#TV Mounting Tips
capesatinstallers · 5 days
Professional TV Mounting Guide by Dstv Accredited Installers
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Mounting your TV can transform your living space, offering both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits. To ensure a safe and professional setup, follow these expert tips from Capesat Dstv Installers.
Choose the Right Wall Mount
Selecting the correct wall mount for your TV is crucial. Consider the size and weight of your TV and the type of wall where you’ll mount it. Fixed mounts are ideal for TVs at eye level, while tilting or full-motion mounts offer flexibility for higher placements or viewing from different angles.
Find the Optimal Viewing Height
For the best viewing experience, position your TV so the center of the screen is at eye level when seated. This reduces neck strain and provides a comfortable viewing angle. Measure carefully and mark the wall before drilling.
Secure the Mount Properly
Use a stud finder to locate wall studs, which provide the necessary support for your TV. Anchoring directly into drywall is not recommended due to insufficient support. Drill pilot holes and use appropriate screws to secure the mount. For added safety, consider hiring a Dstv accredited installer who can ensure a secure installation.
Manage Cables Effectively
A clutter-free look enhances the appeal of your mounted TV. Use cable management systems to hide wires and keep them organized. This not only improves aesthetics but also prevents accidental damage to cables.
Integrate Dstv Dual View Setup
For a seamless entertainment experience, integrate your TV mounting with a Dstv Dual View setup. This allows you to watch different channels on two TVs using a single decoder. Ensure your installer has the expertise to set this up correctly.
Professional Installation Benefits
While DIY mounting is possible, professional installation by a Dstv accredited installer guarantees safety and precision. Professionals have the tools and experience to handle any challenges, ensuring your TV is mounted securely and looks great.
Proper TV mounting enhances your viewing experience and complements your home decor. Follow these tips from Capesat Dstv Installers for a safe, stylish, and functional setup.
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owsrepair03 · 10 months
Can I Install TV Myself?
Installing a TV yourself is certainly possible, especially with the availability of DIY TV mounting kits. However, it's important to consider your skill level, the TV's size, and the type of wall you're mounting it on. If you're comfortable with tools and following instructions, DIY TV installation can be a cost-effective option.\
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owsrepair02 · 10 months
Choosing the Right TV Mount for Your LED TV
Mounting your LED TV on the wall is a great way to save space and enhance your viewing experience. Here's how to choose the right TV mount:
TV Size Compatibility: Ensure the wall mount is compatible with your TV's size and weight.
VESA Compatibility: Check if the TV and mount have matching VESA patterns for a secure fit.
Tilt, Swivel, or Fixed: Decide if you want a fixed, tilting, or swiveling mount based on your preferred viewing angle.
Cable Management: Consider a mount with built-in cable management to keep wires tidy.
Professional Installation: If you're unsure, opt for professional TV installation for a secure and level mount.
Choosing the right TV mount ensures a safe, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing setup for your LED TV.
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puripurin · 5 months
[2024 Valentines Day Special] [summary - Cupid wants your hand in marriage, but you think it's a prank.]
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— "You, give me your hand in marriage!!" You stared at the pink haired man that had wings on his back with a blank stare. You look around at your surroundings once more before sighing.
"Sir. This is a 24-hour convenience store, not some comedy TV show." You yawned as you look down back at your phone because you figured he wasn't there to buy anything. Only thing is, HE FUCKING SHOT AN ARROW AT YOUR PHONE.
"The fuc—" Your mouth shut up so fast once you realized a heart-shaped tipped arrow was underneath your chin. You looked back up, and his face had an angry pout on it.
"Listen here, you! My mother says that you are my fated one, so you must give me your hand in marriage, or else I will find the entirety of your bloodline and end it right now." He huffed without looking away, making you feel he wasn't playing with his words.
"I- uh, but I'm not ready to be married as yet. I don't know your name, your likes and dislikes, nor have I introduced myself to your parents!" You tried reasoning with him, and it actually made him stop and think, so you spoke up again and pushed the arrow downwards.
"Don't you think I should be able to know about my "future husband", so we could have a "harmonious" relationship." You were bullshitting at this point because you still had your future ahead of you, i mean you were only 22.
"Ah... I see. Then we shall be boyfriend and girlfriend. Though, we shall be staying on Mount Olympus!" He smiled before jumping over the counter and on your lap.
"Wait, you're joking. It isn't funny to be pranking a minimum wage college student." You frown as you tried moving him away, but he sat there with no intentions to move.
"Well, you're not going to be a minimum wage college student in Mount Olympus!" He planted a kiss on you before making you open your mouth forcefully and shoving his tongue in it. He moaned in delight and hugged your body.
Once he pulled away, there was a warm feeling on your tongue that made you feel unsettled. All the pink haired man did was giggle at your behavior and blew a kiss at you.
"I've marked you. Now, the gods will know who you belong to." You blinked at him before trying to get up and leave from this ridiculous situation, but you didn't go that far as he summoned a portal to Mount Olympus and tossed you in, knowing that there was going to be a long fall and all you could say was,
"FUCK YOUUUUUUUU...." As you fell.
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Hap Valinturns. Hope yall are giving your partners chocolate cus i want some. No, i don't have a partner but i got my friends :D. Anyways, it's short but dramatic like always.
No proofread
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moonlightndaydreams · 3 months
hey ml, i love your work so so sooo much so i thought i’d send a request!! Could you do a fem reader x chan or lee know where reader is very shy and she unconsciously plays with his happy trail? (leads into smut)
@ihrtlix 😘 Naww thanks so much! I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying my little fics! What a wonderful request 🤗 (I’m baby clapping over here). I ended up choosing Chan because I don’t think I’ve written him for a long time (outside of 3Racha and group stuff). I hope you enjoy xxx.
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CW: size kink, stretch kink, blowjob, fingering, orgasms, surprise daddy kink, reader is a virgin.
“Something on your mind babygirl?” Chan stroked your shoulder. “You seem like you want to say something.”
You and your new boyfriend Chan were laying on his bed watching a movie on his wall mounted tv.
He was topless and only wearing thin sweatpants, the type that doesn’t hide anything.
You’d notice he’d been shamelessly hard for the past fifteen minutes. The same amount of time you’d been absentmindedly been playing with his happy trail.
You weren’t sure if your touch was what was keeping him hard, but all you knew is that you wanted to see, to touch him, there.
You bit your lip. “Channie?” You say timidly.
“Babygirl. Talk to me. You can tell me absolutely anything.” He kissed your cheek.
Your shaky hand moved closer to his waistband and you swallowed nervously.
“You want to see what you do to me, hmm?” He smirked. Your cheeks reddened.
He shimmied his sweatpants down, revealing his very hard, very large cock. Your eyes widened. It was thick and heavy, leaking, and laid against his taut abs. It had obscenely prominent veins and an angry leaking tip.
It’s too big. How will that ever fit inside you. You were a virgin. He’s going to split you apart.
Yet your mouth watered at the sight of him, and your pussy clenched at the thought of him making it fit into your tight little virgin hole.
“You can touch it if you want. Taste it, even.” Chan encouraged you, stroking your back softly.
Your eyes snapped up to his. “He won’t bite.” He chuckled softly. His eyes were soft and encouraging, not a hint of expectation for you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with.
You kneeled beside Chan and wrapped your hand around his cock near the base. Chan hissed through his teeth, and more precum oozed from the tip.
You’d been so nervous to make a first move, but now that you had him in your hand you felt an urge to please him. You wanted to do good. You wanted to show him that you’d thought about doing this for weeks.
You licked the precum from the tip. Chan whimpered. Then you took your mouth to the bottom of the shaft and licked the underside of his cock from base to top. Chan groaned this time.
“Babygirl! Have you done this before?” He asked, surprised by your methods.
“I might be a virgin, but I’ve done this lots.”
“Lots?” He sat up and looked at you shocked.
“Well… I had this guy friend, Jisung. I used to practice on him.” You said like it was no big deal. And it wasn’t. He was just a childhood friend, that when you became teenagers let you practice sucking his cock.
“He wasn’t as big as you.” You added and began to sink your mouth down over his cock.
Chan flopped back on the bed.
“Your mouth feels so fucking good, babygirl.” He moaned as his eyes rolled back in his head. You spent the next five minutes giving Chan your everything. Taking in as much you could. Using your hand to give a little twist on the upstroke, you didn’t forget his balls either.
Chan wasn’t a quiet guy. He moaned loudly, cursing constantly, sometimes he’d make a high pitched wine. It made you so wet. Would he sound like if you were to ride him in the future?
You felt his hand caress the back of your thigh.
“Babygirl, can I cum on your pussy?” He panted. “Please? It’d look so hot.” He rocked his hips, sending his thick cock further into your throat.
You popped off just long enough to answer “yes” then sunk down as far as you possible could. You used your hand to squeeze and stroke what couldn’t fit.
“That’s is… that’s it.. fuck…yes… okay quick! On your back.”
He swiftly laid you on your back and pulled your shorts and soaked panties off.
He knelt between you legs and pushed the tip of his cock up and down through your glistening labia while he pumped his length. You whimpered as your cunt begged you to ask him to put it inside.
“Fuck!” He cried out. With his eyebrows furrowed, he spurted ropes of cum all over the your pussy.
You propped yourself up on your elbows to see what mess he’d made. There was so much.
Chan took his finger to your pussy, smearing his cum all over your clit and down to your entrance.
“Babygirl.” He said as he rubbed your swollen clit. “Did this Jisung ever put his fingers inside you?”
You shook your head. “Only mine have been in there.”
Chan raised an eyebrow. “And how many fingers does Babygirl fuck herself with?” He purred.
“Three!” You panted.
“Three? So two of mine should be fine then?” He concluded.
He scooped up as much cum and your arousal on his middle and index finger as he could and pressed them inside your tight heat.
You whimpered at the stretch.
“That’s it. I know it’s a big stretch. Channie’s got you, yeah? Relax for me”
He finger fucked you gently, watching your reactions. When you were crying and babbling incoherently, he curled his fingers to dig into your sweet spot. You automatically started your rock your hips, seeking more. More friction, more intensity. Your fingers flung to your clit. You were about to break. You needed to cum.
“That’s it, babygirl. Cum for me. Cum for daddy.”
Daddy? Oh god that sent you over the edge. You cried out as your walls pulsed around Chan’s fingers. He helped you through it until the overstimulation was too much, and he withdrew them and held you close as you quivered from the intensity of your release.
After a few minutes, Chan ran you a bath and helped you clean up before snuggling in next to you in bed.
“Channie?” You said softly.
“Yes babygirl.”
“Next time I want you inside me.” You felt your cheeks go red and you were grateful the lights were off.
“I’m sure that can be arranged.” He smiled to himself.
Read part 2 here
@channieandhisgoonsquad @itshannjisung @noellllslut @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @chansbabyg
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ariseur · 13 days
a lil drabble about megumi and how it would living w him? (maybe reader and megumi are married or they are still dating)
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“watching people crumble so desperately is like hell.” megumi tipped his head back, the back of his hair flattening against the plush cushions of your shared bed. you looked up from your pillow, gazing at the tv mounted neatly on the wall of your room before looking over at megumi, your brows instantly knitting together.
he huffed, “i mean, it’s pathetic, really,” yet even with those words, his attention was brought back to the screen.
“megumi, baby, it’s pawn stars.”
his eyes rolled over to you, squinting. “exactly, they’re on television and they’re acting this way,” you gently laughed at his antics, sleepily scooting over towards him no matter how much he stiffened. truth be told, moving in with megumi wasn’t such a bad idea. it wasn’t that much different considering your past at jujutsu high ( where you’d ultimately visit his dorm every other day ) — so having you around wasn’t an abrupt change of pace. and, you had managed to reel him in with these trash television shows just like how these companies do as well, even if he complained about the lack of substantial consumption of these tv shows were absolutely appalling; you catch him on his way to throw out the trash, pausing at the front door as his head remained peeked through the crevice — trying to watch the new season that you had put on as background noise.
your fingers danced along his rest, which he awkwardly looked around while you did so. if you asked, he’d tell you that you’re weird and that’s why he was so tense but in actuality, he just can’t handle affection. it almost seemed surreal to him at times, like he couldn’t believe you were real. he’d come home after a tiring day, kick off his shoes and make his way over to the kitchen to soothe his famishing appetite, and then he’d see you. you’d be washing dishes or exercising or perhaps just walking right past that again on the floor you always say you’ll clean ( and never do ), and he’ll just observe. it’s only when it’s at night when you’re falling asleep that he would murmur small praises to you, telling you that he can’t believe you’re actually hear.
megumi would mutter them low enough that he knows you won’t be able to hear them, only focusing on his low voice and being able to flutter your eyelashes as they became heavy lidded with sleep, feeling him fiddle with the ends of your hair as the tickling sensation shot straight up to your scalp — pulling you further into a balanced serenity. then in the morning, he’d wake up before you, and before he started any mundane activities that had to be done that day, he admired you. sometimes you woke up with a teasing smile, asking him what he had been doing watching you, and other times you’d try to pretend to sleep even though he knew the difference anyway. megumi had spent too long in bed, just gazing at your face, to not know your body language enough to where he wouldn’t know if you were awake or not.
