#TW; violence
ijwrsmff · 1 year
I don’t know if your requests for yandere arcane is still open so disregard this if it isn’t.
Yandere Silco/Viktor x GN!reader (romantic, feel free to pick between the two men, I love both of them)
I wanna see them react to insecure reader being harassed for their insecurity in person and how they deal with the situation + manipulate it to their advantage in a way to get the reader closer to them.
Thank you so much and I hope you have an amazing day!!!
I'm not the biggest Viktor person, but a yandere version of him? Now that I can get behind. Can you tell Silco is my #1?
I did this as headcanons, in the form of bullet points, I hope that's okay! Thank you for requesting!
(Traces of Jinx in Silco's section)
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When one of Silco’s men made an odd comment about you while you were in Silco’s office…he genuinely had no idea how to respond for several moments
Was this man really so stupid…so ignorant as to say something like that not only in front of you, but in front of him?
“Come here.” He said, in a cold and unwavering voice to the man
He was confused but got closer anyways
Silco moved quicker than any of you knew he could, and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt
“Tsk tsk tsk. And here I thought you showed promise.” He let go, shoving the man into the chair across from his desk
You could hear Jinx giggling above you, as she watched with anticipation
You were just…hurt
How come he picked at the one thing you were most sensitive about?
You looked at the scene in front of you, confused and anxious to see what was about to happen
It was no secret to you that Silco ran a…minorly illegal business
To say the least
But he rarely showed you just how bad it could get, so for the most part you had no idea
You were about to find out though
Silco gestured for Sevika to block the door, and it made the man antsy in his chair
He then looked up to Jinx, and nodded
She knew what to do
Silco then grabbed you as Jinx hopped down, and pressed himself against you
Your back was to his chest, and you were now sitting in his lap observing what was about to happen
The man screamed as Jinx kicked his shin hard enough to break it
She pulled out one of her guns, and started shooting across his arms and legs
The most twisted part of it all was that…he was alive. He could feel every shot into his body
Jinx giggled and put pressure on some of the wounds, as the man screamed…and screamed…and screamed
“See darling? This is what happens when someone crosses me.” He whispered into your ear
You were terrified, the display being so cruel and brutal that you were left in shock
He spoke once more, but this time to the man crying and screaming across from you
“Apologize. To them, not to me.” He smiled coldly over your shoulder, wrapping both his arms around you, keeping you locked in place
Jinx let off one more round, straight into his torso
She giggled again, and shrugged, saying “Oops! Not good enough!” 
As the man fell to the ground, you nearly started sobbing
Silco felt this, and put a hand over your eyes, which only made you more terrified
“It’s okay…as long as you’re with me, not a single soul can bring you harm. I will punish anyone without any remorse for hurting you.” 
His breath was hot on your ear, and he chuckled. 
“You’re mine, and I’ll protect you. No matter the consequence.” 
You had been with Viktor a few months, and he was just…so sweet
Something in you had those alarm bells going off, but you brushed it aside as anxiety
He was always pretty protective of you, but generally much more laid back about it than some
You didn’t realize just the severity of it until today
You and him were walking, as he liked to do
Sure, his leg was real bad but he always said exercise would help eventually
He had his cane as usual, and you were both chatting away
It was peaceful…for now
A man you’d never seen before came up to you, and said something cruel about an insecurity you tried to hide all your life
The tears fell, and Viktor froze on the spot
Within seconds, Viktor went from looking at you, to the man
“That wasn’t nice…I’m going to request you apologize.” He smiled at you, and held your hand, barely paying attention to the man
“Why would I? Piss off.” The man said, and he went to walk away but Viktor spun around and slammed the cane into the back of the man’s knee
“What the-THIS ISN’T WHAT-” He was cut off when the cane struck his stomach
Viktor hit him, a good few more times before he stopped, leaving the man with at least a couple broken bones
He winced, knowing he overworked himself again
You just stared, how could he hurt someone like that?
“Ah…” He mumbled, leading you away from the scene
“I’m sorry love…When I saw you cry I just snapped.” He looked sheepish, but something in your mind screamed “RUN!” 
You ignored that feeling again
“You…care about me that much?” You wiped the tears from your eyes, and held Viktor’s free hand
“Of course I do. I would do anything for you.” And he gave you a big smile
Something about his words felt off…
You clung to his side, and he simply thought…”That was easier than I thought.” 
He had paid that man, telling him exactly what to say
Viktor knew of your deepest insecurity, and fully intended on exploiting that to get closer to you
The man he beat up wasn’t informed on the fact Viktor would beat him nearly half to death
But as soon as he left the scene, he signaled to his…”friends” to dispose of the man
Had he been more sane, he would have never used your insecurity against you
He was not, however
When he said he’d do anything for you…he may he lied a bit
There was one thing he could never do even if you wanted to
And that was leave your side
He would never, in a million years, accept a break up
Now…you wouldn’t want to know what would happen if you tried…
Would you?
