nxva-blogz · 25 days
Big Ol' Art Dump 2 (with more SMG4 OC's, mwehehehehe...)
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(The fifth one absolutely broke me. It was so funny to draw)
SMGL:E, created by @libbytwq
TSB, created by @tiredsmashbros
Hexsy, created by yours truly! :D
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meowierz · 21 days
i need a better name oml
Overall Explanation 
So basically, Eclipse and his three kids (Bloodmoon, Lunar, and Solarflare) (don't ask who got him pregnant) move to the suburbs for a better life. Though, they have to fit in with the rich suburbs standards so they don’t get casted out and burned like a witch.
Bloodmoon is the oldest. I had to change some things about him so he wasn’t suffering here. He wears contacts because of how messed up his eyes are. He can still see, it’s just harder and they have to fit in. He’s still violent, he just doesn’t crave blood. He takes out most of his aggression on the football team and his siblings (he beats them up) (not breaking their arms like that one ep BUT like how normal siblings fight). He’s not school smart but he is street smart (he can’t do division).
Lunar is the middle child but sadly he’s the shortest (4’11). Lunar’s a big nerd, not with numbers but with video games. He’s in the video game club (it has like 3 members) (ddlc type club lmao). He’s the one that’s the most picked on because of how nerdy and big backed he is. Speaking of being a hungry hippo, he’s favorite snacks are chips ahoy and scooby snacks. He’s a witch about how he pulls them out of thin air. 
Solarflare is the youngest but taller than Lunar. He takes more after his father with his looks and also his actions. He rarely gets bullied by his siblings because he always comes up with the wildest comebacks. He’s extremely smart yet certain things he’s extremely stupid at (he can’t pronounce intelligent but he says it all the time) (he says “in-telli-bent”) But since he’s still an 11 year old, he loves childlike things. He has a little board in his room where he can draw with markers and he carries a big coloring book when he goes out.
FC (Fliex Cruz) (Yes I gave him a real name, he’s NOT gonna be named “Foxy’s Child" on MY WATCH) is Lunar’s age. They’re in most of the same classes and in the same club, they’re kind of frenemies. They have each other’s back but they still rival against each other in everything else. His biological parent isn’t Puppet (unless yall want that because idk rather to do that or not) (don’t ask who got Foxy pregnant) though he still treats her like his biological parent. Yes, he’s also taller than Lunar. 
Jack is in Bloodmoon’s classes and doesn’t rival anyone but his uncle. He’s a chill dude for the most part. He still has his speech impediment and he’s still silly. Matter of fact, he’s still the same except for the fact that he’s also friends with Solarflare. Bro might be perfect.
Dazzle is in Solarflare’s classes. She’s not that good friends with him but it’s more like how cousins treat each other. You probably won’t see each other often but you still got each other's back. Yes they’re actually cousins here but they don’t know it lmao. Anyways, just like Jack, Dazzle still acts the same. She’s literally perfect. I love her.
Other TSBS Kids are blank for now. I have no ideas for them since I don’t watch the other shows often enough but they're going to be in here! Give me ideas for them PLEASE or I will explode. Don’t worry, I’ll also watch and read up about them!
Eclipse starts out as version 1 Eclipse but through this crazy thing called character development, he acts more like version 4 or whatever version we have now (i cant keep track of his deaths). He is very blunt and he speaks his mind, often thinking he’s the smartest in the room. He goes based on logic rather than heart. For example, let’s say Bloodmoon puts someone in the hospital. The person hit first but their hospital stay is most likely 6 months. The school wants to suspend him and the mother wants to sue but Eclipse takes Bloodmoon side because “If you don’t want the smoke, don’t start the fire.”. He does care for his kids but he just doesn’t know how to be a father.
Puppet is still the same for the most part. Bro is perfect. She’s the main person helping Eclipse be better but not to replace Solar since she hasn’t met him yet or any other theories. Simply for the kid’s sake. Here, she acts like a motherly figure to all kids. (she loves babying bloodmoon lmao). Though she can come up with wild insults.
Foxy still acts remotely the same except for the fact that he’s actually present (lemme stop roasting the canon lmao). Though, he is now married to the Puppet and has been like that for 5 years (que fireworks for treasurebox fans). Similar to Puppet, Foxy also ends up accidentally being fatherly towards most kids he meets too. He’s just the suburban way I guess.
