epickiya722 · 2 months
Wait, so we're not going to talk about Tsu and Ochako having similar bangs now?!
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come-away-with-me87 · 4 months
All I Need Chapter 5
Chapter 4 here
"Goodnight, Y/N," Shouta said softly, and with that, he was out the door.  After he closed the door, you leaned your back against it, and asked yourself out loud, "what in the world was that about?"  Once again, you tried to shake off that feeling.  Mirai has only been gone for six months; he was still your love, you shouldn't even be entertaining the thought of another man's touch, even if it was only a hug.  Still, you couldn't help but go to bed that night and dream of a certain ebony-haired man touching you.
You woke up the next morning covered in sweat.  The dream you had was very...vivid.  You tried your best to shake it off; Shouta was your friend, nothing more.  You explained to yourself, again, that he was such a good friend to you, even more so than the others, so that would be the only logical explanation as to why you had the reaction to him that you did.  Even though Mirai was gone, he was the one who owned your heart, now and forever.
Forever?  You were thoughtful as you were getting ready for work that day, which was your first day back in six months.  Mirai was, indeed, your love, but you also knew him well enough that he would want you to be happy, and to eventually move on and meet someone else.  Maybe that day would come eventually, but it was far too early to think about now.  You were still grieving, after all, and grief can do some funny things to your brain and body.  And that's what you chalked all of your feelings up to.  It was settled.
You were done getting ready, and walked out of your dorm the same time Shouta was leaving his dorm.  Even though you decided what your feelings were about, you still felt hot in the face when you saw him, thinking back to your dream.  "Good morning, Y/N.  Did you sleep well your first night here?" he asked.  Of course he had to ask that.  You replied, "ummm, for the most part. Some tossing and turning, but it is a new space, so I'm sure I'll get used to it."  He grinned at you and asked "since we're leaving at the same time, would you like to walk to The U.A. together?"  You gulped.  "Sure, that would be great."  
The short walk to the school was quiet, but it was a comfortable silence.  You were a relatively clumsy person in general, so there were a few times you accidentally bumped into Shouta, or accidentally grazed his knuckles with your hand.  "Sorry..." you mumbled in a quiet voice.  Shouta couldn't help but grin again, "are you okay this morning?"  "Yeah, I am.  I think the lack of sleep is just affecting me," you lied.  That seemed to satisfy him as he didn't say anything in return, thank goodness.  You walked to the school the rest of the way in that same comfortable silence.  At that moment, you were grateful that Shouta wasn't the most talkative person, because after last night's dream, you had absolutely no idea on what to say to him.
You two finally arrived at the high school, where you bid goodbye to each other and went your separate ways; he to homeroom Class 1-A, and you to your shared office space with Ryo.  You were absolutely bombarded that day with students; not because they needed emotional advice, but because they were thrilled you were back after being gone for so long.  You received visits from Izuku, Mirio, Ochaco, Shoto, Tenya, Tsuyu, and you even received a surprise visit from Katsuki.  However, you don't believe that was his choice alone; he seemed to be coaxed into it by Denki and Eijiro, who were both standing in the doorway as he came inside.  
"You're back," is all Katsuki said. "I am," you simply replied.  "Well, alright then. Come on losers, let's go back to class," Katsuki said to the others.  As the three of them were leaving, Denki turned around and said, "I think I speak for Bakugo when I say that we're really happy you're back, Miss L/N."  That earned him a punch in the arm by Katsuki, who yelled, "SHUT UP, LOSER!  I SAID LET'S GET BACK TO CLASS!"  Denki and Eijiro waved as they were leaving, and you couldn't help but laugh.  "It's nice to see that things haven't changed around here, Ryo."  He just grunted in response to you, but you could also tell he was happy you were back.
The school day eventually ended, and many of the teachers, including Shouta and Toshinori, were holding an evening training session with Class 1-A.  You decided to take this opportunity to go grocery shopping, and fill up the empty refrigerator and cabinets in your dorm.  As you were getting ready to head out, you ran into Hizashi.  "Hey, Hizashi!  What are you up to tonight?  Are you part of the training session they're holding with the students?"  He replied, "nahhh, they don't need me for the kind of training they're doing tonight.  I was just going to head home and come up with some ideas for Friday night's radio show.  Ya know, come up with some good bops.  What are you up to?"  You smiled at him, "nothing nearly as exciting as you, I'm just going to the grocery store."
"Yo!  Do you actually mind if I joined you?  I do need to grab a few things for my dorm," he asked you.  "Of course not," you replied.  You two walked back to the campus together, and naturally, he did most of the talking, which you were fine with.  Today was a good day, but it was a bit overstimulating.  You guys arrived at the campus, hopped in your car, and headed to the grocery store, which was about ten minutes away.  
When you arrived at the store, you both agreed to meet at the front of the store in half an hour after you both grabbed what you needed.  You grabbed your items, paid for them, and met Hizashi at the front of the store, as agreed.  He didn't have nearly as many items as you did; you felt badly for making him wait.  However, waiting didn't seem to phase him whatsoever, as he was just standing there smiling and whistling to himself.  You two walked back to your car with your belongings, and made the descent back to the dorms.
You trusted Hizashi; he's become a great friend to you over the years, and you felt like you could trust him with what's been on your mind the last day or so.  Normally, this is a conversation you'd have with a female friend, such as Nemuri.  As much as you loved her, though, she could NOT keep her mouth shut about anything, whereas you knew Hizashi would keep what you said between the two of you.  So, while you were driving, you asked, "Hey Hizashi, can I tell you something?"  He instantly replied, "sure thing.  What's on your mind, toots?"  
You first stated how what you were about to tell him must stay between the two of you, and you swore him to secrecy.  You then went on to explain how much you missed Mirai and thought of him every moment, but over the past day or so, you've developed...something for Shouta.  You explained that you weren't necessarily developing feelings for him, but you talked about how you felt when he hugged you last night, and the way you felt when you kept bumping into him earlier this morning.  You didn't go into explicit detail by any means, but you also told him that you dreamt of him last night.
You finished your tale right just as you pulled into the dorms.  You turned off your car, turned to look at him, and asked him "what are your thoughts on this?  Please be honest."  Hizashi looked thoughtful for a moment, before finally spitting out the very last thing you expected to hear.  "Girl, I can't say I'm surprised.  Eraser's had feelings for you for years now."  You just gawked at him for what felt like hours, when you finally blurted out, "what?????"
To be continued!
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kurisus · 9 months
Noragami reread: Volume 19 & 20 thoughts
On to the next batch of pain.
But really, ouchies. First we have the resolution of the covenant (or trial by pledge)--and if you weren't around for that month-long wait, it was AWFUL. A month of speculating about Daikoku's odds because how good could his luck be if he belongs to someone with notoriously bad luck? Also a month of speculating about Yukine's fate, and his past, and generally being miserable. It was a TIME.
Anyway, the trial resolves with no one dying on either side, and since the rules weren't super clearly outlined, I'm relying heavily on what the official translation states to draw my conclusion. Basically, Amaterasu says the trial judges the actions of Bishamon, Yato, and Yukine. Assuming respectiveness, I think the order is key. The first trial, for Bishamon, found her in the wrong. This is in line with what everyone else says about her decision to name Nana--it's objectively risky to brand herself a traitor to hunt the crafter, and treasonous to attack a bunch of gods simply for being in the way. Even though her motivations make perfect sense.
Contrast this outcome to Yato and Yukine, both of whom were dragged into this mess and did what they could. So my personal theory is that's why the trial panned out the way it did. I could be totally misinterpreting it! But since we'll likely never get an explanation, that's what I'll go with.
I know there were some complaints that no one did die, but on a reread I kinda disagree. Tsuyu isn't a super plot relevant character, but that's my point. Noragami rarely kills off its characters, and each death has huge ramifications. Tsuyu's permanent death would accomplish...what, exactly? Plus she's a plum spirit, not a proper shinki. She shouldn't die in the same way as them.
Furthermore, Yato says "your shinki are not a set of dice," aka something to be gambled with. In gambling, you don't lose your dice, you lose your money or chips.
Anyway Yukine's reaction to being freed makes me want to blow up. He's suffering from mad PTSD, but still takes the time to let Yato know how grateful he is that he was there. Crying and sobbing.
The Kunimi chapter is a fun time. Except for the part where he talks about death being the end of memories. That was not fun.
The birthday chapter is everything to me but it also makes me want to wither away. I'm forever upset about Bishamon and Kazuma not being there, although Take and Kiun is the funniest possible replacement.
And then we get to chapter 75, which always makes me want to blow up. Adachitoka returned from hiatus and dropped this absolute banger of a chapter on us-- it's all about the ways in which love ruins the dynamics of near and far shore, tied up with Yato finally deciding to go after his dad. Sobbing etc.
In the following volume, we see a flashback of Yato explaining Father's origins to Amaterasu, followed by his vow to defeat him. He's thinking, as he says this, that it's the end for them both, and he will fade away too. In general Yato does a lot of musing on his own mortality in this volume, since just after this he sadly realizes he won't make it till spring. Blowing up once more.
Hiyori also does some musing on her own mortality this volume, after Tenjin talks to her about what Kazuma said. Kazuma wants to be loved in a human way, and it has ruined him. Tenjin again chides Hiyori for being too involved with the gods, and she wonders what would be better--if she forgets Yato whether she lives or dies, it'll be like they never met at all. SO SHE HAS TO REMEMBER HIM, RIGHT?! RIGHT?!?!?!?! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING
Still don't entirely remember what trash dad was doing at her house, but fuck him.
Yato naming Kazuma is just really sad on all levels. Neither of them wanted to do it but they're left with no choice, so they nip at each other the whole time. Despite this, Yato empathizes with Kazuma's tragic life, and notes that it's similar to Yukine's. Because they've been two different types of hafuri this whole story, but they have a lot in common too. Is anyone else clawing at the walls?
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onegianthotmess · 1 year
PROLOGUE - Moving Day
Eurydice sighed as she packed up her suitcase for the car. She didn’t want to move away from her home and her friends, especially to a whole different state that was hours and hours away.
“Eurydice,” the raven haired girl’s mother, Lilith, said as she quietly entered her daughter’s room. “Could you be a bit quicker in packing your suitcase? I just don’t want us to be late for leaving.”
“Okay, Momma,” Eurydice mumbled in response, folding her clothes and packing them up a bit faster now.
“Thank you, dear,” Lilith smiled. “I love you.”
Eurydice didn’t respond verbally, only giving a nod and a hum as a response while she packed up her suitcase. Lilith’s soft smile fell a bit, but she just quietly left her daughter’s room, knowing that she wasn’t taking the move too well.
After a few minutes, Eurydice was done packing up her suitcase and loaded it into the car while her mother was waiting beside her.
“They’re taking forever to get here,” Eurydice mumbled. “A ten minute walk with a few suitcases shouldn’t take this long.”
“You know how sleepy your uncle and cousin are, love. We just have to be patient,” Lilith smiled, patting her daughter on the head. Just as the raven haired girl was about to sigh, her mother perked up. “Look! There they are now!”
Eurydice looked up to see her uncle, Shouta Aizawa, and his adoptive son, Hitoshi Shinsou, slowly walking with suitcases towards them. And, though it took a minute for Eurydice to notice, holding Hitoshi’s free hand was the newest adoptive member of their family, Eri. The three eventually made their way to the two and Lilith smiled while Eurydice remained blank faced.
“What’s with the resting bitch face?” Hitoshi asked.
“Language, Hitoshi. You’re literally holding Eri’s hand right now,” Shouta sighed.
“What’s with the raccoon eyes and living-in-a-bush man hair?” Eurydice replied to her cousin, both of them ignoring Shouta. The raven haired girl was usually polite and smiling like her mother, but this move was definitely putting a damper on her mood and making her more snippy,
“Well, it’s nice that you two still get along,” Lilith smiled before she turned to her adoptive older brother. “It’s good to see you, Shouta. How have you been?”
“Tired. Very tired,” the dark haired man sighed in response.
Lilith laughed lightly before she looked to the suitcases Shouta and Hitoshi had. “Well, we better pack up quickly so you and ‘Toshi can nap in the car.”
Hitoshi let go of Eri’s hand and the girl immediately went over to latch onto Eurydice’s leg with a big bright smile, her light blue strands of hair falling across her face as her red eyes sparkled. Not wanting to be mean to the sweet girl, Eurydice just smiled at Eri, moving her hair out of her face before patting her on the head. Seeing the smaller girl was satisfied with the small about of affection she’d received, the older girl’s lilac colored eyes moved over to her mother, uncle, and cousin all loading up the suitcases they had into the car and installing Eri’s car seat due to the girl being so small.
Eurydice jumped a bit as she felt a vibration in her back pocket, her jumping startling her cousin.
“Are you okay?” Eri asked softly.
“I’m fine, Eri,” Eurydice smiled, trying to avoid being yelled at for possibly making Eri cry, as she pulled out her phone from her back pocket. “It was just my phone.”
Eri nodded, about to go back to hugging the older girl’s leg before Shouta called her to the car, making her run towards her adoptive father.
Eurydice sighed as her younger cousin left before she turned to look down at her phone. It was a group chat she had with a group kids, a few of them a couple years older than her, that she’d been friends with since she was about four or five. The few kids her age in the chat were mostly girls, Ochako Uraraka, Kyouka Jirou, and Tsuyu Asui, but there were a couple of boys her age in there, too, like Hanta Sero and Fumikage Tokoyami. There were three kids in the chat that were all two years older and were sort of the older siblings of the group, Nejire Hadou, Mirio Togata, and Tamaki Amajiki.
The chat was full of messages to Eurydice, everyone saying goodbye and how they hope to see her next summer when they visit her. The ravenette smiled, typing out a thank you and farewell message to everyone else. She really didn’t want to leave them, but she didn’t have a choice.
“Eurydice! Time to go!” Lilith called from the car that everyone else was seated in.
Eurydice sighed, pocketing her phone and trudging over to the car. She didn’t see much point in moving with everyone else. They had more fun and talked more without her in the mix, she didn’t know why she was kept around.
Sighing as she buckled her seatbelt, the ravenette pulled her headphones out from her other pocket and put them into her ears. Better to listen to music than her mother, uncle, and cousins having more fun without her in the conversation.
And with a sigh, Eurydice closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep to the sound of her music as her home and old life were left behind.
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lunathewafflelord · 2 years
So, now that Tsuyu and Chizuru are becoming playable soon, the only NPC magical girl in the game (not counting Mabayu) that hasn’t become playable is Yu. She’s especially yu-nique in that she doesn’t have a “full” live2d sprite, currently just having a typical NPC girl base but with a unique expression and some clothes.
