ahogedetective · 3 years
a teddy bear was the only gift that Santa brought little Ari this year. oh, & it was the softest & fluffiest teddy Ari felt ... well, nearly. as grateful as she felt to receive such a wonderful bear, Ari already had one that remained to be her favorite -- it was kindly gifted to her by Shuichi! -- so ... if she has something so wonderful ... & this is the time for giving ... her idea made sense in her head. the caretakers understood, too, helping Ari stuff the bear in a glittery & festive box & label it to the person in her life that deserved something as special as the precious bear.
now, she sat in front of her brother - figure, underneath a pine in the park ( not quite like a decorated tree, but still the tree of the season ). a cheerful, genuine smile danced on her lips as she offered the box forward. " i ... it's for Shu, pl - please. I ... I would like for shhh ... Shu to have this, fff ... for Shu's happy holiday ... ! " // holiday inbox call! 🎁 ( I'm not sure if you would like for Shuichi to know that this was her only gift - somehow, perhaps through the caregivers! - but I shall leave that up to you! I don't mind, either way 😅 regardless ... even if this was the only gift she got, Ari feels that something so special should go to him. happy holidays, Kay! may they be as festive & bright & just as wonderful as you are 🌱 )
Being able to spend some time with Ari today for Christmas; it made Shuichi really happy. In fact, one of the caregivers had actually contacted him first, asking if he would be able to see Ari today, even if just for a little while. He eagerly replied that he could, as he was hoping he would be able to spend some time with Ari today, anyway. Though they had also told him something interesting in the text: that Ari insisted she must give the singular form of joy Santa gave her with him. It made him wonder why they exactly meant by that, as it did sound pretty vague... but maybe they would rather him find out for himself, once she sees him.
As they sat under the pine tree together, he gives a curious smile when she goes to sit in front of him. When seeing the glittery box- “!” His eyes widen in surprise, curiosity growing as he accepts it. “For me? Aww, Ari: you’re so sweet... thank you! I already love it before I even know what it is, hehe... but now, let’s see what it is!”
Opening it, he uttered the softest gasp when seeing the very fluffy teddy bear inside. “O-Oh my god... “ He was instantly in love with it the moment he saw it, slowly taking it out of its box. “Ohh, Ari, i-it’s so soft, and cute... I love it.” But as he looks at the bear... the realization hits him. The singular form of joy Santa gave her. Which must have meant that... she was gifting him the only thing she received for Christmas this year?
“Ah-!” The fluffy expression on his face turns into one of shock, body flailing slightly in his spot. He stammers out in a slight panic: “W...W-Wait a second!! Ari, are you... are you sure? I...i-isn’t this... the only gift you have received? And you’re giving it to me?! I...!”
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‘Couldn’t possibly’, he almost was going to say, but very quickly quiets himself. He was afraid that if he said that, then it might make Ari think he was going to reject her gift to him, and surely make her sad... and making Ari sad, even if by accident, was something he would never wish to do. He’d be so angry at himself if he ever did that. Because it wasn’t as if he truly didn’t want to accept her gift. He does, but a part of him wouldn’t help but feel so bad for taking the only gift she has gotten. Even if he knows he’s gifted her a similar one before, he would still feel a little bad accepting it.
But at the same time.... Ari says she wants him to have this. Despite all of that, Ari wanted to gift her special present to Shuichi. “.......” Now that the realization hit him, he felt so silly for thinking about this the wrong way. He shouldn’t feel bad... rather; he feels special. Special that Ari wanted to give her such a special bear. “....H-Haha....” After a few soft exhales to compose himself, an even brighter, happier smile than ever before was on his face. “....Your big brother is such a dummy, Ari. I’m sorry; I hope I didn’t make you worry just now with my panicking. I was just worried that you were not going to have such a lovely gift originally for you anymore, but.... you want me to have this because it’s special, right? Ohhh, Ari...”
Now he was getting emotional... not being able to help the way his eyes become misty as he hugs the teddy bear close to his heart. He then takes a moment to hug the bear snug in one arm... and then carefully using both arms; he lifts Ari up slightly, so that he can place her on his lap. And now, he’s hugging both her and the teddy bear close against him. The most special gift, and most special little sister: snug in his arms...
“....Ari.” He whispers very softly. “Thank you. Thank you so much. Words cannot describe how happy and special you made me feel just now. To want to give me your special gift... I’m the world’s luckiest brother, to have a wonderful little sister like you. I promise, with all my heart: that I’m going to take absolute care of it. You made my Christmas one I’m going to absolutely remember forever...! And I hope that... I will be able to make your Christmas a very happy one soon, too...” Hoping that it is okay.... he places the softest peck to the top of her head. "You’re the best little sister, ever: I love you, Ari. Thank you so much, once more...”
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