Sun doesn’t really show up much since he has a history with Eclipse. Not the exact same as the canon but Eclipse was still tryna box him and Moon. He still acts the same though he did adopt Dazzle here (fireworks for ppl who love the sun and dazzle father-daughter dynamic). He doesn’t know that Dazzle and Jack are hanging out with Eclipse’s kids so he’ll probably pull up when he finds that out.
Solar still acts the same, basically the same as Sun. Him and the rest of the canon main cast will show up eventually though!
Other TSBS Parents are blank for now. I have no ideas for them since I don’t watch the other shows often enough but they're going to be in here! Give me ideas for them PLEASE or I will explode. Don’t worry, I’ll also watch and read up about them!
Other Adults
Moon still acts the same though I’m making him a middle school science teacher for middle school. He’s gonna be that cool science teacher that makes stuff explode and asks you not to tell your parents.
Earth still acts the same though she’s the elementary school guidance counselor and a bit of a helper. She’s not the annoying ones that tell you your “I feel statements”, she’ll actually help Solarflare express his feelings in a nicer way (he literally insults people on accident).Other Characters will be added such as ocs (as teachers, principles, bosses, etc) and other TSBS characters once I figure out what to do with them! I have an idea for Miku, to be a love interest for Eclipse at work but it’s more like Amy and Sonic.
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heresmyfiddlestick · 10 months
new doctor who trailer, let's go
let's try and get anything out of what they've given us on wild blue yonder
to re-cap from my first trailer break-down post, we've got (from top left to bottom right) the Doctor with his jacket off (since he tossed it down just before zooming around the new TARDIS and didn't have time to grab it on his way out) discovering something in a strange metal-walled place, Donna also being amazed, Donna rushing frantically through a corridor, a hero shot of Donna with a little triangle button thing behind her, a little scene where we establish that something has scared the TARDIS away and Donna is going to kick its arse (over three shots), Dr. Who trapped in a little metal box screaming "NOO" again, and a spooky looking TARDIS
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they have...really not given us anything - i'm very excited!!
we start with an ordinary metal room, which the TARDIS then violently spins through, materialising in. (just like in the Children in Need special... why is she doing that now? smashing things up) this gives us that final WBY shot from the specials trailer. we can suspect that this crash landing is because of the coffee incident from TSB
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somebody give this man a break! this has got to be just after crashing and rushing out of the TARDIS, hence the smoke everywhere, and the guy just grateful to be alive and safe
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then a blackout as creepy music comes in, before we see our time travellers snooping around a blue-lit room. those things with the windows on them, I'm thinking stasis chambers of some sort? but what's inside? the lights that flicker in the next shot are in this same room. check out that grille on the left hand side of the first shot, it looks like the thing the Doc was banging against in the specials trailer
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Donna asks, very scared and clearly in the first room they arrive in, "where are we?" - this is presumably coming just after the TARDIS has disappeared and before the "kick its arse" line
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Ominous shot of a grubby vent, which we've seen in the very first shot of this trailer above and to the right of the first door, with a creepy ticking/clicking noise... something is watching them?
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"Oh, life signs!" - we recognize this chair and room from the specials trailer! this comes straight before the shot when he stands up and they both look amazedly at something. that'll be the life signs then. probably what's being held in those stasis chambers
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a door slams in Donna's face in a dark and green place - and another one of those grilles - this might be around the time Donna is running through her colour-coordinated corridor
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"Doctor!" "Donna!" while Tenteen is in a bright red and scary room
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and then a further quick shot of the shouty "NOO" room
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so obviously these two are going to get separated in this unfamiliar place, after discovering there are "life signs" somewhere on board
which leaves us wondering, "what are they?" (a line of dialogue laid over what is clearly a scene taking place in the first room, this is probably the two of them watching as the TARDIS absconds)
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alright, RTD you've done a very good job of giving us absolutely nothing on this one and I have to respect that.
we do know (from Tardis Wikia) that there's a character called Mrs. Merridew played by Susan Twist, the episode is directed by first-time DW director Tom Kingsley, and the TARDIS has left because of HADS
also, from this promo image, we have this little robot guy, and a big triangular corridor with piston-looking things. is the robot guy Mrs. Merridew? why is he all Rusty? why is he so cute? it sort of seems like he could be the one making the ticking noise, and he is probably the one caring for whatever life signs are being held in the stasis chambers... maybe it's a long-haul star cruiser type thing à la The Ark in Space?
