#i am sooo sorry this is soooo late omg
catonatrain · 6 months
lets build some memories today and tomorrow too
momoi & midorima | rated g | word count: 1776 | where momoi and midorima go on a shopping trip together
for @mason-ajar for the 2024 @knbexchange !! prompt: character a and character b pick out outfits for eachother
i was super excited to see that we've been paired up for the exchange !! i haven't been able to write in a long while, but seeing your prompts gave me the inspiration needed to to write about a friendship that is just so important... and so here they are!!
read on ao3!!
Momoi was lying on her bed, mindlessly reading a sports magazine until her phone rang. It was too early in the morning for Aomine to be calling her. Maybe it was Kise? 
“Hello?” She held her phone in between her head and shoulders.
“Momoi.” To her surprise, it was Midorima. “There is something I would like to talk to you about.”
“Midorin!” Momoi practically sang. She immediately sat up, abandoning the magazine. “You rarely call first! What is it? Oh, let me guess! Do you need a lucky item? Or are you having boy troubles?”
“No, I am not having, as you say, ‘boy troubles.’” There was a pause. Momoi figured it was Midorima pushing his glasses up. “I also have acquired my lucky item for the day. I need your assistance. Could you accompany me on a shopping trip?”
Momoi felt her already wide smile go even wider. “Of course, I’ll go with you!” She loved being invited to things– be it eating lunches at Maji Burger or coordinating streetball lessons for the local kids. Usually, she was the one doing the coordinating– which, for the record, wasn’t something she minded! But it was nice having the invitation go the other way every once in a while. Especially from Midorima! 
People may think he was someone who wanted to be uninvolved, but it was not true! When luck permitted, he always came to different events like the team’s after practice ice cream trips. Sometimes he needed just a bit of nudging, nowadays in the form of Takao, but regardless, he didn’t often initiate events with her. She’d noticed that lucky item shopping is usually his excuse to hang out with others, but he already got his lucky item of the day. 
She wondered if anyone else was coming. Takao or Kise maybe? She couldn’t help but ask. “Are we going with anyone else? Takao-kun? Or Ki-chan?”
“No, it would just be the two of us, if that would be alright with you.” There was a pause. “I understand that it may be… unusual for it to be just us, but you were the friend that I deemed would be able to help me best.”
“Aww Midorin, that’s so sweet of you!” She could imagine him blushing at the compliment. “Send me the details over email, and I’ll be there in an hour!”
Momoi saw Midorima standing on the outside of the clothing store. He wore a simple dark blue t-shirt and beige pants. He tightly held onto a giant penguin plush. When his eyes met with Momoi’s, his grip loosened. 
She ran up to him, stopped right before him, and started bouncing on her feet. “So? What’s the occasion? What are we shopping for?”
“I… would like your help in choosing an outfit.” He turned his head to avoid eye contact. Momoi knew what that meant.
“So you were having boy troubles!” After everything that’s happened in the past few months, it’s been getting easier and easier to read Midorima and this was no exception. She will admit, however, that she hadn’t quite figured out who’d captured Midorima’s affection. Most people would say it was Takao who held the title as “The Boy Midorima Likes,” but Momoi had a theory she had been brewing up. It was still a work in progress, but her “Kagami Taiga: The Boy Who Has Captured Everyone’s Heart” thesis had a lot of evidence. Momoi would simply have to take into account both possibilities today.
“That would… that would imply that I am struggling, which I assure you is not the case,” Midorima’s face flushed and his voice was louder than usual. Momoi couldn’t help but laugh.
“But you’re not denying that this is a boy-related problem!” She winked. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about Midorin! I understand completely! Whenever I’m with the person I like, I always want to look my best. I won’t ask who it is, but I’ll give it my all in helping you out!”
“I… appreciate it…” 
“You’ll definitely capture his heart, Midorin!” She began urging him into the clothes store. “Let’s go!”
“I think this outfit will be the one, Midorin!” Momoi held up a green sweater with an argyle pattern. “It’ll go great with your eyes!”
Midorima took the sweater to examine it. 
“Besides the color being the same as my eyes, is there anything else to take note of?”
Momoi giggled. Midorima’s questions reminded her of a time in middle school where Midorima asked about her notes and note taking strategies. He was always serious in his studies, and this was no exception. “You want to pick clothes that fit well and that you’re comfortable wearing! Make sure that colors and patterns don’t clash. Like two very bright colors! It can work, but I’m not too sure if that’s what you want to go with.” 
Throughout her speech, she could see Midorima nodding and paying very close attention to her words. “So for the pants, should I go with one of the darker ones?” 
“Yes! Let me choose…” Momoi looked around, surveying each pair of pants until she found one she thought to be suitable. “I think those black pants should work! Check to see if they fit!”
“Thank you.” He gently placed his giant penguin plush down and grabbed the pair from Momoi. “I truly do appreciate the time you’ve taken out of your day to help me with this.” The tips of his ears were red. She found it quite cute, but chose not to comment.
“Of course, Midorin!” Momoi beamed at him. “I’m honored you asked me to help you out with this! I’ll be cheering you on!”
His blush spread to his face. He managed to mutter a thank you before shuffling off to try on the outfit. She sat down to wait for Midorima. Would this be a one time thing? While it was the first time that it’s been just the two of them, Momoi found that she quite enjoyed the experience. With just the two of them, the energy wasn’t as face paced, which Momoi appreciated. Sometimes, she needed the break from the constant running around of her daily life. And not only that, but Midorima had definitely changed. It was easier to understand him now. 
When Midorima walked out, she saw some people began to sneak glances at her friend. Unfortunately for the interested party, his heart had been taken by someone else. She bounced on over and eye’d her friend at all sorts of angles. Midorima stiffened at the attention, not knowing what to do.
Momoi laughed. “It’s fine Midorin! You look great!” She gave him a thumbs up. 
At that, Midorima sighed, finally letting the tension escape. “That endeavor was just as difficult as I imagined it to be.” He pushed his glasses up. “Thank you Momoi for making this trip much easier. Your knowledge was crucial and your guidance saved me a lot of frustration. Is there any way to repay you?”
Momoi thought about it and couldn’t think of anything she needed at the moment. Just spending time with a friend was already a gift in itself. But she knew that he wouldn’t take that as an answer. She placed a finger on her chin as she thought of her options. 
“I want you to pick an outfit for me!”
“I beg your pardon?” Momoi could see the gears running in Midorima’s head. “Do you not already have suitable clothes?”
“I want to test what you’ve learned! Let’s see if you can make an outfit for me.”
“I’m not sure if–”
“C’mon Midorin! I know you can do it! You’re not one to back away from a challenge are you?” With that, Momoi knew she won. 
“Give me ten minutes.” Midorima rushed towards the center of the score, scanning all around to find an outfit that would look well on her. She couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that his penguin plush was tucked between Midorima’s arms. 
“A brown plaid skirt, a white blouse without any patterns, and a light brown sweater that clashes with neither of these colors.” Midorima used his penguin to hold onto the clothes, as its flippers served the clothes like how there’s a waiter serving food at a restaurant. “Is this a suitable outfit?”
“There’s only one way to find out!” It was her turn to try on something new. She came out with a little twirl, “Well, Midorin? I have my thoughts, but let’s check your sense of fashion. What do you think?”
Midorima wasted no time. “For the skirt and jacket, I was hesitant at first since you chose a sweater that specifically matched the colors of my eyes, but the neutral colors appear to coordinate well. I also ensured that the blouse had no patterns. I do believe that it fits the criteria.”
She saw a slight hint of a smile. Was he proud? She hoped so, as she truly did love the outfit that Midorima chose. “But do you think I look cute? Do you think I can capture the hearts of anyone I set my eyes on?”
“You… you asked me for my thoughts and I believe I answered appropriately. Was I incorrect in this assessment?”
“I’m just messing with you Midorin!” She saw the hint of exasperation on Midorima’s face and so she finally relented. “It’s such a cute outfit! I’m impressed!”
“Hmph.” He turned away and began walking towards the cash register. “In that case, let’s go.”
Momoi followed along happily.
Outside of the store, Midorima said, “Thank you again. I found myself enjoying our time together.” There was a pause as he ruminated on what to say next. “I hope we can do this again. I’ve been told it would be beneficial to be the one to reach out more, so I will try to do just that.”
Momoi felt a tinge of tears begin to form, but she willed them away. To think only a year ago, she was wishing for a time where everyone could smile together again. So much had changed, and she hoped  that it would continue to do so. 
