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verysmallcyborg · 10 months ago
whats Fornax's ideal form of enrichment?
HMMMMM the easy answer would be participating in frontlines (fiercely competitive, gets to use their body as a weapon when within melee range, but she's also very different in pvp personality wise)
the other answer would be just simply running wild along a coastline, or an open field!! they have a ton of energy once they wake up and get their day going, usually it's that, sparring, or heavy physical labor that she enjoys the best - being intensely physically active is free enrichment!!!
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apollotronica · 1 year ago
6,, 26 and uh. 31
6 - why did you do that?
girl ive never done anythinf ever
26 - a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
sex. and various suicides . shrug emoji
31 - what type of music keeps you grounded?
grounded ?? honestly soft music like mitski or lamp or whatever . idk
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themanwhomadeamonster · 2 years ago
1, 2, 5 for siel ;3
What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
siel's aware that he has a very masculine appearance and he's comfortable with it but he identifies as "something indecisive". he does find it off-putting when ppl call/emphasise/align him with being solely masculine or feminine etc either way though... (that said he's accepts any pronouns). he's a bit unsure/not confident with trying to define or label his gender further than "indecisive" so he leaves it at that
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
he's bisexual! most of my ocs are lmao while he knows that he's been interested in more than one gender he's still in the process of trying to figure out his relationship with sexuality in general
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
me stamping almost all of my ocs with bisexuality + thought it would be cool to have an oc who plays around with gender
ask meme found here!
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lambfromfield · 2 years ago
👻📄 ily
ily too
👻 is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
yep!! all of them /hj
i know that’s not what you wanted so i’ll give you something else. in my tbd ellie joel fic i’m really quite anxious about getting their characters right 🥴 i worry a lot about getting personalities and traits right. that sort of thing
📄what’s a WIP that you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
tommy mold fic. i miss her so much. i think i literally have basically the end written but i changed it so much as i was writing it that it’s so fucked up and convoluted that i’d have to try so hard to fix it before even beginning writing or editing.. sigh i miss you mold fic
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mushimaster · 8 days ago
20, 21, 22 (Character building question)
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20. Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
He likes Adashino as a person, but sometimes his collection of strange items gets people, especially curious children, in some sort of trouble. He just needs to be a little more vigilant and thing'll be fine. As for the other way around, I can't say. I'm sure there's ppl he's met that he's not fond of who do good work, but I cant remember any specific episodes :(
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Please let him refuse food after eating his fill...he can't eat any more... one more bite is going to tear his stomach. Pls...
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
When kids do handstands, its fine. They can bounce back from anything. But when an adult attempts it, he gets a visceral reaction. Knots in his stomach. He can't look. It's got him tensing up like crazy. He can't watch a grown adult break their neck in real time.
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violetcoloredskies · 1 year ago
Chocolate, I'm a simple gal
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nightfallsystem-moved · 2 years ago
for the color of the moots askgame - youre ruby and also kinda orange cause youre an orange in my mind
oh tysm!!! ^_^ i would ask why im an orange but i wont question it im just hoping it is in a good way ^_^
ur kinda goldenrod to me or mahogany/p ^_^
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demaparbat-hp · 10 days ago
For your Dandadan AU. Are we in a "Modern Setting" (e.i. No bending)? Or you are having their "supernatural powers" be homages to their bending powers?
Something tells me that Aang is going to get the Jiji role. Only Aang to be that goofy, and do the thing that will happen in Season 2.
Are you also having Kanna as the stand-in for Seiko?
Hi, and thanks for asking!
I'll be leaving this over here and the rest of the lore under the cut.
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The Dandadan AU takes place in a modern setting, much like the anime/manga does. There are legends about people who could control the elements in ancient times, but those are just tales—humans can't bend.
Spirits and Yokai, however, are a different story.
Each character's supernatural abilities reflect their original bending prowess! Zuko is a bit of an exception, since I'm leaning towards the shadow and stealth aspect of the Blue Spirit. Fire is still there, just in a different form.
Katara has natural bloodbending powers which the Painted Lady enhances. Whenever Katara taps into the yokai's curse on her, she becomes able to control water as well. Azula (in Aira's role!) will get lightning, illusion, and deception powers from a Kemurikage yokai.
