taberdoodle · 2 years
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Stu Doodles
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this is a masterpost of all the just singular Stu pics I think i have more stickynotes, but i dont have them on hand atm
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tabersnack · 9 years
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I drew this awhile back and have been wanting to upload it. I hope you feel better @deoxyrebornicleic
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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This is all the way back when first made Kitty and she was an 'MC'
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(and MUCH before Day 2 of the game. so i had no idea how Stu was gonna be introduced. little did i know i ended up causing MY OWN DOWNFALL WITH FALLING FOR THE WEEB)
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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Meet Tom Milan This is Kitty's Older Brother
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Bio WIP (cannot think. brain no work)
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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Here's a bunch of OsoTabi Stuff from last year
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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Sweets belongs to @sugarstripes and the last pic of Sweets was also drawn by her~!!! but for the past year we've been obsessing over and making characters for every series we're hopping on. And as a joke i made tom as like a Genderbend version of me in reality. but then he just shifted into an OC eventually and she fell hard for this music dork. So honestly to me, SweetsXTom will always be cannon to me because there will always be some way these two will get together.
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and some bonus art that SugarStripes colored in for me and or edited
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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-Yet another Kitty as MC sort of thing- Stu always tried to find excuses to walk her back home at night. The moonlight causing her eyes to shine much more differently than they usually did. He finally noticed something that he missed out on...
Kitty: I mean, look at us now. I enjoy the fact that its so easy to talk to you and catch up on things. We can easily share things from the past and live in it. Thats what makes me happy most of all. Just the history of it. you got my back i've got yours. almost like we'll always be like this...at...at least i hope so. cause ya know...you mean a lot...to me.. Stu: Hey Kitty: what's up? Stu: Dont move Kitty: HUH?! Kitty: wha-what are you- Stu: I said stop moving. Kitty: G-GHA! STU! Stu: ... Kitty: Is there something on my face?! Stu: ... Kitty: ...mm.. Stu: Your eyes.. Kitty: what about them? Stu: I've known you for so long...and never once have i realized that you had heterochromia? Kitty: YOU DIDN'T?! Stu: n-no...i...i guess i was too blind to notice. Kitty: ...o-okay.. Stu: ... Kitty: ... Stu: ...they remind me of a spring meadow.. Kitty: ?!?! aaaaaaa?!?!
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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MDHM Zombie AU Kitty Kitty gets fainting spells as she's Hemophobic. so she wouldn't do too well with having to kill things as she's prone to fainting due to it. Eventually she meets up with a group that Stu was in and thankfully has more people watching over her. Despite her having the bat, she doesn't really use it as she prefers to just knock the zombies over with her sweater. Because of Stu's recklessness Kitty often is complaining and patching up the dude, or even trying to confiscate his flask. (which she has drank before without realizing what was in it)
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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Here is Kitty Milan She's timid at first when meeting her, but the more she warms up to you the more open she will be. Kitty would be your neighbor/roommate and supportive friend who wants to help you out in any way she possibly can. Kitty puts others feelings over her own and would risk her life for you and the people she loves and cares for. She's pretty good friends with Stu as the two of them met during her first Frat party. You do eventually find out that Kitty is pining for Stu, but she refuses to try anything on it since it seemed like he was interested in 'someone else' so she's happy just being friends.
if you're interested in anyone, she tries her best to assist you and help you get together with that person. Alan, Stu and Erika, Kitty will find a way to make sure you're alone with whoever you feel for.
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Old Refs from March 2022:
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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this was suppose to be just a sketch, but i went overboard and colored it. I hate and love this monkie man so much. though im still a full blown Macaque Simp lmao (does tumblr not let you move images around to like organize them anymore? casue that legit was the one feature that always made me come back to post here)
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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a bunch of sketches i started doing when i got back into oso again. Legit you can tell they were testers because of the way i did the hair. also osomatsu in the maid uniform for my chinese zodiac based maid cafe >:3c
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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was listening to SAO Abridged again and this fucking part inspired me, as it reminded me a lot of how Tabi will go all out, be it for a joke or to test the waters to see if he'll finally get the HINT that she's interested in him. is she joking? or is she serious? no one will know. ---- "She's not trapped in there with you, you're trapped in there with her" -Choromatsu (who has gotten MOST of the teasing out of all of the brothers.)
Here's the edited version with the OG audio that inspired this LMAO. cause i SERIOUSLY WANTED THE SCREECH WITH HIS FACE
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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My favorite set of pictures right now cause i just love the chaotic energy. Keep Reading for context/kind of fanfic like explanation for pic:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Oso not only caused trouble for everyone, but only added more fuel to the fire that was already set for the day with more fire. Pretty much one of the days the brothers and Tabi were over at Keki's small apartment, Oso had rudely started digging around in places he shouldn't and ended up finding one of Keki's bras. The poor girl was absolutely embarrassed when everyone had seen it. Many apologies were thrown around (except for Oso who just said maybe she should've hidden it better) But soon enough everyone wanted to make it up to her. what they didn't expect is that she came up with the idea that if they all showed their most embarrassing underwear that they would all be even, it would feel fair. The Matsuno's were pretty reluctant about it, but Tabi being the boldest decided to take the first step and go for it, flashing everyone when she REALLY didn't need to. (she could've just taken off the bra and shown it.) With the motivation now, and a firm speech, Tabi sent off the boys upstairs so she could talk with Keki while they went to go pick out the worst that they had. ----------- After seeing what she was wearing, a memory came back to Osomatsu, and a horrible joke was lingering in his head. He did awhile back snatch one of Tabi's boxer brief's not really seeing the point in her having them since they CLEARLY fit him better. So he thought it would be hilarious to show them off as if they were his. not like anyone would REALLY know. It would seem like a coincidence that they were matching. At that point he didn't mind outing himself to his friend that he stole something personal of hers, and was honestly pretty excited to see her reaction. and well he found that it was ALLLLLLLLLLLLL worth it in the end. She was furious and flustered, and he got a good laugh out of it.