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then we have the Target cover, which shows us the little guy again, as well as Donna and the Doctor in what looks like a golf cart. easy transport for getting around an unmanned space station, maybe?
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Oh yeah, we also have this clip shown at the end of the Doctor Who Unleashed episode, which gives us these amber-coloured banks of drawers of somethings, one of which the Doctor grabs, "if we move one up..."
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"ugh, is that stuff dangerous?" Donna asks as what looks like a misshapen honeycomb drips. "No," says the man who should really still be recovering from regeneration sickness before giving it a sniff and a lick (hello 13)
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and then definitely deciding "no"...
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...and as he tries to put it back, he gives a little cough and starts falling backwards
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so what does this leave us with? the Doctor and Donna are abandoned on a spaceship/station/underwater bunker that doesn't see a lot of use but is the site of Hostile Action which makes the TARDIS fuck off. they go snooping around to see what's up and find a bunch of rooms with exciting different colour palettes, flipping on lights and licking alien honey as they go. they discover the life signs that are being kept alive in the bowels of this ship/station/bunker before being separated. maybe they can still hear/see each other somehow? one of them discovers the rusty little guy and maybe the other discovers Mrs. Merridew? they have a daring escape on a golf cart and manage to get the TARDIS back through the power of the U.S. Air Force
and it's "unlike any Doctor Who episode ever"!
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ceealaina · 5 years
Won’t You Ever Know That I’m In Love With You?
Square: TSB A4-First Kiss, IronHusbands O4-Hurt/Comfort Rating: M Warnings: Brief mentions of sexy times Pairing: Tony/Rhodey,  Tony/OFC (background) Link: AO3 Summary: “The thing was, he could sleep around as much as he wanted, and it was never going to make the fact that he was completely and totally in love with Rhodey go away.” Something short and sweet for my First Kiss and H/C squares. 
Tony groaned as he thrust into Mina, trying to keep his brain focused on the here and now, the feeling of her body against his, the arch of her spine beneath him. It wasn’t really working. Usually sex was a foolproof method for slowing down the thoughts in his head, for turning off and quieting the noise in his brain, but lately it hadn’t been cutting it.
Later, after Mina had come with a ‘yes, yes, yes, yes, yes’ that made him roll his eyes behind her, he lay in her bed, smoking a cigarette and staring at the ceiling and trying not to think about his impending graduation (about Rhodey leaving for basic training).
He almost jumped at Mina’s sharp hiss of his name and winced when he realized she’d been trying to get his attention for a few minutes. “Sorry,” he said, giving her an apologetic smile and batting his eyes in a way that usually never failed to make the girls melt.
Mina remained unimpressed.
“Look,” she told him. “I don’t know who you’re looking for, but it obviously isn’t me. I don’t think this is working out.”
Tony blinked at her. “You just called me to come over three hours ago. You decided to wait until after we fucked to break up with me?”
She shrugged. “You’re really good in bed,” she offered, not sounding particularly apologetic. Tony scrubbed a hand through his hair, taking another deep drag off the cigarette before she plucked it from his mouth. “I think you should go now.”
“But it’s the middle of the night!”
Mina just stared impassively back at him and Tony rolled his eyes and huffed out a sigh. “Fine, whatever,” he grumbled, rolling off the bed to search for his clothes.
It was cold out, a light drizzle in the air, and he was a good thirty minute walk from the apartment that he and Rhodes had rented after their first year in the dorms. He knew he should call a cab, but it was a Saturday night (Sunday morning, now) and they were a good way from the main bar drag, and he didn’t really love the idea of waiting outside Mina’s house like a rejected puppy. Besides, being cold and wet and miserable seemed appropriate for how his night had been going.
It wasn’t like he had really expected things to work out with Mina. Quite the opposite. But still - five breakups in six months, none of which he’d instigated, was a little sad. And a post booty-call middle-of-the-night breakup was the most embarrassing yet.
