#Tada is soooo nice
spirit-of-anime · 1 year
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Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken (Tada's do-it-all House)
Tada & Gyoten
✨ Great story & bromance among outcasts in Japan 🥰 ~
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Manga by Yamada Yugi & Miura Shion ~ Series and movie with Eita (Tada) & Matsuda Ryuhei (Gyoten)
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madness-of-void · 7 months
The Cosplay Progress (?)
Okay...I'm doing it. I'm showing off the hot mess of progress of the possibly decent, or absolutely hot garbage, cosplay of my version of human!Ink. I do have a nice chunk of the items for the cosplay - just gotta put it together. Most of the putting together can be done in a day, and I have until July to finish it all, soooo...we'll see how this goes! ^^;
Now I'll just post updates maybe every other day, or once a week, since I do have most of it in hand. And it will all be under the cut, since it'll long as fuck. So, without further ado, let's begin, shall we?
First off, this is probably the most ambitious cosplay I've ever done. Normally I do something easy. Examples: Stiles from TW, casual Keith from VLD, and recently (for Halloween) genocide route Frisk. debating on positing what garbo pics i have of those
Flowerfell!Frisk? Probably the most complex I've done, and only because I had to have help make a flower crown, actually use fabric glue for the flowers and little heart on the shorts and flower on the mask , painted up a random prop stick I had lying around no idea why i had that , and did a little bit of faint make-up. And ended up with this:
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bad pic i know but it's all i got of the full thing where i don't look like a drowned rat coz goddamn it was hot af
So after that, for some damned reason, I decided it would be a GREAT idea to do a difficulty jump and do Ink! Yaaaaay...I'm so smart. I have been looking at this as a reference for what I need mostly coz i had it saved on my phone already , which has been both motivation to get this done...but also a little intimidating. But I'm already too far into this. Can't back out now!
Anyways, enough rambling! Let's start with the first update on this silly thing!
So, firstly, I already had my eye on the Ink hoodie from @simakai's shop! I already have the Underfell one that I used for my Flowerfell!Frisk cosplay. I also have the Outertale hoodie, bi pride hoodie, and ace pride hoodie all from Simakai! They are all amazing hoodies, and I actually just bought Epic's hoodie from their new shop! Definitely check them out! They're comfy, well made, and I'll admit I wear my Outertale and Underfell hoodies out sometimes.
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The pic doesn't do it justice (hence all the millions of links above), but tada! The hoodie! My biggest worry is maybe tripping on the scarf, but I think I can manage. place your bets coz my ass clumsy
Also, there is a little surprise in it!
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Twas quite the laughing jumpscare when I was messing with the pockets.
And that's it for update 1! Stay tuned for more. >:3
Update 2 time!
Apologies for how garbage the pics are for this part. Space was a mess at the time, and I'm too lazy to redo it. With that out of the way...let's ramble!
So, next to the sash for the vials, this was surprisingly the hardest thing for me to find. I couldn't find anything that looked "just right". The first pair that I bought did look just right...but the color was way off. Way too bright from what was advertised. Took me a while to find another pair, and I actually bought two more. one of which i may use for a ftfo!ink Now, the next pair is the right color...but it's just a nice pair of sweats/joggers. Which is a bit of a bummer, but seeings how I cannot sew/make a full blown pair of pants (can barely sew at all), and my stepmom (who can sew) isn't that insanely skilled, they will have to do.
Here is a pic of the pants side-by-side coz for the longest time I was going to go with the first pair I bought. But after putting it together with the top...no. Just...no. Did not look good. You'll have to take my word for it.
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And before you ask, yes. I will have assistance sewing on the little suspenders. That will be two separate posts on their own in the future! It won't be just plain brown pants.
So that's it for update 2! Stay tuned for more! if you want i ain't forcing ya lols
Update number 3! Wooooo!
And it is actually really boring.
Like...royally boring. sorry?
So these were a bit easy to get. Granted, I did buy two pairs, because I couldn't decided initially. It was only after trying them on that I could make a decision.
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They are a bit long, but I can live with that. especially coz I am not planning on doing the tatts, that would end terribly And, yes, they are missing that little piece on the pinky. Just like the pants are missing the suspenders. And just like with those, I will be having assistance sewing that piece on!
I could show you want I have of that, but I'm planning on making that one big update.
Okay! That's it! Stay tuned for update 4!
Update 4! Not another exciting one again. The more exciting ones will slowly trickle in. depending on what you define as exciting
Anywho! Update 4!
Yes. Shoes. I know our favorite souless bean doesn't wear shoes anymore...but I have to. No need to get my toes all messed up! Especially at this convention center. Walking around there can be a nightmare! Closed toed or not. 😭
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They were sadly kind of expensive, but these were the closest I could find that kind of fit for what I was going for and i looked at custom ones first. Plus, I will be wearing these outside of the cosplay. So I get shoes for cosplay, and shoes for whenever I wanna wear them - a win-win.
But, one more thing! I will also I guess ruin them, in a way. How will I ruin them? Well...I was thinking of adding more splatter to them. Plus, see that pesky logo? Welp...I also had an idea for that.
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And I'll just leave this update at that. >:3
Update 5! Long time coming, I know. But a lot of what I have left are bigger pieces that have a few extra things I gotta do, and I just haven't been focused on doing them. But since I'm actually going to finish this one this weekend, I decided to show the unfinished product. With that being said, here we go!
These were actually so hard to find! I couldn't find anything that worked! And I originally started looking during the Halloween season, too! When these type of things would be more around. But everything was either way too big or just straight up decorative glass. Which...yeah. Would not do!
Eventually, after searching for ages, I found these on Etsy.
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They're originally for necklaces, which, even though they are glass, they're hopefully a tad more sturdy. And, if things work out, I'll have a perfect way to keep them in the sash! We shall see.
I also found these!
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Figured it would be fun to have little earrings on human!Ink.
Now, for the paints in the vials, I was having a hard idea what to do. Part of me wanted to put real paint in there. Yeaaaaah...probably not the best idea. But I finally figured it out, and I'll be working on it this weekend!
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Stay tuned for the final look!
Hello hello hello! Tis time for the final rush post of the process! It's all the final stuff, so yay. Pics of the full cosplay will be up either later on after the con, or the day after.
So, without further ado...here we go!
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Tada! Simple little thing. Probably one of the easiest to do with the whole shebang. And the straps?
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Ribbon. Ain't that neat? XD
So this was a bit tricky. I had cloth from an old t-shirt to do for the pinky, but it kept making the sewing machine freak the fuck out since it's such a small piece. I did have backups of gloves that i could wear under the brown ones and cut off all the other fingers. Unfortunately, the two pairs I got turned out to be bright, obnoxious blue instead of the sort of teal-ish/mint color as advertised. So I had to get a third pair, which was a darker green and sheer. Not exactly what I wanted, but eh. Oh well. Creative liberties!
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Here is the final result! I had to cut the pinky on the brown gloves too so it looked a little better. And the nail polish is close to what they'll be at the con, just more cleaned up.
Okay! Shoes! These came out a little better than I thought they would! And they were fortunately very easy to do. (Which I needed after a few things causing issues)
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Tada! Fun little nod to his old shoes (before he had nada)! And of course the black "ink". The paint refused to splatter like I wanted, but oh well. Still pretty happy about it.
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These actually proved to be more difficult than I anticipated. Many coats were needed, and even then they sort of still smeared oddly. Despite that, they turned out pretty great! I especially love the ink vial earrings. Those definitely were difficult due to their size.
Whoo-hoo! The sash! Fortunately, my stepmom is a sewing whiz and she helped a great deal with making sure this part of the cosplay came to be. So, here is the sash before:
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Definitely was a bit rough, since the Joanne's we went to lost all momentum to care since the bankruptcy filing. And it did fray a little bit upon the cutting of the pattern. Not enough to absolutely ruin it, thank hell.
Here is the final result:
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(Sorry about the poor lighting, I really had nowhere else to get a decent pic)
Tada! Vials in sash! Thankfully, they all are snug as a bug in a rug in those pockets! .... With super glue. Really didn't have a choice on that front. Still, for something as ambitious as this, something I definitely went clueless in to, happy it turned out as good as it did.
(Stepmom saved ass with this one ❤️)
Okay! This...this bitch...was a nightmare. I had never styled a wig before, and for some reason thought it would be a good idea if I did! Had a nice tutorial vid all qued up and thought I was all set! Except...the wig was an absolute tangled mess and took ages to untangle. It was also the second wig I had bought, coz the first one, for some unknown reason, was more purple than advertised. So wig number two, I had to buy in a hurry and it was a tad cheap since I'm on a bit of a budget (moving at the start of August ftw).
But, finally, after hours of fighting with this beast, this is the end result:
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The braid will be pulled back into the makeshift ponytail, since I actually do have to pull it back up once it is secured onto my head, but otherwise this is the final result. The blue and pink (squint and you'll see it) are extensions I added, which also proved to be a challenge. Still proud of it all for someone who has never done more than brush a wig before! Though, never again. At least for a long ass while. ;_; thank you Dust for being an easy cosplay for next year
I can't really show the full makeup I have to do until, well, it's all done, but I have tried it all out and hooray! It all works! So, instead, here is the nice pile I will have to use:
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We got two different shade of eyeshadow, since I can't do colored contacts. My eyeballs are...very weird. Only one eye will allow a colored contact, and I did not wanna waste money to only use one contact. So one eye will have green eyeshadows, and the other will have yellow eyeshadows.
There's also gonna be blue eyeliner with the green eye having it on the underlid, and they yellow eye having it on the upper lid. To make it all "whimsical" and "silly".
There's a pencil liner to create the inkblot shape, black face paint to fill it in, and black eyeshadow to help make it even darker. i am a master of doing some cool shit with eyeshadow
I have two different sprays to help keep the makeup on longer. And, of course, the foundation and concealer coz I will look like a zombie otherwise lols.
Yeah...I am...gonna be having a blast with this lot. Especially making sure I can remake the really nice inkblot I did when testing it out. Fingers crossed and best wishes for my dumb ass for being so ambitious.
No. I will not show this one. Just picture a wig on a stick and there you go. Needless to say, as much as I wanted to like it...I don't. It looks so bad. 99% sure I will not bother bringing bootleg Broomie with me. Makes me sad, but hey...can't win them all.
Okay, so that's it! I'll do a part two of this post since, whoops! I have hit my limit! So, with the next post, I'll have the bag I specifically got for this cosplay (and will totally be using it later), and the full cosplay itself!
And, if anyone is going to AX, I'll see you there mayhaps!
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passionatemuslimaah · 2 years
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I posted 38 times in 2022
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20 posts reblogged (53%)
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#food365 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 21 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Soooo, I really wanted to decorate this year for Ramadhaan but reading about the impermissibility of doing so changed my mind. Qadr Allaah 🥰😊
Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidahullah, was asked the following,
“It has become widespread among some of the people that they put up decorations, lights, lanterns, in addition to beautifying their homes by putting up curtains and designs out of joy and happiness for [the arrival of] the month of Ramadan. Also, some [actually] specify a place in their home for [putting up] decorations, (…word unclear), for breaking their fast, and for eating sahoor. Is this something permissible? May Allah safeguard you.”
“This has no basis [in the religion]. The month of Ramadan is like any other month in how a person would maintain his home. Nothing should be made specific for the month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadan shouldn’t be specified for decorating one’s home and for putting up curtains and so on. It shouldn’t be specified for hanging up adornments. The month of Ramadan should be specified for ‘ibadah, tawbah, and for participating with the Muslims in praying at-Taraweeh and at-Tahajjud” End.
Shaykh Sulaymaan Al-Ruhaylee was asked,
“The month of Ramadan is approaching [so] is it permissible for us to decorate our houses with types of decorations like balloons, lamps, and posters so that we and our children feel that this month is not like any other months?”
“This is from the newly invented matters. Putting up decorations, lights, and colours, Ramadan lanterns, and things similar in the house are from the innovations which has entered upon the muslims during the era (rule) of the Fatimid (Caliphate) and after them.
There is no doubt that innovation enters through emotions and through desires that have been beautified.
The Prophet ﷺ entered the month of Ramadan, and He ﷺ took notice of all good, yet he did not decorate his house, or his masjid, nor did he order with it, nor did his companions, and the tabi’oon, or the four Imaams.
Rather, I have not read this [i.e. decorating houses] from any of the books of knowledge of the scholars.
This action [decorating the houses] is attributed to Ramadan and to worship, not to being a custom. Rather, it is attributed to worship since it is linked to the month of worship, and as result, it falls under acts of worship and it doesn’t fall under acts of custom.
See the full post
0 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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Lunch is served! It's still a bit chilly lost parts of the city so I decided a bowl of chilli for lunch would be a nice way to stay toasty! Chilli topped with a cornbread crumbs, shredded cheese, sour cream and chives! #foodartblogs #food52 #hautecuisines #foodartproject #onourcreativetable #food365 #foodphotography #foodstyling #chilli #foodartblogs #eatcaptureshare #thebiteshot #ywillissonoma #thekitchn #eeeeeats #bingfood #eattheworls #foodandwine #foodgawker #bareaders #fwx #ABMfoodie #beautiifulcuslisines #eatingfortheinsta #foodeinewomen #yahoofood #foodbloogfeed #foodblogeats #theeverygirl #thatsdarling https://www.instagram.com/p/Cau6ZcypPi5/?utm_medium=tumblr
1 note - Posted March 5, 2022
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Last nights dinner was epically delicious . I really be in the zone happily and unbothered when I’m creating dishes for my family and myself. Pan seared salmon , potatoes with chopped garlic and mushrooms 🤤 and green beans drizzled in olive oil and pepper … tada ! #foodporn #foodphotography #yum #foodie #letsdothis #feedfeed #family #fridayvibes #salmon #easyrecipes #creative #content #explorepage #love #mhm #eathealthy #plated https://www.instagram.com/p/CYcL8ruPbpq/?utm_medium=tumblr
1 note - Posted January 7, 2022
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Never really being a fan of snickerdoodle cookies , so it surprised me when I was in the mood to not only bake them last night but also enjoy the chewy and softness of these brown sugar dipped crumb makers🤤. #cookies #cookiesofinstagram #snickerdoodle #snickerdoodlecookies #brownsugarbaby #cookiestagram #bakingfromscratch #crumbs #chewy #cookiemonster https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca2gaCxrCLw/?utm_medium=tumblr
2 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Salmon Pattie’s ! Stuffed with shrimp and peppers! Haven’t made these in so long and I was happy to do so! Talk about a childhood nostalgia and a great time of sharing family recipes. Lol these were a delicacy in my house growing up because YUM. Ummi knew best. #iykyk #foodporn #dinner #leftovers #salmon #food #happiness #comfortfood #nonstalgia #shrimp #stuffed #stuffedsalmon #razzledazzle #salmonrecipe #stuffedsalmon #dontforgetthehotsauce https://www.instagram.com/p/CZNTh_MJM9R/?utm_medium=tumblr
2 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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m1ckeyb3rry · 17 hours
SISHSJSJ ok wait you’re full on selling me on the hydration idea now wait the goodra hydreigon opposite vibes plus the territorial behavior study sort of thing??? Ok lowk im glad you did some reworking (couldn’t be me id probably flip a table atp) HUT IM GLAD YOU MADE IT WORK because the more i read the more I was like “haha….what if….” Ok I was actually contemplating asking like what if you replaced Dragalge with hydreigon but I figured you probably had some insane type matching involved in that and besides dragon their other typing isn’t the same so I was just like “er yeah idk”
UAHAHAHA LUNA GETTING DOWNGRADED TO A MUK sorry no hate to muk fans i just think its so goofy and its just like the classic team rocket/enemy team grunt pokemon HSHSHSH but yeah Luna will make do fs thank god for your big brain I feel like readers team also feels more stacked now LMAO
EVIL TEAM NAGI LNFAOOO real??? I love the matchups though it’s like that one meme pic of the pink Barbie looking house right next to the pitch black one
LMAOO pursuit is an itoshi free zone…we will note have Emo eyelashes here
OOOH ok very slay ik some pokemon characters have wild designs or very themed designs so wasn’t sure if that was gonna get mixed up or not the crow feather iridescent does slap though
MAMA Y PAPA imagine its a like one of those “a day in the life” videos and imagine garchomp and nidoqueen are also wearing matching aprons like karasus while they deal with all the babies (im also specifically thinking that there’d be some moments wheres there’s the excessive pink flowery aura used in some anime/manhwas where it’s like happy sunshine rainbow family LMAO you can probably tell that’s one of my favorite meme formats)
LMAOO exactly get the best of both worlds the ultimate angst crack fluff combo
After reading your drafts/outline/thoughts for the future peregrine chapters that Nagi is probably the most down bad person to exist like down bad to the point that NAGI is speeding over to catch up to reader before she leaves like bro is MOVING??? Insane ok but fr is some hardcore yuki stan could just throw out some ideas or thoughts I don’t think itd be hard for me to see the vision/get converted just need some guidance….