“do you wanna go somewhere today?” he asked, only getting an eyeful of bed head as he looked down to see you clutching his arm. he quirked a brow, dropping the remote from his now free hand to bring it up to your head — before flicking your temple. you groaned. megumi huffed, “oi, do you wanna go or not?”
“why can’t we jus’ stay in bed?” you whined, dragging out the ‘e’ likely more than you needed to. his hand came down to softly rest on your head, thumb rubbing your temple to somewhat try and soothe his recent assault.
“because later at noon, you’re gonna get mad at me because i let you spend the whole day lazing in bed.”
“. . no.”
megumi sighed as he threw his head back again. he shook your shoulder once more only to be met with a groan, the proximity of your mouth and the small space in between where you had smushed your head and the pillow creating a louder bleat than it sounded, almost drowning the low volume background noise that was ‘pawn stars’.
at that point, he had almost considered giving up — that is, until his brain thought back to the one thing that could get you to do anything. his head tipped back down, a sharp sigh escaping his nostrils once more.
“we can go get you some of that mochi you like right now.”
your head tilted up at the comment, one eye peeking out through the warm blanket and upwards at megumi. he carried a blank expression, clearly using his last resort. he watched as your pupil flickered to the left, downwards, and then back up at him before you muttered, “you will?”
his lips pressed together before he gave you a curt nod. before he could react properly or add anything else, megumi retracted his arm from your body ( or it was more ejected from your space ) as you scrambled out of bed, hurrying to put on jeans and find your tennis shoes. he barked at you to be careful as you sailed away into the hallway, only for his calls to fall on deaf ears. sliding out of the covers, he was met with the cool air as the foreign temperature abraded his skin, resulting in a deep shudder. he looked back at the hallway whilst he rested on the edge of the bed.
shaking his head, megumi huffed out a small, “dork,” before getting up to follow after you.
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𐙚 taglist ; @chxlexauriana @seternic @kalulakunundrum @silly-norman @sad-darksoul @kasumitenbaz
𐙚 requests are open — june twenty fourth, 2024
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luveline · 11 months
tiny baby blurb of rockstar!remus and new to the band!reader just dealing with everything together if that's okay!
thank u for ur request ♡ fem!reader
"What are they doing?"
Remus steps up to the window beside you, looking down at the crowd as it flows forward like a crashing wave. Sirius and James are small as grains of rice from so far below, but they are unmistakably themselves. 
"I hope they get trampled."
"We'd be missing half the band," you argue. 
"We could make it work. We're good like that." 
You lean into his side tentatively, wanting to know what he'll do. His hand comes up immediately to curve over your shoulder, his forearm pressed to your shoulder blade. He presses his cheek to the top of your head, the distinct smell of his chamomile cologne awakening with his movements. 
It's as calming as his touch. 
Remus, through everything, has been by your side. Physically and emotionally. His hand warms a path from the hill of your shoulder to the straight column of your neck, his lips touching your temple as he asks, "You okay, dove?" 
Things have been hectic lately, mainly tonight. The hotel room behind you is an explosion of clothes; jackets and shirts and a hundred pairs of trousers strewn about. There are socks on the TV stand, your clean underwear tipped and toed aside by the bottom of your bed. Remus promised to help you tidy up before this distraction, and you're wondering if he'd help you tidy up the mess in your head, if you asked. 
"I think I'm really tired," you confess quietly. 
Remus does kiss you, then, on the top of your head. It has your pulse roaring to life like a motor with its pull cord yanked out. It wouldn't shock you if they looked at your heart and found it spinning in circles. Yet he's always so casual about touching you, like it doesn't wobble the earth on its axis for him as it does you, so you try not to react. You're content to be doted on by him if doting is all it is. 
But you'd like a little more than that, too. 
"We'll clear off the bed and sleep." 
See, what's that? He's offering to get into bed with you? 
You pick at the caulking around the window. With the sun shining from an angle as it sets, gold light crawls up your arms. If you look into the diamond of shadow in the corner, you can see your two faces reflected. You look morosely exhausted. Remus looks handsomely concerned, half his face hidden where he's turned his cheek to your skin. His hand roams across your shoulder to the right most side, a half hug. 
"Is it a different kind of tired?" he asks gently. 
"I'm okay." You feel better the longer he touches you. He worries a lot about how you're coping under the pressure of the band, but he doesn't need to. "You know, I can do this, but only because you're with me." 
"That's not true, is it?" he asks, pulling your face into his neck for a quick squeeze. 
Remus' hand rubs a rougher pattern into the top of your arm before he separates from you, leaving you to miss the heat and security of his touch. 
"You don't need me to do this. You forget how impressive you are. Now come and help me put this away," he says.
You tear away from the window and the last lingering effects of his hug. "Can't you do it for me?" you joke, looking down at him where he's kneeled to begin folding your trousers. You're so tired that the idea of sitting down with him to put your clothes away feels akin to climbing Mount Everest. 
"Not unless you want me looking through your knickers, dove." 
You bite the inside of your cheek, suddenly much more awake. "I'll do it," you say. 
"These ones are cute," he says, reaching for a pair of black ones peeking out from under the bed frame. 
You drop to your knees and shove his shoulder, forcing his hand away. "I'll do it!" you repeat, your face burning with embarrassment. 
His answering laugh is especially annoying. Annoying and so, so charming. 
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mountttmase · 11 months
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Are We Okay?
Note - happy Saturday 🩷 I’ve been meaning to post this for the longest time so I hope you love it 😌 this one it set around the fa cup semi final in the 21/22 season (I miss my chelsea) so it’s a bit of a throw back. As always feedback is appreciated so let me know what you thought 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 7.9k
Warnings - angst and fluff
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Seven years.
Seven years you’d known Mason. Meeting by chance in his hometown when your parents had randomly bumped into each other. You didn’t know who he was or how your dad knew his dad but you were captured by the brown eyed boy from the second he smiled at you.
Turns out your parents were friends at school and hadn’t seen each other for over 20 years meaning they had a lot to catch up on. Tony, Masons dad, invited you all round to his the next week for a bbq so they could catch up and meet the rest of his family. A tradition both of your families kept up for the years to come making sure to meet up at least three times a year.
He seemed a little shy at first, but then again so we’re you and it wasn’t until all the adults were drunk he finally came over and sat with you. You had some things in common, both liking the same music and tv shows so when he asked for your number so he could send you a few songs you felt your body heat up all over at his suggestion.
Mason was a boy. Not just a boy but a very attractive boy and very attractive boys didn’t seem to want anything to do with you. 17 and you’d never had a boyfriend or been kissed let alone anything else. You knew Mason was out of your league though and even though you liked to imagine what it would be like to kiss him, you knew you never would.
This was only made even more clear when he got a girlfriend, Sienna, eight months into your new found friendship with him. Even though you were happy for him on the outside, you were disappointed and hurt that he’d fallen for someone else so quickly when you’d know him for longer. You wanted to be there for him though, always giving him tips on what girls like so he knew how to treat her.
You thought your relationship might have suffered when he went on loan abroad for a year but he always kept in contact, even inviting you out for a week when you had some time off so the pair of you could spend some time with each other. He seemed so happy and carefree and your relationship seemed to change from there. You grew a lot closer, he confided in you and told you things you knew he hadn’t told anyone, including Sienna. The pair of you were best friends and you were always there cheering him on.
When he came home and went on loan again, you were pleased to find out he was playing near where you were studying meaning you got to see him as much as you liked. Spending your weekends at his games and even eventually forming a close relationship with Sienna. Even though you found it hard, seeing Mason happy that ‘his girls’ were friends made it easier for you to get along with her.
This meant lots of double dates, whether that be other boys from Masons team, other friends of his or Sienna’s and whilst it was embarrassing and awkward it was nice to have a boy’s attention for once. Mason seemed to have a problem with all of them however Sienna was always pushing you get out there and meet new people so when you started hanging out with one of her friends a few times after the double date she was over the moon for you. Nothing came of it but you were proud of yourself for getting out there.
You still had a year left of studying when returned to play for Chelsea and whilst you tried to see him as much as you could, it was an important year for you and you both knew you had to knuckle down. It was all worth it in the end though, and the pictures of you and Mason at your graduation was something you still treasured to this day.
When things between Mason and Sienna ended, you were in your new flat with your new roommate Grace. You hadn’t lived their long but he’d knocked on your door at around 10 in the evening and you opened your front door to find him looking back at you with glassy eyes and a frown. You took him to your room where he laid in your arms and told you she’d ended things because she thought they’d grown apart. He fell asleep in the crook of your neck as your fingers danced over his scalp and you smiled at the fact he’d come to you in his hour of need. The pair of you had never been in this position before, with Mason being in a relationship pretty much the whole time you’d known him so when you woke up to him looking at you softly your heart gave a thud.
‘Sorry about last night, I just didn’t want to go home alone’
‘You don’t need to apologise, Mase’ you whispered as he reached out to hold your hand. ‘I’m glad you came here. You know I’ll always be here for you’
‘I’m so glad I’ve got you’ he told you, kissing your forehead gently as he tucked you into him. You were blushing furiously at his words and you wanted to tell him you felt the same but you knew your voice wasn’t strong enough.
As the years progressed and Mason gained popularity you saw him change right before you eyes. They were small and subtle changes at first but by the time he’d reached his 24th birthday it was like he was a whole new person. Gone was the polite and slightly shy boy you’d always known, instead a bold and self assured man now stood in front of you. Somehow he’d grown even more gorgeous but the fact that he knew it made him insufferable sometimes. Thankfully for you there were no more girlfriends on the scene but you knew he slept with other girls which made your heart hurt even though you knew you didn’t have a right to feel that way about it. The pair of you were still close, keeping in touch often but you didn’t see him as much as you’d of liked to but this just made the times you did see each other more special.
You tried putting yourself out there, eventually growing close to someone at work who was a few years older than you. He was your first everything and even though you’d always imagined having those with Mason you knew you had to let that dream go. You thought you finally had it all figured out but when he asked you to move in with him and you panicked he decided to end things as he thought you weren’t serious about him. To give him his credit, Mason was there for you, just as you had been for him, telling you he was never the one for you but thankfully you weren’t as heartbroken as you thought you would of been.
It was early March, and you were at Tony’s house for your family get together. This one being inside as it was still cold out but you hadn’t managed to talk to Mason all night. He was constantly on his phone and when everyone started heading to bed, you were shocked that he pulled you into the kitchen so you could talk privately.
‘A bunch of my old friends are out at that new club that’s just opened up, you wanna come with?’ He questioned and your first instinct was to say no. ‘Please come, I’ve barely spoken to you today’ he pouted and you huffed as you crossed your arms.
‘It’s not my fault you can’t take your face out of your phone for five minutes. And anyway I’m not exactly dressed for the occasion’ you told him, looking down at your old jeans and plain jumper. You looked dressed for the weekly shop rather than a night out but he wasn’t having it.
‘You look great, plus it’s dark in there so no one will see anyway’ he shrugged. ‘Please, y/n. We never do stuff like this. I promise we won’t be long, just a couple of hours’ he begged and it wasn’t long before you were agreeing to go with a roll of your eyes.
‘Fine, but I really can’t stay long, I’ve got a long drive home tomorrow’ you argued but he was already pushing you out the door.
The club was loud and dark as Mason had promised promised. The only good thing about both of those things is that he kept his hand in yours so you wouldn’t get lost and when he spoke to you his lips would be right near your ear in order to hear him.
You had one drink, sticking to water after that so you would be sober enough to drive home in a few hours but that didn’t stop Mason from trying to get you to join in with everyone else doing shots, rolling his eyes with a huff every time you declined. This wasn’t exactly your idea of fun, following Mason around like a lost dog since you didn’t know anyone else and when you checked your phone for a few moments you looked up to find he was gone.