“And thank you Midorin,” She gave her friend a very wide smile. “Let’s definitely do this again. But before you leave, you definitely have to tell me about who you like! Come on! Tell me! Tell me!”
Midorima’s cheeks reddened as he tried to back away, but he realized fairly quickly that this was a battle he would not win. “Fine. But let’s do it somewhere else.”
“Of course, Midorin,” she said as she walked with her friend towards their next destination.
i couldn't decide if i wanted to have hints of midotaka or hints of midokaga bc i like both ships a lot! i ended up just keeping it vague on both ends, so YOU, the reader, can decide who The Boy Midorima Likes is :)
outfits are based on some merchandise art and official art! midorima's outfit is this:
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momoi's outfit is this:
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 month
Theitsa it's here the trailer of the KAOS series featuring the greek gods...in modern times... As corrupt rich gangsters...
I will have a Greek Person Moment and roll my eyes at the most 'Murican depiction of our gods ever... This show is basically just another Amerkania (aka, worse than just "inaccurate" or "disrespectful"). It's gonna be full of flat, cringe USAmerican millennial writing judging from the scenes we see here, especially the last one at the table.
You can't tell which deity is which because they are all dressed like rich USAmerican humans because of course that is the latest craze in the US lately "oohh what if the gods were modern! (aka modern exactly like us in the US)" and ofc there's no Greek culture (or people??) on sight. And then you have the stupid plotline of Zeus being something like a dictator, and the girl saying "I defy the gods". Soooo edgy, sooo profound little culturally Evangelical American, now go to bed.
I can't even get angry because the whole situation is just so funny. Sorry, but at one point we need to say "This is just Very American" and not bother with it anymore because it's trash. I apologize to my USAemrican followers if that comes out too harsh but I am out of patience with what your country produces when it comes to Greek myths and I just want to point at those shows and laugh. I think I am owed that after the emotional labor of seeing Murican take after Murican take about my culture infiltrate this part of the world and be seen as the norm since I was born.
And to see the comment full of comments like "omg Jeff Goldblum is JUST like Zeus"/"This is what I imagined for the gods today"/"This is just how I wanted it"/"This is the ideal modern depiction of the Olympian pantheon" like this is gonna be a profound experience and the "Greek myth Fandom" can guarantee it's gonna be amazing because They Know So Much About Greek Mythology 😂 Western imperial brainrot fr.
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hidden-poet · 6 months
BESTIEEEEE 🩷 I AM SORRY I KNOW I'M SOOO LATE TO BOTH, I’m a terrible friend ik ik 😢 but I'm BACK and bestie I am literally the sameeee! I always check everyday…. to see when you’ve updated, been last active and just stalking your profile 😭😂
Commander Snow…. Chapter 6…. LET'S GET STARTED!!!
Look at our girl playing housewife to our Commander 😂 The poor girl's situation is literally Berlin Syndrome! I have to say I’m actually really surprised he didn’t wake her up and force her to eat dinner with him 😂
You know, I'm actually so shocked that he didn’t hit her over the whole Edmund situation. Usually his ‘anger’ and ‘frustration’ gets the better of him and he starts slapping the poor girl 😂
Omg them laying on the couch and him being the little spoon again and taking her arm around him and holding it under his chin…. he’s soooo baby 🥹🩷 And him feeling better that he was coming home to her 🥹 our poor baby is just looking to be safe and secured by her 😭
Coriolanus was stuck in District 12 dealing with half-wits and scum - 😑😑😑
I JUMPED when she got see what he looked like with curls 😫 and when she commented that he had curls 🥹 AND HUBBY IS GOING TO GROW THEM BACK ONCE HE’S BACK HOME 🥵 YES!
You would think Coryo and Dr. Gaul would’ve come up with a plan to poison President Ravenstill already 😂 I mean…. I know the poor old man is dying but still 😂
The way he just reaches out to her after his nightmare for comfort 😫and how he just panics when she’s not there but relaxes once he finds her on the couch 😫 the fear he has that she escaped his grasp…. poor baby is so traumatized from Lucy Gray 🥹 Again…. I am so surprised how he now contains his anger towards her when she tries to distance herself from him 😂 then again, he’s just too panicked and hazy from his nightmare! 
WHEN HE SITS DOWN ON THE FLOOR BESIDE HER 😫 and when he gets up to lay next her…. And how he tries to hold her close to him…. and she’s so cute when she tries to wiggle away from his hold and falls down on the floor 😭 but WHEN he tries to bring her back down to his CHEST as she's trying to crawl over him 🫠 she wouldn't win that round if he wasn't so tired and out of it 😂
You would not comfort the man who kidnapped you. - She's so real for that 😂
“Was there something wrong with the bed?” he asks. - “You prefer the bed built by Edmund.” He spat his name like it was poison. - so so petty 🙄😂 he is so fucking crazy smart (obviously this is the future president of Panem and the most smartest and hyper focused person) to have figured out that Edmund built her bed just by knowing the wood matched! The idiot in me would have never figured that out 😂 - He feels settled as you sit by his feet. - MY GODDDD 😫
“Can you make me a cup of tea?” he asks. - yes, daddy. why is he so cute for asking her to make him a cup of tea 🥹 - He watches you while sitting on the couch. He liked how you moved so comfortably in the space. You were treating it like your home. No hesitation about where things were, you used things liberally. - AWEE WHEN I TELL YOU THIS PART MADE BLUSH SO MUCH 😫
“I had an enemy in the Capitol. He disliked my father and took it out on my family”. - “He sent you back as Commander?” - “No. He died. - bro forgot to mention the part where he killed him 🙄
“You’re safe. You’ve always been safe.” - Oh my sweet delusional boy…. 🤦‍♀️ And MY GOD he’s such a jealous man when it comes to Edmund 😈
When he pulls her up into the van and makes her sit on the floor between his legs 🥵😫 and taking her arms and placing them on his KNEES 😫 Everyone knows she’s the Commanders whore 😂😈 I love how he just helps her down the van too…. such a well respected gentleman to his followers (and me forgetting all the times he forced me to suck his dick 😂)
Okay. Before I get into this part…. I am literally gobsmacked he didn’t kill Edmund…. even with her convincing him how Edmund took care of her before he came along to take his place…. I still feel like that’s so out of character for him not to kill him just out of jealousy and being possessive over her 😳
“Please, Coriolanus. Let him go.” - “He threw the first punch.” - “He learnt his lesson.” you promise. - “Have you learnt yours?” - YOU, PETTY PETTY MAN 😫
“Gentlemen, welcome to District 12.” - why hello there, hottie 😈
The way she just begs him to stop by wrapping her arms around his neck to bring it back down to herself so he could only focus on her and her “affection” towards him 🥵😫 AND MY GOD when he kept PUSHING her on the “Do you love him” 😫
“Because if you loved him now would be the time to tell me, because I would hate to break apart lovers.” - MY GOD YOU’RE SO FUCKIN’ PETTY MY BOY 🥵 - “Do you love him?” You feel his fingers tighten on your face. - 🥵🥵 - “Do you love me?” - “More than him?” - I think i used up all my ‘petty’s’ when it comes to this man 😂 and yes, yes i do 😈 WHEN HE PULLED HIS BODY OVER HERS WHEN THE SHOT WHIZZED 😫🥵 Bro he was getting fed by the new recruits missing Edmund and took matters into his own hands…. HOT! Again I am so shocked he just let him go and didn’t kill him…. Poor Edmund man. He was literally a human bullseye in a game of Russian Roulette (i know it’s not actually Russian Roulette but it kinda reminded me of it lol 😂) 
This whole part with Edmund was just more petty Coryo 😂 I love how Edmund tries to hold his head up high and show that he’s not scared of him! But man was this scene intense 😳
Awe this time he sits her down on his lap 🥹
“Edmund died today, as far as you are concerned.” - YES, SIR 🫡 MY GOD when he slams the paper and pen in front of her to write to her brother about them being a couple 😂 and making her write to Tigris and Grandma’am…. boy at least let the girl rest for a second after the little stunt you put her through with Edmund 😂
“My family are in the Capitol, yet they know about you.” - awee my sweet psycho killer baby boy 🥹 - “Now write to Tigris and my grandmother. Tigris suggested it would make you feel better, already knowing someone in the Capitol.” - I wonder what he told Tigris about his…. captive 👸 - You make yourself a promise that you would never meet his cousin or his grandmother. - yeah…. keep telling yourself that princess 🙄
I just love how in this story he’s trying to find out what happened to Lucy Gray, the fear of her being alive and out there and coming for him is literally eating him alive!!!