AHAHAH omg imagine a tabieita breakup SHSHSH ok wait im pretty certain ive read a fic on here that was actually kinda tabieita beef except I think it was like Karasu liked reader but reader liked otoya after Karasu introduced him to her and then in the end he runs to her house in the rain trying to confess before it’s too late but otoyas already in her house and they’re just hanging out and he’s like ok nvm like ok way to step on my heart that fic had me reeling
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT “haha…nice…” is SO Isagi coded he would totally say something like that (I’m pretty sure he DOES when his old classmate tada is like lmaoooo u just got lucky with that shot no skills lmaoooooooo) wait I love that LMAOO that’s actually the perfect approach to not making it angsty just make Isagi stupid /j LMAO but whether he’s just dense or stubborn or both I feel like that matches his vibe either way soooo
It looks like Mario and Luigi got fused with a piranha plant because what the fuck is that……..but fr tbh I thought I had convinced myself that I’d continue playing anyways just for the sake of following through and I enjoy the gameplay generally too but the new designs I CANNOT I mean I get it because they’re already made so many pokemon they’re probably bound to run out of ideas esp if the design team isn’t changing much but wtf is Gen 9….like I pulled up the dex for serebii and they’re so ugly SHSGSHS also the weird past future versions of old Pokemon whyd suicune become a dinosaur and raikou a giraffe??????
STAY STRONGGGGG real though just like the tags here the edits of them are SO abundant like pleaseee where is the variety!!! But tbh with the way u20 arc goes plus how saes nonexistent in nel I think it would take eightbit their entire studios worth of budget to make me convert so
Oooooh icic im not as in tune to interaction patterns so I lowk didn’t realize that might be the case LOL based off your rules for no exact repeats of trope and character are allowed hopefully the next three will give enough room/inspo for non overlapping ideas though! I’m assuming you’ll probably be safe plus what are the odds right….
LMAOOO imagine once pursuit picks up people are gonna think you’re a Barou blog /j if people actually start fully associating you with sae idek how id react atp it’s so ironically funny…no actually dw when peregrine eventually makes its big comeback people will all go back to their roots and be like “oh yeah this is that really good nagi series yup this is the nagi blog” LMAO
AHAHAH BAYOSAGI in the back as npcs deadpanning like “bro wtf” while aiku and arbok are vibing our running around trying to look cool and pick up girls
Wait I got distracted and forgot to send this earlier but talk abt perfect timing literally right when I choose to come back here and send this in ITS BEEN PUBLISHED BAROU OAEUUUH
- Karasu anon
YESS WE MADE IT WORK i’m so glad i love hydreigon and reader having one matches the vibes of her team so well LMAOAO like between gyarados houndoom and hydreigon alone her team is 50% demons that everyone is afraid of but they LOVE her and they’re actually just sweet and cuddly (actually hydreigon is going to be lowkey sassy but still he really likes reader just can be a bit teenager-ish at times) BRO THE REWORKING HAD ME CRASHING OUT NGL i was literally typing a response to your ask where hydreigon is the starter and donphan is replaced by nidoking but dragalge is replaced by espeon (in a situation where otoya and reader get eevees at the same time) at the same though i was just like 😐😔 the whole time because while espeon provided some type coverage it just felt so BASIC and reader’s team is meant to be fairly non-basic the halfway through typing out the explanation i was like wait…keep houndoom keep the theme get rid of the members we don’t care as much abt and BOOM done and done
LMAOOO no because there truly just aren’t enough poison types and ig muk is decently good…his star is his roserade anyways so it’s fine we’ll just have muk be one of the first pokémon he throws out!! wait also reader having a nidoking is so cute imagine it becomes friends with hiori’s nidoqueen 🥹 DHDKSJS okay wait do you remember the quick ball idea we had w phanpy…lowkey it would be even funnier with deino (baby hydreigon) because they’re not really found in the area so reader’s going ham trying to catch it and accidentally uses all of karasu’s quick balls?? HAHAAH hold on actually this could be done right around the arc where otoya gets his happiny (in that arc otoya flirts with a nurse joy too hard and accidentally gets himself and reader involved in busting a pokémon abuse ring) maybe deino escaped from that ring and that’s what tipped nurse joy off to its existence as well as being an explanation for why there’s a random deino wandering around!!
NO THAT’S EXACTLY THE VIBES like all of reader’s pokémon are 👹💥😈 and nagi’s are 🧚🏻‍♀️✨💖 meanwhile reader herself is super kind + gentle looking (and she actually is) and nagi’s the king of idgaf who would sell anyone out (except reader) for a lukewarm donut (jkjk he’s sweet too just not in the same way as reader)…i honestly rlly like the dichotomy plus reader having all villainous seeming pokémon adds to the “team x thinks she’s one of them” vibe in the beginning of the story…agreed her team is much more stacked now i like it!! zero weak links it’s all absolute monsters i KNOW the league conference hated to see her coming 😓
the most the itoshis get is a mention that they live in another region in like the isagi ova…maybe sae’s an elite four member and since in my mind the elite four candidacy process includes traveling abroad and training with the elite four members there perhaps isagi knows of the itoshis via that?? that’s why he’s not around when barou’s abt to challenge the champion too he’s in a diff region which is why he doesn’t know what actually happened to barou
HAHAHA you know how doggy daycares irl send like updates of what your pet is doing imagine the spin off is just karasu taking photos of all of the daycare pokémon up to stuff so we have garchomp and nidoqueen in the aprons looking after everyone and karasu with his camera just clicking away and each scene starts with like an image with a handwritten caption and then it zooms into the image and we see the scene it’s describing 🥹
NAGI INVENTED DOWN-BAD-ISM peregrine nagi my beloved…he is super simple with his gestures BUT it’s like the smallest things mean so much with him!!! agreed i need a yuki fan to enter my inbox and show me the light LMAAOAO
HAHA i think i read that fic too i was like bruh in no universe (except hollyhock) would i choose otoya over KARASU that was before miraeita was real too so it was especially emo to read
DJDSHSJA OAEU BAROUUU YESS i hope you like it!! it is SUCH a silly story 😭 but yeah agreed isagi not necessarily rejecting her just refusing to accept that she’s confessing is so him i think it’s perfect (and that way isagi stans can still imagine that he does secretly like them)
no because all of the new pokémon keep getting uglier and uglier and they keep doing stuff with the old ones and from i’ve heard the gameplay isn’t that good 😔 i’ll stick w my gen vi and before games thank you very much 🤩
LMAOO you’re so right the itoshi edits are everywhere it’s so funny…hopefully the love is spread during s2 but the good thing abt being a nagi lover is he also gets a lot of edits and content due to having a lot of s1 screentime so at least I’ve got that going for me
yeah just based on my guesses/what usually happens all of the people that follow me and would’ve requested have already done so!! so it’ll be randoms for the last three spots but they likely won’t find my account until i post the first event posts and those gain traction ☝🏻 unless people find me via oaeu barou and happen to see my event ig 🧐
PLS technically pursuit is a nagi story so hopefully once it picks up people will associate me w nagi?? although you’re right in that it is very barou centric so it might give me more of a barou reputation (for example the funeral invite that people keep liking) HAHAA no because somehow seabird is my most popular bllk work?? ig it is pretty good but come on now guys…read bfb…read hollyhock…LMAO PEREGRINE NEEDS A COMEBACK ASAP THE WORLD NEEDS TO REMEMBER WHO MY MAN IS
HAHAAH bayosagi are so done with aiku they all think he’s a major dumbass but he’s also a genius?? considering he’s supposed to become a professor and all…the bayosagi + aiku dynamic is hilarious i honestly love the prequel group just as much as i love reader and co + mc trio they’re so silly yet so sweet
WE LINKED UP YET AGAIN FKDKSJ looking forward to hearing your thoughts!! i think i’ll take a break from the oaeu for a sec after this to work on other stuff but the barou version is nice and long so that should tide people over
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iamacolor · 3 years
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“even people with really high positions with lots of company experience will call me kun-ge” ↪ happy belated birthday @rainbowv !
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rindough · 3 years
kira~~~ hehehe can i request hcs for the jjk first years when your bring them out to a picnic after they have a mission or when they're free 🥰🥰 thank you and have a nice day, ilysm hehskahskabdjs
picnic date with them (with pics!)
•  character(s).  itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara
•  cw.  food!! also all images do not belong to me, credits to their rightful owners! BTW there's a little non canon fact in either yuji or megumi but def there's one in nobara's
•  notes.  jHDBXHSBD BONNIE this idea is sooo cute, also i hope i delivered it >< i rlly wanna add some scenarios for them so tada!!
•  master list!
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you know something is up when yuji simply plops down beside you and pulls you into his arm for a cuddle, at that time he didn’t exactly feel anything negative but actually more... tired
yuji barely spoke when you asked him, so after a while he suddenly admitted that he needed a bit of a fresh air — something different for him to do rather than do face the same thing every day — missions, reports, curses, mission, reports, curses, and repeat
so that’s when you came up with picnic!
doesn’t want the date to be near from the day you’re planning, so it might be around a week from the time that you’re discussing it!
HOME-MADE!!! this ball of sunshine screams home-made especially in that juju scroll where he made meatballs for hotpot yum
spends the next couple of days finding and listing out things both you and him could bring to the picnic date
and on the day itself the two of you were carrying a basket each, there’s soooo much food and what for? it’s like you want to spoil him but instead he spoils you him UGH
honestly he doesn’t mind the setting but he chooses the park because it’s nearby and the weather’s nice and and and —
“let’s walk slower, it’s relaxing.” yuji grins before looking straight ahead, his thumb caressing your knuckle.
you hummed, feeling his warmth spreading along the area his thumb had went on over and over again.
“did you ask nanamin?”
“ask what?”
“the croissants.”
“how’d you know?” he snaps towards you, eyes slightly widened. “i thought i told him not to tell you!”
“he gave me a paper bag of it- wait,” you pointed back at yuji who’s already pointing at you. “he gave-”
“oh my god!”
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you thought that he’s been a little of a shut in lately, but you can’t blame him though, missions were piling him up one by one but eventually he got them done as they were fairly small
so he was a little taken aback from your suggestion for a picnic the next morning after his final mission at the moment, most due to him being quite worn out
agrees to it but definitely has to reschedule it the day after because his energy is still running low
when the two of you headed out, you didn’t bring along much, like in your bag there’s the picnic blanket, some utensils, tissues... that’s it
mostly because you guys had planned that you’ll get the other stuffs along the way to the picnic spot, like a little bit of this and that
he’ll buy sushi or onigiri and you’ll buy the drinks, maybe some soba or fish bowls etc whatever the two of you liked!
since the plan was in morning the two of you treated it as a brunch and in a nice spot in the park, like near the lake bank
very simple picnic layout! it’s like eating in the cafeteria with him, except that now it’s outside and there wasn’t any rush, plus it’s quiet and lowkey a date hehe
“hm?” he hums, turning to look at you with a small smile. your eyes remained fixated on his closed mouth, jaw still moving from him chewing his food.
“there’s rice on your lips.”
you shook your head as he points out the wrong side twice, and he wasn’t expecting it when you leaned in, your fingers swiftly wiped the piece of grain off his flushed face.
“there... done.” you breathed out, slowly leaning away from him.
“i can clean it myself, stupid.” he whispers, looking at his half bitten onigiri before smiling. “thank you.”
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she realizes that she’s been feeling on edge lately after finding that she’s experiencing an acne breakout so she asked you — her beloved s/o for ideas to relax herself
that’s when you suggested the picnic idea! you’ve seen couples doing it, friends doing it, but for your dates record — you’ve never been on a picnic date with her before
definitely gets so excited, you told her on, let’s say, monday night, and she’s planning it all like it’s about to happen the next morning (when it’s a week away)
has all the stuffs put into a checklist, and when the two of you head out that day, you both were carrying a basket each
well she was carrying the food basket from time to time but usually it’s you who’s the one carrying both the food and the utensil etc basket sjbxjsbdj
your picnic ranges from cakes to pastas to fruits, cold drinks and warm drinks.... 10/10 straight out of a pinterest pic
you two chose to go to the beach because somehow you both kinda of felt that so many picnics have been done in the park, so why not the beach? plus it’s also an evening beach picnic date ;) 3 IN 1 BABY
did i forget to mention that you could play together after eating? she actually hasn’t been to a beach before
“eh... feels weird.” a breathy chuckle escapes from her lips, her grip on your hand tightens when the waves hit your feet, “i could barely move my feet.”
“you can kinda move them when the water is- okay go! go!” you rushed, the water crashes into your legs again, your giggles mixing into each other when you pulled her backwards.
she shrieks, maybe you’ve pulled her a little too hard. now that instead of the water, her body crashes into you, causing you to stumble on the dry yet soft sand.
she looks up before shrinking into your touch, the sea breeze starting to become stronger.
she buries her face into your chest as you make out her slightly muffled words. “i’m cold, hug me.”
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©  2021 rindough, do not repost or plagiarize.
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metaphor-cheese · 3 years
soooo...i wrote a thing
“Hey Dr. Muffinshirt!” Buford slapped his hands down on the table eagerly.
“Oh, hey kid.” The scientist said distractedly as he finished writing his note. Buford took the moment to pull his step stool out from under the desk so he could see the blueprint easier. With a smile, Doof dramatically dropped his pencil in triumph before turning to his protégé. “So,” he said excitedly, gesturing to the finished design. “What do you think?”
“Looks pretty cool! …What is it?”
“It’s my Go-to-Bed-Without-Any-Dinner-Inator!” The doctor declared, putting on his Evil Voice™ as he raised his arms to the sky. “You see,” he continued, speaking in his Monologue Voice (patent pending) out of habit. “As a young boy back in Gimmelshtump, whenever I would misbehave my parents would send me to bed without ANY dinner. The problem was, back in Drusselstein people were so superstitious, ‘misbehaving’ could be as simple as scratching your nose or your shoe lace becoming untied.”
“Oof. Sounds like my dads house.”
“Oh and don’t get me started on sneezing!” Doof shuddered. “Anyway, as you can imagine I went without dinner a lot.” His tone took on the a dramatic, sombre tone. “Night after night I would sit in my room- well, I say my room it- it was the shed- practically wasting away with only my breakfast pork rinds to keep me going! Eventually I would cry myself to sleep…” Clenching his fist, Doof lowered his head to the floor. …Before casually adding “Well y’know, before I was woken up for my lawn gnome duties.”
“Man.” Buford said, awkwardly. “That’s rough, buddy.”
“Yeah, well, I’m totally over it now.” Doof waved it off. “That’s why I built the Go-To-Bed-Without-Any-Dinner-Inator! Or the GTBWADI for short. Ha! Say that 5 times fast! Gtbwadi, gtwb…adi…see?! Already, it’s impossible and that was what, the second time? …Where…” nervously he laughed. “Where was I? I’ve completely lost my train of thought…”
“What’s it do?” Buford said bluntly. Doof snapped his fingers in triumph.
