, now. You’re scared to go check what’s happening under the glass.
Capricorn: Aiden is a genius. He’d been staring at Fluffy for a while and sketching something, and you were so confused you almost wished you could read whatever script he’s on. Almost. Then he showed you a rough sketch of a prosthetic leg for Fluffy, and holy shit. You mean, it’s basically a stick of plastic that you’d latch onto her front stump, but by gods why didn’t you think of this sooner? You could make a leg for Fluffy. You are immediately on board with this plan, and you enthusiastically tell Aiden how awesome this is gonna be. He immediately hunches down, saying that it isn’t that great, which, no, this is a game changer, it is absolutely that great. You make sure to tell him how great this idea is, and he stops fighting, though you feel like he’s just humoring you, like he doesn’t believe you, then you start working to refine this. 
Aquarius: You follow your routine. You wake up and eat an apple and a bowl of cereal. You decide to wear your favorite pants today, in all their eye-searing glory, to go with your hat and mittens. It’s very cold outside, though the snow has melted. You go to the gym. You work out and talk to Suzy. You shower. You go walk around the town. You visit with Linda. You have a cup of mint tea as she tells you stories. You head home. Your home is warmer than outside, the heater is doing it’s job, but it’s not warm. You turn on your lamp and have a bowl of cereal and an apple for lunch. You work on your milk puzzle. You finish it, take it apart, and start again. You can do this pretty fast, now. You’re finishing it once a day, if you don’t do anything else. You’re not sure if this is a good thing. You check your watch. It’s late enough, so you go to the gym. You clean the gym. You go by the restaurant to pick up their used oil. You go home. You put the oil in one of you barrels to settle. You turn off your lamp. You wrap yourself in your fuzzy blanket and lay down in your bed. You sleep.
Pisces: You jerk awake again, rub your tired eyes, and reach for your book to write this down even as the edges fuzz and fade. Then you get up, no use trying to sleep now. You start to go outside and trip over something on your doorstep. You turn to look and your inhale catches in your throat. Ripped fragments of a spirit, what a wonderful gift, dear daughter, they’re very useful for all kinds of things. You can’t get your chest to expand for air, you’re shaking. You lunge away and empty your stomach into the grass. You are too sweet, child, it’s already dead, might as well make use. You aren’t too sweet, you’re sweet enough. Your throat burns, you don’t want to look at it again. You’ll have to deal with it, it’s blocking your way back inside. You steel yourself, and go grab a shovel from the cellar. You find a spot beyond your home’s circle of heat and start to dig. You move snow and the earth is frozen hard. You force it to move. When you have a deep enough hole, you head back to the broken shards. You almost collapse again at having to touch them, but you pick them up. You go bury them, you bury the spirit. What a waste, daughter mine. You made a good choice. You plant a branch of pine on the makeshift grave, maybe it’ll sprout. Then you head back inside. The winter can’t touch you, but you feel cold anyway. That’s understandable, this was emotionally and physically exhausting and probably traumatizing. You take a swig of the dream poison, more than you should have, and sleep.
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ask-tf-techbug · 6 years ago
*he picked up what's a mouth full of Taffy* yes ghosty are you okay? Are you able to come back out again? *He sad putting away the energon Taffy and transforming, Bonnie got in the smart car*
*Techbug was flying through the air, just scanning the surrounding area when something started beeping, apparently, he took a picture of a cybertronian.* Ahaha got you now con. *He landed on a nearby roof and took out his datapad, pulling a USB out of his cat like horn and plug it in. Looking at the picture that it was a cybertronian but he never saw this one before*
~Though the image was grainy due from how fast the Cybertronian was going. He can still see clearly enough of what she’d looked like. She had a strong and slim figure. The colors of black, gray, purples and white complement her bright unnatural optics. She was a con alright, but the weird things is, do they have a file of her?~
Ghostwire stared out from the alley way, most of the darkness hiding her as looked from her HUB. Confused from the little ping, “Detected? I could of sworn, no one was here.” Her voice was soft, taping her digits on her lower lip. 
Her Optics narrowed, “I better get moving…” She mused to herself.
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taffycandyqt · 10 months ago
Since you all voted on SpiritTaffy to be @ghosty-0w0 and my duo name, I drew what I think the comine persona of SpiritTaffy would look like!
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That do you guys think??
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