She hasn’t appeared again since the Nagisa’s Wish event. She has a pretty interesting backstory, too.  I wonder if she’s ever going to become playable, or at least have her full design revealed? She’s pretty much the only magical girl with a unique live2D sprite who hasn’t been made playable, since as of now all the characters who have appeared as NPCs with unique sprites have become playable…
But where’s Yu?
She does share some design traits with Yuna, they’re both yellow and have a horn. They also both have “Yu” in their name, which raises the question… do they have any connection to each other?
I hope Yu appears again someday and isn’t just forgotten forever, she’s a pretty interesting character and hasn’t been seen in years! Anyone else hoping she returns? Gotta wonder if the developers forgot she existed..
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gentrychild · 3 years
the au ask: uh, not sure how this works, but, let's say an au where the slime incident never happens?
Anon, no! I have about five AUs for that! You could at least tell me if you want it to be angst or crack!
More seriously, it's such a fun prompt because it avoids All Might telling Izuku he can't be a hero without a quirk, which is the start of so many vigilante/villain/quirkless Izukus.
But since I am a benevolent writer, I will not talk about the AU where Tsuyu and Mineta dies, then Iida, then Kota, then Mirio, Eri isn't saved, and so on.
Okay, it got really long so it's under a Read More.
All Might arrests the Slime villain before he gets in the sewers so neither Izuku nor Bakugou are attacked by him. The problem is that it also means that All Might never meets Izuku, never break his little heart, and Izuku never has the chance to prove his worth to All Might so no OFA.
Life goes on. Izuku still wants to become a hero. However, since his homeroom teacher told his entire class that he wanted to go to UA, his entire class, led by Bakugou, has decided to make his life a living hell over it. Constant taunting and people laughing at him.
It takes its toll on him.
He still doesn't doubt that a quirkless hero can exist but the more days, weeks, months pass, the more he keeps thinking of how easier it would be if he had a quirk.
A dangerous thought. One he usually doesn't allow himself to think because why whine about what is impossible to have? But one boy can only take "What a useless quirkless Deku like you do?" before he starts to get haunted by strange thoughts. Cough... urges... Cough.
It also makes him eager to prove himself. Maybe that's why he intervenes that evening when he sees a villain trying to hurt someone. Except that once the civilian he helped is running to call a hero, he is reminded that he is a smol child made of only skin and bones and that the guy in front of him is about to bash his head in.
He tries to protect himself, his hand grabbing the villain by the head and in this moment, as he is sure that he is about to be killed, he thinks the one selfish thought that he ever thought:
"It's unfair... that this quirk belongs to someone like you... instead of me."
And just like that, Izuku takes a quirk for the first time.
The villain runs in terror and Izuku runs (in the other direction) in confusion. Soon, it's pretty clear that he apparently had the ability to take and give quirks (thank you, Mom, who has volunteered to try the villain's quirk. Though it's strange how she keeps trying to call someone on her phone these days. But it's probably not important.) Which is a very cool quirk.
Izuku now has to pass from "No quirk at all" to "Can have whatever quirk he wants", which is quite dizzying.
He is so fired up for the UA exam, five months from then. Ridiculously happy bean.
Meanwhile, Mirio gets OFA because no successor showed the self sacrificial spirit that could have inspired All Might and both GT and Nighteye kinda pressures him into choosing a successor ASAP.
This has disastrous consequences as OFA is way too powerful for Mirio and starts to put an insane strain on his body. One month later, while fighting a villain (he has his hero license), he collapses on the side of the road, black lines all over his body as the quirk is killing him.
Izuku finds him and calls an ambulance ASAP but Mirio is is really bad shape. He asks him what happened and Mirio, half delirious, tells him that his quirk is killing him.
Izuku is very "????" but he can help! He can take the quirk away! But Lemillion would be quirkless! He can't take this decision! But Mirio can so he asks.
Mirio is half conscious. Completely in pain. He didn't even want that quirk. He likes Permeation. So, half delirious as he was, he might have mumbled something like "Take that thing out of me."
Izuku does, realizes that Mirio has two quirks so he leaves him the one that doesn't feel as heavy as a freaking dwarf star. Lemillion immediately starts to stop looking like he will drop dead any moment from now and the ambulance arrives, taking the hero student away.
Since Izuku doesn't have the All Might telling him that OFA is a good quirk, he acts like a sensible person: this quirk doesn't feel normal and it apparently kills its user. So he waits about 20 seconds before getting rid of it. He finds a nice and sturdy lizard, who, unbeknownst to everyone, becomes the 10th user of OFA.
The quirk comes back to Izuku.
Quirks aren't supposed to do that.
The freaking quirk is cursed. Izuku accepted a cursed quirk.
I cannot begin to describe how Izuku doesn't trust OFA in this AU. He doesn't use it. He intensively dislikes it. He tries everything and more to get rid of it but no matter what living organism he selects, the damn thing keeps coming back.
Meanwhile, Mirio wakes up from the hospital alive :) then remembers he gave a host-killing-quirk to a smol child. O.O
Panic ensues.
All Might realizes that whoever took OFA put his hand on Mirio's head, the same way AFO does. So it was probably AFO with a fun new shapeshifting quirk.
More panic ensues.
Meanwhile, AFO, alive indeed and who has been watching Mirio wastes away and enjoying the hell out of it (though he would have preferred it had happened one generation sooner) is furious that Yagi 2.0 isn't dying anymore because it means OFA passed to someone else! And since everyone in the OFAteam is quite panicked, they apparently lost the quirk he gave his little brother!
He gets so upset about it that he somehow misses the hundred of phonecalls from his wife.
So AFO and All Might alike are looking for someone with OFA but since Izuku just isn't using it, they aren't finding it.
Meanwhile, the Vestiges went from "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, SOMEONE WITH AFO!!!! AHHHHHH!" to "What do you mean: You don't want to use us? We're not good enough for you???"
So OFA is doing the quirk equivalent of a cat purring and showing its belly so it can get some pet.
Izuku: "You know what? I know it's a trap but since I don't want to outright call a quirk evil, I will give you one chance to prove to me you're not a cursed power that wants my death."
Cue two broken legs.
Well, that's it. Izuku gave that nasty quirk the benefit of the doubt. He is never using it again. And since the damn thing is trying to contaminate his other quirks, he is vaulting it forever!
The irony is not lost on First.
The day of the entrance exam arrives and Izuku does quite well with his good, non cursed quirks, thank you very much.
And as he is leaving, he sees Lemillion! He is happy to see him in good health! He waves at him!
Meanwhile, Mirio spent the last five months trying to find that awful quirk he lost. He was half convinced he had given him to the Symbol of Evil and had trouble seeing the problem because if OFA would eat AFO, where was the problem? He is wondering if he condemned a kid to death. He Is Going Through A Lot.
He wants to say so many things, ask so many questions. And the one thing he manages to blurt out is "GET HIM!"
Tamaki and Nejire immediately shoulder slam a small child. They didn't even hesitate.
That's the story of how the Mighty team found OFA again.
Izuku loves hanging out with All Might but not even him can convince him that the quirk isn't cursed.
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takamishinko · 3 years
could I pls request the bakusquad with a close FTM friend . their friend is pretty insecure about his chest . he’s also insecure about what people would think of him being trans . how would the bakusquad react if someone Mineta said something nasty to him ? if you’re uncomfortable w/ this request , feel free to ignore it , I don’t want to make you uncomfortable
have a wonderful day / noon / night 💞
sure u can! hope u have a wonderful day/noon/night too :)
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a/n: this is my writing content for ftm readers i hope i don't offend anyone!
pronouns: he/him, ftm!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of pre-transition, transphobic phrases, sexual harassment, and mineta
you were pretty close friends with the whole bakusquad, close enough to the point where they would not hesitate to throw hands if someone messed with you. they know about your situation and they completely accept you for it. 
they all took the news better than you expected. mina was super excited when you first came out to her and even though she had a big mouth she kept yours a secret because she knew how important this was to you, plus you might have not been comfortable about others knowing about it yet. sero was super chill about it and kirishima called you manly right after you came out to him. kaminari on the other hand was having an internal war with himself since he thought you were both pretty and handsome before and after. last but not least, bakugou hit you with a "ha? i don’t care as long as you’re still strong." after you told him.
all the reassuring comments your friends gave you made you feel a lot better about yourself. you had also told some of your other friends in the class like midoriya, uraraka, iida, and asui. they all supported you and since class 1A is pretty open about subjects like this you had nothing to worry about. 
however, just because most people have reassured it didn’t mean that you’d just suddenly  feel better right away. in a way you still felt different. you were still insecure about what other people around you would think about you, especially your chest area since your hero costume made them very obvious that they've gone through transition before. harsh comments from insensitive bastards still scar your mind deeply. their hurtful words pierced through your heart and mind.
"you'll never be a real boy."
"you're not normal." 
words like this break you down bit by bit and destroy your self esteem until you're left feeling worthless and defeated. people like this played a big role in why you never confided anyone in your secret. you feared that they would repeat these words, especially your dear classmates.
after school,  sero, kaminari, kirishima, and bakugou had left to do some training while you, mina, and some other people had stayed behind to help clean up and chill in the classroom. it was a nice way to ease yourself. mina was cheerful and funny teasing uraraka about deku, while you and tsuyu were chattering about the test that you took and guessing what mark you both received. 
you decided to stay behind a little in class after everyone returned to the dorms. you hummed while watching the sunset. it was a good environment to do some studying in, quiet and peaceful, seeing as there was an important test coming up.
you were just about to start packing up after finishing the last question on the review page until you saw a short purple figure pop up next to the door. it was mineta, the class pervert that everyone tried to stay away from. you didn't like mineta obviously, no one did. you didn’t exactly want to talk to him but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he wasn’t here to be grotesque.
why was he just standing there eyeing you up and down? an uncomfortable pricking sensation washed over you so while packing up, you decided to speak to break the awkward silence. "hello mineta, can i help you?" 
mineta wore a smug look before the corner of his lips lifted into a snide grin.
"hey~ d/nnn." he mocked, holding the last letter of your previous name.
your heart fell into your stomach at his words. why the hell was he bringing up your deadname? you balled your shaking fists and tried to calm down before you mauled the smug grape with your quirk.
"it's y/n, and if you don't have anything to say i wanna go back to the dorms." you speak with feigned courtesy as you finished backing up, scooting out of your chair.
"alright alright y/n whatever. say~ what are you doing by yourself all alone in the classroom at this time. perhaps you were waiting for someone?" mineta sing-songed while walking closer to you.
"i was just trying to get some homework finished,” you grit out. “do you mind moving? i would like to leave-" 
before you could even finish your sentence you see drool coming out of minetas mouth and his hands doing the signature grabby grabby while his eyes practically drowned in your chest area.
"you’ve probably got a nice pair of boobs huh? even if they’re flat." 
mineta mentioning that certain body part broke you. the tears immediately started to accumulate under your eyes, on the edge of spilling. you could've easily pushed mineta away due to how much smaller he was than you, but you didn't have the strength to. you felt even weaker than him and didn't have the will to fight back, your limbs being reduced to jelly. you felt helpless.
mineta on the other hand felt powerful, someone like you with a strong quirk being reduced to something akin to a quivering rabbit gave him a sick sense of pleasure. just when mineta was about to place his hands on you a certain spiky haired blonde rushed into the room and lifted mineta away from you.
"OI SMALL FRY! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR HANDS GOING HUH??" bakugou snarled at the midget followed with a strong blast.
kirishima, kaminari, and sero quickly ran into the room. mr. aizawa followed up upon hearing the commotion. his eyes scanned over your distressed form before looking over at a shaken mineta. he assessed the situation and let out a sigh, hands pinching the bridge of his nose.
"mineta, my office, right now." he spoke, voice lacking any sort of amusement.
"b-but" mineta stuttered out.
mineta froze at the tone of mr. aizawa's voice and left the room with him, his head down. before aizawa left he gave you an apologetic look and told you he'd come back later to talk to you. kaminari followed them out to listen in.
kirishima grabbed your arm gently and sat you down on the chair. "y/n you okay man? he didn't touch you anywhere right?" he questioned worriedly.
"i’m gonna turn that guy into a cocoon, i swear." sero followed up.
you were incredibly surprised at what just almost happened. you almost got harassed by a midget grape but thank goodness your friends were there to save you from him.
"thanks guys." you muttered out while wiping away stray tears.
"of course man! we're always here for you, bakugou heard mineta all the way from across the hall when we came back to grab our stuff and immediately rushed over! you should've seen him, it was like he was running for his life!" kirishima said, chuckling. 
bakugou rolled his eyes. "shut up shitty hair, he's in need, of course i’m gonna sprint over. if he ever says that shit to you again, i’ll beat that little fucker up again. 
"well you won't have to worry about that anymore because i went to eavesdrop and mr. aizawa said he’s under house arrest for a long time for attempting to sexually harass a classmate." denki’s cheery voice rings out as he walks into the classroom while pointing finger guns at all of you. 
your eyes lit up from hearing the good news.
"hey y/n if anyone messes with you be sure to let us know ok?" sero smiles as he puts a hand on your shoulder.
"you're like a brother to us and we won't hesitate to fight anyone who dares to do something like what mineta just did." kirishima spoke, grinning.
"you're perfect just the way you are y/n, and we love you for that! who the hell cares about what others think of you. just be yourself and everyone else will love ya." denki followed up with a smirk.
"dunce face is right, don't worry ‘bout anyone else, not even us if you don't want to. if you're still feeling down i can blast dunce face if you want." bakugou said while chuckling evilly. 
the room filled with laughter at kaminari’s protests.  thanked your friends for being there for you. you couldn't have asked for a better friend group than them. after a while, the five of you walk back to the dorms. you smile to yourself while the other four bicker and laugh, you wished to live in this moment forever.
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Hii! i was wondering if i could do either Kirishima x Fem! Reader or Iida x Fem! reader? Something that has been stuck in my mind forever is taking a small piece of chocolate and like, leaving it on the tip of your lips and having s/o kiss you and take half of it. Kinda like a sweet moment type thing. Idk- i hope you have a good day!!
Literally sweet moment lol
Kirishima and Iida sharing a sweet chocolate kiss with their S/O
Reader here is female
Starter for both
You recently bought really nice chocolate and sharing nice things with your love is something normal to do.
What you also recently did was hearing about a certain type of kiss. It was a sign so you called your boyfriend to your dorm.
Of course that was without telling the reason.
Eijiro Kirishima
It didn't take long before you could hear a knock on your door.
When you asked him if he wanted to try some good chocolate he was all for it. Of course he didn't expect what would follow that question.
At first he was confused when you just placed a piece on your lips but within seconds he connected the dots.
He was blushing to say the least but he won't turn you down. After all having an opportunity to kiss you is a good opportunity to take.