“Right!” Again, he was back to his Monologue Voice. “When this ‘inator blasts someone, it will INSTANTLY cause their mother to send them to bed without any dinner! This way everyone in the ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA!!! …will be trapped in their rooms, starving and they will finally know my pain!” Instantly his tone snapped back to a happy one. “Plus, it means there’ll be no lines at all the fancy restaurants. You know what that means? We’re eating like kings tonight, buddy!”
Buford grinned back at him and the two threw their arms in the air with an excited “WOO!” A third, robotic voice joined from across the room joined in.
“Not you, Norm!” Doof snapped. “You don’t even need to eat. Plus you’re like 10 feet tall, how will you even fit through the door?”
“I JUST WANTED TO FEEL INCLUDED.” The robot replied in his usually chipper tone.
“Yeah, well if you wanna be included so bad could you call Charlene and tell her I’m taking Vanessa out for a family dinner tonight?”
He rolled his eyes. “Why’d you think I’m asking you to call her?” As Norm left the room, he added “AND MAKE SURE TO TELL HER TO BRING HER BEST CLOTHES!”
“Hey Doc?” Buford asked, furrowing his brows and bringing his attention back to him. “If everyone’s gonna be home tonight, why don’t ya just conquer the tristate area then?”
Doofs eyes lit up.
“Holy schnitzel. You’re right!”
“I am?”
“Yes! Oh man, why didn’t I think of that?” With a sheepish laugh, doof looked away. “Man that’s…that’s embarrassing. Oh- but! But our family dinner! Aw man… You-You know what?” He waved his hands and dismissed the thought. “I deserve this. We can do both! Eat a nice dinner and THEN conquer the tri-state area. It’ll be like pregaming!”
“Cool! …What’s pregaming?”
“You’ll find out when you’re older.”
“Aaaaand tada! There’s the place!” Doofinshmirtz gestured dramatically to the baren fancy restaurant. The three (Norm had convinced him to let him go) others, oo’d and ahh’d.
“Wow.” Vanessa uttered, actually sounding impressed for once. “I gotta hand it to you, Dad,” she conceded, placing a hand on his arm. “This is actually pretty nice.”
“Aw, thank you, darling.” He cooed. Internally he added the first tally to the win side his side of a ‘wins/loses’ chart.
“Seems like a boring, adult place.” Buford said sceptically. Doof placed a hand on his shoulder.
“They’ll have steak.”
Instantly, the childs eyes lit up again. “Really?” With an eager, predatory grin, he pulled his lucky knife and fork out of hammer space and cheered “Bufords back in the game!”
Just then, though none of them noticed, an explosion erupted from the balcony of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated behind them. Almost instantly, a line formed in front of the restaurant down the block, accompanied by cries of “I’m starving!”
Doofs face fell.
“Great.” Vanessa drawled, voice flat. “Nice job, Dad.” Doof could practically feel the tally mark being scratched off.
“Wh…I don’t understand! Just a minute ago I had-“ with a look of realisation, he whirled around to see his home building among the skyline. Despite the explosion having since faded, he didnt need visual confirmation to confirm what had happened. Many emotions bubbled within him. Anger, frustration, disappointment, ect. But he was so used to it by this point he could bring himself to express any of them. Instead he just sighed and dropped his head with a bitter “Curse you Perry The Platypus, yada yada…”
“Man…” Buford grumbled, moodily. “I had my heart set on that steak.”
“I can’t believe you called me over on Mom’s weekend for this!”
“Hey, don’t look at me!” Doof cried, defensively. Irritably, he held out the keg of gasoline in his hand. “If we didn’t have to stop at the gas station for NORM we could have gotten first in!”
“YOU CAN’T LET ME HAVE ANYTHING!” The robot retorted, voice cheery as always.
“Ugh, you’re missing the point, Dad!” Vanessa snapped, whirling on him. “If we didnt rely on your ridiculous ‘inators, that always fail, to do anything, we could be eating by now!” Buford looked conflicted on if he really had a right to agree with that sentiment when he helped with them, though he eventually settled on just crossing his arms grumpily.
“SHE HAS A POINT, SIR.” Norm cut in.
“Who’s side are you on?!” Doof snapped.
Meanwhile, Perry was swooping above the city on his hang glider, looking down at his work, proudly. The Flynn-Fletchers should be able to catch their reservation at Paul Bunyans now, so the boys didnt have to be disappointed. As he was flying over the streets, however, he noticed a different family unit.
It was hard to hear what was being said over the wind rushing past his ears, but their body language was unmistakable. Vanessa was mad at doof again, and it looked like Buford was too. Norm was hard to read as always. His nemesis, however, looked torn between hurt and angry. He was truly backed into a corner. (…Emotionally this time, not physically.)
Perry churred in sympathy for the kids, though ultimately there was nothing he could do. Dr D had to face the consequences of his actions and his days work was done. He had a family of his own to return to now.
Despite this, as he completely passed the group, his conscience nagged at him. Evil or not, doof truly had wanted to take his kid and pseudo-kids out for a family dinner. Perhaps if he had waited a little while longer to thwart his scheme…
Perry shook his head. He was an agent. He had a mission to accomplish. End of story.
…So why couldnt he stop thinking about them?
As he was on his way home, he spotted a familiar flash of red in the park and swooped in for a closer look. Landing discreetly in a tree, he looked down at the scene to see, what looked like, his family and their friends enjoying a whole neighbourhood-wide picnic. Linda and Lawrence were standing by a table covered in homemade delicacies chatting with Vivian, the boys were sat on a picnic blanket with Isabella and Baljeet, talking, and Candace and Jeremy were little ways away enjoying a quiet picnic together.
Everyone looked perfectly happy.
It wasn’t the dinner they’d planned for tonight, but it seemed they’d found something that worked. Perry felt a smile tug on his bill. He didnt need to ask (not that he could) to know who organised this. He should have known his boys would be fine without him.
…Fine without him.
…He’d left the family a few times overnight in the past. It had never caused a huge upset before. Phineas and Ferb only ever got worried if he was gone in the morning. And they seemed so happy now they would probably never notice if he slipped off for a little longer today…
Screw it.
With a determined look, Perry turned and leapt from the tree, flying back into the city.
“-I mean, I didn’t want to say anything, but I read the reviews for that place and- yeesh! Bad service much? Seriously, we’re better at home. Who even needs th-“ Doof glanced behind him mid-rant and stopped. Vanessa was trudging behind him, carrying those stupid heels her mother bought her with a pointed glare. She didn’t need to say anything to tell him he wasn’t helping. Even Norm was quiet of sarcastic remarks, just walking behind her silently with the kid on his shoulder. It seemed he was using the robot’s ear phone to call his mom to pick him up. Doof couldnt blame him.
With a sigh, he gave Vanessa a pitying look, glancing between her and the heals. “Do you need to sit down, pumpkin?” He offered weakly. She only scoffed and rolled her eyes before dropping down on the curb and propping her head up on her hands. Norm stopped dead in place beside her. Doof sighed again and trudged around the corner, collapsing against a wall where they couldnt see him.
As he buried his face in his hands, he felt a tug on the one of his coattails. Cracking one eye open with a confused hum, he glanced down, only to flinch.
“PERRY THE PLATYPUS?!” The agent at least has the decency to look sheepish at surprising him. “Oh, great,” Doof said sarcastically before snapping “what do you want?” Silently, the platypus held out a sheet of notebook paper and thumbed behind him.
“Huh? What is this- a reservation?” Doof scanned the paper with wide eyes. ‘8:30, table for 5, Lawrence Fletcher.’ “Oh, Perry The Platypus,” he drawled, touched this time. “Are you giving me thi-“ as he looked back at the animal and followed where he was pointing, his face fell. “Paul Bunyans? Really?” He asked, dryly. The agent frowned and wagged a finger at him. “Alright, alright,” he conceded, rolling his eyes. “Beggars can’t be choosers, I get it.” Looking down at the paper again, he felt a sentimental smile form against his will. “Thank you, Perry The Platypus.” He said, genuinely. The agent just smiled and tipped his hat.
“Hey, guys!” He shouted, running back to his family. Vanessa glanced over at him tiredly, while Norm and the kid seemed to be ignoring him. “Guys I- I got us a reservation somewhere!” He shouted excitedly, waving the paper about. Vanessa raised an eyebrow.
“How?” She asked, skeptically. She probably thought he stole it. Fair enough, he supposed.
“I got it from Perry The Platy-“ he turned to gesture to the agent but paused as he saw no one there. “…Huh. That’s funny. He was here just a moment ago.” Shaking his head, he continued. “Oh no matter. The point is, we have somewhere to eat tonight! See, Vanessa sweetie? I can organise something!”
“Didn’t you just say Perry did this?” She asked as she slipped her shoes back on and walked over. Despite her retort, her tone had warmed significantly and she started looking around with growing excitement. “So, where is it?”
“Paul bunyans.”
Her face fell into a similar look of ‘really?’ he’d given his nemesis a moment ago.
“Hey, beggars can’t be choosers.” He warned, without a hint of self awareness. “And besides,” he cooed. “You used to love that place as a little girl!
She gave a resigned sigh and a fond eyeroll. “I guess I did love it…” With a frown, she looked down at her black dress. “Even if I’ll look stupid wearing this into a kiddie resturaunt.”
“Well, at least you’re in good company.” He gestured to his own suit and she gave an amused smile. “Hey, you two!” He shouted to the others. Norm spun his torso around to face him.
“WHAT?” Buford shouted, annoyed, before quietly adding “No Ma, not you.” into the phone receiver and muffling it against his shoulder.
“I got us a reservation at Paul Bunyan’s!” Doof shouted excitedly.
Norm tilted his head, while the kid seemed pretty satisfied with no explanation. “Really?” He asked excitedly,. Doof nodded with an ‘mmhmm’.
“Yup. C’mon, it’s-“ he checked his watch before gesturing for them to hurry. “-It’s almost time!”
Buford quickly told his mother he didnt need picking up now and put the receiver back in Norm’s ear while he and the robot joined the two Doofenshmirtz’s at the street corner.
“Man, I’m starvin’!” The kid complained (?) excitedly as Norm lowered him to the ground on his hand.
“Same.” Vanessa agreed, following her dad to the restaurant.
“I DON’T NEED TO EAT.” Norm added helpfully.
“You sure don’t, buddy.” Vanessa said.
“Excuse me,” Doof started confidently, approaching the plaid-clad woman at the front of the bustling restaurant. “Do you have a reservation for…” completely blanking, he quickly glanced at the paper still in his hand while vanessa facepalmed. “Lawrence fletcher?” He continued, slipping seamlessly back into his confident tone.
Miraculously, the woman didnt question his suspicious behaviour and instead shot him a required, friendly smile. “Of course. 8:30, table for 5?”
Pleasantly surprised that Perry wasnt pranking him, Doof shot her an excited finger gun. “That’s the one!”
“Right this way, sir.” She smiled and opened the fake barn doors, letting in Vanessa, Buford and Norm (who had to severely duck to fit).
“Oh, uh, we can bring in outside food, right?” Doof asked nervously, noticing Norm carrying his jerry can.
“Unfortunately, no.”
Well, looks like they’d have to eat without norm. What a tragedy.
“But uh… I suppose gasoline isn’t really food.” She said awkwardly, breaking her customer service voice out of confusion, as she followed his line of sight. “Soo, you’re good.”
“Oh.” Dammit.
As Doof was following his family into the loud restaurant, the employees voice cut him off one more time.
“Is this little guy your 5th party member?” She giggled.
“Huh?” Glancing behind him, Doof saw no one but a regular platypus on the ground.
“Oh, no I don’t really…know this platypus…” he said, feeling confused. Why was there another platypus in the middle of danville? And why did it look so familiar…
The woman didnt seem to hear him as she was crouching down to scratch the animal under the chin.
“Aww, who’s a good boy? You are! You are!” The wall-eyed animal churred at the affection, leaning into her hand. Doofs eyes softened.
“Aw, well- I suppose he is a cute little guy.” He conceded, crouching down to the animals level. “A-alright, I…I guess he is with us.” Just for dinner, before they checked if he had an owner. After all, how could he say no to that face???
As he went to pick the platypus up, it growled at him. “Alright.” He said tensely, putting his hands on his hips. “Sassy.” The woman giggled.
“He’s probably just hungry. A lot of our customers have been saying that today.”
Doof chuckled nervously, and he could have sworn the platypus glared. “Yeah…funny, that… Um, alright, I guess I’ll just…” he turned to walk inside and glanced back at the platypus unsurely. To his surprise, however, the animal followed him obediently. “Huh. Well trained.”
“Alright, thank you! Come along, Steven.” Doof called happily after the platypus he’d grown attached to.
“I still think he looks like an Alan.” Buford retorted, following him with the animal in his arms (they’d learnt quickly that it was only doof he refused to let hold him, much to the scientists annoyance). Vanessa walked out after them with an amused eyeroll, shooting the platypus a knowing look. It churred nervously in Buford’s grip, earning it a pat on the head.
“THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL SERVICE. I COULDN’T EAT ANOTHER BITE!” Norms generic voice came from inside the restaurant.
“Remember to duck on your way out!” Vanessa called behind her.
“RIGHT.” The robot just that, before standing to his full height outside and shooting finger guns at her. “THANKS, SIS.”
“Uh, no problem, bro.” she responded awkwardly. She wasn’t really sure what to make of her dad’s invention seeing her as a sister, but she wasn’t about to risk saying something that could hurt his feelings in case he had them. “Hey, can you call his mom?” She asked, pointing to Buford. “Our, uh, ‘sibling’ has gotta get home somehow and Dad’s probably gonna forget.”
“NO PROBLEM!” Norm said, before his eyes went black and his voice somehow became even more robotic. “CALLING VAN STOMM HOUSEHOLD….”
Meanwhile, Doof was picking food put of his teeth with a toothpick Buford gave him. “So,” he said, toothpick still in his mouth. “How was that?”
“It was good!” Buford said, a little distracted by the platypus wriggling in his arms. He put him down with another pat on the head before adding. “I like it there.” with a smile.
“I can tell!” Doof said. “Well, I’m glad someone ended up somewhere they liked tonight.”
“Yeah. That was much better than some stuffy adult place. Shame they had no steak, though.” He patted his tummy, looking disappointed. Doof placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, that’s life, unfortunately.”
“Yeah…hey, where’d alan go?” Alarmed, the two looked around their feet, before doof pointed down the road.
“There he goes!”
His shout got Vanessa’s attention, who walked over and followed where he was pointing to the platypus trotting casually down the street. An amused smile took over her face and she placed a hand on his arm, bringing it down. “Looks like he knows where he’s going.” She said casually.
“But…” Doof’s eyes got shiny, and she patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s alright, Dad.” She said, half-interested. “I’m sure you’ll see him again.”
“They say if ya love somethin’, let it go.” Buford added wisely. It quickly devolved into an irritable shout as Vanessa ruffled his hair.
“Nerd.” She scoffed, fondly.
While the two were bickering, and norm was on the phone, Doof smiled fondly at them and then to the scrap of paper in his pocket.
“Thank you, Perry The Platypus.”
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dangan-happy · 4 years
Give me back my glitter, Monomi! Tenko, Kokichi and Hiyoko! I need your help! A boy I know says minecraft bedwars are better than blanket forts >:( Can you give me your opinions on this nonsense??? P.s love ya guys <3
My only opinion that I have on this is that whoever this boy is, he’s stupid, dumb, and ugly! And that’s just me being nice. He’s lucky I don’t understand really Minecraft.
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This is something that should be directed towards the slowpoke gamer girl who always hangs out with that idiot Ollie. 
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Aw, you love me? Haha, I love you too! But you know what? I’d love you a lot more if you gave me some gummies!