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ijwrff · 18 days
Hey. I love your work, just an idea you don't have to do it. Yandere Antisepticeye x male reader who is weak. With some fluff?
Thanks? Hope you have a good day
Hiya! I hope you're doing well, I'm glad I could get to do this fic! It's not often that I write for male readers, so it's always a fun challenge ^^
Tw; bullying, injury, condescension, yandere typical behavior, and Anti typical behavior like a tantrum and a whole lot of swearing. Yanno. As he does.
Taglist: @thattiredanimator1t0mblr @serenitydusk @viciouslyyearning @jacksepticeye-simp
Word Count: 1,196
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It wasn’t uncommon for you to get bullied in college, but for the most part, everyone had grown out of their bullying phase. Your campus was pretty safe, so you never thought something like this could happen. People said mean words, sure, but it never got physical. Today was special, you guess. 
You sighed, and opened your apartment door after fumbling with the keys. It wasn’t surprising when you walked into your house nearly trashed. Every time Anti visited, it was like this. He had a habit of making everything difficult for you, but you’d never tell him that it was actually welcomed. Today though, you didn’t hardly say a word to him, and just tried to brush off his presence. You didn’t want to get teased any more than you already had been, not when you were hurt like this. 
“Dude what the fuck?! You can’t just come in here and ignore me!” You heard him run over and it only pushed you to move to your room quicker. He wasn’t even human, so of course he’d be able to beat you to the door. You dropped your chin to your chest, before trying to turn away from him. “Are you being serious right now?” He scoffed, and grabbed your shoulder to turn you towards him. “The fuck is your deal? W-” He paused when he saw your face. 
It was silent, and you couldn’t meet his eyes, ashamed you couldn’t put up more of a fight against the bullies that did this to you. Your eye was swollen, and there was a gash across your cheek from how hard the guy punched you…you cursed him for wearing so many rings, they only helped to tear into your skin further than it would have otherwise. Your sleeves covered the bruises for the most part, though one of them was clearly in the shape of a hand. 
The air shifted, small charges of electricity coming from Anti’s form as he seemed to nearly glitch in and out of reality. You took a step back, but he grabbed your shoulder to keep you close. “Who the fuck did it?” He spat, his eyes glowing green as it struggled to keep his emotions in check, only to fail miserably. His grip was nearly painful on your shoulder, and it seemed like it was taking every last ounce of his control not to leave even more bruises, intended or not. 
You sniffled once, and flinched from how intense the situation had become. “It doesn’t matter…” He was lightyears stronger than you, so it wasn’t surprising that when you tried to pull away from him, you didn’t get far at all. “Just some guys. I fought back though, so it’s okay.” You gulped, and struggled to meet his eyes.
He grabbed your chin roughly, and forced you to look at him. It was intended to direct your focus at him, but when you flinched he growled and let go, storming into the livingroom and throwing your couch against the wall, leaving a large crack that seemed to go through all the way if the neighbors screams were any indication. 
“A-Anti stop!” You called, and rushed up to him, but soon all of your emotions were contradicting each other. Lashing out at him wasn’t something you wanted to do, but your brain was speeding through a million scenarios in the blink of an eye. “Why do you even care? You bully me all the time! How is this even different? I figured you’d be happy with how much you seem to hate me.” You winced at your own words, hoping you didn’t take it too far, but you did effectively make him freeze in his rampage of breaking most of the belongings in the living room. 
“Hate you?” He chuckled, before it turned into a cackle that could have come from a villain in a tv series. “Why the fuck do you think I hate you?” The electricity crackled around you, and he turned and stepped closer to you. “If I hated you, I wouldn’t bother spending time with you. I’d probably just kill you.” His grin was wicked, and you had a hard time focusing on his words while that terrifying look was on his face. 
“Y-You just kind of bully me a lot, so…” You mumbled, feeling like you’d upset him. That was the last thing you wanted right now, and his emotions were so unpredictable you never knew what he’d do next. It was a game with him, really. One second he could be beating the shit out of someone a few streets down, cackling wildly, and the next second he’d be sitting on your couch throwing popcorn in his mouth laughing at some bad horror movie. 
He scoffed and raised an eyebrow, but his grin never left his face. “Yeah. I do bully you, but I’m the only one allowed to.” He shrugged, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “If anyone else fucking messes with you, they’re gonna have to deal with me.” He cracked his neck, then his fingers as he stalked closer to you. 
It was a terrifying sight, and you backed away. Beforelong, your back was to the wall and he was towering over you. That grin only seemed to grow as your eyes widened in surprise. He elaborated, but really it only posed more questions. 