The thing was, he could sleep around as much as he wanted, and it was never going to make the fact that he was completely and totally in love with Rhodey go away - and it wasn’t going to change the fact that Rhodey was leaving in just a few short weeks. Tony knew how these things went. They’d stay in touch for a bit, but they’d gradually drift apart, and probably he’d never see the other man again.
So, no. Sleeping around wouldn’t change any of this, but it did beat the hell out of lying in bed night after night, wondering what would happen if he just gathered the courage to get up, go next door, and tell Rhodey how he really felt.
By the time he made it home, Tony was shivering and ready to crawl into bed and forget the whole night. He let himself into the apartment and stopped when he spotted Rhodey on couch, laughing over some stupid late-night comedy thing, apparently still wired from the ROTC party he’d been at earlier.
“Hey,” Tony said, peeling off his soaked jacket and leaving it in a pile at the door, smiling despite himself at Rhodey’s bright laughter.
“Hey!” Rhodey answered. “Wasn’t expecting you back tonight.” He tilted his head back over the couch to look at him. “Jesus, what happened to you?”
“It’s raining out,” Tony offered, teeth chattering as he moved over to the couch.
“Yeah, no shit,” Rhodey replied, but it was fond and he was already wrapping Tony up in one of the blankets on the couch. “Why were you out walking in it? Thought you’d be crashing at Mina’s all night.”
“I was,” he admitted, calling after Rhodey as he wandered off down the hall. “But then she dumped me. And kicked me out of her house. So it was that or stand outside looking pathetic for twenty minutes while I waited for a cab. Figured I’d rather walk.”
Rhodey gave him a sympathetic look as he returned with three of their softest towels, dumping two in Tony’s lap before grabbing the third and attacking Tony’s head with it. Tony rolled his eyes, even while a secret part of himself delighted over Rhodey looking out for him.
“I’m sorry, man,” Rhodey told him. “Mina seemed... great.”
Despite the sting that he was still feeling over it, Tony snorted. “You hated her.”
“I didn’t hate her!” Rhodey protested. “I just... hated her for you.”
Tony’s smile went tight. “Yeah, well,” he mumbled. “Joke’s on me, because clearly you were right.”
“Hey,” Rhodey’s hand squeezed at his shoulder and Tony tried to ignore how good that felt. “I’m just... I’m kinda worried about you, Tony. You’ve been tearing through girls like nobody’s business lately, and that’s fine, it is, it just... Kinda seems like you’re using it to distract from something else.”
Tony shrugged, but it wasn’t like he could argue, exactly, so he kept quiet, smiling faintly when Rhodey passed him a beer. He could feel Rhodey’s eyes on him and focused on the tv, pretending not to notice. Rhodey just sighed, scrubbing a hand over his head.
“I’m just saying, you don’t gotta sleep with everyone who says something nice to you. Maybe slow down before you jump into bed with the next one. You’re a catch, Tones. You don’t have to settle. You could have anyone you wanted.”
Tony blinked over at him. “Even you?” he whispered, eyes widening when he realized he’d spoken out loud. “Fuck,” he muttered, glaring at his beer bottle.
“I.” Rhodey made a choked noise. “What did you say?”
“Nothing,” Tony said quickly, shoving the bottle down on their makeshift coffee table. “Nothing, I just... Had too much to drink tonight. Not making any sense.” He got heavily to his feet, brushing past Rhodey and giving him a smile that he knew Rhodey would see through. “I’m going to bed. Don’t worry about it.”
“Tony.” Rhodey still looked flabbergasted, but he collected himself enough to grab Tony’s wrist on his way by. “What. Did you. Say?”
Tony sighed, squeezing his eyes tightly shut for a brief moment before he turned to face him.
“I...” He shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “I’ve kinda got a thing for you, Rhodes. Have for a long time. You wanna know why I keep going through so many people? Cause none of them are you.” Tony laughed, sounding high pitched and awkward to his own ears, and scratched at the back of his neck with his free hand. “Sorry,” he added, not able to meet Rhodey’s eyes. “Hell of a thing to drop on you, I know. At least graduation’s soon, right? Won’t have to see me after that.” He couldn’t make himself stop talking. “I’ll, uh. I’ll stay out of your way, till then. If you want. I won’t make it weird. Promise.”