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MINECRAFT! OOH! Ok, I read this ask at like, 3 am yesterday and I lowkey thought I dreamed about it because my last few asks have been really heavy, and I was like, there's no way that there's an ask just sitting there that's basically, "lol minecraft", but there IS. I'm starting to think that I need to put a disclaimer above all my asks that says something about the fact that if you ask for me you're gonna get a side of random chaos with your asks, because this is becoming a reoccurring thing. 
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Ok, just gonna listen to mine diamonds while I answer this....aaaand we're good! Ok, so, we all know minecraft is like, a god tier game so the bed wars has a solid lead, buuuut I think it's really just a matter of perspective. I think it would depend what mood I'm in to really decide a winner, but hey I got some good news! I just googled it, and there are some awesome minecraft blankets you can buy to make a pillow fort to sit in while you play minecraft. Tada! Best of both worlds!
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You're suuuuper lucky I was able to answer this ultra serious ask for you anon. I'm the best person out there for life saving questions like these. Love you too anon! Look out for creepers ok!
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I just can’t agree with that degenerate male Kokichi! Who could like Minecraft more then blanket forts?!
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The soft warmth of a blanket fort....soooo nice. How Tenko would love to be in one right now!
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Clearly, blanket forts are better then Minecraft. Your degenerate male friend doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 113 2Xs2) "Things That Real People Do."
@crystalbaby12 @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @rosefilledhearts-blog *AGAIN... So sorry if I missed you ❤️
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Colson and Luna wake up late and discombobulated the next morning. They had fucked a few more times and stayed up way too late talking about their future plans together. Now they're rushing around to grab clothes so they're not late meeting Deanna at the airport.
Luna and Colson are a little more than halfway to LAX when she gets a text from Deanna. It says she just landed to their relief.
"It's so good to see you!!" Luna hugs Deanna tightly once they find each other.
"UGH. You are soooo lucky I love you." Deanna half teases, half groans.
"All this yours?" Colson asks with wide eyes as he looks at the stacks of luggage behind The Girls.
"Try YOURS." Deanna answers with a laugh as she greets Colson with a warm hug. "Three wedding dresses, two suites and the makings for two flower girl dress... Yeah, that's YOURS. Mine's there." She deadpans pointing to a significantly smaller sized pile.
"Alright... Let's get this show on the road!" Luna claps with excitement.
With substantial help, Colson, Luna and Deanna load all of the luggage and themselves into Colson's Expedition. On the way home the three of them talk about the astetics that Luna's going for. Colson hearing for the first time her two color schemes.
"This shit is gonna be FIRE, Kitten!" He shouts happily as he pulls her head over to kiss it; making Deanna smile as Luna turns a sweet shade of red.
Music is blaring when they pull into the driveway. The Cleveland House is alive and rocking. Sam and Baze have made their way back over along with Slim and Dub. Mod and Casie are having a water balloon fight in the front yard against Rook and Benny while Pete and Kevin chill on the front step watching.
"Welcome to Cleveland!" Colson laughs at the sight happening in front of his house.
Baze, Colson, Sam, Slim, Dub and Luna help Deanna get her supplies inside. Setting up in the dining room, she spreads out the fabrics and sets up the accessories for Casie's dresses across the large table. Opening Colson's trunk, she reveals his almost finished suits. With some fine tuning, they both should be finished today. Staying closed and locked is the trunk that contains Luna's multiple wedding dresses.
"Colson, can I get you on the box?" Deanna requests once she has her traveling work space fully set up.
"Yeah, no problem. What suit you want me to try on first?" He asks as his fingers run between the two different fabrics.
"Uh... Let's go PinStriped because that's the first one." Deanna decides.
"Hi!" Casie comes up waving. "I'm Casie. Who are you?" She asks inquisitively as she sticks her hand out for a shake.
"Hi!" Deanna laughs at the young girl's candid demeanor. "I'm Deanna, I'll be creating your dresses for your dad and Luna's weddings... It's so nice to finally meet you." She gushes as Casie shakes her hand in an exaggerated fashion.
"Are these for me?" Casie asks with a squeak in her voice as she hops over to the different colors and fabrics laid across the table.
"Yup. I'm gonna finish up with your dad and then we'll start on you." Deanna informs her.
"REALLY?" Casie clasps her hands together in excitement.
"Yeah, come on Dill. Let's go warm up and get changed so you're ready." Luna coaxes her favorite tiny person.
"Okay!!" Casie continues to hop as Luna guides her up stairs after passing Colson.
One Look.
"Oooh! That fits nicely! How does it feel?" Deanna asks once a barefoot Colson is on her box.
"Nice. I can move and bend... " He answers by showcasing how his ninja kicks.
"WHOAH!! NO MARTIAL ARTS TILL AFTER THE CEREMONY!!" Deanna asserts with a laugh as she slides his suit coat onto his shoulders.
"DAMN... I love fly as fuuuuuuuck!" Colson shouts as he admires himself and Deanna's work in the mirror.
"Stand still for a sec, I just wanna check the hem on the pants." The designer instructs as she works her magic; a few small adjustments and the suit is perfect. "Alright, now the orange one." She goes on to direct her model.
"My favorite!" Colson shouts again as he jumps sideways off the box, Luna and Casie coming in just in time to witness it.
"Don't mind my dad, sometimes he can be a nerd." Casie reassures Deanna of her father's antics.
"How's the first?" Luna asks her friend as they wait for Colson.
"BAM!!" Deanna is cut off by Colson's elaborate entrance. "This jawn is litty, my Kitty!!" Colson shouts again as he pulls Luna close to him by the waist. "Feel this shit... It's so fucking soft but so light." He oozes over the crushed orange material.
"You look great, Buns." Luna laughs as she kisses him. "Now get on the box.... GET ON THE BOX!!" She laughs harder, slightly mimicking Brad Pitt from Seven.
"How's that one feel?" Deanna interupts them, she's on a mission.
"I like that this one is looser. Like, I could wear these pants all day at EstFest and be comfortable." Colson answers as he does a slight jig.
"GREAT!! That means you're done. All I have to do is secure all the hems and you're wedding day ready." Deanna let's out with a light sigh.
"See that Kitten, I'm wedding day ready." Colson states as he pops a pose and sticks his tongue out at her; causing her to collapse into a fit of giggles with Casie and Deanna.
"That's a good look for you there, Mzzz. Kelly." Sam comes in, busting balls and carrying beers.
"Whhhyyyy thank you." Colson laughs as he jumps off of the box one last time, steals a beer from Sam and hollers "THANK YOU, DEANNAAAAA!!" As he sprints away to undress and work on his rap hook.
Fitting Casie is a WHOLE different story. She's never had to stand still long enough for a custom piece. It also doesn't help that The Guys keep floating in and out and messing with her.
"Lemme show you something, Dill! " Luna calls for Casie, pulling her sketch book out, she shows the young girl what their goals are.
"Okay. I'll stand better." Casie asserts with a better understanding of what they're trying to construct.
Deanna works as Casie stands. Luna and Sam busting it up with both of them. Colson pulling Luna away for her opinion on the sound for what they're now calling So Am I. Luna dipping all around the house. From the dining room to the music room, then to the backyard to get stoned real quick. Starting from scratch, Casie's takes the longest leaving the tiny one to step down from the box hungry and exhausted.
"I'm going to watch TV." She declares with a dragging sigh.
Luna sets her up in the living room as Ashleigh arrives with Ashton. Pleasing Casie to no end to have her Buddy with her as the women all head to the dining room for Luna's final fittings.
"We need sheets." Deanna informs Luna. "I don't want anyone walking in on you... You know?" She asks to Ashleigh's nod at the sign of the bad omen before she goes to find them.
A couple of beers, a few sheets later and Luna's on the box in her first dress. It's simple and short with lace details. Deanna checks the hems and asks Luna how it feels. She loves it. It's flattering yet comfortable. Delicate but not too girly for Luna. Gushing over it as she throws her arms around Deanna in gratitude.
"Wait till you see the third... That's my favorite." Sam whispers to Ashleigh as they watch Luna shimmy into her second dress.
This one is long with simple, classic lace patterns. Giving off a soft, hippidelic feel. Perfect for the woods of EstFest. Luna stands still as Deanna adjusts the lace around her body and it falls softly against her skin.
"Is it too tight?" Deanna asks with slight concern.
"I don't think so... What do you think?" Luna asks as she twists and twirls on the box.
"Jump off." Deanna instructs Luna.
With that she takes a long, ballerina leap off of the box, making it shake by her sudden weight shift. Legs wide open and arms extended she glides for a moment before landing and twirling again.
"TaDa!" Luna takes a bow, incredibly pleased with herself.
"Show off." Sam snarks with an unamused eye roll as she swigs her beer.
"You look AMAZING, Loons!!" Ashleigh stands up to admire her and the dress.
"Thank you." Luna let's out an embarrassed smile as she pecks Ashleigh's cheek. "What do you think, D?" Luna asks her designer friend.
"You'll be fine." Deanna's head nod making the other girls crack up.
"Yo!! Kitten! Where you at?" Colson tries to come barging in but gets tangled in the sheets.
"Not with you right now." Sam answers as she grabs him and pushes him to freedom; all praising Sam and the sheets with more gratitude and laughter.
Slipping into the third dress is easy. It's a two piece with a full skirt. Deanna only wanting to check the final fit and hem. Still twirling, Luna let's out a sigh... It's not hard to get caught up in the sweetness of planning a wedding. No matter how obscure.
"You okay?" Sam asks as she passes Luna a beer.
"Yeah." Luna smiles dreamily. "Just excited." Her hopeful demeanor seeping slightly into Sam before they click their beers wih the other two ladies.
The fittings took all day. Leading them right up until about 530Pish. Only having time for a huge burn circle for the adults before most of them who aren't dressed have to run off to be ready for their 7P reservation at Morton's Steakhouse.
Finally seated with an array of drinks and appetizers, it's a ton of them as always. Colson, Casie and Luna. Deanna. Then Pete and Kevin; because no one could convince Pete to leave Kevin at home alone during nightfall and Luna knows when to pick her battles. Baze, Sam, Ashleigh and Ashton are there. Along with Rook, Slim, Benny, Mod and a pop up AJ. Fifteen to be exact. The Fabulous Fifteen if you will. Dub making his way home after the circle. Luna orders a ribeye while Colson wants crab legs. Everyone one else places their order before Luna builds Casie a bowl of Chicken Alfredo by getting technical with the server. She doesn't like to be a dick but Casie's an asshole when it comes to food and Luna would rather push a little limit than be pushed to the limits. All the while Colson appreciating Luna's instincts when it comes to his daughter.
Dinner is filling and boozed soaked. Casie successfully getting her coveted dish while Ashton enjoyed plain noodles. They talk mostly about getting back to The House and trying to work out Luna's new song before Ashleigh asks how TownHall went.
"The COURTHOUSE went well." Luna laughs to Colson's smirk as they slightly explain the logistics of their yesterday.
Conversation continues to flow along with more alcohol. Deanna and Sam's thick NY accents drawling out Luna's Brooklyn one as well as Pete's Staten Island slang as they recant war stories and bust each other's balls. It's a different light to see the four old friends in.
Eventually Ashton has his fill, Ashleigh taking him home in her own car. Benny driving Colson, Luna, Casie and Deanna while Baze, Sam, Pete and Kevin follow behind Slim, Rook and Mod. AJ being the lone wolf as always.
Back at The House, Colson has Casie get in the shower while he packs up a few of her things that will head back to Emma's tomorrow. Meanwhile, Luna begins to pack for their overnight stay and upcoming performance in NYC on Thursday. The Guys and Sam are still downstairs tinkering with the idea Luna has in mind while Deanna works on Casie's dresses nearby.
Heading downstairs with a clean Casie, Luna and Colson join them in the music room. Beers are passed along with ideas and thoughts. Luna sits behind the drumkit, making herself comfortable.
"Let's try this, Sammy..." Luna offers as she takes the sticks in her hand and pounds out a quick bop.
"Lemme give it try." Sam agrees as they switch place and she begins to practice to Luna's approving nod.
Grabbing her electric that she'd kept with her since SNL; Luna tunes it up, making the chords howl. Stopping Sam, she looks over at Baze and nods for him to follow her chord pattern. A huge smile lighting up Luna's face as their two instruments align together.
"Now, gimme that strong, quick drum, Sammy!" Luna shouts out over her shoulder. "Colson, follow her lead." Luna continues to instruct as she begins to sing the original lyrics a bit faster with more spunk instead of tease.
Casie sits watching in awe. She's seen her dad create and record a million songs but there's something empowering to her in the way Luna commands the direction of her peers and their instruments. The young artist continues to absorb the creative jam session as it begins to birth an actual song.
"I think here... " Luna points to her and Colson's conjoined lyric lined papers, showing him where she think his part fits.
"So, what... After... " Colson asks as he flips through a few chords on his own electric.
"Yes... Exactly. Wanna try it?" Luna asks as she feels the piece lock into both of their brains.
Colson nods as Luna calls it From The Top. Her lead guitar whining for a couple chords before Baze's bass pops in to even her out. Followed by the unique beat pick up by Sam's thunderous drums and Colson's quick paced rhythm. Luna steps up to the mic, her vocals dancing through the lyrics as Colson slides in to reiterate everything she's claiming.
"FUUUUUCK YES!!" Luna shouts after they slam it out. "Quick break and then another couple run thrus?" She asks to everyone's agreement as she bounces around like she's on Meth; she's not, it's just her creative process.
A quick break means a quick fuck to Luna. Down the hall, in the tiny bathroom. With her senses on overdrive, she's all over Colson. Dropping to her knees to slurp his dick, bringing him close to the edge before releasing him and letting his cock throb as it drags against her outstretched throat.
Bouncing up again with a twinkling gleam, she kisses Colson hard on the mouth. Letting their tongues wrestle playfully with one another before pulling back. Giving him THAT One Look before she hoists herself up onto the sink. With his pants already off, Colson eases himself into Luna's juicy pussy. Making her moan and shudder from his girth. With his hands cradling her face, Colson kisses Luna deeply while her nails grip his ass and she fucks him maniacaly.
"Ooohh FUCK, Bunny! GO!" Luna cries out as her whole body tightens before that beautiful wave of euphoria washes over her.
"God Damn, Loons." Colson pants into her collarbone as she goes limp against his body.
"Mmmm... I FUCKING LoveLOOOOVE Yooou." Luna coos gently in his ear as they rest upon each other
Luna comes bouncing right out of the bathroom and back to practice without missing a beat. Talking over different chords with Baze, rhythms with Sam, along lyrics and feelings with Rook. Colson gazes at her with love and adoration as he watches her create. It's when he sees how intently Casie's watching Luna too, does it turn into appreciation. Heart bursting with pride that he chose a strong woman to be his wife and a role model to His Peanut.
"It's her... It's always been her." Colson smiles to himself as he allows his mind to drift back to the night at The Gramercy and the mysterious Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat before joining in on their band practice for a song She wrote about Him.
Word Limit 2 of 2
To be continued....
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dreamerofasgard · 5 years
Marvelous Darlings Chapter 1: Moving in
Disclaimer: Marvel belongs to its respective owner, RIP Stan Lee, we only own ourselves and what we do. Enjoy!
Word count: 8,898
“Here we are,” Natasha said, driving by the main campus building, Old Main, of Kutztown University. They could see students walking all around; going to class, going to hang out, going back to their dormitory. 
“Yay,” Bucky said with less enthusiasm.
About 15 minutes later       
Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, and Loki was bringing their things up to their room on the fourth floor when they see a girl with dirty blonde hair run from an apartment. Shortly after the girl left, a brunette girl chased after her with clear anger.
“ERICA I SWEAR TO GOD!” The brunette girl yelled, catching up but was almost hit in the face which was covered in whip cream when the dirty blonde haired girl slammed her door closed.
The brunette huffed in anger before storming back into her apartment with a slam of her own.
“Well…, that was interesting,” Pietro joked with a smirk on his face, “I like her.”