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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Updated the ref of my Osomatsu SI
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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I got carried away with writing. im sorry. Legit this is all so self indulgent at this point. Keep Reading for context/kind of fanfic like explanation for pic:
The first Christmas she had with them Tabi only gave Karamatsu a gift. (his dramatic jacket with roses all over it) it was kept secret until the second Christmas though, which he accidentally spilled that she had done that behind their backs. But for the second Christmas she gotten to know the sextuplets much better. Learning what they all liked and came up with an idea to get each of them a gift. She knew the tradition was much more different, but she was happy to still indulge in the holiday in her own way and try to spoil them all to the best of her ability. Getting each one of them a gift...well except for one of them Osomatsu. After giving everyone their gifts Oso was left out, he was a bit peeved with how it felt a little unfair, but he also forgot to get her something too as the rest of the boys had planned out and did get her a gift too in surprise. "I'll make it up to you. I wasn't sure what to get you anyways, so i'll take you to the closest convenient store and buy you anything you want okay? A few beers if you'd prefer that." "Pssh! I'm not too pissed, I kind of forgot to get you something too, so you really don't have to." "pretty please? I insist" "if you want to do it that bad, fine. I can't complain" Yet funny enough, neither of them realized they were lying to each other. Mostly cause neither of them wanted each other or the brothers to know what they had planned. It was all so personal. ------------ The two of them walking out in the cold wasn't too bad. It wasn't snowing just yet, though Tabi always mentioned how she wished it would. Yet with their walk, things were quite silent between the two. It felt a little tense. Usually they were pretty comfortable with each other, but what Tabi had in mind had her head REELING with her face heating up at the thought. Fidgeting with her gift in her pocket. Osomatsu on the other hand was trying to think of what would be a good moment to give her what he had. But the ginger was the first to stop. Right under a lamppost. Oso had to stop as he walked past her, nearly missing the fact that she stopped in the first place. Turning around confused he let out a weak chuckle. "whats up?" Her anxiety was weighing her down. The past year she had finally started to realize and acknowledge her feelings for her friend, there was a LOT of denial for awhile in the process of it, but she soon came to the decision to try something this Christmas, since it was always considered a romantic holiday where they lived. "I lied..." "huh?" Taking her hand out of her pocket, she pulled out a mistletoe, walking up to the Neet nervously. Her face completely flushed, she couldn't look him in the eyes.
"I did get you a gift...but umm...the more i think about it, the more it kind of sounds narcissistic" "is that..?" Lifting her arm up, and doing her best to look him in the eyes, she mustered up as much courage as she could. "f-f-for my gift to you..i-i-i wanted to give you permission to k-kiss me. So i got a mistletoe for you, but that sounds weird right? you don't have to if you don't want to" Lowering her arm back, she was starting to back away and try to escape from her offer just now, yet the red matsu took her wrists in his hand, making sure not to squeeze so tight (even though it was hard to control with how crazy this drove him) pulling her closer. "are you serious?" "...y-yeah?" "you mean it" "yes i mean it. I thought this through a lot, and if i were to share my first kiss with someone...i..i wanted it to be you." Even after he pulled her in closer, looking her dead in the eyes. She was unable to look away now. Things were becoming more intense with how quick it was getting, and even with his fair warnings about her being careful, she didn't want to go back if he really did want this too. Neither of them really knew what they were doing, so the kiss didn't last that long. But even so, the both of them did feel it. Like fireworks going off in their chests. After parting from the kiss, the two of them were in a bit of a daze, trying to process what they just did. Only for Oso to panic suddenly. "Dammit! I screwed up!" "huh??" "I should've tried more, or kept kissing you longer. I had once chance and blew it" "Who said you could only kiss me once?" The hand that held her wrists lowered as his eyes went wide surprised by what she just said. "I got you the mistletoe for a reason. I mean...technically you don't need it as for tonight you got full ranged consent to kiss me as much as you want-gosh it feels so weird saying that out loud." "you're defiantly gonna regret this" "i dont think so. Though if you really want me to, try it then. make me regret it, but i doubt you can make me feel that wa-" and right away he was back on her lips. The setting felt so right, the cold air made it feel so much better being so close to someone so warm. It felt perfect. ---- it couldn't last that long though, cause the two of them would realize that the brothers could go looking for them anytime. So they both agreed to continue this at her place if they can find a way to sneak over there later. But for now they would head over to the convenient store to get that beer she promised him. After they were on their way back to his place, Oso did quickly stop, finally remembering what he had in his pocket. Stopping Tabi, he took out a little baggie that had 2 orange rings and silver grommets. "you had been talking about how much you adored seeing those cat ear hats with the piercings on them. So i tried to look around and find out what i needed to get so you can customize your own hats. I picked them in your color too so it would match your outfits." and man, the waterworks were RUNNING FAST!! Jumping onto him with a hug and nearly knocking over the Neet, She was absolutely thankful and happy for such a gift. As it meant a lot that he even REMEMBERED something like that. He laughed and joked about her nearly making him drop his beer, but he had plenty of more if he did so. They would soon be back with everyone else, keeping their gifts a secret. Even though Oso did wanna brag
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taberdoodle · 2 years
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Keki and Tabi A pair of besties looking out for each other. Especially since things can get a bit crazy due to the Matsuno's Keki belongs to @sugarstripes
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