“If anyone’s going to break you, it’ll be me. You’re mine to tease, to taunt, to torment, and above all that? To protect. No one fucking messes with what’s mine.” He cackled, and leaned closer until his lips were only centimeters away from yours. “Anyone that hurts you only deserves the worst of what this world has to offer.” He leaned in, closing the distance between your lips. 
You gasped in shock at the sudden kiss, and he wasted no time in deepening it, one hand tangled in your hair as he pulled harshly and the other just barely at the base of your neck. It was nearly a desperate kiss, and you could barely breathe from how long he dragged it on for. Though after several moments of his tongue exploring your mouth, he pulled back. His smile was…still a wicked grin, but there were traces of tenderness in it. Very slight traces, but they were there. 
“Clean yourself up. I’ll be back.” He demanded, his voice sounding far too serious to have come from him. He snapped his fingers to make a display of his exit, before dissipating rapidly into particles and disappearing entirely. 
You pant to catch your breath, and stood there motionless. Did that…really just happen. Your hand trailed up, touching your lips softly to try and process the events that just unfolded. It wasn’t even clear how long you stood there, but a text notification popped up, and you pulled out your phone to see a message that gave you a genuine smile…despite questioning if it should have made you as happy as it did. 
“Sorry I wrecked your shit. Clean up your wounds. I’ll double check when I’m back from dealing with these pieces of shit.”
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ssolessurvivor · 5 months
@apurekindness cont. cause reasons [x]
He's positively furious. When he'd wandered into the hospital to see her as typical, he'd learned she hadn't shown up for work for a couple days and an investigation was ongoing. A friend in the police force happened to know some details, and Logan took it straight from there.
Plus, he'd probably shot enough people to earn him some time, but he could use the PTSD angle easily enough: this caused him enough trauma as it was that he couldn't stop himself from reverting.
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The first thing his eyes went to were those cuffs: he wanted to break them into a million pieces. "Yeah, yeah I'm here baby." He coos and Jacobs dangles a key over Logan's shoulder. Grabbing it, he finds it easily fits into the lock: the veteran is careful to remove them, her skin is already so fragile he wants no more harm to come to her. He can't keep a kiss at bay, not here, so he gives her a tender yet rushed peck on the lips and scoops her up in his arms. "We're here to get you outta here." The gun at his thigh is hot to his senses, the urge to shoot more of them tickling something dark in his soul.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 days
so i was scrolling thru my blog on posts i rbed & i found this. im rly not the type to do blocklists or anything but block this transmisogynistic terf cunt; obviously don't harass. as a transmascfem intersex 2s person myself this is just so fucking vile.
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shiftingmuse · 23 days
Francis Begbie x The Hierophant - Kindred Spirit;
ao3 link x
{Based on an old roleplay which I went back and read today; Basically Hiero and Begbie had a night together and he ends up leaving her only to come back and find Hiero is gone.}
Franco sat on a beat-up couch, reviewing the night he had experienced away from his mates. The blonde had come into his life without warning and left him feeling inadequate without her near him. It had only been a week, but he was certain something was wrong. In the time away from her, June had come looking for him going on about a baby. It hit Begbie like a ton of bricks, thinking she was with a child. He'd only been with her a few times; he knew he couldn't be the father. 
That had knocked him off his feet and on his arse; he hadn't forgotten about the blonde, but he sure as shite went into hiding. So much so that he got himself pinched for a few days. When he got out, the first thing he did was try and find the woman's apartment. 
It took him longer than he expected, but he found the pub and then made his way to where she led him that night. Franco noted the keypad on the door and waited until someone went into the apartments before he could sneak in after them. Her apartment was on the second floor; he remembered that, and the door was not so difficult to spot either. His knocking didn't lead to anyone coming to check up on him. When it became too apparent no one was in, he pulled the knife from his back pocket and jimmy the door open. 
He could tell right away no one had been in the apartment for some time. The bottle of whiskey they finished together was still on the couch. 
As he looked around the space, it felt empty; it felt like someone had left town. 
It took him a moment to register what he was feeling before he ran through the place. Anything he could open and check, he did so. He was trashing the place from the living room to the kitchen and then the bedroom. When everything set, when he realized she was gone, Begbie stood next to the bed with the knife in his hand. 
"Whit did Ah dae, whit did Ah fuckin dae!?"
He flipped the knife open and then just went to shit about the situation. His anger that had been building up dove into the bed. Franco just lunged at the mattress and stabbed the item over and over again. The man kept stabbing at the thing until a spring came loose and cut his hand. "Fuck!" He shouted before his eyes focused on the blood dripping on the mattress.
"Fuckin psychopath..." 
The whimper came a moment later before he got himself off the torn-up piece and hauled himself into the living room. His blood dripped through the apartment as he went, even as he came to sit on the couch.