Okay. Edmund. Sweetie. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND? TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED? AGAIN? YOU BARELY GOT OUT LAST TIME!! MY GOD BOY 😳😳😳 It’s reassuring to know her mom is okay and safe up in the mountains 🩷
“You can get the key and get out?” - “Yes.” - ohhhhh honeyyyy….. 🙄
HE CHAINED HER WRIST TO HIMSELF AS THEY SLEPT??? 🥵🫠 - making sleep impossible as he basically slept on top of you now. - GOD 😫 - Poor baby is so anxious and paranoid she’ll get away 🥹
“Do you not trust me?” - absolutely not, baby 🥹 - “You took me to a special place, and now I want to take you somewhere, okay?” - 😑😑😑 YEAH. For your own damn BENEFIT not HERS 👿
“Get in.” he barks. - yes, daddy 😈
Him just gripping her arm and throwing her in the back cage of the car after she wouldn’t get in because of the gun 😂 - “How are you doing back there?” - 😑😑😑 - “There’s a cabin I know of. There’s a lake too. I think you’ll like it.” - 😑😑😑 X6 - “Did Lucy Gray like it?” - ….she used to 😂 The poor girl is genuinely so TERRIFIED he’s going to kill her in the woods like he ‘did’ with Lucy Gray 🥹
The cabin in the woods….. talk about DEJA VU for everybody! The same woods, the same cabin, the rain, her running away from him, him chasing her down, yelling her name like the psycho he is 😈 not having control over the situation, the both of them not trusting each other and being paranoid and uneasy the ENTIRE time! The difference is that he managed to catch this one 😂 Okay let’s break this down!
Coriolanus seemed nervous to be there. His hand flexes as it reaches for you. - aweeeee 🥹😈 I just love love how he always retakes her hand for comfort…. And of course making sure she doesn’t get away 😂
Despite its appearance, someone had been here before you and Coriolanus. - literal chills…. 😳 I loved how eerie it was when they entered the cabin since we know what happened there before!
WAIT A DAMN MINUTE…. He kept her rainbow dress and BROUGHT IT with him here? 😳 and what exactly is he going to do with that dress of hers? 🤨 - The way he lets out a laughy breath sends shivers down your spine. - me too girl…. me too 😈 - “Whoever it belongs to is long gone.” - 😑😑😑 boy…. aweee she’s soooo scared of him rn 😭
“Are you okay?” - “Fine. You?” - “Perfect.” - I’m sorry but this interaction made me giggle so much like they both need to…. relax and chill with one another 😂
Okay there is sooooo much paranoia going on with these two right now…. Like seriously…. RELAX…. both of you…. NOW 😂 I can literally feel the fear from the both of them…. He is so terrified Lucy Gray is going to jump out and murder the both of them in cold blood and she is so sure that she’s dying tonight!
As Coriolanus finished his second trip with the bags, he used an old chair still there and pinned it under the door handle to prevent it from opening. - niceeee and cozyyyy and SECURE and SAFE 😂
“Will we?” you spat. “Why are we here anyway?” - girl, take a deep breath with me…. inhaleeee and exhaleeee 🥹 - “It’s quiet,’’ he suggests, “Some place quiet where we can be alone.” - BRO YOU ALWAYS ISOLATE HER WITH YOURSELF 😑😈
He is getting so fed up with her constantly bringing up Lucy Gray and accusing him for her disappearance! Usually this man would slap the shit out of her to stop her from saying Lucy Gray’s name 😳
“I didn’t know Lucy Gray. I’ve told you.” - Are you sure about that? 🤨
He opens a pack of sausages and throws them down without care before tossing the leftover garlic potatoes you cooked the night before in as well. - Okay this actually made me really really fucking hungry right now 😂
Our poor girl is 100% sure he’s going to kill and bury her in these woods 😭
“I have never hurt you.” - 😑😑😑 ….DELUSIONS. Or maybe we just have different definitions on what hurting someone is 😂 - “Have you starved under me? Has your mother?” he hits his chest with his next words, “You eat because of me. You sleep in a bed that I paid for. I provide for you. Me.” - yes you have starved her, yes to her mother 😑at least he wasn’t denying him hitting her 😂 and this man is acting like SHE’S the ONE who came to him asking for help 😑 Okay Coryo hitting his chest 🥵 - “Everything has happened to you because you strayed, and you want me to apologize for it?” - my god this man…. 😑 THE AUDACITY 🤦‍♀️ - “And I am not going to kill you. You don’t think you’ve done enough already to get yourself hanged? I protected you from that. Not Edmund.” - my jelly jealous boy 🥹
“Sit on the ground, by my boots.’’ - HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YES YES 🫠💦 sitting on the ground and wrapping her herself around his leg as he cooks MY GODDD 🥵😫 and when he FEEDS HER because he doesn’t trust her with a knife 🫠🥵 she hurt our poor baby's feelings with the pipe incident 🥹 WEARING HIS DOG TAG I CAN’T THIS IS TOO MUCH 😫 SOOO FUCKING HOT THAT HE ALSO HAS HER RING AROUND HIS NECK 🫠💦 she’s honestly so cute for that for asking for it tho 🥹 - “Happy now? Will you stop acting crazy?” - yes, daddy 😈
Teaching her cards and letting her win 🥹🩷
He and Edmund both wanted to take care of you but your heart only had place for one. And that spot rightfully, and wholly belonged to Coriolanus Snow. Edmund did his job of keeping you alive for Coriolanus and he was rewarded when the bullet went behind him and not into his skull. But now it was Coriolanus’s turn and both Edmund and you needed to learn that. - lucky lucky gal she is 🥹🥹and he’s so crazy i love it 😈
He liked the feeling of skin to skin with you but you beg him to keep his t-shirt on. You hated the feeling of his skin pressed against yours. He obliged. - WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GIRL? And I'm surprised he listens to her sometimes 😂
The way she just ran when called her out and him JUMPING out to get her 😂 poor guy is reliving Lucy Gray all over again 🥹 OH BUT TO BE CHASED IN THE WOODS BY THIS MAN 😫😈
She was the victor of the hunger games, you were a lost lamb. You wouldn’t stand a chance against her. She would tear you to shreds if she thought she could get back at Coriolanus. - Does he really believe this is what Lucy Gray would actually do? 😳 my…. she really fucked him up, didn’t she 😂 AND did he forget HE’S the reason she won the Hunger Games in the first place? 🤦‍♀️
He thinks about returning to the cabin and retrieving his gun but you were already too far out of reach. - Okay but imagine he shot her too 😂
Boy is yelling and using the same lines he used on Lucy Gray the entire time 😂
His wild eyes scan the area for any sign of movement. The rain hindered his vision but he could hear the faint sound of branches snapping under your foot. - the psycho eyes and hyper focusness this man has is the hottest thing ever 😫 a wild animal hunting his prey 😈
“Do you honestly think you can run from me? That I won’t find you?” - come on…. we’re just playing hide n seek here 😈 and yes, you will always find me because I'm just an innocent doe 😫 Ughhhh him yelling her name and just screaming out of frustration just does things to me 🫠 - “Y/N! Come out now! This isn’t funny!” - it’s kinda funny when you can’t find meeee 🤭
“You stupid, little girl” - “When I catch you…” - call me a stupid, little girl, again 😫😈 And what are you gonna do to me when you catch me? 🤭 SO HOT! And of course he taunted and threatened her with her mothers life 😂 too bad he can’t find her since she’s up in the mountains 🫢 - “Y/N. That’s enough.” - “Y/N, I said that’s enough!” - Oh come on just five more minutes 😫😈
“You’re going to get lost in the forest. There’s worse things than me out there.” - oh no baby…. It’s just you 😈
The paranoia he has with Lucy Gray…. that she is some wild and savage animal out to kill his girl is hysterical to me 😂 but at the same time…. I kinda understand him and the fear!