Just as Pietro said that the girl running away from her friend poked her head out with a giggle. She then walked out and made her way to her friend’s apartment door.
“I love you April!” She called to the door, a moment later a muffled answer was heard, she laughed knowing what she said.
“April…So that’s her name,” Pietro took note, getting an elbow to his ribs by his sister.
“Oh. Hello there,” The dirty blonde girl waved to the group.
This confused the group, why wasn’t screaming or running up to them demanding a picture with them? She was acting too…. Calm.
“Why aren’t you, you know, jumping and screaming at us?” Wanda asked the girl, trying to see into her mind but for some reason, she can’t.
“Simple: you guys deserve your space. Sure, you guys are famous and help protect our world but you are people too. Not some prize to worship.” The girl said, shocking them all.
“Now let me get this right. Wanda and….Pietro? You two are the Maximoff twins. Then you got Natasha Romanoff, Right? James Buchanan Barnes but you prefer to be called Bucky and lastly, Loki the God of Mischief.” The girl began naming them all.
“Very good. So, what exactly happened between you and your friend in there?” Natasha asked.
“I pied her in the face!” The girl said as both Loki and Pietro chuckle a bit, “Oh right, I haven’t introduced myself, I’m Erica Lunar.” Erica was a girl standing at 5’8, her dirty blonde was in soft waves stopping at her ribcage. She was wearing a sheer poet shirt with a black corset, dark blue shorts with her signature knee-high black boots. Her make up was simple black eyeliner with green and black eyeshadow to make her blue eyes pop.
“Nice to meet you, Erica,” Wanda said with a smile as she shook hands with Erica.
“Excuse me for just a moment.” She said before walking over to her friend’s door.
Hey, April! Come out here!” Erica called through the door as she knocked on it until it opened, suddenly it opened to see the brunette girl, April, with an angry face.
“What do you want?” April gritted out.
“ Oh, I don’t know I just thought that because some members of the Avengers are here. And they look like they are moving in that you of all people would wanna meet them. ” Erica asked with a smile as she swayed happily.
“Hmph, let me put on pants,” April closed the door once more to put on pants.
“Typical April,” Erica giggles behind her hand before turning to the Avengers “She’ll be out in a minute”, and just a moment later April was standing there her height was at 5’3, her extremely dark hair was a mix of curls that stops at her stomach. She was wearing a black tank top with no bra, dark gray gym shorts and gray socks. Her dark brown eyes, with thick black eyeliner, were striking a glare at Erica.
“Where are they?” April leaned back against the door with her legs crossed, a tired expression on her face.
“TADA!,” Erica says as she jesters to her right as she then starts walking back over to the group as April’s heart beats faster as she sees that Bucky is there.
“You guys are moving in?” She asked them.
“Yes, we are attending college here,” Pietro said with a smirk pointed towards April.
“So you’re our neighbors, cool. I’m April Flores. Where’s your room?”
“Room 411,” Natasha said.
“Then we’ll help you.” April looked at Erica before walking to Pietro and tries to take his box.
“I got this, April. Thank you though,” Pietro smiled, April raised an eyebrow.
“Alright. I’ll be in my room if you need me,” April turned with a glare, and walked back into her apartment.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. I just didn’t want her to carry heavy things.” Pietro explained, making Erica facepalm.  “You’d be surprised with April. Anyway, I would like to help you guys.” Erica said but the door suddenly opened and Erica was pulled inside the apartment. “What the Fuck?!” was all she could say before the door closed.
“Oh my fucking god!! Bucky! Oh dear lord!” April was squealing.
“Oh, now you fangirl,” Erica smirked.
“Shut up! Bucky is the best.” April said, calming down, “Go help them already.” She opened the door and tried pushing Erica out of her apartment. “Oh no, you don’t,” Erica says as she grabs April by the wrist and tries to drag her friend out of the apartment.
“For God's’ Sake Erica!!! LET ME PUT ON A BRA FIRST!” April says as she escapes from Erica’s grip.
All of a sudden they hear a guy’s voice scream out, “SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’M RAGE GAMING HERE!!”
“Who was that?” Bucky asked, confused.
“April’s roommate….Hmph, fine, I’ll let you go,” Erica released her grip and April was allowed back into her room.
As April fixes herself, the Avenger’s things were placed into their room. By the time she came outside, now with a bra and sweatshirt on, she encountered Bucky. He was holding two boxes under each arm, which he was currently struggling with. April walked to him and took the box under his right and easily carried it in her arms. Bucky was surprised she was able to hold the box, it had all his history and reading books.
“W-what is it? Did I do something wrong?” April asked Bucky with a worried look on her face.
“Oh, n-no! You didn’t do anything wrong, I was just… surprised that you can carry that box,” Bucky replied, a slight blush appearing over his cheeks.
“Oh, trust me, I’ve carried things heavier than this.” April smiled before turning with the box in her hands.
Bucky could only watch as April walked away, his eyes slowly trailing down to her ass but he shook his head to prevent such thoughts. He looked ahead and walked into his apartment.
Soon enough, their apartment was arranged, so was their rooms, and it was a nice view to see. Erica was beaming with joy, a large smile on her face whereas April had a smile on hers.
“Soooo…. Food?” Erica suggested to the small group.
“Yeah, I’m fine with that,” Wanda agreed, the others agreeing as well.
“Let’s go!” Erica cheered as she made a beeline for the door. April shook her head and followed, but at a slower pace than her. “She is a weird one isn’t she?” Wanda asks April. “Yeah but she’s all ours,” says April not knowing at Pietro and Bucky were right behind her as Loki leaned against the hallway wall with Natasha and Erica waiting for everyone.
“Let me put on some shoes,” April left to her apartment room and quickly grab her shoes and ID card.
As she opened the door, she was greeted by her three other roommates: Georgie, Allison, and Sam.
“Where are you going?” Allison asked her.
“Food with Erica and new friends of ours,” April said before leaving the apartment. Once the door was closed they made there was to the stairwell, since it was a faster way to get downstairs than wait for the elevator to arrive.
It was a nice walk to the South Dining Hall, Natasha was in the direct front, Wanda and Erica were behind her talking about various things, Pietro and Loki were behind the girls with Bucky and April to be behind the boys.
April was internally freaking out, she was standing next to Bucky. Her favorite Avenger, she had seen what had happened to him when SHIELD released all the files on themselves and on HYDRA. She felt sympathy for the man, he didn’t deserve that kind of torture in his life. He was treated so horribly that no one should have experienced.
But she didn’t want to push her luck on trying to be friends with him quickly and wants to give him time to adjust to living on a campus full of teenagers wilding out and acting like complete idiots.
“Hey, are you okay?” The simple question pulled April out of her thoughts. She turned to face Bucky who was holding the door for her.
“O-h, yeah thank you Bucky. Sorry,” April thanked, walking inside and giving the lady her ID to swipe in, Bucky did the same and made their way to their sitting spot.
“Lost in thought?” Bucky asked her. April had a small blush appearing over her cheeks and nodded in response.
“Yeah, got a lot on my mind,” April said making her way over to the kiosk to order herself some salad.
Bucky could only watch her and paid attention to his sitting friends. Erica was giving him a look of mischief, and he gave her a look back. Erica wiggled her eyebrows before returning her focus back to Wanda and Natasha.
Meanwhile, at the kiosk, April was ordering food with Pietro next to her.
“So, how old are you?” He asked once he got the receipt for his order.
“Nineteen. I recently turned nineteen,” April responded getting her own receipt. It was the first week of September, her birthday was a month ago.
“Oh? When?” Pietro pried.
“A month ago. On the eighth of August,” She answered.
“So a Leo eh?”
“Yeaaah,” She nodded her head slowly.
“Very fiesty, I like that in a woman,”
“Good for you man,” April left before he could say another word.
Meanwhile, Loki, Wanda, and Erica were getting to know each other as they talked about books and movies.
“So have you guys read or watched Lord of the Rings???” said Erica before she took a sip of her soda as Loki was across from her and Wanda next to her.
“I’ve watched the Lord of the Rings movies but not the books,” Wanda said but Loki shook his head in a no manner.
“Well, I know what to do now when it comes to time to hang out! Oh, you’re gonna love it. But first, we need to get you the books because you not reading them would be a crime!” Erica practically yelled but she calmed down with a soft touch of Wanda. “Sorry, I grew up watching the movies and reading the novels. So I’m a bit passionate about it”, Erica says as she looks down at her lap a bit embarrassed about her actions as Loki smiles just slightly as he then sees Pietro and Bucky coming back.
“Don’t worry, she does this with ALL the things she absolutely loves,” April’s voice was heard as she sat down in her seat, placing her salad bowl in front of her.
“What about you April? What’s your preferred book genre?” Wanda asked.
“Let’s see… Mystery, Thriller, Murder Mystery, Erotic novels, a bit of romance and supernatural,” April answered before shoving lettuce and chicken in her mouth as Erica gets up to get food Loki’s eyes’ follow her.
“Hey, Loki. Tap that ass,” April gave him a smirk. “I beg your pardon?” Loki says as he looks at April with a death stare as Natasha chuckles. “What’s wrong Loki, caught looking?” says Natasha as she sits next to April. As Erica orders food she runs into George. “George!!!!” Erica says as she hugs tackle him making him almost fall to the floor. “Hey boo,” says George.
“Wanna come meet our new friends?” says Erica as gets her White Hot Chocolate with Vanilla and looks quickly over at April and the group. “Hmmm. Sure. I got nothing better to do.” says George as he walks back to the table with Erica. “Hey everyone this April’s roommate George,” Erica says as the small group waves at George as he looks at who is sitting at the table he almost freaks out. “Wait just wait. YOU’RE FRIENDS WITH THE AVENGERS PLUS LOKI NOW??!!!! WITHOUT ME!????”
“Yeah. Also, yell at me like that again boy, and I’ll whip your ass with a chancleta.” April hissed at the boy with a smirk on her face.
“We sisters love being hit,” George joked with a wink.
The Avengers, for the most part, are confused while Natasha, Loki, and Wanda just chuckle a bit while George sits down next to Natasha and April while Erica sits back down across from Loki as she notices that April is eating faster than normal due to sitting across from Bucky. Erica then takes out her phone and texts April.
Erica: Nervous eating hun?
April: Shut up!!! He is legit right in front of me.
Erica: So? Why are you freaking out?
April: He’s hotter in person okay??? Why aren’t you freaking out about one of them?
Erica: Because I don’t know them that well. And yeah some of them may be hot but it’s gonna take me a while to trust again after that asshat broke my heart and used me.
April: Ahhhhhhh. But still, I think you got somebody’s attention. ;)
Erica: What do you mean? ?-?
April: Oh you know who I’m talking about. ;)
Erica: Um no I don’t. ?-?
April:  Ughhhh. You are so clueless. Besides, I don’t want to bombard Bucky like that, he deserves some peace at least.
Erica: Is it because of your previous boyfriend?
April: Yeah, the one that dated me and fucked me up so hard that I almost committed suicide.
Erica: Wait, you almost killed yourself? YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT!!!
April: It’s all in the past, I don’t really want to talk about it.
April put down her phone and finished eating her plate as both George and Loki look at Erica and April.
“What were you guys talking about? Some tea that needs to be spilled, sisters?” George asked, sipping his soda as if it was actual tea. “Nothing George,” Erica says while she put her phone down and starts eating her food while Loki raises an eyebrow as he is curious about this girl.
“So, Erica what is your hobby?” Natasha asked the girl, taking a bite from her burger.
“Well, I play video games with April and I collect beautiful crystals which is slowly becoming a problem,” Erica said looking up from her food. “What kind of crystals?” Loki asked finally speaking up after nearly 30 minutes of sitting with Erica. “Well, I love quartz, obsidian, emeralds, amethyst, and anything I can get my hands on at a yard sale or store honestly,” Erica said shrugging to look up with a smile at the God of Mischief.
“What about you April? Got any hobbies?” Natasha moved onto April.
“Uh, playing games with Erica, jamming to my music and acting,” April replied with a yawn. “Acting? Like theater acting or professional acting?” Bucky was surprised, he wanted to know more, causing April to blush a little. “Oh, just simple acting for my original stories…” April said but mumbled towards the end of her response.
“You mumbled, I couldn’t hear you,” Bucky said, pushing his hair behind his right ear.
“Just acting with my friends, fun stuff,” April nervously laughed, pointing her attention away from the man sitting across from her. “Mhm mhm,” Natasha hummed, wiggling her eyebrows April, which caused her to throw a fry at the assassin in mock anger.
“So babes, what are our plans for the evening?” George asked the girls, eating a brownie. “Chilling,” April immediately responded with a grin, nodding at George.  “Aww shit, here we go again,” George said, making him and April laugh their asses off.
“What am I missing here?” Pietro asked.
“Oh, April and George have their annual day to hang out together and have fun,” Erica answered, with a blank face. “You make it seem like its really bad,” Wanda said, confused. “Oh, they get wild when they hang out. There is a lot of rage game screaming, squealing and just loud yells in general,” Erica shook her head as she took a sip of her now cold white hot chocolate as she chuckled.
“So what are you guys’ hobbies?” Erica said as she looked around the table at the group as Wanda spoke up. “Well, I actually write some poetry and songs in my spare time,” she said as she tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear a bit embarrassed. “Well in my spare time I try to break the sound barrier,” Pietro says while leaning back and crossing his arms. “Which you still can’t do,” says Wanda as she messes up her brother’s hair as Natasha chuckles. “What about you Nat?” April says as she pokes her in the shoulder “Well I do some ballet in my spare time. Nothing much really.” Natasha says as she blushes a bit.
“What about you Bucky?” George says as he quickly looks at April then back to Bucky, “What are your hobbies?” he said as everyone looks at Bucky.
“Well, I um… I’m learning how to play guitar if that counts?” he says looking up from his drink at every one. Almost everybody’s mouth drops, “Shut up!” says everyone except Nat, Loki, and Pietro who just smiled.  
“Dude I can lend you some of my learn how to play guitar books,” Erica says as she looks over at Bucky as April is still awestruck at what Bucky just said as George chuckles at her reaction.
“Now the real question is what is Loki’s hobby. Am I right?” says Bucky as he jesters to the other end of the table at Loki.  And just like that, all eyes were on Loki as he chuckles.
“Well much like the Barnes and Ms. Maximoff I do enjoy music and reading but I do sing a bit along with writing some short stories.” as Loki finishes talking April and George look at each other than at Loki and Erica knowing that they are perfect for each other.
“Sister Erica sings,” George says as everyone’s attention shifts from Loki to Erica as she looks embarrassed.
“Oh?” Loki says as he smiles while looking at her as she just sinks down into her chair, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Erica says as she hugs her legs and looks out the window.
“She is an Angel or a Siren when she sings but is extremely embarrassed whenever someone other than herself brings it up,” April says as she looks at George a bit pissed off as she hits George on the head softly.
“Hey, I’m sorry okay? I just thought that she would want to talk about music with Wanda and Loki since she keeps talking about starting a ba-” George was cut out by a hand full of fries throw at him from Erica.
“George I told you not to talk about that. It’s a secret, Remember?” Erica says a bit teary-eyed and pissed as she gets up.
“I’m heading back to Golden Bear South. Have a nice night everyone,” she said before leaving alone. As Erica walked away watched for a short time before Loki excused himself as April continued to scold George before everyone headed back to Golden Bear South.
Meanwhile, Erica was in her room crying softly while listening to Evanescence until she heard a knock on her door before it opened as it was her roommate Crystal.
“What’s wrong Erica?” Crystal said as she sat next to Erica on the bed as she puts a hand on Erica’s shoulder.
“So some of the Avengers are attending college here and are living down the hall from us,” says Erica as she paused her music and continued talking as she played with her unicorn plushie. “So in 411 Bucky Barnes, the Maximoff twins and Loki live here while Natasha most likely is a public safety officer and Wanda said something about Vision being an English professor at the university. And-”
“Slow down girl. That doesn’t seem like a bad thing so what’s really the matter?” Said Crystal as she hands Erica a tissue.