He usually isn't that flustered but it's just that he didn't expect it. So after first try he couldn't get enough.
So you weren't only covered with his kisses but also with chocolate.
Tenya Iida
Like always whenever you called him he dropped everything to see you. He asked if you needed any help or anything of the sorts from him.
So you told him your reason- you just wanted him to try a very tasty chocolate. Since he trusts your tastes he agreed immediately.
And when you placed it on your lips he wanted to do the same for a moment but then he asked if this meant what he thought you meant.
Your eyes were enough to tell the tale to say the least... Your gaze was inviting.
So he kissed you. He wasn't much hesitant but he sure was flustered about it afterwards.
~Mod Tsuyu
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izukuwus · 3 years
Edible Arrangements: Twenty-Third Bite: Working On It
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
A/N: happy fuckin uhhhhhhh august
thanks to @bring-me-tea​ for beta reading as always!
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Chapter summary: After several days of recovery, you finally return to classes and confront your problems head-on. Also, you get asked on a date.
Warnings: talks of murder, permanent injuries, mild trauma that’s not super delved into, confrontation, some food mentions, ambiguously healthy interpersonal decision-making
Word count: 4600+
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You are alone.
It took what felt like ages to be able to do this, just to be able to wake up in the morning, get dressed, and grab your bag to drive to class. It's been a week, closer to two, and you have to start going to class again. You have to.
Izuku sits across the room, laptop perched on his lap. He glances at you when you stop at the door, tilts his head in concern. "Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah. I mean, Tenya's clear and attending classes again, and he got way more fucked up than me. I just... I can't stay out of class forever."
"Well, no, but..."
"I can handle it," you say quietly, mostly to yourself. "I have to."
"Okay... Call me if you need me, okay?" His brow is furrowed. You can tell he doesn’t want to let you go, but you... you’re going to be strong.
You nod and leave him, determined to face the day alone.
You can't do this.
There is one outstanding, key factor that you didn't consider about returning to classes today:
Neito Monoma sits, unusually quiet, outside the classroom before the prior class lets out. He stares at the ground, hardly acknowledging when a classmate attempts to garner his attention. He waves them off, then his eyes land on you on his way back to staring at the floor.
You freeze.
No, no, you can't have a panic attack here. There's too many people, and you need to get back to attending class. Just because Tenya and Izuku are working together to secure a doctor's note explaining your absence (although you're sure the burns on your arms would be more than enough to get your absences struck from your grades) doesn't mean you can skip class forever.
Tenya is strong. You can be, too.
You lean against the far wall, avert your eyes from Neito and glue them firmly to your phone. Mina and Tsuyu (and even occasionally Izuku, Tenya, and Hitoshi) have been texting you throughout the day, ever since you mentioned you wanted to come back to classes today. Their texts calm you, but still your eyes dart to watch Neito in between texts.
Every time he speaks to someone else, he glows a little brighter. You can't bring yourself to think too hard on why—you're focused on the sensation of pain as you pointedly grip your forearm to keep yourself grounded and typing back a suitably calm-sounding message to the group chat.
You're restless, ready to run at any given moment. Alarm bells screaming in your head at his presence, begging you to get away from him.
You turn, ready to bolt, only to make eye contact with your ever-bedraggled professor.
A sigh.
No escape now.
You approach him, taking measured breaths. "Professor!"
He releases his own sigh. "[surname]. You've been missing from both of my classes for the past week or so."
You laugh nervously. "Uh, yeah, about that, actually!" You hold up your bandaged arms. "I had something of... an accident? I've been recovering from my injuries and helping take care of my friend, who also got hurt during it, and I'm working on getting documentation, but the hospital's being weird about it, and—"
"Come see me during my office hours. We'll discuss all this then."
You nod, sliding your phone into your pocket. "Yeah, sure! Thank you for understanding, I'll be there."
He walks past you, and you exhale. Your neck has been itching that entire time—a brief respite, followed by the itch returning.
You hope you haven't got a rash of some sort.
"[surname]. Take a seat."
You set your bag down and take a seat, as instructed. Dr. Aizawa finishes whatever he's typing before looking at you fully, and as your neck begins to itch, you begin to understand a little.
"There's rumors floating around that last week, two students were attacked by another pair of students." He's always so dry when he speaks, as if he's entirely unamused by whatever it is he's talking about at the time. Right now is no different, although he does seem to be at least mildly interested in what you have to say.
"Oh?" You shift uncomfortably, placing a hand over the bites on one side of your neck.
“The details are annoyingly fuzzy, but that’s the basic jist of it. But, as I’m sure you’re well aware with your quirk, the truth is a little more complicated than a simple assault.”
You nod silently, fighting the urge to check your phone.
"Here's my question: Did two vampire hunters attack two vampires, a vampire and a human, or two humans?"
There's little revelation to be had in Dr. Aizawa casually dropping the idea of vampires into the conversation. Not so long as your half-formed theory about your bite marks itching was right.
"They... They attacked a vampire and a human."
"I don't suppose you've heard anything about the vampire in the equation?"
"He's okay. He made a full recovery."
"And I don't suppose you're aware that you're not fully human."
The accusation stings. He’s got his fingers laced together in front of his face, biting gaze looking right through any lie you might have been inclined to tell. "I know I've been enthralled, but I don't know who by or what they did. I also know that that's the reason my arm ended up like this."
"You're more knowledgeable than the average human is supposed to be."
"I'm not an average human."
"Final question. I can make some guesses, but how did one of the vampire hunters who attacked you end up a vampire before any of you came back to class?"
"What?" You jolt, the surprised noise the only breath you can manage. 
"Today was his first day back. His mark isn't visible, but I've seen enough fledglings to know the signs."
"You must be mistaken. There's no way, Izuku and I have been together this whole time, Tenya's not been gone long enough even with his quirk, Hitoshi—" Your train of thought squeals to a stop.
"If I had to guess, someone tried to exact revenge for the attack on me and my friend."
"And yet, they left him alive."
"I don't... I thought being a vampire meant you were technically dead?"
"It’s more like, you've died, but didn't stay dead. In any case, I've confirmed what I needed to know.” He sighs slow and long, rubbing his temples with one hand. “You and Monoma will both have your absences excused from the past week. There is, however, an unfortunate matter."
You tilt your head. "Huh?"
"Groups for the semester project. Both of you missed signups. Normally, I'd just stick you both in the same group and ignore any emails complaining about your group assignments, but given your circumstances..."
"I'll be okay. I mean, it's gonna suck, but... Well, I mean, it can't be... I don't think he..." You sigh. "Can I speak with him before deciding what to do?"
"You want to speak with him." He raises an eyebrow, leaning back in his seat. "He attacked you, unprovoked, and you want to speak with him."
You clam up a little, nodding as you stare pointedly at the edge of Dr. Aizawa's desk. "I mean... he thought what he was doing was right. I have to... Maybe, now that he's... now that he's done this, and he's like that... maybe he's realized why it wasn't."
“He tried to kill your friend. He very well could have killed you, too. Do you not have any sense of self-preservation?”
“Well, I mean... He’s...” Your stomach turns. “Please don’t make me question myself. I want to talk to him before I make any decisions. If you’d rather I make the decision now, that’s fine, but I’m not going to not want to talk to him.”
"You're fairly naive." It's not meant to be an insult, just a simple observation. "Most vampires unlearn that pretty quickly. You’d do well to do the same.”
You tilt your head. "I'm not a vampire, professor. More than anything, I just want to understand."
For half a second, you think he might be smiling. Just as fast, he’s back to his neutral, exhausted expression. "Alright. You can speak with him first. But don’t take your time; I need to know by the end of the week what you’re going to do about the project. Everyone else should already be choosing their topics.”
You nod. “Right...”
“Email me once you've made your decision. It wouldn't be easy by any means, but I imagine it'd be easier to do the project alone than work with someone who’s assaulted you.
"It... it shouldn't be a big deal. Thank you for your concern, I'll let you know when I've made my decision."
"Take care of yourself, [surname]." ~ Izuku is nowhere to be seen when you arrive home. You imagine he's downstairs, or in his office somewhere. Still, you call out for him, and he doesn't respond, so you make your way to the library to study and try not to think about the day.
It lasts about five minutes before you decide that there's no real way you can't think about your day. Five more before you set down your book and reach for your phone.
occult weirdo to Vampire, but Annoying at 2:54PM
occult weirdo: hey
occult weirdo: I have a question for you.
Vampire, but Annoying: what's up?
occult weirdo: why is neito a vampire now?
Vampire, but Annoying: what
occult weirdo: he was in class today. acting shady, lying to everyone.
occult weirdo: I talked to dr. aizawa about my absence and he knew about the attack
occult weirdo: asked if I had any idea why one of my attackers has become a vampire since it happened.
Vampire, but Annoying: ok well
Vampire, but Annoying: I know what happened to him but I have nothing to do with it
occult weirdo: you don't.
occult weirdo: check how much I believe you right now
Vampire, but Annoying: I don't. Itsuka asked to be the one to talk to him.
Vampire, but Annoying: I handled Ibara
occult weirdo: tell me she's not been turned too
Vampire, but Annoying: she hasn't
Vampire, but Annoying: I enthralled her
occult weirdo: how bad?
Vampire, but Annoying: all I did was make it so she doesn't think vampires have to die anymore
Vampire, but Annoying: promise
occult weirdo: ...okay.
occult weirdo: I'm gonna interrogate you about this again later, in person
occult weirdo: now I have to figure out what the hell to do about neito
Vampire, but Annoying: I mean, he's got enough to deal with right now
Vampire, but Annoying: if itsuka really turned him, he's probably having a hell of a time trying to cope
occult weirdo: well that doesn't mean that my absence didn't result in me not getting paired with him for the semester project so I kinda still gotta deal with him
Vampire, but Annoying: oh shit
Vampire, but Annoying: that sucks
Vampire, but Annoying: what are you gonna do?
occult weirdo: talk to him
Vampire, but Annoying: well that's a stupid plan
occult weirdo: well it's my plan and I'm using it
Vampire, but Annoying: good luck I guess
occult weirdo: thanks
occult weirdo: I've gotta go, but thanks for being honest (?) with me
Izuku's head pokes into the library. "Hey. How was class?"
You sigh, hug your arms close to yourself. "Well..." You think of the look on Neito's face as he lied, lied to everyone around him. How scared he seemed. How scared you felt. "No."
"No?" He stifles a laugh. "That... that wasn't a response to the question, [name]. What happened?"
"Neito was in class."
The smile drops off his lips. "The guy who..."
"He's a vampire now."
He blinks slowly. "He is?"
You nod. "And I either have to do a massive semester project on my own, or work with him."
"What? Why?"
"We both missed signups, so we get automatically stuck together..."
Izuku doesn't seem quite sure how to respond to that, except to give you a sad look. "Do you want help on the project, since you'll be doing it yourself?"
"I don't think I can get help from a professor, but thanks for the offer," you say, quirking your lips in a short-lived smile. "Besides, I... it's not... I don't think I'll be doing it alone. I want to at least try talking to him. And if things go bad, well... He taught me a tip or two on how to fight vampires, so. I'll fend him off."
"Do you think you'll have to?"
It takes you a long moment to decide on an answer. "No, not really. He... we haven't talked yet, but he seems to be taking it... well, not well, but he's certainly taking it."
"Just... please be safe, okay?"
"I will," you say. "I promise."
You shift your hands so they're out of your line of sight. You don't want to know whether your quirk pinged that or not.
"Well, I have a proposal for you."
You raise an eyebrow, finally setting your phone aside. "A proposal? Color me intrigued, Doctor Midoriya."
His cheeks flush pink. "W-well, I was thinking, and, like... Y-y'know..."
"I don't think I do."
"W-well, a lot's happened, right? And we spent a lot of time getting you settled in and everything, and sure, I-I've been buying you food and stuff..." He begins to talk with his hands. It's endearing, the way he begins to wave them about as he stammers. Reminds you of someone. "And you've got basically everything you need, but, y'know, t-this wasn't the initial deal, not really, and..."
Your heart stops as you register his words. "Are you kicking me out?"
"N-no!" His hands flail out. "No. No, I just... I-I'm supposed to be, your um, y-your ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵈᵃᵈᵈʸ, and all I've done is... give you food money and a place to stay?" Izuku’s voice pitches high at the words ‘sugar daddy’, almost impossible to pick out without a little bit of strained effort.
"You mean, keep me alive?" You stifle a laugh. "That and pay for gas. And you bought me books and a cheese danish that one time. Hot cocoa, too."
"No, I mean, that's not... Yeah, I'm doing all that, but... you've been through a lot recently, and I'm really supposed to be doing more than this, like I'm supposed to be giving you stuff, too, and all that, so... W-what I'm saying is that I could, um, there's this restaurant downtown that's apparently really good, and they have your favorite steak, a-and I could get us a reservation?"
Ah. You've been revived. Your heart races at speeds previously unmatched. "Steak?" you ask, voice pitching up. "When?"
"Well, um, I was thinking Halloween, if you're not doing anything that night?" As a matter of fact, you don't have any plans yet. "...how much steak?"
"As much as you want."
You swallow thickly, desperately trying to reign in your reaction. "What's the restaurant, again?"
"Oh, it's um, Alexander's."
"Oh." Your voice pitches high. No big deal, just the fanciest restaurant in the city that you know of. The kind where you have to know which fork to use, and know shit about wine pairings, and things like that. That restaurant. "Uh huh. Yeah, so, I don't, uh, I don't have Alexander's-worthy clothes."
"Well, obviously I'd get you something to wear. I'm not going to make you go to a place like that without buying you something to wear there."
"W-would we actually be able to get a reservation? I mean, it's so nice there, I'm sure they're fully booked for—"
"I made the reservation two weeks ago," he says, skin glowing.
You narrow your eyes. "Are you sure?"
Izuku winces. "Um, maybe closer to a month?"
"I know, I know! Just, you talked a lot about steak when we first met and I know you really like it and I thought if we were living together and doing all this stuff then maybe we could do a nice dinner every once in a while, I just didn't know how to bring it up before, and, you know, I figured if you stuck around me long enough that we could actually make the reservation, it would be a nice way to thank you..."
"Thank me?" You raise an eyebrow, surreptitiously grabbing your phone and searching up the restaurant's menu.
He rubs the back of his neck with one hand, the other nervously tugging at the edge of his shirt. "Well, yeah. It's... It's only been a month, but still, you've been here. This house feels alive now, where it used to just be the shell I rotted in. And... No one ever sticks around even this long. I've lived the past fifty years in isolation, essentially, and you broke through that. Is it wrong to thank you for those things?"
"No, I just... It seems like nothing compared to everything you do for me. I'd be happy without you doing all this for me."
"But I want to."