He needed to find you. To make sure you were alright. That Lucy Gray hadn’t got her hands on the only pure thing in his life. - 😑😑😑 ….well he clearly got over his first ‘love’ quick like DAMN! poor girl 😭 i tell ya, he is the king of the Lucy Gray slander 😂
In all honestly tho the girl is lucky he didn't beat the living shit out of her 😳
“Shut up,” he grabs your jaw and stills it in his direction, “You stupid, stubborn, fool of a girl. - MY GOD 🥵🥵🥵
“It was foolish. What if something got you in the forest?’’ - BRO YOU GOT ME 🤦‍♀️ I WAS TRYING TO RUN FROM YOU 😑 - “Do you have any idea what that would have done to me?” - aweeee…. you fucking psycho 🥹🩷
Don’t you just love it when your captor drags you back by your arm and pushes you back to the cabin and lectures you about how he’s the reason behind something you never wanted or asked for 🩷🥹 Also girly never tell Coriolanus Snow you don’t care about him! The man has some serious mommy issues….
“When you were hungry, I cared.” - “When you didn’t have money for rent, I cared.” - “Clothes for the winter, medicine for your mother. I cared. And what do I get for it?” - “All I ever wanted from you was for you to care.” - “You would think after everything, I would be entitled to it.” - BOY SHE NEVER WANTED OR ASKED FOR ANY OF THAT! AND THE DESPERATION ABOUT HER MOMS MEDICINE WAS YOUR OWN DOING, BOY 😑😑😑 But…. HOT HOT HOT 🥵 Our delusional baby just wanted her to care for him and validate him 🥹🩷
Damn he just lifted her up and threw her across the floor like a sack of potatoes 😂 and trapping her by cuffing her wrists to the oven 🥵🥵 - “Look at you,” he spat, “You wouldn’t have lasted the night out there.” - not without you, daddy 😈 I love how he just sits on her legs 😂 like the poor girls body is weak and she’s already cuffed 😂 - He speaks slowly and dangerously with your face in his hands. - FOCUS GIRL FOCUS 😳 - “If you ever try to leave me again, there will be nothing you could do that would save Edmund”. - Do you understand?” - you're going to have to kill me if you asked to leave you 😂 - You nod, but it seemed to anger him. - “I asked if you understood,” he yells. - YES YES YES! KEEP YELLING AT ME BECAUSE I AM A STUPID GIRL 😫
“I doubt you’ve ever thought something useful in your life. Use to everybody else doing it for you.” - you are correct, daddy 😫 - His hands tangle in your hair forcing you to keep still. - 🥵😈🥵😈
“I’ll do your thinking for you from now on. Your next independent thought, I’ll smash from your skull, understand?” - i just fucking came 🫠💦 I JUST FUCKING CAME!
The rain soaked him again and his shirt clung uncomfortably on his skin. - DAMN 🥵🥵 - It sticks the cold to his chest and his mind floats back to you inside. You were sure to catch a cold if he didn’t move fast. - he’s crazy. but he cares for her so much in his own sick and twisted way 🥹🩷
I want to give her the biggest hug right now 🩷 poor girl was just shivering on the kitchen floor 😢 and him wiping off the water from his face with his soaked shirt had me going MEOW 🐱 And damn he actually wanted to go swim in the lake with his new lover -> where it once belonged to him and his old lover 😂
My man is petty af by not letting her wear her the extra clothes and just dressed her one of his shirts 😂
So hot when she’s battling with him over who takes off her clothes 😫 - “I do the thinking for you, remember.” - yes, daddy 😈 ughhhh i can’t function properly rn with the way he carelessly yanks it off her 😫 - He keeps his eyes as forward as he can as he slides the sleeves up your arms. Only looking down as he does up the buttons. It was oddly gentlemanly and you wonder if he did it for his sake or yours. - yea…. i’m honestly shocked too by his ‘gentlemanliness’ 😂 When she begs him to stop but he doesn’t when he’s trying to get her out of her underwear and puts new ones on her 😫 At least he had the decency to give the girl a pillow and lay a blanket onto her 😂 BUT he can’t sleep so he goes to sleep next to her 😫 he literally can’t sleep without her anymore 😂
“Hungry?” he asks. - you petty son of bitch 😂 poor girl is so hungry and he’s just gonna torture her while he’s eating in front of her and not give her any 😈 - “Imagine how hungry you would be lost in the woods.” - 😑😑😑 - “You would be dead if I didn’t find you.” - how is he so sure? 😂 this man's ego and need for control 🙄😈 - “What do you have to do?” - “None of your business.” he snaps. - DAMN BABY 🥵
I love the Lucy Gray storyline! I love how scared he is of her! It’s actually really really frightening too because it’s like she’s haunting these woods and would violently jump out and murder anyone who enters it in cold blood, including him. I just love how he’s searching the forest for her and retracing his steps back to the snake bite sight and aiming his gun to where he ‘shot’ her like she’s just gonna jump out and rip him to shreds! I swear the mystery of what happened to this girl is EATING me alive 😂 no clues, signs, no nothing left of her in these woods! And of course he would kill all the mockingjays 😂 and the consideration this psycho has of the gunshot scaring his girl  🥹🩷
I actually have a theory about this whole Lucy Gray thing…. I think Lucy Gray did survive and ran from the forest right away and had gone North like she planned to. Now, what if…. Lucy Gray is living up in the mountains, and is in contact, or even lives, with Edmund and her mother…. DUN DUN DUN 😳
He presses the point of the gun into your ankle, pinning it against the floor. You don’t try moving  under threat. He slides the gun slowly up your leg, over your calf, over your knee, inching up to the middle of your thigh under his shirt. - “Open your legs wider.” he demands. - OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME I NEED HIM TO WRECK MY VAGINA 🫠💦 - “I am in a very good mood. You would hate to ruin that wouldn’t you?” - what are you gonna do if I don’t comply? 😈 OMFG HE NESTLES HIMSELF BETWEEN HER LEGS LAYS HIS BODY DOWN ON HERS I CAN’T RN 😫
“I have been nothing but patient and kind to you.” - THIS ONE SURE IS A LAUGH ISN’T IT 😂
But really what you promised is that you would allow yourself one more chance of escape before he made good on his promise to kill your mother and Edmund. - Yeah…. good luck with that hun 😂
HEY bestie!
thank you for this 💕💕
The validation from posts like these makes me feel dizzy! I love hearing how my work has been interpreted it honestly helps my writing skills so much!
He is getting so much better with the hitting! In the original draft when he catches the reader in the forest he is a little heavy handed but i thought it didn't fit the characters state. He was suppose to be almost frozen with fear in the same way he was when he had the nightmare. like he felt reduced to a little boy rather then the strong man he is.
I mean who is to say Dr Gaul isn't poisoning President Ravenstill 👀
i've had a lot of comments saying that it was out of character for Coriolanus not to kill Edmund! and i totally respect that.
But, in my reading of Coriolanus, he is lead by his mind rather then emotion. Edmund is a huge bargaining chip. I don't see him throwing it away because he is jealous.
Also, I love Edmund and need him for plot progression so Coriolanus can't kill him, haha.
Now for the main piece of the chapter; the cabin in the woods.
I am so glad you saw that the scene was identical to him and Lucy-grey. Yes! he was reliving it! but as a different man.
I was tempted to have him go get the gun and shoot but i decided against it. Because the situation was different. He saw lucy-grey as a threat to his freedom, while he saw the reader as something he had to protect, not something he ever had to fear.
Now the bag with Lucy-grey's dress was already there from when Coriolanus and her ran way.
They brought a bag of stuff for their travels. While it was never explicitly stated that Lucy-Grey brought her mothers dress, I don't think she would have left without it (Despite the memories it now carried). I also needed an item Coriolanus could pull from the bag to show that it was Lucy-grey's bag from the day to show that she hadn't been back to the cabin. Which would have given Coriolanus security that he managed to kill her on that day, Hence the laugh.
he then took the bags from the cabin and drowned them in the lake so all the evidence from that day was buried.
Chapter 7 will be out soon! please let me know what you think!!!!