“Well after April and I helped them move in then we all got food at South Dining Hall. I found George and he ate with us and as we talked he brought up my singing because he thought because Wanda and Loki enjoy music that I could talk to them about me and April’s band.” Erica says as Crystal knows exactly what’s wrong now.
“So you got nervous about your musical talent in front of new people. Oh, hun, you’ll be fine. I bet they are curious now about your music. Especially Loki and Wanda. Am I right?” Crystal says as Erica finally smiles and nods.
“Now go to bed you siren,” Crystal says as she hugs Erica then closes the door behind her as Erica soon falls asleep.
At the same time, Loki was walking around campus thinking about why he was really here. Loki stared at Old Main as he remembered his mother’s words from his childhood about love and soulmates.
Asgard years ago
While walking in the garden a young Loki and Frigga talk about his magic training until they sit down beneath a beautiful tree.
“Loki my son, do you know what a soulmate is?” said Frigga as Loki sat on her lap as she looks at her son.
“I think you talked about it once before mother,” said Loki as he looked at his mother.
“Well, soulmates are when two people are perfect for each other more than what they look like or act. You see their souls are perfect and practically made for each other,” said Frigga as she picked a rose from the flower bed next to the bench.
“So there is somebody for everyone in the universe mother?” says Loki as he takes the rose from his mother’s hand and uses his magic to make here a rose necklace.
“Yes Loki, even you. And I know that you will meet her on Midgard but neither of you will realize your love for each other until a blood moon on All Hallows Eve when her magic is unlocked by your own. You will feel a pull to her though so don’t worry Loki,” says Frigga as her and Loki make their way to the Library.
“Will I like her and will she like me, mother?” Loki asks curiously as he held his mother’s hand.
Frigga just chuckles and says “You two will love each other very much. Now back to your lessons.”
   Midgard Modern Day
Loki smiles to himself as he walks back to South campus as the next blood moon was only a few months away.
“Only a few more months love, hopefully, this year I’ll find you,” Loki says as he looks up at the full moon before entering Golden Bear South.
“Where have you been Mischief?” says Pietro as Loki enters the apartment.
“I went for a walk. The campus is quite beautiful and peaceful at night,” says Loki as he hangs his jacket up.
“Did any of you check on Erica after she left?” Wanda says as she comes out of her room.
“April texted me saying that she was in her room asleep when she went to her apartment to check on her,” says Pietro.
“And when did you all exchange phone numbers?” Loki says as he pours himself a cup of tea.
“After you left but don’t worry they have your number too. Especially Erica,” says Wanda as she sips her own tea while looking at Loki.
“You know Erica is an art major too. You two are going to be spending some time together.” Pietro says while leaning against the door as Loki drinks his tea.
“You know we picked a good college for music and art. One of the best in Pennsylvania.” Wanda says while washing her mug out.
“Well, I’m going to bed. Goodnight everyone” Loki says as he takes his cup of tea with him to his room and reads one of his books in his plush black sofa thinking about his classes for Monday.
Bucky himself decided to go out for a walk. He didn’t need a jacket but he still felt uncomfortable showing his metal arm. He walked by the waterfall that by in front of Old Main, enjoying the sounds around him. It was about 20 minutes after midnight. Nobody was out since it is the second week of classes on a Friday.
Bucky took a deep breath as he walked past the Academic Forum. He didn’t know where he was going, only in the direction his feet were leading him. He wasn’t looking when a small form collided with his.
“I’m so sorry,” The girl began to say as she looked up at him.
“It’s okay- April?” Bucky said, surprised.
“Hey. W-what are you doing here by- by the Library?” April was confused, blushing up a storm.
“Just t-taking a walk. Needed to clear after today,” Bucky said with a small smile, “What about you? Why is a girl like you out here by herself?”
“W-well, I was going for a walk,” April said, brushing a hand through her hair.
“Do you mind if I join you or am I interrupting?” Bucky asked with an unsure expression.
“No of course!” April said a little too quickly, that made her want to hurt herself.
“Ladies first,” Bucky held his arm out for her to take.
“The gentleman,” April chuckled as she started to walk towards Sharadin which was the art building as Bucky walked next to her.  
“So you are an art major? And a history minor?” says Bucky as he moves some hair out of his eyes while April plays with her jacket.
“Yeah, looks like Erica, George and I are gonna be spending some time with Loki. Why is Loki attending college anyway I thought he was an all-knowing god or something?”
“I think it was because Thor and the others didn’t want him moping around the compound every day,” Bucky replied sounding unsure but he was positive that was the reason why.
“Ahh, I see. Why did YOU come here? You could’ve just been a graduate student,” April said.
“I could’ve but when I went to war, all I had was just a high school diploma. I never got to experience college life, so I thought why not now?” Bucky gave her a small smile.
“O-oh,” Was all April said as she looked away with a blush.
“You okay? You are getting a bit red,” Bucky went to touch her cheek but April pulled back before he could make contact.
“I-I’m fine! Really!” April yelled, pulled away too quickly.
“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you or anything,” Bucky immediately felt horrible.
“No, it’s okay. I’m don’t like guys touching my face, that’s all. The only man allowed to touch my face is my father,” April explained, as they reached the doors to the first floor of Sharadin.
“I didn’t mean for you to think that way. It’s my fault,” Bucky went to leave but April stopped him by grabbing his metal arm.
“Bucky, it’s okay. How about this, I can go grab my things and we can walk back together?” April suggested, not wanting Bucky to feel bad.
“If you think it’s okay, then yes. I wouldn’t want to leave a dame like yourself all alone,” Bucky said with a smile that made April blush once more.
“Trust me, I can handle myself but thank you for being my knight in shining armor,” April said with a smile before going inside.
It was only 10 minutes that Bucky had to wait when April returned with her bag.
Bucky never noticed since it was so dark but he noticed April’s outfit. She was wearing a black tank top with a large sweater over, dark blue cargo shorts, her black converse with her brown, leather messenger bag and her hair was put into a messy bun.
“Cute bun,” He complimented.
“Oh shush you,” April told him, taking his arm once more and together, they made their way back to the dorms.
It was almost one am when they arrived at their building, April was laughing at a story that Bucky told her.
“Did Steve actually puke after riding the Cyclone?” April said as she laughed.
“He did, he was so scared to ride it and poor me dragged him on it anyway,” Bucky laughed as they stopped at her door.
“Thanks for the walk, I really needed that Bucky,” April said, grabbing her keys out of her bag.
“It’s my pleasure. As I said, no dame like you should be alone,” Bucky said.
“Why do you call me dame?” April asked, leaning against her door.
“W-well, we call girls that out of respect, if you want I can change it,” Bucky got flustered for a moment.
“Please, I don’t want to be called a dame, it just reminds me of a damsel in distress,” April jokes, making Bucky laugh.
“How about doll, then?” Bucky suggested once she stopped laughing.
“I like that,” April smiled, “Again, thanks for the night Bucky. I’ll see you tomorrow,” April said, entering the room.
“Goodnight doll,” Bucky said, watching her close the door before making his way to his apartment door.
As Bucky opened the door to the apartment Loki was surprisingly waiting for him in the living room as he worked on some art. “Good evening James. How was your walk with April?” Loki says not looking up from his sketchbook as Bucky took off his jacket and hung it up.
“How did you know I was walking with April?” Bucky says as he walks over to the fridge and grabbing the orange juice as he then poured himself a glass for himself.
“You’re smiling like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland when you opened the door. That and I saw you two from the window five minutes ago,” Loki says as he gets off the window sill closing his sketchbook and making his way to the kitchen.
“So what of it? She is a nice girl and everything. Why do you care?” Bucky says as Loki just smiles. “Simple. I don’t. I’m just saying that you should be careful. Someone else might get her before you.” was the last thing Loki said before going to his room leaving Bucky confused about not only his emotion but who else might have feelings for April because God knows Loki didn’t like her like that.
That night Bucky fell asleep with a million questions in his mind about college along with trying not to think about April. Meanwhile, April fell asleep with a smile on her face as she thought about her new friends and Bucky. Wanda was in her room writing some songs and poetry before turning in while Pietro was running around campus trying to get things off his mind.
In the middle of the night, Erica woke up from a nightmare as tears streamed down her face as she decided to go to the kitchen. Erica has been having nightmares for the past couple of months ever since her relationship ended with her mentally abusive ex-boyfriend. Erica poured herself a glass of milk and sat down on the sofa and turned on the tv to get her mind off of the nightmare when she then heard a knock on the door. She got up and looked through the keyhole to see Wanda wrapped in her blanket.
“You okay Wanda?” Erica said as she opened up the door letting Wanda in.
“Something really weird just happened in my dream and I thought we should talk about it,” Wanda said as she walked in and looked around Erica’s apartment. “Your apartment is lovely by the way,” Wanda said before sitting down on the sofa as Erica closed the door.
“Thank you. And what do you mean?” Erica said before sitting down and looking at Wanda having a feeling of what she is talking about.
“You were in my nightmare and I was in yours. We shared a nightmare but from different viewpoints. And it’s not the first time this has happened but the first time we knew who each other was,” Wanda explains as Erica was not at all shocked. It was true that she has been having nightmares with Wanda in them for months now but never in a million years did she think Wanda was having the same exact nightmare as her.
“What does this mean ?” was the only thing Erica could say as Wanda grabbed her hand.
“It means that there is something inside of you wanting to be set free or unlocked. I don’t know what but I can tell you that it’s nothing to fear,” said Wanda with hope in her eyes as Erica began to cry again. “I tell you what. You come to sleep with me tonight in my dorm in case we have the nightmare again. Would you like that?” Wanda says as Erica just nods and goes with her.
The next morning
The gang- consisting of Erica, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, and Bucky- were sitting in South eating lunch when Pietro suddenly realized something.
“Where’s April?” He asked after he swallowed a bite of his sandwich.
“Um, I actually don’t know. Let me call her,” Erica said, pulling out her phone as she shoves a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.
The phone rang only to lead to voicemail. Erica was shocked so she tried again and for another 3 times, April did not pick up her phone.
“Okay, this bitch better be dead if she’s not picking up MY phone calls or she will be once I find her and choke the life out of her,” Erica said, feeling a little agitated as she tossed her phone next to her as Loki just chuckled.
“Loki what are you chuckling about?” Erica asked as she looked at the God slightly pissed.
“Oh, nothing. It’s just that April just walking in with George and a few other people right about now.,” Loki says before drinking his tea as he looks at Erica before she looks at the door and frowns seeing nobody there.
“You are such a liar,” said Erica as she giggled and threw a ball of napkins at Loki as he laughed while Wanda chuckled.
“Well I am the God of Lies and Mischief,” says Loki as he wiggles his eyebrows making Erica laugh.
“So Wanda told me you’re majoring in Art. What type of art? Digital, animation, crafts?” Erica says as Loki grabs his sketchbook and hands it to her.
“Studio art. My mother always said if I wasn’t a prince I would make a great painter in Asgard,” says Loki as Erica flips through page after page of gorgeous landscapes, people and places as she stops at a self-portrait of Loki.
“Wow. Your art is amazing,” Erica says as she closes the sketchbook and hands it back to Loki who is blushing a bit.
“Thank you,” says Loki as he takes his sketchbook back and puts it in his bag as he then directs his attention back to Erica.
“Wanda tells me that you are an Art Major as well,” says Loki as he takes a bite of his bagel.
“Yeah, I’m an Applied Digital Arts major. I work mostly with computers. Hopefully, I’ll make my own production studio one day and make all the movies in my head.” Erica said as she continued to eat her cereal.
“Bucky why don’t you call April,” says Wanda before taking a sip of her orange juice. “She might pick up,” she says as Loki and Erica both look at Bucky.
“If she picks up when you call her, I’m going to kill her then resurrect her then kill her again,” says Erica as she drinks her milk while Loki just smiles at her.
“I swear you are the strangest and intriguing mortal I’ve ever met,” Loki says as Bucky calls April and puts the call on speaker phone as it rings.
“Hello?” April says over the phone, her voice was groggy and sounded tired, as Erica turns away from her food and gets up. “I’ll be back.” was all Erica said before running out of South and back to the dorms.
“Did she just run out of here to kill April?” said Pietro with his mouth full of bacon and eggs.
“She won’t, would she?” said Wanda as she looked at Natasha and Loki as Nat started to pack up her stuff just in case.
“If anything she will probably go over and yell at her,” said Bucky as he then heard knocking from the call.
“Who the hell is knocking on my door at 10 in the morning?” April said as she could be heard getting out of bed and walking to the door. Just then the group heard the door get kicked in.
“April for God’s sake why didn’t you answer my calls?!” was all they heard as Loki chuckled figuring that she would do something like this from the way she walked out.
“Erica!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!?????? Did you really just break down the do-,” April was cut off as she screamed and her giggles were all that could be heard as Erica spoke up. “I’m gonna tickle you until you say I’m sorry for not answering my BFF’s phone calls.”
April could barely talk as she tried to apologize to Erica while she was laughing her ass off.
“Should we go help her because April seems to be very stubborn,” was all Pietro said before everyone got up and raced back to the dorms as Bucky hung up the phone. When they got to April’s apartment they found her on the sofa with George and her roommates as Erica was picking up the door to put it back up.
“Oh hey guys,” said Erica with a smile, “Can I get a hand here?” she said before Loki used his magic to fix the door and put it back in its hinges with a smile.  “Thanks, Loki, now come on in guys and met April’s other roomies,” she said as April looked over at the door to see everyone.
“Oh hey, guys. Come on in,” April said as George, a male, and a female looked over to the door as well.
“Oh hey, guys. Good morning sisters,” George said as everyone entered the living room as he waved at them.
“Hi, you guys must be the new friends April and George were talking about last night. Never thought it would be the Avengers and Loki,” a short girl with brown hair and glasses in her pokemon PJs, “I’m Allison and this is Sam,” Allison motions to a slightly taller male with short black hair and glasses in Supernatural PJ’s. “Sup. Oh my God, you are Bucky!” says Sam as he almost trips while making his way over to Bucky as the Avengers chuckle as Bucky looks extremely uncomfortable.
“Um hello. I’m James Barnes. My friends call me Bucky,” Bucky said as he holds his hand out as Sam just hug Bucky as everyone just looks confused as Bucky just stands there awkwardly until Sam lets go and heads to there room.
“What just happened?” Bucky says as he looks at everyone then April as everyone is just as confused as him.
“Well Sam is a fan of Bucky but I’m surprised he didn’t tackle Loki he practically loves and worships him,” April says right before Sam comes bursting out of his room.
“Wait!!!! Loki’s here TOO?!!!!!” says Sam as Loki just backs away looking at Erica and April. “I’m just gonna go now. See you later Erica.” was all Loki said before running away leaving an illusion of him in his place as Sam tackles the illusion as Sam just ends up on the floor.
“Awww I wanted to hug him,” Sam says while everyone faces palms especially Natasha and Erica as April just sighs.
“Okay so everyone out for a couple of minutes while we deal with this child,” says Allison as she motions to Sam on the floor.
“Bye sisters. Hey, why don’t you go check out Erica’s apartment,” says George as Erica smiles. “Come on everyone. Follow me to my humble apartment,” Erica said as she led everyone down the hall to her apartment door to find Loki waiting for them.
“Please tell me that Sam isn’t with you,” Loki says looking at the same group worried but relieved to find no sight of Sam he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Sam is most likely getting scolded for hugging Bucky and almost tackling you without your permission,” Erica says as she chuckles a bit while opening her apartment door.
“Crystal! Tressa! I’m home!” Erica says opening the door as everyone sees a complete of different paints and what looks like a Greek letter flag on the wall in the living room along with plush black and silver chairs with a matching sofa. The floor is dark wood with a beautiful gold and silver carpet along with a glass coffee table in the middle with books and crystals on it as the TV stand has multiple consoles on its selves while the games and DVDs or in the side glass panel doors. As everyone filed in and looked around they noticed that the kitchen had cute magnets and small whiteboards with grocery lists along with inspirational notes on them.