You finally find the menu, carefully zoom in to look it over out of the corner of your eye.
Your jaw drops when you finally see it.
"Alexander's has certified Kobe beef."
"Yes." He gives you a single nod.
"And I'm allowed to get it?"
"Of course?" he says, sounding confused.
Your phone hits your lap, menu forgotten in favor of processing what you're being offered. "Seriously?"
He nods.
"Don't worry about it! I wanted to do something nice for you, and besides, don't you think it'd be nice to get your mind off things for one night?"
You stand, yanking him into a tight hug. "Thank you. How about after class tomorrow, we go shopping and figure out how I’m going to look like anything other than a sore thumb on Halloween.”
The time passes on. You drag yourself to class the day of Halloween, prepared but dreading actually talking to your attacker.
You don't want to forgive him. You don't want to redeem him for what he's done. He hurt you, he tried to kill one of your closest friends. There's no undoing that. But... you want to believe he can do better, if only he knows that better can be done.
That, and you really don't want to do the semester project completely alone.
Maybe you're being naive. Maybe this is a stupid plan, and you should transfer to an entirely different university and take on a new name, dye your hair, and spend the rest of your life in long sleeves or putting makeup over your burnt forearm. Izuku might even spring for it, if you asked him desperately enough. 
But still, there's something in you that wants to try, and so you go to class. You sit there, the whole way through. And when he tries to book it at the end of class to avoid any of your classmates who might want to talk to him, maybe ask him about why he's so dodgy and looking so depressed throughout class, you shoot out your hurt arm and grab the strap to his bag before he can get away.
"You're not avoiding this," you say shortly. "We need to talk."
"I've done enough; I have nothing to say to you." He's short, sweet, and to the point. Nothing like his usual smug ass. 
"Yeah, well I don’t give a shit. I have something to say to you.” You drag him (almost quite literally) to the little clearing behind the EUC and push him down into the bench. "Now let's talk."
He sighs. In the natural lighting, he looks pale and sickly, with dark bags beginning to form under his eyes. "What do you want?"
Now, with him before you in a wrinkly button-down and barely-matching shorts, you second-guess this whole plan. You aren’t even quite sure what you were going to say before. Maybe you should have planned that out before dragging him out here and sitting him down.
So, for a moment, you study him. He’s studying you back, standoffish and maybe something like hurt in his eyes. It's a hot day, and you wore shorter sleeves, so his eyes seem to dance across the bandages climbing your forearm in search of an answer to some unspoken question. "Well?" His eyes land on your neck—you feel it clearly, the itch that begins to spread from his gaze. If nothing else, you can be pretty sure that’s a vampire thing.
"You attacked me. You attacked my friend."
"He was... he had you in his thrall, didn't he?" His voice sounds so broken.
You frown. "I... I don't think it was him."
He blinks, shock registering across his face. "You're sure it wasn't?"
"Well, I didn't say that, but..." You sigh. "Look. Tenya's one of my closest friends. I've known him for years, and I know he's a good person, even if he can be overbearing or... intense, at times. I find it hard to believe he would have ever done that to me."
“You can’t just trust a vampire like that. Are you dumb, or are you stupid?”
“I’m someone who knows my friends.”
He rolls his eyes. “So you’re stupid, got it.”
“At least I’m not a dumbass who thinks it’s acceptable to assault and attempt to murder innocent people.”
“They’re vampires! They’re not people!”
White-hot rage begins to bubble up at your core, and you narrow your eyes. “So what about you, then? You think you’re better than them? You think you have the right to determine who lives and dies?”
“I’m not better than anyone,” he says, “not anymore.”
“You never were. Come on, you’ve got to have had some realization that what you tried to do was wrong. Even if we admit as fact that vampires aren’t people—which is honestly just you being an asshole more than it is anything else—it's still awful to kill animals for no reason.”
“And yet, people still hunt.”
“You’re a monster.”
“How’d you guess?” He rolls his eyes. “Was it the vampirism?”
“No, it was the total lack of concern for the fact that you tried to kill my best friend and seriously injured me. Do you give a shit about other people at all?”
“You think I don’t?”
You pause. “No. I don’t. I… I think you’re someone who was trying to help, but through the wrong avenues.”
“I was.”
“So you know you were wrong.”
He scoffs. “I wouldn’t say wrong.”
“But look how you ended up.”
“Yeah. I’m a monster.”
You roll your eyes. “Look, I’ve met a lot of people with a lot of different quirks. And vampirism, it’s just like… from what I understand, it’s like a quirk you can spread. Sure, it has its downsides, but no one is a monster because of their quirk. People are made monstrous by their decisions.”
“Yeah. Right.” He seems disinterested in anything you could possibly say to him. His gaze is somewhere far away, expression all sickly pale skin and haunted eyes. When he’s not giving you smug remarks or snide retorts, he slips into something else, something damaged and scared and unsure of the entire world now that he has changed.
“Come on. We got into a massive debate about this, remember?”
He raises a weak eyebrow. “Huh?”
“It was like, week one of classes. Dr. Aizawa had us talking about monsters? You were so fucking annoying with how you were saying shit like you knew better than anyone else in class, but you were making a great point. A quirk or a quality a person has might predispose them to being bad—which is bullshit, by the way, it’s society’s perception of these qualities that drives them to badness, and we’re not debating this right now so don’t fucking try me—BUT even if one’s quirk is ‘evil’ or ‘takes advantage of others’ or any of that sort, nothing is inherently bad. Vampirism isn’t evil, but attacking and killing people and controlling their minds is. Vampirism might drive someone to doing those things, but simply being a vampire doesn’t make you a monster. You’re still the same person, you just have different dietary needs and some new abilities.”
You watch him think over the words, tentatively taking a seat on the bench beside him as he contemplates. Dimly, you wonder why the hell you’re saying any of this to him, why you’re trying to convince the most insufferable prick who also literally assaulted you of anything.
But you believe people are inherently good, so there must be something good still in him.
“I wasn’t a good person before the vampirism.”
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t be a good person.”
“I don’t want to have this conversation with you.”
You smile bitterly. “Well, maybe you should have thought of that before attempting to murder my best friend and doing this shit—” You wave your bandaged arm in front of his face. “—to my arm. Fingertips to upper arm. There’s almost no chance this will heal well enough that I don’t scar massively. If I’m not careful, it could even get infected. And it’s you and your friend’s fault.”
“What am I supposed to say?” he snaps, voice raw with withheld tears. As he continues, his voice grows steadily in volume and raw anger, wild eyes roaming over you, desperate for an answer. You try not to show how much you’re mentally shrinking back from it. “Sorry? Is sorry going to heal your arm? Will sorry keep you from facing permanent scarring? Are my good intentions going to heal that vampire’s trauma? You think anyone can come back from what I tried to do?” He seems to realize how he’s shouting, and pauses, turning away from you. “No amount of sorry or good intentions is going to make me be better than this.”
Despite your racing heart, despite the pity bubbling up in your heart at the sight of tears beading in the corners of his eyes, you hold fast. “I do want you to say sorry, actually. I want to know that the person who hurt me cares that I was hurt. Tenya and I will work through the trauma, but you’ve got to, too. This shit isn’t something you come back from. But it’s something you can move forward past. You can be better. You’re the person controlling you, aren’t you?”
He doesn’t respond, quiet sniffles floating into the clearing.
You’re not ready to relent. “I don’t want you moping about how you suck for what you did. I want sorry, and I want better, and I want to know that me and the people important to me are going to be safe with you in this city. I already know what you were trying to do. But while sorry won’t change shit, if you can’t even give me that, then yeah, you’re not going to be any better than who you are. On its own, words won’t do shit. But if you can’t even give me some half-assed words, you’re definitely not gonna start trying to be fucking better.”
He mumbles something, and at first, you don’t catch it.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“I’m sorry. I want to be better.”
“Cool. I don’t forgive you.”
His eyes are wounded when they snap to meet yours. You can’t bring yourself to feel guilty about it.
“It’s not that I don’t believe you’re sorry. Actually, I know you’re one hundred percent there. But you still assaulted me and my friend. Are you going to be a danger to anyone else?”
“No,” he says, “I won’t.”
Not a bit of him glows. Your shoulders relax a little, the tightness in your chest gently beginning to subside.
“Alright, noted. We’ll work on getting to ‘forgivable’.”
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Tags: @tooloudarts​ @sapid-rose​ @xxangelpridexx​ @warmchoccymilk​ @lirinstaalem​ @izoodles​ @my-bnha-things​ @denise-the-death-goddess​ @themerpenguin​ @sincerelybubbles​ @fudobaby​ @imabootywarrior​ @chickynn​ @fuc-kingmonkey​ @vinumumbra​ @the-secret-thief​ @lianatriestosurvive​ @kc-korra​ @kiliakit​ @hay-leeeah​ @meowkid1000​ @mha-baku-todo-deku-kiri​ @jojo-buttercup​ @starfishlovingbnha​ @neomuxuxi​ @lollawindsay​ @mrsreina​ @anime-simps-blog​ @wwwwyamd​ @omiwashere​ @emilytheeggy​ @subwayslander​ @thelittle-witch​ @sparkexplosive​ @shoutaaizawas​ @vanilladyfics​ @stargazerunlimited​ @luigisdivorcelawyer​ @chaoticevilbakugo​
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MHA Soulmate AU Dekusquad(Minus Uraraka)
weird-questions-from-an-infp-t said: Hello again, may I request soulmate au for the dekusquad? If it's too much you can just do Midoriya,todoroki, and tsuyu
A/N:I don’t write for Uraraka a lot, sorry, and I will write for Todoroki but I don’t know if I’ll be any good. I don’t know why Izuku’s was so long LOL
Characters: Izuku, Todoroki, Iida and Tsuyu Izuku (Credit to Spuky_Cat on Twitter)
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Soulmate AU: Drawing on skin Izuku and you have been soulmates since birth but sadly you two didn’t speak each other languages. You had lived and grown up in a fully english speaking household that was unable to teach you Japanese but they quickly signed you but for classes once you explained why you wished to learn so badly. Inko was able to teach Izuku a few basic english phrases she remembered from high school but also signed him up for classes as well. Once the two of you were able to communicate without a ton of errors in grammar and such it became much easy to learn about one another, hobbies, favorite things, how their day was going, etc. After begging you parents enough, they finally agreed to a family vacation to Japan. You quickly share the great news with Izuku who also couldn’t be more thrilled, asking questions like when you would be there and for how long. You let him know you will be going next week and Izuku wants to know everything like where you are staying and what not. You provide him with the info and make plans to meet up on your second day since you aren’t getting in until late on Friday afternoon and you will be tired and jet lagged. You two agree to meet up and get breakfast together as a first meeting in person and a date. Soon the fateful day comes. You hop out of your hotel bedroom and get changed into the cutest pair of clothes you have before texting Izuku. You and Izuku are the first to lock eyes as you two see each other in the hotel lobby. Izuku engulfs you in a huge huge. “You are even prettier than I imagined.” Todoroki (credit to todornotodoroki on Twitter)
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Soulmate AU: Pain If there’s one thing he hated about himself the most was the suffering he caused his soulmate. The pain of his eye burning, hero training, fighting villains. It all caused his soulmate to suffer. He had grown more tolerant of the pain he endured but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel extremely guilty over everything. One day when he was much much older, he was out on patrol as a pro hero. He started to feel extreme crushing pain around his ribs and stomach. Soon enough he got a report of a villain attack at Ueno Park in Tokyo, not far from where he was. Todoroki rushed to the park as quick as possible before noticing some villain terrorizing an innocent jogger. He was quick to defeat the villain and then head over to the jogger who was attack. Todoroki still felt an extreme pain in his side when he noticed the jogger had a broken rib. He looked at them and nearly began to cry. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”  Iida (Art credit to bakuatsukiyu on Twitter)
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Soulmate AU: Dreams You and Iida have been seeing each other and meeting each other in your dream worlds since the two of you were little. His silhouette had always been taller than you and much larger. You two of you couldn’t share names or location but both of you spoke Japanese so you two could both figure out you lived somewhere in or near Japan. The two of you came up with a small little code, “Purple really brings out your hair color.” Even if neither of you were wearing purple, it worked to figure out who was or wasn’t their soulmates. You and Iida got stared at a lot. It was almost funny how strangers looked at you as if you were insane. Both of you were big nerds and studied together. A lot of your classes seemed to go over the same material at the same time. Strange. One day as you were making your way to the cafeteria you hear the fateful question expect the man asking it was talking to one of your classmates, Reiko Yangi. You quickly live your spot in line and grab his arm. “Can you repeat that?” You ask frantically. Iida gives you a soft smile. “Your purple tights really do bring out your hair color.”  Tsuyu (Credit to Amedan1126 on Twitter)
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Soulmate AU: First Words Rabbit. Those words had been imprinted on your arm forever and you didn’t know why. In what context? Those questions were forever stuck in your mind and they weren’t answered until much later in your life. You worked for a traveling carnival/circus and today you were dressed up in your most scary costume of all, a bloody maid. It was a halloween themed carnival after all. You knew that your favorite pro hero, Froppy, and many of her friends were coming to visit. You just hoped to be able to get a chance to take a picture with her. While you were out working the main area you noticed a small group approaching your area. You hid a bti before jumping out and scaring the group, especially the green haired female who shouted a loud, “Rabbit!”
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n-blanca-archived · 4 years
↳ CLASS 1-A HC’S TO MAKE YOU SMILE (hopefully) 
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A/N: i’ve been on class-1a brainrot (yes, all of them. collectively) for SO LONG and honestly? I love it here. romance is all good and dandy but FRIENDSHIP? good shit. 
on that note, these pairings are all platonic! just little things i like about their dynamics or things i think they’d do when they hang out :) feel free to see them as romantic though, not like i can stop you :P
p.s sorry for dipping??? for like months???
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genre: fluff
warnings: minor situational angst
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→ Denki & Izuku
❑ These two boys are the other’s hype-man, totally. Kaminari absolutely does not mind sitting through Izuku’s ravings about the fluctuating hero rankings, or even just the times where Izuku mutters on and on. 
❑ Kaminari’s been ignored enough times to know that it doesn’t feel good at all to want to talk to someone and for them to sheepishly tell you they’d long since stopped listening. Izuku does the same for Denki, no question. Sometimes Denki starts talking, and he doesn’t really...stop. 
❑ But Izuku finds it’s nice to hang out with the boy, and he doesn’t mind not contributing to the conversation when Denki looks so elated to see someone listening for once. 
❑ While I will forever be the number one advocate for Bakugou tutoring Denki and finding different studying strategies that work for Denki instead of giving up on him, I think Izuku’s just as likely to do that for kami! 
❑ It’s a frustrating first session, but once Izuku’s brian suggests that Kami might just need another method of studying, he takes that idea and runs with it. 