No tears were shed, but the man was disturbed. 
"She's gain." 
Her blonde curls, those blue eyes, a short skirt, floral-pattered blouse, and kitten heels. Begbie closed his eyes and leaned back on the sofa. Those red-painted lips came into his mind watching her giggle as she called him bitter names. As she riled him more and more, wanting him to thrash and lash out. He set the blade down on the opposite side of the couch, then himself. 
One of his hands reached up to touch a bit of flesh on his neck. It wasn't completely healed yet, but he knew the cut would scar. 'What is it, Franco? Don't think I won't cut you!?' Oh, that threat became a reality; she left him with a wound that she lapped at. His little minx, his wee bonnie missus, his...
Begbie opened his eyes before he looked around the room for a moment. His hand wasn't bleeding as badly when he looked at the thing again. A frown on him before he reached for a handkerchief out of his pocket to wrap up the item. 
"...she's gain." 
A sigh came from the mustachioed Scotsman before he went to stand. "Ye waur nae a waste ay fuckin' time, ah was." He says leaving the knife behind on the couch. Feeling like his heart had been ripped out, knowing she was truly gone. 
The knife Franco leaves at the apartment is the knife Hierophant gives him in the roleplay.
The rage he feels stabbing at the mattress is the idea he feels as if he's been fucked over. His rage is a mixture of loss and fear that he'll never see the woman again. Bleeding through the apartment is him trying to leave a part of him behind. While leaving the knife is letting go of Hiero because if she's just left without letting him know she's gone, then in his mind she wants nothing to do with him. 
We can play on the idea she knows about June and the baby or just that she left because she's an assassin and was never meant to stay long. Either way, it's just an angsty little drabble piece.
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waywardsou2 · 7 months
Posted a new Fic
seeing as everyone loved HTTYD so much, here is an Eret Son of Eret fic.
I won't tell you what it is. But have fun!
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sioraiocht · 7 months
~ @defectivexfragmented || Frank hurting Peter - Semi plotted starter ~
Spider Man had gotten in his way which meant that there was nothing else for it - He'd have to be taken out. Catching a spider was a little different - It required thought and precision. However, Frank had managed it, pummeling the guy's face into the ground, foot on his stomach to keep him pinned down. Peter could barely catch his breath, the tangy taste of blood filling his mouth as each punch pushed him closer to unconsciousness. He scrambled to try and get his footing but the weight of Frank's knee on his chest was keeping him immobile. He'd been due to meet Matt. The only thing he could hope now was that he'd spot something was wrong and follow the trail of blood. "Castle -" Peter whimpered the name out, his vision woozy as he tried to stay conscious. "You don't have to do this -"
Frank grunted with annoyance, another blow landing to his face. "Y'know, I'm getting real sick of the likes of you telling me what I should or shouldn't be doing."
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banefultyrant · 8 months
I will expand on this later in a larger post with cause, severity, and so on, but some things to know about how I write Gortash…
Lingering / Lifelong Effects of Abuse // @banefultyrant
Chronic pain, particularly with bad [ cold and/or damp ] weather. His shoulders and the joints in his right leg have it the worst, but all the old breaks in general tend to make themselves known with achiness, though he will seldom ever show it as more than maybe he seems a bit more stiff than usual, or his expression somewhat drawn, tension around his jaw, etc.
Bad leg(s); Neither is good, were he honest. One is just worse than the other and requires the use of the cane, though he tries to avoid it when possible. He doesn't like being dependent on it. He doesn't like needing it. So he tries to make it seem like it's for the aesthetic, a fashion choice like all the rich patriars.
Bad shoulder joints. The reason for this should be fairly evident in the framework of abuse.
Lots of little scars, some visible such as those on his face, some not.
The shape of his nose is from one too many breaks. As is the permanent discoloration around eyes. [ Further helped along by having difficulty sleeping at the time with Orin and her ilk running about. ]
Dentures or partial dentures due to missing, cracked, or irreparable teeth.
There are, of course, lingering effects that aren't physical—he literally has an anti-anxiety coat—but that should likely be a post of its own.
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thrspidcr · 5 days
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@inhcritance ASKED: "You are going to break your promise. I understand." (HARRY)
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With great power comes great responsibility. His powers were his responsibility. What did it matter if he was some accidental byproduct of Mr. Osborn's war factory? He didn't choose this.
But he certainly chose Gwen.
He would always choose her, time and time again. And yet he was certain it was his fault that she was gone. No, it didn't matter if she was unconscious when Mr. Osborn stole her, when he was tossing her in the air like a rag doll while flying through the city on that dammed glider.
He felt her neck snap when he caught her. That was his fault.
Peter halted with his fist raised, ready to land a killing blow right through Warren's skull.