“Welcome to my apartment. It seems Tressa and Crystal are out at the moment so I’ll just show you guys a peek into my room,” said Erica as she led them down the short hall to her bedroom. Her door had surprisingly Norse runes on it along with Celtic knots on it which Loki found interesting. Erica then opened her door and everyone saw the beautiful room Erica called home.
“Ta-Da! My room!” Erica said as she practically skipped in. Her room had Green walls with dark wood flooring along with a gold and silver carpet. Around the top of the wall were led string lights that were currently a light green. Her bed was a Queen size with teal and seafoam sheets along with a white and black lace patterned comforter with many pillows and plushies. Her nightstand had a couple of owl, dragon, and wolf statues surrounding her gold owl lamp as her simple green alarm clock and brown jewelry added to the charm of the room. To the left of her bed was her makeup table as it had many expensive looking makeup along with an ungodly amount of makeup brushes. To the right of that table was her desk that had her laptop and books on the upper shelf that Loki couldn’t read the titles of along with more crystals. On the opposite end of the room were a bookshelf and a small sitting area with a guitar and a stand of some sorts from what Loki could make out. And last but not least her closet that had an Evanescence poster on it. Her room was beautifully decorated with pictures of her and friends along with most likely her own art Loki suspected.
“You were not kidding about the crystals, Erica. You have so many,” said Wanda as she entered Erica’s room.
“Thank you. I really tend to collect them in my free time. A couple of my favorites are on my nightstand,” says Erica as she grabs a small tower of Amethyst and hands it to Wanda. “Amethyst is my favorite and my birthstone,” said Erica as Loki looked away from her bookshelf and at Erica.
“You were born in February?” says Loki as Wanda gives Erica her crystal back as Loki walks over to them.
“Yeah, February 5th, I believe it was a Saturday that year and a solar eclipse. “ says Erica as she puts her crystal back on her nightstand as Wanda and the other leave the room to go check out the living room more.
“It’s just that my birthday is February 9th,” said Loki as he looked at Erica as she smiles.
“That’s so cool. We should celebrate our birthdays at the same time this year, okay? Oh, the party will be great. If you want a party that is. I mean a nice little get together with friends would be nice but ahh I’m just so excited now!” Erica said as she leads Loki out of the room as he chuckles as she talks.
“I would very much like a small get together with friends for our birthday party,” said Loki as Erica closed her bedroom door. “If I may ask though. Why do you have Norse runes on your door?” Loki says as he touches a rune on her door looking at Erica.
“Well that’s a story for another day, God of Mischief,” Erica says as she boops his nose making the God smile.
“You have to be the most cunning and mysterious mortal I’ve ever met Erica,” said Loki as they joined the other in her living room. “And that’s a bad thing?” Erica says as she pokes him in the shoulder making him chuckle a bit. “No, not one bit,” Loki said as he smiled at her.
“Hey Erica,” said her roommate Crystal from the sofa as she talked happily with Wanda and her other roommate Tressa. Crystal was about the same height as Erica but was a slightly light chocolate shade skin tone and had beautiful long black curly hair as she wore a pair of jeans, some nice brown ankle boots, and a red dress top. While Tressa was slightly taller than Erica and had long black wavy hair that complemented her porcelain skin as she wore a nice floral skirt and tank top with a jean jacket and black ankle boots.
“So everyone this is Crystal and Tressa. My roomies!” Erica says as she tackled them as they all laughed and hugged Erica.
“She is just a big bundle of happiness and chaos,” said Crystal as she messed up Erica’s hair while she laughed.
“She really is,” says Wanda as she looks at Erica then everyone as they all chuckled while Erica laid across her roomies and Wanda’s laps as April walks in with George, Allison, and Sam as Loki and Bucky both look worried.
“Don’t worry Sam is here to apologize,” April says as George and Allison push Sam forward a bit so that everyone sees him.
“Um well. I’m sorry for hugging you, Bucky, without your permission. And Loki I’m really sorry for making you run away and not asking for a hug,” says Sam as he looks from Bucky to Loki.
Both Loki and Bucky look at Sam and nodded.
“Thanks for the apology, Sam. I’m still getting used to being around crowds that happen to be fans.” Bucky said with a small smile.
“I accept your apology as long as you promise not to try anything like that again,” says Loki as he crosses his arms and looks at Sam.
“I promise I won’t do anything like that ever again. I’m really sorry Loki,” Sam said while trying to look at Loki. Loki seems satisfied with the apology as he nods to April signaling that he’s okay now as Erica gets up and lets Crystal head to work while Tressa went to her room to get changed for a job interview.
“So with that aside who wants to go explore the town or something?” says Erica smiling trying to cut the awkward atmosphere.
“We can go check out my room since they saw yours,” April suggested, taking out her keys.
“I would love to see your room April,” Pietro said with a smile that had April get shivers up her spine.
“Alright, let’s go,” April took the gang to her apartment.
“Just be warned now, my room is a mess at the moment. I was going to take time this week to clean despite being the second week of classes,” April said opening her door.
Her door had an expo erase board that had locations listed with a small magnet as an arrow to the location. She also had some stickers and a small sorority flag above the board.
Her room was a dark blue with dark oak wood floors and a black circle carpet at the bedside. Her bed was a Twin XL with dark purple sheets with light blue star constellations comforter and pillowcases. Above her bed was a decent sized cork board that was loaded with pictures of her family, friends, and herself being idiotic. Her nightstand had an alarm clock with her wallet and phone. At the foot of her bed, was the closet that was opened, showing her massive collection of sweaters and one jacket. Underneath her bed was a bin of extra shit she put in while to the right of it was two medium-sized boxes. Next to the closet was a bookshelf that had lots of history textbooks and book in general. Beneath it was a shoe rack that was just full of converse sneakers with two additional workout shoes. Across her bed was her desk; which had her laptop, display tablet, and some books to the side. To the left of the desk was her drawers full of clothes and on top was a collection of big cat plushies and some figurines from video games. To the right of the desk was a TV stand that had a TV, her PlayStation 4 and a CD player with DVDs loading the shelves beneath. April had some posters on the wall that was small with string lights hanging from corner to corner.
Littered on the floor was clothes and different garbage bags that need to be thrown out.
“Damn girl you more shit than me,” said Erica laughing as she entered April’s room and laying on the floor and Bucky looked at April’s family photos as he smiles waiting to be given permission from April to enter her room while Wanda hugs April.
“Mind if I steal you and adopt you and Erica?” says Wanda as she looks at Erica on the floor giggling.
“Mama Wanda. Oh my. I didn’t see that coming,” says Pietro as he chuckles and looks at his sister as Natasha elbows him. “What was that for?” he says as he stares at Nat who is shaking her head.
“You can come in Bucky. You can look around.” April told Bucky when she noticed him standing at the doorway, picking up the bags and throwing them out in the kitchen garbage. She also picked up the scattered clothes and placed them in the hamper that between her nightstand and TV stand.
“Thanks.” Bucky slowly entered as he walked in and stood by her bed, looking at the pictures closely.
“Oh, that’s right. Bathrooms. I share the bathroom with George whereas Sam and Allison share theirs,” April explained leading them across her room to show a mirror with a sink.
On the stand of the sink was one side full of feminine products and the other was masculine products.
“Let me guess, the feminine is you and the other is George?” Pietro asked curiously looking at all the products such as deodorant, perfume, hair styling cream, etc.
“No, I use masculine products, they work better for me. George is the feminine products,” April explained, shocking everyone,“ Speaking of which, I forgot to put deodorant,” April took Old Spice deodorant and applied on her armpits.
“April the Tom Boy everyone!” said Erica from April’s room as her and Loki look at the books that are on her shelf.
“Are you still looking at my books?” April asked, going to the kitchen to grab a drink.
“Um no,” said Erica as she picked up one of the books from the self and started to read it with Loki as they sat on the carpet.
“You little shits, what book of mine are you reading?” April asked, coming back into her room as the others followed her in. She had a can of Monster and chugged a third of it.
Loki throws up an illusion of them not being there as he continues to read with Erica.
“You shit,” April said in an Irish accent. She sat on her bed with Bucky on her left, Wanda sat April’s chair and Pietro grabbed an extra seat as Loki and Erica were still undetected.
To be continued…….
18 notes · View notes
ebhenah · 6 years
Time travel au blurb that won’t ever make it into the actual fic:
She stared at the box, her face a mask of confusion. She looked so much like Keith in that moment that Shiro had to laugh, which earned him a glare that did roughly nothing to dissipate the resemblance. Her weight shifted to the other leg and she bent her knee, poking the box with her toe. “Explain, please.”
“There’s a Meet and Greet,” he said, fighting the urge to giggle, and failing. She flipped him off and he managed to rein himself in. Taking a breath, he continued, “you are expected to make an appearance. I’ve been told that it is vital to you getting Diplomatic Status.”
“But,” Lia said, nudging the box with her toe again. The steel toed boots were surprisingly stylish, but still heavy and bulky and didn’t exactly make it seem any less likely that she believed the box to be filled with venomous snakes rather than clothing. “I don’t WANT Diplomatic Status. I suck at diplomacy- why won’t you people believe me about that?”
“Oh, I believe you. Allura believes you. We all BELIEVE you, but it’s still your best bet. You DO still want security clearance, right?”
She sighed, “yeah.”
“Then Diplomatic Status is the fastest way to get that. You’ll be representing the Alteans on the Lilliput, so Allura is invested.”
“I’m going to look like an idiot,” she huffed, “I don’t DO fancy.”
“Not buying it, sorry. I’ve seen too many home movies to believe that.”
“I really hate that Lance figured out that his voice match unlocked allllll the home movies and photos.” Uncrossing her arms, she shrugged and opened the box, “ohhh no! Nope! Not putting this on my body.”
“Lia, it’s not that bad.”
“Yes it is.”
“It’s a perfectly lovely dress. Adam helped pick it out.”
“Traitor,” she hissed, “he’s dead to me.”
“For the love of- you two have to STOP with the whole ‘dead to me’ joke. It’s really not funny. We are still at war...”
“Which is why it is funny,” she insisted, ”it’s fucking hilarious... and I do NOT wear dresses.” She rummaged through the box, hoping that the dress was a gag. A misdirect. She did not find a tailored suit, or any kind of pants at all, for that matter. She did, however, find a pair of heels that looked like torture devices- all sparkly straps and thin, tiny spike heels. “Stilettos? I don’t wear heels- especially not open-toed, rhinestone encrusted strappy heels. This is a mess!”
“It’s one night...”
“No. I’m NOT putting this on. I don’t know why Allura thought I would- I didn’t even wear a dress when I got MARRIED. I haven’t worn a dress in over a decade, Shiro- and even then it was for a pretend tea party with Esme.”
“I’m not sure there’s time-”
“I just won’t go.”
“Again, this is the fastest way to get what you want. It’s one night. One party.”
“I can’t fight in this,” she said levelly, holding the dress to her frame to illustrate her point. It WAS a lovely dress- creamy white satin overlaid with lace in a purple so dark it would look black against anything but that white. It was simple, a column gown with cap sleeves, square neck-line, and a long slit up one side of the skirt. It would look amazing on her. Adam and Allura were so thrilled about finding something so flattering that wasn’t fussy or hyper-feminine. “Especially not on my tiptoes. Shoes are meant to PROTECT the foot, not... whatever the hell those things do!”
“Those ‘things’ make your legs look nice... and I doubt you will have to fight- it’s a party.”
“You know what makes my legs look nice? Wrapping them around the head of a beautiful woman. That makes them look fucking AMAZING!”
Shiro groaned, “I really didn’t need that image, Lia.”
“Yeah, well I really didn’t need,” she toed the box again, “ANY of this!”
“It’s a party, Lia,” he tried again, “you like parties- I know this for a fact. Sure, it is fancy, but it is still just a party. You know, a very high security party.”
“Look at my face and guess how much that reassures me. Do you have any idea how many fights I’ve gotten into at parties?”
“It’s not that kind of party, Lia.”
“Yes, it really is, Shiro. You don’t know my life!” Dropping the dress back into the box, she made a gesture that ringed her face, “BAD at the whole diplomacy thing, remember?”
“Well,” he prompted, “do you have any BETTER options at hand?”
“I... actually, I just might!”
“Oh, this should be good,” he muttered, following her out of the room and down the hall to... actually, he had no idea what that particular room was. He didn’t spend as much time in Lia’s family’s quarters as the others did.
“Ryung’s room,” she explained, gesturing to the barren space. He looked around as she disappeared into the closet. There were clear outlines on the walls that indicated that they’d been plastered in posters at one point, and several empty instrument and music stands. A bin of wires and circuit boards sat near a small desk that was covered in marker doodles and notes.
“Awww YEAH! It’s still here!” There was some rustling, the sound of a zipper, and a couple of clunks that he guessed were her boots. “I fucking LOVE Altean clothes! Made to accommodate shapeshifters soooo... Alfie’s old shit fits me!”
She stepped out of the closet and did a little pirouette, “tada! Do you know what this is?”
“Uh... it looks KIND OF like something Coran would wear? Other than the uh... shirt... thing.”
“The shirt thing is a corset, Shiro,” she tsked, picking some kind of lint off of her cuff. She was wearing tight black leggings that had a gold strip up the outside of the legs. The boots she pulled on over them were deep purple edged in gold and extended up over her knees, the highest point of the gentle slope sitting at about mid-thigh. The stylized cut of the Altean coat fell longer in the back than he’d seen, reminding him a little of the old ‘tails’ style of tuxedo coats. The high, stylized collar was that same deep purple edged in gold, and the rest of the coat was black with gold highlights. He could see the lining when she moved, and the pale lavender was almost the exact shade as her skin and matched the gloves she was wearing.
“You look...ummm...”
“Kind of like a sexy lesbian pirate? Why, yes... I very much DO,” she laughed, “but actually, this is official garb for the royal house of Altea. Or, at least, it is back in my timeline. There’s this whole thing where the Crown Heir creates a custom palette that represents their station and is made official by Royal decree... yadda, yadda, yadda... BUT the important thing is that HERE, there is no Alfie and no Alfie means no Crown Prince and THAT means that this glorious creation is just a very, very well made formal Altean suit. Completely appropriate for me to wear to a gala.”
“Uh-huh, so you just need a shirt, then,” he sighed. Adam would be livid that she rejected the ‘perfect gown’ they’d picked out for her, but at least Lia would BE THERE. So, fine. Whatever. Sexy pirate Altean whatever. He wasn’t fighting with her anymore. She could be so exhausting... it was as if she could summon the most frustrating traits of all four of the people that contributed to her genesis- and annoyingly ‘stubborn and willful’ were traits they ALL had a tad too much of.
“Ummm... I HAVE a shirt,” she pointed at the corset.
“That’s underwear... isn’t it?” 
“Ehhh yes and no. It’s either. But, hey, it’s black satin. It looks nice and formal. This is what I’m wearing.”
“Sure. Okay. Just... send a pic to Adam and Allura so you don’t blindside them.”
“Will do. Ooooh! You think I can wear the ceremonial SWORD?? I saw it in the back of the closet...”
He stared at her, her whole face absolutely alight at the possibility. He didn’t even know why he was surprised. Keith’s kid. She was Keith’s kid. Of COURSE she had a thing for swords. “It’s a PARTY,” he repeated, not really sure why she couldn’t grasp this concept.
“Yeah,” she sighed, her face melting into a pout, “a sword is way too obvious. Blaster it is. I can hide that easy in this coat.”
“No weapons. Leave the weapons to the security detail.”
“No BUT! No. No weapons. Got it?”
“I’m pretty sure I should be armed,” she countered. “My history suggests that I sho-”
“Lia! This is not your original timeline! Noooo weapons. Leave it to your security detail.”