His few hours were up and you searched around for him, eventually finding him at the bar with a curvy red head hanging off of his arm as he drunkenly whispered in her ear. You didn’t want to interrupt whatever was going on even though it stung to watch but you were desperate to get back so you could sleep so after a nervous gulp you made your way over to them, tapping Mason on the shoulder hard enough to get his attention. He looked at you with a sour expression before turning back to the girl and saying something to make her laugh before leading you outside to a quiet and empty smoking area.
‘We need to get going, Mase. It’s getting late we’ve been here for ages’
‘I’m not ready to go yet’ he slurred ‘Cant you just head back on your own?’
‘Yeah? Can’t you see I’m talking to that girl, I can’t just go now’
‘So you’re choosing a girl you met barely five minutes ago over me? Nice Mason thanks for that’
‘Why the fuck does it bother you so much?’ He asked, brows furrowed as he became increasingly annoyed at you. ‘You jealous or something?’
‘W-what?’ You laughed, trying to play it off but every word that was coming out of his mouth seemed to hurt you more and more.
‘You try and act like your my girlfriend all the time and you’re not. Like where do you get off on trying to control me? Telling me where I’ve got to be all the time. Like I’d ever want to be with you anyway’ He uttered, eyes harsh even with all the alcohol swimming through him. You were too stunned to speak, not knowing where all this was coming from. You felt your eyes sting as he looked at you in anger and you didn’t know what to say. ‘What? Got nothing to say cause you know I’m right?’
‘I’m just trying to look out for you’
‘No you’re not, you’re just trying to keep me for yourself. I’m not yours y/n, and I never will be. I didn’t even want you here tonight I just knew how much a nag you’d be if I left you at home’ he sneered and you felt your eyes well up even further, dropping your eyes to the floor so he couldn’t see how upset you were. ‘Oh don’t turn the water works on to make me feel bad, it’s not gonna work. It’s pathetic y/n you need to move on’ he laughed bitterly, but you’d had enough of his attitude. You took one last look at him before making your way back inside and fighting your way out the front door.
He didn’t follow you and you held yourself together the whole way home in the cab, only allowing yourself to cry a little bit when you were finally in bed. You didn’t know what had come over him to say such horrible things to you, racking over your brain to think of any times you’ve been slightly overbearing but you couldn’t think of anything. An hour and a half after you were home you finally heard Mason walk through the door, heading straight to bed and not even coming to talk to you or see if you’d made it back safe which only made you more upset.
When the next morning came, you packed up early and made an excuse about there being an emergency at your flat so you could leave without seeing him. When Debbie said she’d wake him up so you could say goodbye you told her to leave him and that you’d call him later, not wanting to look at him right now as you made the lonely journey back home.
Grace knew something was up instantly. Having lived together for three years now you knew each other pretty well and she was quick to open her arms for you. You didn’t cry, but your eye’s watered a little bit causing you to bite your lip hard to hold everything in. You told her you weren’t ready to talk and she nodded, just letting you stay in her comforting embrace as you watched some tv and caught up on your missed sleep. When you went to bed that night you still hadn’t heard a peep from Mason, in fact you didn’t hear from him for three days until he eventually called you. You let it run until the call ended, thinking he would try and text you but to your surprise he left a voicemail that you listened to immediately, the sound of his voice making your tummy hurt as your eyes watered.
‘Hey, y/n. It’s me I uh… I just wanted to talk to you um could you call me back please? Thanks’
He sounded tired and upset but you were in no mood to speak to him right now, not after everything he’s said to you and considering he didn’t even try to apologise you didn’t call back, even resulting to switching your phone off when you went to bed as he kept calling you and you knew you’d cave and pick it up.
The next morning you were awoken to what sounded like a hushed argument outside your door before it swung open to reveal Mason, Grace looking at you with apologetic eyes but you knew she couldn’t do anything about it.
‘Sorry y/n. He just barged his way in, I couldn’t stop him’
‘It’s fine’ you smiled at her sympathetically as Mason made his way inside your room. She gave you a look as if to ask if you wanted her to stay but you shook your head before she gave one last look to Mason. He was too busy looking at you so he didn’t even notice and you gave her one last smile before she walked away, closing the door behind her.
‘What do you want, Mason?’
‘You haven’t spoken to me in days’
‘Oh, I wonder why that is’ you breathed sarcastically, sitting yourself down as far away from him as possible whilst he stared at you from across the room.
‘Well that’s the thing, I wasn’t exactly sure and I’ve been racking my brain trying to think about why’ he told you, but you just stared at him, hoping he wasn’t going to make you explain everything he’d said to you. ‘I was a dick to you, wasn’t I?’ He breathed and you dropped your eyes to the floor. ‘I’m so sorry, y/n. I don’t really remember what I said exactly but I remember being angry and you storming off. Whatever I said I didn’t mean it I promise’
‘Well you must of thought it at some point to say it so you did mean it’
‘I don’t even know what I said’ he argued, stepping towards you and kneeling down in front of you so he could try and catch your eyes. ‘Tell me what I said. Please? I wanna fix this’
You took a nervous gulp but kept your eyes down, not sure if you were strong enough to even repeat what he’d said to you and his hands on your thighs was only making things worse.
‘You basically told me to stop controlling you and acting like your girlfriend when I’m not and never will be’ you whispered, watching his brows furrow like he didn’t believe you. ‘You called me pathetic and told me to move on when all I wanted was just to head back cause we’d been there for hours and you told me to stop being jealous and go on my own’
‘I-I can’t… are you sure?’ He breathed and you looked at him with an annoyed expression.
‘Of course I’m sure, what do you think I’d just make that up?’ You asked, pushing his hands from you so he would realise how upset you were.
‘No of course not, but I’ve never once thought that about you. And I’d never let you go home alone you know that’
‘Well you did. You watched me leave and didn’t even check i’d got back alright so you could stay and impress whatever girl was hanging off of you’ you told him but he was looking back at you like he didn’t understand a word you were saying. ‘I get it okay? I’m not like the girls you want. I’m not enough for you and it’s fine’ you breathed and be looked like he wanted to argue with you but you didn’t want to let him speak. ‘I know you’ve only ever talked to me out of politeness cause our dads are friends but if you really think that about me I’d rather we just leave things’
‘No no, what are you saying?’ He panicked, standing up to tower over you. ‘That’s stupid, you know I don’t think that about you’
‘So now I’m stupid?’ You argued, standing up so you weren’t as little as he was making you feel.
‘Stop twisting my words’
‘I think you should go’
‘No I’m not leaving until we sort this out’
‘Why? You clearly don’t think that much about me so why so you care? Why am I not enough for you Mason? Just tell me’
‘Y/n stop, please’ he whimpered and you almost felt sorry for him, wanting to reach out and comfort him and tell him everything was fine but he’d really ticked you off this time. His voice was thick with emotion as he came towards you and you covered your face with you hands as you began to sob. Without a thought he held you to him and you hated the way you relaxed into his touch. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry’ he murmured into your hair through his tears and you were so close to breaking.
‘Mason?’ You breathed and you felt his pull back slightly, waiting for you to carry on. ‘Can you please go?’
‘Please, Mase’ you choked
‘Y/n please don’t do this, please’ he begged, his voice thick with tears but you were standing strong and not letting his emotions get to you.
‘I need some time. You’ve really hurt me and I can’t think with you around. Just please go’ you sobbed and without a word he pulled away dropping a small kiss on your forehead before slowly walked out of your room, shutting the door behind him. As soon as you heard the door click you broke down again, Grace silently coming in so she could wrap her arms around you to try and comfort you in anyway she could.
Mason didn’t try and contact you which you were great full for, giving you time to pull yourself together again over the coming days and weeks you could slowly feel yourself becoming normal again. After three weeks you even felt good enough to join Grace on a night out with some of her work friends. The next morning the pair of you were nursing your hangovers on the sofa when she gave you a funny look.
‘What?’ You questioned and she huffed before talking.
‘It’s Mason. He keeps messaging me about you and I wondered if you could talk to him?’
‘What’s he saying?’ You asked in confusion and she unlocked her phone to read through the messages.
‘Well it started off just asking how you were and checking in on you but you posted a story last night with Ed and he’s not stopped asking me about him since’
You took a gulp before unlocking your own phone, quickly flicking through your stories before you found the one she was on about. Ed was a friend Grace had known since uni and you’d met him a few times prior to last night so you were friendly with him. Hence why it didn’t feel weird at the time when his arms were around your waist, your back to his chest as you sung your hearts out into your camera. It was only when you watched it back that you saw how dangerously close his lips were to yours as he kept turning you slightly and you didn’t even remember him kissing your temple gently but it was all there for Mason to see.
‘What’s he said?’ You asked, locking your phone as you focused on Grace again, trying to forget what you’d just seen. She passed you her phone to see a barrage of messages from him asking who you were with and where you were so he could come and get you but thankfully Grace told him to leave things and that she’d try and get you to talk him tomorrow.
‘Can you please just have a word with him? I’m not saying you have to forgive him yet or whatever but you can’t ignore him forever’ she told you and you reluctantly nodded, knowing you’d have to have a word with him eventually.
You contemplated calling him but the thought of hearing his voice and then trying to string a coherent sentence together made you sweat so you carefully crafted a text in hopes he would understand where you were coming from. You kept it short and sweet, not really sure what you were wanting to say to him but you hoped it would make him listen.
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You locked your phone after that, jumping in the shower so you could wash away the night before and you felt a lot lighter when you finally made it back to your room. You didn’t have the courage to see if he’d replied to you and spent the rest of your morning sat with Grace whilst you ate until you couldn’t handle not seeing if he’d replied.
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‘Oh this letter came for you yesterday, I forgot to give it to you’ Grace mentioned, passing you over a thick white envelope and you had no idea what might be inside so you quickly opened it go find two tickets the the FA Cup semi final in two weeks time that you promised Mason you would go to. Your heart sunk as you saw the, not knowing if you were strong enough to be there for him even though you always promised you would be and Grace must of picked up on your disheartened expression.
‘Everything okay?’
‘Mason sorted me some tickets for the semi final in a few weeks’ you sighed and she gave you a sympathetic look. ‘I always promised I’d go to the big games and he really wants me there but I’m not sure if I can do it. We’re all supposed to go to his the next day for dinner too with his family and I just don’t know if I can’
‘Maybe just give it a bit, see how you feel nearer the time’
‘Will you come with me? To the game’ You asked her shyly and she nodded at you gently.
‘Of course, if you want to go then I’ll be there’
A day didn’t go by where you didn’t think about Mason, missing his presence in your life more and more as the days went on but you still couldn’t bring yourself to talk to him. The tickets he sent to you were a constant reminder every time you walked into your room and it didn’t stop there. You were never one for gifts but you couldn’t deny you adored the flowers he was sending to you every day. They were only small bunches but your flat was soon consumed by them and you felt awful every time Grace sneezed but you loved putting them out. Grace only agreed to keep them out when you started bribing her with the chocolate that he always sent with the bouquets as you couldn’t eat them all on your own.
Then when you you went to your favourite coffee shop you found out someone had paid for a months worth of coffee for you and it didn’t take long to work out who that was. He was clearly trying to get your attention but you weren’t ready to see him yet even though he was slowly breaking your resolve away.
You were still contemplating what to do about the game up until the night before when a text made your mind up for you.
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‘Grace’ you called, walking into the kitchen to see her making herself a tea, eyes looking up at you out of curiosity. ‘Be ready for about half 11 tomorrow. And dress warm’ you told her, he face breaking out into a smile. ‘Do you think I’m doing the right thing?’
‘Doesn’t matter what I think. How do you feel?’
‘I always promised I’d be there and no matter what he’s said in the past I want to be a good friend. I know he’d do the same if it was the other way around plus it will look weird if I don’t go’
‘Well as long as you’re sure, I’ll be ready to go in the morning’
‘Thank you, Grace. I really do appreciate you’
‘That’s okay. Buy me a pint there and we’ll call it even’ she laughed and you couldn’t be more thankful for her.
You got there the next day in plenty of time, saying hello to his family who were none the wiser as to what was going on between you and Mason as you took your seats next to them. He was soon out for the warm up and you felt your heart swell at the sight of him, looking up to wave at his family and you could tell he was happy you were there. You couldn’t bring yourself to wave back at him though and you could see his pout from a mile off.
You had to admit he played really well and when he managed to put the ball in the back of the net you were out of your seat and cheering for him like there weren’t any issues between the pair of you. The smile on his face when he noticed you happy for him made your frosty heart melt a tiny bit and the urge to wrap him in a hug consumed you.
‘You coming into the family room with us to see him?’ Debbie asked you and you nodded albeit reluctantly knowing they’d only ask questions if you said you were in your way home.