❑ The next week, kami goes to Izuku’s room a little afraid of the freckled boy rejecting him- but to his surprise, Izuku presents him with all types of new study methods, including colored index cards and a home-made sentence reader that covered the entire page except for one line at a time.
❑ (yes, he did tear up for a second.) 
❑ They end up going through that week's chapter in half the time it usually took Denki to get a subject, and they got to play video games afterward! 
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→ Ochako & Katsuki
❑ While I don't think the boys in 1-A look down on the girls in the sense of "but they're girls so they are weaker :(" all that much- Katsuki was the first and only one really to make that clear. He didn't see her as something or someone to pity. She was an opponent and a damn capable one at that.
❑ So, yes. Maybe Ochako and Katsuki aren't exactly best friends who'd die for each other. But they’ve proven to each other that if there's someone who'll bring their all to a fight no matter the circumstance, it's each other.
❑ Ochako’s weariness when it came to Katsuki was short lived. It was kind of hard to be so...afraid of someone who treated you better than others seemed to coddle her when she told them she was a hero-in-training. 
❑ It starts small, too. At first it was just teaming up occasionally during class for spars. Then it was going to the gym after school with Katsuki and Eijirou. 
❑ Tiny little hang-outs like that then turn into joining the blonde on his morning runs every once in a while, and eventually Ochako found herself seeking out Bakugou every weekend, and the blonde seemed to be on the same mind-track, too. Every Sunday, when Ochako pulled open the front door, she spotted Katsuki, stretching out in the front lawn, waiting for her. 
❑ (and if they occasionally have breakfast together after their bi-weekly sunday training sessions, then that's their business.)
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→ Shouto & Eijirou
❑ them hanging out wasn't really ever. Expected. Like, at all.
❑ but kirishima's shown that he has a knack for weird, almost hostile awkward boys with low friend counts
❑ so shouto fits right in
❑ really it starts when Kirishima finds Shouto in the common room, staring into space. Usually he'd leave him be, but it was weird to see the boy without his group of friends joining him
❑ in an effort to get to know shouto better, kiri offers to play a few rounds of super smash bros,,, and shouto just. blinks. at him. And kiri blinked back for a second before he realizes shouto didn't know what super smash bros was
❑ and of course, to kiri, that's absolute blasphemy
❑ so kiri abandons his trip to the kitchen in favor of sitting next to shouto on the couch, and teaching him how to play as many video games as they could fit in one night
❑ (the first time kiri sees shouto laugh, he can't help the way his face splits into a grin. Todoroki, while not mean, was someone who came off as cold most of the time, so to see him so relaxed made Eijirou feel warm.)
❑ somehow it becomes a regular thing-- shouto would come downstairs, and eventually Kirishima would show up. Sometimes they were both alone, sometimes they were surrounded by their friend groups. But every time without fail, Kirishima would take his place next to shouto, hand him the blue controller that he favored, and turned on the TV to select the first game they'd be playing
❑ (watching Shouto start to gain some of Kirishima's vernacular was also an interesting - read:hilarious - experience)
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→ Mina & Yuga
❑break dancing buddies
❑ like. I'm not kidding these two have moves.
❑ well. Mina does, at least. Aoyama gets it pretty quickly but it took him a second to familiarize himself with how your body moves when your break dancing.
❑ aoyama's danced ballet most of his life, so dancing wasn't new to him
❑ but this particular type of dancing was new to him- so of course he reached out to mina after the UA festival
❑ mina, ever the angel, agreed!!!!! Dancing buddies!!!
❑ Mina's also loved dance for a good amount of time
❑ it started in middle school, and just carried into highschool. The idea of being to express yourself with your /body/ was exciting, plus you looked really cool while doing it too!
❑ so when she gets asked by Aoyama to teach him how to breakdance she's nervous, but completely giddy to be able to be someone else's intro to a hobby that was a big part of her life
❑ it's not an uncommon sight to see mina and Aoyama, in their workout clothes, working through moves Step by step with Mina's phone blasting some random song that was beat heavy
❑ (Aoyama would be an interesting extra add on to the bakusquad. Am I wrong? No 🚗)
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→ Hanta & Tsuyu
❑ Sero never really interacted with tsuyu, not to say he didn't like her! she just wasn't in his social circle
❑ so to say he felt awkward when he found her in the corner of the library during free period- curled up and sniveling away - was an understatement
❑ still, he put down the fourth issue of a manga he was /really/ looking forward to catching up on, and sat next to her until she calmed down enough to tell him what's wrong
❑ turns out, winter always sucked and made her tired, which made her sad. Added on to the already existing amphibian instincts in her that hated loud noises or too many people, it could get really overwhelming for her
❑ Sero offered to let her into his room whever she wanted to hang out in the quiet, if she felt embarrassed to do so with her closer friends
❑ she seemed surprised, but quickly agreed.
❑ Sero wouldn't tell her, but he often felt the same in a sense. The only two people in his friend group who could be relatively quiet in more personal settings were Bakugou, ironically, and Kirishima. So he often found himself leaving group hang-outs just a little early, to destress in his quiet room.
❑ tsuyu hadn't expected him to stay with her, and especially not offer his room to her whenever she needed to get away. Still, she agreed, knowing she'd probably never take him up on his offer
❑ she was proven wrong three days later, when Ochako squealed about...something.
❑ tsuyu couldn't say for sure what the floaty girl was yelling about. Normally she was attentive, really! But her head was throbbing and she was on the verge of falling asleep then and there when Ochako burst into a loud yell of excitement, startling the frog-like girl
❑ so tsuyu gathered her stuff as quickly as her sluggish body allowed, rushed out a quick goodbye to her baffled friends and made her way to the dorms
❑ the elevator was a struggle, with the humming of the machinery almost lulling her to sleep. She made it out successfully, though due to her drowsiness and increasingly blurring vision, she realized just a little too late that she had wandered down the wrong hallway
❑ sero's name plate made her stutter in her tracks, but after a moment of deliberation that left her swaying on her feet, she knocked as strongly as she could on the thin door, hoping the lanky boy was in his room
❑ thankfully, he was, and he only offered her a small smile before ushering her into the room and guiding her to his bed. Tsuyu thinks she croaked out a tiny "thanks", but she couldn't really be sure
❑ she slept better in those 39 minutes than she had in weeks
❑ after that, tsuyu somehow got into the habit of wandering down the opposite hallway once she left the elevator, and most of the time Sero would open his door when she knocked, only giving her a smile before letting her wander to his bed or, more commonly, the pile of blankets and bean bags he had in a corner of his room.
❑ (she wouldn't admit it, and neither would he, but the times where they walked back to his dorm together once their free period began were their favorites. and the days where tsuyu wasn't so sleepy and they talked for the hour they had weren't so bad, either)
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okokok i’m cutting it here since that last section was super long! who knew i had so much to say about hanta and tsuyu ,,,, 
anyway! this was super fun, so i’ll definitely be doing stuff like this more in the future. if you have two characters you’d particularly like to see, don’t be afraid to jump into my ask box! 
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simplybakugou · 4 years
After All This Time
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↝ At a small high school reunion with a few of your old classmates from U.A., Bakugou has to deal with your drunkenness.
BINGO SPACE: High School Sweethearts
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x drunk!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing, alcohol (all characters are aged up), fluff ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1581
A/N: this is another bingo piece of the event going on in the @bnhabookclub​ server! Thank you to @happygalaxymilkshake​ for requesting bakugou for this prompt. And am i doing all the bakugou prompts first because deep down i’m genuinely afraid of writing for another character in fear of portraying their characters inaccurately? Yes so for now enjoy some more bakugou lol
✐posted 07.18.2020✐
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“Cheers!” You exclaimed along with your friends, all of you clinking your glasses together.
Mina sighed as she took a sip from her drink. “Man, I can’t remember the last time we met up like this!”
Uraraka nodded, grinning from ear to ear as her cheeks reddened under the dim lights of the tavern. “It’s so nice to see you all here today.”
“Too bad the other girls couldn’t join,” you said, a frown on your face as your face grew hot from the alcohol. 
“Momo, Toru, and Tsuyu have early patrols tomorrow,” Jirou said.
Mina snickered, latching onto your arm. “I’m surprised Bakugou let us hang out with you, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes at her, gesturing to the table beside you with a shaky finger. “He’s right there, Mina. It’s not like he’s keeping me from you guys or anything. I’m just another busy hero like the rest of us here.”
It had been five years since you and the rest of class A graduated from U.A. Slowly yet surely each of you worked diligently to make your way up the rankings, especially the Big Three of your class, Midoriya, Todoroki, and your fiance Bakugou who you had been dating since your first year in U.A.
“I can’t believe you guys have been together for so long!” Uraraka exclaimed, giggling at the sight of the boys’ table which was chaotically louder than any other table at the tavern. Kirishima had to hold Bakugou back as Sero and Kaminari were teasing him, egging him on to amuse themselves as they knew their easily angered friend all too well. Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya, who were the only ones who were able to make it amongst the other boys, had left early as they had to work early in the morning, not wanting to risk drinking too much.
You hiccuped, leaning onto Mina’s shoulder as the effects of the alcohol slowly ran through your system. Jirou laughed at the sight. “I forgot how much of a lightweight you were.”
You narrowed your brows at her. “I’m not a lightweight!”
You sat up straight, grabbing your glass in hand and raising it to your lips. “I can drink so much!”
The girls attempted to stop you from consuming anymore alcohol but it was too late; you had downed the rest of your drink, slamming the cup onto the table as you had to breathe heavily just to catch your breath.
Bakugou, who had finally calmed down from his friends’ teasing and prodding, glanced over to your table as he noticed you had guzzled your fifth drink in a short amount of time. It was only a matter of time before your drunken stupor would overtake your judgement and behavior and Bakugou could only groan as he began to recall how the countless amount of migraines he got after dealing with your drunkenness.
“I’m gonna head out,” Bakugou said, slipping his coat on and placing a few bills onto the table to pay for your meal and his.
“Aw, come on! You just got here!” Kaminari complained.
“Y/N’s almost shitfaced and it’s getting late,” Bakugou said, giving his short and brief goodbyes to his friends.
“Where’s she going?” Kirishima asked, pointing to your wobbly figure walking over to the other side of the tavern. The girls tried to catch up with you but were blocked by the numerous people who were packed into the vicinity.
“That shitty girl…” Bakugou mumbled, making his way through the crowd as he didn’t hesitate to shove his way through.
You stumbled on your feet, bumping into the person in front of you. You rubbed your head, apologizing to the person. “Sorry.”
The man looked down at you, annoyed that someone had ran into him until a smirk crept up his face as he recognized who you were. “You’re that pro, (H/N), right?”
You nodded slowly, grinning aimlessly at him as you could barely keep up with the loud and raucous atmosphere. “Mhm, that’s meee!”
The man took a step towards you and you took one back, slightly intimidated and bothered by how close he was trying to get. He managed to corner you to a wall right outside the restrooms, which was where you were trying to go initially. He rested his hand right above your head, making you uncomfortable with the proximity of his figure with yours. “What’s a little lady like you doing here alone?”
“She’s not alone, dipshit,” Bakugou said from behind him, grabbing the man by the arm and shoving him to the side. 
Before the man could try and pick a fight with the infamous brash hero, one of his friends stepped up, pulling the man by the arm. “Dude, don’t you know Ground Zero and (H/N) have been dating forever?! You can’t just hit on her!” He informed the creepy man in a low and harsh tone. The friend turned to you and Bakugou, bowing his head apologetically. “I’m sorry about him, he doesn’t know how to act sometimes.”
Bakugou scoffed at the two men as they walked away, agitated beyond a reasonable doubt about a stranger trying to make a move on you. You grinned up at your fiance. “Thank you, Katsu,” you slurred, extending his name with a hiccup.
Bakugou sighed, shaking his head. “I really can’t take you anywhere can I?”
You ignored his comment, as you grabbed Bakugou’s hand. “You know, what that guy did was weird when he did it but… I wanna do it!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Look,” you said, raising your hands to Bakugou’s forearms as you pushed him to the wall. He stared down at you in confusion, the feeling diminishing as he grew amused by your actions. You brought your hands up to either side of him, putting him into a kabedon. 
“Am I intimidating?” You slurred, laughing at yourself as you were convinced you were just as menacing in this position as the strange man was when he forced you in the same situation.
A few women on their way to the bathroom giggled at the sight before them, one of them taking pictures of the famous hero couple. Bakugou rested his hands on your shoulders as you were much shorter than he was. “Y/N, you’re the last person on this goddamn planet that I’d be scared of.”
You jutted your bottom lip out, looking up at him disappointedly as you were somehow drunkenly convinced you were intimidating. “Really?”
“Really.” Bakugou pushed you forward gently, bringing your arms down to your side. “Come on, we’ve gotta get home.”
“But I don’t wanna!” You whined, shaking your head.
“I don’t care. You’re already fucking drunk, let’s go.”
“Wait.” You straightened up, walking into the bathroom. “Let me pee first.”
Bakugou sighed, leaning against the wall. “Fine. Hurry up.”
Bakugou could see from the opposite end of the room his friends’ laughing expressions as he was placed in another weird situation thanks to your drunkenness. He flipped them off as they were taking videos themselves. Even the girls were laughing at the sight of your attempt at a kabedon, one that they were looking forward to teasing you about.
Bakugou ignored them, waiting and waiting for you to come out. After some time you still hadn’t returned from your bathroom break and he pulled out his phone, sending you a ‘what’s taking so long’ text.
You quickly responded with a ‘I’m not leaving’ text, one that was filled with numerous spelling errors in which Bakugou could barely understand what you were trying to say. 
Bakugou closed his eyes as you had successfully annoyed him like you usually did. Fortunately, Mina approached him as she could see how agitated he was, as if there was invisible smoke rising from his ears.
“Need some help?” She asked.
“That shitty girl’s not getting outta there,” Bakugou muttered. 
Mina snickered. “It’s been almost eight years and she still knows how to push your buttons.”
Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest as he waited again, watching as Mina entered the bathroom. He could hear your whining and complaining as Mina quite literally dragged you out of the stall. 
“Go home!” Mina exclaimed, pinching your cheek as you continued to express how you wanted to stay and spend more time with your friends. Mina said her goodbyes to both you and Bakugou before returning to the table with the girls.
Bakugou sighed as he turned to you, the alcohol now taking its full effect on you as you felt as light as a feather. “I’m not gonna hear another word from you. We’re going home.”
You glared up at him. “Fine.”
Bakugou, who was glad to finally have been able to get you to leave, proceeded through the crowd, wanting to make way for you until you grabbed his wrist, ceasing his movements. “What is it?” He asked, wondering why you stopped him this time.
