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Training tabla players: The six year tabla program consists of rigorous training in theoretical and practical aspects of the Hindustani classical art of tabla. The courses are overseen by academic director of the Toronto Tabla Ensemble, Ritesh Das, and require completion of yearly examinations. The exams test practical and theoretical aspects of tabla playing along with the historical and cultural background necessary to gain an understanding of the art form. Completion of the six year program ensures a comprehensive grasp of professional tabla solo and accompaniment repertoire. Graduation from the program requires the student perform an hour-long tabla solo followed by accompaniment of a featured musician or dancer of the Hindustani tradition. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the two year graduate course offered by the Toronto Tabla Ensemble in arts administration and concert presentation. Training professional artists: Students who complete the six year tabla program are eligible to receive two more years of training as professional artists. While continuing advanced studies in tabla under Ritesh Das, the student also focuses on obtaining skills in arts administration and arts presentation. The advanced tabla study consists of further repertoire as well as experience in teaching tabla classes, accompanying classical music and dance, and composing. No experience necessary, have fun learning rhythm, dance, culture and much more!
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