‘We can just sit by the bar and make it look like we’ve spoken to him’ Grace reassured you as you walked in and you were happy she was with you as your moral support.
As soon as he came in you wanted to run into his arms and tell him how proud you were but you couldn’t, excusing yourself to go to the loo so you could gather yourself for if you needed to speak to him. You couldn’t see him at first when you eventually made your way back but it didn’t take long to see him stood talking to a girl. You rolled your eyes at his behaviour thinking it was typical of him to be doing that but you could tell from his posture something was up, your eyes glancing straight to her.
You could tell her type from a mile away, she only wanted Mason for one thing and you could see how uncomfortable he was as you got closer, knowing you might have to intervene if it came to it.
‘I um, I have a girlfriend’ you heard him tell her, clearly a lie just to get her to go away, knowing from the way he was stumbling over his words slightly that it wasn’t true but and she didn’t believe him either.
‘Oh yeah? Well where is she then?’
‘She’s around’ he murmured, eyes searching the room for anyone who might be able to help him and even though you still weren’t on speaking terms you couldn’t let him suffer like this, walking up behind him and placing your hands on his sides which caused him to jump slightly.
‘Hey baby, sorry I got caught talking to one of the girls’ you smiled sweetly at him, moving to his side where he automatically placed his arm around you when you snuck yours around his waist. He was stiff, clearly unsure of what was happening so you reached up to kiss his jaw in hopes he would cotton on.
‘That’s okay’ he smiled down at you, kissing your forehead as he pulled you closer. ‘This is my girlfriend, y/n’ he told the girl, smiling proudly and even though you knew it was all fake, hearing those words come out of his mouth made you shiver. The girl didn’t reply, just rolled her eyes and walked off and you took that as your cue to let go but as he felt you move he placed his other arm around you so you couldn’t go. ‘Wait please. Just until she’s gone’ he whispered so you stayed in his embrace, his familiar scent overwhelming you as his lips traced over you hairline.
You couldn’t see if she had gone yet, your face smooshed into his chest as you clung onto him and you knew he wasn’t going to tell you when the coast was clear. You looked up at him, his eyes on yours immediately and you felt your tummy drop.
‘Can we talk?’ He whispered, eyes filling with tears as he let his emotions get the better of him before tucking some hair behind your ear. ‘Please, y/n. I know I said I’d give you time but I can’t do this anymore’
He was right, this wasn’t healthy for the both of you to keep going on like this and no matter what came from it you knew it would be good to talk it out so you sent him a tiny nod to let him know you agreed.
‘I can come over to yours later maybe? I guess it’s best to talk before everyone is around tomorrow’ You whispered and he started nodding at you wildly.
‘Of course. I’ll text you when I’m home, yeah? You can come over whenever I’ll make sure everyone’s in bed’ he assured you before you pulled back. He let you go this time and you gave him a small nod before going back to join Grace.
‘You okay?’ She whispered as she took your hand and you smiled.
‘Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just go’ you told her and you chanced a look back to Mason who was stood with his hopeful eyes on you, a small smile dressed on his face as he watched you go and you felt your tummy erupt with butterflies at the thought of talking to him later.
He didn’t message you until about 11:45 that evening, telling you he was sorry it was late but everyone had only just got to bed. Truth is you didn’t mind, you brain wouldn’t switch off anyway as adrenaline was pumping through you so you told him you’d still come if it was okay still. He offered to come and get you but you thought you’d give him some time to sort himself out whilst you made your way over and by the time he was letting you in, he looked freshly showered and dressed and you heart leapt as you caught sight of him.
‘Hey, come in’ he told you, stepping to the side as you walked in silently. ‘You want a drink or anything?’
‘No thanks’ you told him quietly and he gave you a shy nod before making his way to the living room.
‘Take a seat I just wanna grab a water’ he told you, running to the kitchen before joining you again. ‘what made you come to the game today?’
‘I always told you I would’ you answered and he gave you a small nod, shuffling in his seat uncomfortably before he sat playing with his fingers go a while. It was silent as you both thought about what you wanted to say next but you were waiting for him to go first.
‘You know I love you, don’t you?’ He told you quietly and your head snapped up to look at him. He wasn’t looking back at you, his eyes fixated on his fingers as he built up the courage to speak but you were afraid you might not be able to hear him now over your heart pounding in your ears. ‘And I know you still care about me. You wouldn’t of come today or helped me out earlier if you didn’t’ he uttered, his eyes finally peering up to meet yours. ‘Please say something’ he whispered, pleading with you to give him some scrap hope or inclination as to how you were feeling but you were in defensive mode. Unsure of if his words were genuine
‘I don’t know what to say’ you whispered, your heart dropping into your tummy when his eyes snapped back to looking at his fingers. No longer able to look at you when he knew what was about to come out of your mouth. ‘I don’t think-‘
‘I know what you’re doing’ he interrupted, his features a lots softer than you were expecting. ‘Please don’t push me away because you’re scared’
‘I’m not’ you lied, cursing him internally for being able to read you so well. You kept your eyes down hoping you could fool him for a bit longer but also because you couldn’t stand to see him this upset.
‘You were wrong about what you said. Us being friends has nothing to do with our parents. You’re my person, y/n. My best friend in the whole world who I love spending every second I can I with. It’s like I’ve felt homeless without you. I’ve got no where to go, no one to turn to. Please just let me fix this. I’d do absolutely anything for you’
You couldn’t listen to him anymore, his voice thick with tears as he let them flow down his face freely. He looked heartbroken as his bottom lip trembled with emotion and he looked like he was on the edge of breaking down. You couldn’t take it, your own heart shattering as you looked at him and without thinking you scrambled towards him, grabbing his face as you gently brushed his tears away. The touch of your skin on his seemed to have the adverse effect though as you were hoping to calm him down but he pulled you closer instantly, sobbing into your neck as he repeatedly apologised.
‘I’m so so sorry, please forgive me’ he hiccuped, holding onto you for dear life but you were set on trying to calm him down. You placed your lips to his ear, shushing him as you fingers found their way into his hair so you could scratch over his scalp gently as you rubbed up and down his back with your other hand.
‘It’s alright Mase, come on please calm down for me it’s okay’ you whispered relaxing back into the cushions so you could lean into each other. You tried to place gentle kisses on the side of his head, not caring you’d never done that before but you were trying anything to get him to relax and stop crying. Your own eyes were welling up at the state he was in but you willed yourself to stay strong for him. Keeping him tucked into your body even when you knew he’d calmed down you let him stay where he was until he was comfortable enough to pull away and look at you.
‘Sorry’ he breathed, and you wanted to tell him it was okay but you knew he had more he wanted to tell you. ‘I’ve found all this really hard you know? Not being able to talk to you and knowing you’re mad at me. I know it was my own fault but it sucks’
‘I know, Mase. I’ve found it hard too. I’m sorry we haven’t spoken sooner, I guess I just got in my own head and I didn’t want to deal with the fact that you might not want me around’ you sniffled, trying not to get upset as you wanted to talk this through with him.
‘Of course I want you around. I hated not speaking to you these past few weeks, I’ve missed you like crazy’ he breathed, holding you face by your jaw so you would look at him properly. ‘You’re my best friend and I let you down. I can’t tell you how sorry I am’
‘Why did you say all that stuff to me?’ You whispered as you watched his face drop before his lowered his gaze. Too embarrassed to look at you properly as he thought over everything.
‘I wish I knew, I really did. I can’t believe I’d ever say that stuff to you cause I don’t mean a word of it’ he breathed before locking eyes with you again. ‘You’re everything to me. You really are and it was all lies. I am yours, always have been. I don’t think you’re a nag or controlling and I’d be the luckiest man on earth if you were my girlfriend’ he laughed and you felt your face flush as you dropped your eyes from his. You whole body was thudding as your heart sped up at his confession, unsure if you were hearing him correctly and if you could handle him telling you any more. ‘I mean it. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to realise. I’ve had a crush on you for ages but you’re so smart and you’ve got everything together so I never told you cause I figured I wouldn’t be what you want. And that’s okay, you deserve way more than I can give you-‘
You cut him off with a kiss, pulling back quickly as you’d shocked yourself with your actions but you’d just wanted him to stop talking as you knew he was rambling. It had definitely worked though as he stared back at you in shock, now seemingly lost for words.
‘Sorry, I just-‘
You couldn’t finish your sentence as he was now kissing you back, holding you in place as he slowly brushed his lips against yours and you felt yourself soften under his touch. He was unbelievably gentle with you and you could tell he was holding back so you kissed him back harder, butterflies erupting throughout your body as you caught onto what was happening.
You were kissing Mason. The boy you’d loved since you’d first set eyes on him and the realisation made you smile which in turn caused him to smile before you pulled apart.
‘You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do that’ he smiled, pulling away further so he could look at you
‘Not as long as I’ve waited’ you laughed and he gave you a curious expression. ‘Do you remember the day we first met?’
‘You mean that day in Portsmouth? Outside that pub?’
‘Yeah’ you laughed, looking down as you knew you were about to be embarrassed. ‘I’ve been waiting since then’ you told him and you felt him smile as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
‘Why haven’t you ever told me?’
‘Cause you’re you, Mase’ you laughed, playing with your fingers as you were too scared to look at him but you knew it was the right time to speak up. ‘You’re the best person in my life but you’re way out of my league. Not even that, I feel like we come from different planets half the time and I’ve never got why you wanted to be friends with me-‘
‘Hey’ he interrupted, tilting your face up so you would look at him. ‘Please don’t talk about yourself like that. I’ve never once thought that about you’ he told you seriously and you gulped under his intense stare.
‘Sorry’ you breathed ‘I guess once you got with Sienna and then the girls after her it just made me think you’d never want little old me’ you laughed and you watched him pout in annoyance but you knew it wasnt aimed at you.
‘I’m sorry’ he whispered before kissing you again gently. ‘Wanna know when I knew?’ He laughed and you nodded enthusiastically. ‘As shit as it sounds it was when you got with that dickhead from work last year. When you told me I felt so weird and I couldn’t figure out why. Then I realised all the stuff you were doing with him I wanted to be doing with you’ he told you quietly and you gulped down a nervous lump. ‘I guess I sort of felt the same though, he was so different to me that I thought I could never be what you wanted. He was safe and reliable and I’m not sure I can give you that’ he told you quietly.
Your heart sunk as your eyes dropped to your lap. This was obviously his way of letting you down gently but you’d made your peace with not being able to be with him a while ago and when he pulled you in for a hug you didn’t push him away.
‘I want to try though’ he whispered into your hair and your whole body exploded with relief as he gently rubbed your back. ‘I want to try and be what you need cause these last few weeks have been absolute hell for me and it’s just made me realise you’re all I want’
‘Really?’ You breathed, tears escaping your eyes as he comforted you.
‘Yes’ he laughed, trying to pull back but you held him close, not confident enough to look at him just yet. ‘I know we’ve got some stuff to sort through but I really want you to be mine’ he whispered, and the vulnerability in his voice made you finally look up at him, pulling him into a gentle kiss immediately as he laid the pair of you down. ‘Are we in agreement then?’ He laughed, moving the hair out of your face as you smiled back at him.
‘I think so yeah’ you told him quietly as he yawned and you both laughed as you stroked over his jaw. ‘Keeping you up am I?’ You joked as he pulled you closer.
‘Just give me ten minutes, it’s been a long day’ he smiled, shutting his eyes as you pulled a blanket over the pair of you and cuddled into his chest. You felt his breathing deepen not too long after and you let yourself drift off with him.
You weren’t sure what time it was when you eventually woke up, but you knew it was light outside. You opened your eyes to be met with Masons staring right back into yours, a gentle smile on his lips as he took you in.
‘Good morning, beautiful’ he whispered, his thumb stroking across your jaw before he placed a gentle kiss to your lips causing you to smile.
‘What happened to ten minutes’ you laughed and he smiled down at you lovingly.
‘I know, but I was exhausted’ he huffed, repositioning himself so you were on your back and he could lean over you a little bit. His head resting in his hand as the other cupped your cheek and stroked it gently. ‘I know we didn’t really get to talk everything over properly last night, but are we okay?’ He asked quietly and you nodded up to him with a smile.
‘I think so. We’ve got time to talk everything through properly later but at least I don’t have to pre tend like I don’t hate you today’ you laughed and he looked at you offended before the realisation hit him.
‘Ah shit, I forgot everyone’s gonna be here. What if I wanna kiss you?’
‘You’ll have to wait till tomorrow’ you told him as he dropped his lip, clearly unhappy with the situation.