You grinned, raising your arms up. “Carry me!”
Bakugou smiled softly at you, swiftly hooking his arms under your knees and around your back as he held you in his arms. Since the day you first met, you never failed to give him a headache and aggravate him to no end. But he knew he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side.
After all this time, you were still making him fall for you just like you did when you were high schoolers.
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Taglist: @pinkcowgirleggpanda​ @xtsundere-princess​ @wesparklebitch​ @hot-pocket01​ @iamthe-leaf​ @ahrinine​ @kirisclementine​ @lmaobroccoli​ @anastar-legion​ @urmomsshousee​
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Rocking on His Heels
Rocking On His Heels by Theo-Crow
❛There was a pause. Katsuki popped his knuckles.
“S-so, we both know what needs to happen?” Izuku wrung his hands.
“I guess.”❜ 【or】 in which bakugo's palms spark and midoriya rocks on his heels
Words: 4661, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Friends Forever
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Inui Ryou | Hound Dog, the rest appear briefly, Well, to be fair its brief for everyone but bakugo and mido, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Asui Tsuyu, Kaminari Denki, the other 1a kids have like 2-8 lines each and thats so funny to me
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, Anxious Bakugou Katsuki, Anxious Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku Friendship, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Childhood Friends, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Bakugou Katsuki Being Less of an Asshole, Bakugou Katsuki Redemption, POV Third Person, POV Multiple, POV Alternating, this has been in the works since march 2021 and i just finished writing/editing it 10 minutes ago, hope yall like it
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37988065
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cripplingaddictions · 4 years
Bakugo x Reader: Confession
Summary: After Bakugo’s mental breakdown with Midoriya outside the dorms, you take it upon yourself to get him to open up. Of course it isn’t easy, but you two had known each other for years. Bakugo realises how he really feels and claims you as his own.
Rating: SFW
Genre: Fluff, angst, lime
Word Count: 4.7k
A/n: I love comfort fluff and tending to wound tropes... and I also used the headcanon that Bakugo needs hearing aids, so that is included in this fic. I’m also sorry about the slow updates... I’ll have some headcanons out for haikyuu in the new future so stay tuned!
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The crisp night air flooded through the open windows as you held a warm drink in your chilly hands. A fluffy blank landed on your shoulders as Mina deposited them off to everyone. You shifted yourself to meet Mina’s extraordinary eyes, nodding in thanks. Mina returned with a cheery smile of her own.
All the girls of 1A populated the couches, basking in the much needed warmth. A few boys sat amongst you, such as Kaminari, Kirishima, Ojiro, and Sero. Mineta desperately cried for help, wrapped in a cocoon of Sero’s tape after a perverted comment directed at Momo. Todoroki did as he always did, awkwardly standing slightly adjacent to the lively group, a keen but kind eye flickering between classmates as they contributed to the conversation.
“Everyone!” Iida marched up to your group, “Leaving the windows open in this weather is incredibly irresponsible! You will all get a cold!” His rapidly chopping hands paused momentarily to hurriedly pull all the windows shut.
“Thanks, emergency exit!” Kirishima waved at the class representative. A satisfied expression washed over Iida’s face.
You rolled your eyes, slightly smiling at them, before taking a prolonged sip of your warm beverage. Without spilling it, you pulled your legs up on the couch to cross them.
The class was happily celebrating a successful hero licensing exam. All but Bakugo and Todoroki. Hagakure and Momo had insisted they could join you too. It didn’t surprise you that Todoroki showed up but Bakugo didn’t, for one of them took it a lot worse than the other.
Bakugo was your childhood friend, knowing him since forever. There wasn’t a time you didn’t know each other, but not quite outdating him knowing Midoriya. You never really announced yourselves as “friends”, per se. It more so happened by consistently interacting, never really introducing yourselves. One of those friendships that “just happened”, neither of you remembering when you really met each other. Turns out, your mothers had been friends for years prior.
As you two grew older, and Bakugo became more and more like... himself, you did not condemn for anything he would say to Midoriya, being quirkless. Luckily, you happened to manifest a fairly powerful quirk, so he never judged you for it. He could never find himself to explode at you whenever you told him to back off. He may yell, but it never went further than petty insults. Of course, Mitsuki would have been appalled with him if he did. She definitely had a soft spot for you.
Once starting at UA, Bakugo’s ego slowly but surely began to deflate. He began to obtain standards, something that surprised you plenty. You noticed how he acted around Kirishima. That was when you realised the difference between how he treated all his peers. He seemed to rank them - most worthy of his friendship and time to least. Upon witnessing Kirishima - someone pretty high in those “ranks” - interact with him, you noticed the outside perspective. How nice he was to you and Kirishima, compared to people like Midoriya.
Eventually, you grew an odd feeling in your chest whenever he showed up to class. Top buttons undone and without a tie. Or when you caught a glimpse of his ember swirling eyes. Not to mention during training, rocking up in that hero costume of his.
You even began to play a little game. Testing him to see how long you could pester, order, or genuinely annoy him before he literally exploded at you. More and more of late, that time stretched. Unfortunately, your little experiment didn’t go unnoticed. All the girls of 1A knew, questioning you about it. You passed it off as something you thought would be funny. Only Mina saw right through you. She knew you liked him and constantly teased you about it to no end. Midoriya and Kirishima were the only others to notice you pushing his buttons more than usual lately.
Uraraka’s voice broke through your elaborate train of thought, “Y/N...”
“Yeah?” You answered.
“Do you have any idea where Deku is?” Her voice trembled slightly, her cheeks going slightly pinker as she rubbed the back of her neck. She couldn’t be more obvious about her crush on Midoriya, so you had nothing to worry about. “He hasn’t come back since Bakugo said he wanted to talk to him. I’m kind of worried about him.”
A huff left your lips, “In all honesty, I am too. There’s no telling what Bakugo wanted to talk to him about.”
“He might be seeking girl advice,” Mina chimed in, sending a sly wink in your direction.
You immediately took a long sip of your drink, hoping the cup hid your slight blush as you furrowed your eyebrows at Mina.
“I highly doubt it,” Tsuyu placed a finger to her chin in thought, “I’m not sure that Bakugo would need that kind of advice. Especially not from Midoriya.” Your gaze fell.
“He probably wants to kill him,” Jirou shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip from her own drink.
Jirou’s comment silenced the group of 1A girls. Only condescending sipping of drinks and the guys chattering filled your ears. Your attention left your drink to the sound of shuffling feet approaching. Bright yellow eyes met yours when the source of the shuffling feet sat beside you.
“Ladies,” Kaminari’s smooth voice wooed as he rested his arms on the back of the couch, “What’re you guys talking about?”
Dyed red hair, held up by a graphic bandana, flashed your peripheral vision as Kirishima took a seat next to you. He pouted slightly when you flashed him an almost sarcastic smile. The pout couldn’t mask that he could see right through you. Worry for Bakugo plagued your mind. There was no doubt Midoriya had improved his ability to use his quirk. If Bakugo had indeed wanted to fight him, he definitely underestimated him.
“I’m sure he’s just in bed, Y/N,” Kirishima placed a hand on your shoulder, “It is way past eight-thirty.”
You stifled a small giggle, nodding at Kirishima’s words and mentally thanked him for his optimistic nature. You continued to sip your drink in silence, occasionally tuning in to Mina and Kaminari’s chaotic conversation. Overall, you felt the homeliness of this family created through 1A. A homeliness soon to be destroyed.
A loud bang caused everyone to close their mouths, the worst case scenario filled your head. Luckily, when you followed it to its source, it came to a slammed door. An easy answer came to your mind; the wind. However, standing before the door stood Bakugo and Midoriya. Both definitely looking a bit rough around the edges. A gauze on each cheek, they looked defeated. They refused to reach each other’s eyes, or any other pair staring them.
You cautiously planted your cup on the coaster before you, as if you were afraid of agitating Bakugo, easily spotting the anger and emotion in his ruby eyes.
“Bakugo and Midoriya!” Iida rushed over to them in a flash, his arms chopping up and down in anger, “Where on earth have you been? Why do you look like you just got into another brawl with some villains?”
“Shut the hell up, four-eyes,” Bakugo snapped, grumbling to himself. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, before storming past the couches.
Before anyone could stop you, you leapt to your feet. Your drink left behind, you rushed after Bakugo. The blanket around your shoulders flowed behind you like a cape, you called out to the angry blond, “Bakugo!”
Bakugo ignored you, continuing up the stairs. Hurriedly, you sped up the stairs and overtook him.
Your body blocked his, “Bakugo, what the hell happened?”
His head continued to hang low, his blond hair falling to obscure his eyes from view as you desperately tried to meet them. Scratches, grazes and cuts littered his face and arms, some covered up with gauze. The two gauzes on his cheeks mirrored each other, lightly stained in blood. Dust and dirt smudged up his arms; his wounds weren’t properly cleaned. His hands stuffed in his baggy sweatpants shook slightly, from both physical and emotional pain.
“Shut up, Y/N,” Bakugo’s wavering voice protested, failing at any attempted aggression, “I don’t need to tell you shit.”
You heaved in a shaky breath, “True, but I want to know. I might be able to help you.”
“You can’t help me,” his voice raised, causing you to step back. You really wished you could see his eyes, to see what kind of pain he was in.
“You won’t know that until you tell me what’s wrong,” you sighed, trying your best to stay calm and not snap back.
“Get out of my way...”
Bakugo harshly barged his shoulder into yours, causing you to stumble to the side slightly. You stepped after him as he continued to his dorm, the most likely place you imagined he would storm off to. You caught up again, flinging an arm out in front of him. His warm, sweaty hand latched onto your forearm. Your heart skipped a beat, relishing the ironically soft touch.
However, the softness of his touch contradicted his tone, “Y/N, move... right now...”
“Bakugo!” You cried, not afraid of the slightly startled boy before you. 
You didn’t budge or flinch as you laced your fingers between the ones he gripped onto your forearm with. With a soft touch, you lifted his chin upwards to get a perfect view of his face. 
His cut up face held the softest expression you had ever seen. No crease sat between his eyebrows, grazes over his forehead. The gauzes taped to his cheeks hid the worst of his face injuries, letting a small amount of blood to seep through it. His eyes glistened with tears, about to be spilt. They stung red, from previous tears.
Katsuki Bakugo stood before you, with tears in his eyes.
The Katsuki Bakugo.
“You can tell me, you know,” You hushed, once his bloodshot eyes met your sympathetic ones, “I’ve always been there for you, like when you got your hearing aids.”
One hand still holding his, you let the other one slip up to expose the small black device in his left ear. It wrapped around the back, resting behind his ear. A soft sympathetic smile graced your features, as Bakugo squeezed his eyes shut. He entered a vulnerable state, allowing you to wrap an arm around his lower neck and pull him into a hug.
“Please...” You whispered, “It’s better if you let it all out.”
Bakugo awkwardly stepped out of the hug, slipping his hand out of your grip. His eyebrows creased again, squinting his eyes to hold back any tears. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and refused to meet your eyes again.
“I’m just fucking pissed!” He raised his voice again, “I’m pissed at myself. At damn Deku! How did he become someone so damn special? And I didn’t!? When I finally get fucking recognised for something... it’s because I ended All Might! Why me?”
Your breath hitched. All of Bakugo’s pain unloaded onto you. All Might’s end happened a small while ago. He held this guilt in for that long? No wonder he was angry. In a way, you felt privileged and relieved Bakugo opened up to you. You always tried to be there for him. You wished you could have been there earlier, to stop him ever feeling like this in the first place.
“Bakugo...” You hushed his uneven breathing. It almost sounded like he was about to have a panic attack, “You couldn’t have prevented it. No one knew that it was going to happen. The last person who should be blaming themselves is you.”
“I could have done something! All I did was stand and watch. I left as soon as I saw you call out to me. Damn it!”
“Look at me, Bakugo,” digging into his pockets, you removed his hands from them and held them in your own, “If you didn’t leave when I called you, not only All Might would have ended. You would have too. And I don’t know what I would ever do if you did.”
A sharp inhale came from Bakugo’s parted lips, before he trailed off, “Da-damn it...”
“I care about you, Baku,” you let your thumbs run small uncoordinated circles on the back of his warm veiny hands. You couldn’t force yourself to look into his eyes, afraid of how he would respond. “I care more than you can ever imagine.”
“I- I-, fuck...” He couldn’t form sentences, let alone words. You, of course, couldn’t blame him. Not only because of his current emotional state, but you knew it would take a little bit more to get something so sincere out of Bakugo.
“It’s okay,” you finally met his red eyes, trying to mask the glossiness of your own, “It’s okay if you don’t return my feelings... I won’t take it too harshly.”
A small cocky grin slid its way onto Bakugo’s disheartened features, “Who said I didn’t, baka.”
Little giggles left your mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck. A newfound sense of confidence filled you. Not only did you let the burden of your confession lift off your chest, but he reciprocated the feelings. You couldn’t wait to tell Mina all about it.
“Now...” All sadness and sorrow had drained from Bakugo, a sudden huskiness melted off his words, “Let me claim you as mine.”
“Wait, wha-” Without warning, Bakugo cut you off by pushing you forward towards the elevator at the end of the corridor. A small laugh left you again upon witnessing the determination - no matter what it was for - return to Bakugo. The Katsuki Bakugo you knew and loved was back.
Without letting go of your wrist, Bakugo frantically pressed the elevator button, “Hurry up, you damn elevator!”
“Yelling at it want make it come faster, you know.”
“Shut up, Y/N.”
Once the elevator pinged, the doors slid open. Bakugo rushed you inside, turning around to watch as the doors slid shut again. No words were spoken, both of you urgently watching the elevator travel up to the level his dorm stood located in. You adjusted your hand in Bakugo’s grip, only for him to squeeze your hand tighter. The small action caused a tiny smile to tug at your lips in satisfaction. Damn, it felt good to finally have him.
The travelling between the elevator and Bakugo’s dorms happened so quickly it was all a blur. The only thing you knew was the sound of the door slamming behind you, before you were back up against the wall beside it.
Bakugo’s rough, calloused hands pinned your wrists to your side. There was no time to protest before the gap between you two closed. Your lips roughly fought against his a loosing battle. His lips felt chapped but soft at the same time. The taste of nitroglycerin lingered between your lips, the smell of caramel wafting into your nostrils. His hands let go of your wrists, finding a new home firmly on your hips only to press you further against the wall. Hands now free, they rushed into his hair. Silky blond locks weaved in and out of your fingers before you ran them down his neck to grip his shoulders.
The tickling of his tongue on your bottom lip begged your lips open, allowing it to slip inside your mouth. You desperately fought against his rough movements, only to lose. He took complete dominance as he slipped a knee between your thighs and propped you even further up the wall. In retaliation, you wrapped your legs around his waist, so he supported your full weight. Your crotch shamelessly pressed against his lower abdomen.