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fieldofdaisiies · 4 months
I hope you have one of the best birthdays ever and it's filled with all the joy, laughter, and love that you bring to everyone around you. You are so so so so sweet and genuinely the nicest person I have ever talked to. Like you are one of those people that if someone asked who is the nicest person you've talked to your name would be on my mind in an instant. Your writing? Omg so top tier. You are literally so talented and i fall in love with every piece of writing you do. I love talking to you and honestly you give off the best girls girl vibe ever. I hope you have the happiest year ahead of you filled with lots of memories because you deserve it ten times over. I love talking to u soooo much, you literally make me smile. You remind me of sunshine, so warm and friendly and just happy to be around. Ily have an amazing day <33
(ignore that this is extremely late, im sorry lovely)
thank you soooooo much for this extremely cute message and making me cry😭 thank you for the lovely words, oh my god!!
you are such a sunshine and I am so glad I've met you!!💛💛💛💛
sending you sooo much love, and sorry for only asnwering this now
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minkkumaz · 1 year
omi hiiii
pls dont judge me HAHAH
so every night when my insomnia hits (basically every night) i imagine getting hugged to sleep by woonhak and other little woonhak scenarios (i get lonely in school) and IT HELPS YOU SHOULD TRY
soooo i did get some ideas but they always turned out bad and now its in the bin :( i thought you were the perfect person to ask though so here are my thoughts!
if woon is an idol
he’d get upset if you wait for him because he comes home later
he’d definitely start whining HAHAH
but i also think that he will need some pushing to wash up because he just wants to cuddle you (😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️)
after making him wash up he’d be fast and jump into bed (hes such a baby 😭)
then hed insist on spooning you. (it doesnt go well he shifts around a lot due to his slight sleep deprivation)
if woon is a student too (older than you)
he’d be home slightly later due to the different class times
his first instinct is to give you a back hug while you’re working on your homework (ahhh yes i definitely am not supposed to be doing research on earthquakes right now)
he’d always help wherever he can with his knowledge of classes
at the end of the day, he would make you a late night snack and afterwards hed trap you in his arms and hug you like a giant teddy bear
then you’ll fall asleep immediately
if woon is a student too (same age)
he’d wait for you in your classroom after school ends
he’d take you home on his bike
then hed make you dinner (just meat)
you had to add some veggies HAHAH
then in the end like all the rest he was cuddled up next to you
i unfortunately cant come up with more sooo HELP ME OMI ILYSM
hihi! i don't think you're weird at all LOL i also imagine little scenarios with my biases before i sleep to help me get well rest:3
i think your thoughts are super cute, you shouldn't bin them!
- woon definitely wouldnt want you to stay up late for him, but he secretly gets super blushy about it! he always rants jae's ear off talking about how sweet of a s/o you are for staying up for him!
- he also just wants all the cuddles imaginable (he would say crushing you is your punishment for staying late for him, but he just wants an excuse to love you)
- omg and woon wanting to help with studies is so similar to the drabble i just made for him, so i totally agree!
- if he gave me back hugs id immediately fold and become an academic weapon
- TAKING ME HOME ON HIS BIKE HAS ME GASPING FOR AIR HES SO FUCKFOFNFN sorry i got a little out of hand there
- like just you hugging onto his back while he talks about his day
- but him having just meat is so real LMAOO i need some veggies with my food ><
im a little slow rn so i cant come up with many other ideas, but i elaborated on yours:) have a good day sunlight!!
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bloodcoveredgf · 1 year
So happy you're still watching X-files, I myself am on season 4 now and the show so far has only gotten better, Dana Scully is now up there with Buffy Summers for me, I find her contradictions to be absolutely fascinating
omg i am SO sorry for replying so late to this!! this is sooo soooo real actually i love scully so much too :] if anyone deserves to be up there with buffy its her... i definitely am excited to see more of her as i keep watching ^_^ since im on early season 2 rn i just got her back and im sooo happyyyy i missed her <333 that whole plot w her was Crazy.. definitely some of my favorite x files episodes so far
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morning-star-joy · 1 year
So I’m seeing Arctic Monkeys tomorrow and I can’t WAIT!!! I’ve been listening to their entire discography and I found two songs that are SOOO Joel and Reader ASHWAH coded it’s painful…
The first is Suck It And See… particularly the lyrics: “That’s not a skirt girl, that’s a sawn off shotgun. And I can only hope, you’ve got it aimed at me.” HELLO???? THE SKIRT!!!!! Anddddd “Be cruel to me ‘cause I’m a fool for you.” THAT IS SO JOEL POV ARE YOU KIDDDDING
Also… She’s Thunderstorms
“I’ve been feeling foolish. You should try it. She came and substituted the peace and quiet.” This entire song is also soooo Joel POV about reader it’s insane 😭🫶🏽🤍
AHH HELLO!!! I'm so sorry I'm late to this, but I hope you had the best time ever at the concert!!! I'm so jealous you got to see them, I love AM! If you're still around I wanna hear everything about how the show went 💜💜
These songs have immaculate vibes omg. "That's a sawn off shotgun" UGHHH YESSSSS because that's about all the subtly she has, even with her skirt on hehehe! And DEAR GOD YES he's such a fool for her 😭 and "be cruel to me" especially because...yeah, she can be JKDLF
SHE'S THUNDERSTORMS IS SOOO GOOD TOO AHH!!! Anything that calls Joel foolish has got me in a chokehold, and the peace and quiet line 😭😭😭 aaa thank you for sharing!!!! 💜
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stevethehairington · 2 years
20 and 50 for the ST asks
helllooo!! i am SOOO sorry for such a late response omg.
i hope i got the right ask game here lol but i'm preeeety sure i did.
20. favorite emotional moment?
i definitely have to go with robin's coming out scene for this one. there are several other good emotional moments throughout the show, but this one really takes the cake for me because it's just SUCH a good one!!! and it's not very often that we get a gem of a coming out scene like this one, it's just so well done, and i could really go on and on about the scene. PLUS it sort of solidified thee platonic soulmates, like, from this point on they are IT for each other in that sense, yknow? and steve and robin's friendship is truly one of my favorite things about the show.
50. top five absolute fav things about stranger things in general?
ooh hm well i suppose:
the friendships!! there is such a huge focus on friendship in this show and i LOVED that so much. i feel like the show has sort of strayed a little bit from this in the later seasons, but oh man, season 1? that shit HITS, the friendships there are SO good, they're SO strong. like the party? i love that little group of kids!! they're so ride or die already!! they clearly love each other a lot! and then when el and max join the group, they become Part Of The Team too and i love them and i love their specific friendship too! and steve and robin my favorite dynamic duo!!! there is TRULY no other platonic soulmate best friendship out there like theirs, it's something special. and also the kids' friendships with steve (especially dustin!!!) it's SO good!!
the vibes are just so good too. like i was born after the 80s lol but there is still SUCH a sense of nostalgia with this show, again especially in that first season! there's just something about a bunch of kids riding around on bikes fighting monsters that hits different yknow?
steve's character arc!!! steve is probably my favorite character of the whole show and just the way they did his arc is one of my absolute favorite things ever because they did it so WELL. like, asshole popular jock who realizes that he's wrong and realizes that he fucked up and actually puts in the effort to fix what he did and to make things right and to mean it too, that's just SO GOOD. THAT is how you do a redemption arc. i just love steve so much, he deserves his whole entire own bullet point here lol.
i feel like if i give steve a whole entire bullet point for himself i HAVE to give eddie a whole entire bullet point too because that man.... well, he changed the whole entire game. like i've said it before but i was just a casual fan before s4 - watched when new seasons came out, talked with friends about it, but i was not part of the fandom. like i didn't look through the tags, or reblog a whole lot outside of the occasional gifset or smth, and i certianly didn't write or create any of my own content/hcs/etc. but THEE second that eddie munson walked onto that screen he stole my god damn life from me. that guy dragged me over the edge of that boat and right through the watergate with him because once i saw him i was HOOKED and i did not look back. so yeah, it's entirely eddie's fault that i am here today and i adore every single thing about him and what he stands for and who he is and i wont get into it because this post will really never end but i am SO disappointed with what they did with him and how they chose to *end his character arc (*clown shoes are FIRMLY on tho bc i am honk honk fully onboard with the we have not seen the last of eddie munson train soooo lol).
the absolutely incredible fantastic wonderful beautiful amazing inspiring awesome ridiculous epic EVERYTHING that everyone has created in response to this show. i love stranger things, i do, but we all know that there are certain things - characters, relationships, arcs, plotlines, etc. - that have missed the mark, that could have been better, that could have gone a different way. and it is the fans, it is the writers, it is the artists, it is the gif makers, it is the editors, it is EVERYONE who puts their heart and soul into creating for this fandom that fills in those gaps, that fixes things, that takes these characters we know and love and breathes even more life into them, takes them to new places, lets them explore things they deserve to explore. i will forever be grateful to everyone in this fandom because of this!!! it's incredible and it's the best part of the whole show, truly.