‘Well let me stock up now cause this is gonna be unbearable’ he smiled, leaning down to attach your lips to his and you hummed into his mouth as you reached up to cup his jaw.
You were so caught up in the moment you didn’t even hear the door open, but you pulled apart with a shock when you heard someone let out a little yelp.
‘Something the pair of you want to tell me?’ Debbie laughed as you tried to hide yourself in Masons body out of embarrassment. You felt Masons chest shake as he laughed.
‘Can you pretend you haven’t seen anything? Just for today?’ He asked and you chanced a peek up her just as she sent him a wink.
‘Fine, but you owe me. And I’d get up if I was you, Summer is on the war path already and you know she won’t keep her mouth shut’ she laughed as she fled to the kitchen and Mason quickly pulled you up and placed a heavy kiss on your lips as you heard Summer running down his stairs.
‘Let’s get this show on the road’
Thank you so much for reading 😌 I’d really like some feedback so please feel free to drop me an ask or whatever you feel comfortable doing, I’d really love to hear from you 🩷
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19ndonboy · 11 months
religion’s in your lips - mason mount
words: 2.1k
A/N: back again with a new imagine. i hope y’all will like this one, feedback is appreciated!! thank you
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you could feel soft lips on your shoulders as you slowly drifted off sleep. you opened your eyes, adjusting them to the light passing through the curtains as they landed on your boyfriend. and years later, you still found your heart doing a somersault. you thought about how lucky you were to have this view every morning and you wouldn’t change it for anything else in the world.
you turned your head to face him and as you whispered a quiet “hi”, he felt his heart skipping a beat. he was so in love with you, he feared it could destroy him. he kept on his trail of kisses from your shoulders to your jaw to end up on your face as he counted them.
“18” on the mole on your right cheek, “19” on the tip of your nose, “20” on your eyelid as you closed your eyes with a smug smile plastered on your face, “21” on your forehead, “22” on your pink lips.
a kiss which ended up being messy as you couldn’t stop yourself from stupidly giggling as he thought about how he would turn the world upside down if he had to to hear your laugh over and over again.
“happy birthday my love” were his words that erupted a crimson taint on your cheeks. and with words minimizing how full of love your heart held for the man in front of you, you cupped his head and passionately kissed him. and you were hoping he could hear your heart exploding in you just as much as you could hear his.
you pulled away from his lips and he gave you his signature look, the one that got you weak to the knees before kissing your forehead as only him had the secret recipe to that warm and safe feeling that was spreading through your stomach. you laid your head on his bare chest as his hand found its usual spot in your hair, tangling them while you appreciated the peaceful silence surrounding the both of you.
and you don’t know how long you stayed here until all you could hear was your stomach growling, being too hungry to think about anything else but mason’s speciality, avocado toasts. you heard him chuckle behind you before he spoke “what do you think about getting out of bed, i’ll make you breakfast and then we can do what i planned for this special day” with a smirk on his face. he had a way with words and he knew it. you nodded and then made your way downstairs to the kitchen with mason following you.
he wasn’t happy with that though. before you could even realize, he had lifted you up and you were on his shoulders, you let out a high-pitched sound before laughing out loud. his favorite sound in the whole world, he repeats every time he hears it. he sat you down on a chair, asking you not to do anything as it was your day, “just like every other day” he would say when soppiness got to his head.
so you spent the next ten minutes watching him go in circles between a drawer and a frying pan in your kitchen while he was humming to your taylor swift playlist. and he took your hand to dance with you when the famous song 22 started playing in the room, joking about how you had waited an eternity to “relate to those words”.
you, then, both took your plate and went to sit on the sofa in your living room and started to eat in front of a random tv program, paying little to no attention to it as you were talking about your plans for the day. although, your birthday was never something you were looking forward to and therefore there was never much celebration on that day and it had been like that for years. but that was until you met him. he always made sure you knew how much you were loved and appreciated by people around you and he swore to himself, a smile would be the only trait visible on your face on that special date.
having finished your avocado toasts, he stood up, gave you a quick kiss on your head and excused himself two minutes as he ran upstairs. he returned right after with a box in his hand and a grin plastered on his face. you hid your face in your hands, which provoked a laughter from mason. you grumbled as he took your hands in his to make you look at him. “mason, you know i didn’t want anything for my birthday” you said, barely audible. “y/n i know but i wanted to. please, take it” he said while kissing each one of your knuckles.
you opened it and found a smaller black box, you gave him a quick glance before opening it and what came to your sight was a necklace with a gold heart locket. you opened it and what you weren’t expecting was a note with the words “forever and always, m” in it. a first sob left your lips and you couldn’t stop the ones following it. he held you tight and your head found itself in the crook of his neck, thanking him a hundredth time. he kissed your forehead, and waited for your sobs to subside. “hey hey, no crying on your birthday” and your sobs turned into giggles. “this is the best present i could’ve asked for mason, tha-“ he stopped you knowing another thanks was on its way. “your day is not over baby, get ready and wear a bikini” he instructed you to as he winked, making you roll your eyes as you did like he said and ran upstairs to your wardrobe to get ready for the day.
you put on your favorite blue bikini, your pink and orange crochet dress and you were ready to leave for his surprise destination. he was wearing a linen white shirt, one of your favorites, and a black short and all you could think about was how you wanted to unbutton his shirt and take it off. he was so handsome, the prettiest man you ever laid your eyes on, you thought. you hopped in his car, your playlist ready to be played through the car speakers. kendrick lamar’s song was starting and you were good to go, not knowing where he was leading the two of you, excitement filling you.
an hour and a half and you could see a beach in front of you. he knew how much you loved the beach, as it reminded you of what used to be home for you in your country. he was happy with his surprise when he landed his eyes on you and saw you smile. lucky for you two, there weren't much people here that day. being too excited to leave for the day, you didn’t even realize when mason put a basket full of chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of hard lemonade in his car. looking at the cookies like a kid on christmas day, you sat on the beach blanket and ate one.
and you spent the next hours just like that. eating cookies, drinking lemonade, laughing, kissing each other, talking and appreciating the moment. you couldn’t have asked for anything better as the two of you thought back to your first date.
“you know i was so nervous before. i called christian and he couldn’t stop making fun of me.” you laughed as it was the first time that you were hearing about this. “hey don’t laugh! him and nicole literally joked about how much i was sweating last week. they laughed about how smitten i was already back then” he blushed and you couldn’t stop yourself from pecking his lips “and they were right.”
“idiot” you rolled your eyes, although you’d never admit that his words made you feel dizzy. “that was the most chaotic date ever” as you recalled. “god, it had started so well in that café. stupid joke after stupid joke and i was asking myself how lucky did i get to be here with you. and i remember how neither one of us wanted to end it here so we went on a walk.” you could hear him laughing as you continued. “and then it just started pouring and as people with common sense, we ran to a store to get umbrellas”
“and that’s when i knew you were it for me.” you couldn’t hide the frown on your face at his words. “we got out of the store and before you opened the umbrella, you looked at your face through a car window, saw the mascara stains on your face and erupted in laughter.”
“mason, i hit your face with that umbrella a few seconds after. how-“ you both laughed at how concerned you sounded, clearly a tree had knocked into him to come to this conclusion at this time, you thought. “i know some people would have ran away after how this date ended but not me, that was the best one i ever had. from the moment i saw you enter that cafe in that little black dress to the moment i let you in the front door, my vision blurry because of the blow.”
you couldn’t stop your heart from beating so fast. you never knew this was how he felt after your first date. you know you made it here after this but you never thought he had felt like that. he kissed you, the kiss getting more heated by the second and you had to stop the two of you before going too far on the beach. he wrapped his arms around your body and you laid down on the beach blanket, kisses left on each part of your skin he had access to. and you stayed in this position for the next few hours, watching the sunset with no desire to leave this beautiful place for now.
eventually you had to go home and this day was slowly coming to an end. your hand in his, you made your way to his car and went home. his hand rested on your thigh the whole ride, making you feel safe and all giddy inside. he parked his car in the porch, flexing his biceps which earned him a slap on his shoulder as you feigned to be disgusted. he was so stupid and why were you laughing like a 15 years old girl?
you made your way inside and left your shoes in the entrance, taking the basket with you to put everything you took with you away. mason then took you with him and led the both of you to your bathroom. there was no better way to keep going with your day than to hop in the shower with your boyfriend. the two of you undressed yourself before getting under the steamy water. he grabbed your shower gel and started to wash your back, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck to your lower back.
your turn to wash him arrived and while doing so, you left kisses here and there on his collarbones, his shoulders, feeling him shiver under your touch. water soon turned cold and you both got out of the shower. picking pajamas for the night – one of mason’s shirts for you. and when you thought that this day could not get any better than this, you heard the doorbell. confusion written all over your face, you followed mason downstairs and saw him with a bag from your favorite japanese restaurant. food he had ordered during the day without you noticing.
you sat on the sofa, a blanket covering your legs and you ate sushi in front of one of your favorite rom-com movies, how to lose a guy in 10 days. you couldn’t recall the amount of times you had watched this movie, mason being your first victim when it came to watching the same movies over and over again. but as much as you loved it, your eyes drooped, wearied after such a long and emotional day at the beach. mason, on his side, could sense your tiredness as you weren’t commenting on the movie like you would usually do.
tv off and before you knew, mason was bringing you to your shared bedroom, and next you were in your bed. he followed you right after turning the lights off and he had his arms wide open for you to engulf yourself into them. one last meaningful kiss shared and before you drifted off to sleep, you heard him whisper “you’re so special y/n, i don’t think you’ll ever realize what you do to me”.
tag: @10vnderhaze @mountymase @fallinforerling
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christianpulisexy · 1 year
Hat-trick off of the Pitch - MM7
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Mason insists he can score hat-tricks on and off the pitch… SMUT‼️
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“Wasn’t even a fucking foul.” Mason grumbled, his eyes focused on the telly in front of him.
“Well it wasn’t a clean tackle either.” You counter, making him look down at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Better actor than footballer.” Mason scoffed. He knew you didn’t actually care whether the tackle was clean or not, but annoying him was fun.
“Good things he’s not in Harry Potter because he’d fucking plummet 50 feet, then he’d know all about bloody diving.” Mason said, rolling his eyes at the tv as the player continued to roll on the floor, seemingly in pain.
“At least in Harry Potter they’ve Cedric Diggory.” You giggled, Mason laughing with you.
“He’s dead babe so you’re stuck with me.” He said, kissing the side of your head softly.
“Get up you fucking twit!”
This was going to be a fun night.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
As Emile put another ball into the net, the young player went sliding along the grass, causing your boyfriend to spring up from his seat, with his fist in the air.
“That’s how you fucking do it lad. Another one and you’re on a hat trick.” Mason commented, clapping as you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t think he heard you babe.” You commented, as he told Emile, or rather the TV, some tips he had for him.
“But he could get a hat trick?” Mason commented like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“So he like spins his hat, bring out his magic wand and then puts it on his head?” You teased, causing Mason to roll his eyes at you, as he sat down and pulled you onto his lap. Your legs straddling either side of his thighs.
“That wasn’t funny.” He commented, looking you dead in the eye.
“Sorry that my jokes aren’t good enough for you Mason.” You joked, as you wrapped your arms around his neck as his dropped to your bum.
“You know I score hat tricks on and off the pitch.” Mason said matter of factly.
His grin, which etched from one side of his face to the other told you his next comment wouldn’t be football related.
“One with my tongue.” He said, kissing your neck, as you tugged at the hair which lingered on the bottom of his neck.
“One with my fingers.” He said, as he continued further down your neck, reaching a spot below your collar bone which made you arch your back into him.
“One with my…” He said, as he slid your jumper off of your arms.
“Your what?” You said breathlessly.
“I’ll let you answer that one baby.” He commented, as he began to unbutton your work shirt.
“I d-d-don’t know.” You moaned as he slide the shirt off, and unclasped your bra as he took one nipple in his mouth.
“I think you do know baby.” He said, his mouth trailing across your breasts like he was following a map, not that he’d need one. He knew everything about your body.
“So why don’t you tell me pretty girl.” He mumbled as he took the other nipple in his mouth. You moaned at the contact, unable to think of anything other than Mason.
“I’m still waiting.” He said, snapping you out of your day dream.
“Your d-dick Mase.” You said, giving him what he wanted.
“That’s a good girl. My smart girl.” He cooed, placing sloppy kissed down the valley between your breasts.
Grinding your hips into his, he groaned at the sudden contact as you felt his hard on against your thigh. You gripped his hair, enjoying how much attention he was giving you.
Kissing him on the lips, you felt every inch of his love pour into you. His tongue found yours, as he softly bit your lip as you opened your mouth.