“Wait... MY security detail? I have a specific security detail?”
“Yep,” he turned on his heel and exited the room. He wasn’t supposed to let that detail slip.
She jogged after him, “Shibo? Shiiiiiiiiibo? Do you know who my security detail is?”
“Hmmm? Oh, wow- look at the time. I’m sure you have... uh... hair? and umm make-up to do? You’re Lance’s kid so... like some kind of face mask maybe? And uhh... I still need to get ready.”
“Shiro...” She stopped, eyeing him suspiciously. “No. Oh God, please NO! It can’t be... he’s like one of the shining stars of the whole...” her shoulders sank, “seriously?? GRIFFIN! I hate that guy!”
“Yeah- I know. It wasn’t my decision. Blame Iverson.” He waved as he ducked out the door, “see you in a couple of hours!”
She growled to herself, kicking the wall. This was going to be the shittiest fucking party ever... “I’m getting that goddamn sword,” she muttered to herself. “Griffin will HATE that.”
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Vanderwood HC
HEYO!! So @thwippersnapple requested that I do a thing about Vandy reintegrating themselves into society after leaving the agency. Soooo TADA, hope you like it!
Now listen, this bean is a cutie patootie. They are hella nervous. Nervous?? them?? Never?? What are feelings?? 
BUT!! They have been with the agency for so long they don’t know what to do! People can actually know they exist?! THEY CAN HAVE A LIFE?
20 bucks says the first thing they do is fly off to Hawaii. They have their damn holiday! 3 weeks of pure island bliss. 
They relax, drink a lot by the beach, have a good ole time *wink wonk*
Once they have to come back to reality they are crushed, ya they still have a SHIT LOAD of money left over from the agency but, I can’t see them just sitting there and doing nothing for the rest of their lives.
So they get a job, but you can’t exactly put Secret Agent on a resume, now can you?
So their first job probably sucks ass. Vandy in a Mickie Ds uniform. Guys think about it. Nah, they probs have some security job. Just drive around and do nothing until some one is acting a fool then. BZZT BZZT Vandy babe you cant do that anymore.
They probably go through a few jobs before finally settling on one, and NOT getting fired for tasing someone. We all know this beautiful soul will never leave their taser behind. 
Next step! Living space. I would think they would live with Saeyoung for a bit cause they can’t go to their own anymore. 
Once our little red head makes sure that Vanderwood is clear from the Agency’s eyes, they wanna get the heck outta dodge. One more HBC bag Saeyoung I swear
They get a nice one bedroom apartment in a nice QUIET area. Get some furniture the works ya know?
They definitely have a cat, maybe a fish. Fight me on this. I don’t care about the mess they make. Vandy has a pet, nothing loud and something pretty independent. 
Once they got their space, they gotta find a bar? Meet the locals? Nah, they just wanna drink. And they can actually ya know?? BE KNOWN, bet your ass they wanna go out. Get laid.
But seriously, they wanna go out and do shit. I’m sure they went to bars and had one night stands before but now?! They don’t have to watch their back as hard.
They will at first, out of habit, but slowly they relax a bit. Not fully, because they are pretty stuck in their ways. They wanna stay alive and the risk of the agency finding them, however small now, is still there.
Now hear me out. Our brown eyed babe is touch starved, in desperate need of PROPER affection. Yeah, they are a little hard around the edges but they just want some love. Don’t tell anyone
So when they find you, after the walls are finally torn down and they let them in. They don’t know how to deal at first
This beautiful person?? likes me?? what?? But they catch themselves getting all domestic and shit.
Looking at places to live together, decorating more, looking for more recipes you may like. 
This pure bean just wants to make you happy. They have never had someone so you bet your ass they will try their best
It wont be all sunshine and rainbows. Their will be fights and disagreements. The make up will also be difficult.
They aren’t the best at expressing /feelings/ so you have to be patient and work with them.
It will be worth it though, they will always be worth it. 
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sweet-cici123 · 7 years
Ruby X Shy!Cute!Fem!Reader P1
“Guys, this is my new friend (Y/N)! Look at how cute she is!” Yang yelled entering the dorm room with a smallish figure behind her, trying to hide.
You were very shy and it was strange having Yang drag you here to her friends. Honestly, you only asked her for directions to the cafeteria once, and all of a sudden she came out of nowhere calling you her friend. You’re hoping everyone here isnt like that. But just in case you stayed behind Yang. Or tried to.
“Yang there’s no one there.” Blake said deadpanning and Ruby hummed in agreement. Wiess ignored the whole topic completely.
“Yes there is, look, (Y/N)!” Yang then turned to find you hiding behind her. She then picked you up by the arms, making you squeal in surprise, and put you in front of herself so the others could see you.
“Tada!” She yelled out with jazz hands. You then inspected the room you were now in and the people in it.
You noticed the room had an organized yet unorganized feel to it, and the beds looked extremely dangerous. You pushed that to the back of your mind and looked at the people in the room.
One girl was on the bottom bunk on the left side of the room. She had white hair and pajamas on, which was fitting for it being kinda late. She wasn’t actually looking at you, honestly she seemed to be ignoring you and the others in the room, so you didn’t pay her much mind.
Another girl was sitting at the desk directly to your left and was looking at you. She had a book in her hands and had black hair. Since she was looking at you, you could see her gold eyes, and she looked like she was about to say something until the last girl in the room spoke first. She seemed to have suddenly appeared in front of you.
“Soooo cuuttee!” She squealed out which startled you. Your face then flushed completely red. Yang then agreed with her sister, both then started gushing about you, and you became slightly uncomfortable.
“I know right!” The sisters talked about how cute you were for a few more minutes until Yang cleared her throat, making you look up from your previous action, which was a staring contest with the ground.
“(Y/N), this here is my little sister Ruby, she’s actually leader of our team.” Yang stated proudly and Ruby then smiled at you.
“Hello, it’s really nice to meet you.” She said and held out her hand. You slowly shook it while examining the girl.
Since she was standing in front of you, you could tell you guys were the same height, and she wore a black and red combat skirt and a red cape. Her hair was jet black with red tips and her eyes sparkled the rare color silver.
She gave off a genuine nice feeling and her smiling at you caused you to smile back. This was the start of a really good friendship, if not more.
(There will be a part 2)
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exodustories · 7 years
Jongin In University
I felt my body shaking out of my sleeping state. I sat up and rubbed my eyes with my hands. "You study so beautifully." I heard from the person sitting across for me. When my eyes met with theirs, I rolled my eyes. "Says the guy who falls asleep in the library once a week." I scoffed and his laughter rang in my ears. "You need to get out of here. Let's go get pizza, my treat!" "Marry me." I replied to his offer. His laughter began again. "You should be careful with those words, someone might take you up on that offer." I was so tired that I hadn't even realized he had already packed my bag up for me until he handed it to me. I smiled at him and walked out with him while putting on my backpack. "Aren't you glad finals are almost over?" He asked while yawning and I nodded in agreement. We had finally walked into our favorite place with the warm smell of pizza hitting our noses. "Go get us seats. I already know your order." I nodded again and sat at our favorite booth. ~~~ I'll never forget the first day we met. We've been inseparable ever since. We had to partner up in our dance history class and do a presentation. It was my first year of university and I was really shy and never really made an effort to make friends or speak to anyone. Everyone had already found their partners except for me. "Want to be partners?" My eyes had landed on a sweet smile and gentle eyes. I nodded and moved my seat so he could sit next to me. We had spent more time getting to know each other rather than working on our project. We didn't have to work to hard on our project since we knew our subject pretty well. We both had dance in common. He loved dancing and I loved watching others dance. We've been here for three years now and we haven't left each other's side ever since. We'd help each other study or goof off while eating unhealthily. He always tried his best to eat healthy, but while on a budget it wasn't easy. ~~~~ "Tada! Here's your food!" He sang out while sliding my plate in front of me. I clapped my hands and started eating my pizza. "Are you okay? You seem out of it." I shook my head and took a sip of my drink. "I'm just really tired." He nodded and began eating his slice of pizza. I laughed as a bit of pizza sauce landed on his white shirt. "That's classic. Anytime Kim Jongin wears a white shirt it never lasts that long." He stuck out his tongue at me while dabbing a napkin against the stain. Once we had finished our food we were joking around and playing music. "Soooo... I have a question." My eyebrows rose as his lips pursed into a small smile. I nodded for him to continue. "So mine and Taemin's final is coming up... and one of our back up dancers backed out last minute..." I shook my head already knowing what he was going to ask. He got up quickly and sat beside me. "Pleaseeee! I really need you and I trust you! We can't find anyone else and we need eight back up dancers for this test!" I shook my head repeatedly and I felt his hands on either side of my shoulder. "I know these things make you nervous, but there will be seven other people right beside you... and I'll be there too." I chewed on my lip and watched as his eyes pleaded with mine. "Pleaseeee," he whispered. I let out a sigh and nodded my head in defeat. A gasp of excitement escaped his lips and he enveloped me in his arms. "Thank you so so so so so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" I rested my head on his shoulder and groaned at the fact that I had agreed to this. He pulled away and pulled out his phone. "I'll let Taemin know and we can meet up with him in the dance hall!" I grabbed his phone out of his hands and shook my head. "Can't you at least let me digest this for a few seconds?!" He snatched his phone out of my hands. "No, I know you too well! If I do then you'll freak out and back out on me!" His fingers rapidly tapped on his phone screen. Before I knew it my back pack was in my arms and his hand held mine as he dragged me all the way to meet up with Taemin. "I hate you." I mumbled. "Yeah yeah yeah! Love you too." I rolled my eyes as he gripped my hand tighter and ran into a random room. He pulled me in with him and shut the door behind me. I heard chuckling from the other side of the room. "Did she agree to help us or are you forcing her?" It was Taemin's voice. I had only met him a few times but I knew he was Jongin's best friend. "A little bit of both," Jongin joked. I rolled my eyes as Taemin approached us. "Well, thank you for helping us. It really means a lot." I smiled at Taemin and nodded. "How come you're nice to him but not me?!" Jongin whined. I rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his arm. "Because you wouldn't take no for an answer! You buttered me up with food and then dropped this on me!" Taemin laughed as Jongin gave an innocent smile. "Okay so we're gonna show you what our dance looks like with out the backup dancers just to give you an idea of what it looks like. Jongin will have to teach you the dance because I have to get to class after this." I nodded and sat in a chair. I watched as they prepared and got in their positions. The music played and I watched as their bodies flowed in sync with the sound of the music. Each movement they made told a part of their story. I watched mesmerized as they continued. As the song ended and they finished their last position, I couldn't help but stand up and cheer for them. "That was amazing!" I shouted. Jongin smiled and took a bow. Taemin looked up at the clock and his eyes grew wide. "I gotta get to class! Don't forget to tell her, Jongin!" With that Taemin grabbed his bag and dashed out the door. My eyes set on him. "Tell me what? What is Taemin talking about?" Jongin gave a half smile and rubbed the back of his neck. I walked closer towards him. "Tell me what?" I asked again. Jongin let out a small laugh and his eyes met with mine. "The back up dancer that backed out was supposed to dance with me." I motioned my hand for him to continue. "Our dance is about two couples... one that ends and one that flourishes. The back up dancer that backed out was supposed to dance with me... in the dance Taemin's relationship ends and mine thrives." I backed away from him and shook my head. "I can't do this. You know I hate dancing in front of other people." I walked away and his hand swiftly grabbed my arm and turned me around. "I know, I'm sorry. I just knew you wouldn't wanna do it if I told you." I pulled his hand off of me and shook my head. "You're so good at dancing.. why do you hate dancing in front of others?" I shook my head not knowing the answer myself. His hand gently slipped into mine, and he pulled me a bit closer to him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Please forgive me?" He whispered. I looked away and sighed. I looked back up at him and internally groaned. As much as I hated dancing in front of everyone, I couldn't say no to him. "I'll do it." I mumbled. He shook his head and wrapped his arm around me. "No, it's okay. If you don't wanna do it, it's fine. I should've been honest with you." My heart fluttered a bit. Anytime we had slightly argued he'd be the first one to apologize. "I said I'll do it." His eyes met with mine. "Are you sure?" I nodded and pulled away. "I know how important this is to you. I'll do it." His eyes lit up and he nodded. ~~~ We spent hours going over the choreography. We had been in that little room all day. He made it so easy for me to learn each movement. I had seemed to forgotten how much I truly loved dancing. But, dancing with Jongin reminded me how much I loved dancing. "Let's do one last run through and we can go out to eat or something." I nodded as he replayed the song. Our bodies moved in sync to the music. I felt proud of myself as I got through every move. It was coming to an end, and he twirled me into his arms. His eyes met with mine and the song was at its final notes. He gently placed his forehead on mine and a smile danced on his lips. He pulled me closer into him and his lips met with mine. My heart began racing and his lips parted with mine. I was greeted with his sweet smile and his gentle eyes. The same smile I had seen when we had first met. "Was that a part of the dance?" I asked as he pulled away. He snickered and shrugged. "It can be"
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elenaqilberts · 7 years
honestly was tempted to just make you do all of them, but i'm not /that/ mean soooo 2, 7, 19, and 20 about my blog bc i'm traaaaaaaaash
2. sing your all-time favorite song
         ☆*. OKAY BUT LEGIT THIS HAS BEEN MY FAVORITE song for forever, so, if you didn’t know it was, tada, and if you did, you will not be surprised I sang it so. Lmao. But really, I have a cold, so no hate, thank youuuuu.
7. say something in another language (besides english)
         ☆*.CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WON SOME SPANISH! And I went an extra mile because I don’t know bored. Here ya go.
19. say a cuss word (or a lot idk up to you)
        ☆*. I THINK THERE ARE PEOPLE FROM MY high school who would pay to hear this. I remember once I said one and someone gasped and I’m just like okay but you don’t hear me all the time lol and I usually keep my curses to myself.  can, though, curse up a storm. I swear. But I’m no you ;P lol
20. comment on ___’s blog
         ☆*. YOU ARE, YOU ARE TRASH. SOMEONE should take you out… for a nice dinner and a movie and buy you flowers. Even tip the waiter.
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felicityollies · 8 years
Hey! How do you do get your gifs like that in Olicity "a hearts a heavy burden" gif. How do you get two gifs in one? If you don't mind?
Well, I lost the tutorial that I used to learn, soooo here we go I’m doing my first gif tutorial. 
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So we’re doing this gif from this set.
I use photoshop cs5 btw
Step One: Start with making your two separate gifs, DON’T COLOR THEM YET. They need to be the same size and have the same amount of frames.
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Step Two: Combine gifs. 
Select all.
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and then copy frames 
Once that entire gif is copied go to the other gif. Select all frames again, paste frames, and then past over selection
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Now you should only be able to see one of the gifs, but fear not. 
Step Three: make two groups
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Hit the little folder button to make a group. Put all of the frames of ONE of the gifs into said group. (Click the top frame, hold shift, click on the bottom frame, and then drag the selection into the group. Repeat process to put the other set of frames into a group.
Step Four: Select the top group and change it from passthrough to screen.
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and then your gif should look like that
Step Five: click the second group. open it up and make a new layer at the top of the gif. click onto the paint option and use one of the largest (soft) brushes. Only color HALF of the gif in black. 
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Now Oliver looks more solid again!
Repeat this step in the other group so the gif looks the same. 
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bonus: sharpening and coloring
choose your speed and hit convert to timeline animation.
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and now sharpening is kind of a pain in the butt when you combine gifs, but it’s okay. 
In each group, select all of the frames DO NOT SELECT THE EXTRA LAYER, and then convert to a smart layer. Then smart sharpen.
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coloring is simple. Just plop your favorite psd on top of both groups and tada! 
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The nice thing about the separate groups is that if you’re coloring two different scenes you can put the psd inside each group and color the gifs to match better.
and here’s the actual gif that i just made lmao
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Hopefully that made sense!
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