sculk-morty · 2 months
ii love you sculk morty you are my favorite nd i love you and you areso cute and i am happy you exist. little blorbo 🫵
Morty was taken aback upon hearing this, his antlers rattling in response as he shrinks back slightly.
"A-agh... oh... tthh-tthat's nice of yyyou, but... hh.. I- I'm nnot... cute."
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iloveriddles · 11 months
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Tthh maze…
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kylo-wrecked · 3 months
"Tell me who did this." (scav verse!)
{ 🫀 You broke and bought: Smuggler!Ben }
She had a right to ask. Mason had only been gone a few hours, and the aftermath of an onboard struggle was apparent in the chaos of a spilled coolant cube carton and a couple of all-kits strewn wherever they'd landed. One of her holding cells was open, and further investigation would reveal no small amount of blood spatter.
Ben lifted his shirt and examined the bloodstain. Yep, that would have to go. Then his eyes crawled from the semi-cauterized bolt wound under his ribs to Mason’s quizzical expression.  
"Who? Oh, well. You'll love this. I—"
He'd claimed the wound was practically nothing and demanded he take care of it himself, which was why they were now in the main hold, Mason fuming around him with antiseptic and threatening him with fae restoratives.
'Wait, wait—" he tried to turn from her and knew in the instant he felt the sting of her ointment that he'd failed. "Kriff."
He grunted, grinding down his teeth at the burning sensation.
"It's gonna to start doing that bubbling thing, isn't it?"
No sooner than he said it, his flesh began to hiss. Ben seethed with the wound.
"Tthh—oh. Yeah, that." Screwed his eyes shut; his body pricked all over from a single point of pain, where the open flesh roiled before knitting itself together, a wound in reverse. "There it goes. I hate that it does that."
He paled and looked up at the copper piping above them with an expression of discomfit that couldn't be rivaled. The bolt had only grazed him. Why not use bacta? Sure, it was less effective, but it also didn't feel like the terrible concentrated power of five hundred suns. Bacta was standard. As was Ben's situation.
Mason prodded the exposed beam of his shoulder with the butt of her pistol and waited for an answer. Ben scowled at her, holding his palm out for a bandage.
"I don't know, okay? And it doesn't matter because the guy's dead. Deader than dead. D-O's still rolling over his cremains."
And he tried not to think whether the message might have been intended for her instead.
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chaos-parallels · 1 year
No problem..
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senzacaponecoda · 2 years
Poll Conlang: Last on Obstruent Series
Last Post: https://www.tumblr.com/senzacaponecoda/709250804555579392/poll-conlang?source=share
Ok, so, even split between /p b ph/ and /p ph p´/
As per https://www.academia.edu/1538887/Typology_and_reconstruction_The_consonants_and_vowels_of_Proto_Indo_European both are relatively common; examples of the former type include "Romani, Panjabi, Shina, Kashmiri; Khotanese? (see Küm-mel 2007: 289–294, 441), Northern Kurdish; Agulis/Sasun Arme-nian; Tai; Burmese; Burushaski …" examples of the latter type include "Artvin Armenian; Georgian; Haida, Navaho,Chipewa, Tolowa, Hupa; Wichita; Quechua, Jaqaru"
Voicing usually applies more easily to fricatives than either aspiration or glottalization. It kind of occurs to me late that aspiration is a kind of glottalization in every bit the way non-pulmonicity is and acts pretty much the same way. It's just langs that lose /t´/ tend to merge it with /t/ not /th/ despite what for me are similar sounds. Maybe this is due to losing [glottalic] feature entirely and not just an issue of nearest neighboring...
Regardless, aspiration and ejectiveness tend to work better with affricates than outright fricatives.
So we're looking at series like (at maximum) either
ph th kh1 kh2
p t k1 k2
b d g1 g2
pfh tthh kxh1 kxh2
f th x1 x2
v dh gh1 gh2
p´ t´ k´1 k´2
ph th kh1 kh2
p t k1 k2
pf´ tth´ kx1´ kx2´
pfh tthh kxh1 kxh2
f th x1 x2
The number of series fricatives is generally equal or less than the number of stops, so we'll follow that.