Seiko's role gets passed on to Hama and Iroh. They're both part of the White Lotus, a society of mediums and yokai hunters from all nations.
Hama is Katara's Gran Gran, a stern and rather intense old woman who has made several deals with the Gods of the Land. She delivers corrupted souls to them in exchange for strength, protection, and an emergency tap into the bloodbending powers that she wouldn't be able to harness otherwise.
Meanwhile, Iroh becomes spiritually enlightened after his son's death. He's a beacon for corrupted spirits and bloodthirsty yokai—mostly because of his unnatural ability to rehabilitate said beings. The Painted Lady is one such yokai, and isn't it ironic that Iroh's own nephew is now one of his patients?
Hama sends most of the yokai she hunts down to Iroh due to his ability for dealing with them. If Iroh can't help a yokai move on peacefully, she finishes the job. Not because he can't do it, but Hama is the one who does what she considers to be "the fucking bulk of the iceberg" and Iroh can't take all the credit for it, damn it.
As for Aang...
The Avatar State is terrifying, which makes it the perfect stand in for the thing. Aang has such an outstanding amount of spiritual energy that he's a beacon for all spirits and yokai out there. Which...isn't good. Especially when one of the most ancient and powerful spirits out there wants to possess him.
Which leads us to the Avatar State.
I made the choice to remove his power over the four elements to focus instead on something much more interesting and fitting for this AU: energybending.
The Avatar is able to manipulate all vital and spiritual energy around him, as well as give or take everyone else's powers at will. This makes him pretty much the most dangerous being to ever exist, since he can make everyone powerless by simply willing it so.
As for the Avatar's motivation? He's a protective yet ruthless spirit that has laid dormant for thousands of years, but a certain event woke him up to a world in disarray. His purpose has always been to keep balance in the world, but the concept itself of balance can be easily corrupted.
The Avatar comes from a world that doesn't exist anymore—a far better place that he wishes to recreate and bring to life once more. Even if he must destroy this version of earth to birth it anew.
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theeio · 2 years ago
Okay i am going furst what do you think of fact that livio is fucking huge
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(I think meryl can hide behind his entire back like a kitten)
i think about this alot and also further proof that orange is certainly cooking…something…he looks huge in the manga and i feel like even his facial structure does have a few similarities to how he’s drawn in trimax too. theres plenty of room in how hes built for more beef, a haircut, some stubble, and a tan
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AND ABSOLUTELY meryl can be carried like a backpack and she’ll be perfectly safe
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angel-mira · 5 days ago
What's more important Wade's thighs or her butt?
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verysmallcyborg · 1 year ago
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
17. OUGH THIS ONE IS GOOD..... the first thing fornax notices in the mirror is the little scales along their jaw and small horns, because they grew up feeling judged and ostracized for their appearance - they strongly disliked their features for this, but in time, they DID learn how to accept and love their self-image. most people will likely notice their horns as well, but also their eyes and the scars decorating their face!
27. delmira got them a lifesized stuffed paissa (fornax finds their expression very unsettling. she knows this lmao) and they nearly screamed when they found it on their bed after turning the lights on. they did laugh afterwards but was very serious when asked to give it away LMFAO (delmira knew they wouldn't like it, it's ok)
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albaharu · 1 year ago
bridgerton perhaps..... for the art asks !!!
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For the girls kissing... them :>
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tunastime · 3 months ago
Hey if your still doing the comfort fic thing can you do collection of hoodies with Ranchers? (You don't have to)
HI!! Took me a little to get to this one! Kind of based on the prompt rather than directly verbatim, but I hope you enjoy!
the collection of stolen hoodies (758 words) (x)
The slightly sticky, summer breeze blows warm across the rolling hills of the server. Despite the humidity, the wind offers a much needed reprieve from the still, stagnant air of the mines, and, shaking the water out of his hair still, is managing to dry Tango off as well. He easily rinsed a majority of the soot and grime from his hair and along his exposed arms, scrubbed black soot from his cheeks. Now, stripped down to his cargo pants and socks, Tango lies in the grass, his and Jimmy’s laundry out to dry. He’s spent a large portion of the afternoon clipping it carefully to the hastily constructed clothesline. It waved in the breeze, casting a shadow across his vision every now and again.