A gasp left your mouth as his warm hands glided up your curves and beneath your shirt. Bakugo’s skilled fingers ran patterns on the soft skin of your back, sending countless satisfied shivers up your spine. Your mouths continued to move in sink as his fingers slid along the skin just beneath your bra. The moan that escaped your mouth sent a wicked smirk onto Bakugo’s lips. Without warning, Bakugo’s lips left yours and attached to the soft skin of your jaw. You tilted your head to the side to give him more access to trail kisses down the curve of your neck. At the same time, one of his hands ran to the clasp of your bra. He fiddled with it, desperately trying to unclasp it before he gave up and detached his warm mouth from your neck.
“Damn it,” his warm moist breath tickled your neck, “How does this shitty thing work?”
You let a laugh leave your lips as you arched your back for your own hands to slip up your shirt. In an instant, you had detached it. The bra lacked straps, causing it to immediately drop to the floor.
A growl left Bakugo as he began sucking on the soft flesh of your neck. His warm, wet tongue pressed and flicked against it. The occasional sensation of his teeth grazing over your neck made a shiver slide up your spine. Bakugo’s large hands travelled back to the front, fanning over you exposed breasts. They travelled over them until he lightly fondled them in his hand, squeezing gently. Your hands on his shoulders quickly gripped onto the fabric of his black tank top. One of his thumbs flicked over your hardened nipple, causing his name to fall from your mouth in a pleasurable moan.
Bakugo greedily grunted, whispering against your neck, “Yeah, I like that, Y/N...”
His tongue continued to trail over your skin, sucking and flicking until he pulled away. Your eyes fluttered open, leaning down to press your forehead against his. Slowly, Bakugo’s hands trailed back down your sides and pulled out of your shirt. Your feet made it safely back down to the ground. When you attempted to meet Bakugo’s eyes, you found them trailing over purple bruises covering your neck, continuing up to the start of your jaw.
“Now you’re mine,” Bakugo brought you into a safe hug, letting you rest your head into the crevice of his neck. Your eyes squeezed shut again, delving yourself completely into his sent of caramel.
“As far as first kisses go,” you teased, letting a cheeky grin slide onto your face, “that wasn’t half bad.”
“Damn well, it wasn’t half bad!” His voice lifted higher, a familiar angry tone taking over. An even bigger smile came to your face once you realised he had almost completely forgotten the predicament he was in previously. “That better have been the best kiss ever!”
A little string of laughs left you, “Yeah, yeah. It was the best. You got me there.”
The silence continued for a little longer, until Bakugo retreated out of the hug. He cleared his throat before turning away from you. You took the opportunity to rush to his mirror, observing the damage he had done. A dozen or so purple hickies littered across your neck. They travelled all the way to your jaw and almost your ears. It would take a lot of foundation to cover those up, you thought.
“I’m definitely yours, it seems,” you turned to Bakugo, who only grunted, “I almost look as beat up as you.”
“I’m fine,” came his reply.
“You still need to clean those wounds and cover them up.”
“I don’t need Recovery Girl.”
“No, we shouldn’t bother Recovery Girl right now. I’d be happy to do it for you in the girls bathroom. Mr Aizawa is long gone, don’t worry about him catching us.”
“What about your annoying extras?”
“If any of the girls come in, I’m sure they’ll understand and make a pretty quick exit. I promise.”
Bakugo huffed in reply as you tilted your head in the direction of the door. You made your way to the door. As you reached out for the door handle, a bundle of black was thrown at you.
“Cover up, damn it,” Bakugo shoved his hands in his pockets and joined you by the door, “You don’t even have a bra on.”
“Oh, yeah,” you hurriedly unfolded the black clothing item, to find it was one of Bakugo’s plain black hoodies. You slipped it over your head and let it drop down a little further than your hoodies usually would. Caramel scent engulfed you, making it clear it hadn’t been washed since the last wear. Normally, that would disgust you, but it was your boyfriend’s. You plotted how long you were going to hold onto it in your head as you bundled the hood around your neck.
You gestured to yourself, only to receive a shrug from Bakugo. The shrug couldn’t hide the tiny reddish tint on his cheeks from the sight of you in his clothes. A victorious smile made it to your face, and you opened the door.
The journey to the girl’s bathrooms was uninterrupted. You led him there, linking pinkies the whole way. He hesitated to walk through the door, after all it was the female bathroom. The door shut suddenly behind you as you pointed Bakugo to sit on the bathroom counter. Swinging open the cabinet above the sink, you pulled out a small box of first aid supplies. You placed you hands on your hips after allocating the box a spot next to Bakugo.
“Take your shirt off,” you demanded, the authoritative tone desperately hiding the redness of your ears.
“Why?” Bakugo grumbled, mocking you with arms crossed.
“So I can see if you have any further injuries,” You opened the first aid box, pulling out a dry rag. Out of the corner of your eye, you spied Bakugo lifting his tank top over his head to reveal his toned chest and abs as you ran cold water over the rag. Wringing it of excess water, you turned to see him checking himself over for any injuries.
“Nothing,” Bakugo bluntly replied.
“Yes, but your ribs are bruised,” you pointed at the green patches of flesh along his sides. The mirror didn’t indicate any wounds or bruises on his back. Without warning, you dragged the moist rag over the bruises. A few droplets of water rolled down his chiseled stomach as he pulled back.
“That shit is cold!” Bakugo exclaimed, “I’m getting wet now, damn it!”
“It’s a rag with water, what did you expect?” You hummed, continuing to trace the bruised ribs softly with the rag. You leaned over the counter to grab hold of his closest hand, resting your sover it. “Stay still.”
Once you had finished, you gently gripped one of his forearms. The cloth traced his skin, washing it clean. You had to scrub it softly at some points, but avoided any of the open grazes and cuts. You travelled the cloth to run over his biceps, this time lightly dabbing at the largest graze. Your skilled hands couldn’t hide the blush on your face, especially with his fiery eyes watching your every move. They occasionally shifted to your concentrated features.
The cloth quickly passed over his shoulders and chest, before repeating the process on his other arm. This one wasn’t as scratched up as the other, making your job a lot simpler. Once you finished, you took a step back over to the sink.
“You’re probably gonna hate what I’m about to do,” you sighed, wringing out the rag after rinsing it.
“What are you gonna do?” He demanded, less agitated than he usually would be.
You didn’t answer with words but with your actions. Stopping the dripping of the rag, you dragged it around the gauze on his cheek. His hand swiped up, grabbing your wrist and pulling my hand away from his face.
“Die shitty rag! How dare you come near my face!”
A full hearted laugh left your lips, your head tilting back, “I’m trying to help you, baka. Please let me.”
Bakugo studied your face for a short while, until he ripped his eyes away, “Fine.” He left his cheek exposed, letting you place the rag back onto it. All the dust and ash had been scrubbed from his cheeks and nose. You softly dragged the rag over his forehead, softly dabbing it over a shallow graze. Once, your hand pulled away, you leaned up to place a soft kiss on his forehead.
“Are you done?” Bakugo rolled his eyes, pressing his bare back against the mirror.
You shook your head, “Nope. Not even close.” You placed the damp rag in the sink, digging around in the first aid box again. Bakugo groaned in annoyance, causing you to smile and shake your head again.
Cold plastic slipped between your finger tips - a small bottle of antiseptic. Pulling it out, you placed a few cotton balls next to it. Carefully, you dropped a small amount of antiseptic onto the cotton ball. You lifted it towards Bakugo, who grimaced at the sight.
“I can’t promise this won’t hurt,” you hissed in empathy, hesitantly detaching he hand from the counter. Pulling his arm closer, you dabbed the cotton ball onto one of the shallow grazes on his forearm.
Bakugo immediately pulled back, “Antiseptic can die!” You smiled, knowing that was his way of saying that it stung.
“It’s gonna sting a little bit,” you rolled your eyes, “I did tell you that.”
Your hand swiped out to grab his wrist in it again as he constantly ripped it away, “Katsuki Bakugo! It’ll get infected and hurt even more if you don’t let me do this!” You exclaimed in a playful seriousness.
“Say that again,” the grimace on Bakugo!s face dropped, his features now softer.
“It’ll get infected?”
“No, baka. My name.”
“Your name? Katsuki Bakugo?”
The smirk on his face now unmistakable, he placed a hand on your waist, “Yeah, call me Katsuki. I like when you say my name.”
A similar smirk crossed your face as you placed a hand over his on your waist. Without warning him, you took the cotton ball and frantically dabbed it onto the next graze. Katsuki grunted, whipping his arm out of your reach.
His eyes remained glued in the victimised graze, “What the hell? That was a dirty trick!”
“It worked, though,” you replied, drenching a new cotton ball in antiseptic, “That’s all that matters.”
Eventually, he gave up fighting against you, allowing you to finish applying antiseptic to grazes and cuts on his arms and shoulders without much fuss. You left the injuries covered by the gauze on his cheeks alone, immediately tending to the largest and most tender graze on his forehead. With your free hand, you pushed back his blond hair that shaded it. You kept that hand lovingly caressing the start of his hairline, while the other hesitantly dabbed at the graze.
Katsuki hissed through his teeth, causing you to slip your hand down the side of his face. You held his cheek in your palm and sent him an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry,” you placed the cotton ball down into the small pile of used ones under Katsuki’s observant gaze.
“I think I’m going to leave that one exposed. It needs to dry out to heal properly,” you explained thoroughly. A grunt left Katsuki as you pulled out more gauzes and a roll of bandage.
After a silent moment, you had successfully wrapped up his entire right forearm in a bandage. A large gauze covered a wide but shallow graze on his left shoulder and a couple of smaller ones littered over some small ones on his left bicep.
As you began to quietly pack up the first aid box, you felt a pair of arms slide around your waist. You stood on your tippy-toes to place it back in the cabinet, only for the limbs to wrap around you tighter. Katsuki’s breathtaking red eyes met yours in the reflection of the mirror, where you swayed in his arms in contentment.
“When I’m let off this shitty house arrest,” Katsuki grumbled into your marked neck from your previous activities, “I’m taking you out.”
“Yeah,” you laughed, leaning your head against his, “I’d love to, Katsuki.”
“It wasn’t a choice.”
A giggle left your lips, leaving both of you happy as you stood in each other’s arms.
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stressy-enby · 4 years
“I Told You Not to Bother Me!”
Tenya Iida and sibling reader
Summary: Quarantine has hit 1-A pretty hard. Today, they’re supposed to be starting their fist official Zoom meeting as a whole class. However, class rep Tenya Iida’s younger sibling has nothing to do, and decides to crash their brother’s Zoom call just for the fun of it.
I’m tagging this with “Iida x reader” stuff to make it easier to find. The reader is Tenya’s sibling, and THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS PURELY SIBLING PLATONIC. I’M NOT HAVING ANY OF THAT HITACHIIN BROTHERS SHIT IN HERE.
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. . . . .
Tenya set up his laptop, and navigated to the Zoom application. He double checked his school supplies, reassuring himself that he had everything that he needed.
Let’s see. Pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, loose leaf paper, note books, a few highlighters... is my phone on silent?
His phone chimed. Tenya picked it up and unlocked it, chuckling at the convenience of the timing.
Well, that answers that. He muted his phone, and opened his messages.
(Y\N) Iida: 
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(Y\N): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLpyTnhf2-c
Tenya, whom had lived with this kid for 14 years, nervously clicked on the link. It was a short video, and tied together well with the meme. He let out an undignified snort, then ran a hand through his hair and adjusted his glasses in embarrassment, despite there being no one was there to witness.
Me: I wasn’t going to contradict you. The sheer amount of memes regarding the misfortunes of this year that you’ve sent me prevents me from doing so.
(Y\N): Lol. Not sorry
Me: I gathered. I’m about to start a Zoom meeting with my class. Please don’t disturb me.
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Tenya slid his phone aside, and input the entrance code to the Zoom meeting.
Izuku’s green head was the first thing to appear on the screen. Tenya’s lips quirked up at the sight of the boy’s many All Might posters papering the wall behind him.
“Oh, Iida’s on!” The freckled boy announced. “Hi, Iida!”
“Hello Midoriya. Hello, everyone.” Tenya greeted.
So far, himself, Izuku, Momo, Shoto, Katsuki, Ochaco, and Mr. Aizawa were the only ones in the call.
“Hey, Iida. How’re you doing?” Ochaco asked as the words Tsuyu Asui joined flashed across the top of the screen.
“I’m doing quite well, thank you.” Tenya nodded as Tsuyu’s face flickered on. “Hello, Tsu. How are you holding up?”
A few minutes (and several text messages reminding the missing classmates to join the call) later, everyone had trickled in. Many looked as though they had just woken up, despite it being nearly 10 A.M.
“Ok, so now that we’re all here, we can start.” Mr. Aizawa drawled. A few people smirked as his face filled the screen. He was wrapped in his usual yellow sleeping bag, and held a huge steaming gray mug.
The sleepy teacher began reviewing the protocol. “I’ve got you lot for ten minutes now, and another ten minutes in two hours. We’ll do morning announcements, I can answer questions, the usual crap. After that, Present Mic will join the call and I’ll hang you all over to him for English. 
As Aizawa explained how classes would work for the quarantine, Tenya heard his bedroom door open behind him. You strutted into your brother’s room as if you owned the place, and flopped down on his bed, opening your book.
“What are you doing?” Tenya hissed, muting his microphone. “I told you not to bother me.”
“Relax, dude,” You smirked “I’ll be quiet.”
“Why are you even in here? Don’t you have your own class?”
You shrugged. “I’m not having video calls for all my classes. I don’t have to be on Zoom for another few hours.”
Tenya shot you another withering look, before returning to his call. What have they got hidden up their sleeve?
However, to the bespectacled boy’s surprise, you were true to your word. You lay on Tenya’s bed, silently reading. For almost an hour, the only sounds either of you made where the scratch of Tenya’s pencil on his paper, or the quiet flicker of you turning the pages of your book.
Present Mic’s English class ended, and Ecto Plasm signed on for math. Still, you were silent. Tenya, who didn’t seem to trust you at all, kept glancing over at you, shocked at how long you had kept quiet. You had abandoned your book in favor of scrolling through your phone, but your brother was still completely surprised. Tenya let a wave of relief wash over him. Maybe they’ll actually leave me alone for the meeting. I mean, I’d rather be alone, but beggars can’t be choosers with them, I suppose.
The relief did not last long. You swung your legs off the bed, walked behind the boy, and planted both hands on his shoulders. He visibly flinched, unsure of what you were planning.
“Teny, I’m going to go get a snack.” You stated calmly. “You want anything?”