Rhodey still hadn’t said anything, and Tony could feel his eyes burning. He squeezed them shut again, pulling half heartedly against the hand Rhodey still had wrapped around his wrist. “Can you let me go now, please?” he asked, voice dropping to a soft whisper.
Rhodey let go of his wrist like it burned him, and Tony winced as he turned away, still without looking at him. He was drunk, which was definitely the only reason that he found himself chewing his lip and fighting back tears until he was safely behind his bedroom door.
Tony stilled halfway down the hall, drawing in a slow breath before turning back to face him. “Yep.”
Rhodey was off the couch and moving down the hall toward him. “Don’t... Don’t do that, man. Don’t shut me out like that. You caught me off guard, that’s all.”
Tony tried to smile, running a hand through his hair. “Well, that’s fair. Nobody expects anything like this. Can we just... write this off as a drunk fever dream. Pretend it never happened?”
“Tony!” Rhodey was grinning at him now, that fond look that he got when Tony’s ideas got really out there, and Tony was too embarrassed and too tired to figure out why. Rhodey seemed to know what he was thinking and he shook his head, laughing softly. “Yeah, man,” he said, finally reaching him and settling his hands on Tony’s arms. “Even me.”
“What?” Tony asked, frowning. Then his earlier words came back to him. “Wait... what?”
Rhodey’s grin was a little lopsided now, a faint flush on his cheeks. “Yep,” he said, a little nervously. His hand slid carefully up Tony’s upper arm, and Tony resisted the urge to shiver, hyper focused on the sensation. “Just... never thought you’d feel like that too.” His hand slid higher, curling around the back of Tony’s neck, and Tony swallowed hard at the feeling, their eyes locked.
“Oh god,” Tony blurted out. “Please just kiss me?”
Rhodey huffed out a laugh at that, and Tony giggled too and then they were kissing softly, Rhodey’s lips dry and cool against his own, his fingers tightening against the back of Tony’s neck. It lasted a few minutes before they pulled away again, blinking at each other.
“That was weird, right?” Rhodey asked.
“Super weird,” Tony admitted, eyes dancing and a pleased smile on his face.
“Come on, man. I thought you were supposed to be good at this.”
“What?” Tony protested, giggling again. “I am good at this! I’m amazing at this. If anyone needs to step it up here, it’s you. Get on my level, Rhodes!”
“Get on your level?” Rhodey repeated. “I’ll show you my level.” Then he had fisted his hands in the front of Tony’s shirt, dragging him for another kiss and it wasn’t weird at all.
@tonystarkbingo @ironhusbandsbingo 
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vennilavee · 6 years
there’s a gas leak that leads to a huge explosion at the hospital you work at… ft a worried buckbuck
TSB masterlistTSB Extras: Drabbles/Headcanons/Music
sorry,  im a huge grey’s anatomy fan lmao. i live for medical dramas and disasters on said dramas
- it’s a relatively normal day. the sun is out, it’s a little chilly but that’s to be expected. You have a 7am-7pm shift in the ER today and you’re looking forward to it
- you even manage to find time to do your make up a little bit before work. just mascara, concealer and a little bronzer. for some warmth on your face. you pack mira’s lunch for daycare and leave a little post it on the fridge: ‘bye  babies, stay warm and I will see you soon’ with a little heart next to your name
- bucky’s already up while you’re grabbing your own lunch and chomping on a banana. he’s rubbed the sleep out of his face but his voice is still groggy- ‘morning, darling’ he mumbles in your ear before kissing your hair
- seeing you in your official, navy blue scrubs with your name embroidered on the left side definitely gets him hot and bothered. you look so sexy and authoritative in your scrubs. you had caught him staring at you the first few times when he had seen you in scrubs (you had just gone back to work at the hospital from the clinic). he would blush adorably every time you caught him and you coyly said ‘oh, mr. barnes I didn’t know you were into that’
-  ‘hey, gimme a proper kiss’- you coax him and end up making out with him by the kitchen island for a few minutes. you pull away and look at your phone, yelping when you realize you’re running late
- you’re already out of the door when you say goodbye to him and tell him you’ll text him
- bucky likes staying at home while you work. he knows that it’s not exactly “traditional”, but he thinks it should be. you were a badass, working and taking care of mira when he wasn’t around. he thinks maybe you have some sort of super soldier serum
- he usually reads when you’re at work. goes grocery shopping. hangs out at the compound. works out. walks around the city with Mira. sometimes he picks her up early from daycare just because he misses her so much