Despite this, Tango lies comfortably in the midday light, eyes shut. At some point he turns to dry his back, feeling the heat along his spine and the base of his tail. The grass is soft here, clover and fescue and dotted wildflowers over the hill, stretching further than what Tango can see with part of his face crushed into the soft earth. He lets his eyes shut for a moment, letting the wind and sun dry him off the best it can.
After a moment, Tango stretches, feeling his muscles pull as he twists his neck and pillows his arms under his head. If he’s going to get anything done today besides napping in the sun, much to his rancher’s chagrin, he should probably collect their laundry and give it a good shake before bringing it inside.
Peeling himself from the grass, Tango stands slowly. He stretches his arms above his head, twists back and forth to relieve some of the tension in his back. Scratching dully at his hair, strands still wet between his fingers, he wanders over to the clothesline, still padding barefoot through the soft grass and stepping stones. Most of the clothes are thoroughly dry as Tango begins to tug them from the line, but, notably, his sweater is damp at the fringes and the sleeves where chunks of shade block it from the midday sun. The humidity’s certainly to blame too, making the air ever so slightly damp as it blows through.
Tango frowns. On the line is Jimmy’s overshirt. It’s dry at every edge, and aside from being stiff from its line dry, it’s in perfectly good condition, and much too large for Tango to worry about stretching it out. Tango runs a thumb over the seam at the bottom, worrying the hem between his fingers. A good shake would get the stiffness out. Surely Jimmy wouldn’t mind if it went missing for a part of the afternoon at the behest of Tango’s decency, right? 
Plucking it carefully from the line, Tango tugs the shirt around him. It keeps some of the wind off his back and the sun even moreso, despite the fact that he’s more littered with freckles than he’d ever though he would be in his life. It also smells, still, a little like wheat and grass and smoke, and Tango sighs against the shoulder he’s brought up to sniff and closes his eyes. 
He’s addled for a moment with the idea of Jimmy trying to fit into his sweater in retaliation, and blinks his eyes open. The image of him trying to weasel his big arms in and stretching the fabric out. Tango was by no means tiny, but Jimmy was. Broad. For lack of a better term. Fitting into Tango’s clothes would be a feat deserving of an award. Tango snorts, rolling his shoulders. Maybe one day he could make them a sweater that fit both of them. Which really meant it would fit Jimmy first and Tango by extension—but regardless. It could be theirs. He could make a whole collection of them. Then they could really be set, and Tango could live out his life stealing clothes from Jimmy whenever he wanted to. Yeah. That sounded like a good plan.
A cheesy one, but one he was letting himself have, because, hey, he was feeling sentimental, and Jimmy had finally come to visit, and he was allowed to be happy to see him again, just as he did anyone else. Sighing to himself, Tango folds the rest of the clothes over one arm. Satisfied with the state of their dryness, he takes them, and himself, inside. He should at least give them a good shake and a nice fold before he started thinking about making any new clothes.
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lambfromfield · 2 years ago
1, 51, 73 :] -kai
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
it generally depends on the fic???!! i feel like a lot of my stories end just on a vibe that i get to because i'm aware of the fact that it's a good ending point. like i highly rarely specifically plan out EXACTLY how it's gonna end because it feels kind of constricting, but i do generally know a slight vibe of what i want AT the end
51. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
ok pjsekai jumpscare lol
“That was awesome!” Saki squeaks as Ichika sweeps the curtain behind her, also grinning. “They were super into it! Especially that bit at the end, wow!”  “You could just feel the energy,” Honami agrees, face warm under the light of the live house.  “It was like a real concert!” Ichika exclaims, flouncing off toward the exit. Shiho says nothing. All she can think is of those people in the crowd—or rather, the lack thereof.
73. how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
LALALALA flow i think. i don't really see my own writing as scenes mostly because i imagine the words and what i want it to sound like in my head i guess? i genuinely am not quite sure how to describe it other than like. i feel like i can hear the story in my head written in my own words so i just start writing ..... in the vibes that are in my head.. I DUNNOOO i feel like i dont see scenes likemovies for sure tho
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capricious-stars · 2 months ago
For the recent outfit drawing thing, what are the chances of Swap Papyrus in #26 Also... Lace in #17?
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I got a little carried away
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 6 months ago
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (Will Stetson version)= Trashy Timothy
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