“These are the best things on earth.” Mason groaned into your mouth, as his hands gripped your boobs, softly fondling them, as you laughed and pulled him closer by his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He moved from your lips down your chin, down your neck, down back to your breasts. Lifting your hips slightly with one hand, he took your work skirt off as he moved your panties down your leg, as you kicked them to the side.
“And Mount is past the defenders, he has his eyes on the goal now.” Mason joked, and before you had time to respond, he plunged one finger into you.
“Oh Masey, that feels so good.” You praised him, as you met his mouth again in a passionate kiss. He added another finger, and you followed the pace he set with your hips as you felt the pressure build and build in your stomach.
“That’s it baby, doing so well.” Mason praised, watching lovingly as your head was thrown back, and your grip around his neck tightened. He moved his other hand to grab your chin, so he could look you in the eye.
As the feeling in your stomach increased, you moved your hips against his fingers faster, and Mason understood you were close so he plunged his fingers deeper while rubbing circles on your already over-sensitive clit.
“Mase that’s it, fuck.” You moaned, biting his shoulder as an intense wave of pleasure overcame your body.
“That’s it baby.” He praised, taking his fingers out. As you pulled back from his shoulder, he held up 3 fingers, and pushed one down.
“That’s one down.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“There’s time to talk when you’ve done all three.” You said, pulling him into yet another passionate kiss, as his hands tangled in your hair.
“Yes Ma’am.” Mason laughed, saluting at you, as he quickly moved you from his lap to the chair, as he hovered over you. His eyes scanning your body.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said finally, with nothing but pure love in his honey-like eyes. One hand gripped your cheek as he kissed you, the other roaming your body greedily, as if he’d never touch your again.
Moving from your mouth, he kissed down your whole body, but before he went where you wanted him, he moved to your knee cap and kissed up your thigh. You groaned in anticipation, but the bastard repeated what he’d just done, yet this time on your other leg.
“Stop teasing Mase.” You groaned, looking down at him, as he looked up with devilish eyes.
“The midfielders are just looking for the striker now baby, you can’t rush the art of passing.” He said, but before you could respond, his lips found your clit as he began to lick fast strokes up and down, the exact motion he knew you loved.
Mason worked on you expertly, switching between your clit, before making his way down to your entrance and back up again. You gripped his hair, as the familiar sensation approached you again, almost embarrassingly fast.
“Mase don’t stop please.” You said, looking at him before he gently hit your clit with his nose and your head was thrown back, eyes at the back of your head. With one last breath, you came again, this time all over his face.
He sat back up, making his way back to your lips and you could taste yourself on him.
Your hands worked on the side of his shirt, as he helped you and pulled it up over his head. He quickly kicked his shorts and boxers off.
Mason met your lips again, and this new skin on skin contact was making you even more hungry for him.
“Extra times just came out Mount. Hurry the fuck up.” You groaned, the aching between your legs only increasing by each passing moment.
He laughed at you, before he readied himself at your entrance. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow, a way of making sure you were still okay with this. You nodded, and he wasted no time pushing himself into you.
“Fuck me.” Mason moaned, as he pulled out of you and pushed back in with more force than the first time. He kissed up and down your neck, as your nails scratched his back. Normally you’d try avoid that. It would definitely cause a tad of awkwardness in the dressing room, but now you didn’t have the energy to care. He felt too good.
Mason sped up, and the room was filled with your dirty moans and skin against skin. w could tell by the way his hips snapped into yours sporadically that he was close, but he slowed down and his hand snaked down your body to your clit.
This new branch of pleasure made you arch your back as you moaned into his mouth which was hanging open, as he used his free hand to support your back and keep you close to his chest.
“Mase.” You whined, as your thighs began to shake and he began to speed his thrusts up again.
“I know baby. You feel so good. You’ve been so good for me pretty girl.” Mason moaned into your mouth, as you began to squeeze against his dick.
You groaned one last time before you came all over Mason’s dick, he too shortly climaxing inside of you. He moaned as he collapsed into your chest.
You pushed the hair sticking to his forbear out of his face, as he smiled his dopey smile up at you.
Placing a quick kiss onto your lips, he checked the tv.
“And Mount with the perfect hat trick.” He sung, making you laugh, as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and he snuggled into your neck.
The half time whistle sounded, and out the players came, before Mason turned the TV off.
“But England-”
“Couldn’t give a fuck what happens, let me love my girl.”
And that’s what he did all night, he loved on his girl.
And boy did he love her, and boy did she love him.
You still didn’t know if Emilie ever got a hat trick.
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My attempt at smut, i hope you guys love it as much as i love you guys 🫶
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
I just think edging and masturbating with reiner would be so fun 😫
content warning: self pleasure, p!rnstar reiner, hand holding, sexual content, watching p!rn together, use of toys, rei wearing a cock ring, squirting, edging, mdni!!
📝: I’m so going to blame this on my fever and not on the fact that I’m down bad for this man.
“Ah—haaa..shit, I don’t know how long I can keep this up..”
“Ooh..uh—don’t tell me you’re throwing in the towel already, big boy.”
the exchange taking place between (y/n) and your longtime boyfriend and partner in porn, Reiner. The relationship has been by far the most adventurous and loving you had ever experienced. He was a wonderful man..always attentive to your needs, caring greatly for you and of course, keeping things spiced up in your sex life, which you appreciated! Hence why now, the two of you were currently in your bedroom, lying across your king-sized mattress; opposite hands clenched together whilst the others?
“Nah..and let you beat me? Not a chance, darling. I’ll definitely make you come for me first. Just wait..”
working away between each of your thighs, attempting to make each other crack first. You with a vibrator sitting idly against your sensitive, swollen clit and him with a firm grip around his cock. His shaft residing within his enclosed fist and a silver ring clasped around the base. Hitting his sack with each stroke..his balls were so swollen and full, just brimming with his seed that he was dying to fill you with. But alas, that would only occur if he could hold out long enough. Meanwhile, that constant vibration was attacking your sensitive nerves..causing you to twitch with every passing second. Your chests heaving and falling, breaths shallow and catching in the backs of your throat. With every passing second, the frequency of each of the devices were bringing you closer to the edge and peak of your climaxes but neither of you were ready to give in quite yet.
“C’mere, baby. Fuck..” commanding in his grovelly voice before clutching you by your throat and pulling you in for a searing kiss. Shoving his tongue between your jaws and swirling it around your own. “Mmphm..” the sounds of your moans could be heard coagulating and joining the ones coming from the TV. A video of a couple that resembled the two of you was playing in the background and serving as prime masturbation material..a tall, muscular man, mounting a thick, beautiful woman with heavy backshots. Tugging at her hair, slapping her ass and even tugging her head back to spit into her mouth. “Right there, baby. Fuck this pussy!” All the filthy things you loved..
you wanted Reiner to do the same. To ravage you with those sweet kisses and hard thrusts. But sometimes, foreplay was far more fun than having sex itself! Still, it didn’t help matters that you were whimpering pathetically and feeling that pit of arousal swelling in the pit of your stomach. “That lil’ vibrator can’t possibly be doing ya’ any good, darling. Admit it, I’m what ya’ want..what you need right now.” He may have sounded confident but you knew better. You knew that Reiner was close..that much apparent by the seeping precum dribbling down his tip. Even so, the two of you continued to pleasure yourselves to the sounds of the porn video on display and your own ever growing lust for one another. Emitting loud moans and attempting to stifle them with sloppy pecks; exchanging strings of spit in the process. As you felt yourselves giving way..close to breaking, your gazes would lock and didn’t falter once. Your dark brown eyes and his hazel ones glaring right into one another with so much lecherousness, there was a good possibility neither of you would be able to walk out of here when you finished! Eventually, you’d sink your fingers into that swollen heat and pump slowly because any faster would’ve sent you flying into an orgasm. Creaming all over them with each pump. Reiner however, was having worse luck than you. Beads of sweat trickled around his forehead, his veins protruding in his hand and near his temples. He was mere seconds from cracking but you had to do so with him! “Same time, baby..come with me at the same time, okay?” Shaking and trembling as he jerked himself off faster while forcing you to place your toy on its highest setting. “Y-yeah. I’m coming! Ahh—!” Letting out a loud cry as you both reached that blissful peak as one. One loud squelching noise arose before Reiner splattered his knuckles with streams of warm nut and (y/n) flooded the sheets with a shower of your juices. Neither of you could handle another second and so, with a single tear streaming down each of your faces and frames rattling with ecstasy, you’d revel in the afterglow and beauty of your love making..or rather, the precursor to it! Once you came to, realizing the mess that had been made, you both would burst into laughter and wipe each other’s cheeks. After holding out for so long, it couldn’t be helped…
“Guess things got a little intense, huh?”
“You could say that.”
chuckling before slithering back into his mouth for another juicy smooch. For a moment, you just massaged one another’s skin. Hugging and clinging together as he rolled over on top of you and your arms clung to his neck. Spreading your legs wide open so that he had enough room to work his way between them; folding them up behind your head as well.
“Now..after that little warm up..what do you say have some real fun?”
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darthannie · 9 months
day ten: cockwarming with lenny miller
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pairing: Lenny Miller x f!reader word count: 615 warnings: fluffy kinda, oral sex (m receiving) a/n: He falls in love so easily I love him. kinktober masterlist
Lenny always hated it when you were away from him. You were visiting family for the holidays and he had to work. It wasn’t a good mix, but it wasn’t like either of you had a choice. 
He hopped off the bed when he heard the front door open. His reaction was akin to that of a dog who saw its owner for the first time in months. His way of helping you with your bag was by taking it from your hand and throwing it to the side. You pulled him into a starved kiss. 
He chuckled “I guess you missed me too.” 
He had already set up the dinner table for the two of you. You ate after you got settled, catching up on what he’d missed during your family dinner. He told you what he could about work. 
He flirted with you like you just met. You helped him clean the kitchen and you both retired to the living room couch. Now, you were able to relax. Some old reruns played in the background as your hand traveled up his thigh, feeling his semi-hard cock through his pants.  
He tried to ignore you at first, but his eyes repeatedly shifted from the TV to you and back again. 
“Can we try something new today?”, you asked.
“What were you thinking?” He had a glint in his eye. He watched as you got down on your knees and pulled him out of his pants. You stroked him a couple of times before putting him in your mouth, sticking out your tongue to fit as much of him in as possible. 
He exhaled, “Well this is hardly new…”
You let him go with a pop. “Just wait.”
You continued to suck and lick in just the right places. When he was fully hard you removed him from your mouth, watching precum leak out of his tip. You got up and removed your pants and underwear. You mounted him and sunk down. He gasped.  He tried to buck up his hips you sat down on him. “No no, don’t move. Stay still. Just like this.”
The way you sat on his lap allowed him to be completely inside of you. It was a stretch, but you made it work. You involuntarily tensed up around him and he moaned, wrapping his arms around your waist. He rested his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. 
This closeness was what he was craving. The feeling of your skin against his overwhelmed him. You tensed up again and he held tighter. He wanted to move so badly, to buck his hips and fuck you like he missed you, to cause any bit of friction he could.
You moved before he did, shifting a bit to the right and changing the angle at which he rested in you. He kissed you as you tried to sit still. The warmth emanating from him combined with the difficult challenge of sitting still made your head spin. 
Your fingers ran through his hair as you kissed him back. You moved down to his neck, sucking there. You didn’t want to leave a mark, but the red spot on his neck was already forming. 
His cock twitched inside you and he groaned. His hands grasped your hips tightly and you could feel him trying to move your body. You lifted your hips slightly and sat back down. You both let out a sound, the grunt from him being louder than your whine. He seemed to have enough at this point, desperate for any kind of stimulation. 
He stuttered, “Fuck, do I ever get to move?”
You laughed, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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@devotedlyshadowytheorist, @dxnger-dxys, @tommyshelbywhore, @quinnlilias,@madnessandobsession, @mvpr-moon, @nela-cutie, @faebirdie, @charmed-asylum, @anasanthology, @ilikefictionalmen, @akanne-aka, @no-fooking-fighting,@queenofstresss, @flwrs4aust, @mrkdvidal1989, @eleanorthemo,@ilovepeoplesdads, @00hsv, @laylasbunbunny
(If something is up with your tag or you would like to be added, let me know!)
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good-beanswrites · 5 months
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My thoughts on how the Milgram mv machine works based on the evidence we have:
(I know there’s been discussion about where exactly the interrogations take place, but wherever they are,) the prisoners are made to sit in a specific chair near the wall that houses the machine.