He didn't need to remind Harry what the 'good doctor' had done to her memory. He certainly( with his shiny position at OsCorp) knew what was going on.
These things weren't her. They could never be her-- with hands and faces and all sorts in different degrees of growth and dissection. How could this freak-- this Jackal even stoop to use her DNA to say it was her.
If that visage of desecration hadn't made him start this mad pursuit, then the gargled vocal chords of one of those clones certainly did.
"Hello Peter." That was all she managed to say. It was scientific progress! An advancement in the world of genetics! If only she was perfect! Imagine what could be done with live cells instead of the ones he had managed to grasp off of a cup and a snot rag.
He watched as the clone had fizzled, garbled, choked on her own blood and died, without much concern displayed of the 'good doctor'. He would make a better one-- better than she was before.
He should kill him. He deserved that. He could kill him. It would only take a single finger given Peter's strength.
"Didn't you break yours?" Peter shot back from beneath the mask, the hand that held onto Warren's neck had yet to squeeze with any degree to snap it.
He wouldn't become a murderer. Harry promised the same after Uncle Ben died. That's how they supported each other, how they took care of each other.
Harry was his first friend. Harry was his oldest friend. How could it all have boiled down to this?
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ijwrff · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if I could request a Yandere Antisepticeye x (Possibly masc) reader where the reader is Jackies sidekick, kind of, and Anti ends up kidnapping the reader to brainwash them into loving him
We love Yandere Anti in this household. It was fun writing this! I always love getting to write yandere stories on any of my blogs XD I may have beefed up Anti's powers and capabilities but whateeeeeva. It's fanfiction for a reason.
Tw; swearing, violence, blood. Nothing crazy, just yandere-typical stuff.
Taglist: @serenitydusk @thattiredanimator1t0mblr @viciouslyyearning @jacksepticeye-simp
Word Count: 1,797
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Being Jackie’s “sidekick” was more fun than you thought it’d be. Running around and helping people with the little things here and there, mostly. A stolen purse, maybe even just calming down a verbal argument. People worried about the business, and anything like that was typical for your usual day with Jackie. Even if you weren’t officially a sidekick, it didn’t matter too much to you. You were his friend, and are able to keep him company while he’s sitting around, wondering what to do next. 
When you met his brother, Anti, they couldn’t have been more different. Anti didn’t really want anything to do with you, and his attitude pissed you off. Especially when it was directed at Jackie. But time went by, and his mood never wavered, always coming off mean, mischievous and completely uncaring about those around him. You had raised your voice a good few times, and threatened him when Jackie wasn’t there if he was being a serious problem. 
It only made Anti laugh, but it was far from a nice laugh. It was malicious, borderline psychotic. You hated that damn laugh…the “I’m better than you”, the “Are you stupid?” the “You’re wrong,” one. That one he was doing right now. He did it a lot, but Jackie wasn’t here yet so you weren’t afraid to call him out on it. 
“Seriously, what kind of grown adult laughs like a disney villain?” You raised an eyebrow and tried to keep excessive profanities out of your mouth. He already said them enough, no need for you to curse him out. Not when you didn’t know when Jackie was getting here. “Don’t you have better things to do then sit here and bother me?” You sipped your drink, and looked around the cafe Jackie told you to meet him at. 
“Better things to do? No, not really. Why, you got something going on?” His smirk never left his face. What you wouldn’t give to wipe that look off it…but you were helping a hero. It didn’t exactly pay much, but you doubted Jackie would want to work with you if you mangled his brother’s face. As much as you would like to right now. 
“I’m waiting for Jackie.” You took another sip, then looked at your watch. He didn’t specify what time you’d be meeting, just soon. Usually he specified, but since he didn’t you figured better head here asap in case it was something urgent. “Where the fuck is he…?” You wouldn’t rush him, but you didn’t want to spend any more alone time with this annoying prick for any longer. 
Speaking of which…there weren’t many people here. It was just barely getting dark, so maybe there was something else going on in town that you didn’t know about. You laughed quietly and swirled the remains of your drink at the thought of Jackie inviting you here just to show up in a parade. It wouldn’t be the first time…and probably not the last, either. That’s probably where he was, or caught up helping someone. You just hoped he wasn’t in trouble. 
When you looked up to see Anti, he was already looking at you. “Creep…” Your brow twitched in irritation, and his smug look only got worse. “What? The hell are you staring at?” He didn’t even say anything, but it was maddening. “Whatever, I’ll text Jackie I’m meeting him somewhere else. Piss off already.” 
“Go right ahead.” He said as you got up and grabbed your jacket to leave. He didn’t make any attempt to stop you, which was a little suspicious, but you shrugged it off. Though you didn’t get very far, when you heard Jackie’s phone ringing from behind you. He was already here?