- you insist on daycare because you want her to interact with kids her age, but all bucky wants to do is spend all his time with her. learning about everything he had missed when he was gone. what things excited her, what things she didn’t like, what made her blue eyes that were so alike to his own blue eyes spark up 
- bucky thinks nothing of it when you stop answering his texts. after all, you’ve stopped answering his texts abruptly before when you’ve been at work. he goes to the tower after steve and sam text him to hang out with some pizza and beers. he has missed them, too
-it’s always the days you never expect. the days that start out perfectly normal, as usual. nothing about this day led you to believe that anything would remotely go wrong. but of course, the universe is tempted. one of the many oxygen tanks in the oxygen supply area had blown up, setting off a chain reaction. and of course it was one of the oxygen tank supply areas in the ER
- nobody in the waiting area had been injured. but some of your residents were knocked off their feet, and slammed into walls. your main concern were the patients in your ER. as the attending, you have a responsibility to them and to your staff
- there is smoke everywhere, flames are licking along the walls of the ER and your hands begin to tremble. but this is no time for indecisiveness or unsureness. your patients are starting to become hysterical and you and the remaining nurses, residents, technicians, physical/occupational/speech therapists all look at you. you take a deep breath, adjust your glasses and start redirecting traffic
- you call 911, which feels somewhat ironic to you. you’re starting to sweat and the bright orange and red of flames is starting to surround you. you benignly think to yourself that the fire looks quite pretty before tearing your eyes away. you call the necessary hospital staff members, screeching at them that your fuckin’ ER is on fire and if they don’t find another hospital to redirect your patients to in the next two minutes, you’ll set them on fire as well
- you instruct your staff to get as many patients out as they can with whatever monitors they need. you do your best to calm your patients, telling them that they’re going to be redirected to another hospital
- you manage to get every single person out and far away. ambulances have arrived and are currently escorting patients out. the fire trucks are yet to come
- but one of your patients stops you frantically. she’s hysterically crying- she can’t find her son, and her son is terrified of fire. and you remember her son- he had been playing with his toys in her patient room 
- your heart sinks, blood pounding in your ears and it only takes you a second to sprint back into your ER, on a mission to find the missing boy
- the guys are absent-mindedly watching tv, flipping through channels. suddenly a ‘breaking news’ announcement interrupts whatever they’re watching and bucky’s lungs certainly fail him because your hospital, your ER is on fuckin’ fire
- steve is shaking him, already springing into action but bucky can’t move. his lungs feel like they’re filled of ash and his legs won’t work. sam snaps at him and bucky looks at him
- ‘stop it. don’t think the worst, barnes. let’s go, let’s go find her.’ steve says he’ll go get mira from daycare, and bucky and sam rush off to the hospital. bucky’s legs are restless and sam is quiet. anxiety is radiating off of bucky
- bucky’s mind is going a million miles a minute. he can’t- how could your ER be on fire? he tries his best not to think the worst- that you’re dead-charred-in ashes, buried under the hospital. he really tries, but he can’t- he can’t stop. he can’t stop thinking about potentially living without you, about mira not having a mother. he doesn’t realize that he’s shaking, that tears are coming out of his eyes
- he is so scared.
- the ER is completely engulfed in flames by this point. the ceiling is starting to come down and you have to be mindful. you scream for the boy, scream his name and suddenly you hear him screaming back
- he’s stuck. he’s pinned to the wall by one of the med carts, a code cart and an x-ray machine at the back of the er. there is no time for this, and yet you don’t even think about sprinting towards him
- the boy looks horrified. hell, you would be too, if you werent so pumped full of adrenaline. the boy is hysterically sobbing and you try, you really try to reassure him- ‘hey, come on, it’s okay, i’ve got you. we’re- we’re going to get out of here- and you’ll be okay. i’m gonna get you out, alright?” he calms down a little at your soothing voice and you finally, finally manage to pull all the machinery off of him. he runs into your arms and you take his hand- “listen to me, we have to be fast okay, can you be fast for me, kiddo? your mama is waiting for you, alright?”