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caruliaa · 2 years
wahhhhhh okay once again i stayed up late doing random shit gavshsja looking forward to being tired tmrw lmaooooo also i just found out that we're going on a daytrip to like another state on saturday which??? in theory fun but in reality i am so tired i just want to be lazy all weekendddd -____- at least ill be back sunday tho since it is a daytrip..... but anyway i do rlly rlly need to rest up now so !! i will be going to sleep but first i want to say that oughhhh i really do love you sososoo muchhhhhh darling like you are such an amazing increddible friend to me and just so understanding and sweet and thoughtful and gooodd and you make me feel soooo loved and care for and safe and that means sooo much to meee!! and i hope you know just how wonderful of a prescence you are in my life and how u bring me sm hoy and brightness and happiness smmm and i just love knowing youu smmmm and im so grateful to and for you and you are just suchhhh an incredible amazing good personnn !!!!!!!!! and yeah i just care abt u smm and i love you soooo muchhhhhh (hugs you gnighttt !! if u want ofc!!iluuuuuuu💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕💕💕)
yea i get tht sm esp bc well i also do that always every day FGHDHDF and omg yea the daytrip thing is rly frustrating i feel when ur rly tired nd wanted to relax on the weekend im rly sorry tht thts smth u have to do -__- esp since it wld have been rly nice to start cs weekly watching it 2gether (not to make it abt me ofc) but i hope its not too tiring and that you got some good rest last night despite the late bedtime and can get some good rest tonight too love !!! and ough omg ur so so sweet beloved ;; !! i hope you know that youre such an amazing friend to me too dearest you really are !! like just. youre always so so kind and thoughtful and understanding and caring to me and i know that youre always here for me through everything and i hope you know that that really does just mean everything to me and just makes me feel soso loved and cared for and safe and warm with you dearest !! :'> and i hope you know that im really soso glad that i can be the same to you dearest beucase you really do deserve it so so much and also just becuase i really do just want to soso much dearest because you really are just such such such a wonderful dear special person to me and really do just want to be a good friend to you and support and care for you and help make your life better and happier so i just really am so so glad that i can dearest and i hope you know that you really do just bring so os much joy and light and happiness and light and comfort into my life and i really am soso lucky to know you love i really really am, i love you so so much luce <3 *hugs you back rly rly close if thts okay !!!* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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cubedmango · 2 years
live slug reaction (aka naina watches the cm movie after midnight and provides long and dumb and unnecessary commentary) (there be spoilers inside. tread w caution and all that jazz)
THE BOOOKK i wonder if we'll get to see the pages eventually.
also remembered my au i based off it...... i gotta dig it up
the recap aka watch how hard can i cry abt krdcs story despite having it seen it like 50 times already
adachi cringefail compilation in reverse so true
HELP ME WHYARE THEY SITTING LIKE THATSHHDHD. they are just sitting . five feet apart cause theyre not gay
ROKKAKU. I LOVE YOU BUT WHY ..... who was he trying to call anyway .....
their fucking faces i cant do thsidjbfjsjd those shifty ass side glances im losing it theyre so NERVOUS IM YELLING
ADACHI MY BELOVED AUGH HE DIDNT EAT ...... and them both laughing AUGHHH theyre my everythingggGGGG
HAHAHAHAHAHA HE REALLY WAS JEALOUS OF THE CHICKEN NOODLES i thought ppl were kidding but no . oh my god
ALSO.! KUROSAWAS ROOM IN DETAIL FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! taking notes for No reasons
obsessed w how adachi so Obviously checks to see if their feet are touching and kurosawa, Aware of the powers, just does not see it
theyre so cute fucking hell.....
oh the camping trip ough. . .. would pay to be the fish just to watch this sappy ass shit irl
theyre both so dumb theyre literally made for each other i swear
Kurosawa. What Is Wrong With You. Stop Thinking Things Ur Scaring The Little Man
unrelated but omg the shots are sooo pretty i love the waterfall one....
hh.. h h n . h . . hands.. Hands
THEYRE SO CUTE (counter: 2)
OFFICE GANG IS BACKKK i missed them...... ms fujisaki my queen most of all
ADACHIS ROOM !!!!!! sorry i like it a lot seeing it again is like seeing an old friend.......
"for us to be together forever" WHAT IF I THREW MYSELF OFF MY BED !!!!!!!!!!!!
"i wished for our happy days to last forever" AND WHAT IF I PARACHUTE JUMPED OFF A PLANE!!!!!!!!!!
also dear god knowing what happens next as they say this is . it Is.
ah . its them. tsugemina.... ha ha one part of the show i didnt rlly miss
my 'kurosawa actually cares a lot abt rokkaku when hes not busy being jealous of him' agenda REAL and CANON
THE BESTIES ok i did miss adachi and tsuges bestie-isms . they are so funny
the og soundtrack in the bg ......... Yeah
comedic genius w that cut from adachi hoping for them to be together all to finding out abt the transfer
rokkaku... i am looking at him .....
noooo noooooooo noooOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
seeing all the times kurosawa sacrificed what he wants for adachis sake ....... girlie who allowed this im so
Ah. Kurosawas Face..... Bros I Cant Do This....
THE BRIDGE !!!!!!!!!! THE™ BRIDGE™!!!!!!!!!!!!
ep 1 parallel..... eats it up. definitely giffing this later Yeah
hey that reminds me of the evil fic idea i was gonna write after watching the movie :)
Also. just noticed i have been talking in caps too much. sorry but 1) its late my brain isnt working 2) i gotta yell man
NEW FRIENDS who is He ........ who are all of they i need to know for fic purposes
adachi my talented brilliant genius amazing son . thats it thats the point
adachi my son hey hello. i understand jps toxic work culture but please. dont do that
so many pretty shots of kurosawa but he looks so sad in them..... this is his burden
adachi, alone, walking past couples/ppl in pairs..... poetic cinema
O NAGASAKI APARTMENT i am Perceiving 👁️👄👁️
kurosawa running to get his phone...... someone fly this man to kyushu Right Now
ough kurosawa pov. . always promising w angst as always
THE BGM IS SOO GOOD BTW HITS SO HARD i think this is a leitmotif but brains too wack rn to recognise which piece its from
Looking. At the Apartment. Tidbits and Things and Blue Theme (very good and perhaps meant to match kurosawas place) but also adachi why is it . like this
47k yen flight bro............ call me unromantic bc i would not unless Absolutely Necessary
aha. foreshadowing.
oh my god okay its happening . gif
adachi jesus okay no stop stoppp go sit down please im begging you
yuta 'jumping to grave conclusions' rokkaku strikes again . in his defense he probably didnt know anything but man
A. . OOF . OKAY i fucking forgot abt that dream oh goodness . adachi i am psychoanalysing ur brain now
not remembering phone numbers he just like me fr
they hugged there btw im declaring this canon rn
fucking Finalllyyyy they Talk
"i nearly lost it" imagining his perspective and. H. . . ... hsj.. kj. ikk.w..d..
"i thought id never see you again" Who ...... why ................ to hurt me ...????? personally??????????
smashing a rock over my head during adachis lines
guys . what the fuck (<- rendered speechless)
parallel 2 !!!!!!! lets go!!!!
ok a complaint here. honestly there wasnt enough use of the magic to even feel like it was missing tbh ? like it got mentioned and plot device-d but we barely heard any actual thoughts so the lack of it felt exaggerated imo
aaaaand we're back to the THEYRE SO CUTE'S (counter: 4)
unrelated but how did the carpet not stain
omg the besties <3 ignoring the tsugemina tho lol
HEEEEEEE omg he looks adorable..... also wow damn that was a fast time skip for 8 whole months lmao
the student becomes the teacher.....
haha . foreshadowing :D
THEY ARE. SO FUCKING CUTE (counter: 5? i think? slowly losing count)
also complaint 2 a bit suddenly but arent the subs a bit off...... not that i know any jp but i feel like they arent exactly right at times
THE ICONIC PYJAMAS RETURN also omg kurosawa avoiding the topic ohhh i wanna squish his cheeks so bad
THE SWEET LIFE DAYDREAM OUTFITS RETURN....... also the fucking choir playing every time kurosawa goes into his. . Adachi Mode. so good
kurosawa meets the in-law (food truck guy)
guys i cannot. the matching everything. chores list . fucks sake. this is a scene from a fic i swear
my 'kurosawa is Not a morning person' agenda. real and canon
kurosawa scrunkly of all fucking time like there is not a more scrunkly chara ive seen in my life i love him so much oh my god
hey have i mentioned how cute they are yet . no? ok here it is. They Are So Cute (counter: 6 or something)
oh what does that say on urabes laptop
(unrelated. had to pause here bc i felt a tiny earthquake and that scared the fuck out of me oof,, anyways back to the brain rot)
rokkaku and fujisaku u both are So real
ah them again.... looking at the besties Only
Hehehehehehe Adachi Got Plans
closing my eyes sorry i dont care abt these two at all ,,......
oh my god tsuge cursed...... king shit
"i want to have a life with you forever and for always" this. .this. the. Head in my Hands. how am i supposed to cope with this . Hello
AAGHHGGH HUG !!!!!!!!!!
i heard the legends of the resume. i did not know it was this intricate. kurosawa my guy what the fuck
taking notes tho. hm yes birthday same as manga kurosawa..... hmmmm yes mari Is his sisters name...... hmmm past jobs (?). hope someone translates the whole thing
boy abt to pitch himself as adachis boyfriend like a stationary product. u know what? unique. points for creativity
WAIT THE REASON FOR APPLY HELP ME DNDJEJDJD THIS MAN someone please please translate this oh my god
KUROSAWA LORE!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god mari got lore too yesssss good for her
why did they reduce kazuyas number of kids.... was it an actor casting thing
kurosawa.......... hes so determined....