You spun and stopped dead in your tracks. “The hell are you doing with his phone?” Approaching him quickly now, something felt off about the air. That smug look seemed…almost inhuman at this point. You looked around, and noticed not a single person there. Not even the noises of birds, crickets…anything. Something in you yelled “run” but you had to know. “Why do you have his phone?” It was weary, and only caused a loud and sinister laughter to come from your only company right now. 
“Might have stolen it. Might have beat him up. Might have done…worse.” He dangled the phone before dropping it to the concrete and smashing it with his foot. “Now are you coming with me or not?” He held out a hand, seemingly wanting you to take it, but also making clear he didn’t expect you to. “Better hurry up. He’s coming.” He pointed behind you, and when you did he cackled. 
Turning, you were met with the sight of Jackie. But not regular Jackie, he was crying and bleeding profusely. You went to run up to him, but Anti’s arm stopped you. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Anti’s voice didn’t even sound like it had all the other times you’d seen him. Almost glitching out. Was this a dream? Or like a really messed up nightmare…after what you saw next, nightmare definitely seemed more fitting. 
Jackie crawled towards you, until his body started to grow and shift. What he became was something twice your height, and vicious laughter emanated from him. It still somewhat sounded like Jackie, but the creature’s mouth wasn’t even open. The sound was all around you, and you were so focused on his body shifting, that you didn’t notice the world around you dissolving until there was nothing remaining. You, this creature resembling Jackie, and Anti who still held your arm in a vice grip. 
“Time to choose~!” Anti practically sang as the creature crawled closer and closer to you. “Stick with him, and lose your life to someone you loved, or…” He spun you around, and even he looked warped, with glitches forming all around him. “Stick with me, and stay alive. I can love you better than he ever could.” He pulled you towards him by the back of your neck. 
All around you, voices and images of people chanting started at a whisper and got louder as they progressed. “CHOOSE! CHOOSE! CHOOSE!” They screamed. It only made the decision harder, and if you had stopped and thinked about it at the moment you might have chosen differently. You tried to look at Jackie, or what he became, and had to close your eyes. It was too difficult to look at. 
“Tick-tock, tick-tock.” Anti waved a finger in front of him to get your attention. “As if anyone could even comprehend protecting you to the capacities I can. Make the right choice, I know you will.” His eyes left yours to stare behind you. He grinned, and tilted his head to look at you better as the creature reached you. 
It grabbed your leg, causing you to scream and try and kick it away. But it was no use, the thing was huge and its one hand could easily grab the entirety of your waist. If it put any more pressure on where it grabbed, the bones would break. The voices only grew and grew, until you could swear your ears began to bleed. It was the least of your concerns, and all you could do before it broke you, was scream:
“YOU! ANTI!” You weren’t sure if it was admitting defeat, or a plea for help. Either way, Anti effortlessly sliced the creature's arm off, and it disappeared altogether. You scrambled back, and all but fell into Anti’s chest as he wrapped his arms around you. Your heart was thumping against your chest and you closed your eyes, not wanting to believe any of it was happening. 
When you opened them you were back in the cafe. Anti was sitting across from you and looking confident as ever. His hands were folded under his head as he leaned forward to be closer to you. Everything in you said it was real, but there was no proof. It was as if the whole thing never happened. You looked around, frantically, but there were so many others in the area. There was no way it was real…right? 
As soon as you thought about it, they were gone once more. Your eyes widened and you were standing up from a chair that was no longer there. Knowing that the creature could come back, you rushed to Anti’s side. If he protected you before, he surely would this time, right? “Where are we?” Was all you could get out. 
“Just somewhere. And nowhere.” He shrugged, and said “You’re right. I will protect you.” He grinned and you backed away from him. Could he read your thoughts? That was impossible though…this whole thing was completely impossible. You wanted to wake up, and right now. 
He sighed, and turned to face you fully. He looked even more warped than before. A gaping wound on his neck, eyes glowing green, and a smile full of teeth that could tear you to pieces with no effort at all. “It’s alright…I wouldn’t hurt you. But those people? Out there? They would.” He pointed and an image like a projector screen played of people walking around in the city. Fights, weapons, anything. The stuff you wouldn’t even let Jackie break up.
“But you chose me over him. You know what that means?” He walked closer and you felt like backing away, but something behind you was preventing it. His voice, his hair, his fangs, his eyes. You didn’t want to see any of it. Not even that tattered tank top he always wore. “It means…” When he reached you, he wrapped one hand around your throat. You felt the sharp points of his nails, and sucked in air. 
“You’re mine, now. I’ll keep you here as long as I have to, so you can see it too. That you love me, that you never loved him, any of it. Before you know it, you won’t even remember anything other than me. I’ll be sure of that.” He leaned in and his breath hovered over your mouth, “No matter what I have to do. It doesn’t matter, because you’ll be here. With me, for me, and only me. Your life before now will mean nothing.” 