“Um, do we still have iced tea?”
“I think so. Want me to bring you a glass?”
“Yes please,” Tenya smiled, still slightly bemused.
“You got it, chief.” You ruffled his hair before sidling out of the room.
“Who was that?” Momo asked, startling Tenya back into the call.
“My younger sibling, (Y\N). I guess they’re hanging out with me.” He answered. “They’ve been unusually quiet. It’s slightly unsettling.”
“I had to lock my room to keep my siblings out.” Tsuyu commented. “I don’t trust them to stay quiet.”
A few minutes later, you returned with two glasses of iced tea in hand, and a sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mints tucked under your arm.
“Please don’t tell me you intend to eat all of those cookies.” Tenya eyed the plastic covered column as you handed him his drink.
“Mayhaps,” You grinned, setting your own glass down on the night tabled before throwing yourself back onto the bed. 
“(Y\N), you know you shouldn’t-”
“If you’re fast enough, you can have a few.” You shoved two Thin Mints into your mouth defiantly. Sighing heavily, Tenya snatched the sleeve away, taking a cookie for himself before placing it on the other side of his desk.
“Ugh, Tenyaaaa,” You rolled over on the bed, grumbling. “You’re not my moooom.”
“No, but I’m your older brother.” He rolled his eyes. “Now, please be quiet. You’ve disturbed my class enough.” He turned back to his laptop, slightly abashed. “I’m very sorry for the interruptions.”
“Not a problem.” Ecto Plasm said cooly, resuming his lesson.
Tenya glared daggers at you as you slunk around him, stealing your Thin Mints back. You stuck your tongue out as you retreated back to the bed. Tenya fought the urge to throw his math book at you, deciding that it’d be best if he just return to the lesson.
. . . . .
“Ok, unless anyone has any questions, I’m signing off.” Mr. Aizawa rubbed his still tired eyes. “You guys can hang out and talk for a little longer if you want.”
The teacher left the call as his class bid him farewell. Katsuki was next ot go, followed by Fumikage and Yuga.
“So, anyone do anything fun this weekend?” Mina asked, moving her camera as she flopped onto her bed.
“My mom and I had a board game day.” Izuku replied. “We played almost every one we have. It feels like it’s been forever since we hung out like that.”
“Ugh, felt that.” You sauntered over to lean on the back of Tenya’s chair. “This guy never wants to hang out with me anymore.”
“I’ve been busy!” He protested.
“We’re in hecking quarantine, Four-Eyes!” You threw your hands into the air. “There ain’t much to be busy with.”
“Nobody leave the call, I’m getting popcorn!” Denki’s image shook violently as he grabbed his phone and ran. 
“Yeah, this is getting good!” Hanta laughed.
You grinned, giving the camera an exaggerated sweeping bow. “Thank you everyone,” You grinned maliciously at Tenya, who gulped involuntarily. “I’ll be here all quarantine.”
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asian-hero · 4 years
Hello! I've stumbled across your blog like less than 10 minutes ago and I've already consumed all your BNHA works. YOUR WRITING STYLE IS AWESOME !!! Keep it up! Reading that your requests are open MADE ME FLOAT! Can I please request for a "How could you ask me that?" + "Don't you dare walk out that door." for Todoroki? It's fine if you don't want to do it =) I also want to thank you for blessing us with your works. Also, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy out there!
A/N: I love you all but all you do is hurt me with these angsty prompts. W h y ?
Have some aged-up Todoroki angst, since that’s what you guys want so much
(Also thank you so much for the compliment! I’m glad you’re enjoying my fics! I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe as well!)
“How could you ask me that?” + “Don’t you dare walk out that door.” from this prompt list (feel free to send in a sentence(s) and a character)
Summary: Love makes everything complicated. So, when you come home, on multiple occasions, late with varying excuses, Shouto starts to doubt not only the validity of your excuses, but your love for him as well
Words: 2,462
It all started a few months back. Shouto had just proposed to you, and you happily accepted. It was such a nice memory, with the two of you just sitting out on your balcony, looking at the stars while sharing a thick blanket, attempting to keep in some semblance of warmth. As he watched your face light up in awe, rambling on about the different constellations and how to find them, he couldn’t stop the words from flying out of his mouth.
“Marry me.”
He’d definitely remember the shocked look on your face forever. The way your head whipped towards him, your jaw wide open and your eyes starting to tear up. When he finally snapped out of his own trance, he pulled out the ring from his pocket, apologizing for the timing. Before he could even finish, though, you threw yourself at him, sending you both to the floor. Your shouts of glee could most definitely be heard all around the city, and he worried that the two of you would be getting a noise complaint from your neighbors. However, when he saw your face, how happy you looked, he could’ve cared less about anyone else in that moment. He only cared about you, his loving fiancée. 
That’s why he was so confused as to why you were lying to him. 
The first time you came back home late was two months ago. He didn’t really think much of it, as he knew that you were your own person, and it wasn’t his business where you were all day, everyday. It didn’t stop him from worrying, though. So when you came home around midnight, he asked you where you were. You laughed it off, telling him that you were just hanging out with Ochako, and the two of you lost track of time. There wasn’t really any room to speak, as you pulled him to your shared bedroom, passing out as soon as your head touched the pillow. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Shouto smiled down at your sleeping form, pressing a kiss to the side of your head before drifting off to sleep.
While he was on a patrol with Ochako, he asked what you two did that night, genuinely curious if you had fun. What he didn’t expect was her confused stare, asking him what he meant. When he pressed further, her eyes seemed to light up, as if she’d just remembered something. Nervously laughing, she rubbed the back of her neck and stuttered out that yes, you were with her, and you two just watched a couple of movies while catching up.
He didn’t believe it, but he never confronted you about it.
The next time you came back late was two weeks after. This time, however, you came back around one in the morning, and you looked noticeably disheveled. Your hair was all messy, with some parts sticking out in awkward places, and your clothes looked a bit wrinkled. When he seemingly came out of nowhere and asked you where you were, you jumped a bit. Once again, you laughed it off, telling him that you were with Tsu. When he asked why your clothes were wrinkled, you told him that you spilled something on yourself, and Tsu offered to wash your clothes for you. Since you knew you were coming home late, you didn’t bother straightening yourself out, you just put the clothes on and left. He didn’t get to ask anything else, as you pulled him back to your bedroom, and immediately fell asleep, facing away from him this time.
When he brushed your hair away from your face, he caught a whiff of cologne that wasn’t his. Despite this, he didn’t say anything, instead opting to rest beside you, hoping that sleep would take away his worries.
It didn’t.
After this, you coming home late seemed to be a regular occurrence. Every week or so, there’d be one night when you’d come home late, at varying hours of the night to early morning. Sometimes you’d look normal coming home, no apparent oddities, but other times you’d look tired, with your hair a mess. Every time this happened, he never said anything. He was afraid that, if he asked, if he questioned your sincerity, that he’d have to face the ugly truth. If he asked you, and you told him that yes, you in fact were cheating on him, he wasn’t sure if he could handle that. Even if you were, and you no longer loved him, he just wanted to hold on for a bit longer, and maybe, just maybe, he could get you to love him again.
Those plans seemed to dissipate in front of his very eyes as soon as he was on a patrol with Bakugou. As soon as Shouto got near him, he felt himself grow sick. It was as if his heart had sunk to his stomach. When the other hero had turned away, for a brief moment, Shouto could smell his cologne. The very one that you came home smelling like. 
Of course, he didn’t say anything to the man, but from the way his whole demeanor changed, Bakugou could tell that something was up. He didn’t bother saying anything to him, though, and the two of them patrolled the city in an icy silence.
Once Shouto finally got home, he slammed the door open. His eyes locked onto you as you smiled at him, walking over and moving to grab his hand. He ripped his hands away from you before you could even touch him. Furrowing your brows, you tilted your head in confusion.
“Honey? Are you okay—“
“Are you cheating on me?” He interrupted, his anger outweighing any rational thought.
Your eyes widened as you stepped back, almost as if you’d just been hit. He almost laughed at how clueless you were playing, as if he wouldn’t be able to tell.
Once you finally found your voice, you spoke. “What?”
He stepped towards you, and in that moment you realized how commanding his presence could be. “Are you cheating on me?”
You puffed up a bit, a mixture of hurt and confusion swirling in your mind. “How could you ask me that?”
“You’ve been coming home late, with a new story every time. I asked Ochako about whether you were with her that one time, and she looked confused, and asked me what I meant. Clearly you were lying then, and I know you were lying when you told me you were with Tsuyu, because you came home smelling like some other guy,” He paused, a whole new flash of anger coming up,  “Smelling like Bakugou. So, I’ll ask again, are you cheating on me?”
In an instant, your eyes reflected an anger that could rival Shouto’s. “You think I’m cheating on you with Bakugou? Are you serious?”
“Do you have a better answer then? Because what I’m seeing right now is that the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with doesn’t want me anymore, but doesn’t have the nerve to tell me.”
You blinked, your anger dissipating as quickly as it came. “Shouto, that’s not—“
He shook his head, stepping away from you. “Don’t. I don’t need you to lie to me,”
“But I’m not! I wouldn’t cheat—“ You tried again, before being cut off by Shouto once more.
“You don’t have to worry about this anymore.”
You huffed slightly, growing irritated, but fearful. “Would you just let me explain—Don’t you dare walk out that door.”
Shouto didn’t bother to look back at you as he shut the door behind him, not hearing your cries. To be quite honest, he wasn’t really sure of where he was going. His legs were moving without his control, his mind was too cluttered. 
After what seemed to be like hours, Shouto finally found himself at the front door of the very person who he hated at this moment. Thinking about how you’d come here, when you thought he’d be asleep, when you thought you wouldn’t get caught, it riled him up so much that he pounded on the door.
Once the door opened, revealing a very tired looking Bakugou, Shouto couldn’t help himself. He reeled his fist back and swung, hitting the man’s cheek. Bakugou stumbled back, using the door to stop him from falling backwards.
“What the hell, Half-and-Half!”
“I feel like that should be my line,” He said, reeling back for another punch, “Seeing as you slept with my fiancée.”
He couldn’t land the second punch, as the other man caught his fist, a look of confusion gracing his features. “What? Where the hell did you get that idea?”
Shouto yanked his fist away, glaring at the man. “It wasn’t hard to guess. She comes home late, smelling like you,”
Bakugou’s eyes narrowed for a minute, as if thinking about what he was saying, before rolling his eyes, letting out a deep sigh.
“You’re such a moron.”
“Do you really think that’s the smartest—“
“Yes, she’s been coming here,” He interrupted, an unamused look finding it’s way onto his face, “For baking lessons.”
Shouto blinked once. Then again. Then once more for good measure. “What?”
Bakugou sighed once again, but louder this time. “(Y/N), your fiancée, has been coming here, to my house, for baking lessons. She said something about wanting to surprise you,”
“But she kept lying?”
Bakugou looked as if he was ready for someone to kill him, or for the ground to open up and claim him as theirs. “I told her to just tell you, but she said it had to be a ‘surprise.’ That’s why she was here so late,”
Shouto’s brows furrowed together. “Her clothes were wrinkled, and she came home smelling like you,”
“Your future wife is a moron who’s clumsy as all hell and spills shit everywhere. I gave her some of my clothes to wear while hers were in the washer.”
For the second time today, Shouto’s heart fell to his stomach. Not only were you completely innocent, aside from the fact that you’d lied to him about where you were, but you also were trying to do something nice for him? Instead of hearing you out, like you begged him to, he just snapped and walked out? He accused you of cheating without hearing you out. 
As if sensing the poor mans stress levels spike up, Bakugou grabbed his shoulders, turned him around, and shoved him towards the street. “You’re both morons, a match made in heaven. Fucking go and make up.”
Without a second thought, Shouto raced back to the house, hoping that you’d still be awake when he got back. Once he was both out of breath and back at the house, he slammed the door open once again, whipping his head around frantically, looking for you. 
Taking in a deep breath, he paused. The smell of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, and it only sent a pang of guilt through his body. Walking towards the kitchen, he saw the most heart wrenching scene:
You were in the kitchen, flour all over your shirt and face, mixing a bowl of dough. Upon closer inspection, he could see the tears threatening to fall, the way your lip trembled to keep in your sobs, and the way your hands were trembling. What was more concerning was the fact that, while there was a batch of cookies in the oven, there were also two more trays waiting to be put in, three counting the dough that was currently in your bowl. A quick count of one of the trays showed him that there were about twelve cookies per tray, making a total of about forty-eight cookies in total. He didn’t know whether to be impressed or to be concerned.
Clearing his thoughts, he hesitantly walked towards you, calling out your name. Your head shot up, and you were no longer able to hold in your tears. Subconsciously, your hand reached out towards him before pausing mid-air. Shrinking back, you wrung your hands together, a trait you only showed when nervous. 
You couldn’t even get in a word before Shouto wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. He buried his nose in your hair, taking a breath, and instantly relaxing once he only smelled you. 
“Shouto, I’m messy! You’re gonna get flour—“
“I’m sorry.”
You pulled away slightly, enough for you to see his face. “Why are you apologizing? I’m the one who should be sorry!”
He was confused, to say the least. “Why would you need to apologize? I should’ve listened to you when you tried to explain, instead of accusing you of cheating on me,”
“I shouldn’t of hid this from you! No surprise is worth making you feel this way,”
He sighed, cupping your cheek. “I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“I can understand why you thought so, though,” You started, a sad smile on your lips, “I’m sorry that I made you think I was being unfaithful. I just wanted to surprise you with something nice, and since I can’t cook to save my life, I asked Bakugou to help me out. I didn’t want you to find out until I mastered it, that’s why I was out so late.”
Shouto couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “I can’t believe that we were about to break up over a miscommunication over desserts.”
You groaned, hiding your face in his chest. “I’m sorry, next time I’ll be honest.”
He hummed, pressing a kiss to your head. God, he missed holding you like this, even if you were ruining his clothes. Before the two of you could do anything, a loud alarm went off, startling the both of you. Gasping, you pulled away from him.
“Oh shit! I forgot about those!”
Shouto just watched as you rushed to the oven, pulling out two trays of cookies. After setting them down, you put the next two in, and reset the timer. Looking back at him, you noticed the amused look on his face.
“You made sixty cookies?”
Crossing your arms, you huffed. “I got stressed! This is who I am now, I stress bake.”
Walking towards you, he wrapped an arm around your waist. “You’re going to make me fat.”
“I’ll still love you,”
“Even if I lose all my hair and gain fifty pounds?”
You looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “Even then,”
For the first time in two months, Shouto finally felt like he could breathe again. You loved him, and he loved you, that was what mattered.
Though, he supposed that apologizing to Bakugou for punching him in the face was also important.
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