It’s ordinarily hidden, but the wall panels shift aside to reveal it when the mechanical sounds play in the dramas. As well as the walls moving, the chair transforms to restrain the prisoner and attach whatever it takes to access their brain. The fact that none of the more frightened prisoners try to run or break it makes it seem like they physically cannot. This is why Fuuta sounds so panicked, and why Amane is suddenly helpless in front of Es in their T1 vds.
(My mind conjures very classic sci-fi mad scientist machines with wires, pipes, lights, nodes, needles, etc, but I’d love to hear how other people visualize it.)
In some vds (maybe all? I’d need to check,) you can hear Es take some steps right before their iconic line -- it would make sense that for safety reasons, the power mechanism is placed across the room. Once again it could be anything, but the sound effect makes me think of one of those giant wall-mounted levers you have to pull down.
The voice dramas don’t really provide the type of crime details that an actual interrogation would reveal, and it’s odd that they’re placed before the extraction rather than after Es gets to see the new details. This leads me to believe the machine functions with priming. All Es needs to do is get them talking about their murder, so it’s on their mind.
The video produced is much like a (non-lucid) dream. Even if the prisoners figure out that this is how it works, they can’t control it just by thinking really hard about something else. The murders produce the strongest emotional affect, and that’s what it picks up on. If someone else used the machine, it would default to whatever gave them the strongest emotional reaction in the ~15 minutes beforehand, hence why Es’ video focuses on their daunting task ahead. (The Undercover theory is still a bit loose, though, given the private shots that Es wouldn't have known about). It’s why the videos are usually closely linked to the vd topics/beats. I also like to think that the reason their prisoner colors appear so much is because they’re looking at those colors on their uniform 24/7.
The bell rings to inform Es that it’s the optimal time to use the machine -- the prisoner has been thinking about things for long enough that the video will be about their crime, and if the conversation lasts much longer they’ll start thinking of other things. It’s at a different time for each prisoner because it’s based on the specific conversation. I guess Jackalope is listening in to the interrogation, timing it perfectly. (The only one that kind of messes with this theory is Yonah, because they just keep talking afterwards lol, but it could just show that the interrogation is still in Es’ control.)
Their “Sing your sins” is the final priming nudge to get them to think of their actions as a sin, revealing their guilt.
Once activated, the prisoner enters a sort of trance/sleeping state. It’s very much like REM sleep, with the machine forcibly activating neurons and recording the output. The prisoners have asked Es what they saw, meaning they don’t remember the mvs. I like to think the prisoners do experience the mv in real time, acting as the major version of themself that appears, but can’t remember it afterwards. It’s when you experience a dream, but as soon as you wake up you’re just left with fleeting emotions and memories right on the tip of your tongue.
The video plays immediately upon extraction -- whether on a huge projection or little screen depends on which room it’s in. It simultaneously saves the memory so that Es can rewatch it later (on those old TVs in the jailbreak mix). The machine downloads the song and video together, but requires special parts to retrieve them. The technology is pretty new and fragile, so if one is broken, there might be a delay between when Es can hear the extracted song and see it with the video. (That’s my justification for Kotoko’s delays -- after 9 prisoners the parts wear out, or maybe Mikoto himself overheats it with his complex situation.)
Based on the lack of conversation we get afterwards, I picture Es leaving before the prisoner wakes from the trance. The machine adjusts their brain back to normal before they awaken, restraints freed and able to return to the rest of the prison.
It’s very much like a dream, so it’s not harmful despite the amnesia/head injuries the prisoners have. It does, however, exhaust them. Brain activity alone takes a lot of energy, so forced brain activity with added emotional strain would cause them to feel pretty drained the rest of the day.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
An inseparable trio
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PAIRING | Chris Evans x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You have always been nervous around dogs, because you've never been around them growing up. When you meet your new neighbor Chris and he tells you all about Dodger, you're unsure at first but eventually, you give in and meet the little guy. From that moment on, all three of you become practically inseparable.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Age gap (Reader is in her mid 20's, Chris is in his early 40's), very light angst, reader is nervous around/afraid of dogs, tooth-rotting sweet fluff.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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"Alright, you can just put the last box in the kitchen, and after that, we're all done," you say to the mover, and he does. You're getting out your wallet to pay them for their hard work and time, and when they're gone, you're plopping yourself down on your couch.
Today is the first day of your new life, fresh out of college and starting your new job soon. As much as you love your parents, you're thrilled that you've decided to move to Boston.
With a soft sigh, you get your phone and start looking for some restaurants offering take-out, ultimately deciding to get some Chinese food for yourself.
When you look out the window, you see a pretty well-built man with sunglasses and a baseball cap walking his dog, and you can't help but look a little longer than perhaps appropriate, but you're in the comfort of your own home, so no one can blame you for doing it.
When the food is ordered, you unpack some boxes in your kitchen and get them out of the way so you don't have to do it later. When you have emptied a few boxes, you flatten them and bring them to your car so you can recycle them later, and that's when you happen to see the handsome man again.
It turns out he lives across from you, and when he noticed you staring, you quickly wanted to get away, but you bumped your head in the process.
"Shit!" you say softly as your cheeks turn bright red, and you notice the man smiling from behind his window before walking back into his house, and you do the same, with shame washing over you.
When you're back inside, your doorbell rings, and your food is here, so you take it from the delivery guy and tip him generously for his work.
Seeing how you unpacked in the kitchen, you can grab a plate and some cutlery before dropping on the couch and putting on your favorite series on your tablet since your TV isn't mounted yet.
Over the next few days, your house is being put together, and more and more boxes are finding their way to recycling. Coincidentally, you've seen your neighbor quite a few times, too, but not because you were waiting for him to be outside or in front of his window.
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You've been settling in for a few weeks now, and you're getting used to your new job as a criminologist at Boston PD. Today is your day off, and you have decided to bake some cookies and introduce yourself to your new neighbor across the street.
You've met all the others, but since he has a dog, it's been quite challenging for you to go over there and say hi. Today is the day that will change, is what you tell yourself.
With your chocolate chip cookies and a few safe for dogs, you walk over to the other side of the street, ready to meet the mystery man.
Your palms are increasingly sweaty as your feet bring you closer to his front door. When you're there, you place your feet firmly on the ground to gently ground yourself, and you ring his doorbell.
You hear his dog barking and close your eyes shut, repeating, 'It's just a dog; he won't hurt you; there's no need to be nervous' in your head. When the lock clicks, you dare to open your eyes, but when that very same dog walks over to you, you can't help but take a step back.
"Dodger, c'mere boy!" the man says, and you let out a sigh of relief that you hope the man didn't hear.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm not used to being around dogs," you stumble, and Chris apologetically smiles.
"It's alright, he won't hurt you, but if you're not comfortable being around him, he can stay inside," he tells you, and you nod.
"T-thank you. I, uh, these are for both of you. I moved in a couple of weeks ago, across the street. And I thought it'd finally be time I introduce myself," you say softly as you try your hardest to focus on the man in front of you instead of his dog.
"Oh, that's super nice, thank you! I'm Chris Evans, and this is my dog Dodger, as you already know," he says with a big smile as he takes the cookies from you.
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, and I didn't realize I lived across a celebrity; I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here and disturbed you," you tell him, turning on your heels and jogging back to your house.
When you arrive, you quickly open your door and slam it shut before leaning against it and sliding down until you're sitting on the floor, and tears threaten to fall.
"Why can't I just get over my nerves and talk to him?!" You scold yourself.
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It's been a few weeks since you went to Chris' house, and even though you wave every time you see him, you never talk to him.
That is until you're invited to a neighborhood barbecue, and Chris is invited as well. After thinking about it for a few days, you accept the invitation and get a new dress.
You tried many options, and finally, go for a black and white polka dot maxi dress and a pair of black and brown wedges to finish the look.
Your hair is up in a simple ponytail, and you wear some light make-up to not detract from the outfit. When it's time to go over to your neighbor's house, you run into Chris, and he can't help but do a double-take when he sees you.
"Hey, Y/N!" he says as he waves at you, and he waits for you to cross the street so you don't have any other choice than to face your embarrassment right now.
"Chris, hi," you say softly, silently cursing yourself out for how you sound.
"How is everything going?" he asks, and for some reason, you have forgotten all the words and can't say anything. Not only are you nervous around his dog, you're shy around him, too, because he's a celebrity.
He looks at you with worry, and when you look at him, he can see the tears threatening to spill.
"Hey, what's going on? Let's sit down for a moment," he says as he walks you back to the porch swing before your door, hoping to calm you down.
"I-I'm sorry, it's stupid," you sigh as you wipe away your tears. "I'm not even sure why I'm crying, honestly," you say.
"Hey, it's okay. And I want you to know I'm not mad at you or anything for how you reacted when you met me. I get that it can be a lot to meet a celebrity, let alone meet their dog when you're not used to it," he says, and you nod.
"Can I... Can I touch you? I want to rub your back, nothing else," he asks, and you nod again. When you feel his large hand splayed on your back, you let out a sigh of relief. Maybe he isn't so bad after all.
"I'm sorry for my reaction today and a few days ago. Growing up, I've never been around dogs, and even though I like them a lot, I am still a little nervous around them. My parents are both highly allergic to them, so I could never visit friends who had dogs because of that," you tell him, and Chris' heart breaks a little.
"While I get it, it still sucks. But would you maybe like to meet Dodger? Like I said, he won't hurt you or anything; he's just a little enthusiastic," he says, and you smile.
"Maybe another day; I believe we have a barbecue to attend," you say, and he laughs.
"Right, I completely forgot about that. Want to be my plus one to the barbecue?" He jokes, and you nod.
"I thought you'd never ask!" you joke, and the two of you smile wide, all your insecurities about him being a celebrity long forgotten.
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Ever since the talk you had with Chris, you have gotten more comfortable with being around him, and today is the day you're going to his house to meet Dodger for the first time.
You've prepared yourself by giving yourself a lengthy speech, and you brought him some of his favorite snacks to help win him over, too, after asking Chris if that might help.
You opted for a simple summery outfit today, and when it's time to go to Chris' house, you give yourself a few more words of encouragement.
"You can do this; there is nothing to be nervous about. Chris is there with you, and Dodger won't do anything bad," you say, and after putting on your sunglasses, you cross the street, some cookies for Chris and treats for Dodger in your hand.
You ring his doorbell, and this time, it's just Chris opening the door, ensuring you are comfortable without Dodger jumping all over you.
"Hey you!" he says as he pulls you in for a hug, which you gladly give back.
"Hi! I brought cookies for you as a thank you for doing this; I can't tell you how much this means, so I hope my cookies can do just that," you say, and he laughs.
"Thanks, you didn't have to do this, but I'm grateful for them," he says before asking you to come in.
"Can I get you something to drink? After that, I figured we could go to the backyard and sit outside so you can meet him properly there," he says, and you nod.
"Just a Coca-Cola is fine, thank you," you tell him, and he grabs one and water for himself before leading you to the backyard.
The two of you sit outside for a little while before he's going to get Dodger, and you're thankful for that because you're already feeling much more comfortable right now.
"Okay, here he is!" Chris says, and you notice he's holding Dodger with a leash, and even though you feel bad that he's leashed in his own house, you're glad too because it gives you a little peace of mind.
"Hi, Buddy," you say, and when Chris tells you to hold out your hand, you do it, hoping it's not shaking too badly. Dodger comes over to sniff it and quickly approves, already asking for scratches.
"Oh, you're such a sweet boy, aren't you? I had no reason to be nervous around you, did I?" you say while giving him some lovely scratches behind his ear.
"Thank you for doing this, Chris. It really means a lot," you say, and he nods with a big smile.
"Anything for you," he says, and you can't help but turn red at the words.
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It has been a few months since you've been introduced to Dodger, and now you're seeing him more often than not, spending a lot of time at his house.
Today, however, Chris and Dodger are coming to your house for dinner instead of you always going to his. You began feeling guilty for always going over there, so you invited them to your home.
You've spent almost all day cleaning your house to make it perfect for when Chris comes over, and now you're preparing dinner. Tonight, you're making a nice and creamy pasta with seafood, which is your favorite.
Once that is simmering away, you go and prepare for dinner and decide to wear your black and white playsuit to fit the weather outside. Your hair is in a ponytail, and you're also wearing a pair of flat sandals.
You have set up your outside seating area for dinner and dessert, waiting for Chris and Dodger to arrive. Not long after, they are here, and you hear the doorbell, making your heart skip a beat.
When you open the door, Dodger immediately greets you, and you crouch down to give him scratches on his back and behind his ears, greeting him happily.