Whatever he was…you were terrified. He could break you, and you wouldn’t put it past him to do it either. All you knew now was how much you wished you never went to the cafe that day. He tricked you. Betrayed you, and Jackie might never know. Put on display for someone you weren’t even sure was human. Until the day you could be free…you were stuck here. Freedom will come in one way or another…
Even if you have to die to reach it. 
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Boyd Holbrook as Danny Maguire | Run All Night (2015)
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aerospectrum · 23 days
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@wexarethewalkingxdead said: "Let's go home." (from Carol to Jamie)
Carol rolled over expecting to feel the warmth of Jamie’s back against her face; instead the jarring chill of the blanket roused her from her rest. The room was still cloaked in darkness and the silence felt overwhelming for her. She’d gotten entirely too used to the comfort of Jamie’s presence— even if they hadn’t spoken what they both felt yet… that tricky little four letter word that would make things real and change everything, Carol never liked when he wasn’t close enough for her to feel. 
She sat up and stretched her arms above her head before she pulled on her clothes and made her way down the steps.  The heavy rain beat against the window, drowning out her voice as she called for Jamie; peeking into the different rooms until she decided to make her way outside.
The scuffle was just that though, nothing more than a scuffle. Negan had shoved Jamie backwards kicking him with another taunt to fight back. “Come on; don’t be a pussy.” He’d added on and Jamie rolled up onto his knees and barreled his shoulders headfirst into Negan’s knees tackling him down into the mud wrestling him onto his back while getting a good few swings in.
But Negan was a dirty fighter and managed to hit Jamie in the throat before twisting their positions around so Jamie was caught in a headlock with the man’s knee digging into the soft skin along his spine between his shoulders. Carol had come running with the sound do the commotion of the younger teens all yelling about the fight; and managed to step in when Negan had the front of Jamie’s shirt fisted in his hand; practically forcing him onto his tiptoes nose to nose with the once hallowed villain turned supposedly decent member of their camp. “Take it back!" Jamie glowered up at the man who leered at him with a smirk that only made his blood boil.
"I can't take back the truth, kid... You think I wanna be the one to tell you it's your fault?"
Jamie’s eyes darkened the way the sky did when an unexpected storm rolled in; the mix of emotions spread like wildfire; each one filtering through his face faster than the next as Negan broke the reality of it to him. His eyes shifted back and forth anxiously from one spot to the next- one face to another and back to Negan who exhaled the heavy air hanging between them and let go of his shirt. “Jamie." He drawled his name and cast a glance to Carol who looked ready to slash his neck. "Look I know how hard this is to hear and I’m sorry, but—“ 
“Shut up.” Jamie stopped him, taking a step back and trying to catch his breath. “J-just shut up— you’re lying.” 
“Jamie I’m not-“ the guy grabbed him and that time-- tried to pull him in for a hug, as if it'd be comforting to be consoled by the guy who not only beat you up but broke the news that people were dead because of him. Jamie shoved him back hard and anger reared its face. 
“Don’t fucking touch me- don’t touch me you liar- you fucking liar.” He shoved the guy again; pushing past him and disappearing into the overgrown field of mud and weeds. Negan tilted his head back and sighed up at the sky, nodding to the other woman, an unspoken apology and acknowledgement that he'd gone back on their deal to not tell Jamie. 
By the time Carol found Jamie she was soaked to the bones herself from the cold and bitter downpour that refused to let up. “Jamie?” She called over the thunder and crackling lightning but Jamie didn’t flinch, he didn’t budge- he didn’t move. He simply stared ahead at nothing as he sat crisscrossed in the muddy field.
The rain pelted him like hail; his hair was matted to his face; covering his ears and eyes; hanging in thick dark, wet rivulets over his features; his clothes clung to him the way the weight of the grief did. Unyielding and heavy; unable to breathe without it moving with him. Jamie didn’t hardly blink when Carol placed herself beside him. “Let’s go home.” She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and shivered in the rain. “Come on, up, let’s go before you get sick.”
“Is it my fault?"
"Is what your fault?" She knew nothing good would come from discussing it in the rain.
"Did they kill them because of me- was it my fault.. you said I helped but I didn't they're gone because of me and everyone here knew it."
Carol didn’t want to sugar coat it, there wasn’t any reason to and it wouldn’t do him any good. But it was harder to admit than she expected. Her struggle played out on her face and Jamie shut down even further when he noticed. 
"I didn’t mean for this to happen." he shivered when she did, turning to face her.
"I know that Jamie, let's go home." she tugged on his arm until he relented, rising to his feet alongside her.