I like voiced more personally but I think we can break the tie with this poll if we combine results like a few polls ago.
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hpcosmos · 2 years
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Neuroplasticity in gait training works:
Part 2 of the 6-part video series "h/p/cosmos visits HSH-Lamprecht GbR" is about Ralph's therapy. Ralph has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for years and does everything to avoid ending up in a wheelchair. For the past three years, he has been working with Sabine Lamprecht with the clear goal to compensate the consequences of the disease as much as possible through gait therapy on the treadmill and thus maintaining his mobility.
The gait training on the treadmill is supported by the active gait correction system robowalk - an enormous added value for both patient and therapist.
See the video:
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gardens-kinblog · 2 years
3 & 9?
3. What type of predator are you? parasitic, pursuit, ambush, psychological ect.
Well, I’m a ambush predator, as one might guess by my cloaking abilities. I am capable of just diving for fish, but my sister taught me that Light Furies wait for their fish! We cloak our scales and wait patiently for our prey to come close to shore, or near our maws if we are underwater, and then SNAP! Fresh prey for us! -Aurelia
9. Are you bound to an object or do certain objects attract you?
Nn n not obbj jects. Bbu t my cc call dr aaws in the peopple. I imm m mittate tth he humann’s tech chnologgy and w wwait ffor animmals to hhunt. But tthh en thhee hum manns arr rived as weell. Theyy keep comming and comin ng -Mist
[Not objects. But my call draws in the people. I imitate the human’s technology to hunt. But then the humans arrived as well. They keep coming and coming.]
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giorgiaink · 4 years
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Mackelena in "Sharing Christmas" (another movie I've actually never seen) inspired by Aos Tipsy-turvy Hallmark Holidays by @aosficnet2 ✨
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gypsycobgirl-blog · 6 years
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caracello · 3 years
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mmy head iis a little foggy ssoim still. thinkign abt fordiebaby look at him.hey. look at him
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toojuns · 4 years
I’m writing new pairings and it’s happening so fast but also i miss renmin 
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lovecore-ashe · 3 years
tthh ats wwhy yyour hssir is nspp y FUCKXK UOUU
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softmushroombaby · 5 years
This isn't a question but I honestly love your art and I would honestly die for Rouxls Kaard
tthh   annk
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playcebo · 5 years
The Feeling of Randomness
You wake up in a small room. It’s nearly empty, except for a computer in the corner, and a bored-looking college student sitting in a chair across from you. The window is covered by a sheet of thin paper so you can’t quite tell what’s outside.
“Oh good,” she says, “you’re awake.”
“This is that experiment I signed up for, right?”
“Yes. Now that you’re here, I can fill you in on all the details.”
She reaches over and turns on the monitor. It shows an image of 4 coins.
Heads    Heads    Heads    Heads
“The experiment is a game. I will ask one question, and you'll have one chance to answer to earn $100.
There are 32 people playing this game right now: 16 in building A, and 16 in building B.
The computers in building A show a completely random sequence of four coins, chosen by a standard RNG used for video poker.
In building B, the coins aren’t random at all. One coin is heads in rooms 101-108 and tails in rooms 109-116. Another is heads in the odd-numbered rooms, and tails in the even-numbered rooms. The other two have similar patterns, where they’re heads in half the rooms and tails in the other half. Here’s the exact pattern.”
She reaches into her jacket and pulls out a piece of paper.
B101 - HHHH   B109 - THHH
B102 - HHHT   B110 - THHT
B103 - HHTH   B111 - THTH
B104 - HHTT   B112 - THTT
B105 - HTHH   B113 - TTHH
B106 - HTHT   B114 - TTHT
B107 - HTTH   B115 - TTTH
B108 - HTTT   B116 - TTTT
“So, here’s the question: What building do you think you’re in?”
"...Wait," you ask, "are all the computers in building A showing the same sequence, or is it different for all of them?"
"Oh! Now that you mention it, I'm not sure. I was just reading from a script."
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chololibre · 5 years
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hes-in-a-wheelchair · 6 years
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