AWWWWW IM SO HAPPY FOR THEMMM best family i care them 🥺🥺🥺🥺
"welcome to our family" SOBBING SO LOUD
omg the shogi scene....... that indirect asian family brand of acceptance....... love to see it
YEAHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHH THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE !!!!!!! (refusing to think abt the next part)
chuckles. uh oh.
HEY ITS THAT SCENE . i didnt know it happened here oh
mont blanc again hehe
kurosawa did we not learn. did we not learn from the nagasaki part. my man
somehow every speech adachi has given this movie has felt like a goddam punch to the stomach . Pain
losing count of the parallels there are so many Sooo Many
preparing my hands to be thrown later
the contrast of their houses is soo interesting me like adachis parents house being small and traditional vs kurosawas parents house being bigger and modern
and smth smth yet adachis family being more accepting of them despite that ....... Looking
saw ppl being like 'why did they bring irl problems into silly gay show' and yes i understand but also 1) this happened in the manga 2) i feel like this is kind of necessary ? not just from a realism perspective but for the storytelling??? like the point is to show adachis growth using hurdles and to show how he gets over them so without a serious scene like this i dont think his chara development would hit as hard
oh. he said it. well guys it was a good run for my online presence im going to go lock myself in my bathroom for the rest of my life now adios
"but then i met adachi. he accepted me as i am" bro i cannot. ep 7 abt to kill me next time i watch it on god
adachis chara dev actually my fav thing on my planet for reallllll its insane how far hes come its incredible to see. and honestly for all that i relate to him it really makes me feel hopeful tbh...
HES CHANGED!!!!!!!!!! just repeating lines atp bc i have nothing to add but i must emphasize. Very Important
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO mama kurosawa i hope u get over ur fears entirely and then u and adachi can bond for the rest of time
"i believe your lives are yours to live" Yeah. Yeahhhhh yeah
the growth from magic-dependent adachi in ep11....... Cries
this scene i saw already and yet. yet. . . Oh............... Wow.........
The Bgm. normal about this . very
intro parallel .....................
DORKS. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE (counter: ???? still not enough times)
complaint 3: why is adachis fucking wedding suit not fitting him right. huh
. BESTIES IM . ... ... ... OH MY GOD.................. I DONT HAVE WORDS ANYMORE. THATS IT.. ......
(i want that drawing by the way. as a painting. framed on my wall. for art purpose)
where is this location btw i would like to know of anyone has an idea
well. ... .. .. im super normal after this. i swear (biggest lie told)
if u guys havent read the lyrics to it yet please. please. they are insane.
its 3 am. no thoughts brain kurodachi. this was so worth the 7 months wait. i am filled with serotonin
i did not say anything coherent or deep at all but maybe ill make a discussion post later if i can get my thoughts in order
but first. when i get my hands on that hd rip i am going to make So many gifs u guys are gonna be sick of me i promise
anyways yeah um . .. ....... krdc will continue to be my personality for the rest of the year please look forward to it <3
ALSO . IF OTHER PPL HAVE ANY THOUGHTS THEY WANNA SHARE W ME PLS FEEL FREE id love to discuss (and/or scream in all AAAAAAs) the movie too :D
ok im going to sleep now good night
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1d1195 · 2 months
sam you are the sweetest person in the world actually, thank you so much🫶
STEAL MY GIRL MUSIC VIDEO IS SUCH A NICHE THING I FEEL LIKE ITS ALMOST AN INSIDE JOKE it’s sooooo funny every time i watch it i’m just laughing SO REAL WITH LOUIS AND THE CHIMP i remember watching it for the first time and seeing harry in the fucking trench coat and genuinely getting worried like “hmmm it’s too hot for that, hope he’s okay😕” BABHSHAHAHAHAHA zayn and the sumo wrestlers ALWAYS gets me
IM ACTUALLY LAUGHING SOOOO HARD AT THE "SAMANTHA -🎶" YOU GET ME😭😭 i think i read all dolcezza like the same week you posted the last part, and it’s a good thing i did cause ooooo girl….😮‍💨😮‍💨you woulda drove me crazy
I THINK I SAID THIS ONCE BUT IM NOT SURE AND IF I DID IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO BUTTTT THE SERIES THAT BROUGHT ME TO YOUR PAGE WAS ACTUALLY MADE TO BE🥹🥹🥹🥹 and i came from PART 1 !!!!! (ironic considering my aversion to waiting lol) i tuned in every week to read the new part and back then you were updating on sundays and i stg i would get soooo giddy (i was in SHAMBLESSS between chapters having to wait a week😭) and yea…after that series ive been stuck here like a leech LMAO
on the topic of waiting on chapters i started traditional like right after you’d posted the second to last chapter and O.M.G. AHAHAHAH ITS SO FUNNY LOOKING BACK BUT I WAS ACTUALLY GLUEDDD TO MY PHONE👀👀 WAITING FOR THE NEXT PART CAUSE THEY HAD GOT IN THAT FIGHT AND I WAS SOOO HOOKED and then i woke up one morning and it was out, guess how i spent my breakfast & coffee time😭
i’m just rambling at this point BUT YES !!! YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW APPRECIATED YOU ARE !!! i remember back then i wasn’t doing the best and lots of things were changing but i always looked forward to reading the newest chapter. i read in one of your recent asks about how you decide what you write based on engagement (which makes total sense) but you feel like you get a lot of non-interacting readers. this is true and it really sucks but i guess it’s the reality of posting on a website like this. however, i will gladly take the time to say what they won’t and AHHHH SAM YOURE AN AMAZING WRITER I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR FEEDING US YOU MATTER SOOOO MUCH MORE THAN YOU KNOW 💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💘💘💝💝💝💝💝💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗
i cried while finished “Love & Other Words” 😪omg i didn’t see that coming but it was SOOOO. GOOD. like….i sat and stared at the book with a small smile after i finished it kind of good. i will DEF been rereading that I LOVE THEM😭😭 THAT SCENE WHERE HE SAID “I’ll take anything you give me. Is that pathetic?” I SCREAMED they’re so precious and i looooveddd the way it was written!!! i just sped through it and i love when books feel like that
it has also been storming here, like so bad the electricity went out a few weeks ago and if u go out when it’s sunny you will melt. not a fan of summer right now🙄 SO happy to hear you’re feeling more relaxed, hopefully that stays till at least the end of summer. pasta is yummy !! i like my pasta dishes w a lotttttaaaa cheese :)) ive been boring too, dw. just a lotta reading on my end cause i am notttt in the mood to talk to anyone lately, vry antisocial (i also started my period last night ??? maybe that why lmfao😭)
sorry for this behemoth of an ask, thank you for chatting HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY LOVE YOU <33333333
I DREAM about Harry in that trench coat. A fashion icon. I love him so much in that (and everything). I totally forgot all about the sumo wrestler piece of it I was so focused on the chimp and Louis. Louis' smile in that is my FAVORITE thing in the world. It was SO pure.
hehehehehe well, I'm happy to report that Part II of Most will be up tomorrow afternoon. She's longer than I thought I could do but here we are. After writing it, I think Part 1 and Part 2 would be a good read. I don't think it will drive you crazy the way Dolcezza would have drove you crazy.