- he nods at you and squeeze his hand. you tell him to run in front of you- if anyone’s getting stuck it’s not him. you take a breath- 5 seconds of courage- and make a run for it. you’re almost successful too. he’s right there, right at the exit…
- and you’re right here. the ceiling has collapsed completely in front of you. you can’t get through. you could laugh, really, because this was obviously going to happen right?
- the boy looks at you, panicking
‘get outta here, kid. your mom’s waiting- she’s waiting for you. just tell-tell the firefighters when they come…”
- you’re starting to feel dizzy and have to shake your head to center yourself. the kid’s gone already and you think this is how you might possibly die.
- you hadn’t even told bucky you loved him. you hadn’t told mira you loved her.
- sam and bucky split up, searching for you and helping where they can. but neither of them can find you and bucky’s panic is rising. bucky sees the boy run out of the ER, soot on his clothes and he’s heaving for air. the boy seems to recognize bucky because he’s running up to him, arms flailing
“mr. winter soldier sir, there’s a doctor in there- she came back for me- she’s stuck in there-”
- and bucky already knows it’s you. he doesn’t even answer the kid before he’s sprinting into the ER after you
- the fire and flames surrounding the ER remind him of when him and steve encountered the red skull all those decades ago. his mind is sharp, precise, looking only for you. assessing any possible direction you could be in. despite his panic, he is sure in his movements
- then, he sees you, on the ground, coughing up a storm. your eyes are squeezed shut, trying to crawl your way out. you must be dead right? that’s the only explanation for how in the hell bucky is standing in front of you, scooping you in his arms
 - you don’t even have a moment to process what’s happening. all you can do is grip his shirt as he carries you out. youre on the verge of passing out. you cough heavily once the fresh air enters your lungs. bucky sits you down on one of the stretchers once one of the EMTs makes their way over to the two of you
- bucky’s hands are cupping your face. you feel delirious- he’s talking to you, his pretty lips moving but it’s taking you a few moments to recognize what he’s saying. there is soot all over your scrubs, your arms and your face and you’re still coughing. he wants to cry, he really does
- because he thought he lost you, for a split second. for a split second, his entire world darkened, and he can’t bare it. and you have the audacity to grin up at him
- he doesnt even have words for you. only tears. he squeezes you tightly to him, hands touching you to make sure that you are real
- and then you promptly pass out. the EMT’s shoo bucky away and he feels a little less numb. because he’ll always be there to save you
- you wake up in a hospital bed. you’ve forgotten how much it sucks being a patient. a scratchy groan escapes you and you feel a weight next to you. you look to your left- it’s bucky, fast asleep with his head on the bed next to you
“buck,” you scratch at his scalp lightly, “baby. bucky. baby, wake up.”
He jolts awake, eyes red and settling on you
- “c’mere, get into bed with me, baby,” you offer him and move over. he looks like he wants to cry and he scrambles in next to you, tucking you into his side gingerly
“You okay, baby?” you ask. you know how scared he gets when it comes to you. your hands circle his arm
- “I thought- I thought…” bucky looks you in the eye, “I thought I was gonna find you dead. i thought you were dead. I-I- thought-” he buries his head into your neck, arm wrapping around your waist tightly.
“I know baby. I know,” You coo, “Mira’s with Steve?” bucky nods into your neck.
“There was a boy in the er- he was stuck… the firefighters weren’t there yet. i just- i know it was reckless but… I had to.” you tell him softly.
“I know, princess. The kid found me, that’s how I knew you were in there. I just knew.”
“Guess we should both apply to be firefighters, huh?” you try getting him to crack a smile but his face is stony.
“Don’t joke. You scared the shit out of me- I thought you were dead- I thought- I-what was I gonna tell Mira?” His eyes are glassy and wet and your own smile falls off your face. 
“oh, sweetheart, come here. i love you,” you murmur- you can feel his tears against your neck, “I love you so much. you’re always saving me, you know that?”
bucky wants to say that no, it’s you who saved him, but you continue to murmur to him how much you love him and he feels his heart begin to slow.
sorry for all the grammar errors lol this is super rough
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