"Hi! Are you excited to visit my house for the first time?" you ask the dog, and before you know it, he finds his way inside and sniffs everything.
"Hi, Chris," you say, but before he answers, he leans down to kiss your cheek as a greeting.
"Hi, thanks for having us for dinner tonight; I can't wait to see what you've made," he says, and you lead the way inside, showing your house and eventually outside.
"Dinner is just about ready, so if you get settled, I'll be right with you," you say, and he does, looking handsome as ever with his sunglasses and full beard.
Not long after, he sits down, and you're walking outside with two big plates of pasta. Chris immediately sits up to see what you've made, his mouth watering at the smell.
"Wow, this smells amazing!" he says, and you walk back inside to grab a bottle of Pinot Grigio and two glasses to pour it in. When both glasses are filled, you cheer for a long friendship, and the pasta is gone before you know it.
"Are you ready for dessert? I made something for the two of us as well as something for Dodger to cool him down a bit in this weather," you say, and you could swear you just saw Chris' eyes twinkle when you said that.
When you come back, you first have the treats for Dodger because you still need to make the sauce for the sticky toffee pudding you've made today.
"I made treats of Greek yogurt with strawberries and blueberries for him that are frozen, so he can have something healthy and cool down at the same time," you say, and you show the treats in the form of bones.
"Oh, those are adorable! Just like you," he says, and you feel yourself turn bright red at the compliment.
"I, uh, thank you," you say, and you quickly run inside to finish your dessert. When the sauce is done, you pour it into a little gravy boat and take it outside on a serving tray.
"Alright, here's one sticky toffee pudding for you and one for me!" you say, and you pour some sauce on both of your desserts. The dessert is gone within no time, too, and Dodger has also thoroughly enjoyed his treat and is taking a nap in the cool shadow.
When you get up to clean the table and do the dishes, Chris gets up and helps you, so it's done much sooner than if you would do it alone.
Your elbows and arms touched a few times, and your fingers brushed past each other a couple of times when you handed dishes to one another, sending tiny sparks through your body.
"Shall we go sit outside and enjoy the rest of the evening together on your porch swing?" Chris asks, and you nod, so the two of you are sitting in front of your house; Dodger is lying by your side as you enjoy the beautiful sunset together.
"I'm glad you finally gave us a chance because I don't think I could've waited much longer if you hadn't come over," he says, and you blush a little.
"I'm still sorry about that, but I'm glad I finally did it as well," you say with a soft sigh. Chris wraps his arm around your waist to pull you closer, and your head leans against his chest.
The two of you stay like that for a bit longer while continuing your conversations, and when the sun is almost gone, Chris moves a little, and his hand cups your cheek softly, his thumb rubbing your cheekbone.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks in a low whisper, and you say a soft yes.
He leans in, and your lips brush past each other briefly before he presses his soft, pink lips against yours, and the world seems to come to a halt suddenly.
Your hands find their home on his waist to ground yourself, and the kiss seems to go on forever. When you finally break apart, keep your eyes closed for a few more seconds.
When they flutter open again, you look into Chris' beautiful eyes, and a grin immediately spreads across your face.
Dodger appears to get a little jealous and is now jumping between the two of you so he can get some scratches, too, and you can't help but laugh.
"Alright, Buddy, you can have some scratches and kisses too," you say, kissing his head while he settles for some belly scratches.
The rest of the evening is spent in Chris' arms, exchanging small kisses and many scratches until it's time for Chris to head home since you have to work the next day.
"Thank you for everything tonight, and I can't wait to see you again," Chris says before he pulls you close for one more kiss, unable to stay away for long, but you're not complaining.
"Let me know when you arrive home, okay? I want to know if you arrive safely," you say, and he does. He waves at you when he crosses the street and stands on his front porch.
"I arrived safe!" he yells, and you can't help but laugh at his weird antics. God, you've fallen head over heels for this man and couldn't be happier.
"Good, now go to sleep, old man!" you joke, and with that, the two of you wave one more time before going into your own houses.
Life is pretty incredible right about now.
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ymguchis · 2 years
3 : 35 am — thinking of... riding shinichiro at night ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
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just imagine this. It's early morning, and you and Shinichiro were watching a movie. practically neither of you was paying attention to the brightly colored images on the tv.
on the one hand, Shinichiro found no interest in the screen in front of him. to be honest he was there to keep you company because you weren't tired yet. on the other hand, you didn't even know what you were seeing because the only thing you could think about was shinichiro. how were you going to focus on anything else if you had your hot boyfriend right next to you.
many things were going through your head and they all led to the same thing... fucking. you wanted him to fuck you so bad. for a few minutes you managed to calm down and go unnoticed, rubbing your thighs and keeping your eyes fixed on the television without really paying attention to the comedy that was airing at the time.
of course, shinichiro wasn't stupid and he could sense your restlessness and thinly veiled movements. Leaning on the sofa and with one arm on the back, he directed his gaze to your bare legs. then to your chest, covered by an oversized T-shirt that easily revealed your erect nipples due to the cold of the night.
it was supposed to be cold... but the room felt getting hotter.
a large hand landed on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze to get your attention. you were slightly startled by the surprise touch, after having been sunk for several minutes in the thoughts of the millions of things you wanted to do to shinichiro at that moment.
— 'everything's fine? I notice you... distracted'
he asked in a slightly tired tone of voice, not taking his eyes off the TV and keeping a firm hand on your thigh. he knew, he knew exactly what you wanted. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he couldn't notice his girlfriend's basic needs with the naked eye.
but he wanted to have fun, and nothing amuses him more than hearing you ask him to fuck you, of course.
you made a small noise of affirmation accompanied by a slight nod. you were aware of the little game he was playing, but the little pride you had left was not going to allow you to humiliate yourself by telling him what you wanted.
Although we all know how you would end up.
shinichiro looked at your face and smiled. your cheeks and the tips of your ears were red. another hard squeeze on your thigh and you were seconds away from losing your composure.
— 'ahh, are you sure? you don't need anything?'
the little bit of pride you had left went down the drain when you made eye contact with him. your eyes dropped momentarily to his lips, then to his perfectly carved neck covered by the necklace he always wore, and finally to that damn sweatpants that left anyone's imagination what lay beneath them.
— 'I-I need you shin' you muttered under your breath, looking down at your hands as you unconsciously rubbed your thighs even harder, seeking some kind of solace for your aching cunt.
shinichiro smiled almost wickedly, and effortlessly pulled you onto his lap. your wet panties and hot core fit perfectly on top of his semi-hard cock. Grabbing the back of your neck he gently drew you into a passionate kiss.
he separated from you and without saying a word he told you to get on your knees so he could lower his pants and boxers. his cock jumped up and lightly hit his stomach.
one hand rested on your hip and the other went to play with the elastic of your panties to tease you, releasing it and causing a small moan from you when you feel the itch on your skin.
— 's-shin! stop playing, please' you gasped trying to stop his teasing.
— 'okay, sorry. now yes.' shinichiro replied chuckling softly and putting aside your panties. He grabbed his cock, giving it a few pumps, and after a few seconds he was finally inside.
both of you let out a few silent moans, and without waiting any further you began to mount it quickly. shinichiro put his hands on your hips, urging you to go faster and faster.
— 'ohh, f-ffuck yes. just like that, l-love' shinichiro moaned loudly against your neck.
one of your hands went to his hair to pull it and unite your lips in a rough kiss, causing the moans and sobs of both to be muffled by the other's mouth.
shinichiro broke away from the kiss and roughly lifted your shirt to pay attention to your breasts. his soft lips attached to your tits, leaving love bites and sucking hard on your nipples.
—'a-ah ah, shit. shin, I'm close, please. fuck me f-faster!'
shinichiro planted his feets on the ground and forcefully began to ram into your pussy over and over again. the sounds of skin against skin grew louder than the noise of the TV in the background.
— 'mhm, are you close? yeah? t-that's it, cum for me darling'
Shinichiro's hard strokes made his cock go deeper and deeper, hitting all the right places that made you see stars.
— 'you feel so good, so fucking tight!'
his thrusts became more and more sloppy, and with one stroke in particular you came hard. your core pressed hard against shinichiro's cock.
— 'oh yess, fuck yes. I-i'm cumming, c-cumming' shinichiro gasped and seconds later he was cumming. His eyes rolled back and his mouth parted slightly as his thrusts slowed.
you dropped onto shinichiro's chest and slowly both of your breathing became calmer.
one of shinichiro's hands went to your hair and started stroking it gently. he placed a kiss on one of your cheeks and with a whisper he asked.
— 'are you sleepy already?.
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hope you liked it !!
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sreegs · 2 years
i can't stress enough how much money you can save once you live in your own place by learning simple repair and DIY. since I live in the city, it's probably more common for me to encounter people who are actually fearful of picking up a drill and mounting something on their wall. however, it's so damn easy to do the absolute basics of home maintenance and DIY/hardware installation/just gotta mount something on the wall/whatever. do not think you can keep sticking things to the wall with blu-tack or tape, that shit does NOT last and you will ruin your walls with it
There's a MOUNTAIN of youtube videos that will literally save your life out there. Literally just search "this old house" and the subject you need, and you'll find the information you need. Does the video use words you don't understand? Google that and I guarantee you'll get videos that explain it. in detail. by very nice people.
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even if you end up renting your whole life, you will eventually run into the need of fixing your toilet, replacing a light switch, mounting a TV on the wall, etc.
I don't want to turn this into a "home maintenance megapost" because it's hard to decide where to start and where to end. However, I have a few general tips and advice for you:
Safety first
should go without saying, but your most important tools are safety goggles, work gloves, ear plugs for loud things, and any other protective equipment that saves your eyes, fingers, etc. Even if a job is quick and simple, you have no idea when you might slip up and fling something into your eye, so just be safe every time and wear your gear.
Electrical stuff is not as scary as it looks
This is usually the most mortifying ordeal I hear from people. They're terrified of replacing a light switch. However, it's 100% foolproof to prevent yourself from being electrocuted. Apartments and houses have breaker boxes that completely shut off electricity to a circuit. All you have to do is turn on the switch/something in the outlet you want to mess with, switch off the circuit at the breaker, confirm the thing you need to repair/modify no longer functions because electricity is not flowing to it (the circuit breaker will have shut off the flow of electricity), then start your repair. Do not flip that circuit breaker back on until the job is done. That's it. Now, the details of the job are a whole other story, but wiring an outlet or a switch or a lamp is pretty darn simple. Again, youtube has endless tutorials.
You will be sloppy when you get started, just take your time
if you don't do this stuff for a living, it takes years of infrequent practice to finally get good at it. have drilled through interior walls to the other side a few times before I learned my lesson. the old adage "measure twice, cut once" is true. do it three times if you need to. and if you botch your wall drilling into it (you will botch your wall at some point) it's so easy to spot fix things like that. on the other hand, fragile stuff like plumbing need a gentle touch (i.e. some stuff you should only hand-tighten, because over-tightening can cause leaks). so it's best to take your time, check and re-check your work, and don't do something until you're confident you can do it. watch tutorials or ask a friend to help!
Use the right tool for the job
Good tools are pricey, but last way way longer and will not break on you in the middle of a job. Furthermore, it's a bad idea to force the use of a certain tool that doesn't do the job right. For example, you're trying to take something apart and you don't have the right type of screwdriver, but if you just, kinda like, wedge the bit in there... stop. Don't do it. You might end up stripping the screw, then you have two problems. Don't ever force something that's not the right fit. If it's not an emergency, it's better to wait till you have the right tool to fix it than to cut corners. Lastly, tools wear out, specifically tools that cut and drill, so you do actually need to replace those periodically
Stud finders don't work
except for that joke where you point it at yourself and it beeps and you say "yep, found a stud". that's the only time they work. If you need to find a stud, you might be lucky enough to be able to use a magnet to find the nails, but most of the time you're going to have to measure the distance from a corner (studs should be placed at a standard distance apart... however that has changed based on how old your house is). tbh this is a nitty gritty topic, and again, google some tutorial videos to help, but i just wanted to say don't waste your money on those studfinders
The type of material you're working with changes the tools you work with
There are specific tools and materials made to be used with other specific tools and materials. For example, with drills, you're going to run into different terms like "hammer drill" and "impact drill" or just a plain old "drill". Materials like concrete and brick need specific drill bits and high-powered drills like hammer drills in order to drill into them. However, a hammer drill will damage drywall and wood. Find out what your apartment or house is made of, and then figure out what tools you need to work with it.
I know this is kind of a scattershot post, and I will admit I'm definitely not an expert, but feel free to shoot me an ask about any of this and I'll try to answer
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