OMG. I apologize if you DID say it, but I feel like this is new information to me. I'm so so sorry if I forgot. BUT STILL. I haven't thought about Made to Be in a REALLY long time 😭 I loved it for so long after I finished writing it. It was a huge part of my life. You've been here for a while, that's so cute and nice to hear 💕 I'm so glad you liked it
You are so so sweet. I am so grateful for you compliments.
IS THAT PATHETIC made me want to SCREAM too. I love Elliot so goddamn much I could CRY. He is my ideal man. My new story is Love & Other Words coded for sure 🙈 I didn't mean for it to happen but then I think I told you I got it back from letting my sister borrow it and I couldn't stop rereading the whole "I'm pathetic part" like OMG I'm 😭😭 so distraught about it STILL. Everything about that book is perfect.
I am summer's least favorite fan. The heat makes me so sticky and gross feeling. Also, I don't look good in summer clothes (or I feel gross about myself, whatever) ANYWAY. I love a good antisocial mood tbh. I feel so obligated to be on and around everyone all the time. And what's worse is I let myself be available. I JUST started getting better at not checking my work email outside of work hours. My sister and mom need me LITERALLY all the time. My bf and I are home at the same time so I just never get a MINUTE to myself. I have to like hide in my own apartment to get any alone time. So yeah. I can't get my brain to shut off lately to read but I've been doing some hard work on the writing here so I'm hoping that will help--also been doing a GREAT job binging TV. I think I just want to keep reading romance stuff and not all the like "interesting" books I've bought and haven't read 😭 It's the only way I'm going to get through this bookshelf of mine 😂
I love the chatting and the long asks so no need to apologize or thank me. I hope you have a fantastic Monday! LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💕
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softforluke · 2 years
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omg i am so sorry if i am late but my asks are acting soooo weird ? plus i am sure tumblr has been eating some :/ yeah honestly i totally understand why the glasses distracted you, he looks sooo fucking yummy with his fucking glasses 😩😩😩😩😩 but yeah he keeps shaving i really do NOT like this.
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eiichiro · 2 years
hi hi senka ~ i hope your week is going well!
no worries!! i thought you didn't get my message so im glad you got it. good ol' tumblr used to eat my asks all the time so i got worried lol. i hope you're enjoying work! don't forget to take care of yourself though 💖
i don't think im at those arcs yet lol i'm still very much at the beginning of the series u_u but my fav so far is arlong park and arabasta!!
ahhh i'll keep that in mind! the tg anime is on my ptw so i'll end up watching it then i'll read it for comparison 😂 i hear they're planning to continuing berserk, hopefully they keep up the quality 😭😭 miura really was a legend </3 we lost him too soon. and im waiting for csm too, im too impatient to wait every week. i see that you like the war devil 👀 your pfp though looool
what sport animes are you into?
i just realized that i've been neglecting to sign my asks looool 😭😭 i hope you have a great day senka 💖
- your animanga secret santa 💖🎅
hi!! i'm soooo sorry for the late reply ;_; i've been so busy with work i cant even watch anime D: you're so sweet, thank you so much! i am, been sleeping early the past weeks actually :'D
ohhh, i see! those are also sooo good along with baratie!!
omg yeah good plan, watching tg first before reading. since if you read it first u'll just be so angry with the anime (like i am lmfao) oh god i'd rather it not be continued tbh, miura's art and writing is just godly. i dont wanna see it ruined :( maaan i haven't been able to keep up with csm. i'll just binge it with my friends once it's all over. hopefully we can find time to watch together haha and YES I LOVE WAR DEVIL SO MUCH my friend drew my pfp for me haha
actually i don't really have a fave specifically for sports anime. i just watch everything! but if i had to pick, i do love haikyuu!! a lot! kuroko no basuke too and free! and of course the classic (and the best) slam dunk haha i gotta rewatch daiya no ace, continue ao ashi then start blue lock. cross game was amazing as well. OH AND MAJOR AND ASHITA NO JOE!!
AHSFKJHA that's fine, i know ur my santa without u indicating it hehe. i hope you have a great day too! <3
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iamacolor · 3 years
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“even people with really high positions with lots of company experience will call me kun-ge” ↪ happy belated birthday @rainbowv !
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stannienight · 3 years
hi hi!! i saw you didn’t have many asks so i took this as my chance😈
i haven’t rlly seen this anyway but hcs of saiki with an s/o who’s like just as pretty as teruhashi or hell even prettier if you will. (idk it’s rlly up to you) but instead she’s actually just as sweet as she is on the outside, in the inside. also bakes and brings him sweets bc that’s all i’ve ever wanted to do☹️
hi!!! i'm sooo sorry i'm late i got like two root canals and then had a migraine for three days straight- anyways, excuses aside, here are your hcs! i hope they're what you expected them to be i'm not really sure T_T
(sorta long because my brain runs at 100mph)
s/o uses she/her pronouns!
saiki's really beautiful s/o headcanons
- he unintentionally compares all of teruhashi's and his s/o's thoughts and LOVES the difference
- every time they meet someone new teruhashi thinks along the lines of "they're probably stunned by my beauty" but his s/o just thinks like a normal person "damn those are some nice shoes" "omg i have the same earrings" "their eyeliner is so on point ugh"
- of course teruhashi is very jealous, not only because of saiki dating but also because his s/o's prettier (her focus shifts from saiki to being even more beautiful which is an absolute win for saiki as well)
- saiki remembers his s/o whenever he listens to "what makes you beautiful" by one direction but he'd never tell her
- no because how does she have no idea that she's absolutely stunning people literally fall at her feet when she enters the room-
- whenever they're in public saiki can always sense the adoring thoughts people have over his girl so he makes it very blatant that they're dating (arm around the waist, forehead kisses, the works)
- she gets hit on SO often saiki is tired at this point
- superpowers aside he gets jealous sometimes too you know
- if he sees a man making her uncomfortable he will reflexively yeet them into the stratosphere
- "saiki that was a bit unecessary-" "are you okay?" "am i... yeah... thanks :]" "good :]"
- saiki feels like he doesn't deserve her a LOT because he's soOoo average (lol you wish saiki) and she's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous
- also often thinks he's wrong for dating her because she deserves better and he's not really great at showing affection (he doesn't touch her much because he's afraid he might accidentally blow her up or something, and he's a tsundere in general)
- but when she bakes stuff for him he knows he has found The One™
- she brings him a present. he looks at her adorable, excited face. he looks at the present. it's sweets. he swears his soul leaves his body for a moment. wants to propose to her instantly
- is plagued with the thought "how did i get this lucky" every single time he sees her
- he loves listening to her thoughts because although she's so gorgeous she thinks about such MUNDANE things like what she wants to have for dinner???
- her mind is as beautiful as her, she has the most amazing creative ideas as well and saiki will fondly listen to her speak about them even though he already knows
- she's so kind too she basically changed saiki's perception of humanity
- he always had a thing against good-looking people because they get an ego about it but his s/o absolutely clueless about her beauty
- saiki sometimes tries to show her how beautiful she is but she puts it down to him being a sweet boyfriend
- that being said she isn't self-deprecating or anything, she just doesn't think much of appearances and saiki thinks that's wonderful
that's all, i hope it was okay! <3
send me more asks for hcs, oneshots, or anything in general!
(i have also joined the haikyu fandom so i will take asks for that as well, if anyone has to offer any <3)
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thoi2020 · 2 years
in no particular order: what a feeling (most song of alllllll time i still need to post that bluesey thing damn) 18 (your song!!!!!!!!!!!) temporary fix (absoluye banger.) infinity (GOD) & through the dark (soooo undersppreciated it hurts me) !!!!!!! (sorry for the incoherent commentary i am on the bus rn haha ilyyyy)
omng omg omg SOOO TRUE!! what a feeling bluesey song of all time... 💙👑 (post the thing pls pls pls pretty pls) also hello what do u MEAN 18 is MY song are u trying to make me cry or something 🥺💞 TEMPORARY FIX SUCH A FUN FUN TIME i am always up for a temporary fix session... infinity is a song by one direction indeed... anyways... through the dark!!! titled so accurately bc it rlly got me THROUGH THE DARK moments of 8th grade angst (but still feels like a warm blanket saur true)... also omg i hope ur bus journey was gr8, nay, gr9 🚌🚌 THANK U SM FOR SENDING THIS IN SORRY FOR REPLYING SO LATE LOVE UUUUU
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