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theblindman · 2 years
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Don’t Breathe 2 - 2021
The Death of Shadow; Part 2 
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shiroi---kumo · 10 months
Continued from || X
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Eyes open in a blur before they shoot wide accompanied by a low gasp. Systems are working at max speed in a matter of seconds before they slow back down to a crawl. It's like the first time. It's like the very first time he came to after His Excellency chose to crush him until his body caved and his systems ceased to function.
Except this time it was different. This time his head was separated from his shoulders in one clean sweep of his own blade. The Maken turned against him as Lady Tiamat's screams had filled up his ears in that moment. It had been silent all around them to him it was so very loud.
He can still remember the sensation of smooth crystal slicing through flesh and bone alike. He can remember the horizon tipping as he fell and struck against the ground. Except - it wasn't all of him that was falling and it was such a strange sensation to look back up at his own body - headless - before his consciousness faded out and with him the world died once again in his eyes.
It got dark.
He hates it when it gets dark.
So now, here he lay in a place he can only assume is the lowest confines of Gaudium's dungeons where light hardly ever reaches and next to no one ever goes. Chaos has left him down here to rot no doubt - a forgotten memory of Wonderland's past. The King had fallen so his people need not ever speak his name again - right?
He assumes that's the little monster's plan anyway.
So now he just needs to assess the situation and not let his mind cave into the spiraling torment of remembering what his own body looked like while missing it's head. He needs to not question it and to just accept that it happened. Just like he did all his other deaths, except this one is harder to stomach than the rest and he's doing his best to not cave to the building sensation at his core to spill the contents of his stomach at the thought.
He did more than die this time, and Rakkani and his binds had to watch that. Ai had to watch that and that fact alone is enough to make his blood boil. Somehow he's sure that the sight of it is as burned into his brain as it is hers and he really doesn't care how old she is now - she never should have been forced to watch such a thing happen to anyone, let alone some she loved.
Never should either of the Hayakawas have been subjected to witness such a thing, much less perform it. He can only imagine the mental turmoil that Yu is experiencing right now.
So now the Lunar King is doing the only thing he can think to do in this situation and that is to let out a deep exhale. He can feel Mist rolling up his throat and off his lips. Good. That's exactly what it should feel like. He needs to make sure that everything is where it should be.
Slowly he shifts to bring his body off the floor, and he feels his head rush as he does. The room spins for a moment while jade blurs out only to focus back in moments later. He needs to not think but only assess. Black Wind is furious no doubt and he can only imagine how long it is going to take before Bahamut's Destroyer is on their doorstep.
He just needs to keep his wits about him until then. Black Wind will come soon, and once he does then they can go home and he can go back to Rakkani. Back to his binds. He can work to reestablish his rule over Wonderland at a later date.
He can't imagine the public is going to take to his sudden appearance very well seeing as he needs to explain how he's still standing after sustaining such an injury but it wasn't like there was proof of it on his -
He's rolling his head around just to make sure range of motion is unchanged when he feels the smallest of pulls on the skin just above his Sielun Värit. This leads to the Unlimited turning his head in every direction he can slowly just to confirm that the pulling sensation goes all the way around his neck in a ring. A groan leaves him when he realizes that it must be a new scar.
Either way, he needs to continue his assessment. His neck is scarred but his head seems otherwise connected. His Mist is still intact and functioning as it should. His arms are behind his back still and a small bit of tugging tells him that they're still shackled together but he seems to have a bit more of wiggle room than he did before.
Moving further into his investigation, he commands his toes to move and then rotates his ankles around. His body seems to be moving as it should. That's a good sign. His stomach growls as he continues to squirm around only pausing to sigh and the twisting sensation that is begging him to find some kind of food.
He supposes he should see if anyone is down here.
"Hello?" His voice chimes, gargling a bit as it rumbles in his throat in a way it usually doesn't. That's expected all things considered.
"Hello?" He sounds again, his voice settling back out to sound more in his usual tone. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
He can hear footsteps coming his way and there is a light shining in the distance. Soon he is met with a pair of darkly colored eyes so he does his best to smile at the guard that has come to investigate the source of the sound no doubt.
"Excuse me." He starts again with snow colored brows turning upward as he speaks. "If it's not too much to ask, I'm quite hungry. Could I request something to eat? And some water perhaps? Please if you would be so kind?"
Despite his best efforts the man screams as he stares. He watches as the man's face goes sheet white and his body trembles. The light in his hand rattling all the while. He's turning tail and running away from the lunar royalty before he can say much less, leaving the Misterican alone in the cell he's been placed in and the darkness.
Did they neglect to tell their soldiers of the state of his life? Apparently.
His stomach is growling again in frustration as the King sighs. Now how is he going to get anyone down here again? He just wants something to eat...
It seems he's going to need to wait for @musesofthemoon .
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ruby-roseblog · 4 months
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